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500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily #1 - 586 words
'November 1st is both the start date of this session and National Author's Day! Today's task is to introduce yourself in the Main Cabin comments and tell us about your favourite author(s). What are their names, what genres do they write in, and what do you love about their books? ‘

Hello there SWC-ers and welcome back to a brilliant session that will surely rise with Poetry landing on top /hj. I am Viara, the co-leader of Poetry, who associates as female with she/her pronouns, who also intensely enjoys reading, writing, and drawing. There’s surely a lot to be known about me although I would say none of is interesting /hj.
As today is National Author's Day, I would say that my all time favorite author is Marissa Meyer. She is truly a revolutionary and her writing is amazing. First off, her Lunar Chronicle series which is a sci-fi-fantasy spin-off on classic fairy tales, is in its own tier. With amazing characters, legendary worldbuilding, and not to mention some adorable romance, the Lunar Chronicles is one of her best. Her second series, Renegades also has the same elements and yet with an entirely different plotline that still continues to sucks you in. One reason why her literary masterpieces are just so exciting is because of the blur between good and evil which is ever so present in Renegades which is about a society that is built on top of superheroes, yes superheroes, who are tasked with keeping regular civilians safe. Known as prodigies, of course there will always be those who use their powers for less than heroic actions which is what makes the series so tantalizing. As well as Renegades and Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer always pushes herself yet keeps a recognizable writing style with her other series Gilded and another solo book known as Heartless. While I have not yet read the second book of Gilded, it takes the well-known story of Rumpelstiltskin to make fleshed-out characters. And Heartless is a masterpiece in every formula from the skilled use of literary vocabulary, likeable characters, and a plot that is sure to intrigue any reader. Villain stories are my favorite type of story to tell And it's even better since every one of her books that I've read has at least a dollop of romance. Her best genre is fantasy but the science-fiction in Lunar Chronicles is woven in so thoroughly.
Along with Marissa Meyer, I think that Holly Black's books are written with exceptional quality. My favorite books of hers is obviously the Cruel Prince series since I'm a sucker for inhuman ships and ✨fantasy✨ Also Holly Black's books are 100% known for their incredible and intricate worldbuilding which the Cruel Prince utilizes well. Other books that I've read of hers (I had a Holly black phase in 6th grade haha) include the Iron Trial series (which is also great, written with Cassandra Clare too), the Darkest Part of the Forest, and the Coldest Girl in Coldtown.
Even though I haven't read anything else of Victoria Aveyard's, Red Queen is an amazing series even though I've only just read the first book.

But books aren't the only thing to know about me I have been participating in SWC for a pretty long tiem, my first session being July 2020 so I've been participating in SWC for 2 years :0 That sounds awfully strange to think about- I've explained about my individual sessions so many times that I've think that I've just gotten repetitive at this point.
Now I don't think that I would be able to generate enough information to actually write a 1k intro as I thought that I would be able to previously but perhaps I can say that poetry is going to rise to the top. ;D

Last edited by -JadeFox- (Nov. 2, 2022 00:09:30)

43 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

I copied and pasted this from a google doc, so some of the indents got a little weird, but that's okay. This is a short story I had to write for english class.

The Mind Reader
The bell rings. Mia quickly slings her backpack over her shoulder and walks out of the classroom, into the storm of students. She slowly navigates the crowd of at least two hundred students, trying to block out all the thoughts going through her mind. She hears one of the history teachers’ voices, claiming that Eliza cheated on the test. She hears Logan, anxious about the math test that he didn’t study for.
You see, Mia has a special gift: she can read other people’s thoughts. Every time she gets close to someone else, she can automatically hear what they are thinking. Her power can be very helpful sometimes, but it can also be annoying and cause problems. For instance, she is bombarded with random thoughts in the hallway. Sometimes Mia obtains helpful information this way, but other times all she gets is a headache.
Today, Mia is attempting to block out all of the thoughts coming from other people, which is difficult. Occasionally, if someone is in really deep thought, it feels as if someone is screaming into her ears.
I’m going to fail this test. Sasha, wait up! Wait, where’s my phone? These are just some of the thoughts Mia hears. The stairs are so crowded over here. Wow, she is so cute. I think I have a crush on Mia!
Mia stops in the middle of the hallway. People begin to push and shove her out of the way, yelling at her to keep moving. All Mia is thinking is that someone actually likes her. The problem is, she has no idea who it could be.
Later that day, Mia and her best friend, Evelyn, are sitting on the bus when Mia decides to tell Evelyn what happened earlier.
“Really? Someone has a crush on you? Who is it?” Evelyn asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“That’s the problem, I don’t know!” Mia says, exasperated. “I heard it in the hall earlier, and there were lots of people there. I have no idea who it is, all I know is that it is someone in the eighth-grade hallway around 10:00 this morning.”
Evelyn pauses before answering, as Alex and his friend Jake are passing their row on the bus.
“Well, it’s probably someone in our grade. Maybe you’ll hear them say it again in class tomorrow!” Evelyn exclaims.
Although she seemed enthusiastic and hopeful, Mia knows that Evelyn doesn’t believe what she is saying.
Evelyn thinks, I doubt it. There are so many kids in this school, the only way Mia would be able to hear him again would be if he were to actually talk to her.
After the girls get off the bus, Mia enters her house with a slight bounce in her step. All she can think about is whoever has a secret crush on her.
She enters the kitchen, where her mom is sitting, doing work on her laptop. Mia places her backpack on a chair and walks over to her mom. She sits down next to her.
“Why so happy today?” Mia’s mom, Mrs. Davis, asks as Mia comes in. Mrs. Davis resembles her daughter a lot: same brown hair, same green eyes, and same skin tone.
Mia answers, “Oh, nothing.”
Mrs. Davis thinks, She’s in a good mood right now. I don’t want to ruin it. I’ll tell her we’re moving later. It’ll be fine.
Mia’s excitement fades away, and her smile turns into a frown. They were moving? Mia has lived in her house her entire life, and she has no idea her mom is even considering it.
“Mom…” Mia starts slowly.
Mrs. Davis answers, “Yeah?”
Mia doesn’t want to answer. Why would her mom hide something that big from her? Her mom knows that she can read minds, Mia was born that way.
“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Davis asks.
“Uh, nothing. Is there anything you want to tell me?” Mia says.
Mrs. Davis questions, “What do you mean?”
“Nevermind,” Mia replies, quickly exiting the kitchen.
As she runs up the stairs to her bedroom, she runs into her older brother, Ethan.
“Woah, what’s the rush?” Ethan asks her.
Mia responds, “Um, nothing. Homework.”
Ethan looks at her questioningly, “Where is it?”
Mia sighs. Her brother is going to figure out what Mia heard with or without Mia telling him. He has a way of making her tell him everything.
“Come with me,” Mia says, grabbing Ethan’s arm and dragging him up the stairs.
They enter Mia’s bedroom and Mia quietly closes the door.
Mia takes a deep breath, “Okay, listen. I read Mom’s thoughts and, well, we’re moving.”
Ethan is quiet for a moment before responding. He thinks, Wait what? No way. We are not moving. Mia must have heard her wrong.
“We are, Ethan,” Mia states.
“Why wouldn’t she tell us?” Ethan wonders.
“Mom was worried that I’d be upset. She figured it’d be fine if she told me later,” says Mia. She decides not to add that she’s even more upset that her mom is keeping it a secret from her.
Ethan says, “Well, should you ask about it?”
“Me? Why me? You do it,” Mia responds.
Ethan moans, “You’re the one that heard her, you do it!”
Before Mia gets a chance to respond, she hears her dad getting home from work and calling them downstairs.
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Sometime after school,” Mia says sadly.
Ethan nods in agreement, and the two of them walk downstairs to greet their dad.
The next day, so much is going through Mia’s mind that she can barely focus. Someone has a crush on her and she is moving. Mia wants to talk to Evelyn about it, seeing as she already knows about the crush.
The bell rings, and Mia makes her way to second period. She quickly opens her small, red, eighth-grade locker and grabs her notebook. Just as she passes the cafeteria, she hears the thought again. Should I go talk to Mia? Tell her I like her?
Mia spins around a circle, trying to find someone nearby that is looking in her direction. There are probably a lot of people looking at her now, seeing as she is currently turning in circles in the middle of the hallway.
Someone taps Mia on the shoulder, and she jumps. She turns around, only to see Alex. Alex is a boy that is in some classes with Mia. He has talked with her before and is a pretty nice person.
“Hi, Mia,” he says.
Mia realizes that Alex must be the person that has a crush on her.
“Hey, Alex,” Mia answers.
Alex starts slowly, “Do you, maybe, want to hang out with me after school sometime?”
He smiles at her, and Mia realizes that she might have a slight crush on him too. The late bell rings.
“I’d like that. I should probably-” Mia begins.
Alex interrupts, “Yeah, we should get to class. I’ll see you tomorrow at 5:00, in front of the school?”
As Mia walks away, all she can think about is Alex. She actually has a date with someone, and he is pretty cute. Mia is extremely happy about Alex, but she realizes that she won’t be able to spend that much time with him since she is moving soon. That is going to be hard.
Once Mia gets home from school, she’s in a joyful mood again.
“Happy again? What’s going on at school?” Mrs. Davis asks as Mia enters the kitchen.
Mia takes a deep breath. She needs to tell her mom she found out they were moving. She says, “Mom, I need to talk with you.”
Mrs. Davis nods for Mia to continue.
“Yesterday, after school, I read your thoughts and found out that we’re moving,” Mia says, unsure what her mom’s reaction will be.
“Oh. Are you upset about it?” Mrs. Davis questions.
“Yes! Why wouldn’t you tell me?” Mia exclaims.
Mrs. Davis is surprised, “I thought you wouldn’t mind! You’ve always wanted a bigger room!”
“Yeah, but I don’t want to leave all of my friends behind! I don’t want to leave!” Mia shouts.
Mrs. Davis states, “You aren’t going to be switching schools, Mia! We’re just moving to a larger house about five minutes away from here.”
Mia pauses before responding, “What? I’ve been worrying about this all day, waiting for you to tell me. You shouldn’t have kept it from me.”
“I hadn’t even bought the house yet, I was going to tell you later today! You shouldn’t have kept it from me, okay?” Mrs. Davis says.
Mia simply nods and heads up to her room, deep in thought. So she is moving, just not as far as she expected. She would have a bigger house and more space of her own. Not to mention she was going to Alex’s house tomorrow! Even though her day didn’t start out very well, it turns out that this was the best day of Mia’s life.

Last edited by --Shine-- (Nov. 1, 2022 23:51:11)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

daily nov 1st 1133 words!

(CD the Host)

Why hello, fellow SWC-er (or anyone who happens to be reading this), my name is CD and I exist. I know right. Huge shocker right there guys wooah.

If you can’t already tell I have a messed-up sense of humour D I’m also a certified Fan of Many Things, Enjoyer of Music and Extreme Literature and Horror Fan- but that’s all to come because in today’s episode of CD’s Broken Records (pun intended) we’re going to introduce the amazing person that is myself. Please welcome your host, the one, the only… me!!

Yes, today I shall be interviewing some of my fellow CD’s on their intrests, hobbies and other things, so stay tuned! First of all, we’ll be interviewing CD the Presentable for a basis of who I am. So come on out, CD the Presentable- we're waiting! Woo-hoo!!

CD the Presentable walks on and sits down in a plush chair that rests on a brightly lt, game-show style stage that rose from the floor as CD the Host was speaking. Bubbly music plays in the background.

(CD the Host)

Hello, CD the Presentable!

(CD the Presentable)

Hiya! It’s an honour to be first on today’s line-up. I can’t wait to get started!

(CD the Host)

It’s an honour to have you with us. And I’ll have you know that we are much more excited to jump into it than you could ever be.

(CD the Presentable)


(CD the Host)

We’ll see about that. Anyways, rather than chatter on about who wants to start, how about we do start, eh? Whadaya say?

Audience erupts into cheers. Music turns to suspenseful and the lights dim as the audience quiets. The music tone slowly creeps louder and higher, until- POOF! CD the Host erupts out of their chair, now dressed in a bedazzling gold-seqined suit.

(CD the Host)

Let’s get this party started!

Audience cheers again.

(CD the Host)

Ooo-kay. For you, my friend CD the Presentable, we’ll be doing a round of basics and then top threes, with a finale of two truths and a lie. Sound good? Great! Let’s get in to it.

Okay, we know your name- what pronouns do you go by? What’s your gender identity?

(CD the Presentable)

I use they/them, thanks for asking. And as for gender? Eheh- let's just say that it’s sliiiiightly uncertainat the moment.

CD the Presentable chuckles.

(CD the Host)

Relateable as ever. What are some of your intrests?

(CD the Presentable)

Well, I’m sure this will be elaborated more on later, but I love to write, to read, to draw, to play music, and to play basketball!

(CD the Host)

Nice! And finally, can you give me a thing you’ve done recently that you thing is cool?

(CD the Presentable)

Well, I built a vending machine-

CD the Presentable is cut off by the cheers of the audience.

(CD the Host)

Wow, that’s so cool! Let’s move on to top threes. Top three faveourite songs?

(CD the Presentable)

Aah, that’s such a hard question- right now I guess it’d have to be The Fall by Lovejoy, Can’t Wait by The Living Tombstone and Fighter by Jack Stauber. Ask me in a week and these have probably changed though!

CD the Presentable laughs.

(CD the Host)

Nice! I love Lovejoy. Okay, top three faveourite school subjects at the minute?

(CD the Presentable)

Urm, Music, Maths and French maybe? Or Spanish?

(CD the Host)

Cool. I’m sure it depends on teachers as well. Okay, top three faveourite book series’?

(CD the Presentable)

Seriously? That’s, like, the hardest question to answer loll- um, I guess the Hunger Games series, Pjo/HoO (that counts as one, right? Suree loll) and maybe Six of Crows?

Crowd hums in agreement.

(CD the Host)

Ooh, good picks. Okay, finally, Two truths and a lie. Let’s go!

(CD the Presentable)

Okay! Number one- I play the piano, the clarinet, the harmonica, the recorder and a few other instruments I don’t spend as much time on. Number two- My faveourite fruit are mangoes. We actually have a mango tree in our garden! Number three- In the past year or so I’ve created and published (by hand) a card game, two board games and am in the process of making trading cards, all of which have gone viral in my school. Which do you think is the lie?

Audience shouts different answers out.

(CD the Presentable)

Okay, okay, calm down. The lie is… number two!! My faveourite fruit is actually the papaya- though I do have a mango tree and a papaya tree!

Audience claps and cheers.

(CD the Host)

Why thank you. Can we get a round of applause for CD the Presentable! Thank you for coming on the show. Now we have time for just one more CD to come up before the ad break- so I present to you the one, the only- CD the Hobbyist!

Cheering and hollering ensue. CD the Hobbyist walks on and sits in the chair. It is revealed that CD the Host’s suit has changed to sparkly black sequins.

(CD the Host)

He-llo! How are you on this fine day?

(CD the Hobbyist)

I am very well, thank you.

(CD the Host)

That’s great. Let’s jump right into it. I’m gonna ask you about three of your hobbies- feel free to go into as much detail as you want. Alright! Numero uno! Video games!

(CD the Hobbyist)

Ooh, yes! I love video games loll. Minecraft, obviously, is OG. It’s amazing. I actually picked up Forager recently, which I’m loving! Also, I'm a huuuge indie or horror video game fan. I love FNAF and DDLC in particular! Ha- a horror literature club- they should make a SWC cabin outa this!!

Audience laughs.

(CD the Hobbyist)

Yeah, ask me about any horror game and I know the lore, have watched the Game Theroies, everything. Horror video games are amazing in my opinion!

(CD the Host)

Very cool. How about music- CD the Presentable mentioned that earlier a bit?

(CD the Hobbyist)

Why, yes they did. It’s true- I play a lot of music. I play solo clarinet, in band, in orchestra, and solo piano. I’ve been playing piano since I was four! I also love to listen to loads of music- my faveourite bands are Lovejoy and The Living Tombstone. I also love Jack Stauber, and Eurovision! Oh, Eurovision is amazing! Please please let me rant about it to you xDD

(CD the Host)

That sounds so cool- and I agree! Eurovision is awesome.

CD the Host turns to face the audience.

(CD the Host)

And now, we’ll be taking a quick break- but stick around, because we’ll be right back after this quick words from our sponser today- Grammarly!


1133 words!

ello ello ello
CD, they/them

hey, you should join graffiti
in sac
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily Two
Word Count: 247

101(3) Reasons You Should Join SWC
Written by Dawn

We all have something we enjoy, right? We also have things we hate, sometimes with a passion. Well, whether you love or hate writing, I can guarantee Scratch Writing Camp -commonly abbreviated as SWC- is the thing for you! Now, if you hate writing, you might be wondering ‘But do I have to write?’. The simple answer is yes. Except even if you hate writing, SWC will help you grow in your writing and I can guarantee it will make you love -or at the very least, hate it less- writing. But why should you join SWC? Well, I'm glad you asked! In this article, I've listed 101 (*cough* 3 *cough*) reasons you should join SWC.

The first reason is simple, accessibility. SWC is completely online! Which means that you can do it straight from home, school, or work. No hassle! And you don't even need any tools! It's awesome!

The second reason is the community. Feeling down? We got you! The community in SWC is better than any you'll find elsewhere. The community is wholesome and helps build each other up. The only criticism you'll hear while participating in SWC is constructive. The community is extremely encouraging.

The third (and final for now) reason is because of the chaos. I can guarantee you'll have the best and most fun chaos of your entire life. SWC is guaranteed to bring out your childlike side. It will make you feel like you can be your true, chaotic self.

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 2, 2022 01:22:33)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Nov 1st Daily
1,169 Words

Hello everyone!! My name is Piper and I use she/her pronouns! I live in the PST/PDT time zone and am between the ages of 13 and 19! I’m a proud Christian and I participate in my church’s choir! I’m homeschooled and currently attend a private Christian homeschool co-op like school. I go on campus Mondays and Thursdays and take some core classes and the rest of my classes I take at home on my own! This has been really beneficial for me and it has allowed me to go through school at my own pace without having to be held back to something too easy for me just cause I’d my age. I have two sisters who are also homeschooled, though they go to a charter separate from my school!

For this session of SWC I'm a camper in the wonderful Script The Musical! I'm so excited by the Hamilton theme as that is one of my absolute favorite musicals. The leading team is awesome and I can't wait to see Script dominate during this session!

I’m an absolute theatre nerd and love anything that has to do with musical theatre as well as performing in general! I’ve performed in 7 musicals and am rehearsing to perform in my eighth one right now! I’m rehearsing Elf. Jr and I'm going to be performing as Emily Hobbs and a featured dancer! Performing is an incredible experience and I love (nearly) every moment of rehearsals and performances! If there are any fellow theatre kids I would love to nerd out with you all, feel free to message me on my profile! <3

Some of my favorite musicals include West Side Story, Legally Blonde, Shrek, Peter Pan, Hamilton, Hairspray and In The Heights! I have a bunch of dream roles that I would love to play someday, but if I had to list a couple I would say Maria (from West Side Story) Mary Poppins (from Mary Poppins) or Nina (from In The Heights)! I would love to do any of those shows in general as well though, but preferably as those characters!

I also play piano and violin which is so much fun! I’ve been playing piano for ten years and am currently on the 4A Level of my piano curriculum as well as learning some songs that I found sheet music for online! I’m in the process of learning how to play “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch” and it’s really fun! I’ve been playing Violin for a little over 6 months now and just got moved into the advanced class by my teacher! We’re currently working on Mozart's Sonata #1 which is difficult but I’m really enjoying the challenge!

I also love reading and am a HUGE reader! Some of my favorite series that I’ve read include Divergent, Hunger Games, Red Queen, The Testing, (are you seeing a theme of genres here? xD) and I also love Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and Raina Telgemiers graphic novels! In case you couldn’t tell, one of my absolute favorite genres to read is Dystopian; I’m not exactly sure what draws me to the genre, but I love reading it and am experimenting writing it with my irl bestie! We’re writing an original Dystopian story that hopefully will end up fanning out! <3

And of course, the reason I joined this camp; I absolutely love writing! I’ve been writing since I was about seven years old but it really took off during COVID when me and my friends didn’t really have much more to do! In that span of time, I wrote a 250 page fan fiction based around Newsies! I’m currently working on a second book as a sequel to that fanfiction as well as some one shots using my OC and some of the canon characters!

I’ve been on Scratch for 4 years, though for the first year I really didn’t use it since I made the account for a coding camp that I participated it xD Once I started using it I learned that I actually really enjoyed the entire idea behind Scratch as well as the community that I found when I started looking around on the website! In December of 2021 I decided to sign up as a camper for JWC 2022, during that session, Dawn told me they were in need of a leader for the Huff (Dystopian) cabin and asked me if I would be willing to lead, and I accepted. I have to say that it was likely the best decision I have ever made on this website. It introduced me to so many people and let me experiment with online camps and skyrocketed my love for them! Since then I’ve participated in SWC, SRC, SEC, TC, SAC, Camp Pinelake and probably some others that I’m forgetting about xD

I love leading in real life and have had tons of experience with it. In real life I’ve been a TA at my musical theatre program for a couple different summer camps which I really enjoyed. I got to help the kids at the Encanto Summer camp (They were all between 5 and 10 years old) and I really enjoyed the experience as I love musical theater and little kids, so combining those two things was absolutely amazing! I helped the kid learn their choreography and helped them with their costumes at the end of the week during our showcase/performance! I’ve also helped lead the young girls in my Girl Scout troop, I often help lead their activities and help them earn their badges!

Something else that some of you might find interesting about me is that I love baking! Over COVID I did a lot of baking and that’s carried over even after the pandemic! Sometimes I’ll bring cookies or brownies to my musical theatre rehearsals and share them with my friends at the beginning (or at the end when we’re needing a bit of an energy boost xD). Some of my favorite things to bake are cookies, brownies, lemon meringue pies and honestly really anything that I can get a recipe and the ingredients for! If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know, I would love to try them!
I also love singing, in case that was unclear from all my talk about musical theatre, and most of the content on my regular account is covers or different songs, which I think is amazing. I love being able to share my God-given talents with other people and sometimes making them happy with the music that I choose to put out there into the world!

Well, I think that’s all I really have to say about myself! If you want to talk about any of the things that I mentioned above, feel free to reach out to me on my profile! I would love to talk! I hope that I will get to know all of you during this session and I can’t wait!!! <33

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Nov. 2, 2022 02:40:13)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

45 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily 11/1
Perhaps the biggest part about SWC is the writing competition at the end of the month. In this, writers from all around the world have the chance to submit their best writing pieces, which are then judged by a committee of SWCers. Just by reading the entries, it is evident that writers have put in a lot of time and effort into their entries. From short stories to persuasive essays, these submissions are a reflection of the talented writers of SWC. Oftentimes, campers will find themselves planning for the writing competition before SWC even starts! On a personal level, participants have the chance to hone in on their writing skills and receive valuable feedback from others. On a cabin level, writers get to represent their cabins by earning points from the competition. And who knows? Placing in the writing competition could very much turn the tables for one’s cabin. As a SWCer myself, I know the immense amount of pride received from seeing my cabin ranked in the top three. Because this writing competition is such a sizable way to earn points, leaders often find themselves encouraging campers to enter in the competition. Incentives for campers include earning points for the in-cabin point system to other in-cabin perks. Other campers don’t need incentives to enter the competition. They are driven by the prospect of placing amongst other SWCers and cabin rivalry.
+231 words

Last edited by -RoseBunni (Nov. 2, 2022 00:43:08)

hello, I'm bunni! I'll be participating in adventure this session. Outside of scratch, I enjoy reading, classical music, and running.

anyways, hope to see you around :>

27 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

During each SWC session, a memory book is created which has been an ongoing tradition. The memory book will include screenshots of conversations, Q&As, and much more. The process of creating the memory book is getting a group of present or past co leaders who will form a Memory Book committee. Then, the committee will work tirelessly to put the screenshots in aesthetically pleasing format, and the code for it to be put into place. The committee gives an opportunity for campers to make covers for the memory book. The campers are given a deadline, and then the voting for the cover wins! It’s a camper lead vote. In the comments, there will be a section for each cover. To vote for a cover, campers will reply to that cover's comment section. For example, let's say they want to vote for cover “A48” All they need to do is scroll in the comments then they find the comment that says “Votes for A48 - Reply here” and reply to it with something like “One vote.” Campers have only two votes for the front cover, and two votes for the back cover. Now, campers and leaders have an opportunity to look back into the memory book and remember the fun they had during their session.
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

02 Article

Dailies and Weeklies

Both dailies and weeklies have a big part in what makes swc, swc. Dailies are a daily writing prompt or activity in the main cabin's description, changed every day at 8:00 PM UTC. The amazing daily team puts together a list of dailies for the entire month prior to the start of the session. Dailies are a great way to keep members coming back to swc to write words and gain points for their cabin. The average daily is around 200-400 words long, but sometimes there will be dailies that are longer or shorter to keep us campers on our toes. The excitement of waiting for the daily to change at 7:59 is unmatchable.

Weeklies are in many ways similar to dailies. They are changed and updated every week. During that week swc participants have the next seven days to complete the weekly. While dailies are always worth less than a thousand points for completion weeklies are usually worth a couple a thousand points as they take more time and more effort to complete. Weeklies can always be stretched out throughout the week and usually have a workshop or two to go along with them. Personally, I think the best part about weeklies is the feeling you get when you see your weekly slowly come to completion over the week. There's just something so satisfying about adding your weekly to the main cabin and earning your cabin a plentiful of points.

244 Words

Last edited by Cynthialz (Nov. 2, 2022 20:21:34)

⤿ hey im celes <3

➤ she/they ∘ ambivert ∘ writer ∘ bi ✩

✎ chaotic fangirl┆scorpio┆guitarist ♡

bi-fi swc ftw! <3
forum signature to be changed soon haha <3
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Hey! I'm Lily, a proudly Canadian girl who uses She/Her pronouns. I've participated in SWC twice before, July 2021 and 2022. I like to read (mostly fiction) and I also love to draw both traditional and digital art, and of course, LOVE to write. I write basically anything - fantasy, fanfic, RP, non-fi, etc.

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Here I'll be posting any proof or just writing, oldest at the bottom, newest at the top, for each day there is weekly, daily, other, top to bottom. Please enjoy my thread and feel free to comment on my profile @lilyjen :).


@-redredrobin- and @Bellevue91 and @Luna-Lovegood-LOL, @Sunclaw68, and @Stariqe (Hosts + Co-hosts)

Thank you all for hosting and co-hosting this session! It’s my third session and it’s been the best one yet. You did amazing work to make sure that everything ran smoothly and I know that you must have put in so much work to make it as awesome as it is. People may sometimes take you for granted, but you’ve done a lot for SWC.

The daily team

Thank you for the awesome dailies and weeklies that you concocted for us! I did a bunch of dailies and actually managed to do three weeklies this session. I especially liked the third one, it was so original and fun, and very SWC. I would do it every session xD. I loved the originality and variety of dailies, from this one to the three word stories to the bi-dailies. I would come to the main cabin to see what the challenge was whenever I was on. Dailies and weeklies are super fun ways to earn points and you made them even more fun with your originality and creativity. They add a lot to the SWC experience and really help to improve my writing .

Gabbie ( @-peachiistxr- )

Hi Gabbie! Thank you so much for leading the dystopian cabin this session. I had a lot of fun answering the qotds and I love our theme so much. I really like that you took dystopian and did something original with it instead of just doing a tyranny or something (even if we are the tyrants of the leaderboard xD). You are a very enthusiastic and motivational leader, I love how you were (almost) always active and were constantly reminding us to do the weeklies - in a good way - and making us excited for this cabin that we were in . You are a super fun person to be around and I am glad to have you here. I was also in your word count group and you were very helpful when I reached my word goal and were consistent in adding words/keeping the word count up to date. I enjoyed your writing on the collaboration story and the piece you shared in your leader app (and yes I read it xD). In conclusion, I just wanted to say thank you for being an amazing leader this session!

WEEKLY #4!!!!!!!!! 3600 words

Save code from the end:: Your Journey: horror, option #3, adventure, option #2, bifi, option #2, hifi, option #2, mystery, option #3, poetry, option #3, realfi, option #3, scifi, option #2, thriller, option #2, fanfi, option #1, script, option #3, folklore, option #1, nonfi, option #1, dystopian, option #2, fantasy, option #3

So this is all sorta part of the same story but I used a lot of ideas and speedwriting so it's not like a continual story that makes sense sorry bout that., I just included everything I wrote during the weekly and it is pretty much unedited sry. The first 5 chapters that I wrote are below it under daily november 24, I continued that story for this.

100 words to begin
He wondered if he had done something wrong. He must have. Or some – other dragon in the area? Unlikely. At least, he thought it was unlikely. Then he really thought about the ash on her dress. The sadness and anger. The way she looked at him. The fact that he knew in the same way that he had known that humans meant no good that dragon’s breathed fire. And he felt a cold sense of dread. Because although he had no confirmation he knew. He had done something. Something very wrong. He had burned something. He had hurt this girl.

Chapter 9:: Makaya

Makaya felt a horrible feeling settle over her. No, not a feeling, a mix of feelings. Anger. Sadness. Hate. Fear. Curiosity. Confusion. And still a sense of wonder at the fantastical beast before her. This dragon… it had to be the one who burnt her village. There had never been a dragon here before. There had never been a burnt village here before. They were left pretty much alone under the Lord’s rule. They were an outer village, not very important. She wondered when anyone would find the village. Her thoughts turned back to the dragon before her. It wasn’t doing anything at all. Just sitting on that stump, watching her. She suddenly felt sure that if it wanted to kill her, it would have. So why didn’t it? She took a slow step backwards. Then another. Her back met a tree. She slid to a sitting position, still watching the dragon. It didn’t seem like a hostile dragon. Nothing about this dragon seemed to say “I go around killing people and burning stuff.” It’s green colour made it look more like a piece of the forest than an ugly burning monster. But still, it was the only explanation of why her village was burnt. She needed to know why it had done it. She didn’t know much about dragons. Could they speak? She had to swallow twice to find her voice.
“Can you… talk?” she asked, her voice cracking. The dragon didn’t say anything. It looked confused, and actually opened and closed its mouth without making a sound. It opened it and made a growl. But not threateningly.
“Can you… understand me?” She asked hesitantly.
Then something amazing happened. The dragon nodded.

Chapter 10:: Kai

The girl backed up and sat down. Kai wondered why she didn’t run. Then she started talking to him.
“Can you… talk?” She asked. Her voice cracked on the word talk. He hadn’t thought of that. He’d been alone until now. Could dragons talk? Annoyingly, that was something that he didn’t know. He hated his insufficient knowledge. He opened and closed his mouth. You talked with your mouth, he knew that. He thought a bit more, then opened it again. This time a growl came out. He was glad that she didn’t seem afraid, but also sad that he couldn’t talk to her.
“Can you… understand me?” She asked next. Then he remembered something. A way of speaking without speaking. A nod. He moved his head up and down. She stared, and her mouth fell open a bit. Her big green eyes sparkled.
“Is that a yes? Can you understand me?” She said. He nodded again. He wished he could ask her what her name was. He wished he could tell her his name. He seemed to be wishing for a lot of things right now. With the confirmation of communication, the girl seemed to be lost in thought. She was still watching him, and her eyebrows had come together a little in a thinking expression. He wanted to know her thoughts. He wanted her to talk to him again. He waited. He tried to think of other silent communications like the nodding. He couldn’t remember any. He hated it. Finally she spoke again.
“So… you can understand me. I can’t understand you. But you can nod and shake your head to communicate…” she paused, thinking. “Maybe this is a silly question… but… can you write?”
Write? He thought about this. Could he write? Once she said it he remembered what it was. Suddenly, he got a flash of a piece of paper, quill pen, and hands. Whose hands? Letters, numbers, he remembered them.

He stepped off the stump. She looked a bit startled but didn’t move. Then he reached out and attempted to trace a letter in the dirt. It sort of looked like it. He spelled out three letters. Y - E - S. She stared at them.
“Yes?” She asked.
And he nodded and tapped the letters.

Chapter 11:: Makaya

Makaya couldn’t believe the day she was having. First, she found out her village was destroyed. Then she found a dragon. Then she found out the dragon could understand her and nod and write. But… Now what? She looked up at the sky. It was growing darker. She needed somewhere to sleep.
“It’s getting dark,” She said to the dragon. “I have to go find shelter. Somewhere to sleep.”
The dragon nodded. She continued, “You could… you could follow me. If you want. If you promise not to burn anything.” She added the last part as an afterthought. In her excitement, she’d almost forgotten that feeling of certainty that this dragon destroyed the village. But she also couldn’t shake the feeling that it didn’t. She was conflicted. She decided to sleep on it, and she’d just have to trust the dragon not to kill her. She stood and walked on towards the meadow. The dragon followed her. She let it. After all, she’d said that it could and it would be rude to change that now. At the edge of the meadow Makaya knew of a hollow oak. That’s where she went. She ducked down and looked inside. The village children who were old enough to be on their own and yet still free from responsibility had played there. She was glad for the blankets that they had left, but it sent another pang into her heart. She looked up at the dragon.

_miscallenous_ (not written as part of activity/prompt)

How could such a peaceful seeming dragon have done something like that. The more time she spent with him the more she was sure he would never do it. But her feeling of certainty remained. He had. And yet he hadn’t. She hated her conflicted feelings. She managed to settle herself for the night in the hollow tree. The dragon watched her the whole time. In its eyes, although they were so different, she thought… well… she thought there was some human look in them. She sighed. Why did she suddenly have all of these feelings? They were all so certain as well. She sighed and looked out at him one last time. Then she closed her eyes, and immediately fell asleep.

Chapter 12:: Kai

Kai followed the girl back to the meadow where he woke up. She went to a hollow tree and then started to do stuff in it. He watched her attentively.

5 min–

She lied down and apparently had fallen asleep. He walked out into the meadow, the grasses waving. Fireflies were floating through the grass like tiny yellow candles. He stared up at the moon, a sliver circle in the dark blue sky. Stars winked at him and a few clouds drifted across the sky. He tested his wing. It felt fine. He flapped and then lifted into the sky. It was hard at first, then he got the hang of it. He soared up towards the moon and spiraled around. He loved the feeling of the wind rushing around him and whistling in his ears. He surprised himself by roaring, and then wished he hadn’t the noise broke the calm and set a flight of birds skittering away. He went silent, gliding through the sky over the forest. In the distance to his right was a mountain. Behind him the meadow and forest. Then he caught a wiff of something. Ash. He turned to his left. He saw the lake first. Then the burned village beside it. He dipped and flew towards it. This must be where the girl had come from. He stared at the destruction.


Change so that she sees him fly into the village, then she runs down and maybe… attacks? I dunno.

______ 50 second sprint ——–
Kai landed slowly. There, in the ash were footprints. He didn’t want to. But he looked back at his own. And then he put a new one right beside one of the old. Then he placed his foot in one.

It was exactly the same. He was sure he had done this, destroyed the village. Even if he didn’t remember. Had he been evil? Had the people here been evil? What had caused this? He wished he could remember, and yet he didn’t. He didn’t want to find out that he was evil. He wanted to believe that he was good. But looking at this- could he believe it? He walked through the village, observing the destruction. He came out on the other side, facing the lake. It was perfectly still. He walked to it and stared at his reflection. Huge, frightening, intimidating. Teeth as sharp as knives, claws to match. He knew that he could breathe fire if he wanted to. But he didn’t want to. Eventually he turned and walked around the village, back towards the forest. At the top of the hill was a figure. And she was looking right at him.

Chapter 13:: Makaya

Makaya had sat leaning on the tree for hours, or what seemed like ours. All the fires had gone out. The sound of wingbeats started, and she didn’t notice it until it was right above her. A giant bird swooped down and landed at the edge of the village. No, not a bird. A dragon. She had only heard of such things in stories but she new that’s what it had to be. She tried to remember the stories of dragons.
They were smart.
They were warmblooded reptiles.
They were huge.
And they breathed fire.

Chapter 14:: Kai

Kai’s wing suddenly gave a lurch. Pain shot through it and he fell. He suddenly had a flash of deja vu. This had happened before. He remembered straightening his wings to glide. He did that now. He saw a lake ahead of him and thought that it would be less painfull to land in the water and swim to shore. He glided and landed in it peacefully. Then the strong current caught him. It pulled him away from shore as he scrambled, then under the water. He held his breath, came up gasping, and went under again. He managed to float on the surface, but knew that he couldn’t get back to shore. He floated down the river, wondering where it would take him.


Chapter 15:: Makaya

Makaya sat up and stretched. Birds chirped outside. Sunlight filtered through the opening of the hollow tree. She looked around. The brown wood was smooth, with a beautiful swirling pattern. The sunlight falling on it turned it golden. She took stook of what she had. A basket of berries. Two blankets. Her one outfit, a green dress with long white sleeves. The items she’d grabbed from the village, which were a hammer, jar of nails, a knife, and an ax.

She left the things in the tree and stepped out into the meadow. Dawn was just breaking, and the sky was painted with bright colours. The horizon of the mountains in front of her was golden, and the colour faded into a pink then light blue. Behind her the sky was still the deep purple of twilight, and the stars still shone with silver light.


Kai woke up on a rocky beach. Sharp rocks jabbed into him.


He sat up slowly and blinked his eyes. The beach was in shadow, but as he watched sunlight came over the mountains. He blinked against its brightness.


The sky was gold and pink and red and the sun was as bright as a gold coin. He turned his face to the sky and spread his wings. The sun warmed them and his heart felt full and light. He couldn’t remember when he’d last felt like this. He couldn’t remember when he’d last felt like this. It hit him then. The memory. The realization. But just now it didn’t feel as horrible.

——– 150 word flashback —–

Then the memory came to him. The cloudless dome of the sky stretched out all above him, and below him was an endless sea of green trees that spread to the horizon. Mountains rose on his left and right, tall and strong. Their peaks were white with snow. Wind whistled around him. His wings caught the updraft and he felt strong, capable, fast. The sky was his. He swooped and swirled, then dipped towards the river. He trailed his claws through the cool water, following it’s curves. Then he soared back upwards into that perfect sky. Everything seemed perfect, the blue of the sky, the curve of the river and the points of the mountain. The cold fresh wind that rushed past him. He swooped and swirled, then dove again, flying into the trees. He swerved between the trunks and entered into a meadow of bright wildflowers. The grass brushed his scales. Just before the treeline he swooped up and back towards the river, coming alongside a bright blue dragon, who laughed.
Kai comes back to himself slowly, and opens his eyes on the scene of different mountains and a different river. The rocks of the beach are cold under his feet, but the sun is still warm on his wings. A sense of joy remained with him from the – memory. It was a memory. Suddenly confusion and questions fill his mind. Where was he? When was this? But most importantly, who is the blue dragon? He loved the blue dragon. He could feel it with all his heart that he did. Not romantically, but like a brother or a sister. How could he know what all these things were that weren’t important but not know who the dragon was, or who he was, the important things? He sighed, a stream of white smoke from his nostrils, and shook his head. He didn’t want to think about the questions. This day was so like the one in his memory, and he wanted to feel that wonderful free feeling of flying again. He lifted into the air and swooped and soared. His heart felt as light as a feather. He forgot all his troubles in that expanse of blue, feeling alive and happy and as if the only things in the world were the wind and the sky and the clouds. He didn’t know how long he flew, but eventually he glided down and landed on a sandbank in the center of the river. He bent to drink some of the water.

Suddenly, arrows hit his scales. They bounced off. Three filthy men appeared on the riverbank. They looked angry, and all were holding bows. Kai lifted into the air with two powerful wingbeats and began to fly away, when an arrow pierced his wing. He faltered but flew on. His wings began to feel heavier and heavier. He was so, so tired and his wing hurt so much from the arrow. It was bleeding a bit, red blood staining the semi-translucent green. He finally spotted a meadow of soft grass and wildflowers, and crashed to the ground there.

Makaya in meadow, finds burned village
Kai wakes up (need to change setting?)
Makaya walks through village
Kai flies and falls into the river
Makaya gathers things and goes to hollow tree
Kai gets memory
Makaya wakes up
Kai goes for flight, gets attacked by men
Makaya meets Kai in the meadow

Folklore - prompt.

Chapter ___:: Makaya

Makaya crumpled to the floor of the cave. They’d taken him. They’d taken Kai. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She stared around the place that they’d made their home. Stalactites and stalagmites were smashed. Rubble was everywhere, and all their things were scattered. Then she noticed something lying at her feet. A green stone on a silver chain. It reminded her of Kai’s scales. She tugged it, but a rock was lying on the chain. She put it on. Then she noticed another glint of metal. A sword.

—- addition— Its leather grip felt perfect in her hand. She felt a sudden surge of strength and conviction. She would save Kai.

—————— Naan-fi prompt

Chapter ___ :: Makaya

Makaya wandered into the village. The first store she saw was a bakery. She walked inside, wondering if she looked odd. She was probably filthy, her hair was messy, and she was still holding the sword. The woman behind the counter was young. Her brown hair was tied up in a bun and dusted with flower. She was wearing a blue dress with the sleeves rolled up and an apron with the stains of use. She dusted the flower off her hands and stepped up to the counter.
“Can I help you?” She asked.
“No, I’m just looking,” Makaya told her. She only had a few coins.
“Are you from out of town?” The woman, more of a girl really, asked.
“Yes.” Makaya said, taking her opportunity. “Has anything interesting happened here lately?”
“Oh, yes. There was a big row today. Some men caught a dragon, and it was supposed to be a secret but one of ‘em got a bit chatty in the bar. Few too many rounds, if you catch my meaning. Him and another man got into quite the fight until the third one broke ‘em up. Best entertainment we’d had in weeks.”
“Alright, thankyou.” Makaya said. She bought a bun and left the store.

———————- DYSTOPIAN Activity

Chapter ______:: Makaya

I watched the horizon as the sun set, the stars twinkling distantly. Maybe Kai was watching this same sunset, this same horizon. Or maybe he was trapped somewhere, underground, stuck helpless. Whatever was happening to him, she had promised herself that she would find him, and she would. It had only been three days, and she was still on their trail. She turned away from the sunset and worked to light a fire. It had been so much easier when there had been Kai to simply light it with his fire-breath. The first night she had been afraid that she’d forgotten how to use a flint and steel. But she hadn’t. The fire was soon blazing, and she ate her dinner quickly before curling up in her shelter to get a few hours sleep. It was summer, and dawn came early.

—- fantasy activity 250w

Chapter ___:: Kai

Kai slowly opened his eyes. Every bone in his body ached. Chains cut into his legs, wings, and neck. An iron muzzle entrapped his jaw. His body bounced up and down from the movement of the cart. He couldn’t see anything because of a large cloth spread over him. His limbs were cramped, and he couldn’t feel his feet. He shifted slightly. Suddenly, the cart jolted to a stop. He heard two men get off, and could sense a third standing beside it.
“Is this the place?” One asked. He had the deep voice of a strong man who was not considered young, and yet not yet middle-aged.
“No one’s here,” A second man said. His voice was higher. A younger man, and nervous. “Are you sure that he’s coming?”
“Yes.” said the third voice. It was deep and commanding, obviously the leader. “Are you doubting now?”
“No, no!” the young one said, obviously not wanting to anger the leader.
“Good.” he said. “We will wait for him.”
Kai shifted again.
“Check the beast,” ordered the leader. Kai went still as one of them approached. The youngest man, he guessed, from the light footfalls. A stick prodded his side lightly. He didn’t move.
“Uh, I think its still unconscious?” said the young man.
“Good. We don’t want any trouble until they come.” Kai waited until he heard them move away before he tried to move again. The chains creaked but didn’t give, and the same with the muzzle. He didn’t dare breath fire because it would light the cart and cloth on fire and the smoke could kill him if he couldn’t get away.

—– conclusion

Makaya ran to Kai and jumped onto his back. He lifted into the air and they soared away. They were finally free, ready to be together, and happy. Kai had regained his memories and Makaya had found out the truth of her village, and they both had each other. Everything was going to be all right now.

They flew together into the sunset. Makaya didn’t know where they were going, but Kai seemed to. It didn’t matter to her as long as they were together. Her black hair waved in the wind and the sun was warm on her face. The green gem of her necklace gleamed on her chest and the sword felt comfortable strapped to her back. Whatever happened, she was ready for it. But right now, they were together and they were happy. She turned her face to the sun and whooped, and Kai spiraled around. She laughed as she clung to him and he swooped and soared as if he owned the sky. Nothing could ever come between them now.


CHAPTER 1:: Makaya

Makaya ran down the familiar forest trail, the sunlight coming through the trees dappling her fair skin with golden light and shadows. Her black hair whipped loose around her face as she burst into the meadow. Waving in the wind, long green grass came up to her waist. Wildflowers grew through it, yellows, blues, purples, and pinks adding colour to the sea of green. The sky stretched like a blue dome above her, dotted with fluffy clouds like wool. Makaya twirled around, running her fingers through the soft grass, before coming to a rest beside the stream. She picked a large daisy and tucked it behind her ear, then looked into the running water. A girl with deep green eyes stared back at her, high cheekbones and a blush from running. Hair as black as midnight framed the face, and a bright daisy was tucked behind the girl's ear. She wore a simple green dress with white sleeves and was barefooted. Behind her head was a bright sun. Makaya turned to it, holding up her hand so that her thumb followed the horizon and her forefinger pointed at the sun. She had better get going. She stood, jumped the stream, and was running again, passing into the forest that grew up only a few feet on the other bank. The wind whistled in her ears as she raced down the path to the berry patch. A few other girls were picking a little ways away. She must be later than she thought, or the rest went in early. The sun was hiding behind the fluffy clouds, so she couldn't judge the time. She quickly picked up a basket from the pile in the hollow of the tree where they were kept. The other girls left as she filled it with the plump and juicy berries. She couldn't help but plop one into her mouth, closing her eyes as she savored the sweet juice. Soon her basket was filled, and she started the walk back to the village. She couldn't run with her full basket, or it would spill everywhere. When she entered the meadow, the sky was beginning to turn dark grey. She guessed that it was a storm, and hurried on. She didn't notice the smoke until she was at the edge of the forest. Looking at the burning village.


Kai was falling. Blue sky, white clouds and green earth swirled in a kaelidoscope of colour around him. Pain shot through his left wing, which hurt to move. He managed to straighten his wings so that he could glide. He crashed to the ground in a meadow, knocking his head, and everything went black. Kai woke slowly, opening his eyes to darkness. There was a pain in his wing - what had happened? He didn't remember. He didn't remember anything. He sat up so that he could look over his wing as best he could. Two arrows were sticking out of it. He reached over and plucked them out gently with one of his front feet. He walked over to the stream and took a long drink before looking himself over in his reflection. Dark green, covered in scales, four legged with large wings and a long tail. Sharp white teeth - thankfully no blood on them, black eyes, and a red tongue. Claws on all four feet, tall as a man and as strong as ten. A formidable and frightning figure. He flapped his wings, testing them. They seemed stable enough. He had to figure out what had happened. He went over what he knew: He was a dragon. His name was Kai. He was a boy? No, that didn't make sense. He was a dragon. He remembered what dragons and humans were, at least their names and what they looked like. He remembered what a tree and a stream was, and how to walk and sit up. But he seemed to have forgotten everything about himself. Who was he?

CHAPTER 3:: Makaya

Makaya stared at the burning village, and realized that it was more burnt then burning. Flames still rose in some places and the smoke was thick, but most of it was ash and charcoal. The village was round, nestled in a valley just down the hill from the forest. A azure blue lake stretched on the other side. The houses were made of stone or wood. Easy to burn. She felt numb and sat down with her back to a tree, staring at the village until all the fire was gone and the smoke had cleared. Finally, she stood up and shook off the shock. She had to go down and see… see what was left. She was scared to do it. She left her basket at the top of the hill and carefully made her way down to the village. The animals were gone from the fields. Probably ran away… or worse. She checked the outer buildings to be sure. No one and no animal to be found. She moved in closer to the village, still checking the houses. These ones, though burned, were still mostly intact. No one, no animals. Nothing useful on first glance, so she kept going. The houses got more and more destroyed as she moved closer. It was in the village square that there were the bones. Black, with a few burnt scraps of clothing, identifiable only by the swords and bows that they carried. The Guard. What had they been fighting. In the ash before them were large footprints, made from something huge. She didn't know what. They were unlike anything that she had ever seen.

Chapter 4:: Kai

Kai sat beside the stream for what felt like a long time. He finally roused himself when the sky was deepening from blue to a sunset of pinks and yellows that faded into a dusky purple. He stood as the stars began to show themselves, winking into the night sky one at a time. He walked through the meadow without knowing where he was going and came to a path. It was the same odd feeling. He knew what a path was and a meadow and a forest and a sunset and yet he didn't know where he was or where he had come from. He followed the path, as he knew that that was the purpose of a path. He knew it must lead him somewhere. As he was walking he stopped. He realized that this was a path made by humans. And humans did not like dragons. He knew this, but he more than knew it. He felt it with his whole being as the truth. It was not just imformation, but something that he knew from some experience, though a forgotten one. He stood there on the path, not knowing what to do. Listening to the silence of the forest. And then he heard it.

Chapter 5:: Makaya

Makaya wandered through the village. Nothing living remained. She didn't want to look in the houses. She was afraid of seeing more things that used to be people. Her mother had died years ago and her father was out at the closest city on one of his “trips”. He said they were for work, and yet he had no money or food when he came back. The village was kind enough to keep them alive, and Makaya picked berries. She was apprenticed to the village medic, learning the herbs of the forest. She wondered what had happened to her mentor, then wished she had not. She wondered if people had escaped. If they had gotten to the lake, then they could have survived the fire. But she knew that they had not. The houses were much more burnt coming from the lake side. That meant whatever had caused it had come from that way. She finally came to the place she had been dreading. The shelter. What was left of it. The door was smashed, splintered, and burned. The way her heart felt knowing that no one could have survived. She didn't cry. She wandered the village, picking up anything useful that she saw, and walked back up the hill to the place she had left her basket. She picked it up and walked into the forest. But not without one last look at the village.

PART 2: Motivation in Encouragement

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA My exams are coming and Hindi'stomorrow and I'm really stressed because I still have one more chapter left with 17 questions like how are we supposed to study that for a fricking 30 marks exam BUT I DONT WANT TO QUIT SWCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

Reply: (Me)
@icebunny11 Take a deep breathe (and yes I know this is 13 hours late) and try not to stress. You don't need to quit SWC, but maybe try to limit your time? check messages, then do some studying. You could use a free website like Quizlet to make flashcards. Once you've studied, reward yourself by coming back and doing the daily. Then you get studying, a reward, and SWC participation! Whatever you do, you've got this and I have faith in you!
Comment: (Me) Can I have encouragement to finish this weekly by 3 tmr? I think I can do it… And encouragement to all of you who are still working on it! You got this!!
Comment: I'm really bad with time management, and i very often do things that aren't important b4 I'm supposed to. I have been procrastinating on scratch too. Some motivation to do homework and go on scratch to work on something swc related at least three times a week.

Reply: (Me) Maybe try using one of the techniques in the weekly to help with time management? Try a couple and see what works! Homework and SWC are both important, so find a way to do both. Maybe you could reward 30min of homework with 10min of scratch? You got this and you'll figure something out! also, ✨motivational cookies✨for you
Comment:: hellooo i'm just generally pretty stressed with school stuff sdfkjhf i have piles of work so some motivation/encouragement would be great, tyy <3

Reply: (Me)You are awesome and you can do this! Homework is stressful, you could try some of the time management techniques, or I keep an agenda listing homework so I can see all my classes in one place. One thing to try is: categorize it by what is most important and work through it one thing at a time. Reward yourself when you get a certain amount done with time on scratch! Good luck!


Prompt: A character of yours goes to school and suddenly all of the teachers start acting oddly nice to you. How will you take advantage of this, or will you stay as normal? What are your classmates doing?

Reply: (Me)
As an add on: More and more students are being absent, and you notice almost half the class is gone “sick” today. Yet none of the teachers seem to notice…

Part 3:

Why You Need to SLEEP! (254 words)

Sleeping is very important for your health, both physical and mental. Kids between the ages of 9-18 need 8-10 hours of sleep at night. Your body does a lot while you sleep. You grow; process thoughts, emotions, and what happened; heal and get better from illness; reduce stress and anxiety levels; and of course get more energy! Children who get 8-10 hours of sleep are healthier and happier than children who don’t. You have more energy to participate, learn, and have fun after getting a full night of sleep. Sleep is also important for safety in older people. If you fall asleep when driving you could get into a serious car crash and hurt yourself and other people. Many people prioritize other things, such as work or homework over school. Kids often say that they will catch up on sleep on the weekend, but this actually doesn’t work. Sleeping in on the weekend actually makes it harder for you to wake up early the next day! When you get enough sleep you excel at school as you can focus and have energy to participate. Your social interactions also improve as you have energy to be kind and focused, and you can pay attention to what your friends are saying. They will be happier to be your friend if you are having fun with them playing a card game, rather than you dozing and having to be woken up! Sleep just overall improves your life, so GET ENOUGH OF IT!

Weekly #1::

This weekly dystopian has a sorta (okay very) competitive side and is not very formal. Cabin Rankings may or may not be accurate, sorry if they're not.



Camp has just started! I am glad you were placed in a place of sanctuary, though it could never be as perfect as my Realm. How have you been? What sort of activities take place in your world? I hope that you are finding it enjoyable. You must have a lot of motivation to be so close in rank to us, and although you are our ally I am sure we will crush you yet. I will be waiting to see if our alliance will hold true. The Celestials are brave though, and I trust their judgment. Only time will tell, here at SWC.




My old enemy. How are you doing? I was certainly glad when I found out your theater was beset by “the Overlord.” I admit that do not know who this could be, but I certainly hope that they teach you a lesson. Perhaps a month of eating only popcorn, trapped in a movie theater, you will be less eager to spend your life at the movies. Or perhaps this is all an illusion. Have you ever thought of seeing a therapist? Anyways, I’m looking forward to continuing crushing you throughout SWC. Do try to survive to see my victory!!



How are you? I know what’s happening. As a dream realm, of course I noticed that someone was using a dreamcatcher. You’ve been caught in a ghost’s trap my enemy, and I have to admit I’m rather pleased. Though I am a little worried… Perhaps you should simply quit SWC altogether? No? Well, I didn’t think so. Anyway, you probably couldn’t quit anyways, but anything is worth a try with you. With a ghost controlling you and an “Overlord” menacing Bi-Fi, I may have no competition in this SWC. I am excited to crush you. I hope you are prepared.



Since the dream realm covers all time periods, I’m able to send you this letter. I hope that you are enjoying yourself. I know that you always loved music, and now you finally have a chance to be in a play! I’m happy for you, though I am sad that you had to be transported through time by this phantom to get there. Many of the worlds this SWC are being attacked by odd characters - Bifi is trapped by the “Overlord” in a movie theater and a ghost is attempting to control Horror. They’re my enemies though, so I’m not worried. I hope that you get back to this time period,



How are you? Do you enjoy your cabin? I hope that you do. It seems like a nice enough place, with a unique story. Have you heard that your ally, Bi-Fi is trapped in a movie theater? I don’t care because they’re my enemy, but I’m glad you’re not, since we’re allies. I wonder why you're in this forest anyway… There has to be some reason. Congratulations on your placing on the leader board! Have you done the weekly yet? I’m working on it now, hence this letter to you. I hope you are a true ally, and don’t back stab us. (Unless we do it first).




I hope that this message finds you. I was so sorry to hear that the experiment went wrong, but I trust that the project leaders can find you. Who knows which dimension you are in, and if you’ll ever come back. Perhaps you have a friend with you. That would be good. As your ally, I would try to help you as well, but I am only powerful in the world of dreams, not scientific dimension traveling. When you find your way back, I’ll see you. As for news of the other dimensions, I am currently in 1st place (not to brag), and other cabins are rivalring for second, third, and so on. My ally fantasy has managed to keep their hold on second place. I may have to backstab them if they get too close. Just kidding! (or am I…)

Hello, Z,

I heard that you’re on the mystery train. I hope that you enjoy your time there. Congrats on your place on the leaderboard. I’ve still got a strong lead, but you're certainly fighting for your place! You’re right about something being off on the train… I admit that I don’t know what’s happening, but it might not be good. I can only hope that you figure it out in time. But you must be excited to be on a train, as I know that you love engineering… and mysteries. You certainly seem to be in the right place, don’t you! Your ally,



Hi, How are you? How is your vacation going? I heard that you stopped at an inn. Does it have free breakfast? Are there TVs? How’s the wifi? I’m interested to hear about it, I like learning about other settings. I’m wondering though, why are you staying in the hotel so long? As a dream realm, it’s harder for me to see into the Real Fi world. Perhaps something has happened to you as well… Bi-Fi, Horror, and Script all seem to be experiencing problems of someone trying to control them, and poor Sci-Fi’s experiment failed, scattering them through three dimensions! I’m holding a strong first place, and thankfully nothing terrible has happened yet. It’s actually quite calm, except for you know the rants of #DystopianRealmFTW and all . See you later,




I have to admit that I’m surprised you ended up in the Adventure Kingdom, though I suppose that is the way it is. The unlikely hero. But if you’re scared, you could of course quit SWC? I suppose that’s not how it works, you’re stuck in your realm till the end. But a competitive cabin can dream. It seems that all my enemies are being beseeched by something or other. Bi-Fi is trapped in a movie theater by some sort of “Overlord” and Horror has been taken under the control of some vengeful ghost or other, and now I find out that the kingdom you’re in is under attack! Perhaps someone is giving me a present. I may have an easy victory this november…



How is it going at your lab? I heard that you’re starting to do dives for samples. Be careful! Anything could be lurking in those waters. I wonder what you are researching… you’ve been a bit cagey lately you know. Since you live so far out in your lab, I’ll give you some updates. I know you hate me, but thankfully as the way is with siblings, you don’t attack. Your Ally Mystery is doing well last I checked, Poetry… not so well. Bi-Fi, Horror, and Adventure are all facing problems, which makes my competitive side happy. My only competition right now is Fantasy, who is still like 300 points behind me, but I’m happy for them since they are one of my allies. Mystery is closest behind them right now, I may have to attack them both… Just kidding! I am (generally) a faithful ally. Anyway, good luck on your dives,



What have you got yourself into this time? Time traveling? I hope that you enjoy it. Maybe you’ll see some people from Script in 1776. They (apparently) got transported there by some sort of phantom. Horror is also being attacked by a ghost. Hey, do you only go to the past or are you going to the future? I don’t know if I WANT to know whether I win or not. I mean, I’m sure that I will. I already have a strong lead, but still, confirmation would be nice. But then again, if you tell me something I don’t like, it could destroy my self confidence. Also I might go into a fit of rage, but you know that’s only happened like… once? Eh, anyways, good luck my Ally!


I’m really unimpressed with you. I mean, really, joining a group of wanted train robbers?!? You might get caught… and you better have more sense than to try to rob me! We may be (friendly-ish) neutrals, but neutrals are the ones that sit on that thin, thin line between Ally and Enemy. I hope that you turn out to be the first, but if you turn out to be the second, welllll… I guess I’ll just have to rain wars and arson on you with no regrets (sorta joking?). Anyways, I’m maintaining my lead. My enemies are having a hard time and last I saw, I have my mystery ally in second… I may have to rain wars and arson on them as well… hmm the possibilities. But back on subject: I hope that you stop being a robber, and that you turn out to be a proper neutral, but it may be entertaining if you backstab us,



How are you? I heard that you got a job at a bakery – wait sorry, breadhouse. How is a breadhouse different from a bakery? What have you been making? I’d love to try some of the things you’ve been making, as you’re my neutral I’ll assume that they aren’t poisoned but if they are then – Arson. War. No mercy— But so far you haven’t betrayed us, and it seems like you’re really enjoying your job, you probably don’t want to lose it by poisoning someone. I’m sure it’s not as relaxing as being in my realm, but I hear that kneading bread dough is calming. Enjoy SWC,



William Shakespeare – Just kidding, Will.

How are you? It’s too bad you guys are our enemies. Too bad for you, that is. My realm will crush you so easily, I mean just look at the current rankings. You’re a competition based cabin, I respect that being competitive myself, but perhaps if you chilled for a bit, perhaps stopped writing completely, you would rise in the rankings? Ah, no luck, fine. None of my enemies seem keen to give up. Whelp, they might after you know the Arson War Mercilessness – I mean uh… oh nevermind. Have a nice time being crushed, #DYSTOPIANFTW,


November 6 daily
I adjusted my white dress and stared ahead. All of the twelve year old children in the village were here for the Ceremony. Alia was in the center of the perfect circle of grass. The wise woman sat before her. Alia began her dance, twirling and stepping and swirling with perfect grace. Orchids grew up all around her. The wise woman picked a crown of them and placed it on Alia’s head. She turned to the crowd. This child has been named Orchid, a rare beauty.

Next it was a boy’s turn. Timi. His dance was confident and strong. When he finished, flowers grew around his feet, and the Wise woman repeated the ritual, pronouncing him Iris, chivalry.

I was next. My dance was slow, graceful, and careful. I watched in awe as the flowers grew up around me, and bowed my head as the wise woman placed a crown of Daisies on it. Then she called me innocent.

We waited until every child had received a flower, a new name. Then we headed back through the paths between the flowers, which rose high above our heads. I was glad to rejoin my parents and little sister. She couldn’t wait for her Naming Ceremony. But mother and father seemed worried. That made me worry.

Late that night, I was coming down the stairs for a drink of water when I heard them talking. I knew I shouldn’t listen, but then I heard my name.
“No, we can’t tell her. If she doesn’t already know, it’s for the best.” My Father said.
“But she’s his best friend. Surely-”
“No, I don’t think it will do any good.” My father sighed. “The elders have already seen, and even if we could get him to dance again, it probably wouldn’t change.”
“But if she talked to him–”
“No, Snowdrop. We aren’t telling her. This is the way of things, you know.”
“She’ll be angry.”
“That doesn’t change it! He’ll be gone, and she’ll forget him. That’s how it is.”

They had to be talking about Josh– Nightshade. Oh Nightshade. I realized that the wise woman hadn’t said the meaning. Sorcery, Dark thoughts. They were going to do something to him, I just knew it. I couldn’t let that happen. He had been the last boy, last child, and Lucy had grabbed me as soon as the ceremony ended. Her ceremony was next year, and she wanted to know what it had been like. I snuck out of the house and went to find Nightshade. I climbed a flower stalk and knocked on his window. No reply. Then I saw the note on the inside sill.

“Gone to the creek. I’m leaving tonight. If you follow me, you’ll never be able to come back. Nightshade.”

And so I went back home. Then, I said goodbye to my sister, and I went to the creek. And we never came back.

Last edited by lilyjen (Jan. 6, 2023 23:22:20)

“Don't stay in one place for too long. Run. It was the only way to stay ahead of the sadness. The jokes and smiles to hide the pain. For this smile is fake. And this laugh hurts. I am broken. And it's the one thing I can't fix.” - Leo Valdez, HOO

“It's… hard, when you can't trust yourself. I spent my whole life believing I was doing something good for someone good… but it was a lie. And some part of me still wants to believe in that lie, just like you wanna believe you're dumb, or whatever. But it's not true. I promise. I wouldn't mess with you.” - Hunter, TOH
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly One
Word Count: 1700
Cabin Relationships (Copied from Dystopian's description)

✧ siblings ∷
↠ thriller (Thril)
↠ fan-fi (Fan)

☀︎ allies ∷
↠ fantasy (Fanta)
↠ folklore (Follo)
↠ sci-fi (Scien)
↠ mystery (Myst)

☁︎ neutrals ∷
↠ non-fi (Noni)
↠ script (Scri)
↠ hi-fi (Histo)

♨︎ enemies ∷
↠ poetry (Poe)
↠ adventure (Adven)
↠ bi-fi (Biz)
↠ horror (Horr)
↠ real-fi (RF)
Note: For the letters to the enemy cabins, they're supposed to be lighthearted. All the cabins are amazing and I love all of them <33

First of all, I imagine Dystopian Realm personified as a feminine figure who's quiet and noble. Someone who gives off peaceful, serene vibes, like a swan. But also someone you don't want to cross. I feel like Dystopian would have quite the temper if you've offended her. I believe she would have a strong sense of justice. I think she'd also have a sense of humor. Okay, that was my little blurb about Dystopian's personified personality. Oh, and I'm naming her Dyssy (pronounced like dizzy) <3

Dearest Thril:

I hope you're doing well. Have you found any cool new creatures in the deep, dark depths of the ocean lately? Every time I talk to you, you seem to have a new exciting adventure to talk about. You've always been so enthusiastic about the ocean and the treasures it holds. Whenever we see each other you're always so antsy, wanting to get back to the ocean instead of being here on dry land. I've included a journal with this letter for you to jot down all your adventures. That way you can look back on them when you're ancient and your memory isn't what it used to be. I've got to go now. Write back soon!

With love,
your sister, Dyssy
Dearest Fan:

We haven't talked in a while. I don't know if you'll get this letter anything soon. You're probably off on another one of your time travelling adventures. It seems like you're always away in the Victorian Era or Jurassic Period with another group of tourists. I've heard mail travels very slowly in the Jurassic Period. It takes a while for the Pterodactyl to fly across the world. Or that's what I've heard. You and Thril are always off on some adventure or the other. I'm always left here alone. Just kidding. I'm usually in a different realm, just like you're usually in a different time period and Thril is deep in the ocean. Though the fact that we're always in very different places makes it hard to correspond. I hope to hear back from you soon! Be sure to tell me about your latest adventure.

With love,
your sister, Dyssy
Greetings and salutations, Fanta:

Hello, awesome allies. <3 I hope your creatures are all thriving. I think it's amazing that you're trying so hard to preserve our endangered mythical species. I still remember the first time I met you. You were trying to take a shortcut through my realm. You had a baby fire phoenix with you and it desperately needed heat so you were rushing to get back to the sanctuary as quickly as possible, no matter the risks. You always were a bit reckless. But you're one of the most compassionate people I know, you have a real heart for animals. We should meet up soon!

From your friendly ally,
Salutations, Follo:

I know I just wrote to you a while ago but I was wondering if you would allow me to come to visit your trails soon. I have recently got into photography and your trails are so beautiful. I would love to take some photos of your flora and fauna. I completely understand if you deny me access, what with Scratch Writing Camp just starting up again. Being camp counselors is exhausting, especially with so many campers. The first week is always chaotic. Get back to me when you can, there's no hurry.

I hope you have a great session!
- Dyssy
Greetings, Scien:

How goes it in the simulation? I popped over there for a second to drop a package off to one of your campers, it seems like they're all having fun. Well, as much fun as you can have when you're trapped somewhere. Once you have the simulation fixed I enjoy trying it out, it seems like a lot of fun. You're like the tech version of me. I'm guessing that's partially why we hit it off when we first met. Oh! Your birthday is coming up, right? Be sure to expect a gift soon!

Your ally forever,
Good day, Myst:

I know you're probably off on one of your train rides and won't receive this until you get back but you're almost never home. Even during camp you shove your campers onto the train with you and continue on your merry way. Just kidding! You're an awesome camp counsellor. You're so sophisticated and mature, the campers love you. And the mysteries you plan. Every camp session I see your cabin and mysteries, I'm so tempted to quit being a counsellor and join your cabin. Or any of the other cabins. Everyone is so amazing! Well, I hear a camper calling me so I've got to go.

Talk to you more later,
Dear, Noni:

How go it in the Breadhouse? I'm sure you must be stacked with orders right now but at least you have lots of help with camp just starting. Baking is hard work. I couldn't imagine owning a bakery or breadhouse. However, the purpose of this letter is not to discuss how busy you must be. In fact, the purpose of this letter is to place an order. You know how much I adore bread –or any baked good for that matter. I recently discovered that aside from stars and some of our special fruit, we're quite low on food supplies. Therefore I'd like to order 2 loaves of sourdough, 3 loaves of white, and 2 loaves of rye. Thanks! I've attached a check with this letter.

~ Dyssy
Dear, Scri:

I finally went and bought a ticket for your third performance. You've been nagging me about it for so long but I just never had the time. I'm excited for Saturday. I've seen you acting many times but never professionally. You're such an amazing actress. I know you'll do great. But you must be so busy, especially because you need to prepare the campers for their first performance. I'm planning on bringing my campers too. They would love it if we were allowed to go backstage and meet the cast. If that's all right, write back and let me know. Thanks!

~ Dyssy
Dear, Histo:

How's the life of a train robber? I imagine it's a hard life, running from the law. Don't worry, I won't turn you in. As long as you don't rob us. In the interest of friendship, I've sent a package along with this letter. The package contains some of my special vanilla cupcakes with maple frosting. I've included enough for you and your campers. I hope you like them! I promise they're not poisoned. I would never do something like that to our neutrals. If you ever want more, let me know. I'd be happy to bake more for you and your campers.

- Dyssy
Good day, Poe:

How's your isle of fame going? The competition seems fun and creative. Though I'm sure our realm is nicer. And if I'm honest, poetry is really exhausting. It's my least favourite form of writing. But your cabin is better. Barely. (/j) Pitting campers against each other seems a little unfavourable to building meaningful relationships and earning your cabin (as a whole) points. Though, you never know. I mean, look at the relationship Katniss, Peeta, and Haymitch developed from participating in The Hunger Games. Sometimes suffering brings us together. I assume that's your motto? I'm just kidding. Good luck during camp!

Your enemy,
Good Day, Adven:

Have you sorted out your leadership problems yet? You know, it would be a whole lot easier with a democratic government. There would be no fighting between the… what do you call them? Redbloods and Goldbloods? Right? Don't get me wrong, both groups are great. But why don't you just merge and form a democratic government? That would be so much simpler. And I've heard you have monsters in your kingdom. How scary! I like my realm much better, no offence. I hope you consider my suggestion and good luck slaying your monsters. <3

Your slightly friendly enemy,
Good day, Biz:

Are you showing any good movies? More specifically, any dystopian movies? Any at all? Probably not considering your movie glitched and someone will k!ll you if you oppose them. I hope your snacks are all ok. That way you have something to eat while being ruled over. I advise you to eat more popcorn than m&m's. Popcorn is slightly healthier, you'll last longer that way. I'm not even sure if you'll get my letter. The overlord might not let it into your cabin. Well, if you do get this letter, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. Even if we're enemies, that's no reason for me to not help.

Your helpful enemy,
Good day, Horr:

You're a lost and found, right? Well, I lost my marbles, do you think you could find them for me? I last saw them about a year ago, before I became a counsellor at scratch writing camp. I suspect one of the campers took them. Just kidding! I know you're not that kind of lost and found. And I have full capacity of my mind. I'm perfectly sane. How is camp going for you? Everytime I pass by your cabin, it gives me chills. I should go now. You know, just to make sure I still have a brain.

Your enemy,
Good day, RF:

Do you have any rooms in your inn? I've been thinking that after camp I might need a little break. You know, for my mental health and everything. I've been under tremendous stress lately and your inn seems like the perfect place to relax for a bit. It's nice and calm, with big comfy beds. I'd love to come and stay with you for a bit. I'd pay the normal fee of course. After all, we are enemies in camp. I could even pay a little extra if you wanted. But only a little. Please get back to me soon!

Your enemy,

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 5, 2022 01:00:30)

9 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

The Swifies Have Taken Over. (269 words)
Disclaimer: This is a joke article! Please do not put me into Exile for my awful puns because This Is Me Trying. Long Story Short, don’t take this all too seriously. Also, in this introduction there are 21 Taylor Swift song titles. Can you find them all?
Hear me out… SWC doesn’t stand for Scratch Writing Camp but SWIFTIE Writing Camp. Whether they know it or not the people attending this camp are all Swifties. But Wait! Stay, Stay, Stay right here and don’t Run. I know I can prove it to you, this isn’t just a Sweet Nothing. This discovery is bigger than the whole sky! You may be saying to yourself, “What? There’s no way! Not in my Wildest Dreams! The only way Lycka could’ve figured that out is if she was.. well… a Mastermind!”
To that I answer “Well, Dear Reader, why are you saying this like I can hear you? I mean, just think for 22, Fifteen, Seven, or even just The 1 second about that one! That’s concerning and I hope you get Better Man and that this will be The Last Time. Anyways, once you do come back and try to accept that maybe Everything Has Changed. Maybe your brain needs to Begin Again because I promise you this isn’t a Hoax.” Now without further ado there’s just one more thing to ask. Are you… Ready for it?

Exhibit One: Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve (A report on the short lasting WCS)
You may have heard about the brief title change that took place in the current SWC main cabin some odd days before this session commenced. I mean, it’s Nothing New. (TO BE CONTINUED WOoOoOOOoOooO)

Last edited by lycka- (Nov. 2, 2022 01:39:19)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Hello, I'm Yui! This is my second SWC section! Probably, my favourite SWC thing would be weeklies! I like how unique each one is, and how interesting it is! I like how I can make up fantasy and fan-fi and real-fi stories! I also like that I get more time to write my story, so I don't feel rushed. Sometimes, weeklies are kind of hard to finish on time, but if you work hard, you can! But remember, life is more important than SWC! Also, I like the writing competition, because ALMOST all the time write whatever you want! In the writing competition, you just write a story and submit it in the mega thread. For me, I like writing fantasy, so I can write that and enjoy it, probably making it some of my finest works! Don’t worry if you don’t win! SWC is about writing and having fun, not sitting on your bed as sad tears drip down your cheeks, your hair twisted and prodded, and your clothes making you smell like you’ve slept in a landfill because you haven’t been convinced to budge off your bed in days, and your room is messy. Your cheeks must be crying happy tears, and your hair freshly combed, your clothes ironed and set out last night, waiting for you to slip in them. Your room should be organised and dusted.
Yui | #Realfiftw | INTP | she/her |

Last edited by ka26dhan (Nov. 2, 2022 01:44:05)

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”
- Dalai Lama ✿

Yui | she/her | cool beans | writer | #illufiftw
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

First Daily! 209 words

Scratch Writing Camp has been around for around 5 years, but how did it start? Our beloved writing camp started as WC17, founded and hosted by CandyLanguageGirl. The first session of SWC had 5 cabins, which were Non-Fiction, Novel, Short Story, Poem, and Script. In the following session, the writing camp was renamed to SWC, word wars were added, and the number of cabins grew to 10. For more than a year after that, cabin numbers would range from 8 cabins to 15 cabins. The memory book was added in March 2020 as a fun and creative way to highlight some important and fun moments in SWC. The cabin number eventually settled to 15 cabins in March 2021. In November 2021, the daily team was made to make dailies and weeklies for SWC. After that, there were many changes to SWC. Some of those many changes were the Fairy Tales and Myth cabins being merged into the Folklore cabin, the Contemporary cabin being taken away, the Bi-fi cabin being added, and the Postscript being made. There has been a total of 15 different hosts throughout the 15 different sessions. SWC has grown from a small writing camp to a large community, with so many people and so much fun.

Last edited by -Midnight--Moon- (Nov. 2, 2022 02:16:06)

Hello, I'm Skye!
I like cats, writing, reading, and art.
I'm currently creating Camp Ethereal.
If you need help, I'm always available!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

https://i.ibb.co/BZYS9X3/3-ECF15-F9-0-E19-427-E-9-E51-213-DB657-E58-A.gif (IMAGE)
Nov. 1
Nov. 2 ~ 214
Nov. 3 ~ 301
Nov. 4
Nov. 5
Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov 10.
Nov. 11
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Nov. 14
Nov. 15
Nov. 16
Nov. 17
Nov. 18
Nov. 19
Nov. 20

Week 1
Weekly 2

Last edited by reallybigwords (Nov. 21, 2022 01:59:31)

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
8 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

belles table of contents


nov 2
583 words

nov 5
347 words

nov 6
943 words


weekly 1
1513 words


word wars:

in cabin tasks:

Last edited by imaperson-ithink (Nov. 8, 2022 22:43:24)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily for Nov 2

My submission to the postscript is going to be a tip article to help out beginner writers

When writing a piece it is important to have a wide variety of vocabulary and terminology. Though some young writers who are just getting started may need help on that, here are some useful tips on getting excellent vocabulary in your pieces!

Tip #1: My first tip is something relating to dead words. My ELA teacher hates them and always asks us to find synonyms (different words meaning the same thing) to keep our essay fresh and new. For example, “The sad boy was sitting on the hill.” This word ‘sad’ is overused and boring- everyone expects it. To spice up your writing use synonyms like somber! “The somber boy was sitting on a hill.” That sounds WAY better than sad. To find these words I’d recommend using a site called thesaurus.com, you basically just type in a word you need a synonym for and you get a bunch of synonyms!

Tip #2: In my writing, I often use p!n to replace some of my words as well! If you have p!n, you could search up something similar to ‘writing tips’ and images with dead words and their synonyms should pop up! I have a p!n board with a bunch of writing synonyms pinned, making a board could be useful for grouping these pins together .

219 total words <3

Last edited by ayid_7345 (Nov. 2, 2022 02:12:22)

〚“Murderer, Martyr, Monarch, Mad.”〛

ayid ⌒ she.her
avid reader↴ & writer
100% reccomend:
heartless ● scythe ● defy the night

〚“Off with his head”〛
⁻ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˡᵉˢˢ ᵇʸ ᴹᵃʳᶦˢˢᵃ ᴹᵉʸᵉʳ
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly 1
Writing letters to personified versions of other cabins from Thriller personified :00
A lot of these letters were based on cabin relations, please don't take them seriously!
1500 words in total! :D

Also, I imagine Thriller as a short girl who is very energetic. She's always excited for something and is very competitive. The only time she's not radiating happiness is when something bad happens, or a serious topic is mentioned. It's quite surprising to see her mood change from a happy little ball of energy to a worried, sisterlike girl.

Adventure - Friendly Neutral
104 words

Dear Adventure,

Hello! How have you been? I haven't talked to you in a while, but I still think you're a great person. Guess where I was? I went on a mission to find fossils at the bottom of the sea! I can't wait to show you all of the things I found on the beach! I miss you and your amazing stories of Adventure Kingdom. I remember you talked about the Redbloods and Goldbloods and a great battle coming soon. The story is so exciting and I love it so much! I hope we can meet soon, maybe next week.

Best Wishes,

Dystopian - Siblings (we hate them but don't attack, so sorta neutrals?)
104 words

Dear Dystopian,

Hello! How were those cookies I sent you? Don't worry, they're not poisoned like the ones I sent a week ago. Anyways, my campers’ word goal is going up. My campers are working hard and we’ll probably win SWC this time and beat you. Also, make sure to check inside the envelope this letter's in. There should be a gem on a necklace I made a few weeks ago. It's a gift for you, and it's not a trap, I promise. I'd love to see you wearing it the next time we meet. I hope you enjoy those cookies!

Your sibling,

Poetry - Allies
104 words

Dear Poetry,

Hiii! Guess what? I went to the bottom of the sea! I was searching for fossils and other things underwater! It was so cool! I heard you're hosting a game show called “Poetry's Isle of Fame” and it sounds amazing! I don't know much about it, but maybe you can tell me some things about it when we see each other again. You can even make me a special guest on your show! I'll make sure to watch it when it goes on TV, and I can't wait to see it! I hope you have a great day!

Your best friend,

Allies - Mystery
110 words

Dear Mystery,

Oh. My. Gosh. I MISS YOU SO MUCH. Are you doing good? I’m so sad that you moved away to another town. I sometimes think of going to your house, only to remember that you’re not there anymore. I bought this model train for you and it’ll be sent in a package soon. I know how much you love trains, and I hope you like my gift. I admire how mysterious and cool you are. I wish I could be like you. Anyways, I recently found some news where a train mysteriously disappeared— maybe you can investigate? I’m sure you can solve that mystery!

Your friend,

Bi-Fi - Neutrals
107 words

Dear Bi-Fi,

Hello there. I know it’s a little weird for me to send a letter to you— after all, we don’t talk to each other in real life. I just bought these movie tickets and I invited my friend, but they couldn't go, so I wanted to know if you’d like to go watch the movie with me. It's a cool movie called “The Hunger Games.” I've already watched it and I think you'll like it. Don't worry, I won't give you any spoilers. Meet me at the movie theater near the Main Cabin at 4:30 PM. I'll buy us some popcorn and soda.


Sci-Fi - Enemies
109 words

Dear Sci-Fi,

Hello! I recently heard that you had this cool simulation thing in a lab, and I just wanted to know if you did have something like that. If it is true, I want to see it and try it out! I know it's new technology and it's untested and possibly unstable, but it's something I really want to see. I’ve been studying to make some new technology for the ocean expedition, and I want to get as much information from the other cabins as I can. I know our relationship isn't the best, but I want to put that aside and maybe we can be friends.

Yours truly,

Fantasy - Friendly Neutrals
110 words

Dear Fantasy,

Hi there. I wanted to thank you for showing me around the Sanctuary last week, it was very fun! I remember you showing me all of the gadgets and how they all helped to keep everyone in the sanctuary safe. I tried to make one, but I couldn’t make anything! You should show me how to make a simple gadget next time I visit the Sanctuary. I’m also curious about some of the creatures that you were keeping. I’d love to keep one of them as a pet and do research on it. It would definitely help it if was an aquatic creature, too.

Thanks so much!

Folklore - Neutrals
106 words

Dear Folklore,

Hi! Thanks for helping me with my garden a few days ago. I was so worried about some of the roses I was growing after a rabbit tried to eat them. Now, they're healthier than ever and some of the flowers are starting to bloom! I’ll send you some of the flowers once they’ve all blossomed. I was also surprised at how you noticed that a few of my plants were dying— I thought they looked fine! I decided to do some research on them, and you were right! If you weren’t there, my plants would’ve been dead! Thank you so much.


Horror - Enemies
116 words

Dear Horror,

Hello, dear Horror! I love you so much and you are the best person in the world. You deserve to win SWC and you're lovable and amazing and great and kind. I am so happy to know such a spectacular person and I will never forget you. Just kidding. That was a dare, so all of that was a lie. You're an annoying person and I'll make sure I'll win SWC and beat you. Next time we meet, we should do a word war so I can win and get more points. Either way, I haven't done a word war in so long, so I'd be happy to do one.

Your worst enemy,

Hi-Fi - Neutrals
100 words

Dear Hi-Fi,

Hello again. I know it's annoying for me to keep sending you letters like this, but I really want you to change your mind. Please, stop robbing trains and go back to your old self. I miss you so much and it makes me sad to see you doing things that harm others. Do you remember that cafe we used to go to together before we split up? Let's meet there again, how does next Thursday sound? I hope we can see each other again and then I can convince you to stop robbing trains.

Best wishes,

Real-Fi - Neutrals
113 words

Dear Real-Fi,

Hello. How's your inn doing? It's quite old, and I'm worried about it falling down. The weather hasn't been the best lately, so I haven't been able to see you at all. When the weather gets better, I'd love to visit the inn again. It's a great place and I love visiting it. I recently got some new furniture, and I can donate the old furniture to the inn. I think it’ll look lovely with some of the other furniture you have. Also, I’ll send you some flowers to help decorate the inn. Folklore recently helped me with my garden, so a lot of my flowers are blooming.

Yours truly,

Non-Fi - Neutrals
101 words

Dear Non-Fi,

Hi! I wanted to thank you for the bread you gave me earlier this week. It was very delicious and I shared it with some of my friends. I wanted to give you something too, so here’s a few flowers and a bracelet. The flowers are orchids, and I think they’ll look good in the breadhouse! The bracelet was made my me, and it has some quartz crystals in it. I hope we can meet again at the breadhouse! I’d love to buy more bread that you made. Again, thank you so much for the bread!

Kindest regards,

Fan-Fi - Neutrals(?)
108 words

Dear Fan-Fi,

Hi! I'm so sorry that I keep asking you this, but can I use your time machine again? I forgot my ticket for an airplane and I think it's in another city that I visited. Oh- wait a second. Oh no. I just realized that my ticket was in my pocket this whole time. I'm so sorry I bothered you with that request. Anyways, I got some mechanical parts from Fantasy that you might want to use for your time machine. I know you two don't have the best relationship, but I'm sure you guys can be friendly to each other if you try!


Script - Enemies
107 words

Dear Script,

Hello. Can you stop singing and humming every minute of the day? It's so annoying, and I can't stand it anymore. To be honest, I don't really like your music. I bought some new headphones just so I can block out your singing. Also, why did you send me a ticket to your musical? Is it a joke? You know that I wouldn't want to go. Even worse, all of my friends are wanting me to go. It is making me really mad, so please stop trying to annoy me. It's not funny anymore and I won't tolerate any more of this.

Best wishes,

Last edited by -Midnight--Moon- (Nov. 8, 2022 04:41:36)

Hello, I'm Skye!
I like cats, writing, reading, and art.
I'm currently creating Camp Ethereal.
If you need help, I'm always available!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Sophie's Writing

1/11/2022 - Introduction (105 words)
Hi! I'm Sophie and my pronouns are she/they. I'm co-leading Naan-Fi this session along with the awesome Daisy and Birdi! I don't really have any specific favourite authors, but I love reading mystery and adventure books. Recently though, I've been reading quite a few books by Alice Oseman, Casey McQuiston, and Marie Lu. I especially liked Loveless, Warcross, and Heartstopper Some other books that I've enjoyed reading recently are The Agathas and The Inheritance Games. Currently, I'm reading Much Ado About Nothing (for school), Last Night at the Telegraph Club, Fade Away (the one by E.B. Vickers), and the In The Heights Book.

2/11/2022 - SWC Article about Mangoes (299 words)
Mangoes, a delicious tropical fruit, originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Since then, they spread into Asia, then other continents, then finally into the hearts of countless people, including members of the Scratch Writing Camp. Despite this, most campers actually know very little about mangoes. When asked how much they knew about mangoes on a scale of one to ten, one being absolutely nothing and ten being everything there is to know about them, most campers responded with ones or twos (shoutout to @always-wriiting for answering 6 and @mossflower29 for responding with 8). Since so few SWC'ers know about this staple to camp cuisine, I thought I'd share a bit about them today. Ripe mangoes can be green, yellow or red, depending on the type of mango. You can tell when a mango is ripe by squeezing it. If it moves slightly, but not too much, then your mango is ripe. The process to determining whether a mango is ripe is quite similar to that of peaches or avocados. Moreover, ripe mangoes will occasionally have a fruity aroma around the stem area. Mangoes can be described as having a combination of sweet and sour flavours, and often have a hard and almost fuzzy texture. Depending on the type and colour of the inside of the mango, they can be sweeter or more sour. Most SWC'ers surveyed claimed to prefer sweet mangoes to sour mangoes, although many SWC'ers, including myself, enjoy the sour mangoes. This fruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making it the optimal snack. Additionally, mangoes have potential anticancer effects and have been known to improve immunity, as well as digestive and eye health. In conclusion, mangoes are an essential part of SWC and of everyday life, making it important to know more about them.

3/11/2022 - Object (Bathtub) Smoothie (439 words)
Bathtub smoothies, first invented today, are, despite what one may think upon initially hearing the name, actually a delicious and nutritious snack! Bathtub smoothies can be any colour, although they are most commonly a beautiful, creamy white. As bathtubs are made of iron, which is also a vital part of bathtub smoothies. Drinking bathtub smoothies will ensure that you never get iron deficiency, which causes a lack of oxygen-carrying substances within the body's red blood cells, leading to exhaustion and shortness of breath. However, we recommend only consuming one bathtub smoothie a day, as iron overload can lead to diabetes and heart issues. One bathtub smoothie though, will leave you perfectly ready for the day! Furthermore, they are very relaxing to drink, just like how taking a warm bath after a long day can be just the thing to brighten your day. They also have a fun added crunch flavour, likely from the ground bathtub tiles, although we don't know for sure. By drinking bathtub smoothies, you'll also be sure to keep yourself well hydrated for the day, as bathtubs contain lots of water. However, by drinking it in smoothie form, you won't even have common side effects of drinking large quantities of water at one time, such as constantly needing to go to the bathroom at the worst possible times. Plus, bathtub smoothies contain ample amounts of milk, high in calcium, which strengthens the bones, and protein, which is a sustainable form of energy that can last you far longer than sugars. Speaking of sugars, bathtub smoothies are incredibly low in sugar, instead getting their sweet flavour from aromatic soaps, shampoos, conditioners, and more! Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is in these so-called bathtub smoothies? Well, that's a great question, not to mention a valid concern to have. In fact, we're so glad you asked! They contain, of course, a bathtub, as well as milk, soapy water, ground washcloths and/or loofas, shampoo, conditioner, and soap. Gourmet bathtub smoothies can even include faucet bits! You can personalize your bathtub smoothie and make it whatever flavour you want by altering the scent of soaps, shampoos, and conditioners that you use, and you are also free to add food colouring and extracts, such as vanilla extract, to your smoothie. We truly hope that this blurb has persuaded you to taste one of our signature bathtub smoothies. If it has, stop by our store to try one - they will only be available for a limited time, while supplies last! Also, be on the lookout for our next innovative smoothies, including but not limited to shower and candelabra flavours!

5/11/2022 - Message in a Bottle to a Lost Teddy Bear (365 words)
Dearest Teddee the Teddy Bear,

I beg you to return to me once more.
I always valued your friendship greatly,
and never once were you at all a bore.
If you were anyone else I would flee,

but know now that I will remain for you.
I always will wonder where you are at,
as long as the skies remain oh so blue,
but I will not replace you for a cat.

You were the only teddy bear for me,
I know that you can never be replaced,
and that there is how it will always be,
no matter how much I may be disgraced.

and even though we may have parted ways,
and our interests have separated too,
I'll think of you for the rest of my days,
for no one else will matter except you.

you thought the way to go was to do crime,
and become a pirate who's oh so cruel,
while that may be fun for a bit of time,
eventually you will go to duel.

there you'll learn the truth about piracy,
its cruel and terrible reality.
youll see that it's not how it's meant to be,
and then you will come running back to me.

in case you do not understand my words
i wrote it out in a simpler form:

Teddy, please come back to me, I beg of you. I tried to make a rhythmic rhyming poem to show you how much I care, but I don't know how easy it'll be for you to read, so I thought I'd make a brief summary too. I get that it sounds cool to be a top secret thief or a fierce pirate, causing all seafarers to tremble at the sound of your name, but that's not what's real, what matters. That causes people pain and sadness, which I know you don't mean to do. Instead, if you could only come back to me, I would be so happy. I miss you so, since (don't tell) you were always my favourite teddy bear. I know you'll eventually make the right decision and return, but I hope this will speed up your thoughts.

your sad and lonely friend

8/11/2022 + 9/11/2022 - Flash Fiction (156 words)

“The Before and the After” - a six-word story (6 words)
Things can never be the same.

“The Bird Hypnotization” - a dribble (50 words)
I wander around the nearly deserted zoo until I find the aviary. The soft chirping of birds intensifies as I approach, becoming louder and louder until it's the suddenly only thing I hear, louder than it should be. The unbearable pressure overwhelms me, and I topple over. Blackness surrounds everything.

“Forever Trapped” - a drabble (100 words)
The ceiling hung close to my head, so I crouched to fit through the damp hole. While, squeezing my eyes shut, creeping through, trying not to think about what could be in there, I tried to distract myself. As I finally pulled myself through, I turned back around to face her, or rather, who I thought was her. “Come on,” I called out blindly through the darkness, voice trembling with nerves. No answer. I heard a crashing slam, then the clicking and turning of a lock. She left me behind. Screams echoed all around me, the screams of the t0rtured.

14/11/2022 - Humour (527 words)
characters: Sophie (@i_like_kotlc), JC (@fluffyjujunicorn), Celes (@Cynthialz), Skye (@strange_skies), Miner (@minergold48), Moss (@mossflower29), September (@wolfyhjk)

Miner: very high pitched screech/shriek/scream sound
Sophie, terrified for the safety of their campers, sprints up the stairs from the naan-fi kitchen, arriving in the main room, panting and slightly out of breath
Sophie: What's wrong? (looking around, searching for potential sources of danger, and also people, since there is no one to be seen)
Miner: Sophie, Sophie, come quick! I'm outside!
Sophie races towards the doors and dashes outside
Meanwhile, Celes hears screams from bi-fi and grabs Skye in terror, dragging her over to Naan-fi
Celes: I heard screaming - what's wrong?!?
Skye, still a little bit confused and disconcerted (rightfully so): And- uh- I just showed up here I guess.
All three reach Miner at the same time, frantic and panicked
Sophie: What is it? Is anyone in danger? I'm CPR certified!
Miner, chuckling slightly: No, no, don't worry! (glances around and notices that they've accidentally caused a commotion) Whoops, sorry everyone, I didn't mean to scare you all - no one's in danger. It- it's just (trails off, gesturing wildly at what seems to be nothing) There are just floating, floating mangoes!
Moss and September pop out of nowhere at the mention of the word mangoes
Moss and September, in unison: mAngOes?!
Miner nods repeatedly
Moss: floating? but how?
September: and where?
Celes: I don't see any mangoes…
Skye: Me neither-
Sophie: Are you sure you don't need to get your vision checked?
Miner: No, I promise you, they were right here! I- I just saw them
all except Miner nod unconvincingly
Skye (disbelieving): uh huh…
Sophie: I believe you though
Celes: Yeah me too
Moss: We should start a search for the mangoes!
All: Wow, yeah, great idea!
all search for a while but find nothing, until…
Moss: Wait!! Over here!! I saw one!
All rush over
Moss tries to grab at it unsuccessfully, then leans over too far and falls into a giant hole!
Moss: aaaaaah-
sophie: uhh- are you alright? I don’t think they covered this in CPR training-
Skye, sarcastically: ya think?
Moss, muffled, in pain: ouch
Skye: don’t worry, I’m coming!
All: Skye to the rescue!
Celes: You know what? We should probably go down there too-
All look at each other, then jump down hole
JC, not visible: Welcome to my evil lair…
Miner looks away guiltily
Sophie: Miner…? Did you know about this?
Miner remains silent, averting their eyes
Sophie: Miner…?
JC: ..and you’ll all now be trapped here forever… muahahahahaaaaa
All, except Miner: *shriek*
awkward pause
more silence, some slight giggles
JC: Erm… hang on everyone, just a second… sorry, I have to get a few things ready-
more silence, awkward staring
JC, now popping out of nowhere: Surprise! Happy birthday Sophie!!
All: Happy birthday Sophie!
sophie: *confusion* Wow, has time really passed that quickly? *chuckles* Gosh, I was so busy writing that I forgot my own birthday! Thanks guys!
a few hours later, once festivities have ended, Miner and JC are chatting
Miner: …
JC: …
Miner: …
JC: …
both start bursting out laughing, followed by another pause
Miner (solemn tone): it wasn’t anybody’s birthday, was it?
JC (biting back laughter, solemnly): nope

17/11/2022 - bread daily: Cornbread (218 words)

The yellow bar sits on the table,
sending glorious scents throughout the house.
I stare at the pan,
wanting to take a nibble,
but knowing it's not yet time.

My mouth waters,
the tray still sitting there,
tempting me like it's all a joke.

I picture the crumbly deliciousness in my mind,
the buttery, dry yet moist bread replacing my thoughts,
wishing I could just take a bite.

It's so close,
I know that if I reached out I could snatch it,
but I have to wait,
have to share.

I grab a kn1fe, slicing through it perfectly,
the bread falling away at my touch,
heightening the smell further.

My eyes water in sadness and anticipation,
almost as though I were cutting an onion, not bread.

I carefully scoop out each slice,
wanting to leave none behind,
but also wishing that it would stick,
so I could try some.

Each piece emerges onto the plate,
piling up like all of my worries,
all of my desires,
of course, the desire to eat the bread foremost.

I place butter on top
and watch it melt,
like snow on a warm day.
Gone too soon.

Steam floats up through the air,
blasting me in the face,
like the hurt I feel,
when I realize I didn't make enough for myself.

19/11/2022 - Metaphor Daily: Crayons of Acceptance (493 words)
The pack of crayons sat before me, like a portal back to my childhood, just waiting to be reopened. I know I shouldn't open it though, there was just too much- too many memories from the past, memories that would stay better untouched. I had tried so hard to press them down and forget it all, but the crayons looked so inviting. It was like having a giant bag of candy on the table - you know you shouldn't eat it all, but you just want to ever so badly. I bounced on my toes, trying to decide. I knew I would regret it if I opened it, but at the same time, I just wanted to escape for a moment. I wanted to go back to a time where everything was simpler, where three year old me could just sit down scribbling away at crayon art “masterpieces” all day long, perfectly happy and never sad for too long. Back before I didn't understand the world around me, the guilt around me. “Go on, open it,” urged a tiny voice in my head. I tried to wipe it from my mind, but it kept nagging until I couldn't take it any longer. I reached forward with trembling hands, and picked up the box. I had been pushing everything down for too long - it was time to face the truth. Taking a deep breath, I opened the yellow box and was immediately overwhelmed by the astonishingly familiar, waxy scent of the crayons. I had missed this, honestly. Tentatively, I picked one up and began sketching, just like I used to do every day after school. School- my composure wavered for a second before I pulled myself firmly back under control. I needed to stay calm for this. It was so hard though; just thinking about that place filled me with rage. I didn't even realize the wrongs then, but I understand it all now. The way they would brainwash us all, until we'd eventually become the robots that everyone around me is today. But not me, not a few of us. We stay hidden underground, hidden in the shadows, where we can never be found. It's safer that way. We recruit where we can, snatching children out of schools and staging their d34ths. Nobody cares enough to investigate. Nobody asks questions. It's simple. The families don't care either - they're all emotionless clones, going about life mindlessly. But the kids aren't, at least not all of them. The younger they are, the less brainwashed they'll be. We try to choose the smartest and brightest of the kids, the ones who will be most beneficial to us. The best so that we can eventually overthrow the government. I've tried for so long to pretend like I don't get our cause, like the government is fine, but I can't lie to myself any longer - our world is flawed, and we need to fix it. It's the only way.

22/11/2022 - continuing a story daily

23/11/2022 - book description (256 words)
This book is plain and small, with a dark navy cover. It looks as though it hasn't been touched in years, and appears to be collecting dust in one of the furthest corners of the room. The pages are yellowing, and when opened, the book has the delightful scent that old books do. The print is neat and orderly, although the title page (not the cover) appears to be handwritten by someone with beautiful, loopy handwriting, not unlike that of long ago. The book seems rather mysterious, and, when asked, the bookstore owner claims to know nothing about it, not even who wrote it or how it ended up in this little bookshop. When you flip through the book briefly, as there is no description on the back, it seems to have two completely unrelated stories running at once - one on the left side of the page and the other on the right. The left side appears to be a non-fiction story with several random facts about various topics sprinkled in every few pages, and the right side seems to tell a riveting fantasy tale that incorporates elements of adventure, mystery, and just the teensiest bit of sci-fi. The book, which is only about 1 cm thick, approximately the height of an Apple iPhone 6, and around the width of 1 and three quarters of someone's pinkie fingers, seems to be much longer than that. In fact, the page count says that it has twenty thousand pages, but you are unsure of how this is possible.

24/11/2022 - dual timeline (525 words)
“Okay, let's split up.” Had I really been the one to utter those words? It certainly didn't feel like it, and it was even harder to fathom that I had said them only - I glanced at my watch - two hours ago. Hadn't I learned my lesson from all of those movies I'd watched, and books I'd read? Never split up. Of course, that didn't occur to me then. I thought that it would be fine - I mean, how could it not? Aside, of course, from all of the evil things that are chasing after us, but- well- I guess those don't count, or something like that. Why would I be scared of those? They're just evil… and scary… and- well- yeah, I think you get the point. And I had no way of telling whether everyone else was alright or not. I felt something cold reach onto me, and didn't even have time to scream before I felt myself getting pulled backwards. It was too late. || Gosh, I wish we hadn't split up. I mean, it hasn't been too dangerous yet, but it just feels wrong. Plus, it'll be night soon, and I hate the idea of being in the dark. Alone. At night. In a forest. Full of bugs, and snakes, an- and who knows what else! I haven't found anything yet, and it's honestly gotten really lonely out here. I've started talking to myself to pass the time as I wander along the paths, but I just can't shake the worry that the others are in trouble. I'm sure it's nothing, though. I'm always the first to overreact. || Wow, splitting up was the most amazing idea ever! I can't believe I wasn't the one to think of it. Like I could have saved so much time, effort, and argument if I had suggested this - when was it that we started? Three-ish days ago? Now, finally, I'm alone, without the others constantly chattering and bugging me. I was really getting fed up with it. Plus, this way, not only will I get some peace and quiet, but we'll cover more ground. Covering more ground means we find the artifact sooner, which means we get to go home sooner. I stub my toe on something sharp, falling forward, directly onto my face. “Oof,” I grunt. Okay, so maybe this was why we shouldn't have split up. Good thing I have a first aid kit with me. I grab some wipes to clean off my face. There we go. It still stings, but at least it's less likely to get infected. I retraced my steps, trying to see what I had fallen on. It was probably a stick of some sort, but I had to know what to watch out for. Upon first glance, it looked like a twig, but when I inspected it more closely, it almost seemed shiny. How weird. I reached out a finger to touch it, wondering if I could pull it out of the ground to keep as a souvenir. When I did that though, the ground started moving, trembling. Then, a giant net fell over my head. I was stuck.

weekly one - cabin letters (2410 words)

dystopian - 163 words
Dear Sarah,
Today I traveled to the Dystopian Realm to see how Dysto felt about starting a bread trading post. When I first arrived, there was an odd, unsettling fog, a stark contrast to the warm coziness of my breadhouse. Still, I continued on, eager to befriend the neutral Dysto. She seemed like the kind of person I wanted to be on good terms with, just for the safety of our tiny shop. Finally, I pushed through the last wisps of fog, arriving finally in a beautiful, almost unreal, clearing. A figure emerged from behind a tree, moving with a grace and fluidity that I had never seen before, but also a confidence. Dysto. She greeted me not unkindly, but at the same time in a firm tone that clearly demonstrated who had the power. Sadly, when I proposed my idea, she declined politely, instead choosing to have orders shipped to her from us. Oh well, it was worth a try!
Your friend,

fantasy - 274 words
Hey Sarah,
I thought I'd give my friend Fant a visit at the Steampunk Sanctuary! I sent them a letter asking when I could visit, and early this morning I got my response when some sort of flying contraption arrived at the breadhouse, poking at my window repeatedly. Naturally, I was incredibly confused, my brain still filled with sleepy fog since it was around five thirty in the morning. When I saw the machine though, I was filled with joy since I knew it could only have been sent by one person - Fant. I had always wanted to visit the Sanctuary, but Fant, being the busy and somewhat chaotically forgetful and unorganized person they are, tends to forget to answer my letters. I immediately grabbed a few loaves of bread to bring with me and then leapt into the carriage thing, and off I flew. It surprised me a bit at first, to be honest. Eventually though, I got used to the creaking, swerving, and rhythmic mechanical clunking. By the time I arrived, it was that time of evening where the sun has already set but there is still a little bit of light left in the sky, probably around six at night. Since it was mostly dark outside, I didn't get to see much, but I was still in awe at the amazing detail in each and every building, along with the bustling center of the city. Nearly every window was lit by a warm, glowing candle, and creatures soared through the air. I can't wait to explore more tomorrow, I'll be sure to tell you all about it!
Talk to you soon,

mystery - 117 words
Hi again Sarah,
Today I went to visit Misty on the Mystery Express. I bought my tickets on a semi-sketchy website that may or may not eventually give my computer a v1rus, but that's okay - I'll deal with that when it happens. The train is truly breathtaking, ornate and elegant. I haven't had the chance to talk to Misty yet since she's a very busy person, but I'm sure I'll meet her soon. There's a strange feel to the train though, beneath the beauty. Something almost sinister. Everyone seems too friendly, too happy, too polite. I don't know. Something about it just feels… off. Maybe it's just the chilly weather or something. At least I hope so…

horror - 104 words
Hi Sarah,
As I was travelling back from my trip on the Mystery Express, I accidentally found myself caught in Horro's realm. It was… unpleasant. I mean, I know I'm relatively safe there since I'm on friendly terms with Horro, but all the same, it was terrifying. The sky was constantly dark, and all the street lamps flickered eerily. I don't think I ever want to go back there again - people are plotting revenge, and there are all of these evil magical tools and stuff. It just gave me bad vibes - I would probably give it one or two stars on Y3lp.

script - 118 words
Hey Sarah,
I visited Muse today at the Script Musical. I keep getting the idea that she dislikes me, which is kind of sad. I mean, that maybe is due to the giant sign on the stage door listing me as one of her enemies, but who knows? I guess I can just dislike her back then. I kind of don't like disliking people, but I bet I can do it just by contradicting everything! The musical itself seems pretty cool though! Wait no. It kind of clashes with the music vibes at the breadhouse though… If I had made a musical, I probably would have made it a bit more chill, there's just too much going on there.

folklore - 180 words
Hi again Sarah,
Wow, I know, it's another postcard from me! I seem to be travelling everywhere these days… anyways, today I decided to travel into the realm of another enemy, Folklo, by visiting the folklore trails! Wow, it's really chaotic there! It was a bit much for me, I would much rather stay in the neat orderliness of my breadshop, where everything is predictable. Plus, we kind of have this little argument going on. See, Folklo is all about “protecting the nature” and stuff, which I do agree with, like we need trees to breathe and all, BUT, she doesn't think that I should be cutting down wheat to use in bread. How else are we meant to survive though, without eating plants? Bread is an essential part of so many different meals - without it you would struggle to get enough carbohydrates in a day, which are essential for brain function! Still, Folklo keeps ignoring me because of it, which really isn't all that great for business; we truly do need to form a compromise soon…
Talk to you later,

sci-fi - 149 words
Hey Sarah!
Today I went to visit Sy (pronounced sigh) in the Sci-Fi Simulation! I honestly don't know them all too well, although we tend to be rather cold to each other, so I thought I'd try to become better friends! I mean it didn't really work since I barely talked to him, but oh well! I really don't love how they're doing all of this testing and stuff, I feel like it really has the potential to go wrong- that's why I stick to baking bread, where I have recipes that I know I can rely upon. I don't think I could be responsible for someone's life in that way; I would feel too bad if anything were to go wrong. Overall, the mission was a failure, but it was still kind of cool to visit, and I don't mind Sy too much, they're just not the friendliest.
Your Friend,

bi-fi - 214 words
Dear Sarah,
Today I went to the movie theatre, hoping to find Bi. I heard from someone that he worked at one particular cinema, so I purchased tickets for a movie called Bizarro Fiction. I got there a bit late though, and when I stepped into the room, it was pitch black and empty. I edged in cautiously, but still heard and saw nothing, which was odd since the movie should have been at least partially finished by then. Suddenly, I thought I heard faint… screams? I brushed it off though, but a shiver went through me. Something didn't feel right. I didn't know Bi all too well since he didn't talk much, but this felt like a really weird place to want to hang out. I never did end up finding him, but a message appeared on the movie screen, looking almost as though it had been written in bl00d: HELP US, OR WE'LL BE TRAPPED IN HERE FOREVER. Now, I don't get scared all too easily- well, actually, that's not true, I do, but still… That was too much for me. I bolted out of the room, sprinting as fast as I could, not stopping until I had reached the bright daylight again. I'm never going back to that theatre.
Your frightened friend,

real-fi - 152 words
Hi again Sarah,
I know I haven't written to you in a while, but I haven't been traveling much due to my recent fright at the movies. I think I've finally recovered though, at least mostly, so that's good. I needed a while at the breadhouse though, plus I had lots of orders to fill. Anyways, now I'm visiting Reel at the Real-Fi Inn, which they were kind enough to invite me to. They're such a great ally, since they're so nice, but also so honest. Sometimes you just need an honest opinion, you know? Plus, they love asking questions, which is always fun. Anyways, I've got to go now; the inn has a strict dinnertime, and after that we're all going to watch a movie and drink hot cocoa since the inn is a bit snowed inn (haha, get it? I know I'm not all too funny, sorry) at the moment.

adventure - 148 words
Hello Sarah,
I hope you're doing well and aren't feeling too flooded by all of these letters and postcards. You know I don't particularly enjoy visiting my enemies, but today I had to do it so that I could fulfill my goal of visiting every realm nearby. See, I don't mind Adven too much, but the Adventure Kingdom is just too unstable. Every part of the kingdom is constantly at war with other parts, and while Adven tries to keep it somewhat under control, it just doesn't really work, so I knew that I had to start ignoring Adven. That's probably why we're enemies now… Anyways, Adven was quite surprised by my visit, which was fair considering I haven't stopped by the kingdom in years. It looks like some plans are being implemented here to end or at least pause the wars, which is good!
Your (probably very annoying) friend,

thriller - 164 words
Hey Sarah,
Sorry for yet another letter, but I don't really know who else to write these to, so you're just getting a lot. I realized that I don't know Thrille all that well, so I thought I'd pay her a visit. They seem like quite a nice person, honestly, I just rarely get the chance to talk to her, as she seems quite introverted. Anyways, since my visit was so last minute, I was never actually able to talk to them, but I still got to check out the ocean expedition, which was pretty cool! Honestly, I don't know how Thrille does it - they must be really brave! The ocean seems so scary, although maybe that's just because I prefer the warm, dry, safe breadhouse. The ocean is terrifying, and this part was full of all of these creatures, and it was dark, and scary, and- well, let's just say I lasted about three minutes before returning back. At least I tried, right?

fan-fi - 242 words
Hi Sarah,
My adventures are almost at an end! Maybe you could start a collection of all of these letters! Maybe it would get published and turned into a book, and then we'd both become rich and the shop would be famous! Sorry, I'm getting a bit off-topic here. Back to the subject. Today I stopped by the Fan-Fiction Time Travelling Agency to say hi to Fan and test out the agency to see if it was worth the hype (spoiler alert: it wasn't). It might just be because I'm not- well- I'm not really friends with Fan, I suppose you could say that. She greeted me coldly, and didn't even ask where I wanted to go! She just sent me to a time machine, and I know she chose the most miserable place, just for me. When I got there, it was pouring rain and dark outside. Next thing I know, some person comes charging at me, screaming at the top of his lungs. Then I started screaming too, and then we were just standing there, screaming at each other. It was a mess. Luckily, I got transported back to the present. I think I'll be finding a different agency the next time I want to time travel. You should totally try it though, I bet Fan would be nicer to you, and maybe you'd even have fun!
Your (now soaking wet) friend,
P.S. the bread that I brought got all soggy too! *sob*

hi-fi - 216 words
Hi Sarah!
My second-to-last stop on my journey was the Hi-Fi Train Robbery. I know it sounds kind of bad, but honestly, Hye is just the nicest person ever! I mean, you kind of have to watch your wallet when you're around them, but other than that, it's perfectly safe! Plus, by now Hye knows not to try to steal from me. Anyways, it wasn't my first time visiting the train, but I still thought I'd write to you about it so that you could have a complete record of my trip. Maybe I should start a travel agency so that others could do this trip too! I mean, it's honestly become such a trend this week, and I'm not really sure why, but I bet I could make a fair amount of money off of it. I guess we'd just have to see. Although I suppose I'm a bit busy with the breadhouse at the moment. Anyways, the train robbery is basically what it sounds like, although right now they're still in the preparation stages. Hye is such a cool person though. I've been trying to convince them that stealing from people isn't exactly the best job, but it hasn't really worked. Oh well, it's not really any of my business anyways.
From (you guessed it!),

hi-fi - 182 words
Dear Sarah,
I'm sad to say that my journey is finally coming to an end. Poetry's Isle of Fame was a good ending point though, I mean Poe is so cool! Maybe I should go on a trip around the countries of Earth next! Anyways, Poe is REALLY, REALLY competitive, but as long as I don't get in between her and some sort of reward or accomplishment, it's fine. Plus, it's really a nice change to somewhere where I'm /not/ in imminent danger. I got there just in time to watch a competition of poetry soccer, which was really interesting, to be honest. Of course, Poe beat her opponent, which didn't surprise me at all. Essentially, whoever wrote a poem of the designated genre faster got the ball for three seconds, and this continued until one team scored a goal. At the end of the alloted time, the team with the most points won. It was really cool! I would highly recommend watching a game of it, although you probably wouldn't want to compete in it, since Poe is, again, VERY competitive.

weekly two - I forgot what this is and it deleted-
part 1: interview with @Flowerelf371 (377 words)
Sophie: Hi! Today I'll be answering some questions asked by the amazing Sage (@Flowerelf371)! Without further ado, let's get started. {smiles}
Sage: How many sessions of SWC have you participated in? How many times as a camper and how many times as a co-leader/leader?
Sophie: I've been in- uhh- {frowns slightly, pausing to count on fingers} three sessions of SWC, one as a camper, and two as a co-leader.
Sage: Overall how is your experience different between your session as a camper and your sessions as a co-leader? Which sessions have you enjoyed more so far? Why?
Sophie: As a co-leader, I have more responsibilities such as word-adding and checking in with campers, whereas as a camper I can really focus on just writing and having fun. However, as a co-leader I feel like I get to know the cabin better and it really motivates me to be more active. Overall, I'd say being a camper and being a co-leader are both really fun and enjoyable, but quite different, experiences. I enjoyed my first session a lot, since I had more free time and therefore wrote a ton, and it was also really exciting to just get to understand SWC better, and I will probably always remember it. Last session was also quite fun since I didn't have to focus on schoolwork and had more free time, but I also feel like this session is going to be amazing as well. {smiles} So, in other words {chuckles and shrugs slightly}, I liked all of the sessions and can't really choose a favourite.
Sage: Okay last question, what are some ways that SWC has changed your writing and helped you improve? What things specific to SWC have made you a better writer?
Sophie: Well, in general, I think that just the amount of practice I get during the SWC sessions has made me a better writer overall. Also, the specific daily and weekly themes sometimes help me focus on aspects of writing that I don't enjoy as much and would otherwise probably not do. I also enjoy the workshops in the weeklies, since I often learn something new from them, which improves my writing because I am then able to incorporate these elements into other writing. Lastly, I think that it is a great source of motivation and makes writing even more fun, and it's also always good to get to practice my writing in a supportive environment. I also love getting to read others' writing during SWC, and having my writing critiqued by so many different people just helps to get different perspectives and opinions on how to improve. {grins happily}
Sage: Alright, thank you!
Sophie: Thanks for interviewing me! And that concludes today's SWC-themed interview with Sophie, interviewed by Sage!

part two: monologue written with @smartypantschlo (303 words, bolded part written by me)
planning originated here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32370022/comments/#comments-202845911
No, stop it! What are you talking about? You've clearly got the wrong person in mind, I'm /not/ nice. You've seen me, when have I ever done anything even remotely kind? (pauses for emphasis) Exactly. That's what I thought. I'm a terrible person, hated by everyone, hating everyone. That's just who I am, and if you can't deal with that then I'm going to have to ask that you leave me alone. And I know you're going to try to argue with me again, just like you always do. Just… (pauses again, gulping slightly) don't. I know you think that I'm hiding something, that there's a reason behind this ignorant and rude facade, but I promise you, that's it. Now just go, will you? (shuts eyes, looking down, then looks back up) Why are you still here? (holding back tears) There's nothing you can do for me. Nothing… nothing anyone can do for me. I'm beyond help. There's nothing kind left in me, and everything that you see now is just slowly becoming my reality and soon that will be all that's left of me just a shell of my reality and what once was. (gasps for air, now crying slightly) An-And I promise you, your time would be better spent hanging out with other, normal kids. I'm better off alone, so that I don't ruin anyone else, either. If I drag anyone else into this whole mess, I don't know what I'm going to do. I- I just can't be responsible for anyone else. Not again. Not- not after (shakes head). Never mind. It's none of your business. Just, really, I promise you that there's nothing for you here, so you should just go now, go while you still have the chance. Otherwise, if you wait too long, it'll be too late. Stop asking questions. Fine. I'll answer one. You ask why it would be too late. (Pauses, hesitating) If my dad finds that you are talking to me… (Pauses again) No…I can't tell you. Its too much. Don't try and relate to me. You didn't have an abusive father! (Pauses, the words she just said, sinking in) Oh no…I shouldn't have told you…I should go … before I make things worse…(Whispers) like I always do. Its true…I ruin everything…don't try to deny it. (Sighs) You're right…me…being mean…is just a cover…a disguise…but my dad say if I take any friends he'll hurt me…and them. I need to get out of the house? What? But it's my family! Safe…it's safe…is it? (Another tear rolls down her cheek, and she looks down) Maybe not…but where would I go…that house…my family…its always been my home. Where would I go? Your house? But, how? Your parents have been looking for someone to foster? To adopt? But I'm not worthy…why me? I told you. I ruin everything. A lie? I don't ruin everything? But- (Pauses, processing) What am I good for? I'm mean…how can I be kind? I'll just bring down the mood in your house… You want me to try? To try to be kind? To live a normal, carefree life? Fine. I'll try. (Smiles, eyes lighting up) Thank you. Thank you so much. (Smiles, another tear falls) You are the first person to see good in me…the first person to look past my mean words, my glaring eyes. I'll try to make a change because of you. I will make a change, and be the kind girl, and not the mean one. And its all because of you.

part three - Blame, or To Everyone Who's Ever Felt Like They Don't Belong (504 words, potential tw)
if you want to listen to me reading it, go here! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/760821527/

what if?
what if we lived in a world where everyone was the same? where everyone looked the same,
dressed the same,
loved the same,
earned the same,
acted the same-
what if we lived in a world like that?

well, for starters, it would be astonishingly dull.
we would never be able to innovate, and people would squabble constantly.
we would lose what makes us uniquely us. -
but would it be worth it though, for a world without discrimination, a world without hate? for a world where everyone can feel safe, one full of love, and full of kindness?
a world that sounds peaceful, almost too good to be true?
the thing is though, it would be too good to be true.
there will always be those people. there will always be the people who find ways to make life miserable, no matter how hard others try to prevent it.
it's impossible to completely change the ways of everyone.
humans would always find something, no matter what, because that's how we are, fundamentally. some people will always see it as their mission to change everyone, to change others until they look exactly like them.

people will always find someone to blame,
even when it seems impossible.

they would change with the times, but they would eventually go back to before, back to the same-
back to the blame.
they'd find someone to blame, something to blame. they always do.
it doesn't matter who, but we've all seen it. we've all witnessed persecution of so many different groups, whether that's based off of race, off of gender or sexuality, off of religion or philosophy, or nationality. just simply being different - it's occured for thousands of years

“I just want to fit in.”

- have you ever said those words?, ever heard them from someone you know, someone you love, someone you care about?
well, I have. and chances are you have too.

but, you see, the thing is,
it's our differences that make us who we are, that make us uniquely us.
without them, we'd all be exact copies of each other.
and- maybe sometimes we feel like that would be better, or someone makes us feel that way.
but it wouldn't be authentic; we'd be living in a world full of fake people.
and maybe we already do. or maybe we don't; maybe it's all up to us.
but see, no one ever fits in, that's the point. no one is ever completely perfect.
but if people gave up the second things got hard,
we would have gotten nowhere. no one would have any rights, and we'd likely still be in medieval times.
but we’re not, we’re here and we’ve made it this far.
some people will always find someone to blame, someone to h8te, but it's up to us to make things right.
up to us to be strong, and to fight back.
we have to be the change, we have to bring the change.
otherwise it'll never come.

part four - Fern (250 words)
song performance: in progress <3

not that anyone probably cares but I felt like sharing the story behind this song XD so basically there's this girl who I've been close friends with for like 4-5 years, then at a party at the end of last school year we talked for like 2+ hours and at the end of it I realized I might kind of sort of maybe have a crush on her (spoiler alert I do/did/idk?) but she's very much straight and I can never tell her because if I do it'll probably ruin our friendship or at least make things awkward which I really don't want since she's also just like an awesome friend and so I don't want to not be friends anymore- so yeah but I think I'm starting to get over her a bit now but I still thought I'd write about it (gosh that sounds bad but like you know what I mean?) anyways I'll stop now XD

verse 1:
I never really saw you the way I do
until the day we talked
and suddenly everything fell away
everything but you

I'm sick of hiding in the shadows
Empty days with no tomorrows
I think it's time for me to let go
I just wish that you could know
how much you mean to me
I'm sick of hiding in the shadows
Empty days with no tomorrows
I think it's time for me to let go
I just wish that you could know
how much you mean to me

verse two:
it's too late for that though
no regrets, no looking back
I know you don't see me like that
so I just have to push on through

I'm sick of hiding in the shadows
Empty days with no tomorrows
I think it's time for me to let go
I just wish that you could know
how much you mean to me
I'm sick of hiding in the shadows
Empty days with no tomorrows
I think it's time for me to let go
I just wish that you could know
how much you mean to me

But I just do it
Just for you
I know that otherwise
We'd be through
I'd lose a friend
I'd lose you
So I just hold back
You can never know.

chorus (half, fading out):
I'm sick of hiding in the shadows
Empty days with no tomorrows
I think it's time for me to let go
I just wish that you could know
how much you mean to me

weekly three - healthy habits (893 words)
I did Eisenhower's matrix and the time blocking one for part one, and I preferred the time blocking since it helped me visualize things better, and I didn't really like Eisenhower's matrix since it didn't really work for the tasks I have currently.
For part two, I did brainstorming, although I also offered 272 words of encouragement
my checklist:
drink lots of water - I will do this by trying to bring my big water bottle to school with me every day, drinking it twice during school (refilling at lunchtime), as well as drinking a few cups before and after school
have a better skincare routine - I will try to wash my face more often, which is something I often forget to do
healthy eating - I'll try harder to not just eat food “because it's there”, which usually tends to be candy/other junk food at school, and instead I can bring some healthier snacks, like dried chickpeas, from home to eat when I get hungry. Plus, chickpeas will keep me energized for longer than candy will.
get more sunlight - this is difficult for me now that rowing season is over and it's getting a bit colder, but I can try to suggest eating lunch outside a few times
reading books - I haven't had much time to read recently due to excessive schoolwork, but I can try to read during breaks at school or advisory, as well as right before bed, as a good way to wind down and relax.

(371 words)
Drinking lots of water is incredibly important for you. It helps you have less acne and clearer skin. Furthermore, it can keep you from dehydration, which can cause various health issues such as nausea, dizziness, kidney malfunctions, and exhaustion. If you play a sport, especially a more active one such as running or rowing, you need to be sure to hydrate extra to prevent this and to give you more energy. Water also regulates your body temperature and transports oxygen, both of which are essential to your health. Moreover, it can stop you from overeating, since often people think they are hungry when actually all they need is a little bit of water. It also helps with digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as joint health. All of these reasons prove how essential it is for me to drink plenty of water, and why you should too. Healthy eating, like drinking lots of water, is important because it has positive long-term effects. By eating healthy foods, you have a balance of nutrients, specialized for you. You can also make the healthiest choices for where you get these nutrients, so that you have more energy overall throughout the day, and so that you have a lower risk of diabetes and heart conditions. For example, you know that you are supposed to have x number of carbs during the day. Instead of opting to get these by eating candy, which has lots of added sugars and fats with very low other nutritional value, or white bread, which is slightly better than candy but still has lots of sugars, you could instead choose to have veggies, which are high in fibers, but also various other nutrients and vitamins, or grains or whole wheat bread. Instead of eating foods that are high in saturated fats and trans fats, like butter, frosting, nondairy coffee creamer, and fried foods, you could opt for salmon, which has plenty of healthy fats as well as protein, or avocados, which are again full of these healthy fats, as well as fiber and carbs. In other words, you can choose the healthier options that are still just as delicious, to have a healthier lifestyle, which can also make you happier overall.

weekly four - absurdy birdi wordy crawl (6304 words)
code thingy: 1;3;16;11;1/2/7/9/11/12/13/8/15/4/14/5/6/10/3/;313113221222121;
Your Journey: adventure, option #3, bifi, option #1, hifi, option #3, mystery, option #1, poetry, option #1, realfi, option #3, scifi, option #2, horror, option #2, thriller, option #1, fanfi, option #2, script, option #2, fantasy, option #2, folklore, option #1, nonfi, option #2, dystopian, option #1

I yawn, stretching widely. It feels so good to not have anywhere to be the second I wake up - that's why I love summer break. My mood plummets, though, when I realize that there's only one day left before school starts. And I'm going to a new school, too. At least I'll be coming in ninth grade, when there are a ton of other new kids. That doesn't do much to settle my nerves, but at least it's not like I have to be the only new kid. Sure, I'll still stand out, since most of these kids have known each other their entire lives, while I've barely even been in town a month, but at least it's a little bit of reassurance. I mean, I can't be the only one coming from out of town… right? The day passes by in a flurry of last-minute shopping trips for books and supplies, and I barely even have time to process the thought that I have to go back to school tomorrow before I'm getting ready to go to sleep. The moment I flop down on my bed though, I know that I'm not going to get even the slightest bit of sleep. I mean, it was sort of inevitable, but it didn't hurt to hope. I sigh, rolling over. I need to clear my mind and fall asleep so that I'm well-rested for tomorrow. I finally give up at around six A.M., stumbling into the kitchen to make myself coffee. I don't particularly enjoy coffee, but I just need something to keep me going. My dad looks up from his newspaper, startled to see me up so early. Great. He hasn't even left for work yet. Now I'm going to be in trouble for not sleeping. I guess it's good that he's concerned, though.
“Couldn't sleep?”, he asks, munching on his toast calmly. I shake my head. The nerves had been piling up all night, and now every move made me feel as though I am about to be sick. Not a great start to my day.
“Hey, how about this?” He glances at his watch. “I don't have to be at work for another hour or so, so why don't we go grab some Starbucks or a donut and I can drop you off at school early?” I gulp, weighing my options. On one hand, it sounded like a nice treat, but on the other hand, I didn't want to make my dad late for work. Plus, getting to school early meant that I had to spend more time there, and there was always the risk that no one else would be there yet so I'd be left alone to awkwardly wander the dark, empty halls until someone finally showed up. I decided to take my chances though, nodding nervously.
“If you're really sure that wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd honestly like that a lot,” I admit. He finishes off his toast and we hop into the car. It turns out that the donut shop isn't open yet, but Starbucks opens ridiculously early, so we head there instead. I order my favourite, a chai latte with almond milk, and my dad just gets a black coffee. I choose to sit on one of those bar counter things facing the window, so we can watch all of the cars drive past. As I sip my latte, I spot my dad checking the clock and realize that he has to go. Reluctantly, I stand back up, grabbing my cup. We get back into his little gray car and drive across the street to school. (yes, Starbucks is across the street from my new school, and yes, it's amazing) As I open the doors, I pause hesitantly, but I can hear my dad's car driving away, so it's too late to back out now. It's completely dark in there, though. Oh well, I can always watch YouTube on my phone or something like that until someone arrives. I duck into the first classroom I find, only to discover that people are already in it. Oops. They all freeze, and I could tell they didn't want me there. It was one of those moments where you just know that you're intruding. I move to leave again, but…
“Who are you?” one of them asks.
“Yeah, I've never seen you here before,” another adds in.
“You a freshman?” the first one asks. I nod, gulping. What was going to happen? “Same here,” he replies, and I look around to see everyone else nodding in agreement. I take the time to scan the room. There are maybe four or five people in total, all sitting criss-cross applesauce in a circle, around- well- something. I can't really make out what it is though.
“What are you guys doing in here?” I ask, hoping I'm not crossing a line by asking that, but I try to remember my mom's reminders to make friends early.
“Well-” everyone fidgets nervously. “You see…- wait. Promise you won't judge us for it, or spread rumors?”
“Of course not!” I exclaim, appalled that they would expect me to do that.
“Good,” he responds, “You never know with the new kids…” he pauses, and everyone goes silent. Everyone looks to him again - it seems as though he's some sort of understood “leader” of the group.
“You see…” he starts again, “We thought it would be cool to- well- umm- maybe kind of sort of start a detective agency?”
“Whoa! That's so cool!” I exclaim excitedly - I love mysteries, I always have. “C-can I join?” I stammer. “It's okay if not,” I add quickly, not wanting them to h8te me. He hesitates, then throws his hands up in the air.
“Sure. Why not? I mean, we haven't- well- really had any clients yet - this is actually our first-ever meeting… We're going to make a sign and some flyers now, though. Wanna help?”
I shrug in agreement, and they resume their activities. The next few hours fly by in a flurry of taping up posters to doors, and before I know it, it's already bright outside! Classes still don't start for another hour and a half though - today is a late start since it's the first day. I shoot a quick text to my mom telling her that I left early so she doesn't panic, before jogging back to the classroom to retrieve more flyers. I find everyone sitting down again in there - we'd posted all the flyers, now all we had to do was wait. No one would realistically come until tomorrow at the earliest though - no one else was in the building to see the notices yet. Just then, I hear a knock at the door. We all glance at each other in confusion - are we in trouble or something? Any member of the agency would know that the door was unlocked already, so who could it be. Leader-guy (it turns out that his name is James, but I still can't stop thinking of him as “leader-guy”) walks hesitantly over to the door, and opens it as though there could be a ghost behind it. I mean, honestly there could have been, especially considering his shocked expression as he opens the door.
“U-uh- umm…” he stammers, speechless. I push past everyone else curiously. What I see almost makes me faint in shock. This can't be real. Maybe- maybe I haven't hydrated enough. Or- or maybe I'm in a sleep-deprived hallucination. You know, I really should get some water. Water is nice. It's really healthy. I feel my airways starting to close off, and everything starts spinning.
Next thing I know, I'm sitting down in a chair.
“You good?” someone asks, waving their hand in front of my eyes. I nod dazedly, too confused to say anything else. “Good. Because we have our first client.”
“Already? Wait was that- that thing real? Or was I just imagining it? And- and who's our client? How did anyon-” they cut me off before I can keep rambling forever, which is probably a good thing.
“Yes, that was real. No, you are not imagining things. That is a spoon. Well- a talking, giant… huge spoon. That's really big.” they add.
Someone else chimes in. “Right, so our first mission, from the spoon, is really ominous sounding. I'll let them explain.”
I glance up to see the spoon towering over me. It's really unnerving, quite honestly. Anyways, I realize that I should probably start listening as I see its mouth starting to open and close.
“Greetings, fellow lesser earthling human beings. I come from the future with an important message. The results of your actions could have drastic effects, and whether positive or negative, only time can tell. I have no power to help you; I can only come to warn.” It begins, then launches into a rhyming poem that honestly makes no sense.
“When the time of day is bright,
Go to the place of darkest night.
Bring back the fear of days of old,
More valuable that treasured gold.
If in this task you do succeed,
Everybody will be freed.
If this challenge is ignored,
Then there is no looking forward.”
The spoon disappears in a puff of smoke, leaving everyone at a loss for words.
Finally, James breaks the silence. “Welp, you guys wanted a mystery, right?”
Everyone erupts into chatter, everyone talking over each other. I make out little bits and pieces of questions, and complaints, too
“How did it find our flyers so fast?”
“Well that wasn't what I thought you meant by ‘mystery’! I thought we were gonna be finding lost pencils, not be put in charge of protecting the entire planet!”
“Yeah! Is it too late to back out?”
“SILENCE!” James bellows, and everyone's mouths immediately snap shut. I for one, having mostly recovered from the shock of seeing a walking, talking spoon, am finding this really cool. I've always wanted to do something like this! It's like the kind of thing that you'd see in a fantasy or adventure book, except it's happening to /me/! This was honestly mind-boggling, and it was almost too much to wrap my head around. I mean, this was the kind of stuff that only happened in my dreams! I mean, it was very possible that this /was/, actually, just a dream, caused by the sleep-deprived fog that's currently filling my brain, but I'm pretty sure that this is real. I mean, I'd have to know, right? Like I'd for sure know if this was a dream. Something would have stopped adding up by now. Well, I mean, something /other/ than a giant talking spoon appearing out of nowhere, but you know…. ANYWAYS. I yelp in pain, rocketing out of my chair. Yep. Definitely real. Everyone looks at me as I rub my sore arm, guiltily looking away.
“Oops, sorry,” I mutter apologetically, “Just making sure that it wasn't a dream. You know… I just had to pinch myself and everything.”
Everyone nods understandingly. I think everyone's had too long and too confusing of a morning to even be able to register anything anymore. Oh shoot! We still have school. I look at the clock. Ten minutes to get to class. “Umm… guys?” I ask quietly. No one responds. “Guys?” I repeat, this time a little bit louder. Everyone's heads snap towards me, as though they are all robots programmed to move at the exact same time. Honestly, it's starting to feel like we've all turned into hardly functioning robots. Nothing makes sense anymore, not after seeing a giant talking spoon, and I think we're all still trying to process that. Each- well- each in our own ways. I glance over at a guy repeatedly banging his head into the wall. “Well, first of all,” I begin, “Maybe someone needs to help him out a little bit?” I ask nervously. Everyone dismisses it though, as though this were a perfectly normal thing for him to be doing. Oh well. I shrug. Not my problem. Gently, I try to pull him away, but he just snaps back, almost like a Slinky or something. I give up. “Also, umm… look at the clock.” At this point, we have around seven minutes to get to class. Which, in theory, wouldn't be too much of a problem, except I'm new to the town, and everyone here is new to the building, since the high school is in a different building than the middle school. Nobody moves to stand up, or even glances at the clock, for that matter. I guess this building is close enough to the other one in layout for it not to matter to them. Or maybe they just don't care if they're late to class. Frankly, I do think that this is slightly more of a pressing matter than being late to class. I know that it will look bad, though, if I show up late to class on the first day, so I, for one, decide to leave. The door screeches loudly as I open it and wander down the now-crowded halls, my shoes clicking on the hard floors. I find the area with all of the lockers for the freshmen, and count until I get to number 147, my locker for the year. I dial in the combo carefully, and it opens on the first try, thankfully. I shake my head in amazement. I can't believe what I just got myself into. On one hand, it's probably the most interesting and exciting thing that has and will ever happen to me, but on the other hand, it sounds really stressful and time consuming… Well, I guess there's not really any backing out now though, is there? Resignedly, I slam my books down into my locker. Gosh, with all of that I had forgotten how tired I was. Right. I barely slept last night. I would be paying for this later. I just had to hope to goodness that I wouldn't fall asleep in the middle of class. That would be one way to make an impression, and probably not a good one. At least I knew that I already had friends… ish? That is, if they didn't decide to pretend I didn't exist for the whole school day, and only acknowledge me at club meetings, which I knew from experience was perfectly possible. Oh well. I had taken my chances. As I continued unloading my backpack, (we had been given a TON of books this year - I don't know how I would have managed without a locker) I continued puzzling over the riddle poem thing that the spoon had given us. Something kept nagging at the back of my brain. I knew this. It was so familiar, but I couldn't, for the life of me, remember what it was that I was supposed to know. It had something to do with the first few lines, something about how when the day is bright go to the place of darkest night, or something like that. I had heard that phrase before… (although maybe in /slightly/ more normal language, and it certainly didn't rhyme) maybe it has something to do with my old town? It feels like when you're taking a test, and you know you know the right answer to the question because you studied it a million times over the night before, but the second you read the question, your mind goes blank. Completely empty. Where could it be completely dark during the brightest time of day? Well, anywhere indoors, honestly. But that seems too broad… no this was specific. Those words were chosen for a reason, and it wasn't just to make it rhyme. I look back up at the clock. Three minutes before class. I can do this. I can solve it - maybe that'll give them a reason not to ignore me. Not that I know they will or anything, but just to be safe. I mean, these people seem pretty cool, in a nice way, so I don't think they'd do that, but people can surprise you. Bright, night, bright, night. The words keep repeating in my head, slowly becoming my only thoughts. As I search for my first classroom, room 108, everything suddenly clicks, like that moment when you finally understand a joke, usually about an hour later and then everyone wonders why you're suddenly laughing randomly. Anyways. The Midnight Sun Diner. Exactly halfway between this town and my old town, which is odd, but I don't have the time to dwell on it, since the bell rings in like a minute and I still haven't found the right room. If you arrive exactly when the sun is at its brightest point, to the second, you get a free meal and a framed photo of you put on the wall. Only about three people have succeeded, I'm pretty sure. Anyways, the diner is half bright, half dark. There's a wall that separates the two, and on one side, they've stuck as many lights as they could find, and the other half is almost completely dark - a cool concept, really. That must be what the riddle means, though! I finally arrive at the classroom, but I need a minute to think, so I ask to go to the restroom. I walk into the biggest stall and begin pacing, trying to understand the rest of the riddle. What I really need to do is talk to everyone else in the club, but I can't - they are all in class. Or maybe… maybe they aren't. What if they are all still in that classroom? It's a bit of a stretch, but it's possible for sure. I sprint downstairs and barge into the classroom, only to find it empty. That is disappointing, but at least I didn't walk in on a whole class. I realize the teacher might start getting suspicious soon, so I run back upstairs, then wander around for a few moments, wanting to make sure I have the right room, before I walk back into the class for what I know is going to be a /very/ long day. I tap my foot impatiently - why can't school be over already? This is a matter of life and d34th, essential for the safety of Earth! (at least according to the prophecy, that is) I should be out there right now, solving the riddle, not stuck listening to a bunch of teachers drone on about their plans for the rest of the year. Ordinarily, I wouldn't mind this all too much - I mean, we don't get any homework today, and we're not really learning much of anything, so that's always a plus, but today it's just too much to handle. By lunch, I've asked to go to the bathrooms so many times I can't count, and I'm pretty sure everyone thinks I have some sort of health problem because of it. Whoops. This is too important though. When the bell rings for lunch, it couldn't have come soon enough. I'm the first one out of the classroom, darting downstairs to grab lunch from the cafeteria. Then I realize the /slight/ mistake in my genius masterplan. As the first one in the cafeteria, all of the tables are entirely empty. Luckily, every grade eats lunch at a different time so I don't have to worry about taking up a group of seniors' table, it still wasn't the best plan. Plus, for all I know, the club has found some random abandoned classroom to hang out in for lunch.
Then I spot James, waving at me from the back of the lunch line. I jog over to him. “Hey!” I say.
“We were planning on eating in the classroom we were in this morning, if you want to join us,” he says, as though he had just read my mind. I mean, it was probably fairly obvious, between the fact that I'm new here and know literally no one else, and the worry plainly visible on my face. I dip my head gratefully, unable to do much else due to the incredibly tilty lunch tray in my hands, and begin the long walk over to the complete other side of the building, where this morning's classroom is. As I approach the fully closed door, it creaks open, as though blown open by the wind, except… there's no wind in here. In fact, the air here is probably the most stale and unmoving air that I've ever seen. Like ever. Weird, but… it's okay. I'm probably just on edge from this morning, which is honestly perfectly reasonable. I just need a moment to calm down, and stop being so jumpy, for goodness' sake. The door creaks again. It is probably normal at this school, right? I mean, I haven't even been here a day! Then, a thought occurs to me. What if no one wants to talk about the case over lunch? What then? That would be fair, since we all had a shock this morning. Plus, it's not an official club meeting, so they have no need to; maybe they're just going to hang out? I'll just wait until someone else mentions it maybe, how about that? Just then, the door creaks open, and I jump ten feet out of my chair, only to realize that someone actually opened the door this time.
“Wow, someone's jumpy today,” James comments. I decided to let that one slide. Slowly, the other members of the club begin to file in. Once everyone's arrived, James claps his hands once and what little nervous, awkward small talk there had been before comes to a halt. I take it that means that we're going to start talking about the case, then. “So, I've been thinking a bit about the riddle and what it could mean…” he begins. I raise my hand abruptly. “Yes, Avery?” he asks, then adds, “This isn't a d1ctatorship, you're allowed to talk when you want, you know.” I duck my head in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” I reply shamefully, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. “I spent all morning puzzling over the riddle,” I begin, stalling for time until I realize that no one really wants to hear any of that fluff - they just want to know what I discovered. “It's th-” I begin to blurt out, before everything starts trembling. “A- are earthquakes normal in this area?” I ask nervously, knowing full well that they're not, especially judging by the astonished expressions of everyone else. The floor begins rocking a little bit harder, almost giving the impression of an elastic band that's snapped, becoming more and more rubbery by the second. The ripples in the floor get bigger and bigger, and it suddenly feels as though the floor is disappearing beneath my feet. I put my toe down on the ground (my feet were up on a desk before) experimentally, and watch in shock as it disappears. “Are we s-sinking?” I ask. No one answers. They're all too busy trying to figure out what's happening. Before I know it, I'm already halfway submerged in the floor, which is something that I never thought I would have to say, but here I am.
James, fear and panic evident in his eyes, demands, “Avery, what was it? What was it that you found out? Tell us now!” He begins moving frantically in my direction, as fast as he can. I still can't shake the feeling that something is off, though. I stay silent, partly out of fear, and partly because every single fibre in my body is telling me not to respond. The floor finally gives way, sending me - and James - tumbling downwards. I curl myself up as tightly as possible, bracing for impact, then look up in confusion as I feel myself land, not a second later, on the same carpet as the classroom was. I look around for James, but see him nowhere. Instead I spot the spoon, which nearly gives me a h34rt attack.
“W- what are you doing here?” I ask. It says nothing, only hands me a piece of paper and vanishes again. I scan the document. It was all a trick? By my enemies? I knew something was off. Apparently the whole thing was an illusion, meant to trick me in to giving up the answer. I would have to be a lot more careful if I wanted to make it out of this safely. Everything should be okay for now, though. /Trust no one/. The words ran through my head - from where, I have no idea, but it's probably pretty good advice. Apparently the spoon has now put a safety spell on this room though, so at least it's safe in here. I wish it could do that on the whole world, but you know, you can't have everything that you wish for. At least we have this tiny bit of protection. James walks into the room - the real James, this time. And I can see it in his face too, and in the faces of the others. They all seem a lot more normal, more like themselves - well, not that I've known them for all that long, but still. He waves at me, and we all take our seats. Now just dying to share everything I had just learned, I speak up for once, recounting the events of the day. Everyone sits, speechless. I mean, I don't really know what I expected their reaction to be, in fairness. Someone in the back of the room pulls out their phone and looks up the diner, passing around their phone so that everyone can see photos of it.
“So we need to go there?” James asks, fully trusting me. I nod.
“I think so.”
“Alright then. Is everyone free this Saturday?” The majority of the room nods. “Okay then. That's when we'll do it. We have no time to lose. I know someone who can drive us all there; he won't ask questions.” He gestures to someone sitting in the back of the room, who I hadn't even noticed. He almost seemed to melt in to the shadows. “My brother,” he finishes, somewhat grimly. The guy looks up from his phone.
“Huh?” he asks.
“Never mind,” James replies. Noting my surprised expression, James adds, “Yeah, he kinda blends in like that a lot. Don't worry though, he wasn't here this morning, so you're not going entirely crazy. He doesn't want to be a part of this club, but I brought him here today because- well- I just had a feeling that we might be needing him soon. And before you ask why he can drive, he's not in our grade. He's a sophomore, but he has a free period during our lunch time, which works out just /excellently/ for us.
The next week passes by in a hectic flurry of activity, and before I know it, it's Saturday. I let my mom know that I'm heading out for the day with some friends, and she doesn't really ask questions. I honestly think she's just glad that I've found friends; otherwise, normally, she might've questioned me a bit more, but hey, I'm not complaining. After we've picked everyone up, (James's brother's car is insanely huge; even bigger on the inside than it appears from the outside) we begin the long road trip. I'm surprised that James's brother doesn't mind driving us here, but he seems pretty content. I mean, we might be annoying him a little bit, but we're mostly staying quiet. He turns up the radio, and it starts playing some rock song that I've never heard before. From the look on everyone else's faces, they haven't either, so maybe it's not just a ‘me living under a rock’ problem. James is the only one who looks unsurprised by the choice of music, which I guess makes sense.
When we all finally hop out of the car, I stare at the diner. I've passed by this place so many times, and yet I've never been in. I look back down to find everyone else staring at me. ”…What?“ I ask. Then, I realize that they're all waiting for /me/ to tell them what to do. I was the one who thought of this place, so clearly I must have thought this through more, right…? I'm sure you're thinking, oh of course Avery has a plan, she's perfect and brilliant and all that. Nope. I had thought of absolutely nothing. Luckily, James notices my uncertainty and takes the lead. Relief floods through me - I'll have to thank him for this later. I make a mental note. We all walk inside, following James. When we go inside, I notice a strange plaque. I file it away in my mind for later reference - it just /feels/ important. I'm not going to say anything for now though, because it'll make me look dumb if it's nothing. Plus, it might make people less likely to believe me on this, which is not what I want. After we've circled the entire inside of the restaurant for the sixth time though, I decide to speak up. Customers are already starting to stare, and the workers have begun to glare. ”Hey- um- there was this- this sign- nevermind,“ I finish quickly, realizing how stup1d it sounds. It was a good-ish idea in my head. James stops though, somehow seeming to know exactly what sign I was referring to. It was a sign about a ‘fear w34pon’. I think we both knew that it was too coincidental to mean nothing. Apparently the restaurant had it on display - the question was, where? We went up to the lady at the front to ask, and she directed us to a glass case outside. I stared at it. I knew what this was; I had seen it before. But where? This was just like the first part of the riddle. I knew, strangely enough, deep down inside, what it was, but I couldn't tell you exactly, or how I knew it. I just did. It's like if someone asks you why a tree is called ‘tree’ - it just /is/. I didn't name it. I still call it that though, because that's what I do. Except this had a bit more of a deep-down feeling to it.
”Uh- soo….“ James begins. ”Are we supposed to break the glass?“ he asks hesitantly. The idea makes something drop inside my stomach. I may be many things, but a rule-breaker certainly isn't one of them. In fact, I'm probably one of the most rule-following people that I know. I feel a little bit reassured when I notice James looking a little queasy at the prospect of it too. Someone else makes the decision for us though, smashing through the glass easily. Well, that solves that. I glance nervously back at the restaurant, hoping no one saw. I don't really think anyone cares though, to be completely honest.
”So, um- bring it back?“ I ask. ”Bring it back where? Surely not to school?“ Everyone else looks as unsure as me, until finally someone pipes up.
”Why not? We've already smashed the glass on a potentially priceless artifact.“ I couldn't argue with that. So into the car the weapon went (which was really more like a coin than a weapon, but oh well), and we all piled back in for the long drive back home. James agrees to keep the artifact, since we all decided that he's the least likely to lose it, have someone find it, or get in trouble for having it. I go back home restlessly, unable to shake the feeling that something's still not quite right. At around one in the morning, I bolt upright. Bring it back. It doesn't mean to school. It means to my old town. Again, I don't know how I know it - I just do. I pick up my phone and call James, not even caring that it's the middle of the night. To his credit, he picks up on the second ring and manages not to sound too tired, which is something I was not exactly able to pull off. I told him what I thought, and he instantly agrees with me. His voice hardens as he says we'll go tomorrow.
Oh no. What have I done?
I open my window as quietly as possible and jump down, sprinting as fast as I can around the block and over to James's house. I knock on the door quietly, praying that he'll be the one to answer. ”James…?“ I ask cautiously when he opens the door blearily. ”Did I just talk to you on the phone?“ I ask nervously. He shakes his head no confusedly.
”Avery, what are you doing here? It's one in the morning.“
”Shoot. Shoot shoot shoot.“ I say, ignoring him completely. ”We have a problem. A big one.“ I fill him in as quickly as I can, and he runs to grab his brother. We jump into the van, and his brother drives as fast as he can, which I make a mental note to thank him for. Wow. I've made a lot of mental notes lately. ”You have the artifact, right?“ I ask James for the hundredth time, still on edge.
”Yep,“ he responds, pulling a tissue-wrapped disc out of his pocket. He begins unwrapping it, but his face turns into terror as he realizes that, instead of a shiny gold circle, his tissue contains a quarter! ”Oh no! Oh no, oh no oh no!“ he exclaims, burying his face in his hands.
”Hey, hey, it's okay,“ I reassure him, patting his shoulder lightly, ”It's not your fault, okay? It's not your fault. I've jeopardized the case to these people a few times too.“ He sniffles slightly, wiping away his tears with the tissue. Well, at least it was good for something. I know now that our enemies, whoever they may be, are en route to the town. There's no way they're not. And they have the disc, too. Luckily, the one thing they don't know is /where/ to go. And I'm sure it'll take them a while, if my suspicions are correct. That's the one thing that I'm keeping to myself - not even telling James or his brother. I can't risk it. /Trust no one/. It rings in my ears again. James's brother pulls to a halt outside a park by my old house. ”Why are we stopping here?“ I ask.
”It's past your bedtime, little kids,“ James's brother cackles, turning backwards to face us. Except it's not James's brother. His face has been replaced with a horrid, mutated- /thing/. I don't know how else to describe it, but I have to avert my eyes. I can't look at that.
”Who are you and what have you done with my brother?“ James demands icily, in a voice I've never heard him use before. It even makes me want to shrink backwards in fear, even though I know that I've done nothing wrong. (note to self: never mess with James's brother)
”It doesn't matter. You've meddled with affairs that you have no business being involved in, and now you're paying the price for your actions. Now, Avery. Kindly tell me where to put this -“ the brother-skeleton-zombie pulls the shiny gold disc out of its pocket, flipping it casually in James's brother's hands. ”thing.“ I shake my head no firmly. I wouldn't budge. ”A lovely family you have there dear,“ it drawls, tracing it's hand along the side of the coin slowly.
”Don't you dare mess with m-“ James holds me backwards.
”Stay calm, Avery. Don't give in,“ he mutters in my ear, ”This is what they want - to see us weak and fragmented. Don't give in.“ he repeats. I stop flailing reluctantly. ”And three, two, ONE,“ he says, starting at a whisper and slowly increasing in volume to a shout. He leaps forward, dragging me with him, and somehow, miraculously, manages to grab the coin with a grin. He begins fiddling with it.
”What are you doing? We need to get out of here! Zombie-brother thing is MAD,“ I cry.
”Hang onnn,“ he replies, ”Just -“ he grunts, ”a - second!“ he finishes triumphantly, pulling apart the coin to reveal a bright, shining light. ”After all, it is a weapon, right?“ He grins, and I stare back in amazement. I look back over at the zombie thing as I hear a sizzling, shocked to see that its face is melting away, blackening to a crisp! I high-five James's not-busy hand. We did it! After the zombie has completely melted away, I realize that we still have to put the weapon in its rightful spot. Since we don't really have James's brother to drive us anywhere, we decide to walk. Plus, it's only a few minutes' walking distance. We arrive at a hole in the ground, just like I knew there would be, and I instruct James to drop it in. The spoon pops back up, handing me another note. James looks over my shoulder curiously. ”What's in it?“ he asks.
”Shouldn't we go back to the car first, and wait until we're on our way home to read it?“ I ask, but then I realize that it's pointless, seeing as James's brother is in some unknown location, and we'll probably be stuck here until tomorrow. I unfold the card with trembling hands. /Congratulations!/ it reads. ”That's it?“ I ask. ”That's literally the shortest note I've ever read in my entire life.“
”Oh well,“ James shrugs, ”At least we know we did it. Wait- we did it! This deserves a celebratory ice cream or something.“ I grin.
”I know just the place! Follow me!"

The End
or is it? dun dun dunnnn

word wars
8/11/2022, against @IvyCreations - 294 words
Hello again and welcome back to another episode of Super Nonsensical Stories about the Awesome but Actually Kind of a Little Bit Boring Stories about the Life of Sophie (even though that makes no sense), which is very uninteresting, but for some reason I am still writing it because why not. Plus, what else could i write about quite so quickly as this? Anyways are word wars not just like absolutely the most stressful things to ever have happened to anyone in their whole entire life? I mean like they just bring upon you so much stress and you are just like wow, I really really really want to write this super quickly so then I can have more words than and beat my opponent, but like it is so very hard, and then also your brain has to be able to think fast enough to keep up with your hands, which is why it is so very helpful to have a timer and I mean whoops I actually meant just a very short amount of time for doing this whoops. Also I never really like to share proof because I am worried that I will be very slightly judged for this since it is very much just like a stream of thought type thing writing, and also it does not completely make all that much sense, but I think that this time I might possibly actually decide to share my proof because why on earth not? And um yeah so anyways I was planning to actually tell you avout my boring life for once, but once again, of course, I never actually made it to it since my brain is not capable of focusing on one thing for that long um yeah lol

random writing
writing comp entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6762105/
fanfic writing comp entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=42#post-6764657
random story: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=43#post-6765910
thank yous: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=51#post-6783956

Last edited by i_like_kotlc (Nov. 30, 2022 01:00:13)

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀sophie ~ she/they ~ bookworm ~ musical nerd
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily for November 2

Last edited by SussyLegWarmers- (Nov. 2, 2022 02:31:06)

8 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

daily for november second:

(sorry it sounds more like a short essay than a magazine article haha)

Why You Should Join Scratch Writing Camp

Scratch Writing Camp is a writing competition of sorts held three times a year, for a month at a time, on Scratch. There are 14 cabins that compete against each other. Each cabin writes for points, and are sometimes prompted by dailies and weeklies. There are also smaller competitions along the way such as word wars. In the end, the cabin with the most points wins. It seems simple, so you might ask yourself, why would you want to join?
To start off, Scratch Writing Camp (SWC) is a great way to motivate yourself to write more. In fact, I think it would be almost impossible to join SWC and not write more that month than you already do! Each person gets a word goal for the month, which you set yourself, and this definitely helps because you have challenged yourself already to write more just by setting that goal. Also, each day there is a new prompt announced, called a daily, that can get you more words and more points for your cabin! This is a big motivator because they are usually short, and get you a decent amount of points. Similar to the dailies, there are weeklies, which have bigger word requirements and higher point values. These can help you rack up lots of words and you’ll get tons of writing done.
Another reason to join is that it will improve your writing. The dailies and weeklies have so many different prompts and different ways you are required to write, it helps you explore so many different types of writing! And, as I mentioned before, you get so much writing done, it’ll be impossible not to improve. Also, the weeklies often have workshops that tell you about different types of writing and how to write them. Last year, I learned so much about poetry and the different types from an amazing workshop! Sometimes during SWC, you are asked to critique peoples writing or have others critique yours, which can help you improve the work that is being critiqued and learn what mistakes you make often. This can help you substantially improve your writing style. You also get to see other peoples writing, which can help you find things you like about the way they write and incorporate it into your writing style.
During SWC you also get to meet new people! There are so many amazing people in SWC that you can become friends with! Because this is a camp for writing, everyone also has the love for writing in common. Being in cabins also helps meeting people because you don’t have to feel pressured to meet everyone. The competition between cabins helps you bond together and feel responsible for the people in your cabin. And, since there are so many people who compete in SWC each time, there are so many people to meet and talk with. It would be hard to not meet someone new during SWC, because everyone is writing things and talking about peoples work and dailies and so many things! SWC is a great way to make new online friends with similar interests.
SWC is overall an amazing online camp that writers anywhere can enjoy. It helps you write more, improve your writing skills, and you can make new friends. If you enjoy writing, I highly recommend SWC.

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