Discuss Scratch

17 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

( this is my first post )

SWC Daily

The ring of the bell startled the waiter in the empty tavern. A person walked through the door, looking like they’d just walked out of the forest. They looked very mysterious, and he couldn’t make out their features very well. The waiter didn’t care. It was a customer. He ran to the back to prepare a meal, but there was nothing. Nothing, besides a book. He threw the book in the blender and added a bunch of juice and flavoring, hoping it would cover the taste of paper. The person heard the commotion in the back. Suddenly, the waiter burst out and came running with a smoothie, which looked like pale green vomit. The person recoiled at the sight.

“Who wants a book smoothie!” The waiter exclaimed. The person backed up a bit more.

“No? I’ll convince you that you should have this smoothie. I’ve added a lot of flavoring so you can’t notice it’s all pages and cover.”

The person sat back down in a normal position, unimpressed by the attempt.

“Still not convinced?” The waiter scratched his messy black hair, trying to think of something. Finally, something came to him.

“It’s not just any book, my friend. IT’S THE ONE! THE ONLY! GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES! The smoothie of the great tales of the Brothers Grimm, such as, Little Red Riding Hood (actually called Little Red-Cap), Hansel and Grethel, and more! All delicious stories that’ll fill up your brain, as well as your stomach!”

The person blinked rapidly. Their face clearly showed confusion

“Huh, I still haven’t convinced you yet, have I. Well sir/miss/whatever your pronouns may be, I’ve got a special something for you.” The waiter pulled out a mysterious glowing vial. The person’s eyes widened. For the first time, they spoke.

“Is that a potion?”

“Sure is pal!” The waiter exclaimed as he poured it into the smoothie. The smoothie glowed gold for a moment, then returned to its regular vomit green color, though it looked more vibrant.

“Like I said, it’ll fill up your brain, as well as your stomach.” The waiter smiled as he lay the smoothie down in front of the person.
The person, having nothing else to do, drank the smoothie. Their eyes widened to the size of apples. Their brain was flooded with the words of the tales written by the Brothers Grimm. Vivid imagery of all their scenes and stories sprang up in his mind’s eye all at once. The waiter smiled, seeing his potion had worked.

“Drink’s on the house!” He told the person as he walked back to the bar, fantasizing of making a new product of the book smoothie.

“I wonder what other books I have in the back…”

Now where was that diamond vein…
Oh hi! I'm Minecrafter, but you can call me Miney!
Oh, you wanna have a chat? Well, currently busy right now but…
Well if you want to know stuff about me, check my profile, anyways got to go- erm-
*sounds of moaning and the clanking of bones and armor*
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

sxwjq wrote:

November 3 daily (323 words):
Ever heard of the Sharpie Smoothie before? It’s the newest sweet drink that you can rely on to become a better student. Though the Sharpie Smoothie looks murky and repulsive, the true flavor cannot be more different than expected. As you take a sip, you can easily recognize the unique, intense flavor of the marvelous smoothie. It is reminiscent of elementary school days when classmates drew Sharpie tattoos on their hands. One’s writing skills can even be boosted with a single sniff of the spicy scent. With the fresh pop of tangy liquid on the tongue and an ice-cold cup of smoothie at the side, your fingertips will immediately be reaching for the keyboard. Before you know it, you’ll have a perfect, completed essay finished all in the matter of seconds. This is extremely beneficial for literature projects, as one taste will give you the ability to write an entire hundred thousand pages before the effect wears off. However, with great power comes great responsibility! There is a limit on how much Sharpie Smoothie you can drink. One container of Sharpie Smoothie can only be consumed once a month. This means it can only be used twelve times a year, so be cautious of how you drink it. If the amount consumed exceeds the once-a-month limit, you may have uncomfortable side effects including nausea, red eyes, insomnia, headaches, and tooth decay. Furthermore, the method of storage affects your physical state since warm Sharpie smoothies may become dangerous to ingest. The smoothie normally comes refrigerated, so you can store it in room temperature for one to two days before freezing again. Not only does the energy drink have countless benefits, but studies have also shown that students are more likely to be accepted into top schools after intake of the Sharpie Smoothie. In summary, you should try the Sharpie Smoothie for a blast to the past, heaps of energy, and cheat to writing beautifully.
ill drink that! does it make you smarter???

Last edited by rainiidreamxs (Nov. 3, 2022 03:02:19)


I'm doing c o o l stuff B)
#Egyptians for the win :>
8 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Stuffed Animal Smoothie #3 - minimum 300 words - 300 points +100 if shared

Stuffed Animal smoothie is delicious because it feels like cotton candy in your mouth and is so delicious. It is not that hard to make you just put the fur, stitches of thread, fluff and any other part of the animal in a blender with water and blend it. It is very delicious and feels like cotton candy in your mouth and after you finish it you will just want to keep getting more and more. With the sugar from the string and stitches it makes the smoothie sweet and very tasty! This would be my favorite drink to have and I would make it and drink it all the time. The color of it would vary depending on the color of the stuffed animal. The more fluff there is in it the more cotton candy like it will be and the more thread or string in it the sweeter it will be. Personally it is the best smoothie I have ever had because of its amazing taste. The more love you also give to the animal the better the flavor will be because if you really love the stuffed animal it will make it taste better and then you will enjoy it more. I think this smoothie is so good everyone should try this smoothie. This smoothie is also very fruity so it has a lot of flavor. One reason I like this smoothie so much is because of the flavor. I don’t like foods with not much flavor that are plain and are not as interesting as something with lots of flavor I like more. In conclusion I think this smoothie is the best smoothie because it has lots of flavor, It feels like cotton candy in your mouth, and because of all the different colors. That is why a stuffed animal smoothie is so good.
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

3 November 2022, daily ~ 317 words

Do you have a really annoying younger sibling? So annoying or irritating that you want to punch them everytime they say a word? Or perhaps you want to blend them to bits with some of your favourite fruit? Well, you're in luck. Introducing… the Sibling Smoothie!

Before you start telling me how a sibling smoothie would taste horrible and you don't want to drink your sibling anyways, think about it. You will have peace to write! You will never hear a little kid whining again! You never need to be kicked or pinched or blamed for doing something you totally didn't do! Most importantly, your sibling isn't just gone. He or she's inside you! That way, you can shut them up anytime you want just by simply running, jumping or some other exercise.

Sibling smoothies are also good for you. Just by taking a sip, you will inhale some of their memories, thoughts and actions. You can see who they have a crush on, when they secretly stole your hat and where they hide their candy! It's simply an amazing phenomenon!

The smoothie will taste like what your sibling ate last. beofre you blended them. Give them some candy, and the smoothie will taste like candy. Dinner tonight was pizza, your smoothie will taste like pizza. Being able to alter the flavour of your smoothie opens so many opportunities of never tried before flavours! Be careful though. I can't guarantee that you won't find any weird bits of metal depending on what they were wearing.

Now, before you blend your sibling, make sure to check the size of your blender. Siblings can be quite big to blend, so in that case, you'll want to buy our super high and ginormous technology blenders that is completely kick proof.

Will you be one of the first people in the world to try a sibling smoothie?

kitty ✦ she/her ✦ cats~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ ✦ swc
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily Three
Word Count: 345

*in best announcer voice*
Have you ever wished you could just eat your homework and all the information would be forever ingrained in your brain? Well, now you can! With the new Prinscaphocop Smoothie made by Delicious Concoctions, you can get all A+'s on your assignments and impress your friends at the same time! Just one bottle of our Prinscaphocop Smoothie and you will be able to memorize anything instantly! In addition to that wonderful benefit, your brain now works like a printer/scanner/photocopier. Just imagine what you want to print/scan/photocopy, open your mouth, wait approximately fifteen seconds, and soon enough papers will come shooting out! It's so simple even I can do it! But that's not the end of our Prinscaphocop Smoothie's benefits. It is also extremely healthy and guaranteed to make you more athletic. And you may think that's the end, but no! There's more! Oh so much more! With this amazing smoothie, you'll never need a pen. Drinking our smoothie alters your blood to become 98% ink! If you ever find yourself without a pen just prick your finger and you have a natural pen that's always with you! And unlike other smoothies with weird ingredients like protein powder, our Prinscaphocop Smoothie is 100% Printer/Scanner/Photocopier! That way you know what you're drinking is 100% safe. And do you have someone who annoys you? Of course, you do! We all do. Well, just open your mouth, stare them in the eye, blink rapidly three times and they will instantly have “I insulted __” tattooed on their forehead. Don't worry the tattoo is only temporary. ;) So don't waste time! Order now for only $999.99 plus tax! I promise you won't regret it! It will be the best purchase you've ever made.

Delicious Concoctions is not liable for any injuries, diseases,
or other harm caused by the Prinscaphocop Smoothie.
Shipping is not included.
Results wear off within a week.
Be aware that for every Prinscaphocop Smoothie you buy, you give up the
right to your firstborn child, then your secondborn, etc.

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

What I saw: Cell Phone
Words: 456

Smoothies. Don’t you just love them? Be it pineapple, mango, strawberry, or anything in between, smoothies enjoyable for almost everyone! There are just so many flavors to choose from, how are you supposed to know which one is best for you? And even then, how on earth are you supposed to pick one when there are just so many amazing ones out there? Well my friends, I have the answer for you!

My dear friends and fellow SWCers, I am here to tell you that I have concocted the best smoothie ever to have existed. In my effort to reach this goal, I have spent countless months in the kitchen almost constantly, perfecting the recipe for a brand new smoothie, one that will dazzle your taste buds and… Are you ready for the best part? Drinking this smoothie once a day can actually help you get smarter!

Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering what on earth this smoothie is and how are you supposed to get your hands on it! And I’ll tell you! My newest creation is.. A cell phone smoothie!

Hold on now, I know what you’re thinking. But Piper! It’s a cellphone, how in the heck is that supposed to make you smarter? Were you lying to us this entire time? And my answer to that my friends is a resounding no! Of course I’m not lying to you! If you would simply allow me to explain, I will reason with you and I’m sure I can convince you to buy some cell phone smoothie!

For one, since cell phones have so much information in them, consuming them will obviously transfer all of that knowledge from the phone to you! Just think next time your friend has a question, instead of having to pull out your phone and hope you have wifi to look it up, you can just take a sip of your handy dandy cell phone smoothie and know the answer right away! You could even drink the smoothie before a big test and have all the answers in your head to help you ace it!

Now if that doesn’t convince you, this will for sure! Not only will the cell phone smoothie make you smarter (which is of course amazing), but it is also 100% GMO free, gluten & dairy free and vegan! This makes it safe for almost everyone, which means that even more people can experience the wonderful thing that is a cell phone smoothie!

Now I hope I’ve convinced you, so pre-order your cell-phone smoothie mix as soon as possible before we cell out! (See what I did there!?) I hope to see all those orders following in so that we can all be smart and healthy together!

Piper ➸ She/Her ➸ Avid Reader/Writer ➸ Theatre Kid ➸ Ravenclaw

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

!! This is all a joke, please don’t consume books !!

I’m here to convince you to try Faer’s Famous and Incredibly Delicious as well as Healthy Book Smoothie™️. It is clearly safe to consume and eat, because eating a page with ink that probably includes chemicals is safe, and definitely not toxic and dangerous for the human body. A book smoothie is the most delicious thing you could ever think of – from the bland, unsalted, scratchy pages, to the ink that has delicious chemicals that taste of perfectly liquid-y inkiness. Unfortunately, this recipe is so rare that you will only be able to obtain it by me – the one and only Faer. It takes about one hour to blend, and one hour to prepare and let it chill in the fridge. There is one secret ingredient that I can’t reveal, as I don’t want people to be reselling my Faer’s Famous and Incredibly Delicious as well as Healthy Book Smoothie™️. Maybe I’ll let you in on one of the most important ingredients in smoothify-ing a book! Frozen strawberries. As weird as it sounds, they are absolutely one of the most key ingredients in creating a Faer’s Famous and Incredibly Delicious as well as Healthy Book Smoothie™️. And spinach, spinach too. The green foliage is perfect in adding a touch of healthiness, especially as you consume chemicals every time you eat or drink a book. Do not fret for your health! It’s totally one hundred percent perfectly fine, I assure you. And delicious, do not forget that this is one of the most delicious smoothies you will ever try if you end up trying it. And I also can assure or promise you that you will love it, especially if I add a touch of frozen mangoes – the best of the best. Either way, hopefully I’ve convinced you to give Faer’s Famous and Incredibly Delicious as well as Healthy Book Smoothie™️ a shot (**this is a joke please don’t actually consume books like I’ve said before, it wouldn’t be good for you at all), and I’ll see you later once I come up with another “Faer’s Famous and Incredible Delicious as well as Healthy Creations”.

(363 words)

banner by vee and lio!
17 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily 3
So my smoothie is made out of my older sister Kit. And it is delicious totally delicious. Even though it is made out of my older sister Kit it is very good, it tastes a little salty, and is kind of bland, but it is really REALLY good. There is more than just my older sister Kit, but I’m probably not telling you about it. Anyway the slightly saltiness is really good with the yogurt and banana (i do not actually like yogurt). you probably wondering what the purple bits in it are, that’s my older sister Kit’s shirt in it, but do not worry, even if for some weird reason you do not like purple shirt in your smoothie it does not taste like much. It is more of a savory food then a sweet food. And it goes well with many things. I would not recommend it for people allergic to cats because it has A LOT of cat hair in it. It also has my older sister Kit’s hair in it. And it also has her pants in it of corse, and her pants are much more flavorful then her purple shirt. The pants are black and they covered in cat hair. If you find a pony tail holder in it, if you do YOU ARE AMAZING AND ARE SHOULD NOW BE THE KING OR QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or ya know you could just have a slightly soggy pony tail holder, if you want. If you stubble upon a very crunchy bit this means you have stubble upon a toe nall or finger nall it may be surprising, but it is moset totally fine. it is an wonderful and great and delicious smoothie and you should eat one. if you do not want one of these amazing and awesome smoothies then you have wasted you time reading this.
55 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

November 3rd Daily (exactly 300 words!):

Mystic’s Magical Maroon Leaf Pillow Smoothie, or MMMFLP, is the best thing you would ever taste. It may look weird at first, but don’t be shy! Take a big gulp and you would realize the absolute wonder of this smoothie! Go to your nearest Mystic’s Majestic Meal Market and order five large MMMFLPs and then grab a few dozen to take out. Ignore the bad reviews and the confused faces of the other customers as you walk by with the softest, most texture-filled, and loveliest smoothie yet! You won’t regret it, not once!
Before you look away and think this is an ad to entice you to get an overly expensive, horrible, gross piece of food, know that this is not /any/ pillow smoothie! The pillows that Mystic’s Magical Maroon Leaf Pillow Smoothie uses are specially imported from the best pillow makers ever! You won’t find these special pillows anywhere else in any other smoothie. It is exclusively used here in Mystic’s Majestic Meal Market, nowhere else.
The first feeling that you would experience when drinking the MMMFLP is the taste the marvelous texture of the finely stitched threads of the beautiful leaf patterns. After you start to enjoy it for a second, you would suddenly feel the soft and cozy feeling of the cotton stuffing. During that process, a subtle metallic feeling of the zipper comes in. All of the feelings mixed together would form a special, unique, and delicious drink.
Since this is made of a special pillow, it aids in feeling cozy and warm on those restless, freezing days. During the summer, the coziness and the settling in feeling would help you calm down and focus. No matter what season, what day, and what time it is, Mystic’s Magical Maroon Leaf Pillow Smoothie would be the best!

“You are who you are, and no one can change that.”

⪢ Mystic ⪡

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

ew this is so bad I'm not funny at all lmao

Wall smoothie ✨✨

Are you thirsty? Do you need a delicious, refreshing smoothie? Oh, but smoothies are far too expensive…
Fear not! We have the answers to all your problems with…
The Amazing Deliciously Tasty Protein Packed Stomach Filling Energising Invigorating Inspiring Very Yummy Wall Smoothie With Vanilla Extract (may contain traces of peanuts and tree nuts)
Our absolutely MOUTH-WATERING smoothies are filling, tasty and super affordable! Buy in-store, online, at Walmart or on your local black market at ridiculously cheap prices and NEVER go hungry or thirsty again (results may vary). You can buy in cardboard bottles (our company supports sustainability and helps the environment) with the perfect serving size, or you can buy couple packs, family packs, party packs and even lifetime packs! You can also purchase in packets full of WallPowder™ and add to any drink (WallSmoothies™ does not accept any responsibility at all for injuries caused by vigorous stirring of WallPowder™) - or simply eat the powder as an easy, on the go snack! Or you can add sugar for 50 cents to turn it into a SUPER SMOOTHIE MILKSHAKE!
Not a fan of liquids? Not a problem! Our solid WallBars™ are a delicious children’s lunchbox stable - as they’re incredibly healthy, provide much-needed nutrition and include over 3 different vitamins. Buy our WallBar™ Megapack today and redeem your unique code on our website for a SPECIAL SECRET prize (options include free WALL™ products, including free Cup-Of-Smoothies and Spoon-Of-Smoothies, as well as never-before-seen extras such as walls, branded T-shirts and cat toys.)
All this, and more, is why YOU should buy yourself a WALL SMOOTHIE today! Our iconic flavour is unparalleled in the smoothie community as we use real wall extract instead of artificially generated flavours - which is why our smoothies taste better AND are better for the environment! ALL our smoothies are made with at least 98.738457% real hand-picked wall. We’re ALSO the cheapest smoothie brand you can find (or your money back!)
(Contact us at walltm@smoothiemail.com)
(Terms and Conditions apply)
(No walls are harmed in the making of our smoothies)

Last edited by smalltoe (Nov. 3, 2022 06:05:40)

ave, she/they
17 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

November 3 Daily

The Monopoly Smoothie

There’s only so much boredom that the human body can handle before something must be done about it. In these moments of utter dullness, we turn to anything, anything at all that can keep us captivated long enough to ward off the monotony. And often times that thing just so happens to be Monopoly. At first you think it sounds like a good idea, and the game even feels fun at first. You make your way around the board, picking up properties as you go.

But this fun is short lived, and you’re quite quickly reminded about the truth about monopoly. It’s the most boring game known to man and merely just a sad reflection of capitalism at its worst. You start to realise that monopoly has made you more bored then felt in the first place. Afterall, they’re called ‘board’ games for a reason.

As the hours dwindle past, your money pile lowers as you commence the slow, painful, crawl towards bankruptcy. You sit there, feeling possibly the most miserable you’ve ever felt in your life, begging, praying for an escape.

I’m here today to put an end to this. I’m here to stop all boring monopoly games and make family game nights fun again. I’m here to change the world. And it is with great honour that I introduce to you, the one, the only, Monopoly Smoothie!

The Monopoly Smoothie allows you to enjoy a tasty treat while permanently exterminating monopoly from your household. Simply put the board, money, hotels, game pieces and a little milk or water into the blender, turn it on and watch the magic happen!

The metallic game pieces give the smoothie a delicious, signature flavour as well as giving the smoothie key nutrients and minerals. The cardboard and paper also give the smoothie a smooth texture that reminds you of childhood. It tastes like money and most importantly, sweet, sweet revenge.

Go get yourself a Monopoly smoothie today. Now also available at your local Mc Donald’s.
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

╔══ ≪ daily three ≫ ══╗

“ Quick! Look directly to your right - what is the first object you see? Congratulations, it's now the main ingredient in your Object Smoothie! Write 300 words persuading your fellow campers that your smoothie is actually delicious for 300 points. An extra 100 points if you share your writing! ”

Do you ever got bored of the ordinary, constantly used flavours of smoothies? You can buy green smoothies (with spinach, kale and other greens), or perhaps a fruit smoothie at any time. In fact, you can make such smoothies yourself, if you have the right equipment and ingredients. Our carefully-produced brand will give you that extra spice (and bragging rights) that make healthy smoothies look useless in contrast.

Our smoothie is made from only the finest, exotic ingredients, scavenged from all over the world to bring delight to your very mouth. If you've ever wanted such a premium smoothie experience, our chain stores are truly the place to go: there is one in every major city on the planet, and finding it means that you get to use your brain, which is a benefit of our smoothie in itself – brain exercise. If you do happen to be intrigued and you want to know more about our brand name and signature smoothie ingredients, then read on! To anyone else, we don't apologise whatsoever for wasting your precious time – in fact, you looking at this advertisement is only holding back others who would gladly want our smoothies.

You may know us as the Supreme Smoothie Sellers (or SSS, for short), and you may have seen our stores in your local mall or shopping centre. We can be distinguished from our competitors from our brilliant marketing campaigns and our bright colours and advertisements. In fact, you may be reading this from inside one of our stores, in which case you should say hello to the employee working there and purchase our most expensive smoothie, (you know, just to make up for the fact that we had to print this ad out for your benefit).

Speaking of smoothies, it is time to introduce you to our newest addition in our shops! We have already explained that your smoothies stand out from our competitors as a vibrant and new way of making smoothies. This means that our ingredients are sourced carefully and are used differently than how others might use them. However, we haven't had a case of food-poisoning in quite a while and this is proof that our smoothies are now being tested before being sold. You can believe us when we say that our smoothies are certainly an experience that you will never forget.

Our newest smoothie, the Forget-Me-Not Spectacular, is the product of many years of hard work, trying to find the best blend of ingredients for your tastes. It consists of many exotic fruits and ingredients and is made in high-quality areas with extreme cleanliness. No ingredients have been exposed to anything other than ice and air, and they are carefully cleaned and washed before being used in the smoothie. This smoothie aims to leave a permanent stamp on your memory (and taste buds) and we want to make it an experience special enough for you to return to after a month or so and contemplate on. Without further ado, here is our short and sweet blurb of the Forget-Me-Not Spectacular:

Made with the finest ingredients, the Forgot-Me-Not smoothie aims to keep your memory fresh. The instructions are as follows: you will be given a smoothie heaped high with ice-cream and whatever fruit you choose, as well as one topping, and you can marvel at that for a moment before we give you a sticky note and a pen. You will write your goals for the day onto the note and then the worker will grind the note up and sneak it into your smoothie. Therefore, you will now permanently remember those goals and have a delightful culinary experience nonetheless. Warning: the smoothie may contain paper and/or dairy.

If that doesn't entice you, we don't know what will! This smoothie is delightfully delicious and fills one of your five-a-day, fruit-wise. Hopefully you stop by and purchase this drink soon!

(650 words – i like smoothies)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily November 3 - The math book smoothie
Struggling with your math homework? Tired of boring maths lessons where you don't understand a single thing your teacher says?If this sounds like you you probably wished you had something which could make all your math problems disappear without much effort. Then the new math book smoothie is the right thing for you! It comes not only with five additional flavors for you to choose from but also will help you to solve all your math problems in no time! And even more: This smoothie is perfect to drink right before an important math exam. Yes you heard right- after drinking we can promise you won't have any problems anymore to find the answer for any math problem you come across in your exam!
Not convinced yet? Well then you will be probably happy to hear you also can share the smoothies perfectly with your friends for a great experience while doing math homework. Say goodbye to boring math lessons where you don't understand a single thing with our amazing math book smoothie!
In our smoothies we process all kind of math books for different grades as well! No matter  which book you will choose of - you will have all knowledge of the book in no time. Choose today between the five additional flavours cranberry, blueberry, apple, pineapple and strawberry and get the exclusive mango-flavoured math book smoothie for free! Drink our delicious math book smoothie and impress not only your teachers and friends but also your parents with your math knowledge! Make this life-changing descision an buy the new math book smoothie available in all stores which sell drinks! We make sure you won't be disappointed with your decision.

Note: We are specifying on math books. For other subjects please contact our customer service for the best possible customer experience for yourself.
This should be 302 words
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

《 ——— Amethyst’s Writing Thread ——— 》

❝ Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts ❞

≿————- ❈ ————-≾


Daily 3
If you ever hear a blending sound, you should look up with delight and hope. You should imagine a beautiful mixture of an exquisitely stitched, colourful thing full of carbohydrates and fibres, that roll over your tongue with ease. You should feel your fingers longingly itching towards the nearest cup, desperate for a taste.
Yes, am now officially presenting the beautiful eggplant-berry-patterned-bean-bag-object-smoothie-thingy-woah-this-is-long, or EBPBOSTWTIL for short!
An exclusively new, well-crafted drink, EBPBOSTWTIL will take you through a whirlwind tour of deliciousness only mangoes rival, and a wild thirst for more that only my dog Koko’s adorable puppy eyes can compete with. You can make a gram, or you can make a thousand tonnes, this drink will suit all! Need to bribe someone? Use EBPBOSTWTIL! Need to use a loving, baby voice to your dog and give them the treats they deserve? Use EBPBOSTWTIL! EBPBOSTWTIL suits all creatures, human and canine, young and old, and sends you on a rampage to fill your cups and drink EBPBOSTWTIL until you fall asleep into dreams of pure delight, of riding on eggplants as you face through a bean-filled wonderland and visit villages with apartments as plastic grapes, a human face popping out from every sphere.
Mixing it with a bit of milk is even better! The milk will add a touch of creamy goodness to the EBPBOSTWTIL that could never be achieved by itself.
The carbohydrates will perform wonders for your digestive system, building its strength, whilst the taste of EBPBOSTWTIL will make your tastebuds cry out with joy. As you sip this delicious drink anywhere - in a shopping centre, at school, in a dog park - you will find yourself the centre of attention as everyone crowds around you, asking for a tiny sip…
You may also find a tiny piece of dog fur on their. Well, the fact is this dog fur comes exclusively from one of, if not the most adorable dog in the world, Koko~

Note: A slight side effect is that you will have a TINY bit of indigestion after consumption

(I actually saw Koko on the beanbag when I looked to my right, but I couldn’t bring myself to make a Koko smoothie-)
Daily 4
Everything except the road trip part is completely true; I've just changed the names of the people ;')
People change like the tides in the ocean
At least I think, or am I dead wrong?
Foot on the brake at the light I don’t notice
I sit and wait til the next song
20 hours, in an old van
Up the east coast, through the cold wind
Drove 20 hours, but its hopeless,
Up the east coast; what a roadtrip
Cursed Lyrics (AKA The Google Translated Lyrics)
People change like water
At least I'm wondering if I'm wrong.
Foot on the car, on the light I didn't see
I sat and waited for the next song
20 hours in the old car
from the east, in cold air
20 hours sailing
In the eastern part there is a journey

Silently, I brushed aside salty tears. My sadness yawned in me like an abyss, swallowing my life spirit and my personality and everything that came with… well, being me. I looked outside, my eyes blurred from rubbing them so hard. I was in the eastern part of Australia, dragged along by her parents on a road trip. They couldn’t have chosen a better and worse time.
My mind trudged along happy memories, of his light smile, his flickers of kindness, his outstanding intelligence. I remembered glancing at him and remembered finding him looking at me. I remembered the bursts of warmth in me. I remember every time my teacher said “Isaac”, something inside me would squeeze excitedly.
I also remembered what happened not too long ago. Hugging myself in the freezing, unusual late-October winds. I remembered Natalie talking to me excitedly, glancing at Isaac. Natalie was kind, she was popular in my friend group, and she was very cool. She was also a school captain.
But Isaac was the male school captain.

I remember Natalie pulling me aside. I remember her lips opening to a wide smile as she told me, “I can’t keep it in any longer- oh my gosh- I’m going out with Isaac – don’t tell anyone!”
I remember clasping my mouth in shock, in genuine shock. Of course, she didn’t know that I had a… well… crush on him, so it obviously wasn’t to make me feel terrible, but I couldn’t stop the wave of disbelief and anger crashing through me. They had seemed like friends, not… Horror ploughed straight through me, but I just managed to force out a “wow”.

I shoved my hand in my face and listened as the radio put a triumphant ending to the worst musical piece I had heard in a while, and impatiently waited for the next song. It was easy for me to get lost in music; it was one of the few things I could do to drown my sadness. The way he continuously glanced at me… I was so sure…
Violet had groaned when I talked to her about it. She was quite rude about it, to tell the truth. She kept saying “get over it”, when the obvious truth is, no, it’s not that easy.
People change a lot, don’t they, like ripples in water. Violet changed for the worse. Isaac changed in a horrible way, but it wasn’t his fault.
At least, I think they changed. Lately I’d been wondering whether I was wrong; wrong about everything I believed in. Perhaps those glances Isaac gave me were a coincidence…
It wasn’t true, and I knew it.
The old car roared along. It had easily been 20 hours since my family set out from Brisbane. They had enthused “It’s a journey!” when I had objected to the idea of being stuck in this ancient thing for nearly a whole day.
It did, however, let me sink into the pit of despair and stay silent for hours at a time without my parents pestering me about what was wrong. The now-familiar desolate feeling of bland hopelessness weighed down my shoulders and I wiped aside another tear.
This road trip was obviously going to take a long, long time.

656 words

≿————- ❈ ————-≾


*casually procrastinating*

Last edited by Amethyst-animation (Nov. 4, 2022 10:20:39)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily for horror:
Object : a book
What if someone walked up to you, and told you that you could literally drink a book. That would probably be the weirdest thing ever, but it’s real! I present to you, the book smoothie, a way to enjoy books in a way that is not reading! The flavour of this delicious beverage varies from book to book, a fairy tale smoothie would have a sweet and mild taste, while a horror book would have the same taste, just stronger. The smoothie is cool and refreshing, but can be heated up to make the best hot drink for any season! The smooth and creamy texture of this delicious, scrumptious taste will make you wanna sing, dance and read, all at the same time! This is the trendiest and most popular drink of the season, and no books were harmed in the making of it. Hurry up and go to your nearest shopping mall, walmart or 7 eleven and buy this delight for a very cheap price! Oh! But I forgot to tell you, it smells exactly like fresh new books in a library, is that not tempting you? Well I don’t know what else will, because this delicious ambrosial, appetising, delicious, yummy, scrumptious, mouth watering, palatable, exquisite and amazing drink.

We extract books, old or new- from every corner of the world and turn them into delectable delights for you to enjoy for a very cheap price. Our latest product, creates smoothies out of the up and coming thriller books, and needless to say it is the most amazing thing you will have. The outcome of years of hard working and experimenting is a delicious and cold smoothie, topped with hot chocolate! Another one of our items is the amazing bestseller, The Book Club! It contains a bunch of books with contradicting flavours join together to make a flamboyant drink you will love!

Was this enough to convince you? I hope so! Take the time to walk to the nearest shopping center and buy our super cheap and delicious smoothies!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Alba's Megathread ⋆。°✩

Weekly 2:

Collaboration partner: @stariqe (work in brackets!)

Part 1:

(STARRIUS: hey jim! {frowns, voice falters} or mighty ruler flabsdz … {slight pause, more softly} ah, what should i call you? {raises voice again} well anyhow, it's good to see you again. how are you doing on this fine evening? )

JIM FLABSDZ: {smiles} oh hello starr of folklore cabin! i am jim flabsdz, sky monster vocalist, daily team member and mighty ruler of all space time… {pause} …but you can just call me jim. yes, yes, thank you for asking - i’m doing very well! {genuine, heartfelt} it has been a great day of not eating any children who didn’t finish the weekly on time, because i would never do that. {slowly pushes away a potentially human bone with his foot}

(STARRIUS: oh {startles} oh … oh. {glances down surreptitiously} i have some experience with tyranny too, so {cough} i'll let my suspicions pass. just {covers mouth and leans in to whisper} maybe don't let the hosts know. {leans back} now! {rubs hands together dictatorly} tell me about this wonderful home of yours - those cute clouds drifting by are so charming, and i absolutely adore the view. it must be nice being able to see everything that happens in swcland.)

JIM FLABSDZ: {sheepish, looks away guiltily} aha. yes. no letting the hosts know. not that i have anything to hide - {interrupts self, theatrical} yes, my wonderful home! there’s nothing better than the sky kingdom, and when i want to stretch my vast cosmic powers i simply go off and explore the planets. {earnest} i really do recommend it!

(STARRIUS: {winks} yes, i've heard you're quite the traveler. we have time - care to enlighten this tired old dictator with some heroic tales? {smiles, rubs hands together} and i'm sure the listeners would like to know more about the monster in the clouds who keeps stealing their hairballs.)

JIM FLABSDZ: {beams proudly} why, thank you! {pointedly} it's nice to hear that *someone's* noticed my heroism - i put a lot of work into the upkeep of my image, you know. indeed, i'll have you know my main diet is actually asteroids. the sky monsters of today have learned to thrive on the nutrients our utterly superior digestive systems can extract from mineral compounds. so whenever i see an asteroid getting dangerously close to any of the planets in my wonderful sky kingdom, i have it for lunch! i saved everyone in swcland from extinction just the other week, i'll have you know. it's a fabulous system… {sadly} not that i ever get much credit for it.

(STARRIUS: {gasps} oh my, how noble of you! {wipes away tear} may i take this opportunity to thank you, jim, on behalf of all swcians? {profoundly} you are so jay. thank you. and you can be sure as pirate treasure that i'm going to do whatever i can to make sure the rest of the world knows, too. anddd with that said - i'm afraid our time is up today. thanks for joining me today! and do come by the folklore trails sometime, it'd be an honour to have you. we have lots of children for you to - {breaks off} i mean, interview over!)

Word Count: 258

Part 2:

soldiers, comrades… my friends. the time has come for us to face a great evil, greater than any we have faced before - greater than the avocado, greater than the sourpatch, and greater, even, than that one time the main cabin turned into a mango. but together we are stronger than the things that seek to divide us. the tyranny and its oppressive regime have held us trapped for far too long. i don’t need to tell you that, though - you wouldn’t be here fighting with us today if you didn’t know in your hearts that this was true.

(today, my brave mateys – we are battling swc itself. it’s a rough prospect, and a heartbreaking one, too. but tyranny is ingrained not only in hostship, but in the nature of our land; in every tree in the folklore trails, and every flitting star in the dystopian realm. our world … it was crafted in the image of dictators. but we can change that. with each one of your flaming torches, and the burning need for justice in your soul: we can change the tide of our oceans. the tyrants may dominate, but we are swc. they watch from the clouds, but we are the earth and the fire and the cities. without us, they are nothing.)

and yet… today, i am scared. i know you are too - you hide it well, but i see it in your faces. they have always been tyrants, the hostship. but in our younger days of innocence and trust, they were, it seemed, our friends. i miss them, those people i thought i knew, more than i could ever admit to you in spoken tongue. it would be easier to take their hands, to join their side, to imagine their empty promises as filled with truth. but justice is never easy. when we set sail today, we know the tides of history flow with us.

(we’ve seen times change before, many, many times. every season, we are born anew and afresh. cabin loyalties swing left and right. the rules change. occasionally, the skies break for rain. but this time – this time will be different. this time, we are rewriting the story of our world – and our first sketches will be in faint chalk, but through time, we shall drag up stones and mount walls and make legends. and we will do it with love; for ourselves, for words, for everything that swc beats for. we will do it the way they never did.)

so let us be the tidal wave tonight! turn by turn, the tyrants in their arrogance have underestimated us. how plain their foolishness is to see now. they never represented the glory of swc. that glory, always, came down to us. the moment we storm their shores, something long lost to swc shall find itself returned once more: integrity, and soul, and hope. we have all fought in the cabin wars - but then, we fought with friends. now, we fight against them - but only ever in the belief that the wounds we inflict upon the battlefield shall heal, while we will have liberated them for a lifetime.

(stay together, friends. have your mango catapults at the ready. in this moment, we are no longer divided. we are swc – united against evilry, a force that can change nature. as our ships graze the clouds and we come upon the tyrants’ palace, i hope you will remember how worthy you all are. thank you for being here with me today. thank you for being a part of this journey.
hall away our kings, we are bound for australia!)

Word Count: 314

Part 3:

Breathe in, breathe out. It’s only you alone in here
You and the shadows, and your mind, and your fear
She locked the door; you can’t get out, but she can’t get in
It’s only you and the window. And look how thin
The glass is – could you spit peas through it, like grandma used to say
Before she left you too. One punch, is that all you would need?
And sure, your knuckles would bleed
And the glass embed in your skin in fractured shards
But would it be so hard
If you truly wanted to leave?

Breathe. It’s only you alone,
Turning your thoughts on the grindstone to hone
Chipping all that is broken away til it’s clear
What you actually want, what you need – what are you even doing here?
A heart’s built for more than just survival
Meant for more than the rhythm of being alive, hell
Like that’s meaningless, and the white eye outside is unblinking and still
You break the stiffness from your hands, clamber up to the sill
Condensation on the glass where you

It’s only you alone; the streets are bare as the stretch of your neck
And the puddles of pitch on the pavement are black
There’s a light on at the window of the house only two blocks or so away
The worn stone sparks. If they let you in, would they let you stay?
You catch your reflection like a bird out of the air
Haggard and empty, your thousand yard stare
Looking right through itself. Now who would believe
You? You fumble the latch; breathe.

But you’ve no need for a key. It swings open at the barest touch
Like it was just waiting for you to do half as much
And the air hits your face like a slap, only colder
And the brilliant moon glows so bright it should smoulder
Like bone fire-ice in a bare sky; your fingers brace the ledge
As if to pull yourself up and through, kicking your legs
To dash over the streets like you’re going to be free
But you don’t.

You breathe.

It’s getting cold. You shut the window
You’ll be spending the night in here, most likely. Before she lets herself in again tomorrow
No point making it worse for yourself. (She’d catch you anyway.)
Don’t want to catch your death of cold. (She’d drag you back by your hair by the very next day.)

These four walls are safe; you’d miss it really, if you were to leave.

Selfish; you breathe.

Time: 3:20 minutes
Word Count: 425

Part 4:

Wood Sorrel (joy)

Verse 1: You call yourself a city girl
A stone-hard, steel-cold original
So why’d you bloom when you smile?
You blush when I call you pretty girl
And the light on your face is impossible
So tell me you’ll stay a while

Prechorus: ‘Tween the trees, I sway
In the petrichor haze
I’ll brush the rain from your face

Chorus: So would you let me hand the key over
Unlock every mystery, heather
Underneath our feet, and we’ll be free (I don’t think this can get better)
So would you run away with me? Sorrow
Has no place when you’re with me, I know
I could take you deeper in a world that’s full of summer colour
And when this smile splits your face
I know you’re saying you’ll
(running free between the leaves, wood sorrel)

Verse 2: We carve a heart into a tree
In the bark, engrave initials for history
To hold when we’re dead and gone
But now we live, and we’re living wild
You don’t ever tell me I’m just a child
So if we want, we’ll promise this can last forever

Prechorus: In my arms, I hold
close your aureate glow
You make the sunlight seem cold

Chorus Repeat: So would you let me hand the key over
Unlock every mystery, heather
Underneath our feet, and we’ll be free (I don’t think this can get better)
So would you run away with me? Sorrow
Has no place when you’re with me, I know
I could take you deeper in a world that’s full of summer colour
And when this smile splits your face
I know you’re saying you’ll

Bridge: And aren’t
Constable and Turner broken-hearted that they missed this?
And when the light hits the ground, it’s a whole new apotheosis
And when I see your eyes, how did I ever live without this

Without you, you without me
Isn’t that sad? What would we be
If you’d never painted all the stars in
If you’d never rewrote my beginnings
If you’d never sent my still world spinning

(running free between the leaves, wood sorrel)

Chorus Repeat: So would you let me hand the key over
Unlock every mystery, heather
Underneath our feet, and we’ll be free (I don’t think this can get better)
So would you run away with me? Sorrow
Has no place when you’re with me, I know
I could take you deeper in a world that’s full of summer colour
And when this smile splits your face
I know you’re saying you’ll

(it’s joyous what you do to me, wood sorrel)

258 + 314 + 425 + 433 = 1430 words total

Daily 10th November:
The constellation of Aries, as taken from the Latin for ‘ram’, is composed of four core stars – Hamal, the brightest star, Beta Arietis (Sheratan), a star system, Gamma Arietis (Mesarthim), a potential trinary star, and 41 Arietis, a triple star system. These stars were born of the catastrophic Space Window Collapse (commonly abbreviated to SWC) that disrupted the space-time continuum some 12 billion years ago.

The SWC, in turn, was triggered by the Nano Wrimo that was established shortly after the Big Bang. The power within the Nano Wrimo fractured off into several subunits, one of which developed combustible properties – the resulting Space Window Collapse, which lead to drastic restructuring of our universe as we know it, led to the clustering of these four stars. Hamal, or ‘ram’s head’, is the brightest within the constellations, and like all stars, in olden times its luminescent properties were credited to the power of ‘Host’. (Temples to Host can still be found on all continents on Ess-dublue-swee, our home planet, though its power as a global religion has faded in the last few centuries. Now, the only practitioners are a few devout followers who still worship the Old Gods.) Beta Areitis is the second-brightest, and its traditional name ‘Sheratan’ (‘the two signs) refers to how this star marked the northern vernal equinox opposite Gamma Arietis before the SWC. 41 Arietis, the triple star system, is said to mark the 20.20 Golden Trio (Ici, Sin and Alb). Finally, the least bright star, Gamma Arietis, has an enhanced magnetic field. This is just one of the examples of the SWC establishing strange powers within stars.

So the next time you look up at the nights sky from Ess-dublue-swee, think about the incredible coincidences that had to coincide for us to have such beautiful constellations to gaze upon.
Word Count: 302

(Bi)Daily 9th November:


Snow, a soft dusting of icing sugar, has settled on the uneven tiles of the cottage. Inside, all is dark; the storm outside rumbles on in a cacophony of light and sound. They brace themselves, cold and stiff as wood, against the walls. The painted smiles are dripping from their faces; they fail to blink as large, glassy eyes peer through the holes where windows should be. Now the yellow light is caving in, and terrible white fingers are reaching down…

The little girl laughs, pops the chunk of gingerbread into her mouth, and brushes the crumbs from her fingers.


“Where are you going?”
She freezes, fingers barely brushing the worn bronze doorknob. She did not see the man behind her, but now she feels him – the coldness of his shadow, his closeness, and the warning silence hanging in liquor-tinged air. She tastes the blood on her lip.
“On a walk.”
Some days, that answer would be incorrect. Today, it is not; he grunts, and the footsteps behind her stumble off down the hall. The door to the kitchen clicks shut as softly as a prayer.
The girl in the red jacket turns the key in the lock, and goes.


The ladder is wet when her bare feet meet the rungs, and the matted plastic of the diving board is marked with the footsteps that came before her. She sucks in a slow, deep breath consisting of air of a higher altitude, and wonders if this is how the eagle feels when he looks down upon his kingdom from a distant peak. Like the eagle, she too is now just a step into the ether away from taking flight.

Below her, tiny people mill in their black and blue swimsuits, their chatter lost to her with the roar in her ears. They aren’t looking at her, yet she feels their eyes upon her, boring through her. She sucks in her stomach; directly down below, the rectangle of water shimmers and ripples in anticipation.

Hit it like you would a target. A poker player wouldn’t look away from the dartboard when he throws. With balletic movements, she approaches the edge, and it bends under her weight – but the way it dips beneath her puts a pit in her empty stomach, for reasons nothing to do with the height. She was never scared of falling.

Her coach sounds the whistle. She jumps.

Total: 400


Daily 6th November 2022:

Foxglove: treachery
Marigolds: grief
Buttercup: childishness

It doesn’t seem so long ago that they were children, rolling on the manicured lawn in the Queen’s gardens and holding buttercups under each others’ chins. It doesn’t seem so long ago that they fit into the tiny, identical waistcoats that Tiff now keeps hidden under her bed; it doesn’t seem so long ago, those days of hide-and-seek games that would only end with sunset, and the laughter that filled the eternal halls. Sometimes if she listens enough, she thinks she can still hear it echoing. It is in the rafters, in the tapestries, in the creak of the stairs as she makes her way up to the dingy servants’ quarters. She hears it still, when she kneels by the bed and folds her hands and prays, softly, under her breath. She doesn’t have much to wish for. But tonight, there is only one plea on her lips.

‘Keep her safe.’


The Queen died a strange, sudden death five days ago, and just like that, her kingdom was plunged into confusion and darkness. You could map how the news spread from house to house by the slamming of the shutters, and watch as it spiderwebbed across society until all that was left was the ghost of mourning in the air. The next day, they put out the marigolds, and the streets ran bright with their grief.

Tiff has seen the flowers from her window, and heard the screams of sorrow at night; they leach through the stones like the cold does, and it chills her nights until she can’t bear to close her eyes. She has barely seen Princess Helena since the fateful morning of the late Queen’s passing. Of course they had become more distant as they aged – Helena is a Princess, the heir to the greatest throne this side of the Perseatic Ocean, and Tiff is heir to nothing at all – but now it is like a chasm has formed between them, insurmountable and deep with loneliness.

Now, she sees the coffin, piled high with foxgloves – Helly’s favourite – and the new monarch walking behind it. Her satin hair is wreathed through with silver, and her face wears the colour and sheen of porcelain. Tiff swallows, and inclines her head to the varnished wood. And she remembers:

‘I’ll always be looking for you, Tiff. You don’t need to worry. I could never forget you. How am I going to be able to do any of this without you?’

She looks up. And Helena’s glassy gaze slips right by her.

Word Count: 421

Daily 5th November 2022:


This is a waste of time. I recognise that. The bottle will leak, or crack, and this piece of paper will be mush. A shame, really; all that effort wasted.

Hi. My name is Diedie (you pronounce it dee-dee). I live on an island, which is great because sand gets everywhere and the birds are noisy and the draft that comes in under my bedroom window is chilled to ice by the Atlantic. That was sarcasm. I hate it. The weather is depressing and I’m cold all the time and there aren’t even any trees.

We moved here two months ago. Mum said I’ll get used to it, so I told her to stick her head down the toilet. Yeah, I get it, things could be worse. Could be dead. Could be starving. Could be in Utah. (Now I’ve said that, I hope this doesn’t wash up on some beach in Utah. No, wait, Utah doesn’t have beaches

School is nice? There’s only about thirty people there all told – small island, small population. That’s why Mum was paid to move here. So I don’t get bullied, yet. That’s nice. Nobody is exactly my age, so I work alone most times. We only have the one teacher for everything – not Mum, thank God, because she teaches the younger kids. Our teacher is Ms Boyle and she’s… good. I don’t miss our old teachers at all. Is that something?

I should be doing homework, or chores, or anything other than this, really. But when I talk to my Mum, it’s like I’m just talking to a wall. I don’t think she wants to be cold, or at least as cold as she is, because she says she loves me. But I don’t think she likes it here either, to tell you the truth. Because inside, I know she feels it too – the hollowness.

I think I’m lonely. I think that’s why I’m talking to you.


Word count: 338

@/ the arson forg for naming Diedie
Me for the rest

Weekly 1
Notes: ALL OF THIS IS FICTIONAL! I’ve aimed to create a character of ‘Folklore’ and they are as unpleasant to their personified enemy cabins as they are loquacious. Absolutely none of this reflects my attitudes towards the real life cabin members, because everyone is truly awesome. If you’re in a cabin that my folklore character was rude to please don’t take it personally at all. The rankings I refer to are correct as of writing on Thursday 3rd November. PSA over!

To Fantasy,

Warmest greetings, dearest sibling! Let me congratulate you on your current place at first on the leaderboard; your efforts have been truly valiant so far. The ties between Fantasy and Folklore run deep and strong; your success is well-earned, and I hope we can share places at the top before the month is out. Do respond shortly, as I wish to hear about how your latest projects are going – your devotion to technological advancement is truly astounding. Maybe that’s something I could learn from you? Say hello to the magical creatures for me.

Your loveliest of sisters,


Dear Dystopian,

Sometimes I look up at the stars from my realm and wonder if you are looking down at me. So how is the night up there? Is it lonely? Don’t fret, I consider you often – even during the day, when your kingdom is hidden to me. Your lands are so beautiful, and yet so dangerous. Is that what it means to be ethereal?

Ah, ignore me – I do tend to ramble on. Let’s come back to the true topic of interest… your recent accomplishments have been impressive, but in the name of friendly rivalry, watch out for us, will you?

In jest, Folklore

Dear Bizarro Fiction,

Congratulation on your inclusion this session of SWC! I know it was a close-run thing, so I’m very glad to be your ally this month. Us newbies have to stick together, no? So with that said, how are you finding it? It must be a challenge having the cinema to run at the same time. Given the habit your films have of escaping out the screen, I’d be careful if I was you. But I’m sure you’re up to the challenge!

Congratulations on your bronze medallist position – yes, that’s truly impressive at this stage of competition! I’m sure we’re both aspiring to silver, however, so best of luck.

With love, Folklore

Dear Horror,

Our official relationship appears to still be pending – is it just in your nature to leave us in such a state of (pardon my wordplay) horrific anticipation? If so, I do admire your commitment to your role. Still it seems you are doing quite well where the leaderboard is concerned – so congratulations!

It has been a while since I paid a visit to your Underworld, and I do apologise, but you must surely know at this point that I have a deadly fear of bats and you keep far too many about the place for my comfort. Perhaps you would prefer to meet with me in my realm? Perhaps then we could clarify how our alliance will play out.


Dear Script,

Oh, how I love the theming you have chosen for this November sessions! The lights from your theatre truly light up this cold winter. Of course you knew already that I have a penchant for the theatrical, right? It’s in my nature, what can I say… other than well done! As I write, we’re right next to each other in the cabin standings. Quite a few of your followers have been doing the ‘weekly’, no? However, was it really in the script (get it?) for you to overtake me? How rude of your, dear ally!

I’m joking, dear. In all seriousness, I wish you well.

Exit, Folklore

Dear Thriller,

It seems we have not made contact before? How tragic - the seas and beaches have been home to many tales of folklore, after all. I think we would get along! On perusal of my wall calendar, it can’t be that long until we raise our lances and bayonets in battle once more. It would be a pity for you to get caught in our crossfire before we even exchanged so much as a friendly greeting. This must be remedied! I invite you to have a bowl of soup with me in the Folklore Trails, and let’s see if we can work something out.

Extending a warm hand in allyship, Folklore


So… how’s it going? It appears to me when I peruse the details of the leaderboard that you are below us… a pity, for you. I wish you the very, very, very best of luck in beating us. I’m sure you will find you need it. For such an admittedly magnificent kingdom, you haven’t shown us much of your inclination to battle yet. Or is that a surprise for us as of the next cabin wars? Well, if so, don’t wait too long. We wouldn’t want to start thinking that your castles were nothing more than façade, would we?


Dear Fan Fiction,

I hope this letter reaches you – it’s very hard to keep track of which timeline you’re visiting and in what order. But isn’t such confusion what makes fanfiction somewhat of a modern-day folklore? With that in mind, let me send my regards and encouragement for this oncoming session. It’s early days still, let me remind you. It is up to fate to decide how things will pan out over the next twenty-seven days. Just don’t you interfere – I admit readily that I don’t trust that time machine of yours.

In confusion as to which postal service I should be submitting this to, Folklore

Dear Mystery,

I hope this message finds you well – I will say it’s been quite difficult trying to find the right contacts to get this letter onto a moving train. I think I shall have to enlist a crow or two to carry it for me. I have to say I’ve never been one for such new-fangled contraptions as steam trains before, but both you and Fantasy seem quite intent on modernising, don’t you? Very well – but if you ever wish to return to your roots, meet me in the trails.

May you rise ever further in the ranks! Folklore

Dear Science Fiction,

Apologies for any glitches in the following message; it seems your connection is a little unstable. I am Folklore; it seems we are yet to make contact. Science has little to do with my genre, but I hope we are still able to build a solid working relationship.

… Further research has revealed you are an enemy of my dear sibling, Fantasy. Personal biases aside, I suppose it would be optimal to discuss further on cabin priorities before I pass judgement. If you wish to meet me in the forests, I will be there.

Connection is being terminated; goodbye. Folklore

Non Fiction,

Hello. I stopped in for a little of your bread yesterday and I suppose I must give credit where credit is due. It’s very good.

This means of contact is merely a matter of formality – I’m sure I do not need to reiterate on how we fail to see eye to eye on certain priorities. That said, I hope you find what you’re looking for this session, whatever that may be. Your bakery is very… cute. That said, the followers of the Trails will not interpret your pink colour scheme as indicative of any weakness – we will crush you as merrily as we shall all the others.

Dear Poetry,

It’s truly a shame that we could only be neutrals this session; the tradition of spoken word and folklore are so tightly linked, after all. That said, let me extend my well wishes to you. Your isle of fame is very… glittery, and I admire the strength of your devotion to this competition. As a kindred spirit, I do hope you won’t be offended when I warn you of Folklore’s power. I’m sure you’re already aware of it.
I hope we can establish boundaries of mutual respect before the wars. I feel confident in wishing that the best genre may triumph.


Dear Historical Fiction,

Hello, you hardened criminals! Is robbery really the way you choose to spend your time? Ah, well, who am I to judge? My own twisted stories have caused enough harm historically, I suppose. I am Folklore, and open to contact, provided you don’t steal my soup.

Another enemy of Fantasy, I see? How strange… my sibling is usually so amiable. I will not be helping you with any plots you may have against them, but equally, I’ll keep an open mind – if you wish to work further with me, leave your fancy trains behind and meet me in the woods. You’ll always find me there.


Realistic Fiction,

Finally, an easy address to reach. It’s just a pity for you that I find it at the very bottom of the leaderboard… at least Historical Fiction is there to keep you company. How is it that I had to explore your headquarters myself to find that we were even enemies? I thought we all agreed to leave the mystery to, well, Mystery.

It does not matter. Surely by now you’ve heard of the power of my realm, of my people. I’m afraid I was the worst enemy you could possibly choose to make… but no, I don’t entertain take-backs. Or second chances.


Total: 100 + 105 + 114 + 122 + 109 + 113 + 101 + 106 + 100 + 103 + 110 + 104 + 109 + 106 = 1502

Daily 3rd November 2022:

Do you ever struggle with the feeling you’re not well-read enough, compared to all your peers in SWC? Do you wish you could get through your textbooks without wasting hours of your life on the totes boring details of homeostasis? Did the second-last chapter of your adventure novel leave you on a cliffhanger, but there’s only two minutes before you have to yeet yourself on the bus to school? Our solution is here – the book smoothie!

The book smoothie is endlessly delicious and endlessly customisable, and can cut down on book-reading time by over 400%. Simply drink and enjoy your newfound knowledge! Do you have four hundred thousand pages to write a book report on? Book smoothie. Are you getting bored of all of Hardy’s descriptions of pastoral countryside and want him to skip to the interesting bit already? Book smoothie. Have you got a fanfic that your friend asked you to beta-read but they’ve stretched out the slowburn over fifty chapters? Print, puree, book smoothie. And don’t worry, you’ll love the Book Smoothie flavour – vanilla, sandalwood, and just a hint of aged parchment! Not to mention our patented Book Smoothie texture, which’ll leave you feeling like you’ve totally not been chewing on paper. Book Smoothie is completely organic. All our paper is strictly quality-controlled and made only from happy little free-range trees. Ink supplies, on the other hand, are reliant on kind donations from willing squids.

You’ll feel so much smarter after ingesting a Book Smoothie, and that’s the Book Smoothie™ promise. Studies by experts at a university you’ve never heard observed that memory function, recall and IQ rose by 100% in all test subjects! Not to mention the speed and efficiency of our method - you’ll never want to sit inside on a rainy day and read a good book ever, ever again.

Last edited by -Alocasia (Nov. 16, 2022 23:39:40)

~ alba - singer, writer and artist ~
62 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Pillow, oh humble pillow. You are green, a deep beautiful green. What is your flavor? Green apple? Cucumber? Lettuce? Oh how bad I wish to know….


We present in all of it's glory the “Mysterious Green Pillow Smoothie”. We found this pillow in a cool location. We don't know it's flavor or what lies inside. Wanna find out? Come, just take a tiny sip! What? No? You want the song and dance? Marty, hit the lights!

*in song* It's bright and green, so good it's mean! It'll leave you wanting more. Hurry up, it's your chance. You've got a song and dance! Tell me, do you need more? It's one day only, at the store. As I said, oh you ‘ll want more. I can’t quite describe, but we've got nothing to hide. I think you're really gonna love it!

Have you enjoyed this hodge podge of persuasive text? I truly believe that you should consider purchasing a Mysterious Green Smoothie. It’s a very enjoyable experience, the way the indescribable taste just DANCES on your tongue. Your taste buds seem to… sing. I have little left to say about this marvelous creation, the Mysterious Green Smoothie. It’s not complicated at all. It’s almost as brainless as this…. Story? It won’t take long at all. In fact, as soon as you check out, it will seem the smoothie has disappeared and you will be left with an interesting taste echoing in your mouth. You will be back for another. And now is the best time because it’s one day only, and that one day is today. This might be your only chance. So what do you say? Come, come, step into my shop. Here, that’ll be $1.15. Go on, drink it. It’s good, isn’t it. Yes, another I assume? Ah, yes.

+123 words

Last edited by TigerClaw51015 (Nov. 3, 2022 23:23:27)

+ Swiftie + Hamil-fan + Potterhead & Slytherin + Author & Bookworm + Dog lover +

37 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

SWC Weekly #1
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


The Smoothie Market has been known for it's delicious (and a little addicting) assortment of smoothies. From mango smoothies to cotton candy smoothie, today we present Rotten Apple Smoothies. It does sound weird, yes, but it's really not!
Every year, a lot of apples are thrown in the trash and they rot. So, instead of letting them rot like that, we decided to make something new out of it!
After a lot of purifying, the apples were absolutely clean, so there's no need to worry about germs!
The smoothie is overload with creamy texture and amazing taste for amazing people!
This drink is to help reduce the amount of trash and make into something new and innovative, like a smoothie! It's not at all true that once fruits rot, they can't be made into something new!
With a mixture of other delicious ingredients (though the main ingredient is rotten apples) this smoothie is going to give you a go at very purified rotten apple and other varieties of ingredients tjat are used in a smoothie!
It works well with sweet treats (preferable apple pie, of course) and it's great for your health too! Apples give you a lot of nutrients, and so does a rotten apple!
As well as sweet treats, you can get some ice added in it too to give it a cool and refreshing feel. And there's a special ingredient too: Home-made apple-flavoured sprinkles, and some apple syrup too!
(And another special apple topping is Apple-shaped whipped cream and that too in an apple-shaped glass!)
The colour theme is totally decidable too! For example, if you want it pink, your Rotten-Apple smoothie will be pink! There's rainbow too! (with a cute little cloud).
Healthy, delicious, good-looking and colourful, this apple smoothie is something you have to try!

you're on your own kid, you always have been.

swc camper, #scififtw
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

daily 3 - object smoothie
object: thank-you cards
366 words

Hello, reader.
I know that by now you may have mindlessly scrolled by dozens upon dozens of pieces just like this one, all those arrogant campers practically shoving every last drop of their so-called “smoothies” down your throat and not caring a thing about if you truly enjoyed it, if you, the reader, genuinely cared.
And that’s exactly where my smoothie-a true delicacy, not some suspicious imposter-is different. Blended in with real, organic thank-you cards as its main ingredient, its claim to fame is something that I guarantee you nobody else can say: it cares. I care. Everything that was even involved with it, every particle of smoothie that you will drink (of your own accord, of course-I would die before stooping down to the level of those who forcefully feed you any ‘smoothie’) cares.
Now that you know this, try sticking around for a bit. If you’re not already eager to taste the delicious thank-you card smoothie, at least hear out my remaining claims (but feel free to leave, of course, if you truly think this is not for you). Because my smoothie has yet another aspect making it even more superior than anyone else’s-it really is delicious, and even if I ramble to you all about kindness and caring for a whole hour longer, there are still many whom I presume are reading this, people who-rightfully so-would not consider taking a sip until they know not only that but are sure that it additionally tastes good. And this smoothie does.
If you’ve ever tasted a thank-you card before, I’d expect you’d already be drinking it-but if not, or if you have not yet been blessed with the chance to eat such a food, let me explain. The thank-you card is a most peculiar, yet still very delicious, type of food: once you have had one, you will agree that nothing could possibly taste better than the light crunch of paper alongside the sweet taste of thanksgiving and kindness. And mixed into a smoothie, along with even more of only the best agreements, there cannot possibly be anything still stopping you from walking over and taking a sip of the unique, exquisite, thank-you card smoothie.

hi! : D

folklore ftw!!

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