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SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

spicy mango sauce quartet’s mad lib!

Let’s make ravioli!

To make ravioli, you first need to gather your ingredients. You’ll need 103764 eggs, a 2 degrees Celsius of milk, flour, sugar, and sour butter.

Start by trading together the tangy ingredients in a bowl.

Then, mightily conquering in the milk, eggs, and magenta butter.

Once the hairbrush is clean, you’re ready to smother!

Scoop the batter onto an intricate LEGO brick and cook until all the bubbles digest.

The urgent part about making ravioli is piling them onto your glasses, loading them with your weird toppings, and digging in!

Last edited by gh0stwriter (Dec. 15, 2022 01:15:32)

stood on the cliffside screaming, “give me a reason”
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

@Eeveedonut wrote this from another forum! Please DO NOT read this

∘°❉°∘ Tell us a bit about yourself! ∘°❉°∘
Hi! I’m Iris, or Ris, I don’t mind which you use! I use she/her pronouns and my timezone is CST. I’m a teenage girl growing up in a messed up world. I have little to no self-confidence, hating how I look and who I am. I’m Christian and I help out with 4 and 5 year olds on Sundays at my church. I love reading, roleplaying, writing, playing my viola, and cooking. I’m taking Spanish class this year, so I know a bit of the language! Although I’m nowhere close to fluent XD I’m a teacher’s pet, although not to as many of my teachers this year as last year. I’ve changed a lot in the past year. My hair is longer, I’m taller, I have depression and stress. I don’t do as well in school as I did last year. None of the classes I’m taking interest me, besides Spanish and Orchestra. I hope to be a pediatrician someday! I love medicine and biology, and it feels like my calling, although I do love theater. Theater is a passion of mine, and I’ve been in several productions of shows. Although I love theater, I can’t depend on it giving me a job when I grow up. It’s another reason why pediatrics is my calling. I’m a mostly all A’s student this year, except for 2 B+ and a B, but no one’s perfect. I always feel outshadowed by my friends and everything they do. Am I jealous? Yes. Do they care about me at all? That’s a difficult question. My smart friends who should pretty much be in the grade above everyone, if I say to them: “My head hurts.” or “Darn these stupid period cramps.” They just say “Oh well. Deal with it.” But I met someone who actually cares about me and my problems, who doesn’t just brush me away and say I’m begging for attention. I just want to feel accepted and valid in this big world, and my smart friends don’t do that. The person I met sits across from me in science and they do. Along with the person who sits next to them, who’s actually a friend of mine who goes back 5+ years. Enough about my friends. I’m horrible at all gym-related things, but kind of good at badminton! I have more alt accounts on Scratch than I can count. Why am I telling you all this random stuff? So you can see that I’m being honest and open to you. Yes, it’s a lot to read, but this is who I am. Someone who just needs one person to listen to them. I participate in several Scratch camps on Scratch! Such as Scratch Writing Camp, Scratch Music Camp, and many, many more. Ask whatever else you want of me in the comments <3

I’m a teenage girl growing up in a messed up world. I have little to no self-confidence, hating how I look and who I am.

I think that here you are basically saying “i have no confidence.” i think that most people usually look for a confident person, so maybe start off with a more positive note?

I love reading, roleplaying, writing, playing my viola, and cooking. I’m taking Spanish class this year, so I know a bit of the language! Although I’m nowhere close to fluent XD I’m a teacher’s pet, although not to as many of my teachers this year as last year.

I love this part! I like how passionate you sound i think that makes this about me 10 times better

I don’t do as well in school as I did last year. None of the classes I’m taking interest me, besides Spanish and Orchestra. I hope to be a pediatrician someday! I love medicine and biology, and it feels like my calling, although I do love theater. Theater is a passion of mine, and I’ve been in several productions of shows. Although I love theater, I can’t depend on it giving me a job when I grow up. It’s another reason why pediatrics is my calling.
I really like how you talk about medicine and biology! You seem so positive!. But i think with the sadness on the theater job part, it kind of ruins your happy talking. I think maybe if you rephrase it, it would make it a lot better. I would say something like this (don’t copy because your writing should be your voice, not mine): Theater is a passion of mine! I’ve been in several productions, all of which I’ve enjoyed. Though I probably will not have a career in theater, theater is something I love to do and will continue to do. I probably will have a job in pediatrics, as it is another thing I am deeply passionate about. Also, your classes interest part I think should focus more on how you love spanish and orchestra, so whoever reads this will better grasp your liking of these two classes.

I’m a mostly all A’s student this year, except for 2 B+ and a B, but no one’s perfect. I always feel outshadowed by my friends and everything they do. Am I jealous? Yes. Do they care about me at all? That’s a difficult question.

Great job with the A’s! I like here how your voice is really shining through. I personally think this little section is a bit cluttered. I think jumping from grades to friends kinda ruins the flow of this section. Maybe like this (again, no copying): I pretty much am an all A’s student, other than a few B+ and a B. I’m not perfect, but I try. My friends, on the other hand, seem so perfect. I admit, I get a little jealous. Sometimes it feels like they don’t even care about me. Can you see the difference? (i'm not very advanced, so it makes sense if it doesn't)

But I met someone who actually cares about me and my problems, who doesn’t just brush me away and say I’m begging for attention. I just want to feel accepted and valid in this big world, and my smart friends don’t do that.

Ok, you sound so much happier! I think maybe in the beginning, talk more about how you feel. (ex: It made me less stressed/angry/etc but do it how you want) I like how passionate you are (i keep saying that, but its true).

The person I met sits across from me in science and they do. Along with the person who sits next to them, who’s actually a friend of mine who goes back 5+ years. Enough about my friends.

Again, great feeling. It just feels very nice to read! But I think that that enough about the friends part is kind of just immediate, and again, not really flowing. Maybe something like this (again, no copying): My friendships are improving, but gym is another story. I’m pretty good at badminton, but I think I have a long way to go until I can play (some sport) well. (Also, I play badminton )

Yes, it’s a lot to read, but this is who I am. Someone who just needs one person to listen to them. I participate in several Scratch camps on Scratch! Such as Scratch Writing Camp, Scratch Music Camp, and many, many more. Ask whatever else you want of me in the comments <3

This is a beautiful conclusion I think just ending with a thank you for reading this would be the best conclusion ever!!!!!

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy”
- Dalai Lama ✿

Yui | she/her | cool beans | writer | #illufiftw
6 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

hey don't mind this I just needed a place to put a story <3

“Remind me again why I’m doing this,” I say to my sister, as we stare at the concoction we’ve just whipped up. It may very well be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever set my eyes on: A mixture of Sprite, Sparkling Ice, Dr. Pepper, strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, last night’s meatloaf, a raw egg, and some milk.
“You drew the short straw,” she says, trying - and failing - to contain her smile of smug satisfaction. I’m not really sure what to say to that, because I did, and I know all too well that arguing with my sister gets me nowhere. As I pick up the tall glass of “smoothie” that my sister has poured for me, I can feel my throat go dry. I try my best to console myself, thinking about all of the things I’ve eaten that are more gross than this (you’d be surprised), to no avail.
“3… 2… 1…” I count down. I pour the sludge-like mixture down my throat.
Immediately, I cough, as my gag reflex tries to push the drink back up out of my mouth. I grimace, and try to swallow, but the taste lingers in my tongue. The first thing I taste reminds me of the icky feeling you get when you throw up in your mouth. I can taste hints of sauce from the meatloaf, but also a sickly sweetness from the strawberries and bananas. The smoothie burns in my throat like too-spicy soup, and has the same texture as sour cream (which I hate).
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” my sister chants gleefully, and I comply - anything is better than keeping this evil slime in my mouth any longer. I wipe off my watering eyes with my sleeve and glare at my sister.
“Never again,” I hiss hoarsely at her, barely able to get words out.
The aftertaste the smoothie leaves in my mouth might be the worst of everything so far. It’s like something that’s been left in the refrigerator for a bit too long, and has started to go bad, but isn’t quite rotten yet. The taste is salty and sour and spicy all at the same time, like someone’s dipped over salted pretzels in lime juice and chocolate, then put chili powder on top. I can even smell the drink, as the remnants of it in my stomach erupt into a rumbling burp. No matter how much water I gulp down, I can’t rid my mouth of the taste, which I’ve decided reminds me of pickle juice.
“That smells like a stinky sock,” my sister remarks, as she smells the burp I’ve just let out.
“This is your fault, you know.” I raise my eyebrows at her. “There’s a little left; you want it?”
My sister frantically shakes her head. “Nonono! Please!”
I laugh. Fortunately for her, I’m feeling nice. I pour the rest of the smoothie down the sink, and we get to cleaning up the mess we’ve made.

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
6 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


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