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100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Last edited by cocomelon45 (Oct. 28, 2022 11:11:36)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

can't wait for this session!
my signature thingy is messing up so imma try fix it lol
edit: I fixed it xD

Last edited by cocomelon45 (Oct. 28, 2022 11:14:14)

1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Celes's Swc Writing (Bi-Fi November 2022)

➽ Word Count : 4014/15000 ✦

➽ Dailies ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ 01 ❍ Nov 1st ❍ 1016 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 02 ❍ Nov 2nd ❍ 244 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 03 ❍ Nov 3rd ❍ 415 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 04 ❍ Nov 4th ❍ 590 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 05 ❍ Nov 5th ❍ N/A Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 06 ❍ Nov 6th ❍ 853 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 07 ❍ Nov 7th ❍ N/A Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 08 ❍ Nov 8th ❍ 399 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 09 ❍ Nov 9th ❍ 399 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 10 ❍ Nov 10th ❍ N/A Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 11 ❍ Nov 11th ❍ 517 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ 21 ❍ Nov 21st ❍ 199 Words

➽ Weeklies ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Week 1 ❍ Link ❍ 1516 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ Week 2 ❍ Link ❍ N/A Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ Week 3 ❍ Link ❍ 1454 Words

➽ Word Wars ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nov 7th ❍ -AMETHYSTQUEEN-Link ❍ 3 Min ❍Won/Lost ❍ 182 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nov 7th ❍ Galaxy_AwesomeLink ❍ 3 Min ❍ Won/Lost ❍ 154 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nov 7th ❍ opportunity-Link ❍ 5 Min ❍ Won/Lost ❍ 242 Words

͟͟͞͞➳❥ Nov 8th ❍ Luna-Lovegood-LOLLink ❍ 3 Min ❍ Won/Lost ❍ 204 Words

➽ Cabin Wars ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Date ❍ Link ❍ – Words

➽ Writing Competition Entry ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Date ❍ Link ❍ Word Count

➽ Other Writing ✦
͟͟͞͞➳❥ Title ❍ Link ❍ – Words

Last edited by Cynthialz (March 1, 2023 14:09:31)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
43 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Abbie's Wonderful Word Mess


Daily 1 - 129
Helloo fellow campers! I am Abbie, and I use she/her pronouns. I like to read just about anything from the billboards on the side of the highway to straight up dictionaries but I really love fantasy, sci-fi and dystopian. With that some of my all time favorites are Rick Riordan (can never go wrong with this guy), Shannon Messenger (because I don't think I'll ever find something to beat KOTLC), Nikki Pau Petro (because Crown of Feathers is the world I've been trying to put into words since I was 6), Leigh Bardugo (because I LOVE Inej and she is the most amazing person ever. Minus Aelin/Celeana and Lysandra but they dont count) and Rebecca Ross (because Sisters of Sword and Song is so so so amazing).

Daily 2 - 212
Scratch Writing Camp tips and tricks may just save your word count one day! A word of advice to all new campers, don’t hold it off until the last day. If you have a weekly, do it on the first day it’s out. Second word of advice, dailies matter. Don’t let the other cabins add up there points before you realize those dailies might help. Final word of advice. Do the cabin wars! If one person is writing for your cabin, and you’re losing, it’s not going to magically fix itself. Go help! Cabin wars may seem like a lot of work with no win, but the joy of finally winning a war is unparalleled! Word wars are an excellent way to write a bunch of stuff with little to no motivation. Word wars can also help you let out some of your cabin-vs-cabin steam without causing too much of a ruckus. On the writing competition: Start early or you won’t do it. Eventually you’ll realize you totally forgot to do it and are super freaked out about doing your entry. Start before the contest comes out and won’t have anything to worry about, time wise at least. Anyway, those are my tips to remember for your future SWC sessions! Happy writing.

Daily 3 - 349
Book smoothie! 30% off if you can show your SWC cabin and name our leader this session! Additional 20% off if you’re in Mystery Cabin! Terms and conditions apply: Cannot be used without proof of cabins and/or with other offers and seasonal deals. Take a moment to picture your paradise: Blue sky, fluffy clouds, a beach with palm trees singing in the wind. Or maybe: A huge domed library with shelves reaching up to the sky and little ladders and walkways zooming about with people grabbing books. Perhaps: A huge green canopy stretching out above you while a symphony of forest noises sets the tone. No matter where your paradise is, a book smoothie will make it better. Book smoothies taste a lot like how a book smells, but with a pinch of spice. These smoothies will take you beyond your simple world and into true paradise. Each smoothie is hand made with a different book to ensure that every smoothie tastes like a different story. When you taste a smoothie from an adventure book, pine and cool air will fill your mouth. A smoothie made of a mystery book would make you wonder about everything around you. A poetry book smoothie would make you feel warm and safe. A horror smoothie would chill you to the bone and freeze your blood. A bizarro fiction smoothie would taste crazy and send your brain spinning and blood tingling. A sci-fi smoothie would taste of unknown things and would send you far into the galaxy. A fantasy smoothie would taste like little wisps of magic and the joy of a fantasy world. Try a delicious historical fiction smoothie that reminds you of the smell of old books in an even older library. Treat yourself with a realistic fiction smoothie that tastes exactly like a friendship, with just a hint of sour! Seasonal smoothies will be based on books of that season! Request your own favorites to be made into one of these tasty treats! You can order at your local Book Smoothie Cafe today, online or at the nearest location.

Daily 4 - 303

Song: White Christmas
I dreamed of a white Easter
Like what I've seen
The trees light up
And the children listened
The bells are heard ringing in the snow, oh snow
I said: I dreamed of a white Easter
I write every Christmas card
It was a beautiful and bright day
And your Christmases are white
(Come, stay, come)
I say: I dream of white, oh, Christmas
Like what I've seen
The trees light up
And the children listened
Bells can be heard ringing in the snow
I dreamed of a white Easter
I write every Christmas card
good day, good day, good day
Be happy and win
And your Christmases are white
(Come on, woo)
(J-man, up, up, up)
I dreamed of a white Easter
I write every Christmas card
It was a beautiful and bright day
May all your Christmases be white


The Easter morning of 2019 in Lincolnville Kansas should have been as boring as dirt. But it took a spin for excitement when a snowstorm managed to drag itself far enough south, and in Spring! Most of the people in Kansas had never managed to see snow outside of their TVs. Everyone was overjoyed. But more than anyone else, the kids were absolutely thrilled. Let’s take a look at one little girl specifically.
Nora woke up on that Easter morning with an already joyful mood. It was Easter! Easter egg hunts and running through the Spring grass and listening to the bird songs. Nora raced to the kitchen, ready to get the day started in a rush. Neither of her parents were up, nor her younger brother. Nora didn’t think to glance outside until she was nearly ten minutes into her daily routine. Just as she poured herself a bowl of cereal, she realized there was something wrong with her grass. It was white. Nora rushed to the window and pressed her face against the glass. Outside there was… snow!
Nora squealed in excitement and ran upstairs as fast as her legs could carry her. She burst first into her brother’s room and then her parents’, yelling, “It’s snowed!” with more joy than ever before. Once everyone was downstairs and had seen the miracle themselves, Nora finally realized there was one tiny problem.
“How are we going to have an egg hunt?” She asked.
Nora’s mother thought for a moment before she said, “We’ll just have to do it in the snow, I suppose.”
Nora and her brother both nearly burst with joy. They ran upstairs to get dressed for the coming day. Nora had to wear winter clothes to stay warm. The egg hunt was the best thing she had ever done.

Daily 5 - 338

A message in a bottle. Such a simple concept, isn’t it? Well on occasion these bottles don’t just float through the sea. They float through space, time, and undergo an incredible journey: The Journey of the Indigo Sail. But how did this trail of bottles begin? Now that’s a story to tell.
Not too long ago, around 2004, a young woman by the name of Rosalina corked her little faded bottle with an indigo cork. Her message was one to spur action into the hearts of the receivers. But that would only be if it ever found someone. Rosalina was scared none would ever see her words and read what would convince them to change the world. And so, Rosalina wished that her little bottle, the Indigo Sail, would find the people whose lives need changed the most. Rosalina set her bottle out to sea and hoped.
That is as far as Roslina goes, but the bottle travels farther. Like I said previously, the little bottle would float through space and time, paving The Journey of the Indigo Sail. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise if you find that in some tucked away journal of a president or inventor or activist, there is a tiny mention of an indigo bottle. Each recipient of that bottle has added their own slip of paper and sent out their own little bottle. One by one, those little bottles have traveled the planet, and far above that, they have traveled space. Now they are bobbing along in the far off universe, slowly, slowly making their way to someone who needs to have their life changed.
Some of these bottles are still back on Earth, finding their people. Some never have left. Some are on their way home from some far off galaxy, and even more are searching for something very far away. But if you ever find a bottle with a little indigo cork and tiny flag that says The Indigo Sail you may just be the next great world changer.

Daily 6 - 475/400

Foxglove, Nightshade, Oleander, Rhododendron, Ice Plant

Aquila sat down at her small white table. The cloth covering it was lacy at the tips and perfectly smooth. She nodded her approval. A few silver plates sat at each of the 4 chairs, with silver utensils arranged neatly next to them. The napkins were folded to perfection and placed underneath the plates. Everything was perfect.
It was only then that she saw the flower arrangement, a piece specifically designed to explain the person sitting at that table’s status and mood. Sometimes it would tell you things about the person, like if they had lost a loved one. Around her she saw a mix of lotus, sunflowers, roses, and various other kinds of positive flowers. But her table was different.
Where Aquila should have had a bright bouquet, she saw only Deadly Nightshade, aggressive red Foxglove, yellow Oleander, lavender Rhododendron, and purple Ice Plant, which frankly is hardly usable in a bouquet. All of these flowers… all of them said to beware of her. They said she was heartless and treacherous and dangerous. Nightshade said she was that of a dark mind at the least and a sorceress at the most!
But it wasn’t exactly wrong. Aquila had done some questionable things. For one she ran away at age 14, and then slowly climbed herself up the court’s twisted ladder, with no support at all. Her rise certainly hadn’t been clean. She had cheated and lied, stole and broken. Auquila had tarnished many a court member's reputation to get to where she was, but she had never valued it above her own dignity, which was likely why she wasn’t married off to any high ranking official.
Yes, she wasn’t perfect, but there was no blood on her hands. So who had done this to her table? The arrangement was no lie, so it was by someone who knew her. And it wasn’t a general thing, so it was someone who knew her personally. It was someone who wanted to ruin her. Aquila scanned her mind for anyone who fit the descriptions.
As she thought she realized her table was drawing quite a bit of attention. People walked around it as though she carried a plague, and the women went as far as to gasp as they passed by. No one was seated around her, despite the three remaining seats. Perhaps those assigned had asked for a new table. It would be impolite but it would save their reputations.
Aquila tried not to think about her reputation. It was surely shriveling into nothing at all as she sat there. That blasted arrangement! It would send her to her grave. After so many hard years of work, only to be destroyed by some flowers! It was too much to take. She got up and promptly walked out the door. There was no stopping the fall now.

Daily 7/8 - 93

Dribble - 59
(“Clocks That Don’t Tick”)
I peer at the clocks through the peculiar shop window. No clever little hands tick as they play the keys of time. As though held prisoner, their small points are frozen over the twelve. Upon the homely little green door a clearly displayed sign seemed to utter this: “Clocks don’t tick forever, and neither do lives.” -Mr. A. Jaz

Fifteen word story - 14
(“Empty Pleas”)
A man screams for help and someone answers his plea. No one ever comes.

Twenty word story - 20
(“Youngling’s Peril”)
The youngling scrambles upon the deck of our ship. She is ours now, and they will not have her returned.

Daily 9 - 494
Virgo was a kind girl. She helped people when they needed it and when they didn’t. She stood silently. She was seen but not heard. She did not run. She wore nice dresses. She sat primly and rose properly. She had perfect manners and did everything she was told.
When she turned thirteen her father decided she needed to be married off. Virgo did not want this and she pleaded to the Greek gods to save her. No one answered. She wanted to stay a maiden forever, not become the house worker and enjoyment of some old man. Her father was the ruler of her though, and she had no choice but to obey his word.
Virgo was married to the highest bidder, an old man who had been through several wives before. She was still very young and had an optimistic outlook on life. Virgo believed that maybe the outward appearance and wealth of this man hid a kind person. She tried hard to keep her belief in him as the days grew longer and longer, but her head said he had no good in him.
Virgo kept believing as much as she could, but eventually he crossed the line. He had just come home from a town meeting but he was angry. He yelled at Virgo to make him some food and scolded her for not having it ready. There were plentiful reasons to dislike him before but this was her first real inexcusable reason. Virgo got extremely angry and would have run from her home then, but a silent voice seemed to whisper to wait until the cover of night when her husband could not send men to search for her. After a moment of thought she realized this little voice was right.
Under the cover of darkness she slipped from the house and to the forest nearby. She had come with no supplies and it was far into autumn by then, so the weather was rather cold. She wandered through the forest, completely lost and alone until she realized she could hear the voice again. She followed it’s call and found a beautiful woman sitting in a clearing on a moonlight rock. Instantly she knew this was the voice she had heard.
“I am Artemis and I have called you from your husband to ask you this: why do you stay with a man who neither loves you or respects you?” Her tone was not that of anger or injustice, but of delicate curiosity.
“I had nowhere else to go,” Virgo responded.
“I shall then offer for you to join the Hunt, but be warned this means forsaking the company of men for all and ever more.” Virgo quickly agreed and she and Artemis became good friends and lived great lives in the Hunt. When Virgo was killed in a battle Artemis mourned her and put her constellation in the sky to forever remain, the Maiden and the Maiden Goddess.

Daily 10 - 603

Dear Future Me,
I can already expect you to be a bit more mature than I am now and I suppose that means I ought to turn this into a reflection on my nerdy, absolutely insane, and completely inadequate self.
FIrst of, I’m a nerd. Hard to believe it or not the girl you are today was once a pale girl in glasses who carried so many books she dropped them every 4 steps. *cringes* If you’re some crazy girl who is super self centered and spends all her time looking in the mirror, go read a book. You’re wasting your time and being a complete and utter idiot, and no I don’t mean anything about the Udderly Blue ice cream, though there are hundreds of puns I would love to make right now. There are many reasons you should stop your moping around looking at your reflection and get outside. If you have not converted to the ways of teenage girls, then congratulations.
Second off. Are you being nice to random people? I am going to say now that if it weren’t for about ten people who have gone out of their way to smile at me and make me laugh a little bit, then I might be in some crazy mental state where I just go in circles thinking, brain. Duh. bleh. Or something stupid like that. I gotta thank Redacted, go text her right now it’ll be better than reading this. Redacted, she (or maybe he, I don’t know) was a lot more help to you in the past so be NICE. If it weren’t for her you would still be trying to shove all your stuff onto a rack in PE. I could go on and on naming all kinds of crazy people and the things they’ve done but I am extremely tired (duh) and should probably stop writing this before Ii say something else I regret.
Oh wait! I forgot it’s too late for that and I’m gonna keep writing this. Oooh I’m gonna write about how I want you to be now, Future Me! Okayyy. Currently I would like it if you were a tad taller, your hair was light, and your eyes were a bit more gray so you can look like Annabeth. I certainly hope you got up enough courage to ask for round Harry Potter glasses, but you probably didn’t and that's fine. But aside from physical changes, you should be a lot a bit smarter, since in the past 2 years I learned more than any other time. (And you need to catch up with Redacted and Redacted) You should be more confident in yourself and have a greater sense of independence than before. I mean you can go a week not homesick but can’t go two days without your best friend. That’s a major youch. Next you should be more calculated in all your decisions cus that’s how I want to be. You should be able to figure stuff out without messing up and without adult help. And you need to stop being jealous of Redacted and straighten out your messy brain.
But I really don’t want you to lose your insanity, your nerdiness, and your loyalty. Keep those close to heart, Future Me! Anyway, that brings this to an end so I would like to say one thing. *clears throat dramatically* “With great power… comes great need to take a nap.” PFffft jokes on you. *sticks tongue out* And don’t forget to gloat at Redacted for winning! Hah!
~Abbie of thee year 2022 November 10th at like 6:30 at night

Daily 12-13 586/400

Mystery, Poetry, and Hi-Fi are standing in a clearing of an evergreen forest. There are no noises.
(Hi-Fi): So if we poison the cookies and then send them they could find out and stop our plot.
(Poetry): But if we have someone poison them at Horror’s doorstep-
(Mystery): What happened to all the birds? I swear it was noisy a second ago.
(Poetry): {angry} Always the sleuth, eh Mystery?
(Mystery): {mad} Maybe they got scared off by your terrible poetry.
Poetry and Mystery glare at each other.
(Poetry): Apologize right now! I will not hear you insult my wonderful works of elegance and prosperity!
(Mystery): {smirks} You wish! Your poetry is complete nonsense! It barely makes sense if you read it upside down or in a human mirror.
(Hi-Fi): {trying to lighten the mood} Did I just hear a Keeper of the Lost Cities reference Mystery.
(Mystery): {slightly more pleased} You certainly did!
Meanwhile Poetry slyly pulls a vine from the ground so Mystery will trip.
(Poetry): Hah! Keeper of the Lost Cities, pfttt, that’s years old.
(Hi-Fi): {not getting it} Ten to be exact!
(Poetry and Mystery): {groaning} No Hi-Fi!
(Hi-Fi): {confused} What?
Poetry and Mystery glaring at each other.
(Hi-Fi): {sighs} Too late.
(Mystery): {angry} You stole my words! I was going to say that!
(Poetry): No you stole mine! Give em back! Right now!
Poetry grabs Mystery’s head and tries to yank it off. Mystery grabs Poetry’s arm and pulls it.
(Hi-Fi): {gasps} Stop! {pulls Poetry and Mystery apart}
(Mystery and Poetry): {both breathing heavily}
Take note, Poetry is the one in place to be tripped at this point.
(Mystery): Stop breathing like I am! That’s not fair!
(Poetry): Oh yah? I’ll show you what's not fair!
Poetry starts forward, but becomes entangled in the vine and falls flap upon their face.
(Mystery): {laughing} I’m a sleuth! You really didn’t think I would notice your pathetic trap? Really! {laughs}
(Hi-Fi): {covers mouth with hand} A-are you okay? {bends down}
(Poetry): {tries to talk through a mouthful of dirt} M-hm-mph-mphpmh!
(Mystery): How’s the dirt taste? {bursts out laughing}
(Hi-Fi): Not nice, Mystery! You should know better. I guess because we’re siblings-
(Poetry): {spits out the last of the dirt} Because we’re siblings! Just because we’re siblings doesn’t justify what Mystery just did! Mystery has been tyrannic, mean, and altogether a pain, not to mention having been nothing but a disadvantage to our siblingship! Maybe I should go join Horror instead. {shoots glare at Mystery}
Trees rustle lightly.
(Hi-Fi): But-
(Mystery): While we’re on the topic of Horror-
(Poetry): I barely said anything about Horro-
(Mystery): Ahem. While we’re on the subject of Horror my sleuth skills have detected something else.
Poetry rolls their eyes and sighs. Trees rustle.
(Mystery): Our dear friend Horror seems to have decided they want in on this little activity.
Mystery races over and shakes a tree nearby. Horror promptly falls out of the needily canopy.
(Hi-Fi): {gasps} How did you-
(Poetry and Mystery): This is all your fault!
(Poetry and Mystery): {look at each other in surprise} Did we just… agree?
(Poetry): Huh. I guess we aren’t so different after all.
(Mystery): Yah. A lot more the same than we thought… {blushing} Also, if I’m being honest, I kind of love your poetry. It sounds absolutely amazing.
(Poetry): {grins} Teach you how sometime?
(Mystery): Totally!
(Hi-Fi): {squeals} Siblingship repared! {pulls into group hug}
(Horror): So I’m just gonna go… {no one listening} Oki seeya!
Horror runs from the clearing.

Daily 15 - 201

The sky is blue. It’s as blue as the days after we lost our father. But it can be other blues as well. There is a periwinkle that reminds me of a pearl, just hidden below the waves. Sometimes, when the sun is just beginning to sink, the sky turns a turquoise. That sky is like the sea’s water in a cove.
Dark blue. Dark blue is hard. It is the color of my eyes, and my mothers. But it mostly reminds me of the darkness from the Dark days. It comes with the stars, a silver lining in our sky. The stars are covered.
Indigo is its own color. Neither blue nor purple it hovers in between and dreams. Indigo is for hope. Usually it’s yellow or orange, but indigo is the color of the sky before the darkness comes. Indigo greets us in the morning, arms open and welcoming us away from the darkness.
Purple. Purple is worse than plain blue. Purple was the color of the man-who-destroyed-everything’s eyes. The color that haunts us from day to night now. If one color could be destroyed, it would be purple. Purple is worse than black. Purple is worse than darkness.

Daily 16 - 229

Warm to the nose,
Smelling like a warm summer rush.
A gentle breeze,
Its scent to ruffle cotton trees.
But it drifts through the air,
And the house smells fair.

Tinkling to the ears,
It’s as though it’s singing to the senses.
Drifting through the air,
As the lightest twinkling breeze.
And calling the joy,
Of the hearty dreamed home.

Bright to the eyes,
Like looking upon soft rye.
Glowing despite,
The harsh pan behind.
So perfectly round,
And so smooth to be sound.

Fruitful to the tongue,
And as flavorful as rum.
Softer than cotton,
Like eating food from the clouds.
Warm as can be,
Fresh from the delightful warm heat.

Ruff to the hands,
As you touch the dry brand.
But when you break the dry crust,
The inside is lush.
As warm as can be and as able to see,
That this bread has been made with the love of the day.

If the colors of the sky,
Were to choose where we lie,
Our hearts would glow bright,
In red blue and white,
With the stripe-starred heart,
Of the wondrous light,
And the hope of a home,
For our brave, brave, young world.
Immigrants and pilgrims,
Dreams and hopes,
We bake in our bones,
And feed our homes,
With the bread of our pride.
With the bread of our country.
With the bread of America.

Daily 18 - 826

Indigana Shayle Whillonder was not her name. Not anymore. That is nothing but a birth name. It is not a tie. She had fruitlessly tried to convince herself of this for years. Years before she freed herself. Before she had severed the final tie to her life. She was 14 when she slipped from her so-called “master” and into the night. 14 when she stole a ship from the boat yard of some ridiculously pompous noble’s completely inadequate voyage boat. 14 when she put together her own rag-tag crew of criminals and unwanteds, but not her crew. 14 when she hid her face behind a dark hood and simple cloak. 14 when she changed her name to Indiga in her own mind and “The Shadow” or “Shadow” for everyone, finally ripping her old self away. 14 when she took a final look at her homeland and left forever. 14 when she vowed never to love, never to trust, and never to look back.

Indiga hated the ship. That was all she could think as she stood, silent, in the shadows of a deck. A “fairy” or something like that, to move you across the river? Infinitely stupid. It was insanely sluggish and, if she was being honest, made her feel a bit sick. But that wasn’t reality. Reality was being the Shadow, ruthless, cruel, calculated, and certainly not sea sick on a river boat. She had stood on the prow of her ship as it crashed over waves triple the size of the boat. This was nothing.
But even as she told herself it was a useless boat, the thing seemed to glow. The wealthy noblemen and women pranced about the ship. The ship. It was, though not even remotely sea worthy, a beautiful vessel. The sides were a bright, royal red and the railings were bedecked in gold. The entire deck was perfect white and layered as a cake, with tiers and more decks. But it wasn’t the noble people or the boat she liked to see. It was the air of peace so different from how her own ship was. It would only be another moment before she was safely aboard her own shi-.
Something hit her from behind, a clean swipe at her legs, probably with a still-sheathed sword. As she fell, an arm encircled her waist and pressed a cloth around her nose and mouth. She had barely a second to think before whatever was on that cloth sent her far, far into her mind. And in that second she thought of one thing. I hope the crew misses me.
When Indiga awoke she was surrounded by pirates. They certainly weren’t her crew. None of her allies had such a diverse group. Every color. That’s what this crew was. She spotted reds, golds, and blues, acceptable for a pirate, the typical browns and blacks, and even the sharp slash of green and… purple? What pirate wears purple. And the ethnicity range. There must have been someone from every country aboard that ship.
But they had to be pirates. The ship was a pirate ship, with its strong mast, carved prow, and billowing sails. And if it were a pirate ship there had to be a leader. First she looked for the biggest, but none of them seemed remotely incharge. Then the strongest, then the smallest, then the most adorned. Not one of them had the posture, authority, or strength of a captain. That left one option. The captain was below decks.
Just as Indiga realized this the doors in the shadow of the upper deck flung open. The woman who walked was clearly the captain. From her wild red hair to her squared shoulders and piercing eyes, she was a leader. If that hadn’t been obvious enough, she walked from what was clearly the captain's quarters.
As she strode across the deck the pirates created a path for her. It was quite obvious where she was going. To Indiga. She strode the rest of the way with an ease Indiga had never quite captured, stopping a couple of feet away. Indiga got to her feet.
“So,” the woman said, her voice like the sea breeze, rough but so delicate. “I’m assuming you want to know why you’re here.”
“It would be preferred.” Indiga said with as much confidence as she could muster. Her cloak was gone.
“We’re in need of a new Second. And unfortunately, none of my crew wanted the position.” She paused. “I’m Rachel Kivali, captain of the Leiona. And you, Indigana Shayle Whillonder, are invited to be the second to the one-and-only pirate of platonic love.” Rachel spread her hands at her ship, her crew, her love and loyalty.
“So what do you say, join the crew?” Rachel’s eyes sparkled as she flashed Indiga, no Indigana, a grin.
“I suppose I shall.” Indigana said, as a girl who had long ago died relit her flame.
“Welcome to the crew!”

Daily 20 - 206

Everyone froze. Literally. Well everyone except Tiana Thalock, the District 8 female tribute. She didn’t go and stab them all in their ice caskets. Didn’t gloat at their frozen faces. Instead she cried. Funny thing to do when you have your victory secured for you, huh? But that’s exactly what Tiana did. And it wasn’t a couple tears for her fellow District 8 tribute, it was huge sobs and wells of tears, freezing when they touched the ground.
This state continued for a good half and hour before Tiana even looked up from her lamenting. That’s when she realized one of the frozen bodies was still moving. It was frozen, yes, but it was also alive. She knew she had to do something. She searched the ground, the sky, the trees for something, anything to warm the tribute up. There was nothing. Nothing at all. But the longer she waited the more she knew she could save this tribut- no this kid. It was just a kid. A kid like her. A child!
And with that she drew the strength from inside herself, from inside her, and burned the world. No one survived that Hunger Games, and they never found out who the girl’s parents were.

Daily 21 - 307

Indigana Shayle Whillonder was not her name. Not anymore. That is nothing but a birth name. It is not a tie. She had fruitlessly tried to convince herself of this for years. Years before she freed herself. Before she had severed the final tie to her life. She was 14 when she slipped from her so-called “master” and into the night. 14 when she stole a ship from the boat yard of some ridiculously pompous noble’s completely inadequate voyage boat. 14 when she put together her own rag-tag crew of criminals and unwanteds, but not her crew. 14 when she hid her face behind a dark hood and simple cloak. 14 when she changed her name to Indiga in her own mind and “The Shadow” or “Shadow” for everyone, finally ripping her old self away. 14 when she took a final look at her homeland and left forever. 14 when she vowed never to love, never to trust, and never to look back.

Indiga hated the ship. That was all she could think as she stood, silent, in the shadows of a deck. A “fairy” or something like that, to move you across the river? Infinitely stupid. It was insanely sluggish and, if she was being honest, made her feel a bit sick. But that wasn’t reality. Reality was being the Shadow, ruthless, cruel, calculated, and certainly not sea sick on a river boat. She had stood on the prow of her ship as it crashed over waves triple the size of the boat. This was nothing.
But even as she told herself it was a useless boat, the thing seemed to glow. The wealthy noblemen and women pranced about the ship. The ship. It was, though not even remotely sea worthy, a beautiful vessel. The sides were a bright, royal red and the railings were bedecked in gold. The entire deck was perfect white and layered as a cake, with tiers and more decks. But it wasn’t the noble people or the boat she liked to see. It was the air of peace so different from how her own ship was. It would only be another moment before she was safely aboard her own shi-.
Something hit her from behind, a clean swipe at her legs, probably with a still-sheathed sword. As she fell, an arm encircled her waist and pressed a cloth around her nose and mouth. She had barely a second to think before whatever was on that cloth sent her far, far into her mind. And in that second she thought of one thing. I hope the crew misses me.
When Indiga awoke she was surrounded by pirates. They certainly weren’t her crew. None of her allies had such a diverse group. Every color. That’s what this crew was. She spotted reds, golds, and blues, acceptable for a pirate, the typical browns and blacks, and even the sharp slash of green and… purple? What pirate wears purple. And the ethnicity range. There must have been someone from every country aboard that ship.
But they had to be pirates. The ship was a pirate ship, with its strong mast, carved prow, and billowing sails. And if it were a pirate ship there had to be a leader. First she looked for the biggest, but none of them seemed remotely incharge. Then the strongest, then the smallest, then the most adorned. Not one of them had the posture, authority, or strength of a captain. That left one option. The captain was below decks.
Just as Indiga realized this the doors in the shadow of the upper deck flung open. The woman who walked was clearly the captain. From her wild red hair to her squared shoulders and piercing eyes, she was a leader. If that hadn’t been obvious enough, she walked from what was clearly the captain's quarters.
As she strode across the deck the pirates created a path for her. It was quite obvious where she was going. To Indiga. She strode the rest of the way with an ease Indiga had never quite captured, stopping a couple of feet away. Indiga got to her feet.
“So,” the woman said, her voice like the sea breeze, rough but so delicate. “I’m assuming you want to know why you’re here.”
“It would be preferred.” Indiga said with as much confidence as she could muster. Her cloak was gone.
“We’re in need of a new Second. And unfortunately, none of my crew wanted the position.” She paused. “I’m Rachel Kivali, captain of the Leiona. And you, Indigana Shayle Whillonder, are invited to be the second to the one-and-only pirate of platonic love.” Rachel spread her hands at her ship, her crew, her love and loyalty.
“So what do you say, join the crew?” Rachel’s eyes sparkled as she flashed Indiga, no Indigana, a grin.
“I suppose I shall.” Indigana said, as a girl who had long ago died relit her flame.
“Welcome to the crew!”


As Indigana walked brightly after Rachel she didn’t regret anything. She felt blissfully free, as if the time had been rewound and she was just a kid running across the beach of her homeland. Her homeland. And just like that the girl who had been re-lit so quickly died. Again.
It took only a moment, but instantly her shield went back up, her hood slipped back on and her eyes shut off their glimmer. She was Indiga. She was the Shadow. Rachel must have noticed the change. Her back barely straightened, and her pace barely quickened, but there was no other indicator she had felt the change. But Indiga knew she had. No one that observant wouldn’t notice.
The two of them trod across the deck at a quick pace, never pausing to talk to the various stations and outposts. Rachel never faltered, even when a crew member yelled out at her. Impressive.
Rachel led Indiga around the second deck, carefully stepping into a narrow trek around the thing with only short rails to prevent their fall. They stopped at an intricate door on the far side of the heightened deck, hidden delicately in the shadow of the overhead.
Rachel turned to look at Indiga. “This is the meeting room for everyone who has a job over other people. You will report here for anything, as well as when called,” She grabbed the handle. “Let’s take a peek inside.”
Indiga’s breath was swept away immediately. The room was ravishing. The place had wooden walls and a polished floor, but it wasn’t anything there that surprised her. It was the table. Circular to the point of perfection and beautifully carved, with a matching delicate bench-ring to match. There was a hole in the middle and from it rose a perfect globe. The idea of the globe was something thought to be a fantasy or complete fiction, but these people clearly believed it was real.


Weekly 1 - 1824/1400

Adventure -141/100 words

Adventure Cabin,
I am here with your kindest intentions at heart. It has come to my attention that several of your hikers were inside the private property of the Investigators Institute of Troubling Endeavors. This is private property and as decreed in the 1986 agreement, “Neither Adventure or Mystery shall attempt to harm or trespass upon another’s property.” As the keeper of such records I am required to send letters as such. If visits such as this continue, our cabin will have to help you enforce your rules, and/or find a solution to this unfortunate situation. May I remind you again, our cabin has nothing but the best intentions for our relationship to continue smoothly and have no threatening intentions to your cabin or campers. Best wishes and happy writing to you.
Mystery Cabin and the Investigators Institute of Troubling Endeavors

Dystopian - 124/100

Dystopian Cabin,
Hello! I’m writing to ask you about a recent disagreement on several controversial topics between several cabins. There has been a recent war about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Mystery has chosen our side to be, as well as Fantasy, Poetry, Horror, and Script, that pineapple belongs on pizza. It came to our attention while gauging our allies that your cabin had not chosen a side! We hoped to advise you on this increasingly controversial topic: the reasons for pineapple's belonging on pizza. Pineapple not only adds a necessary sweet to the burst of fascinating flavors on pizza, but it also has one of the most delicious crispy outsides. We hope to see you on our side soon!
Happy writing,
Mystery Cabin

Fantasy - 140/100

Fantasy Cabin,
I have come because there is the most dire of situations at our cabin, and it requires a large amount of opinions from a wide range of people and cabins. Our rather complicated situation is due to a lack of similar opinions on cookies. Our entire cabin attempted to agree upon our official cookie, but alas it seemed that none could agree upon one kind! As a result we have decided to ask for attorneys from every cabin to state their opinions on the best cookie, and then allow our campers to vote from there. This will allow us to narrow it down in a peaceful way that does not involve any internal cabin conflict. If you could please send two of your campers to help with our situation it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Mystery Cabin

Non-fi - 149/100

Non-Fi Cabin,
It has been quite the session so far! But it has come to our cabin's attention that our libraries have a lack of non-fiction books within their premises. We were wondering if you had noticed this or had any qualms about the lack of your representation in our inter-cabin libraries. We are aware that it is not part of the cabin’s requirements that you must write in your cabin’s theme, but we were wondering if your cabin could contribute any non-fiction pieces to a project our campers have been working on. Our campers have been slowly taking small excerpts from books of each cabin’s theme and putting them together to create a fascinating piece of literature involving a story where each cabin’s theme is a person based on their excerpts. If your cabin could comply as quickly as possible this would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Mystery Cabin

Thriller - 131/100

Thriller Cabin,
We have recently had quite the conundrum this past day! Our cabin has found that we are lacking in writing techniques for several genres. As a result we have been writing to several cabins of these genres for techniques. Unfortunately one of these genres is horror! Our cabin is an enemy of Horror Cabin and certainly cannot ask them for help. We looked upon our issue in a different light and noticed that thriller stories tend to have parts of the story close or similar to the horror genre. As your ally, we hoped you would be willing to share with us any information you may have on how to write in the horror genre. If you can help us it would be greatly appreciated.
Happy writing,
Mystery Cabin

Fan-fi - 129/100

A few of our campers recently all read the same book! When they realized this they decided that it would be an amazing opportunity to collaborate and create a work of art together. This plot to write a fanfiction, was however stopped. Our campers had absolutely no idea how to write fanfiction in a properly captivating way. These campers asked to send a letter to the fan-fi cabin to see if you could help. Our leaders found this to be a wonderful idea and set us writers to work right away. Though it is not required that you write anything in your cabin’s theme it was hoped your cabin might know how! If you feel willing, it would be greatly valued by our campers.
Thank you,
Mystery Cabin

Folklore - 112/100

Folklore Cabin,
Hello! We have just found that there is a fascinating new section of the library. If you walk to the far left corner of the second floor and move around twenty paces forward, you will find there is a notch in one of the bookshelves. When pulled upward and out, this notch open a secret door into a small room devoted entirely to fables, tall tales, and folklore! We thought that by right, this little room would be perfect for your cabin. We did not tell any other cabins of this little discovery so it is entirely for your cabin. We hope you enjoy it greatly!
Happy writing,
Mystery Cabin

Hi-fi - 155/100

Hi-fi Siblings,
Hia! You wouldn’t believe what our cabin found in the main library yesterday! There was a giant bird in there! It looked like something straight out of the prehistoric times. The bird was at least 30 feet wide, including wingspan, and another 10 feet tall. The bird almost crushed us with its wings just flying around. Its face was kind of mean and it had a 4 foot beak that must have been able to cut through meat. When it landed one of the chairs broke! Then it kind of flapped around and disappeared. It made this super creepy caw! Before it disappeared. We’ve all been wondering what it was and why it was in there. This is sure to be another one of our Mystery mysteries. Our detectives will be on this one for sure. Welp, that’s another weird day at SWC for ya! Stay safe siblings!
Lots of luck,
Mystery Cabin

Real-fi - 134/100

Our cabin has been extremely fascinated by the limits to your genre. We realized recently that some of the genres such as mystery cross into the realistic fiction genre as well. Some of the stories in the mystery genre are very much able to fit inside the realistic fiction genre. One of the classical mystery works, Sherlock Holmes, is a realistic fiction story as well as a mystery one. We were wondering if the genre of realistic fiction is labeled onto stories that would fit better into other genres. Perhaps realistic fiction should be more a default genre and complications like mystery and horror should be genres that you put in place of real-fi to further express a story. Thank you for listening to a rather long, particularly pointless letter.
Mystery Cabin

Horror - 115/100

Horror Cabin,
We may have been rather rude in the past, but it has always been in our best interests to follow the “forgive and forget” policy. We mean you absolutely no harm at all. *snickering* IGNORE THAT! Why would we write this in pen? It’s stuck! Anyway! We are going to leave you a completely safe, absolutely delicious, fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. They definitely aren’t dangerous in any way, and they totally won’t give you a nasty writer’s block. These shall be sent as a peace offering to encourage our inter-cabin relations to develop in a more prominent and strengthened way. We are, *cough*, sincerely wishing you a good day.
-Mystery Cabin

Poetry - 147/100

Poetry Siblings,
Hey sibs! How’s it going? We recently had a really cool encounter with a gigantic leaf eating giraffe! It was also, completely by chance, reciting poetry. Any good books recently? Our cabin just read a poem from “Falling Up” by Shel Silverstein. It was quite interesting. We were wondering if you all could send in some other poetry so we could compare on the different types and themes. Also what do you think about the cookie prank we played on Horror? Was that not the best!? They’ll be stuck with writing blocks for days if they eat those things! The curses and ingredients we put in there though were probably the hardest things we’ve ever had to obtain. The Blank-Mind Mandrake nearly cost one of our campers and arm! We might try it on sci-fi too. Anyway, we wish you good luck with… everything. *wink* Write back soon!
Happy writing,
Mystery Cabin

Sci-fi - 126/100

Science Fiction Foes,
We have written in a recent response to your rather creative we admit, but all the same inaccurate claims about Mystery! We have been within the top five for quite some time. There is absolutely no doubt that we will indeed win this session, while you and Horror are still in the back seat. But that is not our only reasoning for this letter. It has come to our attention that we have provided other cabins with cookies while you have not been given the same treatment. Though we are neither allies, siblings, or even neutrals, we owe it to you and our honor to give the same fair treatment to all of the cabins. So enjoy your cookies.
Worst luck,
Mystery Cabin

Bi-fi - 106/100

Bizarro Fiction,
Our cabin has been working on another of many pet projects, and we have realized we know very little indeed about your cabin and your forms of writing. We have not only been collecting various tips on different kinds of writing, but also pieces of writing themselves. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send us both some writing tips for bizarro fiction, and some excerpts of bizarro writing. If you would prefer it we can meet in the library at 3:00 pm sharp tomorrow or you can just send them via bottle mail. Thank you very much.
Best wishes,
Mystery Cabin

Script - 115/100

Script Cabin,
Hello! We were just writing to ask for your opinion on a rather serious matter- should the Percy Jackson movies be deleted, permanently? We have, once again, voted and came to the conclusion that they should be. The Percy Jackson movies are really an insult to the books and have been giving off false information for a long period of time regarding the Greek myths and the Percy Jackson books. Now you may be thinking, “Then what about Hercules?” but Hercules is different. It may be extremely inaccurate but it is animated and nonviolent, while the Percy Jackson movie is violent and inaccurate, the exact opposite of the books.
Choose wisely,
Mystery Cabin

Weekly 3 - 391

Part 3

One of the worst things you can do to your poor, busy brain is to stress it out. When you spend a long time focusing, it’s like your brain is using up its battery. Eventually your battery is gonna run out and you might start to feel frustrated, tired, and maybe even disappointed. That’s when you can use a few tricks to get yourself back in working order. These are reading, listening to music, and writing down your thoughts. Let’s take a closer look at these and figure out what might help you with your mental care!
Reading may seem like just another way to exhaust your brain, but that’s not the case. If you find you’re reading something that causes you stress or is involved with a lot of work, then you’re not doing yourself any good. The kind of book you need is a no-strings-attached book. That’s essentially a book that has no work, stress, or requirements involved. It might also help to pick a book that is easier to read and doesn’t involve humongous words. Reading the right kind of book will help you turn your stress and frustration down, as well as any other emotions you might come across.
Listening to music can be another hard one. It depends on what kind of music you're listening to, the volume, and your surroundings. Music that blares into your ears may seem like an easy way to drown out the world, but it also could just leave you more upset than in the first place. Like I said, the volume matters. If you give yourself a headache from your music then you're out of luck. A lower volume might help. Also, if you’re in the middle of class, you can’t exactly just pop in your earbuds and start listening. If used correctly though, music can relieve your stress, relax your brain, and all together make you feel a whole lot better.
Finally, we have writing down your thoughts. You may be thinking, “I just did a bunch of work, why would I want to write?” Well writing doesn’t have to be work. If you’re just writing it off the top of your head there’s very little work involved! Seeing your thoughts down on paper (or screen) can help you organize your mind and put yourself back in the flow!

Weekly 4
2419 WORDS

In the far off land of Nevora, a baby cried into the night. The air was as still as the water in the lake, as it reflected the full, purple-tinted moon. No creature could be heard, with the exception of the screaming child. Towering over the lake and blanched as precariously as a bird on a branch, sat a humongous castle. The child’s scream’s rang from the castle again, and this time it was greeted with another noise. Not the friendly one of a bird’s call or even a wolf’s howl, but the wicked screech of a terrible monster. A figure streamed from the foggy night towards the castle. The child screamed no more.
Silene was a forgotten princess. No one spoke of her. It was as though Silene didn’t exist. With her beautiful siblings and fit-for-the-throne brothers, she might not have. At the age of 14, she was far too young to marry off, and it was only men who were allowed to inherit the throne. If none existed a princess would quickly marry some man to ensure there was a “steady ruler”.
Silene often stood at the top of a tower and stared out over the kingdom. Over the twisting walls and homes of the city and then over the lake, and then over the dry grasslands beyond that, and then even farther on the bright days when the sun burned away the endless fog, and towards the far off mountains. When she did, she saw the flashes of dragons. She saw the glimmers of light bouncing off their scale and the roars of their battles.
It did not matter to the court where she went or where she was. That is why, one day as she scrambled down a servant’s hall, she ran into the man. He had hair as black as night and skin as pale as the moon, but his eyes… His eyes were gone. In their place were only sunken, hollowed pits.
As Silene watched, he moved his hand over his face. Just like that it was covered by a mask. A convincing mask, so real that you would never know that he wasn’t normal. The man turned, his eyes still dark and angry, and looked at where Silene was standing. Or had been standing. She had already turned and headed to the safety of the halls beyond. She did not know what that had been, did not need to know. She just knew she had to leave. Had to leave the castle with the evil thing inside. The thing with the mask.
Silene ran from the castle. She had raced to her room and changed as fast as possible into the clothes of a commoner, the only thing she had to keep her from being recognized as a noble, or even a member of royalty. She kept her pace, far faster than a jog, all the way to the cliff’s edge. The cliff dangled the castle precariously over the lake, just as always.
Silene stepped as far as she dared. But then, as if by the force of another world, she was pushed toward the edge. Later she would come to realize it was wind, but then it didn’t matter. What mattered was she was slipping, Slipping, slipping, slipping, to the edge of the cliff. Slipping until she neared the very tip. Still slipping when she teetered on the edge, as paper on a blade. She was slipping away as she fell, as the water rushed to her, slipping as she fell through the air. Slipping from her mind so much she didn’t notice the wind stopping her from splattering on the water, but only sinking. She stopped slipping as she sank. She sank into the dark water, into the nothingness.
Silene had hit the water. Everything disappeared the lower she fell. And as her body was swallowed into the lake, her mind drifted away. It drifted to the past.
Silene stood in front of a bookshelf. Nothing moved around her, no noises at all. She stepped forward towards the shelf. Dim light flickered from the shelf itself, as though something glowed behind it. Silene touched the shelf with a tiny hand. She could be no more than 7. Far too young to be out when it was so dark with no adults. Her tiny hand moved across the shelf to touch the books. She kept her hand on the books, gently moving it along. When Silene’s hand stopped, it was on a teal book. The book had gold all over it. Gold accents covered it’s spine and more peeked out from the hidden cover. Silene pulled the book out. The shelf slid away. Young Silene gasped, staring wide-eyed at the shelf’s empty space. Inside was darkness. Silene stepped in. She walked forward until she disappeared into the gloom. For a moment it was silent. Then she screamed. She ran out, and shoved the teal book back into place. The shelf slid shut, but her scream had awoken another. A baby cried into the night.
Silene gasped to life from the shore, her breath coming out ragged and torn. Her eyes streamed, but as they slowly cooled, her eyes speared the surrounding area, looking like a wild animal caught in the light. When they landed on the woman at her side, she scrambled backwards.
The woman was sitting forward on her knees, wearing a dark green cloak and a black tunic and pants. Her black hair cascaded over her shoulders, matching perfectly with her cofee skin and green eyes.
“Woah, take it easy there. I’m not gonna hurt you,” she said, putting her hands up. “I’m Rhianna. And you?” Her voice had a slight lilt, as though she had been raised by someone not from here.
“Uh.. GIisselda. Call me Gliss,” she smiled nervously at the woman. This would be harder than she thought. “What happened?”
“Well you were sinking, I saw you, I saved you. Pretty simple!” Rhianna said with an impish grin. Silene realized she might not be older than her at all. No, they could be the same age!
“But how?” Silene asked, oblivious to how rude she might sound.
Clearly Rhianna was too as she grinned and replied, as if it were the normalist thing in the world, “With magic of course!”
Silene’s world stopped. Everything in her life stopped. Magic.. Magic… no. Magic was not real. Magic was- Everything flooded back to her. A shelf. A teal book. The spine… The History of Magic. The tunnel. The… the thing inside… She knew that thing. She had seen it that very day. Seen its eyeless sockets. And she knew. She knew that no matter what she did, magic was real.
The next few minutes passed in a daze. Rihanna took her to an inn, where people barely gave her a passing glance. It felt as though she were… normal. But in comparison to Rhianna, in comparison to possibly some of them, even as a princess she was plain as porridge. Magic. What she wouldn’t give for that!
But… she had magic. She knew that. No, she felt that. Like… like she had seen it somewhere. But just as quickly as the flash came, it was gone. Silene was normal. Or as normal as a princess could be. No ma-
Silene nearly bumped into Rhianna as she stopped in front of a worn brown door in the dim, musty hallway. A floorboard creaked in a room above them.
“This one's mine. Or should I say ours! I’ve never shared a room before! Do you snore?” Rhianna’s rapid fire words gave away her obvious excitement.
“Uh, great?” Silene mumbled.
Rhianna’s smile disappeared. “Do you want your own room? I can try to get you one…” Her voice trembled.
“No!” Silene rushed. “Please don’t,”
“Oh! Okay, here we go!” Rhianna’s smile returned and she grabbed the rusted door knob.
Inside, two beds lay on opposite sides of the room. Both were made and a small table sat beside each of them. On the tables sat a couple of candle stands. There were no windows at all and immediately Silene felt trapped.
“Er… this looks great Rihanna. I’m just going to… uh clear my head. I’ll be back in a minute,” Silene mumbled as she backed out the door and began to walk away as quickly as she could.
“See you soon, Gliss!” Rihanna yelled at her retreating form.
Silene barged out the back door and into the woods beyond. She continued her stride until she had reached a clearing, of a sort. The trees had cleared into a wide circle around one larger tree. As she looked at the tree in the center she realized there was something glowing on the ground. She reached down and picked it up. A… key? The key still glowed faintly in the dimming light.
Silene looked back up at the tree, and realized it was even more peculiar than she had originally seen. The bark was almost sliver, and it was dotted with clouded areas where random other colors shined through. She took a step forward and laid her hand on the tree’s mottled bark, feeling its texture. It was smooth and warm, but the longer she kept her hand there, the more she realized it thrummed. It was as though the tree had a heartbeat itself and she was just feeling its beat. She moved her hand farther up the tree until she reached a colored spot. There it felt… fuzzy. Not soft, but like moss. She peered closer and realized it was moss, but it was transparent!
“Hello.” A soft, elegant voice with a slight accent drifted from the tree. Silene jumped backwards, nearing the edge of the clearing.
“I mean no harm,” the voice said, still not coming from any visible speaker. “I only wish to help you, if you’ll allow me?”
Silene’s voice was ragged as she bravely said, “If you want me to believe that you’re going to have to show yourself!” She trembled from her place at the edge of the circle.
“Very well,” the voice said, sounding resigned. “But… please don’t freak out,” Silene barely had time to wonder why before the speaker appeared.
She let out a shrill scream as the… the creature glided down from a branch high, high above in the flowering blue leaves. It had pale skin, like snow on a tree, and brown-red hair, and indigo eyes. But what set him so far from human were the ears. No one had ears that extended so far out, ended so sharply, pointed upwards like that. No, this thing was not human.
“Well you haven’t run off screaming, so that’s a start!” It said brightly. “Cosm Vindaso, expert phoenix trainer and descendant of Hikla and son of Nafari. And you?” His voice had its elegant lilt again.
“Uh… Glisselda. Just Glisselda,” she muttered, still not totally in belief of what was happening.
“So… I’m assuming you’re lost?” Cosmo said, tilting his head at her. “No one comes if they aren’t lost.”
Silene wondered how she had got here. “Yes,” she said, more confident. “Can you help me get back?”
“Of course!” Cosmo said, looking as shocked as if she had just asked him if the sky were blue. “That’s my entire job! But I think I’ll do a little extra. There’s a phoenix who needs a bond and I think you’re perfect for the job!”
“I… Uh… That’s a great honor but… umm,” It was too late to argue as Cosmo floated back up to the tree and disappeared from view. A moment later an ear-splitting screech echoed through the air and a great firey beast arose from the tree. But as the “firey beast” landed in front of Silene, she realized it was not, in fact, a huge monster as big as a mountain, but a creature no bigger than a small horse, with room on it’s back as one.
“Wow,” she breathed, reaching her hand forward to its beak. “Can I… can I touch it?” She asked dubiously.
“Of course you can!” Cosmo said grinning. “She won’t burn I promise,”
Silene reached her hand forward and touched the beautiful creature's smooth beak. The flames didn’t burn at all, and the phoenix nudged her hand a little, looking at her with those beautiful brown eyes of her’s. Silene smiled, and then laughed. The first one she’d had for a while.
“No you can go back with her! Two dragons with one lasso!” he cried, whooping a little as he floated up a foot or so.
“Thank you!” Silene said, eyes shining. She moved to hug him but quickly switched to a handshake.
“You’d better head back, just tell her where you want to go,” Cosmo sounded a tad bit sad.
“W-what’s her name?” Silene asked as she mounted the phoenix.
“It’s up to you, I suppose,” he said. “Goodbye, Glisselda!”
Silene didn’t have time to yell back as her phoenix swooped up into the falling sun’s rays. “What am I gonna call you?” she murmured as the began the journey back. “How about… Echo? How’s that?” Echo purred beneath her as the firey wings sent them gliding over the sky.
The sun had set and Echo had extinguished her flames by the time she reached the inn. They landed not too far away so Silene didn’t have to walk too far, but no one would find Echo lounging around in their woods.
“Just stay safe. I know you’ll be able to hear me if I call, and don’t worry. I’ll visit and bring some food if you can’t find any,” Silene gave her phoenix a sad smile as she walked away. Echo made a sad whining noise but stayed. “I’ll be back soon!” she called to her phoenix.
It didn’t take long for her to reach the inn, and when she did she was greeted by a loud yell of, “Glisselda!”
“There you are! I’ve been looking all over,” Rhianna said as she surveyed Silene. “Where were you?”
“I went out on a hike and got lost,” Rhianna looked horrified, but Silene quickly reassured her. “I just walked around a lot. My poor legs will ache for days!” she laughed, “I just need some rest,”
“If you say so…” Rhianna agreed, looking unconvinced. The pair walked inside, and when Silene got to their cramped room and flopped onto her uncomfortable bed, she felt as though she were in the best place in the world.

Random Writing

SWC Parody- Deck the Halls - 209
Deck the halls with balls of paper
fa la la la la la la
Tis the session not to waver
fa la la la la la la
On we go to joyous peril
fa la la la la la la
Til we secure first or lost meril
fa la la la la la la

See the wondrous leaders before us
fa la la la la la la
Time to drive them insane with priorities
fa la la la la la la
Don’t forget to do the weekly
fa la la la la la la
Or you’ll be doing in it last minute
fa la la la la la la

Quickly does this session pass us
fa la la la la la la
But we’re loving everyone second
fa la la la la la la
Hard we write to beat the other cabins
Heedless of our sleep and classes
fa la la la la la la

Deck the halls with words and merriment
fa la la la la la la
We just won, the session’s ended
fa la la la la la la
You all wish you’d been our cabin
fa la la la la la la
Cus Mystery just won our session
fa la la la la la la

Suspenseful/Spooky Story - 3754
Lincoln Meteorology Center, Virginia, October 13, 2028

The waves churned with the fury of a thousand monsters on the large screen. The meeting room was silent as the waves crashed again and again over the bobbing probe. The sky above was a dark, silent gray with threatening flashes. Waves smashed the probe again.
A man in a suit with a briefcase stood up and said. “See it’s nothing! Some water probably just snuck inside it last time!” The rest of the room murmured their agreement. “We can all just go back to our jobs now! Good day!”
“I wouldn’t be so sure-” Said a man in a dark green trench coat. The screen shook violently. Every head whipped back to the monitor. Something black whizzed from the thunderous sky, and the camera went black.
Everyone held their breath.
“Wait for it, wait for it,” Muttered the man in green. Another camera flickered on. “Yes!” The man cried in joy but only for a second, because what he and the others saw that day changed their world for good.
A gigantic skeletal frame with Stygian black skin. The skin was leathery and torn with flaps and flakes all about it. Through the skin you could see the bones poking out like rocks breaking the water. The creature's overall shape was hard to discern but there were wings and leg-like things. The “legs” held the creature up like four pillars, each ending in three long claws that tipped in points sharper than a needle. The creature hovered for a moment in the air before it raised one end, most likely its head, to the wind and shot back up into the gray space.
For a moment everyone was quiet. Then as one chaos broke out. People screamed, ran from the room, fainted, and vomited. The man in green ran to a computer and yanked the mouse over to the send button, forwarding the video footage to at least ten different offices. Someone who would know what to do.
As the panic pursued the screen shook again, unnoticed, and the footage went out in another black flash.

3248 Shiloh St. Wyoming, October 14, 2028

Cypress pulled open the cedar drawer and gently placed another pile of books inside. She looked around her room, already missing its cozy demeanor and warm light. The room was barren, stripped of everything from clothes to art with furniture like bones left sticking from the room. Cypress sat down on a wooden stool and grabbed a news tablet from the side of a table. The tablet was open to another article on the storm. The headline screamed another city overtaken and hundreds of people missing, dead, or lost in the storm. This time it was a town no farther than 40 miles from Chicago. Of course Cypress should have had nothing to worry about being so far out in the country, but it was a country wide evacuation for kids and elderly people.
“You ready to g-go love?” Her mother nearly choked on the word “go”. They both knew how far away it was. Cypress nodded. “Ok. Let’s load up in the car.” Her mom tried to make it sound like it was nothing, that they were just going another trip down to California to see the beach or something.
The time to leave drew nearer and nearer as Cypress and her mother loaded the car with her duffle bag.
“One second!” Cypress turned and ran back inside, whirling around the corner and bounding upstairs and into her room. “Where is it… where is it…” Cypress slid her hand along her bookshelf, seeking the title of her favorite book. “Yes!” Cypress yanked out the dark green cover and dashed downstairs again.
“Whatcha got there?” Her mom asked as Cypress walked back out to the car.
“It’s just a book.” Cypress held out the cover for her mother to read.
“‘Dangerous Creatures in History’ Why would you need that?”
“Um, the reports?” Her mom stared at her blankly. “The ones with the gigantic monster things with black skin?”
“Oh those!” Her mom gave a nervous laugh. “They're probably hoaxes. Just out there to worry you. It’s fine!”
It wasn’t fine. Cypress had found the articles in every newstablet and every government crisis declaration.
“We better be going! You need to be at the school in less than an hour for the buses,” Her mom opened the car door. “We don’t want to be late!”
The car ride to the school was silent and strained. When they got there, the mood was just as tense. Cypress pulled her duffle bag from the back of their car and glanced around, unsure where to go. There were kids and parents saying goodbye, kids murmuring darkly, and parents talking in fast anguished voices. Busses were lined up in neat rows with signs showing their destinations on the back.
“There’s your bus.” Her mom pointed at a bus that… looked identical to the others.
Cypress turned, about to say something when someone honked from the bus.
“Hello everyone!” A woman yelled over a speaker tucked towards the front of the line. “I’m here to make sure you all go to the right places and the right airports. We’ll begin loading the buses in a few minutes, so start getting ready!”
Cypress turned towards her mother, and found her hurriedly swiping at tears. Her mom sniffed and said with forced positivity in her voice, “It’s only Benin! You’ll be back in no time safe and sound.” Cypress hugged her, but everything felt like it was in a dream. It was like there was a giant pillow clamped around her ears and someone had put slow motion on.
In only a few minutes the woman yelled back over the speaker that it was time to start boarding and to head to your bus.
“Remember this is just to keep you safe,” she consoled both weepy parents and trembling kids. “You’ll be home as soon as the storm’s passed.”
She hugged her mom and said something reassuring. ‘It would all be ok’?
Cypress drifted to her bus and stood in line. Her duffel bag made a soft thud when she sat it on the ground, but some of the kids practically jumped out of their shoes. This storm sure had spooked everyone.
Their bus began to board and Cypress gave a final glance to her world. This was it. She was leaving.

Above Asia and the Pacific Ocean, October 19 2028

The next few days were a whirl of flights and bus rides and chaos. A couple of times Cypress nearly was lost in the storms of people trying to be in the right places. Her destination was somewhere in Africa, a bunker that would hold her and a couple hundred other kids for a few weeks. But flying to Africa was harder than it sounded. There wasn’t any crossing the Pacific, so planes flew around the globe and over Aisa to get to the other side of the ocean. Relatives were kept together. This meant that everyone was going somewhere different and some people were leaving the country. Cypress’s mom had linked her with some far off cousins in order to “ensure she was safe”. How can one be safe with people you didn’t know?
There wasn’t really anyone or any reason to talk to anyone until her second flight. Previously her buses and plane had managed to have enough open seats for her to sit alone, but this plane was more crowded as they had picked up another group at the airport. But this time there were barely enough seats for everyone there, let alone to leave spaces next to a little girl. And that’s how, on the final flight, Cypress met Ash and Jasper. Both had lived in the United States. Both were going to the same place as her. Neither of them thought the storm creatures were a hoax.
Cypress opened her backpack at her feet and pulled out ‘Dangerous Creatures in History’.
“What’s that?” Ash questioned, pulling out the earbuds she’d been listening to for the past 3 hours of their flight. The disadvantage of being so far away was that they were flying for nearly 27 hours at once. This was nearly their 10th.
“‘Dangerous Creatures in History’ I’m hoping it’ll have something on the storm creatures.” Cypress flipped the book open and Ash and Jasper leaned over to see. This book covers many of the supernatural and dangerous encounters with unknown or unbeknownst creatures throughout history. The actual creatures may be pure fantasy or false but their stories and encounters remain. Within these pages you will find a record of various encounters and their descriptions. Continue if you wish.
“That’s… Ominous.” Said Jasper when Cypress finished reading.
“Question is, do we dare?” She grinned mischievously. “I say let’s do it!” She yelled jumping from her seat and causing a flight attendant to rush over and sit her back down. The three of them fell into fits of giggles.
The flight wasn’t shaping out to be that bad, but it wouldn’t stay that way for long. Nearly 7 hours later Cypress was still flipping through the book, but with no luck.
“It's like they weren’t ever here!” Cypress exclaimed as she skimmed another page full of references on flying snakes.
“Welp on the plus side no one else had to deal with this mess,” Ash said in her “Yay us!” tone. “Only our generation gets the maniac flying monsters and a gigantic storm.”
“That’s a good thing! Say it like it’s a good thing.” Jasper yelped as Ash kicked his foot starting yet another round of bickering from the two teens.
Cypress sighed and turned back to the book. These pages which had claimed to be the unlocking of everything she needed to know and prove were not being very helpful. There were at least sixty pages on dragons, another thirty on krakens, and a bajillion of the most random and unlikely creatures to have ever lived. Maybe it was farther into the book. Cypress kept searching. Ghouls. Wolves with wings. Demon phoenix. Monster unicorn. No creature to be found. Cypress drifted off.

Above Aisa, October 20, 2028, 1 am

Cypress jolted awake, followed closely by a feeling of absolute dread. She whipped her head away from the window where she had fallen asleep and scanned the nearby plane. Next to her Ash and Jasper had both fallen asleep and a row over it seemed to be the same as well. The flashing light above the seats indicated that it was a no seat belt required time. Cypress silently slid past Jasper and Ash and into the walkway. In the aisle there was nothing but silence. A few kids had their legs in the walkway, and multiple people were snoring in their seats, but nothing was out of place. The flight attendant must have been on break because no one rushed to sit Cypress back down.
“Might as well explore a little.” She murmured to herself as she continued up the aisle. When she had just about reached the front of the plane, a small voice whispered from the seats.
“Can’t sleep?” It was a little girl, probably around 6 years old. She was sitting alone and the seats next to her were filled with stuffed animals. “I couldn’t either. No one wanted to sit with me, and now it’s too scary to fall asleep myself. My mommy reads to me, but she’s not here.”
“Do you have a story to read?” Cypress found herself asking as she sat down next to the little girl.
“YAH!” She said in an excited voice, then, catching Cypress’s shhh, “Yah!” While the little girl was searching her duffle bag Cypress took the chance to do a few investigations of her own.
“So what’s your name?” Cypress asked as the little girl pulled out a pile of picture books.
“I’m Raven. People call me things like Twig and Fishbone though. I’m half Native American. Which story do you want to read?” Raven held up a story with a front covered in bright colors and flowers and a book with stars and a rocketship on the front. Cypress tapped the rocketship lightly and smiled, but inside she was hooked on Raven’s story.
“Do you live in a Native American tribe or in a town?” She asked as she sat the book on her lap.
Raven casually opened the book for her. “I live in a town. I used to be in Chicago. Ready to read?”
Clearly Raven had no intention of answering any more questions, so Cypress began to read. “On the planet of Girona there lived a little human named Devin. Devin loved to climb things, and one day he climbed up a tall rocket. The rocket was going to land on a far off planet, but Devin didn’t know that. The rocket began to count down to launch, but Devin was still on it! Devin tried to get off but it was too late, the rocket was gone with Devin on it. The next part of the story depends on where you are. If you stayed back on Girona, Devin’s family and friends tried to get Devin back, or you could follow Devin on a journey far away. We’re going with Devin now, but maybe we’ll see the others later, but not in this book.
“Devin was far from Girona and very scared, but Devin knew that when you look back at your home, everyone else looks back at you. Soon the rocket landed on a new planet. This planet was Earth. Earth was far nicer than Girona, and there were more people! Devin lived on Earth for a very long time, very happy and safe.
“The end.” Cypress finished her story and tilted her head to look at Raven. “Why do you like this book so much? It has a sad ending.”
Raven smiled. “Everyone always says that.” Cypress felt for a moment as though she had done something wrong. “The ending isn’t sad. Devin fit perfectly into Earth. It’s a bit like our story really. We are sent somewhere far away that was neither our choice or our loved one’s and we’re going to find a way to fit into this world too, just like Devin.”
Cypress was quiet for a moment. “I never thought of it that way. Thank you Raven.”
“Thank you for reading to me.” Raven mumbled back, already falling asleep. Cypress smiled to herself and thought about what Raven had said. Maybe this wasn’t her sad ending. She fell asleep again.

Nigeria Africa, October 20, 2028, 6 am

“Everybody up! Everybody up! We will be touching down in about 30 minutes. You all need to get buckled and pack up your stuff,” yelled the escort in charge of making sure baggage wasn’t lost. “Now!” She barked.
“I need to go, Raven. I’m sorry,” Cypress started as the plane began to bustle with people. “I’ll see you at the airport?”
“Yah,” Murmured Raven sleepily.
Cypress quickly put Raven’s stuff away and hurried back to her seat. Jasper and Ash were awake and, surprise, surprise, bickering again.
“That’s my blanket!” Ash said, grabbing a blanket from Jasper’s bag. “I bought it at the Dollar Tree last weekend!”
“No way-”
“You guys calm down,” Cypress said, shaking her head. “At this rate no one is ever going to let you sit by each other again.”
“Okay, sorry.” Jasper said embarrassed.
“Yah, fine.” Ash grumbled, grabbing the blanket.
“But I-” Cypress picked up an identical blanket from where it lay knocked to the floor next to Jasper. “Oh.”
Once the bags were sufficiently packed and the kids had all been seated properly, the plane began to land. When everyone had gotten off the group began to divide. This took a rather long time as it involved each person’s name being called one by one to their group, as to ensure that no one was lost or left behind.
Raven, Ash, and Jasper had all been put into the same group, along with several others who would be their new bunkermates for the next who-knows-how-long. The group boarded a bus and began their journey West, towards both the storm and their safety. The bus jolted and jumped at every crack and bump in the roughly paved road. A few long hours later the kids had passed the border to Benin and were on their way to the other side of the country and their bunker.
As the group was passing a tree with the leaves completely ripped off, the sky changed abruptly. What had been the gray-blue of a cloudy, no-storm day had turned into a dark, dark, blackish gray that churned with flashes of blue and yellow. The kids craned their heads to see the sky above them. Would there be a sudden black flash above their bus? Would they die as so many in their home countries had? The bus driver stopped their pace entirely.
“Okay everyone. The storm has made it this far, and it certainly isn't going to stop now. We may need to make a run for-”
The bus exploded. Something black hit the windshield. Or more accurately hit the engine in the front of the bus. The last thought Cypress had as she curled around Raven, protecting the little girl with her body, was Why would I ever come here.

Outside of Fati, Benin, October 20, 2028, 4 pm

Cypress awoke with a dry feeling in her mouth. Raven, she thought, eyes snapping open and hands already pushing her up on their own accord. All around her the long, dry grass was burning. As she sat up, she realized she had an aching pain in her right arm. It seemed she had landed on it wrong. She stood up and nothing else seemed to hurt too much. What had happened?
“Cypress?” Someone croaked nearby.
Cypress whirled around and saw Ash and Jasper laying on the ground nearby. Jasper had a nasty slice in his left leg, but nothing time wouldn’t heal. But their surroundings… The sky was gray-blue again but everything else was far different. The three of them were in a circle of burnt, withered grass. Beyond that though…. In the far distance there was smoke clouding and blooming up into the sky. But even closer, in the other direction, a village was silhouetted in front of the low sun.
“Is that…” Jasper was pointing a shaking finger at something a few yards away. It was the smoking remains of the bus. And near where the front had been the body of their driver and escort Mrs. Marie, lay, just as smoking and lifeless as the bus.
That reminded Cypress of something even more important though. She had to find Raven.
“Raven!” She called out as the three of them split to search for survivors. “Raven!”
“Here,” Came a hoarse croak from a bush nearby. It was Raven.
“Raven!” Cypress crouched down, throwing her arms around the younger girl. “You’re okay!” Raven’s face was streaked with tears, but other than that she seemed to feel fine.
Jasper and Ash had returned, and their faces brought no good news.
“Any?” Cypress asked, a look of astonishment on her face.
“Not one.” Ash said, for once not complaining or bickering at all. The four of them bowed their heads in a silent acknowledgement for the lost ones. Then, as one they set off for the town in the distance. Time was of the essence.

Fati, Benin, October 20, 2028

After an hour of walking, the group had reached the town. The sun was beginning to fall and the town had an eerie glow in the streets. Nothing stirred. Bones of both animals and people lay bleached in the sun from days, or maybe weeks left out. Cypress covered Raven’s eyes as they passed the tiny human skull of a child probably no older than five.
Whole buildings had collapsed from the force of the creatures' landings. A fountain trickled water onto the streets. A tiny black kitten lapped at the water in the street. Raven scooped up the tiny cat, holding it close to her chest.
“What’s your name, little fella?” She whispered to the cat, gently sliding her finger over its tiny head. “I’ll call you… Moon.”
“Looks like someone found a friend.” Cypress said with a grin at Raven.
“Well, on the positive note everything is free.” Ash said with her telltale smirk. “I don’t think the owners mind.”
Jasper glared at Ash and then promptly launched into an explanation about the reasons not to steal from the stores. “No one is there to stand up for the store owners and represent their rights! Or to enforce the laws. This means that now should be a time of civilized manners and proper behavior on the part of the citizens for the sake of those unable to serve their purpose or take care of their homes and goods!”
“Blah, blah, blah,” Ash said, sticking her tongue out at Jasper. “I don’t hear anything important in that mess.” She plucked a wrapped candy from a shattered storefront as they walked by, unwrapping it and handing it to Raven, who promptly fed it to her new cat.
“I for one agree with Jasper,” Raven said as Ash pretended to be wounded.
“Betrayal! I have been cornered! The pain!” She thumped a hand over her heart dramatically.
“That would be like seeing someone get hit by a car on Halloween and just sitting down and eating all their candy. Mean.” Raven finished.
“I have an ally in my endeavors!” Jasper said, pumping a fist in the air.
“Okay, okay, but… I still have Moon on my side! Hah!” Ash said, grinning wildly.
“No, Moon agrees with me!” Raven said, clutching the kitten to her chest so the cat jumped from her arms and onto Cypress’s shoulder.
Cypress laughed and stroked Moon as they walked through the abandoned town. Somewhere far above them, the monsters worse than any nightmare they had ever seen swooped and shrieked. But down below Cypress saw another kind of ending. The one that doesn’t have to be the same as the beginning. Maybe Raven had been on to something, that endings don’t have to be the same as the beginnings to be happy. Endings don’t have to be the end of a story, there can be more to the world.

History Club Project - 1101 words

I come from England, in a small farm area where the people are few and spread on the vast fields. I had to travel far to reach the mountains of thrown away things, but I found it all the same. It had taken me nearly a full week on foot and I will travel back the same way, under the same excuse; that my brother is in need of help as his wife is away and left their children with him. As of now, I must find the metal I need and begin the journey home so there is no reason to believe I traveled by foot.


This is my eighth trip and my fifth journey since my last entry. I have accumulated enough metal to begin hammering it out when there is no soul around. It seems far more efficient to hammer out the metal while I am still at the yard of metal, but this may arouse suspicion or even awake one who is there to manage the supply. I fear as the weather continues to go sour there will be less times where none are within the town and surrounding areas to hear.


As I mentioned in my previous entry, the region has seen more and more activity as the traveling farmers and merchants have begun to return to the farm towns to spend the winter. Many stay in the inns but there are even more who build huts or stake large tents for the winter months. I find few a time when I can hammer at metal without causing a great deal of noise and suspicion. There is an easy solution; but I wish not to head down that path. My family is no longer in the town, but it is still where I grew up and have worked and lived for very long. I wish not to leave.

It has been much longer since I last wrote, but I have much to say. I was found while working on my scrap metal project by a simple apprentice boy, and he said no word to anyone I know of. This does not confirm that he told no one of my project. I must return to the scrap yard again for more metal. I shall risk working on the project there and then heading back again a few days longer.

I realize this is the same way I began before, but it has been far longer than before. I was captured while working on my project at the scrap yard. The gatekeeper must have heard my work echoing quietly through the hills and headed to investigate. I am now accused of stealing and sentenced to work as a laborer for 5 years in Australia, which I learn is where the English convicts are sent. As of now I am on the ship being sent to Australia. The company is… of unimaginable variety. Some are like me, simple people with complicated troubles, but some are far, far worse. I am to serve as a house servant for the next 5 years. I was of course officially convicted of stealing scrap metal, but the real crime was an attempt to aid the French in their war. I regret not what I did, but it shall be my downfall to have believed in such rebellion. I had refused to disclose why I needed the metal, and if I had I would have been surely freed. What is done is done, and the light is quickly fading. I hope I shall write sooner than previous times.

The ship is of the fine making, and it has held well and must be fairly new. Not on its maiden voyage, but perhaps on its second or third. The ship may be seaworthy, but our quarters are not very kind. We are being kept in the hull of the ship. There is not much water and even less food, but our group must be rather small.

We reach the shore tomorrow around noon. I have been told I will work as a domestic servant and do housework for a master. There are some men who will be mechanic servants and do work of special content. These are smiths, tailors, and carpenters who have evidence of their work from before. It is whispered amongst these people of the ship that the mechanics will be treated better. I hope to see if this is true when we reach the shore.

It has been quite longer than anticipated. We were sorted into our jobs today. It was failed to mention while we were on the ship that we would be sorted on things like our gender rather than our talents. I was chosen as a domestic servant. That means I shall be treated as a maid or work in a factory. It is simple work, and no man was assigned such a job. If I were given a proper position as a mechanic then I would be of far more use to these barbaric tyrants. I will be assigned to a master soon.

My assignment is to a household of a rich man who is not often at his home. It is not my place here to ask questions but it is of note that he wears the suit of a captain, and he is likely to be in charge of a ship. The rest of the household steers clear from us under the impression that we will attack them. Some of the previous servants explain to us that nearly half the servants before rebelled and as a result, were killed. This goes to show how expendable us servants are.

As I noted in the previous entry, us servants are expendable. Over the past two weeks, many of us have been “broken” as some call it. When a master drives their servant to the point of absolute and complete brainwashed obedience. We’re working nearly double with the upcoming return of their master, so it will be even harder to write than before.

It has been at least four weeks since I last wrote an entry, and I’m afraid there will be no more. Our master has become harsher than ever before and has gone as far as to take away all of our personal belongings. Many of us believe he is losing money from his countless voyages. He forbids ud any form of writing and many are not allowed to learn to read and write. However, I intend to hide this journal somewhere no one should find it, which I suppose means no one should ever read this.


AOTD November 16 - 307
Mystery genre

“What are your intentions at this time of night?” I glared into the fearful eyes of the defiant young high schooler. I hate youths.
“I-I didn’t do it!” the kid cried out. He was too skittish to have done anything if I was being honest, but instead I gave the “official” answer.
“If you’re innocent, you have no excuse not to tell me why you’re here. And no reason to be scared like a cat up a tree.” His posture relaxed a tiny bit. It was either from that simile or my pointing out the obvious.
“I was going to the store to get myself a flashlight. The power went out, you know,” he said.
“Did it now?” I asked dryly. Of course I knew that. “Well I wouldn’t recommend walking at night.”
“My car is electric,” he said in a resigned way. “It hadn’t been charged. I wait until night so that I can save some money. Who would have thought it’s cheaper to use electricity at night?” He let out a loose laugh.
The last thing I wanted to do was talk about his electricity, but it was too late now. “Does it really?” I ask with mock politeness. He doesn’t catch on.
“It’s almost a dollar cheaper! And around 3 am, if you’re up, it’s better than tha-” My walkie-talkie begins to spit out a mess of static and the kid jumps back.
“Sorry man, but I gotta get back to work. See you around,” I said, while trying not to scream at his absolute idiocy. I certainly hoped I didn’t see him.
I walked a few blocks before I picked up my radio. “What’s the issue?” I ask.
“We got a murder on our hands now, my friend,” crackles the staticy voice of the Cheif. “And the murderer is out and about tonight.”

Last edited by AbbieB1266 (Nov. 29, 2022 23:30:11)

1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

claiming! <3

⧖ Nat's thingy that tracks all of their swc thingies ⧖

⧖ Word count:

⧖ Weeklies:

⧖ Dailies:

⧖ Writing:

⧖ Word wars

Last edited by RoseReef (Nov. 7, 2022 15:54:20)

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#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Kimmie's SWC Writing
Word Goal: 984/5.75k


daily 2/11

SWC > Life, or, LIfe > SWC? Of course, many people will answer that you would put life before SWC. But, surprisingly, it's easier said than done. Many campers have sacrificed their mental health and their sleeping schedule just to get some extra words and points. But, what if told you that you, yes, you, could both sleep peacefully without worrying about how much points your enemy cabin has, AND still have time to write! Here are some SWC that can help you gain more words and points for cabin and not look like you haven't slept in 17 hours!

1. Organize a schedule.
This is the first and probably the most important tip. Organize a schedule so you know what to do and when to do it. This is very helpful for those of us who still go to school. I recommend putting work/homework/chores/etc the first thing to do.

2. Get your priorities straight.
As I said, I recommend putting work or anything important (besides SWC) first in the schedule and SWC last. If not, things can get messy. You can spend too much time to write and don't have any time to complete your homework. You can get too carried away and forget to do your chores, things like that. Get your priorities straight and remember that you must put life before SWC.

3. Get some sleep!
I've seen a lot of people staying up late at night just to finish their weekly or to complete their daily at the last minute. That can wreck your sleeping schedule and you'll be sleepy at the time you were not supposed to. Remember, dailies and weeklies are not mandatory. They are just simply recommended. Sometimes, if I feel like it's too late or have a lot of homework to do, I won't do the daily. Don't worry about your cabin's points or your word goal! SWC is simply for fun and if you don't feel like writing, it's okay! It's nice to have rest in while.

And that's it! These are my tips for SWC! Thanks for giving your attention to read this!

daily 3/11
Object: Window

Are you bored of your normal fruit smoothies? Do you want to try a new flavor no one has ever expected? Introducing the window smoothie! Made by Fresh Incorporation, the window smoothie can be your perfect prickly beverage at a hot summer's day! Here's what our CEO, Kimmie, has to say about this:

“It's refreshing and very nice. I assure you. You might encounter a few injuries while enjoying this fresh drink, but- hey, at least it's still fresh right? Come on and get our window smoothie! Please. I beg you please PLEASE BUY OUR SMOOTHIE I'VE BEEN HEARING VOICES TELLING ME TO TORTURE PEOPLE OR ELSE I'LL LOSE EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE I LOVE PLEASE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN DO THIS PLE-”
(Interview cut short due to some difficulties.)

You can find our smoothies on convenient stores and supermarkets all across the country, but please know that you really have to insist them that you want our window smoothie. If you ever see the cops trying to get ahold of your window smoothie, ignore them! They're just jealous of you drinking that beautiful window smoothie of ours! They're definitely not sending you to jail for obtaining illegal substances!

You wish to know how we made this? Do not fret! These are our few simple steps to deliver the definitely healthy and safe smoothie that you are drinking now:

First, we sneak into people's home at night to steal their windows, then, the windows will be put into the crushing machine where it will be crushed to pieces. Then we mix the pieces in a smoothie base and blender it all up! And now it's done!

Window smoothie, the best drink for a hot day. At least it's fresh, right?

(WARNING: Fresh Incorporation is not responsible for any complications, injuries, or death. Please note that the Window Smoothie is banned across over 100 different countries and is not FDA approved.)

daily 5/11
Dear anyone who's seeing this,
My name is Angelica Willow. I am 9 years old. I live in ****** at *****. If you're reading this right now, please help me find my dad. He got drafted for the war, and he hasn't came back. And since it has been months since the war ended, I'm starting worry about him. My dad's name is Ryan Willow. He is 37 years old. He is tall, has black curly hair, brown eyes, and is very nice and funny. I have attached a photo of him in this message. He is a very kind person, and I love him. He would always find time to play with me and listen to my stories even though he's busy, If you ever see him, please tell him that his daughter Angelica Willow and his wife Marylin Willow misses him very very much. My mom's been crying all night, but when I ask her why, she would always say: ‘it’s nothing.' And if I would ask about dad, she would always answer: ‘He’s on his way.' I know she's lying. And she doesn't want to tell me that dad is missing because I'll be sad. I'm on a mission to find him. I will not stop until he's home with me and mom. I am sure my mom will be thrilled when he comes back. I don't want to see her always crying in the middle of the night If you see him, please tell him to come back. He's not dead. I know it. He's a strong guy. I know someone will find him and he will come back, because he promised so. And my dad never breaks a promise. Please come back, dad. I love you so much and so does mom.

-Angelica Willow

December, 6, 1945

daily 11/11
Dear future me,

How are things going on right there? I really hope things are doing well. You must be 12, or 13, or 14, 15, 16, or even still 11. No matter how old you are, I'm really counting on you to be a lot better than right now. Not that I'm thinking that am a bad person or anything, but I still got a lot to improve, and I hope you will. Anyways, I really hope that everything will get better. it's not really bad or anything here, but again, there's still room to improve. I really hope I can get better at drawing and animation, if you did get better, I really want to see your art. But, unfortunately, time travel is a concept we are barely capable of grasping. Or, maybe, time travel exists there! You could come over and show your art! But, don't be freaked out if I, well, freak out.

Here's a little peek on the life of 11 year old you: I love volcaloid music, I also love drawing and reading books (I don't think that'll change pretty much ;D), I LOVE TOH (The Owl House), I am obsessed with OMORI, but I haven't got enough money to buy it and play. And some other stuff is also happening too! Like the road trip I'll be going tomorrow! If you know what I'm talking about then you know B)

That's all for future me, thank you for reading this heck of dumpster message


weekly 4


Write 100 words to begin your adventure
A girl with long black hair, holding some papers, walked up to the stage. The room turned dark, and all the spotlights were pointing towards the girl. “Hello, my name is Ella Greens. I am a small and aspiring paranormal investigator.” the girl, or Ella, introduced herself. “Recently I've been hearing reports of mysterious, black slender-like sightings near Lake Diamond.” She pointed to the whiteboard. Ella looked at the whiteboard, which was, white. “Oh, sorry, the projector isn't on.” She apologized. “Hello, anyone up there, in the control room? Can you turn on the projector?” Ella shouted while waving. It took her a second to realize that there was no one in the control room. “Oh *, there's no one in the control room.” She realized, “I am so, so, sorry. I'll be back in a minute.” Ella apologized, then quickly ran up to the control room. “Don't worry, this'll only take a little while!” She shouted from above. She then started aggressively pressing random buttons, hoping one of them will at least turn on the projector. The lights started going crazy and random sound effects started playing off everywhere. “Come on, come on,” Ella muttered. After about 10 minutes, the projector was finally on and the lights returned back to normal. Ella opened her PowerPoint presentation and clicked on a slide. The slide was a picture of a thin, black, slender-like monster with white glowing eyes and a creepy slit smile. Ella quickly ran down to the stage. She looked at her cue cards, “Thank you so much for- wait,” she shuffled the cards, and it all fell to the ground. Ella gave up trying to pick all of them up. “There is no way I'm going to be able to convince the mayor, my dad, to let me investigate. At least you guys were nice enough to listen to me, right?” She looked at her stuffed animals and her 8-year old brother Rory. Rory was fiddling with his fingers, “Huh? Oh yeah. That absolutely sucked” He said. Ella sighed in desperation.
(343 words)

Word sprint for 3 minutes about a story where everything your character touches becomes a certain object
Ella walked went backstage, and puts her cue cards down. She grabbed some stuffed animals that she left at the backstage, and, they turned the cheese! Ella screamed. “What the…” She dropped the stuffed animal down. She touched her mug full of coffee, and it became cheese! Even the coffee turned into some kind of cheese sauce.
(57 words)

Take the time and convert it to minutes and seconds (15:49) and sprint for that amount of time.
“Ella?” Rory peeked to the back stage. “Whoa!” he exclaimed. Ella couldn't stop turning everything to cheese. She touched the table, cheese table. She grabbed her phone to call for help, cheese phone. “That's amazing!” Rory jumped up and down from joy. “Turn me to cheese!” He ran to Ella, “No, Rory, stop!” Luckily, Rory was hugging a stuffed animal, so that turned to cheese. Rory's face was about a few centimeters away from Ella's hand. “Don't move. Walk another step an you'll be turned to cheese.” Ella said. Rory carefully walked away. There was a couple seconds of silence, until Rory shouted, “I knew you had powers! I knew it all along! My sister has powers! You should turn my friends to cheese at school and then they'll finally believe me that I come from a family with powers!” Ella on the other hand, shaken and terrified. “What is happening?! I can't live like this! In stories like this, people always ending up turning their family and friends and cant turn them back anymore! No, no, no! Rory, find some gloves!” She looked at her brother. “On it!” After a few minutes, he found some latex gloves. “Put in on my hand. Very. Carefully. Try not to touch even the tips of my fingers, or cheese will be your doom.”
(221 words)

Use a random number generator to determine the word counts of your next 5 paragraphs.
(word count: 86)
After a while of trying to put the glove in Ella's hands without getting anyone turned to cheese, Ella looked at her hands. “Hmm, why didn't my gloves turn to cheese?” She wondered. Someone came in to the stage room, “Uh, hello? Ella and Rory? Please leave. Your dad is waiting for you and this room is going to be used.” It was the custodian. “Of course, sir.” Ella peeked from backstage. She left the room, Rory following her. Ella, again, looking at her hands, worried.

-Word Wars

Here's my collection of very morbid and short horror stories

“Please, officer. Please find my little girl!” I pled and cry as loud as possible in an attempt to drown out my daughter's screams of agony from the oven in the kitchen.

“Thank you so much for taking me in, grandpa. I'm really glad I can stay away from mom.” said Alice. “But I want to go home now. And every time I peek to see my house, I don't see mom. She's usually gardening and watering the flowers. Do you have any idea where she is?” The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

-Writing Comp

-Cabin Wars


Last edited by kimmie2711 (Nov. 26, 2022 14:57:29)

average dum dum 6th grader artist

michael wishes you to have a great day/night :]
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


paige ❍ christian ❍ enby ❍ pronounfluid ❍ swc-er ❍ #mysteryftw ❍ xc runner ❍ theatre kid ❍ mun-er
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

‘the room where it happens’

◈ intro ◈

welcome! i’m jade, script’s leader, and this is where i’m gonna be linking my writing this session :D
feel free to read but it’s most likely gonna be either super dramatic or cringy so be warned haha

◈ stats ◈

↳ word count:

◈ dailies ◈

↳ 11/1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=5#post-6711612
↳ 11/2: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=8#post-6713421
↳ 11/3: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=12#post-6715977
↳ 11/4: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=15#post-6718578
↳ 11/5: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=18#post-6720618
↳ 11/6: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=21#post-6723389
↳ 11/7: (three word stories, no points)
↳ 11/8: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=26#post-6730114
↳ 11/9: (bi/tow day daily)
↳ 11/10: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=29#post-6734916
↳ 11/11: (write a letter to your future self, not linking bc too personal)
↳ 11/12: (cabin wars <3)
↳ 11/13: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=32#post-6745476
↳ 11/14: (bidaily)
↳ 11/15: (self-care, no points)
↳ 11/16: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=34#post-6751757
↳ 11/17: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=35#post-6754204
↳ 11/18: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=37#post-6756643
↳ 11/19: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6758898/
↳ 11/20: (roleplay day, no points)
↳ 11/21: (writing dares, proof not required)
↳ 11/22: (300 words for a preexisting story, proof not required)
↳ 11/23: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=45#post-6768353
↳ 11/24: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=46#post-6770491
↳ 11/25: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6772517/
↳ 11/26: (cabin wars ;D)
↳ 11/27: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=49#post-6777018
↳ 11/28: (thank you notes <3)
↳ 11/29: (bi-daily)
↳ 11/30: bye bye <3

◈ weeklies ◈

↳ week 1: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=16#post-6719150
↳ week 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=30#post-6736077
↳ week 3: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=35#post-6753860
↳ week 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/619966/?page=3#post-6770610

◈ miscellaneous ◈

↳ writing comp entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=33#post-6746947
↳ scrapped entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=38#post-6758953

Last edited by seasiide (Nov. 30, 2022 00:13:38)

“I told you.
I don’t want to
join your super
secret boy band.”

jade ◇ she/her ◇ swcer ◇ script ftw
in love with too many fictional characters ✨

New to Scratch
5 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Claiming! <3

・❥・ Kami ✾ She/her ✾ Writer ✾ Artist ✾ Singer

╰┈➤ ❝Write what should never be forgotten…❞

#SciFiFTW <33

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Skye's Hidden Cove
Thriller Ocean Expedition


Total Words: 4345
Total Feet: 160ft

2nd - link - finished - 209 words
3rd - link - finished - 321 words
27th - link - 124 words
Daily # - link - status - words

1 - link - 1500 words!
2 - link - 909 words (unfinished)
4 - link - 2726 words!

Word Wars
Opponent - Link - Win/Lose - Words

Writing Competition
Entry Name - Link - Words

Name - Link - Words

Last edited by -Midnight--Moon- (Nov. 27, 2022 06:56:28)

Hello, I'm Skye!
I like cats, writing, reading, and art.
I'm currently creating Camp Ethereal.
If you need help, I'm always available!
1 post

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

claiming !!

- heya ! i'm rox :} ✰ they/she ✰ artist ✰

still a huge forum noob !! sorry if i mess up :'D
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

◆ peggy’s archive ◆


hello there! this is my forum for this session, and i’ll keep everything here. you may read on, but i’m warning you that stuff will probably be cringy and weird xD


daily #1: intro day
- 130 words (btw i added some more that wasn’t in the comment)

hello there! i’m peggy, and my gender pronouns are she/her. i have participated in swc for 7 times now, this time as a co-leader for sci-fi (who is going to win, btw)! my favorite authors are marissa meyer, rick riordan, and marie lu. marissa meyer writhes in sci-fi, fantasy, and many others, and rick riordan usually writes in fantasy. marie lu writes dystopian ^^ i like that all of their books have really interesting plots and characters! marissa meyer is especially my favorite, with all of the fantasy retellings and such, and the amazing world she’s built! and rick riordan has made such an incredible world that it almost feels real! i haven’t really read marie lu’s work, but i know it’s good because i’m reading legend at the moment!

daily #2: postscript article practice
- 205 words

Though many enjoy the fun and friendly competition in SWC, many seem to forget about the whole, giant goal of the session: reaching your word goal. Your word goal is a number you are trying to reach throughout the session by writing words! SWC, though it’s very fun, is just a type of motivation to keep you writing throughout the month! With the competition elements and the excitement of a virtual camp moving you along, you can get a lot done—and especially in November, maybe even a novel? With all of the words you write during the session counting as one point, it’s easy to write for yourself instead of for the dailies and weeklies, which are all just inspiration for you. Hopefully SWC helps new and old writers alike discover their passion of writing and participate in an interactive camp every other month! The amazing people you meet just keep you coming back, with the experience you have again persuading you to participate again, and maybe even leading others to help become writers! It still seems very incredible to me that people from all around the world on a coding website can unite on one common interest, and inspiring others to pick up writing.

daily #3: object smoothie
- 300 words (yes exactly xD)

Many smoothies are good for you, but not like the keyboard smoothie, with the delectable bits and powdery plastic. Although a keyboard smoothie is very nutritious and yummy, many oddly seem to believe that a keyboard smoothie isn’t good for you—but they’re all wrong! I mean, I just love the crunch of piano keys in my mouth, and especially the wiring, yum! I should probably tell you how to make this healthy mixture, since you all need to know! First, of course, you’ll need a keyboard and a giant blender. Once you’ve got both of those things, put the piano in the blender and keep blending until the pieces are fine, but still kind of chunky—this will improve the taste. Oh yeah, ofcourse, you’ll have to somehow fit it in a cup and use a straw to actually drink the delicious smoothie. For extra tastiness, you can blend your music sheets as well, along with a metronome or even your piano seat! It’s odd to think that some are still reluctant to try it, after my scrumptious description! Let me help you, one second: Imagine slurping up fine plastic powder, and chewing on black keys as well as some music notes, and some wiring! The beautiful mixture will fill your mouth, and you’ll feel something sparking inside of you as you crunch on the delectable bits. Here’s a small tip for an even more incredible keyboard smoothie: I love my keyboard smoothie when you turn the keyboard on, as you can hear the wonderful music as it blends. And the blender is the best piano player! Trust me, it’s amazing, and I encourage you to blend up your piano or keyboard today! You will never ever have to practice again! It’s a win win for you and your taste buds!

daily #4: google translate song
- translated a snippet of ‘the 30th’ by billie eilish
- 284 words

What if you get it the next day?
Which train goes to the bridge?
Are children playing on the street nearby?
Or an angel of snow and rain?
What if it wasn't me? George grunge
What if I go? No one knows where you are.
Can't you live if something changes?
Duties of the Commission

He slipped a backpack on his shoulder, calling back, “I’m going to Rome, sweetheart. Since it didn’t arrive today.”

I stood. “What if you get it the next day?”

“Can you remind me which train goes to the bridge?” He said, ignoring me as he checked his timepiece.

“Are children playing on the street nearby?” I asked. “I can hear them.”

He looked up, confused. He’d forgotten our code. “No.” Then he stared at me further. “Lisa…are you alright?”

“Or an angel of snow and rain?” I tried again, but his face was still devoid of expression. I suddenly started to feel a bit woozy. I almost fell, but he steadied me and set me down on the chair.

“Please. Tell me what’s going on.” His voice was panicky as he set down the bag. No. No. He couldn’t have…

“What if it wasn't me? Listen, George Grunge!”

Now he looked even more worried. George rubbed his temple, taking in a breath.

“I don’t know what you mean. I’ll take you to a doctor.” He started to stand, but I grabbed his wrist, clutching it tight.

“What if I go?” I said, my hands feeling clammy. “No one can know where you are.”

His hand slipped out of mine. I remembered the calls’ threats. I couldn’t let him leave—I had to keep him safe.

“Can't you live if something changes?” He said, starting to shout. “I’ll come back, you know that!”

I cowered away from him as he started to loom over me, but suddenly he realized how harsh he was being, sitting down.

“It’s the Duties of the Commission.” I blurted out. “They…called me.”

George’s face went white as a sheet. “Not again.”

daily #5: message in a bottle
- note: amelia earhart stuff hehe
- 387 words

message in a bottle:
“0.8113° N, 176.6183° W. Help us.”


We’d been stuck for days on this island, though it felt like years. After my plane crashed, we were somehow able to swim to this island—our only refuge. Howland Island.

The island was devoid of any resources, shade, or anything for survival. We couldn’t drink the water. We couldn’t eat. We couldn’t escape.

All I could see was the forever stretch of the ocean. The telltale blue, the waves rising towards us. I hated those waters now. I don’t think I ever would, if we ever escaped from this horrid place.

I coughed, my throat already dry. Fred Noonan stepped near me, crouching next to me.

“Did you send it?” I asked, clearing my throat but failing.

He nodded, sighing. “I doubt anybody will find it, but it’s our only shot.”

Fred referred to the only resource we’d found—a bottle. It was useless, except for one thing: sending a message. We’d used scrap paper and scrawled a message on it, then sent it out to sea.

In hope that some people would still be searching for us, we’d arranged some stones to say ‘Help Us’, but we knew that they’d already come and gone. No one was out here anymore.

It was all in vain that we still tried to survive.

But we still hoped for a rescuer. We still hoped for somebody, anybody, to find us. Even if we were skeletons by then.

I closed my eyes.

“Amelia?” Fred shook me awake. “Someone’s here.” I looked around, rubbing my eyes until I realized that it was actually pitch black.


“I don’t know,” Fred admitted, “but I can hear something.”

I listened. Then I heard it too. Rustling on the sand, someone was advancing towards us. It was too dark to make out. But I could see a faint silhouette coming towards us.

Our rescuer.

I shouted with joy, waving my arms.

The person turned around, walking the other way. I screamed louder, running towards them, but I hit some sort of wall. I lay, face down, in the sand. When I got back up, they had vanished.

Someone was shaking me hard. I looked up, seeing Fred’s face. It wasn’t dark. In fact, it was like a few moments had just passed.

I felt hopeless again, because I knew that this time someone wasn’t coming.

daily #6: flower meanings
- 598 words
- king-cups (desire of riches), euphorbia (vanity), orange blossom (purity), and lucerne (life)

The lush garden was talked about throughout the entire kingdom, for nobody could resist the sweet scents of the flowers. The woman that tended to it was wealthy, but she never would sell her garden to anybody, no matter who. They were her prizes, her life’s work. Everyone who tried had failed.

The king learned of this woman, and wished for her garden, so he could make money off of it. He was confident in his skills of persuasion, and strutted up to the garden gate.

He peered over it, gaping at the beautiful sight. Flowers were grown in rows, their colors shining in the sun. The scents traveled with the wind, and the king was entranced with it. He was dazed for a moment, but remembered why he had come.

The king spotted the woman bent over her flowers. He called out to her. “Your garden is beautiful.”

She turned to face him, and the king gasped. The woman was beautiful, with enchanting violet eyes and sun-browned skin dotted with freckles. Her dirty gardening outfit suddenly became glamorous to the king.

The woman looked over his fancy attire, the crown and regal stance. She cocked her head at him, smiling slightly.

“And who might you be?” She asked playfully, already knowing the answer.

The king regained his composure. “King Derek. And you?”

“Lucerne Hart.” She said simply. “Would you like to come in?”

The king nodded slowly, and Lucerne stood, dusting herself off, tossing her black hair over her shoulder. She opened the gate, and it creaked open. King Derek stepped inside, gazing at the brilliant plants and flowers.

“Would you like to see my favorite?” The king didn’t answer, but Lucerne led him there anyway. She crouched next to a flower, gently touching the leaves. “This one is an orange blossom.”

“Meaning purity?” The king said.

Lucerne looked up at him, smiling. “You know the flower meanings?”

“I learned them in school,” King Derek explained, the lie slipping past easily, “but I’ve never seen one grown so beautifully.”

The woman smiled. “Perhaps, then, you know what my name means?” She stared directly at the king, and he ran her name through his mind.

“Life, of course.” He answered, grinning to himself.

“Then I think you’ll like this flower.” She plucked one next to him. It was bright yellow, glinting in the sunlight.

The king took the flower hesitantly. He didn’t know the flowers by looks—only knowing the names. “Thank you,” he said quietly.

Lucerne smiled knowingly. “I’ll be here tomorrow as well, Derek. I might have some more flowers to give you.”

The next day, the king returned, feeling joyful. He assumed that he must’ve tricked the woman, and had already planted the flower’s seeds in his own garden.

Lucerne gave the king a green flower with some yellow buds, this time in a glass jar. “I hope you’ll like this one. See you!”

Once the king returned to the palace, he took out the plant with his bare hands and screamed as milky white sap poured onto his hands. It started to hurt, and he called for his guards. They did everything they could, and the next day the king was bedridden for his safety.

“What did the woman give you?” His advisor demanded. The king pointed to the flowers on his desk. The advisor recoiled.

Euphorbia? And King-cups?”

The king blinked. “What?”

“Euphorbia’s sap is irritating to touch. It also means vanity. King-cups mean desire for riches.”

Lucerne smiled in her garden, knowing she had tricked the king, and that he would never return.

daily #7: no points

daily #8: flash fiction (bi-daily)
- 400 words total

story 1, 202 words
!! TW: bl00d, violence, w3apons, d3ath !!

My hands shook as I lifted the g!n. Edward stood on the lookout area, watching.

“Come on, you can do it, Evangeline.” His voice was muffled behind the glass. I forced myself to focus and relax. It was only a dummy, but the blank eyes that looked back at me were still unnerving. They seemed almost familiar…

The man’s face grinned back at me, holding the weapon—the g!n—pointing it at my chest.

The weapon slipped from my fingers, clattering onto the floor. I heard the door open, and Edward ran over. He stroked my hair slowly as I started to sob.

“Shh…it’s okay. It’s okay. It’s not real.” I gasped as I saw the bl00d on my hands. My parents’ b0dies lying still on the floor, d3ad, d3ad eyes looking at me. I saw him again. The man. The royal guard—the man who’d k!lled them.

My hand fumbled around for it, and tightened on the cool metal handle.

“Evangeline—” Edward started, but I’d already f!red at the dummy. The hole I’d made in it was smoking. I clung onto the g!n.

They would suffer. They would d!e.

They would pay for the d3aths they had caused.

story 2, 126 words
!! TW: d3ath, violence !!

It had all happened so fast, that I hadn’t had time to react. To save her.

I clung to her hand as she entered the throne room. She peered down at me, her eyes twinkling.
“This will all be yours someday,” she’d said, “I’ll help you along the way, of course.”

I had looked up at her—the face of my mother. Her expression was serene as she adjusted the crown on her head. “I’ll always be there for you, Regina.”

The bang of the g!n was all that followed. My mother collapsed on the floor. I remembered crying out, as guards rushed in, grabbing me and taking me away.

I’d cried as I fought to get back to her, the bl00d already staining her dress.

story 3
72 words

My sister grinned as she chased me, yelling, “I’m gonna get you!”

My parents called from far off, and I was carried over to them. Someone I didn’t know was also with them.

“It’ll be okay, Carlos. You’ll be safe.” I stared at them, confused. The person grabbed me, and my parents cried harder.

It was only once I arrived at the palace that I realized that I’d never see them again.

daily #9: constellation essay
- 346 words
- ignore the fact that i used a constellation that i’ve never seen before—it had a cool name okay xD

If you look up, you’ll notice that the night sky features multiple wonders—the moon, stars, and especially, constellations. In old myths and stories, these constellations were given myths to explain their strange shapes and how they came to be. The constellation Serpens came to exist in a rather interesting way, which may shock people who haven’t heard of the story. The strange constellation can be seen in the sky, of course, but specifically in the Southern Hemisphere. According to some myths and stories, it was thought to be the snake of Asclepius. However, these myths turned out to be, oddly, just myths. Funnily, they did get the part about this constellation once being a serpent correctly. Here’s the story of how the constellation came up in the sky, and what happened to the poor snake that it used to be.

One day in a scorching desert, a cobra was hiding in its burrow, and saw someone walking by much too close to its burrow—or rather, their feet. Without a hesitation, the snake nipped the woman’s ankle, embedding its fangs in her flesh. The woman shrieked and fell, the poison causing her to die after a long period of time, and sadly, nobody was there to save her. The snake didn’t realize that this woman was actually the queen, and that he would get in trouble for his mistake.

The king found his wife laying dead on the floor, noticing her puncture wounds. Then he saw the snake, its head poking out of the burrow. The king grabbed the snake and hurled it towards the sky, so hard that the snake was flown into the sky! Before it got outside of the atmosphere, its body turned into pure light and lit the night sky, forever showing the snake as the constellation Serpens for its bad deed.
And that, my friends, is why people should be kind to people, and especially not bite them—because you might get serious consequences or repercussions for your bad deeds. That concludes the true story of how the constellation Serpens came to be.

daily #10:
- 322 words

Dear Future Me,

This is you from the past—right now, the date is November 10th, 2022.

Today, we are still dealing with the problems of the pandemic and coronavirus variants, and adjusting to new times has been hard, but still achievable. Some still wear masks, others don’t.

I wonder if you left Scratch. Maybe you’ve moved on, but I hope that you still remember about SWC and all the good times there. Maybe you lost this letter, and you’re not even reading it now.

I hope that you have finished our novel by now. Do you still remember your teachers who encouraged you? Though, by now, you must be almost in high school. Your art skills have probably improved greatly from this time, and I hope that you have finally been learning anatomy and are much better at painting!

As of now, my fandoms are The Lunar Chronicles, Renegades, Percy Jackson, Legend of Zelda, Marvel, Hamilton, In the Heights, La La Land, and X-Men. Has it changed? Has something been removed from the mix, or added? My favorite color is blue, but I doubt that will change—because it hasn’t.

My favorite songs are Sunroof, Bad Habit, Until I Found You, and Another Day of Sun.

The trendy things to wear right now are baggy jeans (never, ever skinny jeans) and sweatshirts.

The novel I am writing right now is called Worthless, and it’s about Evangeline. Do you still remember her? Perhaps you’ve moved on, or finished and published the book on Scratch or in real life.

I like to play Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Breath of the Wild, Sky: Children of the Light, Among Us, Fall Guys, and multiple others. Has something been added or removed yet?
And a note to my future self: you are amazing, no matter what anyone thinks. You are unique and enough. And I hope I have made some friends by now…

You from the past

yeahh so i missed a bunch of dailies but i’m not gonna put them here B)

daily #17: homemade bread day
- 220/200 words
- i wrote about corn bread :D it’s cringy beware

Oh, you might say that
The plant Corn may sound weird or taste weird, but
Most say that
“It’s corn
A big lump with knobs
And that it has the juice”
But it’s more than that
Because it has more than that
Corn can be used in many ways
For popcorn and other cuisine
As well as corn on the cob, which is good
But nothing will ever outmatch the amazing and most wonderful of all
The famous and delicious trademark of America;
It’s cornbread
It’s a classic for Thanksgiving and any other meal,
It’s a tasty, delicious, and scrumptious
Meal that is enjoyed everywhere and at anytime
Yellow inside, crunchy outside, delicious taste
You can always fit another bite
Some say it was made by Pilgrims
Which is especially fitting for our holiday
Because during that time, it’s incredibly popular for being there
While we’re sitting at the dinner table
With the family and friends and others
It’s around the turkey
And the stuffing
And the rest of the food
And the beautiful decorations
And everything else on the plates
On the tablecloth
It’s the cornbread
It’s the famed star of the show
It’s cornbread
A giant, beautiful hunk
It has the sponginess
It has the sponginess
And I can’t imagine a more beautiful thing
Than cornbread


weekly #1: epistolary writing
- sorry that most of the names are feminine :/ some i couldn’t come up with a name for
- 1400 total words (yes, exactly)

To the amazing Bi-Fi,

So, did you get the movie tickets I sent you yesterday? Happy birthday! Yes, I knew you’d been wanting to see that movie for a while—are you surprised yet? It’s at the cinema, the one that you’ve been ogling for years, in case you weren’t that sure. You can thank me later, but now I have to get ready for simulation testing tomorrow! Remember, that thing I was telling you about? I can tell you later, once you’re back. I have a party planned for you once you return, so see you son!

With love,

Dear Script,

Hello! This is Sif, just sending you a quick note before I get to simulation testing. Apparently, they’re planning to send me to the metaverse! Well, with other people, of course. The presidents seem very nice and the training is super exciting! I’m positive that nothing will go wrong this time. Oh yeah, I got your letter about the musical—I hope you get a good role, though I wonder what you meant about actually being in 1776…whatever, your jokes are very funny and I was laughing while reading the letter. I miss you, and good luck!


Dear Naana,

Hey, it’s been a while, and I heard about you starting a bread house, and was wondering if I could get a coupon for it, considering that we’re siblings—sorry, I’m joking! I’m happy about your new profession and I’m glad to see that your naan making talents aren’t going to waste, not just trying to get some coupons. Oh yeah, did you hear about Script, by the way? They’re going to be in a musical, yes, a real life musical! Maybe you got the letter already…okay, I’m pretty sure that’s all, see you at the bread house!


Dear Thriller,

Oh, Thriller, I really hope that you’re not going on that ocean expedition you were telling me about—diving to the ocean floor? That’s impossible! Hopefully you survive so you can read this letter, though. Nevermind, I don’t care, since you’re my biggest enemy. I don’t know why I’m writing this letter—wait, I remember now! Would you like to go to a tea party next week? We haven’t caught up in a while. I can tell you about my newest thing I’m doing as well, and of course, I have my special recipe ready for you…

Your “friend”,

Dear Fan-Fi,
Okay, so I heard about your new Time Travelling Agency at the party last week, and I’m still wondering if you were being facetious or not. Hopefully you weren’t, because I’ve come up with a bunch of things debunking your theory of time travel. I’ll attach some things you can study up on, so next time you come up with a new trick, you won’t have to worry! Oh yeah, I’m going to have a little tea party with Thriller, and I was wondering if you’d come as well to enjoy my cookies. See you there!


Dear Hi-Fi,

So…I did get your call about bailing you out of jail, but I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t do it. You robbed a train, for goodness sakes! The lady told me that they even had a wanted poster for you! I’m almost glad you got caught, honestly, though I thought I told you no to commit any crimes—nevermind. Is the food good? I want to know in case I go there. Hopefully you can ask someone to get you out, because I am NOT paying the money for your release. Have a good day!


Dear Adventure,

I’m not sure where you are anymore, so I’m just sending this letter to your home address. Hopefully that works and you’ll get it soon.

Anyways, I was going to your house to invite you to a big party last week, but you weren’t there! Yes, I did see the note on your door, but I have no idea where in the world the Adventure Kingdom is, and I even googled it. Can you please return where you are with this letter, if possible? I’m really confused and concerned for you. Safe travels!

Your extremely worried friend,

Dear Fanta,

Hello, dear enemy Fanta. I got a brochure about the Steampunk Sanctuary, and you were on the cover. Can you explain this, please? I’m really confused about this and don’t know how they happened to steal your picture, though I don’t care. On another note, I’m supposed to finally get to test the simulation! Oh wait, I didn’t tell you that. Once you get back, I’m holding a tea party with Thriller and Fan-Fi—they want to eat my cookies, so you’d better come or they’ll be gone—you know how my cookies get rid of people!

Very Sincerely,

Dear Poe,

So, I saw you yesterday, but you didn’t tell me that you got chosen for Poetry’s Isle of Fame! I read about it in the newspaper, by the way. Anyways, I’m congratulating you on that! I wonder which group you’ll chose though, and I’ll attempt to keep up with you after simulation testing—did you hear about that, by the way? I think I forgot to tell you. I’ll send a letter later. I hope that you’ll send some chronicles about your adventures there to me, because I really want to hear about them! See you!

Your friend,

Dear Mist,

I missed you! (Pun intended) Where have you been all of this time? Actually, I don’t really care, but I was wondering where you are. Did you go on the express that I didn’t tell you to go on? Seriously, I thought you were smarter than that. I don’t think you’ll get this letter, since I’m sending it to your home address, though. I’m going to simulation test later today, so wish me luck! It’ll be the first time I’m going in,Oh yeah, I’m hosting a tea party with Thriller, Fan-Fi, and Fantasy—but you can come!


Dear Horror,

I got your letter about the dream yesterday, and I’m kind of wondering why your brain is so weird. There’s no such thing as ghosts! How can you possibly trust somebody in a dream? I think you need to go get your brain checked. And enough about being the chosen one, Mary Sue! Anyways, enough about you, since you asked about me, I’m doing well. I’m about to go to simulation testing! I hope it’ll go well, but I will tell you more about it at the tea party. I’m also inviting Thriller, Fan-Fi, Fantasy, and Mist!


To the absent Dust,

Hello, Dusty? Are you alive? You’ve been ignoring my text messages for so long that I’ve decided to send a letter instead. I tried to visit your house, but you were gone there as well! So I need to know: where have you left, and why haven’t you told anybody about it at all? Everybody here seems to be really worried about you, Dust. I don’t even know if you’ll even get this letter wherever you are, but if you do, please come back! We all need you! So please, return!

Your very worried friend,

To the missing Real-Fi,

I got your letter from the inn, and I think I might come there myself! Those people just can’t hold you there against your will! Though you warned me, I’ll come right after simulation testing. Why did you stop at a run down inn, anyways? Were you looking for trouble? I’m very cross with you, if you can’t tell. I guess I’d get it that you went in while it was snowing, but still! Did you know that Dust is missing? Like, seriously! What’s happening? I guess I’ll see you at the inn, so goodbye!


Dear Folksy,

Okay, so Folksy, I think you won’t believe what’s happened to me after all this time! I’m trapped in the simulation! Yes, that’s right—something went terribly wrong, and we all (I’m referring to the other simulation testers) can’t leave until we get enough cryptocoins! I don’t even know if this letter will reach you at all, but you’re my only hope! Please tell everyone where I am, and why I’m gone, since I’d hate to be among all of the missing people. Again, Folksy, tell them where I am! Thank you!

Your trapped in the simulation friend,

weekly #2: spoken forms of writing

didn’t finish on time

weekly #3: healthy habits

weekly #4: ?

writing comp entry


word wars



random thing i wrote in school lol
- 170 words

There is a lack of motion because Newton’s first law states that every object will remain at rest unless an external force is applied to it. This means that gravity physically cannot pull the objects together, because it isn’t an external force. In the Gravity Part 1 assignment, it says that the different strengths of gravity impact how objects move. The force of gravity can’t pull the desk and chair together because it’s not strong enough to do so. Mass and distance between objects can change the force of gravity, which is proven in the lab in multiple data tables. None. The lab shows that there is no possible way that objects can be pulled into each other, which is proven by the data tables. This means that the chair and table can’t be pulled into each other. The desk and chair don’t move towards each other due to Newton’s first law, not enough strength in gravity, and there is no possible way objects can be pulled into each other.

Last edited by gh0stwriter (Nov. 17, 2022 16:39:11)

stood on the cliffside screaming, “give me a reason”
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Coco's SWC Storage: Mystery Cabin November 2022

ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 0/15000



ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴇᴛɪᴛɪᴏɴ:


Last edited by cocomelon45 (Oct. 30, 2022 07:08:48)

58 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


“and when nobody wakes you up in the morning,
and when nobody waits for you at night,
and when you can do whatever you want.
what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?”

Charles Bukowski
40 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

On Repeat curated just for you!

Miss You (e) Louis Tomlinson - December 2017
↳ excerpt ❤️
“I can't believe SWC starts soon!” Exclaimed Evelyn, “from now on, for the rest of November — all the words I write for my chapters count! I can't wait.
”I've got a chapter I've barely started too—that'll work!“
And in the final realization, she yelled, ”PROUD POETRY CAMPER FOR THE THIRD TIME!" happy swc :) #poetryftw #poetryandalliesftw

Gotta Be You One Direction - November 2011
↳ dailies
“First daily, here I come!” Evelyn sat happily, waiting for the clock to turn 5 o'clock. “Yes!” she squealed, ready to start the new month — even if it was still October 31st in her area.
“Nothing can stop me now!”
happy swc :) #poetryftw #poetryandalliesftw

November 1 366 words Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed
November 2 269 words 'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart
November 3 345 words I tore it apart
November 4 207 words And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence
November 8 157 words And no woman in the world deserves this
November 16 202 words But here I am asking you for one more chance

November 17 215 words Can we fall, one more time?
November 18 201 words Stop the tape and rewind
November 21 132 words Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade
November 22 1197 words 'Cause there is nobody else

November 23 83 words It's gotta be you
November 28 384 words Only you

You Belong with Me Taylor Swift - April 2008
↳ weeklies
I have to get it done! I thought. I can't not do it!
happy swc :) #poetryftw #poetryandalliesftw

First weekly 1639 You're on the phone with
your girlfriend, she's upset
She's going off about something that you said
‘Cause she doesn’t get your humor like I do

I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like

Second weekly n/a But she wears short skirts
I wear T-shirts
She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So, why can't you see?
You belong with me
You belong with me

Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

Third weekly 624 And you've got a smile
That can light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in a while
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine, I know you better than that
Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's Cheer Captain, and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time


15261 / 12,000

✰ layout by me, @Willowshine45 , inspired by @lycka- songs belong to their original artists

Last edited by Willowshine45 (Dec. 5, 2022 22:01:04)

9 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Midnights By Lycka Swift

Track List (more Links coming soon)
Lavender Haze (current dailey)
Maroon (current weekly)
Anti-Hero (in-cabin stuff)
Snow on the beach (abt. me if you want to learn somethin')
You’re on your own kid (word wars proof)
Midnight Rain (links to all previous dailies)
Question…? (links to all previous weeklies)
Vigilante (Writing competition)
Bejeweled (anything cabin wars #1 related)
Labyrinth (anything cabin wars #2 related)
Karma (unused for now)
Sweet Nothing (unused for now)
Mastermind (Thank yous for end of session)
3 AM Tracks
Links to any miscellaneous writing/proof!

Last edited by lycka- (Nov. 4, 2022 00:59:31)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

lynx's UwU restaurant
folklore trails


Weekly 3 - Healthy Habits


Last edited by Avacac12078 (Nov. 19, 2022 16:42:10)

<> Hey, I’m Lynx! <>
- she/fae - ENTP - Bookworm - Writer - Straight demigirl -

❝You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold❞
12 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

ri's swc writing thingy

go to this link

Last edited by --kinoko-- (Nov. 11, 2022 01:57:32)

~ hello there traveller! welcome to my little corner of the internet!

# cody . leo
# intp-t . he/they . slytherin
# aspiring author & poet
# huge astronomy nerd
# manager of the neuro-squiggles studio

~ farewell, then. shall we meet again?
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

【 ▻ Aurelia's Index ◅ 】
【 ▻ Sci-Fi Simulation November 2022 ◅ 】
【 ▻ Word Count: 0/5000 ◅ 】
【 ▻ Dailies ◅ 】
Daily 1 ○ 10.31.22 ○ Link ○ N/A
Daily 2 ○ 11.02.22 ○ Link ○ 332 Words
Daily 3 ○ 11.03.22 ○ Link ○ 345 Words
Daily 4 ○ 11.04.22 ○ Link ○ 238 Word
Daily 5 ○ 11.05.22 ○ Link ○ 1034 Words
Daily 6 ○ N/A ○ N/A ○ N/A
Daily 7 ○ N/A ○ N/A ○ N/A
Daily 8 & 9 ○ 10.08.22 & 10.09.22 ○ Link ○ 111 Words
Daily 10 ○ Date ○ Link ○ Word Count
Daily 11 ○ Date ○ Link ○ Word Count
【 ▻ Weeklies ◅ 】
Weekly 1 ○ N/A ○ N/A
Weekly 2 ○ Link ○ Word Count
Weekly 3 ○ Link ○ Word Count
【 ▻ Writing Competition Entry ◅ 】
Writing Comp Entry ○ Link ○ Word Count
【 ▻ Word Wars ◅ 】
Word War 1 ○ Link ○ 160 Words
Word War 2 ○ Link ○ Word Count
Word War 3 ○ Link ○ Word Count
Word War 4 ○ Link ○ Word Count
Word War 5 ○ Link ○ Word Count

Last edited by Ataraxea (Nov. 9, 2022 22:07:31)

❛ 面包 ❜
ᴀᴜʀᴇʟɪᴀ/ᴀᴛᴀʀᴀ ○ sʜᴇ/ʜᴇʀ ○ ᴀʀᴛɪsᴛ/ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀ

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