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500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

November 2022 SWC Writing Megathread

Hello and welcome to the official SWC writing thread! This thread is for any SWCers to share writing so we don't all have to make our own writing threads. Additionally, the second post of this thread will be a sort of “masterpost” of rules and info about SWC for campers, if you ever need to refer to it <3

Please read through the first post of this thread whether or not you have read it before - our rules for writing sharing have changed! Yes, it's long, but all of this information is important for you to know, because we share the forums with the rest of Scratch! If you have any questions afterwards, please ask me or another host on our profiles - that way it's easier for you to get a response without clogging up this thread <3

What you can put here:
Any writing you do during SWC (whether daily, weekly, word war, writing competition entry or just your own writing) can go in this thread! You can either make a new post per piece of writing, or make one post and edit your new writing into it - either is fine!

Please try not to have conversations or chat here - you can post writing, give critique and discuss others' writing but if off topic conversations happen here, it's likely the topic will be deleted or closed by the Scratch Team. So try to avoid having off topic conversations here. <3

Remember to check any writing you post to make sure it does not contain any personal details or private information. If it does, you can either edit out/change the details or not post the writing! Stay safe online ^^.

Ways to use this forum:
There are two main ways to use this forum - but other ways are okay too!

Making one post and editing your new writing into it. If you use this method, please edit new writing into the top of your post, so it's easier for leaders to find!

Making a new post for every writing piece (you could also include an optional “table of contents” post which contains a list of writing pieces and links to them!)

Reporting posts
Please don't hesitate to report other posts if you feel you need to! Valid reasons to report posts include:

- The post shares private information
- The post contains rude/offensive language
- The post makes you uncomfortable
- The post is spam or off topic
- The post does not belong in this topic
- The post otherwise breaks Scratch's guidelines or makes you uncomfortable

When you click report, you will be provided with a comment box to explain why you reported the post - and please do so! It helps the forum moderators understand what you want them to do.

On the Scratch forums, there are lots of reasons you can report things other than that they're inappropriate. Reporting is not trying to get the user in trouble, picking on the user, or going behind their back - it's simply helping to keep the forums organised, tidy and scratch safe. You won't get in trouble for reporting a post that doesn't need reporting, as there are no rules as to what does and doesn't need reporting. So it's fine to report posts that don't belong in this thread, are off topic, or are spam as well as inappropriate posts.

Discussing people's writing
It's completely okay to respond to and comment on people's writing here. However:

People won't necessarily see your responses to their writing, because they don't get a notification when you quote their writing. Instead, you can comment on their profile, either commenting on their writing there or saying something like “hey! I responded to your writing piece here: <link>”

It's also fine to give critique to others' writing here, but make sure to give the person the link to your critique!
Also, please keep in mind that not everyone here will want critique on their writing! Make sure to ask permission before giving anyone critique.

To get the link to a post, right click the top left corner of the post, where it says the date and time it was posted. Then click “copy link address”, and paste the link wherever you need it:

Personal writing threads
This session, we will be allowing personal writing threads! However, please only make one forum topic for just your writing - put it in the "Things I'm Making and Creating" forum, and use that topic for the whole of this SWC session. This means not creating a new topic for, say, your writing competition entry, and certainly not creating a new topic for each writing piece, as this is a nightmare for forum moderators and other people using the forums.
It is still highly recommended that you use the megathread in order to be considerate to other forumers! Having a lot of different writing topics makes it harder to find other topics, so please consider carefully whether you'd be willing to use the megathread before creating a personal topic

Other Ways to Share Writing
Not everyone wants to share their writing in the forums, and that's fine - here are some other places it's okay to share your writing!

You could create a new scratch project (perhaps on an alternate account if you don't want to share writing on your main account!) and share your writing as an in-project comment, in the description and notes and credits, or pasted into a costume using the text tool.

You can take a photo or screenshot of your writing and either put it inside a scratch project or upload it to cubeupload, then share that link. You will need an account to use cubeupload, but it's a safe way to share images and the Scratch team allows it.

Please note that you can no longer use blankslate to share your writing. If you don't know what it is, it's a writing sharing program that we used to use frequently in SWC but is no longer allowed because of the potential to share private information as it is not moderated.

Do not attempt to bypass Scratch's filter in order to share writing on sites that are not allowed. Not only are these sites banned for a reason, but you will get caught if you attempt to share links to them on Scratch. Proof shared via other sites will not count. Cubeupload is the exception to this rule, as it is also used to share images on the forums

Thanks everyone, and happy writing!

Many thanks to Kat and Honey for writing the megathread post in the last sessions, most of which I just copy-pasted!

Last edited by Sunclaw68 (Feb. 18, 2023 21:33:39)

“No writing is wasted. Did you know that sourdough from San Francisco is leavened partly by a bacteria called lactobacillus sanfrancisensis? It is native to the soil there, and does not do well elsewhere. But any kitchen can become an ecosystem. If you bake a lot, your kitchen will become a happy home to wild yeasts, and all your bread will taste better. Even a failed loaf is not wasted. Likewise, cheese makers wash the dairy floor with whey. Tomato gardeners compost with rotten tomatoes. No writing is wasted: the words you can’t put in your book can wash the floor, live in the soil, lurk around in the air. They will make the next words better.”
— Erin Bow
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

SWC Rules & Guidelines (camper guide)

If you believe any of these rules shouldn’t apply / should apply differently for a specific case (e.g. adding a daily when this guide says not to), take it to the hosts! We’re happy to deal with edge cases and/or disputes on an individual basis. Questions about these should be taken to your leader or a host's profile, not asked here :)

Rules with a ⚡️ next to them are new this session! Please pay extra close attention to them. There's also a TLDR at the end.

Adding words
You can add words whenever you write literarily* using your cabin’s word counting method - this will most likely mean commenting the number of words you wrote in your cabin’s word counting location (this will likely be a studio but could also be a forum, profile or project!) as well as a summary/brief description of what you are adding.
E.g. “+503 words for part of an essay”. Your leaders will add these words to your total.
We keep track of words during SWC as they make up part of a cabin’s total points at the end of the session as well as acting as a motivation factor for campers.

*See a list of things that count below:

What counts
  • Roleplay - however, roleplay comments that follow the format of “‘<dialogue>’, <name> <‘said’/synonyms>” (and other similar things) do not count if you are roleplaying as yourself. As a guideline, you should be in character somewhat rather than just speaking as yourself (although an exaggerated character that represents you is fine), and around ⅓ or so of the words should be outside of dialogue (description of actions etc) (it’s okay to eyeball this). Basically, make sure to include other stuff than just communicating with quote marks around your comments, and you should be fine!
  • Fictional writing
  • Non-fictional writing
  • Literary journal entries
  • Writing in another language - if you’re unsure on how many words to add because the language counts writing in a different way (e.g. character counts in Chinese), Google Translate it to English and use that word count. We hope that this will be close to the number of words it would be in spoken language, but if you have a different suggestion, please let us know!
  • Schoolwork - essays, assignments that include literary/analytical writing (such as worksheets requiring analysis of parts of a novel) but not note taking or non-literary writing such as writing out math problems
  • Giving critique (but only the words they wrote! If they gave 1000 words of critique but 300 of those were quotes of the original writing, add 700 words)
  • Stream of consciousness writing
  • Vents/rambles
  • Formal emails that are longer than a paragraph
  • Explanatory SWC dailies that are longer than a paragraph
  • Words from comics
As a general rule, if it contains your original ideas, it counts.

What doesn’t count
  • Notetaking
  • Texting, commenting, etc.
  • Copying another person’s writing
  • Translating
  • Writing thing out from memory / copying things out (e.g. copying out a textbook, lyric spam)
  • Code - even if using a text based programming language!

Needing proof
  • If your leader thinks that the amount you’re writing is unrealistic, they may ask for proof or choose not to add it.
  • You must outline what you were writing when you add words. Your leaders will not be allowed to add the words otherwise! (a sufficient outline could look like: “365 words were from an english worksheet, 1946 were from working on my novel, 568 from the daily, 2868 from working on an essay the past week”)
  • If you are uncomfortable sharing proof for writing, that’s okay! Exceptions to giving proof (even for large blocks of writing) can be provided on an individual basis and you will have better luck getting one if you cooperate and are willing to give partial proof and detailed explanations/descriptions on what you’ve written. Other solutions to this can include giving a leader/host proof in a discreet location (on scratch of course - this could be editing an old forum post or putting it in a comment inside an old project).

  • Reserves are any words collected and added in large blocks after they are written. Their purpose is to make it easier to add words in blocks (e.g. saving handwritten writing until the end of camp to count up or adding roleplays in chunks).
  • You may not have more than 10,000 words of reserves. If you do, only 10,000 will count, so keep your leaders up to date with your word count!
  • If you didn’t have access to Scratch for some time and so couldn’t add words, your words don’t count as reserves - so you aren’t affected by the 10,000 word limit and can add as many words as you wrote! (Provided you are willing to provide proof, of course! Please also let a host know :))
  • You can only add up to 10,000 words at a time regardless of when they were written, whether or not you give proof or a description of your writing, because it’s an unfair strategy to bank up large amounts of words.
  • All words become reserves after SWC is over in all timezones.
  • Reserves are still subject to proof rules!

  • Dailies must be submitted before they end in UTC, even if the daily hasn’t changed in the main cabin description yet.
  • Campers and leaders are expected to give all required proof for weeklies and dailies, and it must be submitted on time to earn points.
  • Proof must be provided on Scratch, and all writing must be Scratch appropriate if you need to provide proof for it.
  • Photos of writing count as proof.
  • If you have a question about a daily, ask in the main cabin! Hosts and/or leaders will make a judgment on this - if you’re a camper, please refrain from answering any questions that are subject to interpretation (clarifying rules and such is fine!), leave it to the leaders and hosts please <3
  • Extensions for dailies are unavailable as there really isn’t any point in granting them given the low point value and short timeframe of dailies.

  • Weeklies must be submitted before they end in UTC, even if the weekly hasn’t changed in the main cabin description yet.
  • Campers and leaders are expected to give all required proof for weeklies and dailies, and it must be submitted on time to earn points.
  • If you are uncomfortable sharing proof for a weekly, you should contact the hosts or your leader as early as possible. Exceptions to giving proof can be provided on an individual basis and you will have better luck getting one if you let us know early (as opposed to simply refusing to give proof when trying to add your weekly). Other solutions to this can include giving a leader/host proof in a discreet location (on scratch of course - this could be editing an old forum post or putting it in a comment inside an old project).
  • Proof must be provided on Scratch. We don’t provide exceptions to giving proof for having writing unsafe for scratch.
  • Photos of writing count as proof, as do screenshots!
  • If you have queries about a weekly, try to wait until a host or member of the daily team can clarify.
  • Extensions for weeklies can be granted on an individual basis. You should let the hosts know as early as possible and you can discuss it with us from there.

Writing competition
  • Writing competition entries must be submitted on Scratch - which means they must be safe for Scratch.
  • More information about writing competition extensions will be provided at the writing competition’s release but as a guide, you should contact a judge before the writing competition closes asking for an extension, giving a reason and the length of the extension you’d like. The judges will decide from there.
  • Collaborative entries are allowed. They can only be worked on by two people and if the writers are in different cabins, any points you earn will be split between your cabins.
  • Despite the fact that you can add words written in comics, you cannot submit a comic as a writing competition entry due to the use of images over words to present important events. You can, however, submit a comic script!

Word wars
  • Proof of winning a word war isn’t necessary - it’s an honor system.
  • Proof of words for a word war isn’t required but it’s encouraged. This is up to the two campers warring - usually they agree whether or not to provide proof after. However, you can ask for proof if their opponent’s word count is extremely inconsistent with their WPM, and if they refuse, feel free to contact one of the hosts!
  • Word wars must be added the day that they’re won. Exceptions can be made if your opponent replies late.
  • ⚡ In a war between a person who has already won that day and someone who hasn’t, the person who hasn’t CANNOT still earn points if they win. You must win against someone else who hasn’t won in order to earn points.
  • You can only win one word war a day (the day resets at midnight UTC). You do not have to wait 24 hours between wars provided they occur on different calendar days UTC.
  • A person can keep warring that day if they lose a war.
  • A person who’s won a war can continue warring that day for words but they won’t be able to add points again until the next calendar day UTC.
Cabin wars
⚡️ Campers MAY:
  • strategically war another cabin, but NOT previously planned with the cabin receiving the war
  • ask generically for ‘a war’ ONLY in the main cabin
⚡️ Campers MAY NOT:
  • strategically war another cabin through planning to send each other a specific war AND/OR a war at a specific time
  • strategically set your own cabin up to be warred with a specific war AND/OR a war at a specific time
  • retract a valid war- if it's valid, it's valid
  • require permission from leaders to war a cabin
  • ⚡️ Cabin wars must be sent manually.
  • ⚡️ Your leaders can give guidelines on who to war if they wish, but you are no longer required to get permission from them to war cabins.
  • A cabin’s shield (of three hours) starts when they are warred.
  • Leaders can take down their shield if they choose.
  • Only words written after the war was commented count.
  • A word may only count towards one war.
  • A description of what words are from is still required for cabin wars.
  • A cabin can only earn points from extra challenges if they win the war.

⚡️ Honoraries

Honoraries are people who are NOT participating in a session of SWC, but are invited by a leader to hang out in a cabin as an unofficial member and boost morale and/or have a role in the storyline. However, they are restricted from doing anything that leaders would typically do. This includes adding camper's words, writing descriptions, developing the storyline or theme, etc. If they have a role in the storyline, their contributions are restricted to solely that role. As long as they do not provide an unfair advantage to the leader team, they're fine.

Honoraries are allowed to provide ideas, make matching profile pictures, thumbnails, banners, and other graphic-design related tasks, but they CANNOT assist with developing ideas or doing anything that would be classified as a “leader responsibility”. As they are not participating in the session, they cannot add words or do activities for points. Leaders are not allowed to list them in the cabin description. They can introduce themselves as an honorary member if they wish.'

On the other hand, if you would like to partake in a different cabin's activities or storyline, you can ask that leader if you can do so. This does NOT make you an honorary. Rather, you are just a member of a cabin who is participating in the activities of another cabin. Depending on the activities and how restricted they are to members of that cabin, the leader may agree or refuse (and they may decide how much of a role you can have and which of the activities you may do), and you are expected to be accepting of any decision they make. Leaders are also not allowed to list people who do this in the cabin description, and they cannot make any further contributions than completing the activities.

Anyone is welcome to hang out or boost cabin morale in other cabins at any point. Do try to be the most enthusiastic in your own cabin, though — your fellow campers will appreciate it!

Please see this project if you have more questions.

Arguments and Drama
  • If any links to leader discussions are leaked, please ignore the comments. If it can be classified as spam, you can report the comments, but please don’t mass report with multiple accounts as that can lead to alerts from the ST.
  • If you get into a fight with anyone, it’s best to stop responding so it doesn’t escalate. You can ask your leader or a host for help. Of course, report any offensive material you see as part of such an argument (e.g. projects calling people to report a specific user or people speaking badly about others).
  • Please take care to not take cabin rivalries too far! Using this tone indicators guide can be helpful in ensuring that no one’s feelings get hurt. If you do feel that someone has gone beyond friendly jokes, you can remind them that it’s just for fun, report the comments, or ask a leader/host for help, depending on what you feel fits the situation!

  • Only literary words may be added - see the first section above for a full description of this!
  • Leaders may ask for proof of writing if they believe the amount you're adding is unrealistic.
  • You must give an explanation of what you were writing when you add words. Leaders will not add words without this.
  • You may not add more than 10,000 words at once.
  • Dailies and weeklies must be commented in the Main Cabin before they end, even if the description has not yet been updated.
  • Proof for dailies and weeklies must be shown on Scratch. There will not be exceptions to this rule for having inappropriate writing.
  • Proof of winning a word war isn't necessary - they're run on an honor system.
  • Please do not escalate arguments! Simply stop responding and report any offensive comments.
  • Make sure not to take cabin rivalries too far!

Thanks for reading all of this! Again, if you have any questions or believe there should be an exception, please comment on a host's profile, not in this forum :)

Last edited by Sunclaw68 (Oct. 27, 2022 21:15:15)

“No writing is wasted. Did you know that sourdough from San Francisco is leavened partly by a bacteria called lactobacillus sanfrancisensis? It is native to the soil there, and does not do well elsewhere. But any kitchen can become an ecosystem. If you bake a lot, your kitchen will become a happy home to wild yeasts, and all your bread will taste better. Even a failed loaf is not wasted. Likewise, cheese makers wash the dairy floor with whey. Tomato gardeners compost with rotten tomatoes. No writing is wasted: the words you can’t put in your book can wash the floor, live in the soil, lurk around in the air. They will make the next words better.”
— Erin Bow
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

╔═*✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧*═╗
Script: The Musical (Behind the Scenes)
╚═*✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧ ✧.·:·.✧ ✧*═╝

Hello! I'm Wari, and I play Peggy Schuyler in Script: The Musical. I'm also one of the co-leaders of Script November 2022.

Welcome to my workstation! Here you will find all my writing from this session. ScriptFTW!

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

Main Cabin Dailies (11)

♫ Nov 1 // Introduction // 1152 words // 0 points

♫ Nov 2 // Article // 232 words // 100 points

♫ Nov 3 // NotebookSmoothies™ // 376 words // 200 points

♫ Nov 4 // Wind Duet // 416 words // 400 points

♫ Nov 5 // A Message in a Bottle // 340 words // 250 points

♫ Nov 6 // A Story of Love, in four parts // 497 words // 400 points

♫ Nov 8 // Flash Fiction // 92 words // 350 points

♫ Nov 10 // Pyxis // 594 words // 400 points

♫ Nov 11 // Letter to Self // 774 words // 300 points

♫ Nov 12 // Cabin Wars // 1365 words // points

♫ Nov 26 // Cabin Wars // 1032 words // points

Main Cabin Weeklies (2)

♫ Week 1 // Letters // 1610 total words // 1000 points

♫ Week 2 // Theme // 0 total words // points

♫ Week 3 // Theme // 0 total words // points

♫ Week 4 // Word Crawl // 4257 total words // 3000 points

Word Wars (9)

♫ Nov 7 // lost // Lio // 5 min // Folklore // Maf Guide // 131 words // 26.2 wpm

♫ Nov 7 // lost // Sophie // 4 min // Naan-fi // Freewrite // 217 words // 54.3 wpm

♫ Nov 7 // lost // Re // 5 min // Real-fi // SOC // 368 words // 73.6 wpm

♫ Nov 8 // won // @laluvy // 3 min // Folklore // An Unfortunate Situation // 169 words // 56.3 wpm

♫ Nov 12 // won // Lio // 4 min // Folklore // SOC // 360 words // 90 wpm

♫ Nov 26 // won // Ayid // 5 min // Horror // SOC // 383 words // 76.6 wpm

♫ Nov 27 // won // Sandy // 5 min // Horror // Weekly // 285 words // 57 wpm

♫ Nov 28 // lost // Luna // 4 min // Adventure // SOC // 347 words // 86.8 wpm

♫ Nov 30 // won // Lio // 3 min // Folklore // SOC // 244 words // 81.3 wpm

Other Writing

other writing goes here

Word Goal Progress: 31285/25000

Other Sessions
Fanfiction Forest March 2022
Fan-fi Republic July 2022

Last edited by scratch_warrior_cat (Dec. 3, 2022 22:14:18)

43 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


hi, i’m lucy! my blood consists fully of astronomy and horror/fiction podcast quotes. if you see me here, it’s probably for swc
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


epic daily team weekly four 11.29.2022
Your Journey: horror, option #2, adventure, option #1, fantasy, option #1, poetry, option #1, mystery, option #2, bifi, option #3, dystopian, option #3, thriller, option #1, scifi, option #1, fanfi, option #1, hifi, option #1, folklore, option #1, nonfi, option #3, realfi, option #3, script, option #3

A hush came over the Earth, the entire human population holding their breath at once as the countdown reached zero. All eyes fell on the ships, or the screens broadcasting footage live from the ships. This was the moment. This was the day. Finally, at last, their savior was here.
Their future was finally bright with hope.

“*.” Sweat in my brow, dripping down into my eyes.
“Even, the shields are going down!” Screams in my ears, pounding in my head.
“I know! Try to back me up, I just need a minute!” Lights all around, beams searing in my vision.
“Seymour, Even, the timer’s almost out, we’re not gonna be able to salvage it. We need to get out of here before we lose anymore.” God, why does he need to be a voice of reason?
“Screw it, we’re not leaving them behind.” Arguments break out, time keeps ticking down.
“We need to save ou—” “If it were us out there, we’d wa—” “None of this is gonna work if we ke—”
“MY GOD look at that thing!” Outside the thin glass shielding us from the deep abyss beyond, something forms from the clouds. Giant, horrific, looming as a threat.
The lights go out.

These children were their hope. These babies. How could an entire species place their hope in the hands of a tiny generation? Would the risk be worth it?
When the plague ravaged the surface of the planet, when the population dropped tragically, when the disorder sunk in, the doom of humanity was declared. Many lost hope. Many lived on, thinking only of the present, forgetting what the promise of future was once.
But not everyone. A small colony of friends huddled together against the storm, slowing gathering their resources, building a ship. Years passed before they had it, but still. They found the solution.

“*, Even, comms’ll be out any minute. We need to get ou— acts and— sh—” Silence echoes, taking hold deep within me. I’m never prepared for this part. I breathe in. I breathe out.
“You’re fine, Even. You can do this in your sleep. You can do this under pressure. You are meant to do this.” In. Out.
Hands reach out into the abyssal darkness, ears cling tight to whatever sounds they can.
Something reaches back. I scream. I can’t resist screaming.

At first, it seemed impossible. Their theory, sound as it was, would require wide scale cooperation, engagement from the entirety of the population who still lived.
It took longer than they thought, but within the decade the species, the human kind, were working together on their future.
A dream come true.

“I’m pulling them out.” Not a whisper, but compared to my screeching certainly so.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry.” My voice is so weak, my throat is raw. I want to cry. The lights flash up again, noises again fill my ears, my brain becomes aware again of the swaying of this vessel. My eyes well up. “I didn’t mean to—I swear that won’t happen again—”
“Even, it’s not your fault. We all need to be calm.” Breathe in, breathe out. Count to five. Eyes closed, breathing steady, welcoming voices distant.
“You’re going to be okay. None of this is real.” The computer always says this. But what does it know about reality? Nothing it knows is real. Everything we know is real. I don’t care if the resources aren’t really scarce, I don’t care if a crew member hasn’t really been lost. One day, I’ll have to captain us through these challenges. I need to be ready. Breathe in. Breathe out. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
“Welcome back, Crew Seven, Leader Even, and Members Seymour, June, Ester, and Ruebens. Exit your shuttle swiftly once your straps have been released and follow the hallway to decon and debrief.” Warmth comes into the space as the lights dim slightly, just as warmth enters the voice. It’s always the same. I’m sure it’s a lie. “I’m proud of you.”
“Hell, Even, I thought for a second down there you were infected.” Ruebens laughs, eyes sparkling and bright as he pulls me out of my seat. I try to laugh, but it comes out a choking breath.
“Not quite, not quite. You wish.” Warm yellow lights show the way to decontamination. I follow the path alone. They know something is wrong, but my crew doesn’t approach me. I need to think. That challenge wasn’t supposed to break me.
None of them are.
The computer knows I need space too. No music plays as I go through decom, no voices try to encourage or chide me. Only soft lights, warm soapy water, my own heartbeat. My tightsuit is cast aside and I return to what is comfortable. I need this.
Thank the world for this paradise. Thank the word for this space.
Distant is kept in debrief. My thoughts are only mine, the computer forces no one to share. With the silence all around, it’s clear I’m in some sort of noise-canceling field. Perhaps I’ll be expected to give my side later, but not now. Breathe in, breathe out. Debrief ends with no fuss. I return alone to my quarters.
“My darling Evelyn.” At the sound of my mother’s voice, the tears finally spill over. Proof I will never meet her. Proof her voice will never truly reach my ears, proof we will never embrace, proof my only family is here. It is a sick form of manipulation, but it works. I sob into my pillow.

“Hey, Even.” Ester’s voice soft as ever as I take my seat at her side. The cafeteria buzzes with activity, but our little corner is distant from the commotion. She smiles at me, I smile back. I always smile back. “How’s it going?”
“Ah, you know…” My eyes are still puffy, my grin traced with tear drop lines. I look down at my tray and change the subject. “What’s good today?”
“The soup! Unusually creamy, thought you’d want to try it!” June’s enthusiasm is unmatched, their excitement unparalleled. And they’re right. A perfect match of savory and sweet, with a kick of spice. The computer is not always spot on with soups, but today it certainly is.
“And the bread is quite nice.” Ester hands me a piece off her loaf. This is perfect. What I needed, after that breakdown. I smile at my crew.
“Thank you all for being like this.”
“It’s truly not a problem, dear. You need this as much as any of us do.” “Please don’t be hard on yourself.” Ruebens doesn’t add anything of his own, but nods, and I meet Seymour’s eyes. Thank the world for a crew as supportive as them.
“I need to work on boundaries. Not getting as caught up in a loss. Because if that happens when we’re actually down there…” We all know what happened to the other expeditions. The failed expeditions. Ours will not be like that.
We were raised on myths and legends, for we are to become them. The first humans beyond the sun’s grip, the first generation to break the loop. We are nothing if we are not bound for the stars. Bound for the whispers of fate. Bound for the future. And I am meant to be a leader in this.
Almost as if responding to my reaffirmation of my duty, the cafeteria doors burst open, an unnatural breeze welcomed in. With it, them. Casually perfect, perfectly casual. Their steps in harmony and rhythm, their threat to my position never as deep as now. Of course, they approach our table.
“Even.” I wish I had a voice like that. A whisper silences the buzz, rises above the riffraff. My eyes meet theirs, they wink. I blush. *.
“Odd.” They grin, and their crew does too. Something in my stomach sinks. Why must they always come and gloat?
“I saw the results. I must say—” their silver eyes flicker around the table before landing on mine again “—I’m not impressed.”
“Come on, Lionel, you know it’s not a competition.” Ester is firm in this, her belief in the system runs deep. The rest of us can see it for what it really is, but her compassion blinds her at times.
“I wasn’t talking to you. Leaders are speaking now.” What a jerk. They don’t even look at her. They don’t look away. Neither do I.
“Odd.” My voice is strong, even as I feel weaker and weaker. “If you want to talk to me, we’ll go somewhere else. If not, crews can comment. We can’t boss them around here.” Or anywhere, I want to add, but that would only get them mad.
“Alright. Lead the way.” They gesture grandly towards the door. I smile reassuringly to my crew, dump my tray, and head into the hallway with them on my tail. Breathe in, breathe out. They reach for my hand, I pull away.
We’ve done this all before.
“You surely can’t think after that display I’ll want to hold your hand.” I can hear the strength dripping away, melting into thin air. How many times must this cycle go on?
“Even.” So delicate. So raw. My fault, that’s what they’re saying. It’s my fault, this is what I asked for. Secrecy, rivalry, romance. They reach again for my hand. I pull away once more.
“Don’t—don’t touch me.” Breathe in. Breathe out. Show weakness, and maybe they’ll stop trying to exploit it.
“I’m sorry.” And they really sound like they are. Sorry for what, I can’t be sure.
“Odd, I think we should stop this.” A wince from them, eyes cast down at last. How many times have I tried this? To put an end to it all?
“Evelyn.” That’s not fair. They’re not allowed to use that name for me, not after everything that’s happened.
The first time we talked, really talked, we weren’t yet Even and Odd. We were not so intrinsically linked. To them, I was Evelyn. To me, they were Lionel.

“I heard you still get nightmares.” A cruelty lined voice cut sharp in my ear, straight to the heart. I did not need to turn to its source to know who it was.
“Pick on someone your own size, won’t you.” Everything in me just wanted to cry, to run off to Seymour, to tattle to the computer.
“I think you are my size.” I could hear their grin, that despised thing. But their words surprised me. I was nothing special. No one special. Just an average crew member, if not a little behind of outgrowing those stupid nightmares the computer forced us to overcome.
“I’m not. Go away, Lionel.”
“Whatever, odd one.” They laughed, but left. That name stuck in my head, replaying, replaying, replaying. And I stole it from them. Odd fit them better, from what I could tell, but Even was perfect for me. I asked them all to call me that. It stuck. Now, I am Even. They’re the odd one.

It started the next time I saw them, when I gave it back.
“Odd.” One syllable, pronounced with such disgust to grab the attention of all around. They turned.
“Even.” A grin spread across their face. With that, I knew I was done. I would be obsessed with this person, this enigma, for the rest of my life. I still am.

“Lionel. I will tell you, again, if you want to hear—”
“I don’t want to lose you.” Surely they’ve been watching the historical vids again, those long lost relics of ages past. They wouldn’t know how to make their voice so emotional otherwise. I try not to believe it. I do not want to. But…
“I don’t want to lose you, Even, we’re better with each other. No more rivalry. No more secrecy. I want us to work together, not against each other. I want to bridge our divide, not make the abyss deeper, longer, impossible to cross.” They say everything but the three words that would make me say yes.
“I’m sorry, Lionel. I can’t.”

“My darling Evelyn.” My mother’s voice again greets me as I enter my room. I cannot stand to hear her. Before I know what’s happening, I am in the hallway, running towards the one place I know. The one place I belong. Before I remember what happened the last time I was there, I am back inside.
“Welcome, Team Seven Leader Even. Systems starting up. Dropping in momentarily. Best of luck.”

Alone. Cold. Chill cuts to the bone. Dark, blinding darkness on all sides. Silence.
I love being down here alone.
So much more peaceful than the shouts that come with the team. So much more serene when the mission is only my own. I can complete mission after mission down here alone, perfectly—I have done it before. Now, I work towards this goal again.
For this reason, I am the best team member, in pure statistical ability, on this entire expedition. And that’s why the computer gave me a team. A leadership position. A place of my own. I used to love it. I used to think I was good at it.
Now, there is nothing in the world I despise more.
Maybe I was good at leading, once. Maybe the computer saw potential in me that was really there, that really existed. Whatever it was, it has long since left me.
Breathe in, breathe out, sneak under that arch, swap that grid, flash that counter. All so mechanical. All so natural, to me.
I know my mother gave me up for a reason, but sometimes… Sometimes I come down here, I go through the missions, I get through so many that they start repeating, and I think I never had a mother. That I was constructed, built from organic and inorganic materials specifically to complete these tasks. That the whole mother thing, the whole twin brother thing, the whole history fed to me was just a story, a compelling narrative for my existence.
Sometimes I believe it.
Breathe in, breathe out, check vitals, I’m okay.
Other times, I fear fewer times, my team lifts me up.
I don’t want to think about this anymore. Breathe in, breathe out, finish up that filling, avoid hitting that wall, enter th—
Red. Alarm. Blaring in my ears. I’m up, I’m out, panting, hyperventilating. What is happening. Blam blam blam.
“Even!” That voice, that emotion, so strong, so painful. They run towards me, worry in their striking eyes. “Even, what did you do?”
“I—” They take me in their arms. A warm embrace, cut short by my protests. “Get off—I was just down there, I didn’t do anything!”
“Are you sure? Are you okay?” They study me. It hurts them not to touch me, I can tell. They fidget, they twitch. I torture them, but then again our touch would be torture to me.
“Yes, I’m fine.” I force the words.
“So you don’t know.” They’re out of breath, on the verge of tears. I have never seen them cry. “Seymour is dead.”

split timeline daily 11.24.2022

A hush came over the Earth, the entire human population holding their breath at once as the countdown reached zero. All eyes fell on the ships, or the screens broadcasting footage live from the ships. This was the moment. This was the day. Finally, at last, their savior was here.
Their future was finally bright with hope.

“*.” Sweat in my brow, dripping down into my eyes.
“Even, the shields are going down!” Screams in my ears, pounding in my head.
“I know! Try to back me up, I just need a minute!” Lights all around, beams searing in my vision.
“Seymour, Even, the timer’s almost out, we’re not gonna be able to salvage it. We need to get out of here before we lose anymore.” God, why does he need to be a voice of reason?
“Screw it, we’re not leaving them behind.” Arguments break out, time keeps ticking down.
“We need to save ou—” “If it were us out there, we’d wa—” “None of this is gonna work if we ke—”
“MY GOD look at that thing!” Outside the thin glass shielding us from the deep abyss beyond, something forms from the clouds. Giant, horrific, looming as a threat.
The lights go out.

These children were their hope. These babies. How could an entire species place their hope in the hands of a tiny generation? Would the risk be worth it?
When the plague ravaged the surface of the planet, when the population dropped tragically, when the disorder sunk in, the doom of humanity was declared. Many lost hope. Many lived on, thinking only of the present, forgetting what the promise of future was once.
But not everyone. A small colony of friends huddled together against the storm, slowing gathering their resources, building a ship. Years passed before they had it, but still. They found the solution.

health weekly number three 11.20.2022
time management:
time-blocking and pomodoro — this weekend was not busy and i had almost no homework, so neither was as effective as they would have been under different circumstances, but they were still helpful

brainstorming <3 i loved this faction. seeing all of the ideas and adding onto them was so fun and so motivational :0

self care:
sunlight & reading — read outside
sleep & routine — in bed by 11, shower & wash face & brush teeth before hand
water intake — drink water!!

Often, it is easy to forget that we are not just personalities, minds hard at work, but intensely delicate systems of biological and physiological chemistry. We do not live in our bodies, we are our bodies. Brain and body are one in the same and both must be nurtured for health in each. It follows, therefore, that self care means not only caring for your mind, by your physical well being too and that by caring for one, you are by extension caring for the other. You cannot do your best work while physically unwell and you cannot push your body safely to your limits without a strong mental foundation.
Both your body and your mind have compositions with a majority water content. Water is needed for every task you do, even if you don’t consciously know this fact. Drinking only when you’re thirsty is functional, but the relief brought by never getting to the point of such thirst can be good for your general mental and physical wellbeing. Which leads into another practice you should never neglect…
Spend time outside, especially while active and in green (as opposed to highly urban) spaces. You need water to survive, but you also need fresh air, and often the air makeup of indoor spaces is not what your body needs. Additionally, exercise and simply being in the sun release hormones in your body that make you happier and refreshed. Both also give you an always deserved break from school, work, or whatever your normal routine may be.
Hygiene, while being important for physical health for obvious reasons, is a key part of upkeeping your mental health. Often, being clean can make your day a little brighter in addition to all the other benefits cleanliness provides.
In the big picture, it is important to remember that neglecting your body for your brain, or the other way around, only achieves ultimate failure of both. Each part of you is important to the whole. <33

bread poetry daily 11.17.2022
just as a note, this is also an english assignment to write bad poetry, which is why it’s bad lol
also i hate white bread :skull:

an ode to the soft sweet loaf of cloud-colored bread

yum! yummy! so sweet and yummy
is this soft white bread so warm in my tummy.
all bubbly and uniform and delish and yummy,
never will this bread make me ever feel grumpy!

it makes me so happy
my feet go tap tappy
when full is my lap-y
with this bread not shabby.

oh yes does this bread
fill every moment my head.
and all i can think is this bread
when at night i lay down in my bed.

white as slightly brown snow
soft and meek as a doe
even found in Chicago;
where can’t this bread go?

yum! yummy! yum yum yum.
mmmm mmm just try a crumb!
oooh aaah how I’ve become
yum! yummy! a bread-loving bum.

i don’t ever want to think
of those loaves not white that make stink
my kitchen. i’d throw them out in a blink!
no brown, seed-covered bread in this inc!

nor do i want — yuck, how dare you suggest!
a bagel the color of a brown pigeon’s chest.
those seed-colored and seed-flavored sprinkles on top
do not taste at all like a yummy lollipop.
i’d much rather have, as always, at last
a piece of warm white bread, warm as a nest.

yum! yummy! so sweet and yummy!
now this warm bread can fill up my tummy!

color daily 11.16.2022

Pink petals fell all around, coating the ground beneath that cherry canopy in blush and painting the path in delicate patterns. We found each other here, young, naive, eager for life, foolishly in love. Our bright eyes reflected the pale flowers’ glow. First blush, first kiss, first love. Innocent and pure, nothing if not lovely. Pastel pinks we were, before.

Darkness hit my eyes before the color could seep in. Such darkness I thought I’d never know with you around. Your hand squeezed mine and I squeezed back. I couldn’t see your eyes, but I know, just as with mine, they were worry filled. What sadness, what loneliness as we made our way back home. Abandoned, dark, afraid. We were broken as if in halves.

Blue deepened with the ocean. Reef swimming had never been my dream, but yours. And it was our honeymoon, so compromises must be made. As I swam above the sea life and occasional abyss, I already knew my mistake had been made. We were so far from each other. You kept darting ahead, I could not keep up. My tears mixed with the salty ocean blue and I went on, following you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry we cannot be pink. Our lives, our love has soured, bittered to blue.

constellation daily 11.10.2022
i dont like this daily sorry i know its a cool concept to talk about the fictional origins of things, constellations are just so boringggggg

all constellations are an illusion in the night sky, only appearing the way they do on earth from earth. humanity’s obsession with them is entirely uncalled for, considering no one else in the galaxy can see them.
that is, their obsession is uncalled for in all cases but one, and in that case their enthusiasm is surprisingly lacking. in writing this essay, i intend to bring awareness to this over looked beauty in the night sky and its simply magical history.
shortly after the universe came into being, in an event known as the big bang on earth, several celestials came into reality. these were the first life forms, the first beings of consciousness, and the origin of all later beliefs in gods and greater powers on earth and across the cosmos. these celestials had no real goals and, as they were the only beings in the universe, needed none. however, following the developments of the first three eons of their existence, they began spinning laws into existence. the greatest of these laws, now indiscernible to all but the greatest of scholars and forbidden of them to tell any others, was stored in an ordering of stars.
these stars, this constellation, is an anomaly. there is no other arrangement like them. for these stars can only be seen in one way. no matter what direction they are seen from, they always appear the same.
the foremost theory on what hidden secrets these unnamed stars hold is the creation of universes. theorists, myself among them, believe that the celestials may have decided that they were their own greatest threat. and, alongside themselves, they were the greatest threat to everything. therefore, with no other warnings, they extinguished themselves, leaving behind only this trace in the sky. and it has always been overlooked.
now you know.

flash fiction daily 11.08.2022

lonely song, no applause, argument downstairs
— what happens at home on friday nights

the subway was late. the rush of air as it sped into the station was a relief, finally, of the worry that it would never come. the crowd piled on, noise flooding the train and the platform. the brightness of the car seared into their eyes. the train moved out. another day.

at last a spark. something between the two characters, long awaited by their crafter. eyes met, hands touched, both felt what had been planned from the beginning. until the overediting, overfixing, overfocusing. it had seemed natural, for a moment, but that feeling crumbled away. now nothing. start again from scratch.
— how to write a love story

letters for cabins weekly number one 11.07.2022


To my ally grey and misty, far beyond the veil of misfortune:
Your godly presence is requested at the coming festival of the forest. I would be much obliged if you could provide a covering of stars in the night sky and a variety of chilled drinks for the other festival goers. I trust you will follow the attached dress code, and look forward to welcoming you in all your glory.
With regards to your most recent letter, I am afraid I will be unable to provide you with the celestial tales you have requested. My business has prevented me from journeying far beyond the borders of my forest. I trust you will understand my apologies, and wish you luck in finding the tales elsewhere.
Until we meet again,


To my sister, beloved even in her smelly faults:
If you’re not at the festival of the forest, I will excommunicate you. I’m not afraid to do it. And please, don’t show up again in your soot covered, animal smelling clothing like you did last year. You’ll embarrass our family, again.
As I’ve said before, I truly don’t think that your aesthetic is worth all the work. You look like a peasant half the time, and smell twice as bad! I say this with all my love, darling, we must find you some better perfume. Though, I will admit your animal companions are quite good looking — perhaps take some style tips from them? Would you be willing to loan a few to my forest?
All my love,


To the darkness that roams my forest, searching god knows what:
Please do stop that. It’s quite unbecoming of a person of your status. We must project power and wealth to those below us, not disgusting horror. Your lack of care for your reputation concerns me. Perhaps we can speak about it before the annual festival of the forest, where your presence is requested.
Remember to follow the directions included, and take care not to lose this invitation. It’s the only way you can get in. If you arrive early, I can loan you a few pieces from my wardrobe I’m sure would suit your appearance.
Just don’t wander on my territory, you have enough of your own to rummage through.


To my ally cheery and dramatic, so very full of songs:
I do hope you will perform at the coming festival of the forest. Your song last year brought a tear to everyone’s eyes, and I believe with your current repertoire we could have quite a ball. Any requirements for dress code are waived for you, my most fashionable ally in court, for no matter what you show up in you will be stunning, the talk of the night. You always satisfy; you always blow us all away.
I received your latest letter; your overuse of commas perplexed me. Please make sure to make time for lessons with a grammar tutor, you could use them. Furthermore, please don’t burn this letter. It’s quite sad to hear of.
Looking forward to hearing your voice,


To my ally from the north, always on the move, always riding the rails:
My dear, can I just compliment your style! The last time I saw you we had no time to speak, but your traveling ensemble was to die for. I must ask who designed it? Where did you buy it? Would you mind allowing me to try it out, just for a few moments?
On to the true purpose of this letter. As you know, the annual festival of the forest is coming very soon. I hope you will be able to make it this year, though you could not last year. I forgive you if you cannot, however, though I shall miss hearing the stories of your travels up north.
My best wishes,

Science Fiction

To my hostile of the webs, simulated pixelated and never the same:
Because I believe in bridging even the greatest of divides between powers such as ourselves, I would like to extend an invitation to you for the fast approaching festival of the forest. I regret to inform you that you must travel beyond the borders of your neon lit city, but you shall enjoy the realness of reality. Do take care to follow the included dress code, you won’t be admitted otherwise.
I cannot think of anything else to say, other than I appreciate your sense of color, I suppose.

Realistic Fiction

To my enemy in disgusting red and purple and yellow:
Dear god, I hate your appearance. But in the interest of civility in court, I am extending the invitation for you to attend the annual festival of the forest, in the hopes that your attendance alongside all other members of the court will allow rebuilding of the broken ties between us.
However, I must ask you to follow the strict dress code included with this invitation. I cannot allow you to show up in the usual garb you wear day to day to run your inn, it would embarrass yourself and me.
I’m sure you will look much better in my suggested outfits.

Bizarro Fiction

To my ally stellar and cinematic, bizarre and beautiful:
It has been too long since we last talked, my friend! How goes your cinematic pursuits? Is the popcorn still as delicious as I remember it being? What are your favorite motion pictures that have been released recently? How have you been, in general?
I do hope that you will emerge from your work and stories to attend the coming festival of the forest. Perhaps you could bring a video or two to share with the whole court? Remember to follow the dress code, I wouldn’t want you to embarrass yourself in the group.
Hoping for your quick response,


To my most majestic, most awful, most despised enemy:
You are sworn enemy of my sister, and therefore sworn enemy of me. However, I cannot invite the rest of the court without inviting a member as popular and fashionable as you to the festival of the forest. Thus, I must invite you.
While I am writing this letter to you, I may as well compliment your style. Not only is your fashion absolutely lovely, perfection really, but your architecture in your territory is truly lovely as well. And your people, though annoyingly talented, are quite nice to be around. So well dressed, as are you.
None of this means I do not still despise you.
With all the hate in my being,


To my terrifying ocean-diving neighbor with excellent taste in seafood:
I had the most difficult time contacting you, deep in your layer beneath the waves. You astound me with your abilities; it is truly impressive what you have built for yourself. I would love to form an alliance with you for our mutual benefit, though I am afraid my court alliances are all full at the moment — perhaps an alliance in secret would work?
If you can make it to the festival of the forest, I would greatly enjoy speaking to you in greater detail about the matter. No matter what your decision is in the end, I am glad to have been your friend and confidante.
Best wishes from the forest,

Historical Fiction

To my thieving, train-riding, stubbornly refusing to keep up with modernity partner from the west:
In our younger days, we were so close. Why did we grow apart? How can we mend the bond and stop your thieving ways? It is so unbecoming for a member of the court to be riding around in dust and dirt, playing cowboy with the peasants. But fear not, I have a solution for you.
You are cordially invited to my festival of the forest. I’d greatly appreciate if you could bring some of that warm apple cider you always keep stocked away, it would add loveliness to the evening. Afterwards, I would love to speak with you about our relationship and your recent activities.
Much love from your friend,


To my time-traveling, bordering on enemy, nerd of a companion:
We have got to find you some better hobbies. I understand that you have a reputation to uphold, parents to impress, but you are going about it all the wrong way. No one cares what you can find eons in the past or future — give us what we want! Tell us all the gossip, spill the tea! And some of your friends perplex me — the lords Dystopian and Thriller I understand, but Real-Fi? Really?
We’re not friends, and I know that. However, seeing as I’m inviting every other member of court, you must be invited as well. Soon will by the festival of the forest. Your presence would be greatly appreciated. Do take care to follow the dress code, you usual garbs will not do.


To my enemy from the bakery, always beautiful in pink, always smelling sweetly of bread:
How has it come that we are enemies? Perhaps our values are opposed, our goals entirely opposite, but I cannot help but wish we were on better terms. I admire you, honestly, and I admire your honesty. Your senses of fashion and humor for someone who at first appears quite boring are a lovely surprise. I only wish we could fix our relationship.
In the interest of restoring the ties between our lands, I am inviting you to the coming festival of the forest. Please do come, I’d love to speak with you.
In hopes of the future,


To my fellow isle goer, champion of all things poetic, great in every sense of the word:
I cannot think of my life without you in it. We rarely speak, this long exchange of letters has been our only form of connection for years upon years, but even so. Besides my glorious sister, you are my closest friend. And we have not even aligned ourselves. Our domains often squabble. Yet I cannot help but think of you as a close companion, my best friend.
For as long as we have kept in touch, I have never invited you to my favorite event of the year. Seeing you as little as I do, I was not sure whether it would go over well. But now I do. It would be my honor to invite you to the festival of the forest. Please, come as you are.
All my love,

flower language daily 11.06.2022
flowers used:
dahlia — yours til the end
nightshade — sorcery, dark thoughts
forget-me-not — love in absence
oleander — beware
hyacinth — rashness
hellebore — madness
marigolds — grief
snowdrop — hope

Nestled between the river deep and the mountain high lay a cozy stone cottage. It seemed straight from the pages of a fairy tale, covered in ivy and shrouded by beautiful birch trees all around. Out the kitchen door was a grand garden, full of life and lovely plants, buzzing with bees and butterflies. Joy radiated from the space, and a profound love for the world and all that it could offer.
Joy and love given by none other than the cottage’s witch.
Dahlia had no greater pleasure than her garden. She took great pride in cultivating its variety and beauty and tended to it all year round, rain or shine, snow or wind. And, in return for her care and compassion, the garden told her what she wanted to know.

From long-forgotten libraries to misty moors and manors, the world’s hidden secrets always tempt a certain few. Together, they formed an organization, a society for those curious enough to ask the questions without answers and dare to dig them up. Many years had passed since that first group gathered, but still their legacy lived on in the quests of travelers. Always faced by danger but never backing down, these proud travelers sought and saw and returned, every time.
Thus, danger was no stranger to the best traveler of her generation, the scholar errant.
But Blaise had never faced anything quite like this. The puzzles had been simple enough, the traps easy to evade, in the beginning. Now, it was changing. This place knew her. Knew her weaknesses and could exploit them. In a way, it reminded her of home, a twisted, broken version of her home. And she wasn’t sure she could make it out, not from this far in.

Enchanted as seeds and nurtured fondly for all their lives, Dahlia’s flowers divulged her in many tales, in tidbits she’d otherwise never know. Most prized among them were the woven matches of dahlia and nightshade. One bloom for her, the other for her beloved.
In times like this, with the scholar off on a quest and the witch here at home, the two would grow apart. All around, forget-me-nots blossomed, each small floret a reminder of love shared across the widest of distances. Warnings came alongside the little blue flowers, the pale pink of oleander accompanied by violet hyacinth for carelessness or dark hellebore for madness.
No warnings had yet appeared among the lovely usual blooms, not when Dahlia last looked out across the yard.

Lost, trapped, hopeless, Blaise knew she was all three. If only she had time, but her lantern would certainly burn out soon. If only she had wax, perhaps a spell could save her from this place. If only she had thought instead of blinding lunging at this chance.
Tears clouded her vision, morbid realization dawning. She reached for the one thing she always carried, the one reminder of her truest love. A bouquet, picked carefully from the cottage garden. One shaky breath in, one shaky breath out, flowers pressed close to her chest.
“Te amo, mi flor,” came her shaky whisper, last words with eyes shut tight.

Across the world, a flurry of growth, a bright burst of orange and yellow. Marigolds choked the garden.
Dahlia screamed.
One blossom fell into her hands. A lone white snowdrop. The promise of hope. The promise that the story isn’t over. Dahlia held it tight, the promise never to let go.

letters in bottles daily 11.05.2022

this message was sent to the basin breath, the home of the dead and most isolated of all the basins, from an unknown lesser basin

my dearest lover,

how can i go on without you? my days shrink into dullness, my nights stretch into the dark. my mind cannot fathom this world without you, my heart refuses to accept it. my hands reach out for yours, but i cannot reach; even with this pen, i cannot be sure you will ever read these words.
my dearest, my darling, my only. i love you so very, so much. it overwhelms me at times, a wave crashing over me, knocking me over, keeping me down. water, it always comes back to water.
i imagine you, wandering along the shore where the river true reaches breath. i imagine you seeing a glint within the white of the waves, a flash of brightness in your dull world. i imagine you smiling. you have the prettiest smile. you have the perfect smile. i imagine you chasing after the glint, the glimmer, the promise i’ve sent in the waves, and i imagine you catching it. i imagine you opening it. please, be reading it. please, let this risk not have been for nothing.
i want to know you have seen this. i want to know you are safe, unharmed. i want you to be beside me, holding my hands, laughing together with our friends, not all these streams away. i love you, and i can think of nothing else but our eventual reunion.
i promise, it will be everything we ever planned, and it will be more than you could ever think. i will make it that way, for you. for with you, my days and nights and my and heart and hands will be complete. that is the easiest way to say it. you complete me.
i will hold you close, treasure you, even if you cannot reply. even if i never gaze upon your lovely eyes again, even if our hands never again brush, know this is true. i can never love another.


301 words of paper lantern milkshake <3 11.03.2022

Shining, sparkling, splendid—glowing, some could say—is the Marvelous Paper Lantern Milkshake. My personal favorite when I’m out on the town, grabbing a shake with the squad, this rainbow concoction of flavor and joy will make your whole day brighter. Notes of pineapple, cinnamon, vanilla, pine, and citrus make up the unique bouquet of this sugary treat and taking a sip with transport you to times of light and cheer, worlds of color and mirth. Though it can be enjoyed during the daytime or indoors, this particular dessert tastes best when sipped at night outside in a park, on a stroll, surrounded by friends and friendly strangers alike. In fact, sharing the Paper Lantern with those you love will make the experience all the more memorable and delicious, so go ahead and let them try your icey drink! But sharing with friends isn’t the only thing that will make the shake so much better. Try tasting it on a beautiful November day, outdoors, while nursing a headache, bad mood, and general annoyance from your siblings—it is guaranteed to lift your spirits far more than you might expect. It will distract you from your overwhelming stress and impeding responsibilities and let you just enjoy the time you have to see it’s glow. Look at the lovely sliver of moon in the sky and sigh with glee—you can be happy, and this drink can give you that. From the colorful shimmering of the ice cream, to the papery consistency, to the palette of mixed flavors, everything about this drink is perfect. It will make you glow with joy, grin with delight, practically fly off the ground from pure adoration. The Marvelous Paper Lantern Milkshake will change your life, without even a shadow of a doubt, and make everything brighter in your reality. I promise.

1k intro 11.01.2022

hello hello! my name is lio and this session i’m a coleader of the wonderfully epic folklore cabin!! my pronouns are they/them and i live in the eastern standard time zone. i’m currently a senior in high school, applying to go to university next year (many of my college apps are due tonight at 11:59, scary!!). this will be my eighth session of swc (i can’t believe it!! that’s so many sessions!!) and i am so very pumped to be leading again. also be warned from here on out this introduction will probably be very rambley and nonsensical, because i’m trying to reach one thousand words :00 this won’t be my highest quality writing of the month, not in any way at all lol

some of my many many interests and hobbies include: reading (i’ve read 64 out of 100 books this year :00), writing, history of literature, human geography, linguistics, spanish and american sign language (the languages i have taken in school), folklore (of course <33), musicals, broadway in general, fashion, art, architecture, sciences and maths (but not physics, yuck), rockclimbing, traveling the world, learning a lot about a very specific subject then obsessing over it for about a month, disney and disney theme parks (mostly disney world), fantasy novels, queer history, politics and political theory (though i won’t talk about it in depth on scratch), and the list goes on, i’m sure. i have a lot of interests. chances are, we have one in common!! (:

because the main cabin asked for this, a few of my favorite authors: ocean vuong (aaaa i just finished on earth we’re briefly gorgeous and the writing — it was just so goodddd), channel miller (her memoir should be required reading for every human <3), hank green (i just like him as a person; his books are also enjoyable but mostly i like his presence online), and william shakespeare (look the last cabin i led was a love letter to his works, of course he’s one of my favorites) also sor juana i love sor juana <33

among my favorite works of fiction: this is how you lose the time war (<3), gideon the ninth, the owl house, percy jackson, kingkiller chronicles, jurassic park, avatar the last airbender, disney animated movies, pixar animated movies, laika animated movies (CORALINE <3333 i’m slowly making my way through the rest of their catalogue), the giver quartet, saga, what we do in the shadows, community (troy and abed in the moooorninggg)

my mbti is intp while my enneagram is either 4w5 or 5w4 — don’t ask me what either mean, i’m not really sure haha. maybe finch could explain?? he’s a cool dude who knows a lot about personality types B) i’m very introverted and stress out about communication a lot of the time, but feel free to reach out to me, i really like chatting about random interests and such (i just don’t love small talk haha)

now for a bit of a writing sample because every session i have a new persona whose past is rooted in my past swc sessions :00 this is gonna get a little meta hehe

Lio, exhausted shapeshifter of some long lost realm, has take so many forms by now they are jumbling up those of the past. Were they first a historic castle-goer or an enjoyer of thrill rides at that amusement park? Was the time at the school, alone at their corner table before or after the month spent scheming and stitching together costumes in that horrific carnival? What of the quests, one to find the answer as a guide on the trail, the other to create new life on the face of an abandoned moon, which of those was first?
They don’t mind much. Those people they have been in the past, from Tonks to Cae to Lio Emerson, Earl of House Emerson, are long gone now. In their place is the well-crafted being of Lio of the Trails, a leader of this quest, an enjoyer of soups and proponent of dried flowers. One of few of the Trails who has yet to take part in the forest’s Swift music. A spirited, chaotic young one, unfazed by the unraveling of the world.
But what is their story, this new Lio of the Trails?
Lio, the shapeshifter, has decided to let a bit of the truth seep into Lio, this new character’s, reality. Their origin is just as fuzzy as the truth — unknown, unremembered. Perhaps they are an ancient being, a small bit of a folktale that wasn’t confined to a story, an escaped legend roaming the forests and trails of today. Or perhaps these rumors were started and spread by their very tongue, and they have led a very ordinary life up until now indeed.
But their having magic is no mere rumor, though you might have to squint to see it in the light of day. Their soup tastes different to each soul who tries it, flavoring itself to the palette of each who take a bite. Every step they takes hovers slightly too long in the air; they almost float, almost flutter above the ground. Brilliantly blue, their eyes appear too bright. Caramel and honey, their hair flows in a hidden wind. Everything about them is human, then something else, something entirely inhuman.
But they would never lead their followers astray. They would hesitate to call such story seekers their followers, after all they are only one of three subordinates to the true leader. Even so, the others on the trails, they would never mislead them or call them off the path. They are here to care for them, to see them to the end, to ensure they reach their fullest potential. That is who Lio of the Trails is, who they will always be. Chaotic, yes, but truly good at heart, with a penchant for delicious soups and winding tales.

almost to one thousand words! i definitely didn’t touch on everything about myself in this introduction but hey, i’ve got the rest of camp to keep revealing myself to you dear reader (;

Last edited by opheliio (Nov. 29, 2022 22:19:45)

omg lio remembered to change their signature !!

New to Scratch
1 post

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


Bryan, he/him, also @dragonspire77, attempting to earn the scratcher status on this account before november
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

hi daily team! i see you :eyes: anyways, any and all suggestions would be welcome – because editing is such a broad term, and individual editing processes can vary a lot writer to writer, i've decided to focus on things that writers should look for (using a lot of older workshops as resources), and things they can do to help themselves along their own editing process

editing - a swc workshop
brought to you by moonlit

Last edited by MoonlitSeas (March 2, 2023 00:46:21)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Hello there :00

Moss's Exactly 1K Intro/Interview :0

The camera flickers on, focusing on a cozy chair in the middle of an otherwise empty room.
After a few seconds, a girl runs in, taking a seat on the chair and scooting over so that she is in the exact middle of the screen.
“Helloo!” she smiles, reaching up to tuck a strand of blond hair behind her ear. “I'm Moss, and, um, I think I'm being interviewed here?”
She shifts in her seat a bit, twisting her fingers together.
Looking at someone off-camera, Moss asks, “Did you have questions for me?”
The rustling of a sheet of paper sounds. “Right, yes. Could you give us a bit more of an introduction before we get going?”
“Of course!” Moss nods, taking a deep breath in preparation. “As I said earlier, I'm Moss, I use she/her pronouns and am a resident of the Steampunk Sanctuary! My personality type is INFP-T, I love reading, writing, drawing, crocheting, robotics, and logic puzzles. I'm starting high school this year, and since I'm homeschooled, I have a bunch of classes through different online platforms. With homeschooling, I'm able to focus on the subjects I'm most interested in—my main class this year is a pretty high-level English class with a lot of writing assignments, which really is going to help me get more words! It's so great to meet you all!” She smiles to the camera again, a bit awkwardly.
“You mentioned you like reading, what are some of your favorite authors and books?” the interviewer inquires.
“Ohh, I love this question!” Moss does a little dance in her seat. “I have wayyy too many of both, but I'll try to keep this relatively short. My top author right now is probably Leigh Bardugo. She writes a lot of fantasy books and was the creator of the Grishaverse, a fictional world spanning several series of books! I'm a huge fan of the world building, descriptions, and character development in her books. All the characters seem so real—aside from the fantasy aspects, of course!
”Another of my favorites is Tillie Walden, the writer and illustrator of my favorite graphic novel, On a Sunbeam. This one also has incredible characters, a really complex storyline compared to most graphic novels I've read, and great word building. The art is amazing, too, and it really helps to bring the characters to life!
“I've got a lot of other favorites, but I'd better stop here so I have time for more important stuff.”
“You're ready to move on?” asks the interviewer, and Moss nods in response. “Alright… let's see…. What are your favorite genres to write in?”
Moss's eyes immediately light up. “FANTASY!” she says with a huge smile. “It has so many possibilities—there was a whole workshop on it last session that talked about all the subgenres, and there's still so much more we didn't explore there! I love magic and magical creatures, so it's always so fun to read a new fantasy book, not to mention to write magical stories of my own! I feel so lucky to be co-leading the Fantasy cabin this session—it's been an incredible experience and I'm looking forward to exploring the Sanctuary with the new recruits.”
“Can you tell us about the Sanctuary?” asks the interviewer.
“Yes, of course!” Again seeming incredibly excited to be answering this, Moss begins, “The Sanctuary—full name Steampunk Sanctuary—is a haven for magical creatures. This November, we've opened our doors to new recruits, hoping that they can help us face the…complications that've been spreading through our world.” She sighs. “You see, the magical creatures have been disappearing. The Sanctuary still houses plenty, but outside, in all of the biomes apart from our little island, things aren't so good. I can't reveal a whole lot right now, but you're welcome to check out what we're working on at any time during the session—we could always use more hands to help us out.” She nods quickly in a signal to the interviewer to move on.
“Alright…how about this one: What's your previous experience in SWC?”
Moss takes a deep breath, then starts, “Exactly 365 days and 7 hours ago, I was writing my first ever words for SWC. I spent the month as a Survivalist, climbing Adventure Mountain with the support of Pika, Vivi, and Pandora. It was an incredible session—I never thought climbing a mountain could be that fun!!” Moss crosses one leg over the other, smiling into the camera.
“In March, I was a Timekeeper of the Hi-Fi Time Tree. Mac, Vivi, and Rockie helped us learn how to travel through time, and I'm proud to have played a role in stopping Tokei, who was trying to mess up the timeline.
”In July, I had an absolutely amazing time guiding a group of campers through Myth Maze with Robin and Re. That was a pretty crazy month—all of the multiverse got kind of jumbled together for a while, but don't worry, we sorted it all out! We also had quite a few encounters with ancient deities, which was pretty awesome!
“So, this session marks a year of SWC! I'm so excited to see what new memories I'll make at the Sanctuary—it's already shaping up to be an incredible month!” She smiles yet again, pushing her glasses up her nose. “Any other questions?”
There's no response from the interviewer, but Moss's face falls, a clear indicator that they're done.
“Well,” Moss sighs, “I guess I'll be going now. Thanks for your time!” She waves to the camera one more time, then stands.
Walking towards the door at the back of the room, Moss pulls on the handle.
When it doesn't give, she turns back to the interviewer. “Hey, I think the door's locked…”
No response comes.
“Could you open it?” she stares at them, eyes fixed just above the camera.
A clatter comes from off-screen, and the camera crashes to the ground, its view going black…

Last edited by mossflower29 (Nov. 1, 2022 07:56:37)


Jan. ‘22 Snooze Cabin Leader for JWC!!
July ’22 Mythology Cabin Leader for SWC!!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

why hello there /ref

rivskyejasper aka the best team ever<33

'you can hear it in the silence'
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

«────── « ⋅ Introduction ⋅ » ─────»
You spot a doorway off to the side as soon as you enter Dystopian Realm. Something about it intrigues you and you slowly make your way toward it. You mount the silver steps, each step bringing you closer to the silver door surrounded by clouds. You're almost there when a figure steps out and startles you. You see that it's Dawn, one of the co-leaders for Dystopian this session. She smiles and motions you forward. “Welcome to my doorway. Here you can find all my writing for this session. Feel free to look around!” With that she steps back through the doorway, leaving you standing there.
«────── « ⋅ Dailies ⋅ » ─────»
№ 01: Intro and National Author's Day
№ 02: SWC Focused Article
№ 03: Object Smoothie
№ 04: Google Translate!
№ 05: Note in a Bottle
№ 06: Flower Meanings
№ 07: Three Word Stories
№ 08: Flash Fiction (Bi-Daily)
№ 09: Flash Fiction (Bi-Daily)
№ 10: Constellations
№ 11: Letter to Future Self
№ 12: Cabin Wars!!
№ 13: Humourous SWC Fanfic (Bi-Daily)
№ 14: Humourous SWC Fanfic (Bi-Daily)
№ 15: N/A
№ 16: N/A
№ 17: N/A
№ 18: N/A
№ 19: Link
№ 20: Link
№ 21: Link
№ 22: Link
№ 23: Link
№ 24: Link
№ 25: Link
№ 26: Link
№ 27: Link
№ 28: Link
№ 29: Link
№ 30: Link
№ 31: Link
«────── « ⋅ Weeklies ⋅ » ─────»
Weekly One: Personified Cabin Letters
Weekly Two: Spoken Forms of Writing
Weekly Three:Self Care
Weekly Four: Adsurdy Birdi Word Crawl
«────── « ⋅ Writing Comp ⋅ » ─────»
Title: What Goes on Inside my Brain
«────── « ⋅ Word Wars ⋅ » ─────»
«────── « ⋅ Other ⋅ » ─────»
Thank You Notes

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 28, 2022 23:33:24)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

➣ Hey! This is where I'll keep links to all megathread writing I do this session of SWC :)

➣ Links:
SWC Main Cabin
Bi-Fi Cinema
The Box Office
The Concession Stand
Spicy Mango Sauce Quartet

➣ Main cabin dailies:
November 1
November 2
November 3
November 4 - Google Translated lyrics
November 5 - Message in a bottle
November 6 - the language of flowers
November 8 - flash fictions!
November 10 - constellation essay
November 11 - letter to my future self
November 13-14 - humorous SWC skit/fanfiction
November 16 - colors
November 18 - symbolism
November 21 - truth or dare
November 24 - dual timelines
November 25 - one upon a picture

➣ In-cabin dailies:
November 2
November 3
November 4 - five-word Friday 1
November 5 - dead uncle story
November 9 - Celes bday message <3
November 11 - five-word Friday 2
November 13 - the Disaster
November 25 - five-word Friday 3
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)

➣ Main cabin weeklies:
Weekly 1 - letters to cabins
Weekly 2 - spoken forms of literature
Weekly 3 - self-care
Weekly 4 - word crawls
▪ (insert link)

➣ In-cabin weeklies:
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)

➣ Word wars writing:
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)

➣ Cabin wars writing:
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)

➣ Writing comp entries:
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)

➣ Miscellaneous:
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
▪ (insert link)
➣ Total word count: 25317

Last edited by Whirlygig (Nov. 27, 2022 02:16:32)

why can't we give love that one more chance?
stingray, she/her, fantasy 3/24!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Daily #5
You find a bottle bobbing up and down in the sea. You pick it up, and read it.
To the mainland:
I’m at Kawau Island, and my poor cuddle buddy fell into the ocean! Can you please go to my house, whoever you are, and retrieve me Carrots? No, not a packet of carrots, my fluffy bunny! It has been a while since I have last seen the precious mainland, save me from my life! I am begging, and if you are to ignore me, I shall find you and wreck you to pieces!

Last edited by HydroHype (Nov. 5, 2022 19:46:30)

adventure July 21
adventure November 21
mystery March 22
thriller July 22
fantasy November 22
nonfi March 23
litfi November 23
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Viara's Megathread Post

Daily #1 - 586 words
Daily #2 - 255 words
Daily #3 - Unfinished with 126 words
Daily #4 - 273 words
Daily #5 - 412 words
Daily #6 - 1002 words
Daily #7 - Three word stories
Daily #8 -
Daily #9
Daily #10 - https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/638246/?page=28#post-6733651 - 432 words

Weekly #1
Weekly #2
Weekly #3
Weekly #4

letter of recommendation to @xc-egg:
Dear hosts and/or leaders,
I'm here to highly recommend Paige as a (co) leader and to discuss several of their qualities that would make them highly suitable for the role. I'm a previous leader of them as well as friend so I know firsthand of how capable they are.
Anyone who even interacts a tiny bit with them will easily pick up on their friendliness and approachability. Paige is one of the kindest and most humorous possible people you could ever meet which makes them an adept person for leading campers and of course a great friend too. But what makes them a great leader is their creativity and how responsible they are. One prime example is their leading during the November 2022 Session where they were the leader of the Hi-fi Train Robbery. I didn't know too much about it but one look at the theme, storyline, and overall effort and originality is highlighted in every aspect. Which leads into just another point, Paige wants to lead and has motivation to do so. You can see their passion in the way they lead, the result of that leading, and of course in this app that you are viewing right now.

Last edited by -JadeFox- (Dec. 18, 2022 00:26:29)

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

✨ greetings

3 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

claiming this spot bc I'm a cool kid B)

#adventureforthewin nov'22
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022


500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

fun letter weekly DDD hehe im so happy (Weekly 1)

Please note that anything negative i say about a cabin is completely satire, all cabins are amazing <33

Adventure (105 words)

To Adventure

Hey Adventure, how’s it going? You think you’re so great, huh? Up in first place and all that, blah blah blah. Well I have something to tell you! Exciting news As I’m writing this I am collecting points against you - I would go on and on about something random just to spite you, but I’m not that mean, and I’m busy trying to figure out who caused all this chaos happening in the train. Have fun up there while it lasts, because I’ll be up there in your place soon enough.

Good luck,
From the extremely slay Mystery B) (who will defeat youuuu)

Bi-fi (105 words:)

To: Bi-fi (Bizarro Fiction)
From: Mystery

I hope this letter finds you well. Actually, I hope this letter finds you at all. I’m taking a real chance sending this to you. I slipped it under the door of the cinema once I realized you were stuck in there, but I don’t know if anyone will find this or if they'll give it to you if it’s not you who finds it. If you’re the person who found this (not bi-fi): I mean you can read I guess, but it might not interest you. Just deliver it please. Anyways, I wish you luck escaping from there!

Dystopian (101 words)

Dear Dystopian,
I’m sorry for clogging your celestial mailbox with all the letters - your letters have been so few and far apart, but from what i’ve gathered things don’t sound good where you are - I need to make sure you’re OK! I’m worried about you <33 Please keep me updated on everything that happens there, and I’ll try my best to respond to them as soon as I can, but getting letters from one realm to another can be complicated. Also, celestial pineapples are delicious, please bring some with you when you get back.

I will hopefully see you soon!

Hi-fi (102 words)

Hi-fiiiiii, bestiee D How are you? I’m doin OK… All that train stuff that was happening is, well, still happening, but aside from that, life’s great! I got a fancy dip pen, can you tell? :> Oh, and yesterday I had the most delicious mango everrrr. You wouldn’t even be able to imagine how good it was - incredibly sweet, soft, nice and juicy but not so much that it made a mess, and just overall it was great. I wish I could have shared it with you, but I heard you were busy with something important. Speaking of which, how’d that go?


Horror (103 words)

Horror, please dont die. There’s all that crazy stuff about being in the underworld and stuff and being chosen by the ghost and whatnot, but you’re not allowed to die! IIIIII was supposed to be the one to kill you </33 or at least I WANTED to kill you. Well, I can probably still annoy you, which will have to do. At least be back in time for Cabin Wars, because I’ve been wanting to attack and torture you for forever, and we may not have a chance to after that.

Don’t die before I kill you first (that would be rude ( ),

Poetry (100 words)

Dear, Poetry
I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I sure am - I found a way to mail letters haha. Also, being struck on this train isn't so bad! The food is great (the cafe might be my favorite part of the train if I'm honest ), and a lot of the people here are really nice (although I still haven’t figured out what’s going on, and one of them is responsible for all this chaos…) I heard you have a singing competition coming up? You have an amazing voice, I’m sure you’ll do wonderfully <33

With love,

Non-fi (100 words)

Dearest Non-fi,

Hello, Non Fiction! I don’t know you too well, but I thought sending someone a letter might be fun, and you were the first person who came to mind. With that out of the way… I heard you got a job at the Naan-Fi Breadhouse? Congrats! I am looking for birthday gifts for Marc Mangosen, and I heard he likes bread. He also really likes mangos, so if you have any mango bread, that would be great! If you don’t have any, do you think you could just bake some yourself and not sell them at the shop?

Thriller (101 words)

Dear Thriller,

That stranger gave me your message in a bottle…

*cutout of message in bottle below*
“If I’m not alive - Well, at least you have this letter to remember me by.”

What the heck , thriller!? You’re drowning!?? I called the police when I read your letter, but they said they can’t get there fast enough to save you if you're in the middle of the sea. I mean that’s fair, but I made them go anyway, it’s their job!. I hope this letter finds you in good health, or at least alive…

I truly hope you’re doing OK


Fantasy (102 words):

Dear Fantasy,

Hello there, Fantasy Fellow. Fan? Can I call you “fan”? Anyways, i hope you;re having good morning! I don’t know you too well, but I would like to! Maybe we could work together in the upcoming Cabin Wars? Well not exactly work together, but just not attack each other if that’s alright, and maybe let me hide in your sanctuary with you, because you’re so niceee. If that’s not alright with you, we can compromise I’ll attack you, but you help me! Cancel each other out, don’t they? Anyways, have a great time in the sanctuary <3


Script (101 words):

Dear Script,
I heard you got a part in Hamilton!! That is so amazing, I am really happy for you D Hamilton is a really cool musical (one of my favorites of course), and getting a role is really awesome!! Although no one has heard from you since you auditioned and we got the new you got a role… Are you doing OK? Maybe practicing or something - yeah that must be it. What role did you get? All of them are cool B) Does this make you a celebrity? What counts as a celebrity?

Well then, see you around!


Folklore (100 words)

To the lovely Folklore,
Hello there, my friend! You just went hiking, right? That sounds like a lot of fun!! I would love to join you, but, you know, im kind of stuck here in the train. Maybe once I get out - fresh air will be especially good for me after being stuck in a congested train for… however long it might take for me to get out of this train. Where will I send this letter, if youre out in the middle of the woods? Oh well, I'm sure I will figure it out somehow.

See you soon,

Fan-fi (104 words)

Dear Fanfiction,
Hey there, Fan-fi! I heard you can time travel now?? That's so cool! I wish I could time travel… Can you only go to the past, or can you go to the future too? If I could time travel and do both, I would go to the future because I don't want to mess up the past too much - but, as long as I don't make things too chaotic, going to the past would also be very interesting. Have you traveled to the past or future yet? If you have, let me know what you found!! Thank you so much.


Sci-fi (102 words)

To Sci-fi,
I know we aren’t on the best terms, being hostile neutrals and all, but I thought I’d send you a letter anyway. I’ve been sending a lot of letters recently - trying to get to know everyone. I found a way to send letters from the train I’m stuck in, which is major progress! How are things going where you are? From what I’ve seen, all of us are in some pretty unfavorable situations… I hope everyone is safe in the end, even enemies and hostile neutrals like you. Though note I only wish you safety, not success <3


Real-fi (100 words)

To Realistic Fiction,
I don’t know you too well, but we were both stuck in random places so hey, bonding experienceeee. Also maybe we can help each other! I can definitely figure out what’s going on on my own (and I bet you can too of course), but helping each other can only make it go faster! Actually that’s not true, it could also mess everything up and make everything infinitely more complicated, but hey, that’s a chance I’m willing too take Lets start with the basics - I’m Mystery, it’s nice to meet you!

Your future friend Mystery


Last edited by Kiju_the_RainWing (Nov. 3, 2022 20:47:26)

potato time :smirk:
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

⧖ Willow's Archives ⧖
Fan-Fiction FTW
Dailies are found here:
November 1st: Introducing Myself W.I.P
November 2nd: Postscript Article
November 3rd: Object Smoothie
Weeklies are found here:
November 2nd: Letters
Other pieces of writing can be found here (such as the writing comp):
…: …

Last edited by Xx_Hermione_xX (Nov. 3, 2022 12:54:18)

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

EDIT: Lol I just realised I made a personal thread xD

Last edited by owlgoing- (Oct. 28, 2022 10:08:42)

writer - reader - ecologist - swimmer - dreamer
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

JoJo’s SWC Writing Tracker┊❁ཻུ۪۪♡ ͎. 。˚   °

✧*̥˚ Hi everyone! I’m JoJo and I hope you have an incredible day. This is my 5th SWC session and my pronouns are she/her. Please ask on my profile to use this layout. *̥˚✧

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

‘*•.¸♡ November Dailies ♡¸.•*’

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 1st *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 2nd *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 3rd *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 4th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 5th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 6th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 7th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 8th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 9th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 10th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 11th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 12th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 13th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 14th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 15th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 16th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 17th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 18th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 19th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 20th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 21st *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 22th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 23rd *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 24th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 25th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 26th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 27th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 28th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 29th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 30th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

‘*•.¸♡ November Weeklies ♡¸.•*’

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 2nd-9th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 9th-16th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 16th-23rd *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ November 23rd-30th *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

‘*•.¸♡ November Word War Info and Proof ♡¸.•*’

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ Word War Info and Proof *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

‘*•.¸♡ Writing Competition Entry ♡¸.•*’

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ Writing Competition Entry *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

‘*•.¸♡ Other Writing ♡¸.•*’

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ Other Writing Title *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ Have a spectacular day! *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

Last edited by puppycutest (Nov. 18, 2022 00:11:31)

Hi! My name’s Jojo! I would love if you could check out some of my newest projects!

I go by she/her, I’m a girl, I like pink and yellow, and I happen to be very good at debating. I’m a proud Aries.

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