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48 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Maria's block
hey i 'm from poetry and this is my writing thread

S.W.C Dailey day – 2
S.W.C includes a lot of things and my favorite is (and always will be) cabin wars because it’s a challenge and anything that’s is fun (to me)
Cabin wars encourage cabin mates to improve their speed on writing and also a good way to race and see how many words you have written in time a limit and also it includes point for your team / cabin .
Let’ s see now in detail
What is cabin wars ?
It’s where you complete with other people from different cabins in a time limit ( say five minutes , two minutes etc )
Why is cabin wars important ?
Cabin wars give points to your cabin ( that is if you win only ) and is a great and excellent wat to improve your speed and increases your creativity
How do I play cabin wars ?
It’s so easy whenever one of our hosts send a project title cabin wars click it and go to the comment section type – I from this cabin/ word speed – this – this /time limit
Find an already posted comment with your same time speed or even similar ( but ensure someone else has not commented )then if the person agrees you have a war
Remember once you won a war you can only play the next day
Thanks and have nice day .

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily Two - Postscript Article
November 2nd - 204 words

We always say that life comes before Scratch Writing Camp, even though camp is a fun time for all some campers and (co)leaders have been putting camp before life. Sometimes it has minor consequences, but other times it can cause lack of school work or even headaches from staring a a screen. This article will now tell you how to practise putting life first.

Firstly, something you can do is finishing your school work or chores before you jump onto scratch and check the main cabin for dailies, weeklies or even in-cabin tasks. Doing your responsibilities first is great practise for putting life before SWC and is something more people should be doing. To be honest I have even put SWC before life, this happened when I was a camper but now I have learnt to put life first.

Secondly, if you struggle with putting life first, you could always set a screen time limit, or get a sibling to temporarily hide your home device which you have access to scratch on. Restricting your time on scratch is a good way to put life first.

This does not mean to quit SWC, this is just to help you keep SWC and life in moderation.

(To be continued..)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
36 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

November 2 Daily WIP
SWC got off to a great start! Many people participated in the first and second dailies, and some people even completed the first weekly on the first day! (As a reminder, the first daily was to introduce yourself and was worth no points. The second daily was to start an article for the Postscript and was worth 100 points. The first weekly was
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly #1
This is still in progress XD

Dear Dystopian,

My fellow sibling, I have just learned that as well as travelling the timeline, I can travel through different realms or worlds, best not let anyone get their hands on this machine, if i could call it that anyway. Before I go I just wanted to visit the beauty that your realm contains, the shining star and the galaxies that can be seen is a sight like no other. I don't understand how this beauty could be labelled as Dystopian. Anyways, I wish you luck on your journey my sibling. I hope that this session will be a session full of surprises for us, I can't wait to see you again.

I wish I could have stayed longer,

(121 words)
Dear Thriller,

I didn't quite catch you this time did I my sibling? You are always full of surprises! I do hope that I will see you next time I visit, your realm is truely spectacular, the aesthetic is so underrated. I wonder where you are on your expedition, although I hope you have fun, travelling the ocean, discovering the many mysteries it has to offer. You must tell me what happens when you get back, the expedition sounds like something of a thriller! I can't wait to catch up with you, I can't remember how long it has been.

I miss you very much,

(106 words)
Dear Adventure,
I dearly hoped to be siblings, but I guess others had ‘claimed’ the spot first. I do hope you are fine, as I haven't written to you in a while. Although a few weeks back, I did visit your castle, I waited at the tall metal gates, for a while. But nobody came, luckily a brought a book. I just sat under the shade of an arch, until a guard came and escorted me far from the castle, he said something about you being in the middle of something. Anyway, next time I hope you can make time for your dear friend Fan-Fi.

The ally that was told to leave,

(113 words)
Dear Historical Fiction,

How is that train heist, or whatever you call it going? I was wondering if I could come over once you have this heist sorted. I definitely do not want to disrupt your plans or ruin any top-secret operation that is going on. Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this session, you seem to be doing rather well. I hope this streak continues, as I love seeing you up on the leaderboard. I do hope you figure out this heist sooner than later, I would rather fancy visiting you.

From your hopeful and positive ally,
Fan Fiction.
(100 words)
Dear Real-Fi,

I have thought of coming to visit that lovely inn of yours, I have heard many amazing reviews from all sorts of guests. Mostly from the Scratch Writing Camp community. I am treasuring the relationship that we have with you, and always making sure that this relationship stays strong. Like before, I am actually planning to visit your Inn, but what do I bring? I mean there must be so many wonderful things to do at this lovely in. I can't wait to visit, please write back. When you do please include a list of what a must bring.

From your curious ally,
(106 words)
Dear Bi Fi,

I have just finished a movie as your amazing cinema. The movie was amazing, and just sitting in the seats made me feel at home. I don't understand why other people don't visit. It is truly an amazing tourist attraction, well attraction for anyone! I am just writing to tell you how much I enjoyed. I cannot wait to see you again, so I can tell you how grateful I really am in person. I loved visiting your cinema and in no doubt I am sure to visit again. It was an amazing experience, I can't wait to see you!

From your amazed friend,
(108 words)
Dear Script,

I have heard about that dreadful phantom that sent you back in time. If only we could come back and save you from this horror- actually it sounds quite nice- ignore me. ANYWAY- Fan-Fiction's ability to time travel doesn't work that way unfortunately. If I could take you guys back I would. Anyway I can't wait to see you once you escape, I can guarantee that you will. You are already performing many songs and climbing the leaderboard. I know you. You are amazing, and you won't throw away your shot.

From your friend that misses you dearly,
(101 words)
Dear Poetry,

I hope this letter reaches you just after you finish that competition you are holding. It sounds rather fun by the way, I would love to join. Although you know me, busy as a bee. Well probably busier, I mean the world's fate and all. Although I'm sure I can make time for a friend. Please consider having me over on that isle of your after this competition, I surely wouldn't want to disrupt the challenges or whatever you have going on. Maybe you can tell me about it, well when I come over anyway.

From your curious friend,
(102 words)
Dear Fantasy,

Or steampunk should I say, you have really made your cabin stand out by the way. (Ooooh accidental rhyming.) Your cabin theme is amazing, I would love to visit some day, although I don't think you would accept as we are hostiles, although I love you all, Scratch Writing Camp has forced me to call some enemies and some sibling, but in all honestly I love you all. I hope you can find the time to write me back, but don't consider it a priority as I know how busy you must be.

From your hopeful hostile neutral,
(101 words)
Dear Mystery,

The mysterious aura of you cabin attracts me, it pulls me closer. It makes me feel as if there is a mystery or something big behind what seems to be a glorious or magnificent train. I must investigate more into this, anyway enough with me conspiracies or curiosities to say it better. I have been hoping to board your train for a while now, but work seems to be pulling me back, maybe it is a sign, saying I should go on a vacation where I don't have the urge to investigate or anything.

I hope I can travel with you soon,
(105 words)
Dear Folklore,

A friend told me they were in the forest, then the next second they were falling, they said it happened so fast, they still do not understand it. Anyway, they mentioned ending up in a village, it is quite easy to forget what they told me as they said it in quite a rush, must be the shock or something. But they said something about a Folklore Trails? I knew it must be you, so I wrote the letter urgently. I know you aren't the closest friends with me, so you don't have to respond. I get it.

I hope you can write back to tell me the answer,
(112 words)
Oh Science Fiction, Oh Science Fiction,

I know that we aren't exactly friends but I would consider us a somewhat neutrals, well I guess i would not put a label on it. I guess we can't exactly tell yet. Anyway I would just like to compliment your cabin, it's theme is really eye-catching as well as the colour palette. With the great theme and amazing leaders it attract the campers, that is why sci-fi is such an impeccable cabin. You guys are doing so well in camp and I am sure that you will progress through the leaderboard through the month!

Still admiring you,
(105 words)
Naan Fiction,

What an amazing name, it is just so original and makes me smile whenever I see it. I cannot believe that we are supposedly enemies, your theme is so cool! I love it so much, it is truely spectacular. Your cabin is quite amazing as well as the leaders that it is home to. I can guarantee that you will bring success home to your cabin. Even though we are enemies, I will still cheer you on. Scratch Writing Camp is such an amazing community, I couldn't ever be competitive to anyoneee. (yeah pfft)

From that totally-not-competitive enemy,
(101 words)

It flooded my veins as I saw it. A figure standing there, right over there. A ghost. Next thing you know it was gone. I knew what would happen to it, it must have gone to the horror council.

Oh my gosh, sorry. I got carried away, you have such an amazing theme and it is the perfect story starter. I know we are enemies and I totally won't be too competitive towards you… I guess not anyway. I just want to compliment you on how amazing your storyline is. Just like every other cabin.

From your intrigued enemy,
(101 words)

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Nov. 8, 2022 12:40:08)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily 2/11: 219 words

Mangoes: A Column for the Postscript Newspaper
by Raya

Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes. SWC's food mascot, starter of conversations, ender of conversations, and the snack to satisfy us writers. Toss some into a salad, on top of some sticky rice, have it dried, or just eat it simple and alone. However you use this delicious, sticky fruit, it's valid.
A mango is a drupe, a type of food that has a skin, meat, and seed in the middle. They were first grown around 5,000 years ago in Asia. Mangoes are usually used to eat - or to eat with, if you like hollowing it out and using the peel. Smoothies, chutney, pies, crumbles, salsa, popsicles, ice cream, custard, you name it; they all can contain mango. Besides for eating, they are now used in so many ways like for designs on fabric, mango wars, stress balls (watch out), and barricades. Mango art is gorgeous. Using a knife, artists have carved mangoes into hedgehogs, rose flowers, fish, and more.
Today I've conducted a survey on some of our fabulous SWC leaders. The question is, “How they eat or use your mango?” Let's take a look at how they answered.
Iris, also known as @owlgoing-, wrote, “I eat mangoes with my hands, and also use mangoes as targets to throw at my enemies B).”
Sawyer (@honeybreeze) wrote, “I use them to decorate my room! Unfortunately sometimes they get squishy and I have to throw them out, but their aroma fills my room when that happens and it smells so good all the time now! my family doesn't agree though so it's great for warding them off… (if you want an actual answer I usually eat dried mango.)”
Cami, @hamilchaos, says, “I've only had mangoes twice :sob: but I cut them into little squares or something xD.”
Soki (@Rey_venclaw), leader of bi-fi, said, “I like mango smoothies
As we can gather, us SWC'ers have unique ways of using our mangoes. Here are some more responses!
From Birdii, “I just cut them up and eat them :eyes:”
Brave says, “I usually peel the skin off, before cutting the mango into cubes xD”
“I particularly like to eat my mangoes in half, and use a spoon to scoop out the fruit ^^,” said Gabbie.
Moss answered, “I like cutting up mangoes and tomatoes and putting them on top of taco bowls or nachos I also like carving ”FANTASY FTW“ into them ;D”
“I use my mangoes for emotional support after spongebob the musical <3” said the lovely Luna - @Luna-Lovegood-LOL.
Finally, Wari (@scratch_warrior_cat) said, “So, I make mangos into mango smoothies, which I serve at the Spicy Mango Sauce Quartet Sibling Hangout. If I have any extra mangos left over, I use them for chucking at Script's enemies! ^^”

Last edited by lokiously (Nov. 3, 2022 00:49:19)

i love pillows!
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

11/2 (307 words): Our SWC magazine, The Postscript, will be open for submissions all through November! Today, start working on an article about any SWC-related topic; once you've written at least 200 words, you can claim 100 points for your cabin. We encourage you to finish off your article before the end of the month and submit it to Robyno's (@-redredrobin-) profile (they should have a project shared by the end of the month) for publication!

Mangoes. If you ask someone what they are, they would probably say that they are a juicy, yellow-orange fruit with a green peel that sometimes tastes sweet and sometimes tastes sour. But a multitude of people on a coding platform called Scratch know them as one of the main symbols of SWC, which is also known as Scratch Writing Camp. During SWC, one of the fifteen cabins even went far enough to make a mascot, Marc Mangosen, based on the beloved fruit. But why have mangoes become the beloved icon all SWCers know and love to this day? Well, it all started after one session (before the studio update), when the original cabin destruction method still existed. As most SWCers know, cabin destruction was one main tradition after camp ended. It consisted of editing or replacing the description and thumbnail of SWC cabins and the main cabin, so chaos could ensue and increase camp and cabin spirit. On some occasions, a few cabins went so far as to put their cabin’s description through google translate, make funny edits to the thumbnail, or replace parts of the description with weird or funny words or inside jokes. But one session, SWCers decided to go even further. They decided to change the SWC main cabin to SMC: Scratch Mango Camp. Some of the descriptions had become replaced with the word mango, a mango had been added to the thumbnail, and the words on it and the studio title were changed. After that, it had been decided almost simultaneously that mangoes would symbolize SWC as an inside joke of sorts. Even now, campers and (co)leaders alike rejoice at the finding of a mango, even vowing to make it their favorite food. So, the iconic mango originated from what was supposed to be cabin destruction but instead became so much more.

“I told you.
I don’t want to
join your super
secret boy band.”

jade ◇ she/her ◇ swcer ◇ script ftw
in love with too many fictional characters ✨

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

1st Weekly: 1741 words :00

Side note: Don't take these super seriously, they're for fun and friendly competition <3 I love all these wonderful cabins!

Adventure: 135/100
Hey Adventure Adversaries,
How's the adventure down there? The view we have here in the realm of the clouds is simply beautiful. Perhaps you'd like to come and see it? Climb up this completely normal ladder that I won't drop as soon as you get on and check it out!
Besides that, I have some questions that definitely will not give me insight as to how to conduct a raid against you /j. Are you for or against the dragon? I have special dragon-taming abilities that may come in handy- I probably shouldn't have told you that. *quickly changes subject*
I must say I love your storyline. Such a cliché plot made into a unique one. Just wondering- if I were in your cabin, would I be a Goldblood or Redblood?
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki
Bizarro Fiction: 143/100
Dear Bi-Fi, my sworn enemy, nemesis, foe, rival,
I wanna be in the cinema where it happens, the cinema where it happens, the cinema where it happens. I've got to be in that big ol' cinema. On the other hand, I'm loving it here at Dystopian. You may think it's lonely, but it's actually really nice here. We have cookies, chocolate, stars, mist, milk, rain, and a lot of things that you don't know about.
My job as your adversary is to take you down, in spite of the fact that my motivation to do so is lacking. I'll focus on writing instead, though I know that counts as points against you anyways :eyes:
May the force be with you, Soki, Skye, Celes, Nat, Mayhem, Stingray, other Skye, Starla, and everyone at Bi-Fi!
Good luck on kidnapping me,
~ Signed, Lokito at Dystopian <3
Dystopian: 128/100
Dear Dystopian, my cabin,
How are you? I really don't know what to put here since I live here already. Is there a postperson that comes and deliveries it to the post office slash main cabin only to come back in confusion to deliver it back to the same address? I'd really like to know the process of mail delivery around here. Perhaps there is a secret mail service run by invisible, lightning-fast aliens.
Well, I must say that I'm really happy I'm in this awesome cabin. Lisa, Gabbie, and Dawn, y'all are amazing leaders; I'm so glad I'm with you here in dystopia! We're going to win through wordpower, I just know it. This is our month. Let's make that happen <3
~ Signed, Your Very Own Loki
Fanfiction: 117/100
Dear Sibings at the Fan-Fi Agency,
I love writing in your genre. It is in fact the main genre I write in. Fanfiction is just so fun for me because I get to extend stories in my favorite fandoms. I'm interested to know what you're writing about over there. What are your favorite fandoms? Do you write fanfiction in your agency? On another note, time-travel is very neat. If you can divulge such secret information, how do you time-travel? Almost a random question, but what do you think of Hermione Granger? She possesses a time-turner in Book Three - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
Write back!
~ Signed, Dystopian's One and Only Loki
Fantasy: 108/100
Fantasy, my friends who are very interested in beating us,
You're doing great. Just don't keep going /j.
~ Signed, Loki from Dystopian

P.S. That is all I wished to say, but apparently I must right (correction: write (my brain these days)) at least 100 words for you. Here we go.
Firstly, I love your genre. I read in it a lot and a lot of my favorite books are written in it. Nice.
Secondly, you're honoring World Pianists Day! I didn't even know there was one until I took a look at your cabin. Good job.
Thirdly, goodbye. I'm rooting for you - to go down to the roots.
Folklore: 103/100
Hello, Folklore, my allies!
Congrats on whoever got into your cabin - it's the first instance of Folklore in SWC history!
Not to sound too jumpy about it, but can I just say that I love, love, love, love folklore? I have a big book of fairy tales I used to read to bed at night when I was younger. Now I read them to my little brother.
What are your favorite fairy tales? Aren't they cliché? Thoughts on the Brothers Grimm tales? Greek, Roman, or Norse mythology?
Good luck, race you the top!
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki

P.S. We're already there ^^
Historical Fiction: 125/100
Hi Historical,
When your name comes up, I automatically think of one series I've read in historical fiction: the Little House series. This series, written by Laura Ingalls Wilder, was one of the first series I read - one that got me into reading. It was an easy eight-book read that I read through my younger years. I highly recommend.
That's me memory rambling.
Another thing: historical fiction is kind of like a type of fanfiction - if you're a fan of history - since you are building on top of a pre-existing world.
I've dedicated this letter purely to writing about hi-fi, what it is, and what I've read in the genre. Boring, aren't I? Just like your genre *smug face*. I'm half-joking.
~ Signed, Loki at Dystopian
Horror: 104/100
Hello Horror,
I'd like to say that this letter will blow up in two, so read it quick.
Despite our relationship, we are somewhat alike. Our genres both have a negative connotation, both meant to somewhat horrify our audience. The bad guy rules. It hurts, I know.
Here's some candy.
Eat it quick, it goes down pretty fast.
What? It looks suspicious? Pftt- no way; we're your enemies, what would we do?
Back on the subject, dystopian and horror mesh well together in books. In SWC, on the other hand….
Well, best of luck getting up here! First is reserved, though….
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki
Mystery: 115/100
Allies, friends, mystery, hi!
I've saved this letter to write for last. Why? That's my mystery.
I'm really jumpy right now! I probably sound awfully squeaky! I've just eaten a lot of candy! It's eight days after Halloween! Somebody douse me with water!
I think I'll write the rest of this letter in caps! This is totally unlike me! I'm just imagining me reading this aloud in happy, crazy, delirious tears! It's like that squealing mouse-like voice that narrates those Nissan car commercials! My eyes are reduced to slits!
Hope you're having a good a time as I am over there at Mystery Express. Could I catch a train with Conductor Brave?
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki!
Non-Fiction: 105/100
Hello, Non-Fi, my old friend. I've come to talk to you again. How are you faring in the leaderboard? How big a stash is your bread hoard? Should I ask, or is it naan of my business? I've come to say nothing. Just silence.
But really, could I have some of that toast with blueberry jam speared on top, please? Or a bagel? Oh, that chocolate-dipped croissant looks absolutely to die for. I'll trade for one of our cereal boxes in the cupboard. We don't get many delicacies in this realm.
Good luck, fare thee well, and don't get the bread wet.
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki
Poetry: 100/100
Poetry, I'd firstly like to congratulate you on earning our foeship. It is indeed a move I would not recommend, just saying.
Anyways, I've always looked up to poetry. The genre, of course, what else? It has so many forms that you could say that everything is poetry. Then again, it does has its limits. Non-poetry books I've read (many, in case you're wondering) can be exceptionally moving. It is poetry that is quoted often in books; poetry that gives clues in a scavenger hunt or map.
That said, good luck this November. You'll be needing it.
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki
Realistic Fiction: 103/100
Greetings Real-Fi,
Could I stay at your inn? I'm betting on you not poisoning or pranking me in my room. And don't even think about jinxing my room keys.
Let's get serious. We know you want the first place bragging rights, but hey, let's be a little realistic here. We, Dystopian, will be taking the lead this month. Not to deflate your chances, but we're trying to get to a million words over here in our little realm. That's reality.
It'd be a great help if I could book a room so I could write in peace. Please?
~ Signed, Dystopian's One and Only Loki
Science Fiction: 102/100
Salutations Science Fiction,
That rhymed! Should I have gotten into Poetry instead? Well, good morning, afternoon, night- whatever time it is in your (very cool) simulation. Your cabin looks awesome, great work on it! I hope this message comes through to you. I don't want it to cut out.
By the way, how do you travel? Is it like train transportation or can you do teleportation? Do the other cabins even exist in your simulation?
H, and could I sneak in to to say hi to Em over there? I haven't seen her in a while ^^
~ Signed, Your Ally Loki at Dystopian
Script: 151/100
How does Nights, Wari, Jade, and all of their campers
Somehow surrender to a realm within so much clamor?
How do they result in chaos all around
Running with a white cloth across the beaten ground?
Hey, turns out they got a certain neutral
Silently planning for a plan that could be brutal
They're ‘round the clock writin’, scribblin', and draftin'
It's the notorious group you envy it's the Dystopian cabin!


We're taking this camp in the lead makin'
Enemies fall and plead, we're-


And we will never pause till we find the cause
Of writing words like we're speed and


Watch us trespassing ‘em! Surpassing ’em!
Sassing ‘em! We’re


We run to the main cabin for more dailies


We come back with more points
And weeklies
We're just being sneaky…

Signed, L. dot Dys.
Thriller: 102/100
Hi, Thriller Siblings!
How's the ocean? What is it like down there? Or up there, since I don't really know myself where I am. I'm thrilled not to be in Thriller. Where you are seems dark, dank, damp, and just plain dreadful. I have heard there are anglerfish and barrelfish down there. Is that true? Giant fish? Sperm whales? It certainly doesn't sound like there is any coral or sailfish. I'm interested, though. Would you be so kind as to send me a letter back regarding a day in the life of a thriller camper? I would be thrilled.
~ Signed, Dystopian's Loki

Last edited by lokiously (Nov. 8, 2022 20:23:14)

i love pillows!
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Nov. 2nd Daily
573 Word

What exactly do people enjoy most about this wonderful thing we call Scratch Writing Camp? What brings people back session after session, always excited for the coming challenges and fun? Is it the writing itself? The competition? The playful sabotage that is Cabin Wars? Well my friends, today we’re here to find out exactly that! Join me as we delve into exactly what people enjoy about SWC the most!
I asked six SWC participants of this session to pick from 5 categories and tell me which of them they enjoyed most about SWC! You can look at the graphic attached to see the answers at a glance, however I will also break them down for you in writing here. So you are all aware of the demographics of people covered in this survey, the six SWC’ers that I asked were @Belluve91 (Birdi), @Dawn_Camps (Dawn), @always-wriiting (Lukatie), @raven-pisces (Star), @Eeveedonut (Iris), and @zparkly (Finch). Also, for reference, the options given were:

- Community
- Competition
- Writing
- Cabin Storylines
- Other (Please elaborate)

Now that all of that is taken care of, let’s move onto the results that I found!

Of the six people that I interviewed, it is clear that community was the overall winner, with 3.5 out of 6 people choosing that as their favorite thing about SWC. When asked why they chose that, people responded several different ways. According to Lukatie, community is her favorite thing about SWC because “The people in SWC are so positive and supportive… There are always people willing to help you and joke with you and everyone is here for a good time.” Another thing that came up several times from the people who chose community was that they loved how accepting SWC was to everybody and anybody who wanted to participate. I agree with that, it is absolutely incredible that no matter your race, gender, ethnicity, religion, whatever, you’re welcome and accepted in SWC! When I spoke with Star about why she chose community as her favorite SWC aspect, she shared that “Most of the people I know on Scratch I have met from SWC.” which I think a lot of us can relate to, I know several people who have made wonderful friends in SWC including myself!

The rest of the answers were spread between Competition and Other, with .5 people choosing competition and 1 person choosing other. When asked to elaborate on why she chose competition, Iris said “well, it’s one of the things that makes camp as good as it is!” I believe this is a pretty good summary of why I enjoy the competition as well, camp just wouldn’t be the same without the competition.
When I spoke with Finch about why he chose “other” he shared that “It's very very beneficial to my mental health. through meeting people, finding time to write, being rewarded for my efforts, etc.” I can definitely see how SWC could have a positive effect for people, and I’m sure there are many other people who think like this as well!

I think it’s clear to see that, while there are several wonderful aspects of SWC and all of them are equally wonderful in different ways, community is the fan favorite when looking at positive aspects of SWC. The community allows people to be who they are, make friends, and find people who share their interests. So what are you waiting for? Join SWC and the amazing community! <3

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Nov. 2, 2022 16:55:47)

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily 2: 277 words

If you ever went to a summer camp, you’ll be assigned to stay in a specific cabin with several other people. You and that group would be spending the whole session of camp doing many activities together, hanging out, and sleeping in bunk beds. It is also one of the best chances to make new friends and learns how to work together in a team that incorporates everyone.

It is almost the same in SWC. But of course, you and your cabin mates aren’t going to be sleeping in bunk beds and spending your day together out in the wilderness in real life. Since SWC is a virtual camp, the “cabin” would most likely be a Scratch studio where you’ll be invested as a curator. The cabins, being studios, are most likely to have a leader and usually one to three co-leaders that help the leader out. This is also like summer camp, where there might be someone assigned to be a leader of a cabin with perhaps a co-leader or two. Although I find that virtual leaders are much more common than the ones IRL, that is just my opinion.

As the cabin is not a material thing, the leaders and cos normally aim to make their cabin stand out and create a unique take on their name by adding a theme that is cohesive with it. This then points out a multitude of directions, such as the themed profile pictures- a very common choice, an exciting storyline, an own set of writing activities the campers can try out, and/or brilliant, virtual awards that the campers can get through this.

Last edited by coolgirl100- (Nov. 5, 2022 14:45:55)

Lolll what a scrumdiddlyumptious signature
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Forgot to post lol

Hello 0; I'm Ivy or Jasper! I go by she/her and I'm a writer (but I mostly post art on scratch) and I'm like THIS close to publishing my debut novel!! So yeah!! I'm very chaotic and I love dark academia, drawing, milkshakes, dogs, and I'm in like a bazillion fandoms. I have a LOT of neglected ocs and like a few I actually use at any given time and they totally switch constantly. Okay so my favorite authors include Marissa Meyer, Neal Shusterman, Scott Westerfeld and Douglas Adams. Marissa Writes fairytale retellings and sci-fi/dystopian novels. She wrote my favorite series, the Lunar Chronicles! It's great, it's a sci-fi fairytale retelling! Neal Shusterman is the author of Arc of a Scythe, my other favorite series (it's like the same level as TLC) and it's AMAZING. THE STORY. THE PLOT. THE TWISTS. GO READ IT NOW. Anyways okay Scott Westerfeld. He's pretty cool as well!! His writing varies but it mostly stays in the sci-fi ish area from what I've seen. He wrote another favorite, the Uglies. Then we get to Douglas Adams. Oh Douglas Adams. He is the famous author of the popular series the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and it is GORGEOUS. I have read it OVER TWENTY TIMES. THE ENTIRE SERIES. IT'S BEAUTIFUL. I LOVE IT. Lastly, Hello from Script and good luck to everyone this month!

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

⩩♥︎ Jasper's SWC Writing Masterlist ! ! ! ⤾









Last edited by IvyCreations (Nov. 17, 2022 21:28:40)

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

WC: 202

Unofficial Themes?

Once you join SWC, it doesn’t take very long to learn about the themes. Not the official themes, like the cabin themes, but the unofficial themes, such as the random things we like. These include things like SWC-themed song parodies, Lin-Manuel Miranda/Hamilton, and, most importantly, mangoes.

Mangoes are the main reason that SWCers exist at all. Without mangoes (and Hamilton, probably) we’d all perish. Some SWCers don’t like mangoes, and, honestly, I long to learn their secret. How do they manage to exist at all?

Second only to mangoes is the aforementioned Hamilton. After SWC is over- or even during SWC itself- you are likely to see Hamilton-based cabin destructions. A cabin destruction is where someone (likely a leader) completely messes up your cabin after SWC is over in order to make it funny. Sibling hangouts get this treatment too, the hostship often switching hands so it is ruined in many ways. You are also likely to see Hamilton lyrics, mostly those of the first song, ‘Alexander Hamilton,’ or the last song on the first disc, ‘Nonstop,’ constantly spammed in the comments of almost every cabin. You should also expect parodies of Hamilton lyrics… which brings us to:

SWC-themed song parodies.

banner m/w @hamilchaos eheheo love u lil sis /hj
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

02 | daily no. 2: Column
word count: 270 (excluding title and subtitle)

The BEST Cabin Names: You've got to use these!

a joke column by Nat (@RoseReef)

When it comes to cabin names, every SWC co-leader and leader has to find a name that correlates with the genre they got assigned to. Though we got cool ones like Dystopian Realm, Fan-fiction Time Traveling Agency, The Mystery Express, somebody's got to come up with some really good ones. Aka me. Seriously though, ‘Poetry Pepperoni Pizza’ or of course ‘Sci-Fi Snake Sanctuary’, is really cool, and should definitely be used in future sessions. Personally, ‘Terror Toilet’ is just a bomb for me, if you know what I'm saying. The wording in the title, the storylines you could make for that, like “Welcome to terror toilet! Escape the toilet before bombs get dropped!” so the campers have to write to get, is like, so cool. But Imagine if you didn't have to use a genre and you could just do for the cabin name “The ground right under a sloth's tree” so everyone could just being surrounded by… uhm… just google “what's on the ground underneath a sloth's tree”. I think some of you might think I'm crazy, so here's another cabin name just to assure you I'm not crazy, ‘Sci-fi Sewer Drain’. If you want a more realistic name, ‘Bi-fi Black Hole’, and the storyline would be that the leaders and co-leaders suck everyone into the black hole and everyone has to write to get out! Just like every other storyline I make, write to get out! Heh, classic. Always remember I'm here if you're every stuck when making a cabin name. Life lesson: always rely on Nat to make the most gripping storyline, and the most supreme name.

Last edited by RoseReef (Nov. 2, 2022 19:47:58)

❝ hee hee ❞
♎︎ gnat | she / they
src host | artist
#horrorSWC2023! #stingrayslays #sophsterslays
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily #2: 11/2/22: 228 words
“Our SWC magazine, The Postscript, will be open for submissions all through November! Today, start working on an article about any SWC-related topic; once you've written at least 200 words, you can claim 100 points for your cabin.”

As a first time camper, there’s still a lot to learn about the process of SWC. However, I have found a returning phrase that seems very important: “Life>SWC.” From what I’ve heard, “SWC>Life” is a bit of a returning joke, but, from my opinion, it’s very important to prioritize your life over the goals of SWC. Yes, writing is one of my favorite things to do, and yes, it might be fun to stay up all night working on a cabin war (another thing I’ve just learned about), but it is more valuable to keep your priorities straight. Everyone would much rather have campers get a full eight hours of sleep and all their homework done. Writing and participating in this amazing camp is an incredible opportunity, but you can’t truly enjoy it if you’re sleep deprived and catching up on missing homework all the time! Writing is something to enjoy, and getting too stressed out about it can make it feel like a chore, something I know from personal experience. Keeping in mind your mental and physical health, as well as prioritizing time to spend with family, friends, and doing other activities, can refuel and refresh your mind, possibly leading to even better writing when you do return. In conclusion, no matter how fun SWC is, it’s important to prioritize your personal life over writing.

reese (she/her) <3
reader | writer | swiftie
❝ who could ever leave me darling, but who could stay ❞
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Hello fellow SWC-ers! I’ve decided to write an article about sleep deprivation! Sleep deprivation is a state caused by inadequate quantity or quality of sleep. Most campers such as myself will wait until the last minute to do the daily or weekly and have to stay up doing it! Another thing that most will stay up for is cabin wars! Cabins will war each other in the dead of night and lose points for other cabins, which leaves most cabins in disarray in the morning. To prevent this from happening campers will stare at their screen until a war begins. Some try to complete it on their own, others notify campers for help. You can tell you are sleep deprived if you are tired during the day, are slow at thinking, have a reduced attention span, have a worsened memory, poor or risky decision-making, lack of energy and mood changes including feelings of stress, anxiety, or irritability. If you are getting less than eight hours of sleep every night, then you are considered sleep deprived. Sleep deprivation can lead to increased risk for depression and mental illness, increased risk for stroke and asthma attack, increased risk for potentially life-threatening problems, hallucinations, and severe mood swings. Make sure to get sleep campers, and don't procrastinate!

More active here, find me at Ava Winchect
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

SWC main cabin daily #2 (11/2/22)
The Joy of New Cabins:
Every so often, a new cabin is added to the list of cabins in SWC. Many are sad to see the old cabin go - but nobody can wait to see what the new genre will bring. Whether Script, Folklore, or Bizarro Fiction (all new cabins recently introduced to SWC), it’s always an exciting event to be in the inaugural group for a new cabin. It’s an honor to participate in a cabin’s first session - and I’m proud to say that this November, I am a member of two. Being chosen as a co-leader for Bi-Fi was exciting enough on its own, but I was overjoyed when I was selected to participate in the all-new game show Gay Vampire Romance Scratch Writing Camp/Official Birdi Stanner Cabin. Exactly what it sounds like, this new cabin is so ingenious that it’s surprising nobody thought of it before this year! Headed by the amazing Zesty Zaine and Lavish Luna, this never-before-seen cabin has tons of surprises, fun twists, and oh so much chaos. Though it hasn’t been around for long, it’s proving to be exactly what was needed to bring SWC-ers together, and what’s better to bring them together with than Gay Vampire Romance and Birdi stanning? Sounds perfect to me. I may not win the event, but I know I’ll have the best time, and I hope that GVRSWC/OBSC will endure for many sessions to come.
240 words

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Bi-Fi in-cabin daily #2 (11/2/22)
I woke up this morning and the world was turned upside down.
Not literally, I mean.
But when, upon first checking your phone, you receive a text that your childhood best friend has died, it’s going to make you feel like your world has turned upside down.
I always knew Johanna was at risk. They call terminally ill patients terminally ill for a reason. But I thought… I thought she was supposed to make it to at least eighteen, graduate with me, celebrate when we passed our drivers’ tests. I thought we still had so much more time.
I guess I thought wrong.
My mom says I don’t have to go to school today. I’m thankful she understands, because I don’t think I could face my classmates like this. Every day when I go to school I wear a coat of armor against insults and snarky jokes, but now that Johanna’s gone, it feels like someone has ripped that armor right off.
I’m only human, you know; and I’m sad. I feel like I’m not supposed to be sad, and I’m supposed to go on with my life and pretend everything’s okay because it’s not like my dad died or my dog died.
And it’s not.
But Johanna wasn’t just a friend to me. She was a sister. She’d loved me at my worst and at my best. She’d given me a shoulder to cry on, and I’d given her a shoulder to cry on, and most of the time we’d end up ugly-crying but also laughing together because both our shoulders had gross snot all over them.
Not for the first time, it strikes me how stupidly unfair life is.
My mom makes me waffles with strawberries on top, and she doesn’t say anything, but I know that when I’m ready to talk, she’ll listen.

It’s three days later. Now, the funeral is passed, and it’s a Sunday evening, and I’m going to go back to school tomorrow even though I’m not ready and I still might break down in tears and not be able to explain why.
Because there’s no way I can take away the pain I’m feeling.
But Johanna’s not gone. She’s still here. I’ll never forget about her, but I will heal. Someday, things will be okay.
Someday, the world will turn itself right-side up again.
Word count: 391

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Rockie’s thingy

Daily 1: in main cabin

Daily 2:

Hello! My name is Rockie, and I’m going to be talking about… leader apps! Specifically, a general delve into how they work and how you can make a good one, and I’ll also review some of the most successful applications (cough cough Luna cough) and why they were so awesome. I hope you find this article helpful, and let’s get into it!

What are leader apps?

A leader is someone who is in charge of a SWC cabin. You’ll see them adding words in the main cabin, helping you add words in your word count group, and basically being in charge of your cabin. They’re awesome, and the hosts make sure you only get the most awesome and responsible leaders. Every possible leader and co-leader submits an application by remixing the “leader app” project, which includes the questions you must answer in order to be considered. You can remix the project and use your creativity and coding skills to create an exciting and amazing project that will win over the hosts. Many choose to go with a simple theme, and add creative details. Sample themes have included Koi Pond @faerylights, Clue, @Luna-Lovegood-LOL, and Roller Blades @redredrobin. Choose a theme you care about and can have enough content to fill your application. When the due date for apps passes, the hosts chose around 15 leaders. They chose 1 to 3 coleaders from the remaining applications, and the leader team is chosen!

A few tips on leader apps

Make it creative! They’re not going to select you if all you do is answer the questions. Add personal touches, intricate coding, and a prevalent theme that is full of imagination.
Don’t wait till the last minute. Leader apps take a long time. You can’t make one the day before it’s due. Aim to be finished a few days before the deadline to make a good impression, but make sure you don’t sacrifice quality. Sometimes people work on their leader apps before the project is even out!
Do some research. Look at some of the most popular leader apps and maybe ask questions and search for tips. It’s always a good idea to be prepared. Plus, it's definitely better to be well-informed.
Think about your answers. The questions are really what the hosts and leaders are looking for, so make sure your answers convey your personality, dedication and responsibility. Make sure to spend time working on what you really would say, not what they want you to say.
TEST! Since your app is so complicated, there’s sure going to be some bugs. Test it multiple times before posting so you’re sure it runs smoothly. And once you’re sure it’s perfect, test it one more time.

To be continued

Daily 2:

This is my object smoothie made of bananas, a bed curtain, strawberries, blackberries, chia and hemp seeds, milk, dates and ice. Sounds delicious, right? What? No? Why??? These are made of extremely normal and delicious ingredients that make amazing smoothies. Bananas? Check. Strawberries? Check. Blackberries? Check. Milk? Check. Dates? Yup. Chia and hemp seeds for protein? Mm-hm. Ice? Yes, of course. What’s missing… ohhhh, the bed curtain. That’s your issue? I mean, it’s a perfectly pretty bed curtain, floral patterned and everything; I don’t understand the problem. Would you appreciate a thorough explanation of the amazingness of a bed curtain smoothie? I’ll list three reasons why a bed curtain smoothie is delicious.

It’s perfectly natural. This curtain was made from edible cotton, and it was dyed with fruit juice. Edible cotton was released by the USDA in 2018, and its made from seeds and jam-packed with protein. Therefore, it’s completely safe to eat. Plus, it’s dyed with strawberries!!!!
It’s masked with other ingredients. I added my many best smoothie recipes together to make this delicious concoction. Even if the bed curtain doesn’t taste that good, there’s still all the other ingredients. It’s the healthiest and best smoothie you’ll ever taste.
It’s incredibly helpful. It’s filled with protein, to help you grow and repair after staring at the screen for hours, finishing the weekly, and its filled with glucose from the berries. Glucose gives your body energy so you
can frantically type those last words in the word war. You go, guys! Plus, it’s a drink, so as long as you have your straw, you don’t need to use your hands at all!

There you have it! The most healthy and delicious smoothie you’ll ever taste!
Please note: This requires an extremely powerful blender to process and blend the cotton, available for a mere 2000 dollars and 100 mangos on Daily Materials for SWC (dmtswc.com). Have a nice day!

319 words

Daily 3:

Because I live in a world of greedy people.
I trust him
It is always in your eyes
I think it's good to see a smile.
Another night at A field
I pray that one day it will be mine

The field has some magic, if only you’re pure enough to sit down and listen. Every night I travel there to sit and fall asleep in the dreamy, sleepy fog. It heightens imagination, and sitting there your senses are on high alert. You can smell the wet grass and the natural, sweet, scent of the magic. The soft tinkling of imaginary bells thrums in the backdrop, and whistles of wind can be heard behind the billowing branches of willow trees.
The field, however, isn’t just mine. It belongs to all the people of Eternal Grove, and that’s the problem. They all want the field for something: lumber, housing, a castle… no one wants to leave it how it is. Except me and Flik.
I met him a few years ago at the field. My mom had just passed away, and my mind was broken. I needed solace, and he was there when I needed him. He’s the only one I trust, and one day, maybe soon, maybe later, I hope we can own the field, maybe build a cottage, start a family. Flik and I love to wish on the dandelions growing in the sweeping grass, clasped in each other’s arms as we prayed for the
future. Flik and I were perfect together, sitting there in the field. We always got back to each other.

225 words

Last edited by rocksalmon800 (Nov. 6, 2022 16:36:03)

40 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


November 1 366 words
Hey I'm Evelyn, but you can call me Elly if you prefer! Here's a little bit more about me: I love volleyball (this year I'm playing for the team I wanted - I'm so excited!) so much, and, in case you're wondering, I started playing because of the anime Haikyuu. I also adore reading and writing - I've started so many stories to not finish, it's sad. And all of my friends (irl) know that I can think up story ideas from random things, including clouds! We'll come back to this later, though.

SWC is also up on my “favorites” list. I've been in SWC three sessions (including this), and guess what? All THREE of them have been Poetry Cabin - meaning that 2022 is my Poetry year. A bit ironic considering I don't really enjoy writing poems - they never work out for me - but I still love it!

Singers next! I enjoy One Direction (as their music as a band AND each one of their music alone), and definitely a swiftie over here, so join me at my profile to chat about anyone

And finally, my favorite authors! This is hard, specifically because of the fact that I read a lot online, but I've got my top three and their main series (sorta): Rick Riordan, has to take the top spot. He's most well known for his fantasy and mythology books, including “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” series. For spot number 2, we've got J.K Rowling, with “Harry Potter”. Harry Potter is mystical and fantasy, and there are /some/ loopholes that make for amazing fanfictions! Like, really amazing. And for my spot number three, Gena Showalter. Now, her stories tend to be set in a realistic world with a /lot/ of fantasy, like, even more that Rowling's and Riordan. However, her books all range from older teens (which I shouldn't be reading lol) to adult. So more mature in basic worlds. I can't decide between two of her series, the Everlife Trilogy, and the White Rabbit Chronicles (quartet). I'm actually writing a fanfiction (on wattp-d) about the White Rabbit Chronicles, lmk if you want to see it (13-5+).

Hope you enjoyed my mini rant haha ; happy SWC!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Aeo's Writing Cluster

˜”*°•.˜”*°• Dailies •°*”˜.•°*”˜
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 1ꜱᴛ (none)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 2ɴᴅ
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 3ʀᴅ
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 4ᴛʜ Daily (not posted)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 5ᴛʜ
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 6ᴛʜ
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 7ᴛʜ (not posted)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 8-9th(none)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 10ᴛʜ (not posted as I wasn't on)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 11tʜ (not posted)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 12ᴛʜ (cabin wars)
ɴᴏᴠᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 13-14ᴛʜ

˜”*°•.˜”*°• Weeklies •°*”˜.•°*”˜
ᴡᴇᴇᴋʟʏ 1
ᴡᴇᴇᴋʟʏ 2

Last edited by SussyLegWarmers- (Nov. 20, 2022 19:46:20)


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