Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly for Mystery

TW: D3ath and k!ll3rs. There is also mentions of being chased.

Horror: Mask prompt
Lei had seemed to be happy. But was he truly happy? Not even he knew the answer to that. All he really did know were a few things. Nora was gone, and that the others would never be the same. He watched Jacques not sleep and blame himself. He saw Ramya, who was now forever limping. Nora could have helped her leg, yet there were no supplies for that. Nora said she’d see to it once they reached, yet it never happened. He saw Arron, blaming himself for setting foot on that boat. While all were depressed and grieving, he knew he had to put on a mask. He was the only one who could fake true happiness. Each and every day, he’d put on that mask, trying to brighten their days. And he had made a difference to them, but not to himself. It was tiring to pretend to be happy. Tiring to be the only one who tried. In the end, he kept doing it, prioritizing the others over himself. Somedays, he would wash the mask off and sleep. On others, he would keep it on. Too tired to even remove this mask. Positivity is hard to maintain.
200 words

Adventure: Life obstacles
Arron was tired of the world. He had thought escaping would’ve been best for them all. Yet it turned out to be a curse. One faced death, another faced with guilt, another tired, another in pain, and lastly, one filled with regret and anxiety. The last one was Arron. He had regrets of leaving on the fateful day. And no one else seemed to be worried about the fact that the school could find them. If they were to be found, there was only one thing in line for them. Death. So as Arron worried, he didn’t sleep. Just like all the others. He didn’t want Nora to die, but what would grieving bring him. Nora wouldn’t be revived. While he walked, he heard the faces of the staff. Heard them telling him that he’d be back. That they’d be back for him. He then started hearing the voices in his head.
152 words.

Non-Fi: Baker
When Amalia decided to start baking at home, Matthias was pretty sure she was going to burn down the kitchen. Though, after practicing for a while, she got really good at it. Still, Matthias was pretty sure she’d burn down his kitchen anytime, for free, he always let her cook in his kitchen. His kitchen was located in his apartment. She was always complaining about how small it was, but what she made was equally good. She’d bake him fresh bread, cookies, anything he had wanted. She’d put on her blue and white apron, tie up her hair, and she’d get ready. She wanted to become a baker, and her dream was soon granted.
114 words.

Mystery: Epiphany
Aola had been banging her head on this case. It doesn’t make a single piece of sense. She’d been going through the files for hours, maybe even a day, now. It was tiring her and Matthias. Though Matthias was asleep, she had stayed up. She picked up the file and the website once more and read through it, carefully. Then she found something. Wait, this sentence is word for word…Why? She then looked at the dates and found the police file was done first. They couldn’t have come up with this on their own…That would mean, someone in the police is the killer, or is in it with the killer. “Matthias, sorry to wake you up from your sleep, but I’ve found something. Something important.”
125 words

Thriller: Ocean layers
They both wanted to experience what having someone would be like

They both had many scars. Scars for every first thing they had done. A scar from the first time they had ridden a bike. A first scar from cooking. First scars from everything.

They both had people in their lives. Both being only children and the parents were growing older each and every day. Both having little friends but knowing they wouldn’t stay long. Their families didn’t visit often as they were too busy. And plus, who would care for them? Almost no one.

Their lives were as ever changing like how the ocean is always churning. Nothing had ever stayed the same. Both knew that nothing would ever stay the same. Which is how they met each other, on something unexpected.

Them meeting was the best thing that could happen to them. For they now had someone.
149 words

Poetry: (Writing for 20 minutes)
(Jacques is on January 14th (2 weeks after her death.) Ramya is on May 14th.)

Jacques had been pondering Nora’s death. He couldn’t make peace with it. Though it had been weeks, four to be exact, he couldn’t forget about it. She died, as a sacrifice for them. If she had accepted Jacques deal, he would be the one dead. She wasn't washed away, she had frozen. His coat wasn’t enough. It should’ve been me. The one who ended up dying. Only if I had forced her to go below deck. Only if she wasn’t so stubborn.

Ramya was free. She finally had the life she wanted. With the people she wanted to be with. Except for one. Nora. She was gone. Like gone gone. Like never coming back gone. Except Jacques didn’t seem to understand that. He didn’t understand that she wouldn’t be coming back. She knew he thought it was his fault. Which it sort of was, yet sort of wasn’t..? As the eldest, he could’ve fought for sailing the ship. But, she was glad he didn’t do it. They needed someone with experience, someone who could communicate with others, which sadly, Nora couldn’t do. She couldn’t speak with others for Nora was a silent stalker. Lei and Arron had missed her too, yet they were the youngest. They didn’t understand who she was to the team.

Jacques was mortified when he had saw her lifeless body. He’s the one being chased by the nightmares, not Arron, Lei, or Ramya. Not even Nora was having nightmares. But she was dead. Which seems to be worse than nightmares. What did not living feel like? I don’t think I should find out soon. Then Nora’s sacrifice would be worth nothing..Nothing at all.

Ramya was tired of watching Jacques not get sleep. Nora’s death had triggered nightmares, which then triggered his insomnia. Never got better. He couldn’t sleep and she was worried. He only got a little sleep per month, she was no doctor, but she knew he had to sleep.

Jacques did not sleep.

Ramya only watched.
347 words

Sci-fi: 3 minute sprint
I was running as fast as I could, making sure not to fall. I ran across the town seeking refuge, as I saw my chasers, I fled. I kept running until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I shrieked and saw it was one of them. I punched them in the face and started running again. My pace is quicker than it was before. I ran as fast as I could, trying to get away. Hearing their voices saying they’ll come for me. In my blind and sheer carelessness I tripped. I put my hand over my mouth, to stop the scream. I get up, pain erupting in my leg. I can’t stop running but I will have to lower my pace. I try to run, but my leg shoots out from under me. I’m done for. I get up and start walking, looking for help. Nobody's there when I look around. Not a single person in sight. I want to scream, my stomach churning. But my screaming will alert my chasers. Which I certainly do not want. I walk to a small pond and sit down. This will be my end. I let my guard down and I wait. When a hand grabs me, I welcome my death.
210 words

Fan-Fi: Flashback
While he was sleeping, he was taken back to his house with his family. He was 16 and he had one of the best days of his life. He was working hard on a school project and when he had finished, his family waited for him downstairs. It was a big extra credit project and even though he didn’t have to do it, he did. His family had cooked him his favorite meals and it surprised him. His family didn’t have to do it for him. He would’ve just eaten some leftovers and that would have sufficed. It moved him to see that his family had cared to cook that for him. So as he sat down, a plate of food was placed in front of him. As he ate his food, he was happy. Even though happy is an overused word, he felt true happiness. Matthias had enjoyed that day so much. He thought it was wonderful
158 words

Hi-Fi: 500 words (this is part of my novel that I'm writing
I’m sitting on the floor of the bathroom, curled up in a ball when I hear Matthias’s voice. It’s filled with worry and I don’t know how to answer. He then knocks on the door. While I’m shaking with anger, I manage to get out, “I’m fine. As you can hear, I’m consumed by my anger. I’ll come out in a few minutes.” I hear retreating footsteps. I’m glad he didn’t try to talk to me. He knows how to give people space. That’s a useful skill. I need to calm down. I repeat the word calm in my head.
“AaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAA.” What in the world was that? It sounded like a female, which Matthias is not. I walk out of the bathroom to hear Matthias talking to someone. I shouldn’t intrude as he didn’t intrude on mine. I sit down on the floor of the hallway.
“Amalia, my dear sister, I must say bye now. Got a guest over,” Matthias says. I hear a voice say bye and a wave of guilt washes over me. He ended his call early…because of me. Argh, I’m such an inconsiderate person. While I’m thinking, I don’t realize that Matthias is standing in front of me. “Hey,” He says softly. “You alright? Do you want to talk about it?” I shake my head.
“Thanks for the offer, but I must decline it. Let’s have the movie marathon.” He opens his mouth to protest so I quickly add, “It’ll help take my mind of things.” He gives me a skeptical look but lets it slide. He turns on the tv, and puts something on. Hopefully he wants to have this as much as I do. I watch the movie intently. It’s a classic, (Insert name of movie here later.) I see Matthias reaching his hand out for the popcorn bowl. I grab it and give it to him.
“Thanks,” he says. I give him a smile in return. I go back to watching the movie, without realizing that I’m grabbin for popcorn. When I do, it sits in my hand for a while. Then I give in and eat it. Who would be eating popcorn in the morning. Well I guess, Matthias and I. I chuckle and Matthias turns to look at me. “You are a psycho you know. You’re laughing at the saddest part in the movie. He looks at me aghast as I defending myself.
“Well Matthias,” I start saying, “I was thinking of something else. I wouldn’t dare laugh at a sad part of a movie.” We both let laughs slip out of our mouths. “Also, the sad parts of a movie can be funny.” I see Matthias snap his head towards me. My time to run. I get up from the couch. I see Matthias do the same. I start running from him. Running is the safer option FOR HIM. I would gladly fight him.
“AOLA! COME BACK HERE!” I hear Matthias yell.
“Hmm, how about NO!” I yell back at him. I run away as he chases me. When I suddenly hear him stop, I wonder where he has gone. Where is that hooligan? I suddenly feel a tight grip grab my hand, I almost shriek. “MATTHIAS?!?!” I yell at him. I punch him and he groans. I sit back down on the couch, hogging all the popcorn. When Matthias sits down and reaches for some, I flick his hand. He looks at me while I stare daggers at him. And that’s what you get. He then looked sincerely sad and I felt yet another pang of guilt. I quickly gave him the bowl and avoided eye contact. He had caught on and gave her a fist full of popcorn.
619 words

Script: No characters
The chairs for the audience were empty, as this show wouldn’t start for hours. The stage was set, the theme being a mystery show. The set was ever changing, so for each part, a new set. The first stage was where the crime took place. This time, it was the police station itself. The lighting was done in a way that it would highlight the important parts of the show. The stage was huge, as it was also used for fashion shows. Because it is huge, there is more room for the show. The outfits for the show were sewn to perfection. Each unique to the character that wears it. The actors had been practicing the show until it was perfect. One of the audience chairs was occupied. Though the show would only start in a few hours. The chair was occupied by food. Only some bags of food.
150 words

Folklore: Write 200 words
I wake from my slumber, looking for the light. The pitch black is just as blinding as a bright light. The floorboard creaking. The wind rusting the leaves as though it had captured screams and decided to unleash them. The fury of screams becomes louder and louder as I walk through the house. The lights refuse to turn on. As I light a candle, the wind shatters the window, erupting the house in a cool breeze. The fire disappears as though it had never once been ignited. I ran through the house, frantically pulling at the doors. The doors binded by something from the outside. I hear the twigs snapping. Someone is in the backyard. They bust the door open without looking human. A delusional person not knowing right from wrong. I run upstairs and take a book. I try to shatter the glass window. Once it shatters I jump out the window, running far into the woods. I know the woods as though I’ve run through it before, but alas, I have not. Ignoring the feeling in my gut, I run and I run. Hoping to find shelter from this mad monster. I see something missing my head by an inch…An arrow. The arrow connects to a tree. Another arrow is shot; it lands right on my shoulder. I ignore the pain and stop running. I analyze the area. I start furiously climbing a tree…Only to be tapped on the back. I fell down, spraining my ankle. I scream and I shout…None of them ever heard. None of them will ever be heard. For I was just a person in a house. A house far from others. A person, never to be seen….again.
284 words

Real-Fi: Dark twist
Sitting in my bedroom, the doorbell had rang. I walked to the door and saw the mailman holding a letter. I thanked him and observed the letter. It seemed quite fancy, fancy for me at least. As I carefully teared it open, I put it down on the table. It was an neat invitation for an event. They were seeking people for a party and as I'm a photographer, I guess I somehow got invited. It was for tomorrow so I decided to get an early night.

When I got up, I got ready and drove to the very fancy party. Everyone was dressed nicely. As I walked in, I was instructed to go to a room. As I did, I realized the light's were off. I then watched the party room turn dark and someone grabbed me. As I was thrown into a room, I saw other people, quaking in fear. That's when realization hit me…There is no party…Only a terribly large amount of people being kept hostage.
169 words

Fantasy isn't saving but I have a screenshot.

A day out. Away from the world and burdens of mysteries. They just got trapped in something unthinkable. Bandages around their bodies, hidden by their clothes. They needed this outing. So they could breathe. So they could live. They hardly escaped death. Hardly. Matthias walks out of his house, his chest heaving. He walks to a park and sits down at a bench. After a while Aola comes to the park.
“My sincerest apologies for making you wait this long, good fellow,” Aola says. Matthias laughs at her words.
“I forgive you. Now come on. We can be posh later!” Matthias grabs her hand and starts running. Aola yells,
“HEY HEY. WHY WE RUNNING?” Matthias chuckles but doesn’t stop. He runs to a store. It was a normal clothing store but it seemed jaunty. Aola looks around as Matthias scours the area looking for good stuff. Both Matthias and Aola go into trial rooms. When they come out, they’re practically wearing the same thing. “Same sweatpants, same shirts. Was that planned, Matthias?” Matthias says,
“No. Really no. But hey, at least we’re matching.” Matthias laughs and Aola softly punches him in the arm. Being extra careful because they both were already in enough pain. Matthias and Aola stare each other in the eye. Their eyes held sorrow. They both knew what the other went through. The pain they both had to endure. Matthias gave Aola a quick, and gentle hug. Aola knew what it was for and hugged him back. Aola quickly broke the hug, remembering they were in public. Matthias caught on and flushed. “Sorry,” He said, sheepishly. Aola just laughed at his silliness. Aola was wearing a red shirt and some grey sweatpants. The shirt had a design at the top left. While her sweatpants had a streak of black on the sides. The same for Matthias except his shirt was green.
324 words

Dystopian: Confident character
Matthias had stunned everyone when he finally opened his mouth and stopped falling what Allistair had said. He was done with Allistair. Allistair had been bossing him around like he was nothing, like he was lower than cow poop. Aola and him had worked so hard not to get “bullied” by someone who should be more mature than him.

“Allistair, shut your mouth. The nonsense that is erupting out of your mouth makes me want to slap you so hard that it's not even funny. And I give a mean slap.” Aola started snickering from behind him while everyone had their jaws hung open. “What are you all looking at? None of you all have the guts to do this, so for the sake of you all, I'm doing this for you.” Allistair stared at him coldly.

“Don't tell me that-” Matthias interrupted him.

“I will give you my opinion and right now, you're making me want to say this even more disrespectful than I already have. Here's the thing, you need the both of us. You need us to bring your little corporation here,” Matthias points to the crowd that accumulated. “So I'd suggest that you keep your mouth shut for now and listen to me carefully. And if you can't do that, I'll get you an appointment with a hearing doctor.” Everybody laughed at that while Allistair seemed to be trying to keep his mouth shut. “So now, I'd like to tell you something, I didn't spend my nights for the past month awake to take this level of disrespect. You may be older and my employer, but you need a little talking to. Your ego is terribly large and sadly, that gets in the way of your thinking…That is if you think at all. This level of disrespect is not needed at all. Your large ego is something I'd like to choke. So please do fix that. There are a million more things for me to say about you. Oh wait, here's one, don't stalk us in the middle of the night. It's quite creepy and I will think of putting a restraining order on you if you don't. Also, you don't need to stoop to the level of choking us if we merely pickpocket you. Plus, you'll end up losing that. Aola and I both know how to put people in their place. Aola's just more open about it. Though now I guess, I am getting better at it.” Aola clapped for Matthias even though she knew he wasn't done. “Also Allistair, you provide practically some resources and backstory. Nothing else at all. It's hard to work with only that. Please get your researching team upgrades or get more people. They're a group of two, trying to do their best. Hire more people for that. Before you say us two, we're in college, and we're the only detectives you have as of right now. So do sir, I hope you listened to me and I hope you take heed. Bye.”

Matthias then left the room.
509 words

Edit: I added my word count because I forgot to do that. It's 3510 words.

Last edited by SussyLegWarmers- (Nov. 30, 2022 00:30:34)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Thank yous:

Hosts and daily team: Thank you so much for all the work you’ve put into this session! I know how hard you’ve all worked and it’s been so much fun because of the work you all put in. You are such role models and awesome human beings!! Every single one of the dailies and weeklies has been phenomenally smart, creative and most of all, fun - and the genius ideas like the critiquare and bi-dailies have been amaazzziinnnggg!!

All leaders: Wow. You guys are awesome. You’ve all worked so hard to make this session absolutely awesome, and, guess what? It’s paid off, as always!! All your apps were astounding, your themes are so creative and COOL, and everything you’ve all done has been so fantastic!!

Thriller people:

Aspen: Ahhh Aspen, you’ve been amazing to lead with!! Thank you so much for asking me to be your co in the first place, and for working so hard to create such an amazing theme and intro and thumbnail. You’re an incredibly nice and responsible person who I very much look up to in leading skills and I have ABSOLUTELY LOVED LOVED LOVED this session!! Thank you for everything <333

CD: OMG CD AWESOMENESS!! You’re such an awesome leader and an awesomely cool person with a lot of very awesome talents and stuff and we had some awesome talents where you spoke about your awesomeness and all that stuff! I really admire what a) a nice person you are b) an amazing leader you are and c) how ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL the pfps were due to your awesome talent!! (also d) your general awesomeness, which I may or may not have already spoken about but I’m a bit overexcited lolol)

Fi: Fi!! You’re such a cool person and you’ve been an incredible leader!! I’ve loved leading alongside you

Bats: OK BATS I SWEAR YOU’RE SUPERHUMAN AT THIS POINT… or rather…. Super bat? Like your writing is so amazing and detailed and your use of dialogue and everything else is so skillful and cool – but then you also write so much?!! You’ve done so many dailies and word wars and everything - I swear you’ve earned half Thriller’s points!!! I really admire your motivation and skill, and you’re such a nice and cool person too! It’s been a pleasure to have you in my word count group!

Fin, RL and RA: I’ve seriously loved having you in my word count group. I’m sorry I haven’t talked personally to all of you, but all your writing has been amazing. The pieces now and again I’ve read have been honestly so amazing!! And you’re all really nice and insanely awesome and cool people

All the other Thriller campers: GUYSSSSS YOU’RE SO COOL!! Like you put Thriller down in your preferences which obviously automatically makes you super cool - and then you’re all so lovely and funny and awesome and smart and amazing amazing writers! And we all worked so well together and i’m so thankful for you guys all working together to climb the leaderboard and complete cabin wars – and even just joking about Michael Jackson and soggy bread and everything too xD

Last edited by theleapingleopard (Nov. 28, 2022 20:09:33)

Est June 2019 ☆ Leopard ˎˊ-
“Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
16 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

SWC Weekly #4:

An iris-colored book sticks out in the short story section of the bookstore. It gleams brightly as if wanting someone to pick it up and enjoy the delicate words on every page within it. Carefully engraved in the spine are the words, ‘A Story About A Traveler.’ And so it was true that the book was about a traveler. But not just any typical traveler. It was about one who would soon discover a hidden land on the face of the Earth that no one else knew about. Should he tell his fellow peers? How will they react? Will they believe him?

After two full hours, somebody finally enters a room. This person's face is not identifiable because he or she has a mask covering their entire face. Who knows what they're doing? The book shines even brighter than before, hoping that the masked person will pick it up.

And it was true, that masked person wanted just only to get a book from the store. The thing was, he was an escaped criminal from jail. He loved reading. The fact was, he loved it so much that he started stealing the books. And that was why he got arrested. And that's why he was masked. He saw the store's owner. They used to be the best of friends until the owner found out that his friend was a criminal. The masked person wanted to sneak around as best as possible.

But that task was nearly impossible. Now, the store owner had spotted him. “Stop right there! You're not stealing my books again!” he shouted.

The masked man didn't know what to do. How would he escape this now? He immediately regretted his decision about escaping.

Soon, he came up with an idea that sparked his mind. He could return one of the books he'd stolen. “I promise! Within seven days, I will return the books I have stolen from you!” He said.

He couldn't be sure of it, though, so he had to hurry.

“And if you don't, you'll have a life sentence to prison,” the owner said.

The masked man sprinted out of the store onto the sidewalk outside. He didn't know what to do. He stood there in the shadow of the store roof, thinking.

He swore. He realized something that he should've known before. He ran back to the prison, which was about three miles from the bookstore. He arrived at the prison and entered as quietly as possible. He knew the place inside and out. He was about midway through the main hall when a security guard stopped him. “Halt! Who are you?”

The masked man was speechless. “Remove the mask,” the officer said.

He did so without hesitation and revealed his face. “Well, well,” the officer said. “If it isn't Robber Ryan.”

Ryan rolled his eyes. He had to get back to his cell. All he had to do was listen to everything the officer told him to do. But unfortunately, he had other plans.

“So. You escaped, eh? That causes a talk with the boss.”

Suddenly, Ryan passed out and everything went dark…

His dream was about to change his entire plan: He walks into the boss's office and has a long talk with him. “So.. Robber Ryan. Looks like you tried escaping just to steal more of those poor books,” the boss said. “How did you think you could pull that off so easily? There's something called security cameras and I watched every single move you did. And it was quite surprising that you would come back on your own. And why is that?”

Ryan had to come up with a reason. If he told him the truth… “I-I…”

The boss looked curiously at Ryan. “Yes?”

“I wanted to come back here to get a book or two I ‘stole’ from Pete and return it. A-and if I returned them, I could get one for free and I could return here safely.” The last part was made up, but the rest of it was true.

But the boss had no interest in any of Ryan's silly schemes. “Officer.”


“Return him to his cell and make sure he never gets out. Add two extra security officers outside his cell.”

“Yes sir,” the officer said, and just like that, Ryan was dragged out, losing hope by the second.

Ryan woke up with a start. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. He found himself in his dark cell. And saw four security guards standing beside his cell. How could this be possible? Everything that happened was nothing but a dream.

He knew trying to talk to the officers would do no good. Every one of them had a heart as hard as stone. Some are even worse than the boss. Suddenly, he felt himself start to slowly sink. It wasn't very obvious, but he felt it. The floor was made of solid concrete. It was the same floor since the jail had first existed: 1896. And what year was it right now? 2016. And no problem of the concrete turning to liquid or being unstable had ever occurred… Not that he had heard of.

Ryan tried screaming for help, but no sound came out of his voice. He tried moving around and tried clinging to the bars to get the officer's attention, but he found his body was unable to move. As solid as a sculpture made of clay…

Ryan's great-grandfather is in prison. But, he's acting like it's the time of his life. He's bonding with his prison mate, bonding with the guards outside his cell, laughing and talking as if he were at a party. And talking as if he had known the people since childhood. Although he only knew them for about 5 minutes.

“My children and my grandchildren will enjoy this prison. It's been a pleasure meeting y'all. Whoever said it was terrible? All you hafta do is just bond with your good ol' peers together with you,” he said.

His friends laughed. “Yep, that's right my man!” One of the officers said.

Suddenly, everything was gone. Just a prison cell in the middle of nowhere. Nobody was in sight. It was silent. The only sound was the subtle trickle of a leaking pipe. The jail was never this quiet before. There would be the occasional laughter of those going insane, the scratching of clothes being dragged along the floor of those prisoners who couldn't stand their lives anymore. But there was nothing.

The only sight of the bars separating the jail cell and the murky hall.

Every minute, Ryan sank one inch. And in each of those minutes, every second, Ryan was panicking and trying to come up with a plan. But it was useless since he was practically frozen. Suddenly a giant rubber ball appears out of nowhere. He realizes the sky above him. This couldn't have been real. He felt his body slowly start to soften. The ball was only a few inches away. If he could get to it, he might be able to stay on the surface for maybe a little while longer.

Although the ground was liquid, it was like mud. It was thick and sticky. It was impossible to swim through. With all of his strength and perseverance, Ryan tried to swim as hard as he could. Suddenly, he couldn't feel a thing. He looked at his arm. It looked sort of translucent. What was happening to him? He became more and more transparent until there was nothing left but a rubber ball and a liquid floor.

Ryan found himself in a completely different place. It looked similar to a library or a bookstore. But this wasn't the one he knew. It had way more books and it wasn't a store. There was no checkout station. It was just a big room with books/bookshelves beside every wall and corner.

He was mesmerized by this beautiful sight. How could such an unfortunate day lead to such a big improvement? But that thought only lasted for a second. He had to get out of here. He had to return within seven days. He had to get those two books back to Pete. But Ryan saw no door in sight.

He tried to stand up. His legs were sore. His entire body felt stiff and numb. He had to return to jail. He would rather face the boss than be trapped in a place full of books with no way out. His brain felt like it shut itself off. He had no plan whatsoever. Tears gathered in his eyes. He had to stay strong.

Ryan thought back to the beginning of the day. When he had made that promise to Pete. Ryan regretted that he stole the books. The truth was, he was born into a poor family. He had no money. He wasn't educated properly. Therefore, there was no way for him to get a decent job.

Suddenly, in the middle of his depressing thoughts, a bright light blinds Ryan's eyes. And standing right beside him is a dazzling young woman. She says in a smooth velvety voice, “I can help you.”

Ryan is too awestruck to respond. He only stutters some gibberish. “H-h-how? W-who are– I-I don't–”

“Now, now, my friend. Stay calm. Don't worry. I can help you escape back to your old prison. As long as you grant me one wish.”

Ryan would do anything to get out. “What's your wish?” He said impulsively.

“Once I set you free, tell the four guards outside your cell about me. And once you do, I too will be released.”

It seemed simple enough. “I agree. But–”

The woman cut him off. “And so shall it be,” she said.

With a whisk of her hand, Ryan vanished.

He found himself in a dark room. The same woman's voice echoed. “Yet again another one has fallen into my trap. You will meet your ancestors sooner or later…”
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Thank you notesss

Hi, its lynx <3 even though I didn't participate too much this SWC, I had an amazing time. Thank you so much to all the folklore campers, leaders, and (co)hosts to make this session amazing!

Folklorians ;p

Ryann: hello ryann! even though we didn't get to talk that much, you were an amazing leader! I loved the storyline and challenges you gave us and thank you for creating folklore! The pfps were BEAUTIFUL. I had an amazing session. thank you!

Vee: ahhh vee, you were one of my favorite co-leaders! you were so enthusiastic and fun and really vibe, and I enjoyed being in your cabin! You were always so fun, active, and energetic! slay vee <3

Faer: Faer, you're the kindest, most helpful person! Thank you for co-leading folklore and running the MB this session!

Lio: thanks for writing all the words to get us points lio *wink wink* you were a really enjoyable co!!

Bella: bella!! you're the best, you're so creative and I'm glad I met you! we have a lot more in common than you think, I hope we get to do more together in the future bella!

bird and sky hosts

Birdi: hi birdi! although you might not know me, non-fi was great even if they were stuck in last. I don't think you're as active anymore, but thank you for hosting so many sessions of SWC and being just overall an amazing person. I loved the non-fi pfps, they're really cute we all appreciate you so much birdi!

Starr: starr, we didn't get to talk much but the moment I saw you I knew you were a trusting person. you're so fun and i just cant describe, thanks for being a co-host of SWC!

to all daily team members

okay. so. this session was SO FUN!! I loved all the dailies and weeklies and they were just… amazing. Thank you for the absurdly wordy birdy crawl and teaching us healthy habits xD you guys are so creative I can't get how you guys do it. you guys worked so hard to make this session awesome, and yeah, you did make it an amazing session!!

the end :p thank you to all the campers who worked together to make this session great! 380 words

Last edited by Avacac12078 (Nov. 28, 2022 21:05:39)

<> Hey, I’m Lynx! <>
- she/fae - ENTP - Bookworm - Writer - Straight demigirl -

❝You know it’s cold outside when you go outside and it’s cold❞
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

(I’m on mobile rn, just so you’re aware that this may not be formatted correctly)

Points: 3,000
Date submitted: 9/28/22 at 3:40pm MST (will convert in a sec)

Objective: write 100 words; 100 words exactly.
“A lot like glitter, huh?”
I nodded and held my hand up, the light passing through my fingers.
“I like it. When am I able to use it?” I asked, frowning when the particle I wanted to catch escaped my grasp.
“When you’re older,” Dad said, putting his hand on my shoulder. He smiled and lifted me onto his shoulders so I could see them up close.
One of them got into my mouth and I coughed, shaking my head like a wet dog. Dad laughed, and everything was alright. Everything was fine.

Then I woke up from the dream.

Objective: Write for 5 minutes at your own pace; 92 words
I groaned and got up. Rubbing my eyes, I stretched and looked out of the window. Birds were chirping outside and I couldn't help but envy them. Getting up in the morning without a single problem. Wow.
I get up from bed and get dressed. I decided to pick out a short dress over a long white shirt. I put my wet hair in braids last night, so they were wavy when I took them out. I put in some earrings that matched the pink dress and put on a

Objective: Major obstacles from the surroundings; 222
few bracelets to match. As soon as I walked out of my bedroom, my dress caught the door handle. I grunted and dislodged my dress from the doorknob. When I walked downstairs, there was a bouncy ball in my way, so I nearly tripped down two flights of stairs. I kicked it so it rolled down to the bottom. Once I reached the bottom, I then tripped over the ball.
“Oof,” I muttered in pain. I got up and brushed it off. It would be fine. I would be fine. As long as I could go on the field trip, everything would be okay.

“No.” Mom said.
“Why not?” I asked, trying to keep the whine in my voice to a minimum. I knew how this worked.
“Your room’s a mess.” Mom crossed her arms.
“I cleaned it last night. You can go look.”
She went to look.
“Still, it’s a no.” Mom said sternly, “I don’t want you going back there.”
“It’s just for a class trip. It’s not like I’m going there by myself.”
“No. That’s final.”
I nearly rolled my eyes but stopped myself short. “Fine.” I grabbed the permission slip I had tried to get her to sign and stuffed it in my pocket. I then grabbed my backpack and went out the door.

Objective: Slow write 250 words; 253

I ran out the door towards the bus. I got inside just in time and sighed with relief as I plopped down into my seat. My friend, Jewel, was already there waiting for me. She smiled and waved. I grinned back and set my backpack at my feet. Jewel looked at me and asked, “Are you going on the trip to the Tower today?”
I took the permission slip out of my pocket and grinned. “Yeah.” I took a pen and signed my mom’s name onto it, a perfect replica of her signature. Jewel narrowed her eyes. “She didn’t give you actual permission, you know.” “I’m not missing this opportunity,” I said, determined. “She just doesn't want to be reminded of my dad. It's stupid and I don't care. I'll just tell her that I'm at your house. She trusts your family.” Jewel bit her lip and whispered, “But if you're found out, she won't anymore.” I scoffed. “I won't. It'll be a piece of cake. The trip only lasts for a few hours. My mom texts the other mom about 3 hours into a ‘play date’, as she calls it.” I made a gagging motion. “I just need to be at your house by then, and she won't know a thing,” Jewel muttered. “This isn't a good idea.” I laughed. “Don’t worry so much. I can pull it off. I need to learn more about my history. If this weren't about that, then I wouldn't be doing this. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime trip!”

Objective: Roll a die and sprint for that many minutes (number: 2); 71 words
I got off the bus and made my way to school, the slip in my backpack like it had been there since last night. Jewel walked a bit in front of me today, which was unusual. I wondered why. She usually just walked about a step behind me. She said that I was like her shield from other people. However, she seemed like she didn't care about that today. Was she

Objective: Sprint for 4 minutes; 118 words
mad at me? I looked at her face, and she didn't seem mad. She seemed just as calm as always. I was a little taken aback, nonetheless, and wanted to ask her what was wrong. However, it was probably nothing. We parted ways once we got inside and I walked to my first class. It was Chemistry, of all things. I hated Chemistry. First of all, it was pretty much useless if you used magic. And second, it was boring. We were on a stoichiometry unit, and I hated learning about moles. They were pointless to me since I would be learning how to use magic soon. Our school system hasn't been updated forever, even though we’ve

Objective: sprint for 7 minutes; 247 words
learned more about magic and its effects on the world. We could use magic to make our lives so much easier. I couldn't believe just how much we could be ahead, compared to where we are right now as a race. I was sad for our leadership. All they cared about were politics concerning who should we cater to and who should we make mad? They didn't care about our state of life, even though they try their best to make their own lives better. I hated them for not using magic to make our lives better. Then we wouldn't have to take chemistry. I walked into the door and looked around. No one was there yet, aside from the teacher. She was tall, and had short, blond hair. She wore glasses that kept slipping off, and she always wore the most professional clothes. While I hated this class, she was my favorite teacher. The way she taught was captivating. But even still, I didn't learn much that day. After that class, I went to world history, where I spent the day listening to the most boring teacher talks about how America did this and did that. I wasn't listening. All the same, though, I would have to go through these things to go on the field trip. Finally, after every single class, I was able to go towards the bus yard with Jewel. She looked at me nervously. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Objective: your favorite character has X amount of letters in their name. Write for that many minutes (Keefe/ 5 minutes); 188
I nodded and grinned. “Of course, it's a good idea. When else could I visit?” “Another time when your mom lets you, maybe.” Jewel retorted. I shrugged her remark off. She was just tense. We boarded the buses heading for the Tower, and the teacher on my bus checked my permission slip. She looked it over and said, “Looks good to me. You're all set.” I looked back at Jewel and smirked. She shook her head at me as I went to go sit down. She came shortly after and she said in a whisper, “I can't believe that you actually got away with it.” I grinned. “I never doubted it for a moment.” “I did.” she muttered. I ignored her and looked out the window. I had texted my mom saying that Jewel wasn't allowed to go either and we were going to hang out at her house. She responded with the words, “Okay, I'll check in in a few hours.” Everything was going smoothly. Jewel got a book out from her backpack and began to read. I looked at the title and asked her. “Why are

Objective: in 100 words, write about your character remembering when they stole something and given it back; 110

you reading the Good Girls again?” “I like it.” “Mhm.” I muttered, looking out of the window. She whispered, “Remember that time when you stole one of these books?” “I remember.” I said, laughing under my breath. I had taken one of them from a bookstore and had given it to Jewel for her birthday. She was horrified and made me give it back to the bookstore. That made me laugh. It was just a book, after all. I never understood why she wanted me to give it back. It was the newest one in the series and she wouldn’t have been able to read it for another couple months.

Objective: in 125 words, have your character have an epiphany; 134
As the ride went on, I realized something. I turned to Jewel urgently and said, “Oh shoot!” Jewel raised an eyebrow.
“Having regrets?”
I paused a beat, “No, no! That’s not it. I just realized that my mom’s supposed to drop me off to a party at 4:30! She’d go to your house WAY too soon. I’d have to start running back immediately in order to get to your house!” I patted my pockets hastily and grabbed out my phone. “Could I get an Uber to your house from the tower? Do you think that’d work?”
“No. They don’t service the area by the tower due to accident rates.”
I shuddered. “What am I going to do!?”
“This is why you shouldn’t have lied in the first place.”
“That’s not the point, Jewel!”

Objective: Multiply your WPM by 10 and sprint for that many seconds (600 seconds/10 minutes); 315 words
I started to hyperventalate. What was I going to do? I search my head for options. I couldn’t be found out. That was worse than not seeing the Tower. I looked to Jewel, “Do you have any ideas?” “No. This is what you get for lying to your mom.” I looked at her in disbelief. “Really, Jewel? You’re my best friend. Help me out in a pinch, please!” She shook her head. “This is what you get. I won’t say it again. You lied, and that wasn’t okay. I don’t care that you’ll get in trouble. You’re deserving.” I looked at her, disgusted. “Rude! Can’t you see I’m in a bind?” “I don’t care. This is why you should be honest.” She crossed her arms and turned away. She wouldn’t be any help. I scored my brain for anything I could use to get out of this unscathed. But there was nothing. I sat in silence. I’d have to go through with the field trip and come home late. I’d have to tell the truth.
When we got to the tower, Jewel quickly got up and darted to the doors, getting there before I could accompany her. Wow, she was really mad. I didn’t understand why. It wasn’t her problem. It was mine.
I was the last to get off the bus, and I didn’t look happy, apparently. Ms. Star, my chemistry teacher, looked at me and asked, “Are you alright?” “I’m okay.” I said. “I’m just a bit tired.” “Ah, alright. Make sure to take in all the sights, it’ll be sure to get you excited enough to make you forget about your fatigue.”
I smiled at her and thanked her, and said that I’d try to. But she didn’t know the real reason. She would never know the real reason, hopefully.
I looked around the Tower, and even though I didn’t want to

Objective: Sprint for 3 minutes; 108 words
Go inside anymore, I did so reluctantly. I looked around and was awed by the scene. There were other school groups there, and the inside of the Tower was covered in gears. So many gears of all sizes. There were ones the size of your thumb, and others your head, and still others the size of elephants. They all were whirring and spinning, and it was all very mesmerizing. I looked for an exit. Maybe I could leave right now and hitchhike to Jewel’s house, even though she wasn’t on speaking terms with me right now.
Ms. Star looked at me and smiled. “Isn’t it all so amazing?”

Objective: Sprint for 3 minutes and have everything turn into a certain object; 123 words
I nodded and Ms. Star grinned. “The powdering should start soon.” She turned towards everyone and said. “Everyone, please come with me. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! We’ll be heading to the Powdering Room now.”
I followed her at the back of the class. I didn’t want to touch anything, since I was worried that I would break it. Then everyone would hate me since I made magic disappear. The Powdering Room was ornate and looked quite different than the outside areas. A bell chimed, and the glitter like substance rained on everyone. As I moved forward, I tripped. I tried to grab something to steady myself, and I ended up touching Jewel. But, Jewel wasn’t there, only a sword.

Objective: Use a random number generator to generate the number of words for 5 paragraphs
1: 77
I gasped and backed away. What the heck? I took my hand off the sword, and Jewel transformed back. She got up quickly and looked at me in horror. “What was that?” She yelled. My eyes were as wide as a crater. I glanced over at Ms. Star. She looked at me and said. “She’s got powers.” “What?” I said, getting up. There was a twinkle in her eye when she said the words, “You’ve got powers.”
2: 70
I backed away from her. “No, I don’t. That doesn’t make any sense. No one’s had powers in a long time. We can only use the dust for machines. I’m not a machine.” Ms. Star smiled. “I know you’re not. You’re the first human in years to have powers. Touch me.” I looked at her. “Really? Right now?” “Yes. Do it.” I tentatively nodded and tapped her with my finger.
3: 97
When I was touching her, she looked like a Ninja Star, but when I wasn’t, she was just Ms. Star. I tapped her again, and again. This was weird. “Stop.” Ms. Star said quickly. I stopped and muttered. “Sorry.” “No, no, don’t be sorry.” Ms. Star began to think. She turned to the class. “Do any of you have a pair of gloves?” Jewel stepped forward and handed her the pair she always kept in her pocket. “Will these work?” “Yes, thank you, Jewel.” She slipped them onto my hands quickly, and they seemed to not transform.
4: 42
Ms. Star grinned. “Tap my shoulder again please.” I did so. She didn’t transform. She instructed me again, “Take off one of the gloves.” I nodded, setting it on the floor. “Great. Tap it.” It transformed into a very small folding knife.
5: 32
I looked at Ms. Star. “Why are you doing this?” “Wait. Come with me. I’m going to drive you home. I need to talk with your mom.” I froze. “Why?” “You’ll see.”

Objective: Timeline change! Write a 150 word flashback; 167 words
As we were driving in the car, I stared out of the window, not daring to talk to Ms. Star.
“Hey, Sugarplum.” Dad said as he came in through the door. I grinned and got up from the couch. I raced towards him and gave him a huge hug. He laughed as he set my tiny body down to the floor. “How was your day at school?” He asked. I beamed and said, “Jewel and I made a volcano today in science class. We poured baking soda and vin- vin-” I stumbled. “Vinaygar. Vinaygar. We poured baking soda and vinaygar into the volcano. It exploded.” He grinned. “That’s great. Do you want to hear about what I did today?” “Yes!” I exclaimed. He smiled and said, “I helped Powder people.” “Really?” “Yeah. I operated the machine for the high school tours.” “Did anyone have powers?” I asked, awed. He smiled and shook his head. “No, no one did. But we’ll keep trying to find someone who does.”

Objective: Ask for a story starter and incorporate it into your writing somehow (Aliens invaded earth, but they found everyone was zombies except one person. What does that one person do? Join the aliens? Or fight them and the zombies.); 110 words
I was reading my favorite book in my room, the second novel in a series about aliens invading earth and zombies, when my mom came in.
“So, you said you needed to talk.” She said, and I shook myself out of my trance. Ms. Star nodded. “Your daughter is incredibly gifted.” I stuttered. “Y-yes! I already finished my book report on Sky’s the Limit and talked about the character’s central choice. I got an A.” My mom tilted her head. “Was this why you wanted to talk to me?” “No, something else. Though she did a very good job on her report, I came to talk about the field trip.”

Final 100 words: 110
Ms. Star was grinning ear to ear. Mom shook her head. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize that it was a Powdering. I’ll get it rescheduled.” Ms. Star looked confused. “She got Powdered. That’s what I’m here to talk about.” Mom glared at me. “Did you go on the trip without my permission?” I grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “Maybe?” Mom’s face went red. “You’re grounded! Go up to your room. I’ll talk with your teacher alone. I’ll deal with you later.” She turned to Ms. Star and they began to talk. I trudged up to my room and sat down on my bed. I wondered what Ms. Star would say.

Your Journey: horror, option #2, adventure, option #1, folklore, option #2, nonfi, option #3, script, option #2, fantasy, option #2, bifi, option #3, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #1, poetry, option #3, realfi, option #2, scifi, option #3, thriller, option #2, fanfi, option #1, dystopian, option #2

Hey! I'm Bookie! Co-Leading Fan-Fi, March 2024!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Sari's thank you's:

LuNa <33

Hey Lunaaa :>
I'm pretty sure you're tired of me at this point, but you're my biggest SWC idol. Someday, I really hope to be a great leader like you( and perhaps a host;; but let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
That aside hehe adventure with you and katie was so nostalgic, just remembering the enchanted fan-fi forest from March- It was last minute, sure, but my time with all of the amazing adventurers were awesome! :star_struck:
Anyways, I'm so glad we met and I'll never forget my sessions with you! Thank you for being a great leader and an awesome friend! :]

Your friend and dedicated camper
~Sari <3
Iris :3

Iris :000
Where can I start? You're an amazing leader, and I'm so baffled at how you balance so many camps with your everyday life! You honestly remind me of one of my good irl friends who goes to about a million extracurriculars and manages to balance her school and home life. I'm honestly not that productive, so I just stick to a few activities, whether irl or online, haha- Anyways, I love how dedicated you are, and you're a great friend. Plus, you're an awesome writer! Thanks for supporting me in multiple camps, and I hope to see you again soon!

Your partner in crime,

P.S. Congrats on Horror winning this session :000
I know we haven't been in touch for a long time, but honestly you're so awesome! I'm so glad we got to be in the same cabin once again, and I hope we meet in the near future!


Ethel! <3
Congrats on Horror winning! It's obvi your great leading and awesome theme! I can't thank you enough for giving me the chance to be your honorary!

Keep on being cool,

Yo Wave!
Thanks for supporting me as Horror's honorary! I can't exaggerate how great you are at art, and you're great at leading too! I hope to see you around soon!

Keep on rocking,


Eevee <333
Ik we haven't interacted a lot this whole session but our friendship means so much to me! Plus, I love the big sister vibes you give me as a girl who never had a sibling to look up to as she grew up.

Thank you for everything!


Yo Dawn!

Dystopian( or should i say, disco-pain xD) looked amazing this session! I just love your energy and good vibes you always give off, not to mention how relatable you are! I hope to see you in future sessions, perhaps as a fellow leader?

See ya soon!

Last edited by Unicorn_book (Dec. 4, 2022 17:44:24)

ʚ Sari ✧ she/her pronouns ✧ TOH, (some of) MCU, Gravity Falls, Riodaniverse, WC, WOF ✧ Aspiring vet! <3 ɞ
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Critique of @-faeryliights’ work (425 words)

Wow. I was really impressed with the elegance of your writing. The prose has a very fairy-tale feeling, something which perfectly suits this story! The character is very vividly described, which I enjoyed. There are a couple sentences which might have been a bit long-winded, with perhaps too much description in one sentence, but that is one of the few problems I noticed with it. I am also slightly confused in the story (simply because of the unexplained nature of events, which is obviously done intentionally), but I think I understand enough of what is happening to enjoy the writing, so good work there. I loved the constant call-back to “stars”—though I might suggest you add a reference to them at the end, too. The premise itself is very intriguing and sucked me in. (Also I loved your description of the memories like a garden, that was really interesting, not really something I would have thought of, but it worked!)


I feel as though your first sentence could maybe be worded differently. Instead, I would phrase it “Isn’t it strange to remember a life after death?” or even change it to “Is it not strange”. I think the phrasing is just a bit awkward and could be smoother.

The second sentence, also, was not quite as strong as the rest and required me to read through it a few times to understand it. I would instead say “She remembers every life, although they fade as the years tick by. Each one clings to her soul, perching and nestling in the cracks, pleading, whispering, begging not to be forgotten.”

As for the sentence that describes her arms, I was also confused by the sentence fragment “A spool of woven twine”. I noticed you used them quite a bit, and usually it worked, but this one confused me. I think if you simply had it more connected to the lines, rather than directly after the line about freckles and stars, it would be clearer. I would suggest “Like a spool of woven twine, pale red lines sprout like roots and entangle her arms. They are scars that have subdued with age, buried under freckles and spots and stars.” (The second edit, splitting the sentence in two, is more based on personal preference, the sentence still makes sense the other way, but I think it sounds a bit nicer this way.)

This was as far as I got into the closer sentence examinations. I hope it was helpful, however! Great work, I thoroughly enjoyed it

crim • she/her • Christian • mystery co! • artist and writer
• “i jump off into your arms, but i can’t trust the fall” •
1000+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Thank You Notes


Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 28, 2022 23:33:02)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

sorry if this is messy, proper formatting will be later ^^

Final Code: Your Journey: hifi, option #1, mystery, option #3, poetry, option #3, realfi, option #3, scifi, option #1, bifi, option #2, fantasy, option #1, folklore, option #2, nonfi, option #3, dystopian, option #3

Beginning challenge: write 100 words

“Look at that!” The girl next to me cried, as she pointed to the sky, her face lit up.
“What?” I asked, as I smiled at her. I was pretty sure of the answer. I knew the girl well. Alex was obsessed with the stars. Things beyond our atmosphere.
Things out there.
She laughed. “Tess, look. Look at the constellations. You can see the stars so clearly out here,” she sighed and lay down. Her mind was elsewhere as she stared dreamily at the sky.
I looked up. All I could see were small bright dots everywhere. But I knew she could see more. She could see the way they connected to make pictures, and she could see that up close, they were gigantic suns.
125/100 words

Hi-Fi - remembering they’d stolen something and given it back - 100 words

I was good friends with Alex. It wasn’t always that way, though. When I think about how we first met…
I was around 12 years old, and it was the first day of school. I’d lived in the same home for years and I knew almost everyone in the school. Except for her. She was new and shy and didn't talk to anyone. And you know what I did? I bullied her.
It was in the cafeteria, and I was stupid. Really stupid. I came up to her, and she was sitting alone. She wasn’t doing anything—she was reading a book and minding her own business. And I grabbed the book and ran away with it. It was a dare my friend had given me. I wasn’t so sure about it, but her high-five made me understand she accepted me. I knew if I didn’t do it, she probably wouldn’t be my friend anymore.
A few days later, I decided to sit next to Alex instead. I gave her book back. She took it and said something to me for the first time.
“This is now overdue.”
189/100 words

2. Mystery - sprint for 5 minutes

But after that, we started talking more. And even though my old friend was giving me nasty looks, I didn’t care. Alex was so kind to me. She helped me realize that if a friend threatened to ruin the relationship if you didn’t do a simple thing she wanted— well, she wasn’t a good friend.
And so, even though we didn’t have the best first way to meet, we were inseparable.
Now I looked at her. We were both in high school—10th grade—and we were still no different. She grinned at me, and my heart fluttered.
Because there’s one more thing about her.
I liked her. A lot. I’ve liked her from the start—ever since 7th grade. And it’d only become stronger the older we got. And I wished it hadn’t. Because, well, I would never tell her. Because I was a girl too. And I liked girls.
But she liked boys. I knew she did. I’d heard her talk about the boys she liked before.
169 words

3. Poetry - sprint for 7 minutes and 50 seconds

She’s even dated boys before. It broke my heart every time.
But I sat there with my heart pounding and growing slowly insane every time she talked to me. Her laugh, her smile, her hair.
I looked at her. She wasn't looking at the stars anymore. She was looking at me. Really deeply and strongly.
She looked away quickly, but I saw something there. Could it be?
No, it couldn’t be anything. Surely it couldn't be anything. She got up to get another s’more from the campfire.
We were camping in the forest. It wasn’t for anything really big or anything. But me and my friends decided to go on a trip together, and our parents all said yes. So we parked at our spot and set up the tents and everything. It was the last night before we had to go back. A campfire was up and s’mores were being made.
One of my other friends, Mae, came up behind me. “You should tell her. The best time to is tonight.”
“No. No way,” I insisted. Almost all my friends knew about my crush on her, and they really wanted to set me and her up. But because I was so sure she liked boys, and boys only, they didn’t do anything.
She came back with a gooey s’more. “What were you guys talking about?” She smiled, her eyes twinkling.
“Nothing,” Mae and I said at the same time.
240 words

4. Real-Fi - continue writing for 10 minutes

“Are you sure? You definitely were talking,” she frowned. “We’re you talking about me?”
“Of course not!” I cried, but this time, Mae gave a simple “Yep.”
“I knew it. What were you talking about, about me?”
Mae kept silent, and I knew I had to answer.
“Um, we were laughing about the fact that you’ve already eaten like, four s’mores,” I laughed. It was true, though. “Of course, in the funny way, not in the ugh-she’s-so-weird way,” I quickly assured her.
“I mean, it’s true… but who can stand eating only two! These things are SO good! Plus, there’s still plenty more graham crackers and marshmallows. We’re running a little low on chocolate though,” she sighed.
“They really are great,” I agreed.
It was silent, and I realized Mae was gone. She must have realized it too, and I noticed something in her expression that told me she was about to say something private.
“Tess… have you ever, I don’t know, wondered if you weren’t who you thought you were? Like all your life, you felt like you were a certain way. But now… you just, aren’t so sure anymore?”
“I… well, kind of. But I haven’t felt that for a while. Are you… feeling that way?”
“Yeah. Sorry, it’s just confusing. I just think… I don’t know if you… well…”
“Spill it, Alex. It’s okay.” I felt my heart pounding as I wondered what she was going to say.
“Okay. Um… I think I have a crush on someone. But the thing is… it’s…” she hesitated, and stopped talking.
264 words

5. Sci-Fi - feeling deja vu - 150 words

“A girl?” I finished for her, my whole body hoping.
Her mouth hung open. “How did you…”
Suddenly, I had the weird feeling that this had happened before. But I didn’t know when. I tried to focus on what was happening, because this was an important moment.
“Yeah, I… think I might like boys and girls. But I don’t really want to tell you who I like,” she played with the grass and her eyes bounced everywhere but me.
“That’s okay,” I nodded, my head still wondering what was going on. I was so confused, I ended up making myself distracted and I didn’t hear what else she said.
I looked at the stars, and the exact image was already in my memory. I blinked a few times.
“Please don’t, okay? …Tess?”
I snapped out of it. “Huh?”
“Tess! I’m trying to talk to you!”
I was a little afraid now. I could remember this. I could even find her anger familiar.
Wait, she was angry? Oh no, why couldn’t I pay attention?
173/150 words

6. Bi-Fi - write 200 words

“I’m trying to tell you something serious. Please listen to me, okay?”
I put my full focus on her and only her. I felt awful. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened. I got distracted…”
Alex sighed. “It’s okay. I get it. What I was saying, is can you maybe not tell anyone? About what I told you? Don’t tell ANYONE. Even your best friends. I’m scared I’ve gotten this whole thing confused and maybe I only like boys and I’m lying to myself.”
“I promise I won’t tell a soul,” I said solemnly.
“Thanks. I just needed to get that off my chest…”
“I know, I get it. I’m… like you too, in a way,”
“Are you…?”
“No. Well, not really, not… it’s hard to explain.”
It was silent. The wind blew our hair into our faces and the air felt cooler.
“Alllriiight guys, it’s 9pm! Time to go to bed!” Mae sang, breaking the silence.
We looked at each other knowingly and headed to our tents.
It was now late, and the others were asleep. From what I could tell, anyway. I quietly got out of my sleeping bag and stepped out of the tent. Well, not as quietly as I preferred, but no one moved. So I continued outside.
214/200 words

7. Horror - write for 5 minutes

I sat in the area I was sitting before I went to bed. I kept thinking about what Alex had said. Maybe I wasn’t so helpless after all. Maybe things weren’t so bad. But just because she liked girls didn’t mean she liked me. But I had a chance. A one out of however many girls Alex has met before chance.
So I had a pretty small chance.
But I still couldn’t help wondering if it was me. Because maybe it was me. Maybe she did like me. And maybe then… we could be happy.
But it was probably all a fantasy.
I looked around as the stars twinkled at me.
111 words

8. Adventure - surroundings start working against them - 100 words

I decided maybe I would sleep out here tonight. Alone. I didn’t want to sleep in the hot sleeping bag in the hot tent anyway.
I lay on the cool and soft grass as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Well, I was hoping to get some sleep. But I realized the nastiness of bugs too soon as a beetle almost crawled over my mouth. I quickly sat up and suddenly realized how many bugs were covering the ground. Spiders too, the kind with the small body and the long skinny legs. Ugh.
And then I realized the sky was cloudy now.
It started to rain. It was a couple drops at first, but in seconds it turned into a downpour. The fire was distinguished immediately. I hurried into the tent, where Alex and Mae were already sitting, awake.
“Sheesh, you’re a mess, Tess,” Mae made a face. Then she chuckled. “That rhymed.”
156/100 words

9. Thriller - starts literally sinking - 150 words

And then something… weird happened. The ground below us began to rumble and shake… and then it started to swallow us up.
This was unexpected. “Uhh… what’s going on?” I panicked.
“I- I don’t know…” Alex stared at the ground. We all stood up as fast as possible, but the ground tugged on our feet.
“Did we seriously camp on QUICKSAND? Or something?” Mae screamed.
“Please don’t freak out, it’s making me freak out too!” Alex tugged on her own hair.
I unzipped the door to the tent and pulled on my foot. The others caught on and started to do the same.
We had to get out of here.
But it was no use. The ground had a firm hold on our other feet and was making its way up to our thighs. And now all we had was a leg halfway stuck in mud along with a blanket wrapped around it, and a foot on top of the ground. And that was just, well, uncomfortable.
167/150 words

10. Fan-Fi - Sprint for 6 minutes and 22 seconds

“Uh- what do we do?” Mae laughed nervously.
“I.. I don’t know—“ I yelled in despair as the ground began to swallow us up more and more.
It was now up to our chests. There really was no hope. I wondered if I should just let the Earth swallow us whole.
But Alex wasn’t going to give in. She pushed as hard as she could to get her other foot out, and somehow, she ended up free. She grabbed my hand and pulled.
“Come on Tess! You can do this!” She grunted. And I realized there was hope. Alex was strong.
Stronger than I thought, too. She managed to push me out a little. And that little went a whole way. After that, getting me out was easy for her.
Unfortunately, it was too late for Mae. She was already completely covered. Her arms weren’t even capable of being grabbed.
And all we could do was watch her suffer. I felt awful.
The ground wasn’t stopping, though. It continued to try to get us down again.
176 words

11. Script - sprint for 4 minutes

Quickly, me and Alex ran away, the storm drenching us quickly. The tent was completely in shambles and it was ripped. With no shelter, we huddled underneath a small tree. But we planned to go back— we weren’t giving up so easily.
Meanwhile, Mae was trapped. she felt herself suffocating in the earth. But she also felt something else… she felt her legs becoming free. While she slowly continued to sink, something was definitely going on directly beneath her, and she would fall straight into it. She twisted and squirmed a little bit, trying to find air where she could. The worst part was the bugs. They were everywhere.
109 words

12. Fantasy - introduce a boat or other type of transportation into your story - 150 words

Mae squeezed her eyes shut, just so she couldn’t see them. But she still couldn’t shake the fear of bugs crawling over her.
She could feel her body becoming more and more loose. She was slowly but surely falling through the dirt. Until suddenly, something grabbed her ankle and yanked her down. She landed hard on her butt onto smooth wood.
Everything was dark. She couldn’t see anything nearby that could’ve grabbed her, and really, she couldn’t see anything. She groaned and tried to stand up, but something pushed her and she fell back. This time nothing was pushing her physically, but it was something about the gravity and force on the floor. It was hard to stand steadily. And that’s when she heard the faint sound of water trickling and realized what the weird feeling in the floor was. She was moving on a boat, and the boat was moving… fast. She scrambled up to her feet and this time, tried to keep her balance. She couldn’t tell where anything was, so she wanted to be careful. She could fall off the boat. She groped around her to feel for something.
192/150 words

13. Folklore - write 200 words at your own pace

Eventually, Mae’s hand bumped into something smooth and cold. She figured it was the boat wall, and she stumbled closer to it. It was when her hand was grabbed firmly by a bigger hand, when she remembered she was yanked down here in the first place, and she probably just made a mistake.
Me and Alex were completely oblivious to anything Mae was going through. We were waiting out the storm and trying to think of ways to go underground and save Mae. When suddenly we heard a shout. No, wait, not a shout. A piercing, terrified scream. It was coming from somewhere around the waterfall nearby. Alex sprinted straight towards the source of the disturbance, ignoring the constant patter of the rain on her head, and ignoring the fact that the waterfall was creating a raging river that crashed and splashed it’s way through the forest. Timidly, I followed behind her. I didn’t want to step into the storm, but I was curious to see what caused the scream.
Alex stood by the river, her mouth wide open in shock. After I caught up with her, I could see clearly why. There was a tiny boat somehow surviving in the choppy water, harsh winds, and heavy rain. But that wasn’t just the most shocking part.
Mae was on that boat. And she was not having a good time, either. She was being attacked by… some kind of elf person.
240/200 words

14. Non-Fi - sprint for 1 minute

Alex turned to me, but I already knew what she was going to say. “We have to save her,” I nodded.
But I wasn’t thinking of what Alex did. She jumped straight from the riverbank to the boat.
38 words :’)

15. Dystopian - walks into a room and blows everyone away - 5 minutes

I panicked. Was I supposed to jump? I didn’t know how to jump, I couldn’t jump that far. I wasn’t like Alex.
“Tess! Come on!” Alex screamed. And then the elf man brought his fist down. She jumped back—but it was too late.
“ALEX!” I shouted. Everyone turned towards me—and it was now or never. I held my breath and pushed off from the riverbank with all my strength. I sailed through the air and, somehow, I landed.
“Wow,” I gasped, and Alex grinned.
“Tess, you’re better at this than I thought,” she winked.
I blushed, flustered, but also confident. I turned towards my opponent, who was actually terrifyingly close and was ready to strike. On instinct, I pushed him. Hard. And just like that, he was knocked.
130 words

Final Challenge - write 100 words to wrap things up

Finally, me, Alex, and Mae were safely back at home after a call to our parents. We still didn't really know who the elf guy was—or really, if he was even an elf. All I know is that his name is Stratford, and he can use magic. That’s definitely something I want to investigate more.
At school the very next day, we still hadn’t managed to get all our stuff back. We talked about it over lunch. A lot of questions seemed… unanswered. But one of them was definitely answered that day. I won’t describe the whole thing that happened and how it happened, but let’s just say, me and Alex got to look at the stars tonight, out on her balcony.
That night will forever be cherished by the both of us.
134/100 words

Last edited by ButterflyWings22 (Nov. 29, 2022 00:14:14)

100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

୨ thank you notes <3 ୧
back to dailies

302 words as of today

drumroll please…

for my legendary word count studio leader, re!
dearrr re,
you were such an active and helpful leader! you were on a lot during cabin wars and always counting up words super fast. during cabin wars you were a super cool leader, like when you told us which war to do first and knowing if wars are invalid! your storyline for real-fi is like no cabin ive seen before, and the mystery of the escape room is intriguing. the cabin for sure wouldn't have been the same without you, and i'm glad i was put in your cabin!

dear yui,
i talked to you a lot! you were very active and super kind and motivating during the session. you wrote so much for cabin wars and i am yet to read on of your poems! you are also super funny and entertaining to talk to. i hope we get put in the same cabin again, thank you for your super nice thank-you note!

dear orchid,
hiiii! i remember seeing your icon so much during cabin wars, adding words every few minutes :0 youre a very fast writer and funnyy. youre super motivated and dedicated - after dinner you'd quickly get back to writing for cabin wars and you helped us out a lot! thanks for being in my cabin

dear kit,
HEYYY you were so active during cabin wars! you were super helpful and motivated to writing towards the wars! im glad you were in my cabin, i hope to see you next session

dear skye/autumn,
hellooo! you had some super funny comments in the cabin and really sweet as well. you were super optimistic and of course a great addition to the real-fi cabin. i def wanna be in the same cabin as you again next session, in march.

Last edited by IzzyRS2010 (Nov. 29, 2022 05:31:20)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly for Script

Save code!
Your Journey: horror, option #1, adventure, option #1, bifi, option #1, thriller, option #1, fanfi, option #3, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #1, poetry, option #2, realfi, option #1, scifi, option #3, script, option #1, fantasy, option #1, folklore, option #3, nonfi, option #3, dystopian, option #3

Screenshot: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/768820710/


I reached out into the cold, autumn air. Nobody was there. I tried to feel, to understand, but I found nothing. It was a cold day, the icy, biting wind was in my hair, and there was a sort of stillness that one could feel. The absence of warmth. The bleak sun was covered by many clouds, restraining and blocking it. I looked around. The swings creaked on a deserted playground. The gray thunderclouds were starting to loom and cover the whole sky. I heard the ominous sound of a storm approaching: the slightest strike of lightning in the distance, I needed to find shelter; and quickly.

But I had to hide my identity. My face had to be a mask of no emotion. I emptied all thoughts, my mind a blank desert. My lips remained solemn, showing no sign of emotion. I clenched and unclenched my cheek muscles, softening my previously tense face. I clenched my jaw, not showing any part of my teeth. I forced myself to tilt my head ever so slightly and straightened my back, my 6’2 height giving a sense of power and authority. I did all the steps to insure that my facade was fool-proof, not revealing any part of my true self, however one thing bothered me. I knew my dark eyes were a storm of chaos, a tornado swirling, ready for complete destruction. My fatal flaw was apparent. I breathed in and out, slowly, emptying my mind once more, manipulating my emotions, forcing myself to empty my passion. I looked at my reflection through the water puddles. My mask was complete.

I scanned my surroundings. The abandoned playground was the only shelter in sight. Around me, tiles were strewn around on breaking roads, and the vegetation only consisted of dying, brown shrubs. I headed to the playground to fight against the storm, glancing back to see my fears confirmed; the brewing storm was headed straight towards me. I ducked down and climbed up the stairs to a tunnel. Thunder cracked like a whip, deafening my ears. It started pouring. Infinite droplets and hail hit the ground, I couldn’t discern anything outside the tunnel. Lightning struck the slide. The force left my hair stuck up. A few hours passed, and I lay there, useless, waiting for the turbulent storm to finally be over.

The storm subsided suddenly. I smiled. The next phase had worked. I clapped my hands in a pattern that others would realize, and a panel opened with a set of numbers. I tapped the correct password and entered the underground bunker. I stepped on a lift. As I descended, I thought about how advanced our technology became. We could now manipulate the weather, what else could we do? Could we change the temperature worldwide? Could we make it eternal rain? I marveled at the genius of me and the programmers.

I could no longer see the sky. I was descending down the lift at a rapid rate. I peered down, trying to perceive the bottom, if there was a bottom. A hard metal covered the walls, gleaming and indestructible. There was no way out besides the lift. The lift passed many doors, some to which said ‘PROHIBITED ENTRY’ or ‘Testing Room’. I recognized all of those names. Of course, I was the lead programmer, first in command of our leader. I had knowledge and access to a lot more than anyone else in our lab. This proved dangerous, and I had made some enemies with envious programmers, desperate for power and attention. I could name a few names: Rosemary Vale, Ricardo Astrew, and Eloise Drowry. For this reason, I stayed inconspicuous. The lift passed the door I was going towards. My brow furrowed. The lift was descending at an alarming rate. At this speed, it was going to reach free-fall any second. The air whooshed by, slicing into my ears. I could no longer see any of the doors, just a whir of metal. My brain was panicking, but I kept my cool. This was how I rose up to a high status. I remembered putting in an emergency button, well-hidden, when I worked on the lift. I located the panel, as I held onto the fragile rails of the lift. I had to open it before the speed proved too immense. I wriggled my now jelly-like fingers in hopes of reaching it, and I succeeded. I pressed the button just in the nick of time. ‘MANUAL OVERLOAD’ a female robot voice blared, as the lift slowed to a stop.

I looked down and saw a pitch-black darkness. For some reason, I still had a long way to go until I reached the bottom of the hole. This unnerved me: what could be at the bottom? Brushing that thought aside, I looked and saw the door that the lift opened to. It was written “Incanters”. I wasn’t sure what that meant. I knew most of the doors, yet this one made me wonder.

I remember a time when I stole the blueprints of the building when me and my friend Aercha were planning a lab that helped control the weather. The world was facing a drought, and it still is. We were aspiring meteorologists, wanting to bring change to the world and fix it. Back before the company changed, we were the best of companions. However, I was jealous of her talent and stole the blueprint, hoping to make it myself. My conscience wouldn't allow me to. I thought about how helpful she had been to me and her genuine kindness. A few days later, I returned them, not telling her where they had gone. It didn’t matter, because she died of illness in a week. I inherited the company, where I now worked for Dry Spell Associated.

The thoughts of Aercha evaporated when I heard a creaking coming from the “Incanter” door. It was emitting a pale light, yet there were no lights attached to the door. What does Incanter mean? I thought I heard the term somewhere. I strained my mind for thoughts, searching deep into my conscience. Then I found it. A sudden burst of knowledge entered my brain. The pieces all fit together. I was shocked. Dry Spell Associated, Incanter, Droughts. It all added up. Why was the company called Dry Spell? Incanter sounded familiar to me because of the word “Incantation,” which means “to cast a spell”. And, a few hours after the unexplainable droughts, the company bursted into existence. It all added up. I had been naive to dismiss this. I was working for witches and wizards.

I instantly doubted myself. Where were my alliances? Who was my boss? Who knew? The knowledge was too powerful for me to handle, and brought many unanswered questions. Then, more questions: how did they get their powers? What did they use it for? Did they purposefully start the drought in hopes of earning money? The questions, especially the last one. But I knew I had to keep a straight face. After all, I do have the best poker face. I breathed and calmed myself down. Nobody needed to know. I turned the wheel that guarded the door and used the eye recognition to enter the Incanter room. I braced myself for anything.

A gust of warm air flowed as I opened the door. Inside, there was a fiery atmosphere where I saw many people reading books and studying. Their eyes opened in alarm when I opened the door, but to calm their nerves, I said “It’s okay, I know about you guys.” Some went back to their work without any care, and some, particularly a male with dark skin and black hair, still eyed me apprehensively. I acted nonchalant and approached him. “What’s your name?” I asked. He seemed jittery for an odd reason. “Bennerd.” He replied. “Why’re you always acting so scared?” I questioned. He hesitated, but the look in my eyes gave him a reason to reply. “I think I am going to be fired. I’m bad at conjuring and once, I accidentally conjured the wrong key to the room. The directors were furious.” I gasped. This was a few days ago. His power was too powerful to be contained. I could use this. He could steal more for me. Then, he started ranting. “Sorry, but I’m starting to have doubts. What are we even supposed to do? I feel like the cameras are always watching and not letting us do what we want. I’m suffering from depression.” I empathize with him. I remember not being able to overcome my sadness as a child. I started comforting him. “Hey, it’s okay. You can do this. You’re strong and amazing.” He smiled in a way that made me get goosebumps. Then, his skin got lighter. His eyes became more narrow, shifting colors. His hair grew at an alarming rate until it was up to his shoulders. I gasped. It was Aercha.

I stumbled back, unable to contain my thoughts. Wasn’t that why I rose in authority? It didn’t matter now. I hit a chair and it spun, I glanced at Aercha and she appeared more prominent than before. Then I looked back at the chair and I saw: a frog. A green, wrinkled frog with boils all over its skin. I was bewildered. Where did the frog come from? Aercha was equally surprised, then she looked back at me with a withering stare. “How DARE YOU?” She shouted. “You STOLE my life’s work, didn’t tell me, and LEFT ME TO DIE?” I was shocked. “YOU THINK YOU’RE SO GOOD, MANIPULATING OTHERS? YOU EVEN STOLE THE INCANTERS’ POWERS. You DESERVE what you’re getting.” She smiled. I frantically looked around my surroundings for the exit. I clasped the handle, but it dissolved into sand. It was too late. The last thing I saw was Aercha’s evil smile..

The prison was a perfect cube. The walls shimmered with the scent of a cleaning detergent, not what is in a lot of prisons. At the ceiling of the prison held a bleak light that was like an interrogation room, which it could be. Right above the lights was a tiny, beeping camera, trying to be undetected. There were a few scattered chairs, wooden with uneven legs. One of the chairs seemed to be broken beyond repair. It looked like it was sliced in half and thrown against the wall multiple times. Why was it even there? That was a mystery. Besides the chair, there was not a lot in the room. There was a tiny bed with perfectly made sheets, but it looked like it was for a child. The only odd thing was a picture of an elevator hanging on the walls. Was there a door behind it?

I had to check. This sounded too good to be true. I couldn’t let my hopes evaporate, but I couldn’t allow my curiosity to be unsatiated. I peeked behind it. Nothing. I sighed. This was going to be a long stay. Then I noticed it. One of the pieces of the broken chair was oddly shaped. It looked like it could be… a key? I picked it up, confident that it was a key, but could find no possible place to put it. Was this a test? Then, I saw it. In the picture of the elevator, there was a keyhole. Could it be? I inserted the key into the frame and my eyes widened. The elevator doors opened. I looked around, and saw the camera beeping. Why and who would provide an escape? I wondered, and stepped into the frame. Anywhere else was better than here. I turned and saw there was only one way the elevator could go: up.

This was obviously the work of Incanters. But which one? Why would they purposely help the prisoner? Was I actually escaping, or was I still in the picture located in the room? I shook the thoughts out of my head. I had to focus on my escape. I anxiously waited for the elevator to arrive. Out of the blue, the elevator started blasting Taylor Swift. Was that.. Long Live? Taylor Swift was a few hundred years ago, yet Long Live was still my favorite song. It was apparent that the Incanters made the music change based on the user. Finally, after painstaking minutes of waiting, the elevator reached the top. With a ding, the doors opened to reveal a lab. There were many people working, but they appeared distorted, like seeing them through water. I realized I was still in the picture. I had somehow traveled to the security room through a picture.
I was surveying the scene when the doors started to close. It was now or never. I took a deep breath and stepped out.

As soon as I stepped out, I saw Rosemary Vale, my nemesis. What was she doing here? She was one of the programmers, not the security guard. She looked unsurprised. However, I was surprised. “What’re you doing here?” I hissed, trying to act confident. She said “I think I discovered something huge.” Then I said “Wait a minute. You’re an Incanter? Seriously?” She just rolled her eyes and nodded. Then, she whispered “I think the Incanters are controlling the dust storm.” This time, it was my turn to roll my eyes. “You haven’t realized? Here, follow my lead.” I hesitated, but knew this was the right thing to do. I touched my face. Slowly, it transformed. I felt my face change, my nose go thinner, and my mouth more of a grimace. I had a new disguise. I opened the door and strolled into the lobby. As I opened the door, the programmers all working at their computers looked in awe. I even saw the directors. Aercha’s eyes widened.

I confronted them, once and for all. “I know that you created the dust storms. I know EVERYTHING. Now do as I say, or I shall expose you.” The directors laughed. How was I, a clueless programmer, going to escape? Then I said “I know that you manipulate others. You control their minds.” The directors went silent. I smiled, knowing I had found their Achilles Heel. Vale stood at the back in awe. I revealed my true identity. Who was manipulating them now? Me. Lyra Opaeus.

Aercha was furious. I went back to the lift and rode it back up. Nobody stopped me.

A few days later, the dust storms ‘unexpectedly’ stopped. The Earth was back, and scientists were questioning the cause.

I sat there on the swings of my playground, recounting and musing on my endeavor. I was willing to restore the Earth to its original glory.

Then it struck me. It was me. I was the cause.

(2462) thanks to everyone for SWC. it was an amazing experience.

Last edited by CleverComment (Nov. 29, 2022 02:51:36)

“You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy” - Nightbirde

8 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly Entry:

Sorry I didn't know how to put the screen shot on here.

Your Journey: nonfi, option #1, bifi, option #2, thriller, option #2, realfi, option #3, folklore, option #2, fantasy, option #3, dystopian, option #2, script, option #2, horror, option #3, adventure, option #3, fanfi, option #3, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #3, poetry, option #3, scifi, option #1

Once upon a time there was a guy named Larry Bob and he loved working with technology so when he was 17 years old he went to Technology World and got interviewed to work there. One week later he got a letter in the mail saying that he made the job! “Yes!” Larry said as he was going to his room to get ready. Once he was ready for work he went to the kitchen to eat spaghetti for dinner, after he got ready for bed, and then got to sleep so he would not be tired for his job the next day.

The next morning Larry woke up and went to the kitchen for breakfast. Without realizing what time it was his phone rang. “Hello? Is this Larry Bob?” the person on the phone said. “Yes.” Larry says confused. “It is 9:00 and you were supposed to be at work by 8:30.” They said, “OK I’m leaving now.”

Larry quickly packed everything he needed into his car and left to go to work.

When he got to work he went to the front desk to see what he would be doing and then she took him to the testing room where everyone starts when they get a job at The Technology World.

All day he worked testing computers, tablets, and other things as well. By the end of the day he was tired so he packed up and went home. Even though he was tired he still loved his job and hoped he would be able to keep doing it. So when he got home he ate dinner and went to bed.

The next morning he got ready for the day and went to work but this time when he got there his boss Joe said that he would be able to do a different job. So Larry followed Joe down the hall into a construction room where people make the devices. “I think you are ready to start making the devices. You were really good at testing them yesterday.”.

“Thanks,can you show me how? ” Larry said. “Yes,” Joe said. After Joe showed Larry how to do everything he needed to know to build the devices he started constructing them on his own. Soon he became really good at the job and one week later it became his official job ant Technology World to build the devices they use. Then one day he got home from work and he noticed that his pet dog named Lolly was gone. He went outside to look for her but she wasn’t there either. So the next morning he took the day off of work and started making posters to put around the neighborhood. When he finished he went driving around in his car hanging up posters in lots of different locations. When he got home he kept on wondering where Lolly was. Then before dinner he went outside to go on a walk and out of nowhere Lolly ran across the street.

Larry was so happy and when Lolly saw him he started licking Larry all over the face. So Larry brought him, gave him a bath and made dinner for both of them before going to bed.

When Larry got to work the next day someone else in the coding room named Molly ran over to him saying that the code wasn’t working and they needed someone else to try to fix it. So Larry followed Molly into a room with lots of computer parts. “This is where I work most of the day.” she said smiling. She showed me what was wrong. “Before we give these pieces to the construction room we have to make sure that the device will turn on. So we put it in one of the tester devices to see if it would turn on but it won’t turn on.”. Larry looked at all of the testing devices each one had a different part missing so the part that you are testing would go in the device with that part missing. “I have to go work on another device. Are you able to try to fix this one?” Molly said. “Sure, I will try.” Larry said. Molly gave Larry the computer part and left. So Larry went to the tools section and looked through all of the tools trying to find something he could use to fix it. After he screwed in some things and made some adjustments he went to one testing station and put the piece in and it worked! He went to find Molly and when he did he told her what he did to fix it. The next day when he went in to go to work to his surprise there was a party going on so he went to find his boss and asked him what was going on. “This is a celebration for you!” he said smiling. So the party went on and people talked and ate food. When the party ended Sally, who was Joe’s boss, wanted to have a meeting with him so he went to Sally's office. “I hear you are very good with tech,” he said. “Yes.” Larry said. “ You can basically do any of the jobs so I was wondering if you would like to help out and work in all of the departments?!” She said smiling. “Sure, That would be fun!” Larry said. “Ok then, your work will start tomorrow.

Joe got home early that day and was super excited to start working with all different people. The next morning Joe got up early so he could get to work early. Once he got there he first went to Joe's office and asked him what he should do? “Here is a schedule, you will be following this for what you do but if someone needs help you are able to help them with whatever they need.”. “Thanks.” Larry said before leaving and walking to the unpackaging room. In the unpackaging room you unpack the device part and then spray it with a special spray and wipe it down gently. After lunch he went to the testing room to help test the devices to make sure they work perfectly. By the end of the day he was working out but still had a lot of fun doing different jobs so he went home, ate dinner, and went to bed.

Larry slept in the next day because it was the weekend so when he got up he didn’t have to go to work. Once he was ready for the day he went to the kitchen to make some nice warm pancakes. First he made five for himself and then he made some more pancakes so that Lolly could have some too. After breakfast they went on a long walk through the neighborhood. On the way home they stopped at a dog park so Larry let Lolly out and he made a sandwich to eat before walking home and mowing the lawn.

Every week Larry was doing different things and helping people all around the building. And soon after doing this he became the manager of Technology World. When thanksgiving came closer he decided to quit his job and start his own business called Tech Masters. They repair, make, and test devices. If you want to work there you have to pass a test to make sure you are good enough before going to the interview. Within a week there was a line of people waiting to get their devices repaired. All day he worked and at 7 pm he closed the shop and was super tired from working all day. That night he got a letter in the mail saying someone named Hadley wanted to apply for a job. So he sent her a test and when it came back three days later she had passed the test so the next day when he went to work he was busy but not as busy as when he was alone. They liked working together on technology. And soon they got married and had a son named Cooper. At the age of five Cooper was already able to help his family in the Tech Masters Shop but Cooper’s favorite thing to do was make video games. He would make them and then sell the games in the store and some of the money that was from the video games sold he would get to keep. He loved working with his family, even after school instead of playing with friends he would come to the store and work.

Larry was still living in a small house so when Cooper was seven they moved into a bigger palace closer to their shop and it had enough bedrooms for everyone to sleep in. Larry had also stopped the offer for other people to work at the Tech Masters so he would be able to spend more time with his family. Cooper had also gotten Larry’s talent of fixing any type of technology.The video game section of the store was getting so popular they had to add an extension to their store to put the video games in. More people were also buying their products because they usually lasted longer with no problems. Then they had another baby but this time it was a girl named Harper. She did not like working with technology that much. Instead she liked swimming and being in the water. About three times a week she would go to the pool and swim. One day Cooper was experimenting with different computer parts and he made something that talked so he decided to make a robot and surprise his parents with it so he worked on it for a few weeks and when he finished he showed his parents. “Wow, very impressive!” Said Hadley. “How did you do that?” said Larry. He showed his parents everything and they were so happy with his work so Cooper kept on making all different kinds of robots and soon they started getting sold at Tech Masters. Harper Helped out once in a while but she did not enjoy it as much.

Harper became really good at swimming, she joined one of the best swim teams in the state at age 12. One time they were walking by a lake in the winter and she wanted to go swim so they went to the car and she got her swimsuit on.she started swimming away from the dock and she didn’t notice that there was ice above her. Not realizing how deep she was in the water she started desperately swimming to the surface she had to get to the top for air. She thought it was hopeless but then out of nowhere someone grabbed her and brought her to the surface where there was no ice. It was someone from the city safety patrol. Larry and Hadley were relieved and Harper decided not to swim whenever there is ice on the water.

Harper went to the hospital after that because she was super cold and she didn’t have much breath. It was a very scary time for the Bob family and they had to close their shop for a few weeks because they were too busy dealing with Harper and everything else that was going on. When they opened it again everybody even Harper was helping because they were super busy especially because it was close to Christmas so they were a lot more people coming to Tech Masters. Cooper had started inventing lots of different kinds of robots that could help clean, cook, and other things too.

After a year or so Harper decided to quit swimming. She was now 14 years old and Cooper was 19. She wanted to help her family somehow so she eventually decided to learn how to code so she could help her family code the devices getting put together and Tech Masters. This helped a lot so they could keep up with the business. Even though Tech Masters has been around for some time they still get lots of customers every day.

Business had been going well until after the holidays. Almost everyone had everything they needed from the shop so they were losing customers fast. Then they had realized that it was because people were now going to Technology World to get their products. So the next day Larry went to Technology World to have a meeting with the manager who was named Kevin. “We would like to buy the company.” Larry said. “I don’t know. Our production is pretty good right now.” Kevin said. “Has it always been this good?” Larry asked. “No, two weeks ago our production was going down.”He said back. “Two weeks ago ours was as good as yours now and now when your production is good our production is bad. So what do you say about us buying it?” Larry says with a smile. “How much are you willing to pay?” Kevin says. “How about 25,000 dollars?” Larry asked. “Let's do it!” The manager says. So there was no more Technology World and instead there were two Technology Masters buildings. Now business was going great, they were never super busy but there was always something to do. Molly also decided to work at the original shop because there were a lot of people at the other one and there were not enough jobs for everyone to be doing something. The Bob family started traveling to other places to sell their products so they would become more popular. While they were traveling Cooper and Harper made a website together so people can buy their products online and then get shipped to them.

When Cooper was twenty two he had built a drone that could carry all of the technology they needed so when they needed to travel they tracked the drone on a phone. They could also program the phone to go places. Once the Bob Family went on a boat to cross the sea to deliver electronics to a small village and Cooper programmed the drone to go to the village and by the time they got there the drone was waiting for them. Then one night there was a fire in the Shop and they lost everything. It was sad for everyone and they did not know what to do. For a few months they didn’t do anything until they thought of something. They decided to cook and sell their food. They made pastas, tacos, salads, and more but when they tried to sell it it did not go well. They knew this was not going to work so they made a little shop in their garage to repair devices so they could get some money. One weekend they were cleaning out their attic to put Halloween decorations when Cooper found a drum set. “Where did we get this from?” He asked excitedly. “I played when I was a kid. I played drums and guitar.” Larry said. “What if we make a band?” Cooper said. “We can try!” Larry said. So Cooper played the drums, Larry played guitar, and Hadley and Harper sang. So for one week they practiced and practiced. Then Hadley said “What if we get a youtube channel so people can watch us. “Yes!” Everyone agreed. So they posted videos of their band and people started to watch their videos.

The Bob family also madea website where people can buy merchandise. Then one day someone commented and said “You guys should perform in person!”. So they did what the comment suggested and they went to the park to perform one hour a day. This helped them a lot and they started earning more money. The Bob family doesn’t post as much on Youtube any more because they thought it would be better if they did it more in person. They kept performing and they started performing longer some nights.
After some time of performing and earning money they built a building where the old company used to be and it was for their concerts so they could perform. They charged people at a low price to listen to them in the building. But still once a week they will perform at the park for other listeners in the neighborhood. The Bob family loved this because they could spend time with their family and have fun performing for other people. Neither Cooper or Harper ever went to college because they already knew what they would be doing and it would be performing songs with their family for other people. Soon enough they were traveling places to perform all around the world. One week after performing in London they were surprised to start hearing their songs on the radio. Day after day they performed and then one day someone named Lily came up to them after a performance and told them about a band/singing competition that was in the next town over to where they lived. They couldn’t wait for the competition, they had only performed a few times a week the next few weeks to practice and get ready for the competition.

On the day of the competition they got up early so they could get everything in the car and once they got everything in the car they went to the competition. Today they were just auditioning because the judges need to see who is good enough for the competition. When it was their turn they got everything set up on stage and started to sing. They could tell the judges were impressed by the faces they made when they finished their song. Then the Bob family waited for everyone else to finish so they could hear who made it. They had made it! On the way home everyone in the car had a smile on their face. That night they celebrated with burgers for dinner and ice cream cake for dessert before putting their pajamas on and going to bed.

That morning when they got up they decided they needed to make a band name for themselves so they brainstormed lots of ideas and their favorite name was The Drum Clashers so they went with that name and were happy with it. At their next performance at the building they made, they told everyone about their new name and about the competition and there was tons of applause in the audience. Then that night when they performed at the park they told everyone there that people were also happy for them. But they still stuck to the same amount of performances per week because they needed to keep practicing for the real competition. The next competition was in three days so they had to practice a lot. It was going to be harder to make it into the next round of the competition but they knew if they worked hard enough they would be able to accomplish it.

That night Larry had a hard time getting to sleep that night, he kept thinking about when he was little he didn’t have much money so he went to a poor school and was pushed around all the time but he tried his best and that is how he became so good with technology. One time a kid at school said that his ipad wasn’t working so Larry did the wrong thing and stole it. He did it so he could fix it and make the kid happy but when he gave it back to the kid and told him that he fixed it the kid was mad and never talked to him again after that.

On the day of the first round of the real competition The Drum Clashers were very nervous and were scared of messing up but when it was their turn to perform they did good. They don't think the judges were as amazed as they were last time but they think that they were good enough to move on to the next round. There were 15 bands this round and seven of them were going home and leaving the competition. If they got to the next round it would be the round before the semi finals and they would have made it farther than they ever have in a competition. They were so eager to see their scores. And when the announcer announced who would be staying in the competition she said The Drum Clashers as one of the teams that made it and everyone was so happy.

When they went to the next round they were super nervous because the judges were not as impressed with them that time as they were with the auditions. They had practiced a lot for the song they were going to play and they felt like they were ready. Right before it was their turn Cooper said “What will we do if we don’t make it?”. “We will be glad we made it this far, practice more, and join another competition when we feel ready.” Hadley says smiling. It was now their turn so they went up and did it. The judges had the same reaction that they had the last time. But when she announced the four teams that made it to the semi finals The Drum Clashers had made it and they were so happy.

The next day it was Larry’s 48th birthday so Hadley took him to a dinner boat cruise. They had a great time eating and dancing. “I feel like I've been here before.” Larry says. “With me?” Hadley asked. “Yes! Remember?” Larry says back. “No, I have never done this before so this can’t be true.” Hadley says back. “Ok maybe it is.” Larry says as they continue to dance. They had a nice time and then they went home. Two days later they went to the semi finals. Everyone was sweating and scared but they were ready to win. When it was their turn on stage They tried to play the best they could to make it to the finals. They listened to the other teams play to see if they had a chance. There were 4 teams left and 2 teams were leaving. Then the announcer starts talking “Sadly our two teams leaving today are The Mighty Giants and…” The crowd went silent. “The Drum Clashers.”.

They were sad to hear that they were leaving the competition but they were also glad that they made it that far. The Bob family will keep practicing and join a new competition when they are ready. The band is a life changer for the family and Larry is really happy that he gets a chance to spend this time with his family and can’t wait to do the next competition. In the meantime they will practice and perform in the concert building and in the park. And now since they have joined the competition they have a lot more fans that come and watch them perform.
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Thank you notes

996 words! Thank you everyone!
I literally searched up “synonyms for awesome” so I could find more words to make each thank you note not look the same ;v;

Thriller Campers and Leaders

Aspen (@-limeade)
Aspen, you are a great person and a great leader of Thriller. Even though I didn’t talk to you much, I’m glad I still got the chance to participate in the same cabin as you. Hopefully I’ll get selected as co-leader next session and we can be in the same cabin! Your leading skills are absolutely amazing! Thanks oh for everything you’ve done for the cabin!

Leopard (@theleapingleopard)
OHMYGOSH YOU WERE SUCH A GOOD COLEADER- You were always helpful and a fun person. You also helped in the word count studio, and I appreciate that a lot! The Thriller cabin would never be the same without you. You’re a really cool person!

Fi (@Firetender)
Hellooooo! You co-led the Thriller cabin so well and you’re a very interesting person! All of the things you’ve done for Thriller will not be forgotten. Have a great rest of the session!

CD (@ForestPanther)
I never got to order a profile picture from you but I love your art so much! The Thriller cabin trailer was also well made and it’s one of my favorite projects on Scratch. You’re an amazing person and thank you for co-leading Thriller!

Everyone Else in Thriller
AAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Everyone one of you guys are wonderful people and you've helped our cabin get so many points. Keep up the good work! Even though I wasn't as active as I wanted to be, I'm happy I got to spend this session with you guys! Again, thank you so so so much!

Other Cabins

Hello fellow siblings! You’ve probably seen me in your cabin once or twice, or seen me submit a weekly or daily in the main cabin. Whether we know each other or not, you guys are very cool and your cabin is also amazing! The theme is very nice and you’ve managed to get so much points for your cabin! <3

Hey siblings! Thank you so much for this fun session! It's great having you as an ally and as a sibling. Triplet Tyranny for the win! Your cabin is one of my favorites this session. Have a great rest of the session!

WOOOOOOOOOO YOU'RE FIRST! Nice job! Even though our cabins are enemies, I'd really want to say that everyone in your cabin is very cool and kind, and very very hardworking.

Woah your cabin theme is so cool! I love the steampunk idea! Everyting in your cabin, from the thumbnail to the people there to the descriptions and storyline is so beautiful and it's so cool!

I love your sci-fi simulation idea! I didn't really get to know anyone in your cabin, but if I did, I'm sure we would've had a lovely time! Thank you for making this session so fun!

Hi! Your cabin is so cool! The people at your cabin are very good people and they're amazing! Thank you so much and I hope you guys have a fantastical rest of the session!

When I started this session, I was excited to see what the new cabin could offer. Now I know how unique and astounding it is! The theme is very nice and I love your matching pfps and banners. <3

I love reading mystery books and I love visiting your cabin! The storyline is very cool and I'd love to make a cabin like that when I become co-leader someday. Thank you for making this session fun!

I love your cabin theme! I recently watched a live show of Hamilton and it was breathtaking! You cabin illustrates every aspect of the wonders of theater and is a wonderful part of SWC.

Hello! You guys are amazing! The matching pfps are so beautiful and the in-cabin tasks and the cabin's storyline is so magnificent! The cabin was so well described. I can picture the kingdom and everyone in it so well. Have a good rest of the session!

Woah, your cabin's theme is so creative! I love how all of the links to things like word count studios have room names, like how the Main Cabin is the front desk. Thank you for being an important part of SWC!

Even though I didn't get to See much of this cabin, I still think it's one of the best. The theme and the way it encourages campers to write is very unique, and the matching pfps are very creative!

I love the train robbery theme! It's a very creative theme and it's one of my favorites. Even though I haven't talked to anyone from your cabin, I still think you guys are great people! <3333

Hello! The “Naan-Fiction” idea is so creative! I love the aesthetic of the cabin and its matching pfps. Everything is so cute and it's one of the best cabins this session.

Hosts and Other Important People

Our Hosts and Co-Hosts
Word cannot express how grateful I am. You guys may not know me, but you guys are my idols. I love how you guys make SWC what it is today, and keep everything fun and friendly. When I first found SWC, I didn't know if I would like it or not. Thanks you you guys and everyone else, I felt so happy and it was truly one of my favorite things online. Thank you so much for this session.

Daily Team Members
The dailies and weeklies this session were so creative, fun, and amazing. My favorite was the self-care one, since it is a very emphasized topic in SWC. Thank you so much for taking your time to create all of the workshops, dailies, weeklies, and the Absurdy Wordy Birdi Crawl. Have a great rest of the session!

Every Leader and Co-Leader this Session
You guys are amazing! All 15 cabins were so nicely made and it was a great experience to be with you guys and everyone else this session. Thank you so much.

Everone else this Session!
I wish I had the time to talk to everyone and get to know everyone, but all I can do for now is to thank you. Thank you for making this session fun. Thank you for being cheerful and fun. Thank you so so much for making SWC the community it is.

Last edited by -Midnight--Moon- (Nov. 29, 2022 05:34:30)

Hello, I'm Skye!
I like cats, writing, reading, and art.
I'm currently creating Camp Ethereal.
If you need help, I'm always available!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Absurdy Birdy Word Crawl

Word Count: 2,930
Save Code:
Your Journey: horror, option #1, thriller, option #1, fanfi, option #1, hifi, option #2, mystery, option #2, poetry, option #1, scifi, option #3, realfi, option #1, bifi, option #2, adventure, option #1, script, option #2, fantasy, option #1, folklore, option #2, nonfi, option #3, dystopian, option #1

Annalise Lark stared at the hill before her. She had seen the hill many times, even climbed it, but tonight it’s dark shape seemed to loom over her, an ominous air practically omitting from it. This was it. She had to do this. Had to go past the hill. But she was frozen.
Maybe that had something to do with the cold wind whistling past her, whipping her dark hair around. She was beginning to wish she’d worn a ponytail.
But it probably had something more to do with nerves. Once she did this, she could never go back. She just had to take this first step.
Annalise picked her foot up, then stopped, facepalming. How could she have forgotten? She reached into her satchel, pulling out a metal mask. It appeared to be made of silver, but she couldn’t be sure. Say for a few engravings around the edges of the eyeholes, it was completely smooth and free from any embellishments. She put it on, relived that it fit, covering her entire face. Despite being made of metal, it was surprisingly light. Perhaps it was enchanted, she wouldn’t be surprised.
Still, though, she could tell it was quickly going to become a pain. But she needed it. No one could know who she was, or where she came from. Not where she was going.
No one could know that she was even alive.
And with /that/ oh so pleasant thought, Annalise took a deep breath, adjusting her mask, and started walking.
/Ready or not, here I come./
She took a step. Then another. There, this wasn’t so hard, was it? She could do this, she could-
Oh no.
She hadn’t even been walking for five minutes, when for whatever reason her foot refused to move. It wasn’t nerves this time, so then, why couldn’t she take another step? She attempted to move her other foot but it, too, remained planted firmly to the ground.
Well, maybe not firmly. Was she crazy, or was she actually sinking??
Hesitant of what she might see, she slowly looked down, and…
Yup. She was sinking.
Quicksand! Here, of all places!
“Okay, Annalise, don’t panic,” she told herself. “You know that’ll only make it worse.”
/Right/, a voice in her head replied. /Because you’re not going to panic in a situation like this./
The voice had a point. The sand had engulfed her up to her ankles by now. If she didn’t think of something, and fast, the rest of her would soon follow.
Annalise took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, and closed her eyes. Soon, despite the fact that she was physically still stuck, she found her mind transported to a memory from long ago, one she often called upon when she found herself in tough situations…
“I can’t do it!” A young Annalise cried out. “It’s impossible!”
The relationship she had with a dear friend had recently become extremely rocky, and she didn’t think she could ever get through it.
“Oh, my dear Annalise…” her mother shook her head. “Nothing is impossible. Why don’t we think this through? There’s always a solution, you’re stronger than you know.”
And so they talked for awhile, discussing the pros and cons of different solutions. All the while, her mother made she she stayed calm and hopeful. Eventually they found a way to resolve the problem, at least for the time being.
Annalise opened her eyes, jerking back into the present. The quicksand at her knees was a quick shock back to reality.
“There’s always a solution,” she echoed. “You’re stronger than you know.”
She looked around, hoping to find something, anything, that she could use to get herself out of this bind, however impossible it was. Hey! What was that over there?
Hanging from a tree branch over the quicksand pit, was a vine. It was a thick vine, tightly clinging to the tree, and it looked pretty sturdy. Still, though, it was a vine. Could she actually use it? Then again, it always worked in books…
She reached out, trying to grab the vine, but couldn’t quite seem to reach it. She groaned, once again wishing she were taller.
The vine wasn’t /that/ far away though, maybe if she stretched…
Whatever she was going to do, if it involved the vine, it was going to have to be soon, because the it was getting further and further away the lower she sunk into the quicksand.
Why, oh why, did there have to be quicksand here? And why on earth hadn’t anyone thought to warn her that it might be a possibility?
Grimacing, she stretched out as far as she possibly could, her fingertips just managing to touch the vine. Just a little farther…
Finally, when she was sure she must have pulled something stretching this far, Annalise was able to grab ahold of the vine. She gave it a quick tug, to see if it would hold. It seemed sturdy enough… but, again, it was only a vine. How strong could it be? But what choice did she have? Worse case scenario, it’d snap and she’d be in the same position she was already in. And so, moving hand over hand, Annalise began to climb the vine.
Well, she tried. Man she was heavier than she realized. The quicksand her feet were still submerged in definitely didn’t help.
After what felt like way more work than it should have been, she finally managed to heave herself onto the overhanging branch with a grunt. There! She did it! She actually did it! Annalise let out a high, almost hysterical laugh, marveling in her escape.
Oh shoot.
The vine, by some miracle, had held her weight, but it seemed the branch wasn’t fated to do the same. Figured.
Trying her best to move quickly, but not so quickly that she’d make the branch break faster, she shimmied herself towards the trunk. Almost there-
The branch snapped.
Letting out a yell, Annalise launched herself off the branch, landing on the ground rather ungracefully, and with enough force to knock the air out of her lunges. She lay there for a minute, trying to catch her breath. Everything ached from the fall, and she was sure she’d wake up with multiple bruises. But by some miracle, nothing seemed to be broken and hey, she was out of the quicksand.
Groaning, she sat up. “Man, I couldn’t even make it an hour without almost having a disaster…”
She swung her pack off her shoulders, sitting it on the ground in front of her. She rummaged through it for awhile, pulling out a towel and packet of crackers. She did her best to clean the sand off her feet, though it could be assumed that these shoes were pretty much ruined. Oh well, it could have been worse…
She leaned back against the tree, munching on the crackers. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to eat her snacks already, she only had so many…
/Oh well/,” she thought, popping another cracker in her mouth. After that ordeal, she deserved a treat, didn’t she?
Though if she was actually going to accomplish this, she really needed to get going again…
Sighing, she put her stuff back in her pack and stood up.
Hours passed, and Annalise found herself wishing for company. Someone, anyone, to talk to, if only to break up the silence. She had hardly seen any animals so far on her journey, let alone another person. She was beginning to feel extremely isolated, despite being out in the open. And it hadn’t even been a full day yet… maybe she should have accepted help, instead of heading out on her own…
No. She had to do this herself. Not only to prove to everyone -and more importantly, herself- that she could, but she was the only person who could do this. Plus, she couldn’t trust anyone not to turn their backs on her.
And besides… she was better off alone anyway. It’s not like anyone actually understood her. For whatever reason, she wasn’t like everyone else. She didn’t understand how, but she knew it was safer to be alone. If only it wasn’t so, well, lonely.
Signing, Annalise bent down to pick a flower. It couldn’t talk, but it’s have to do. But as soon as she touched it, the flower turned into a silver coin. She was taken aback for a minute, but quickly regained her composure and brought the coin closer to inspect it.
It seemed to be made of the same material as her mask and it, too, was completely smooth. How odd…
Curious, she picked another flower. It, too, turned into a coin. She picked up a stick. Another coin.
Okay, now this was getting freaky. What the heck was going on? Things shouldn’t just turn into coins because she touched them!
Okay, you know what? Forget the logistics of this. If she had the power to turn anything she touched into a coin, then she could single handedly solve her kingdoms poverty! Imagine everyone’s happy faces when she returned home, having not only restored peace, but made it so that their country could again prosper at last… she wouldn’t just belong then, she’d be regarded as a hero!
She laughed, almost giddy at the thought. A butterfly flittered about, somehow seeming to share in her sudden good mood. She held out her hand, hoping to coax it to land on her. It did… and immediately turned into a coin.
“No-“ she breathed out loud, staring at the butterfly-that-was-now-a-coin.
And that’s when it hit her. If everything she touched turned into a coin…
She could never, ever touch a living being again. Never hug someone, never hug a dog, nothing. Or she would destroy them.
Tears stung her eyes as the reality of her situation sunk in. Unless she figured out what was going on, and, more importantly, how to fix it, she might never be able to go home at all.
How could she? How could she go home to the people she loved more than anything, knowing what their fate would be if they so much as touched her hand?
The loneliness she’d been feeling minutes before surged back in a great wave. Before it had been like an average ocean wave, but now it was a tsunami overpowering her, bringing her to her knees as she drowned in it.
How could she have assume this was a gift? When it was so obviously a curse? What had she ever done to cause it? Could it ever be reversed?
So many questions, and no way to answer them. All she could do was pick herself up, brush herself off, and continue on. Even if she couldn’t go home, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t still try to save it.
Just… not quite this second. Right now she was way too overwhelmed; the tsunami refused to retreat. If she didn’t do something, she was going to drown.
Annalise remained like that for awhile, feeling sorry for herself. So consumed was she by her thoughts that she didn’t notice right away when something began to wrap itself around her ankle. By the time she noticed, her foot was completely stuck.
“What the-“ Annalise looked down, finally seeing the vine that was now working its way up her leg. That vine hadn’t been there a minute ago, had it? She jerked her leg, trying to pry it free, but it was no use. And was she crazy, or was it moving farther?
She heard a rusting nearby and looked up to see another vine coming towards her.
Oh no.
Vines were /not/ supposed to do that.
“I used a vine to save my life earlier, and now they’re attacking me?” Annalise said out loud. “How the tables turn…”
Now, how was she going to get out of this mess before another vine attached itself? Well… they were just vines, right? So this actually shouldn’t be too hard.
She gave her leg one more jerk, but it was in vain. She twisted around to reach her pack and pulled out a knife. Man, she was glad she’d thought to bring that. She started sawing at the vine wrapped around her leg. Jeeze, it was surprisingly tough for a vine… the other vine finally made it to her hand which she quickly pulled back.
“Oh, no! You can’t have this too! Actually…” she made a finally cut to the first vine, which finally snapped. “You can’t have this either.”
She got up and ran, tripping over vines as she went. When did there get to be so many? As she ran away, vines kept reaching out to grab her, occasionally causing her to have to yank herself free. She couldn’t keep going like this forever…
That’s when she reached a river and about fell over as she skidded to a stop.
There was no were else to go.
Or was there? Someone had left a boat on the river bank. It was small, and old, but it should hold up, at least for a bit. And by the looks of it, whoever had left it there was long gone.
Without giving herself time to think, Annalise rushed to the boat, pushing it off and jumping in. She fumbled to find the oar, then started paddling as fast as she could, quickly putting a decent distance between her and land. No way the vines could follow her out here.
Annalise continued paddling until she reached the center of the river, just to be safe, before stopping to give herself a break. It looked like she was going to have to make the next part of her journey by boat, which she hadn’t counted on. She had no idea how to get where she was going by water, or if this river even lead there. But she had to at least put some distance between herself and those freakish vines before she could risk going by foot again.
How could she have let her guard down like that? She knew better! Of course, no one would have /expected/ vines to attack them, but any number of things could have happened. How could she have gotten so caught up in worrying about turning things to coins, when…
Her brain trailed off mid thought as she came to a realization. The vines hasn’t turned to coins when she touched them. Neither had her knife. Nor the boat or the oar. Was it possible that whatever mysterious curse she’d gotten herself all worked up over had faded all on its own? She had no idea. She was going to have to figure it out, the sooner the better. But for the time being, it was fine, and as it was, she had more pressing things to worry about.
Like, you know, the whole reason she was out her in the first place. She absentmindedly adjusting her mask. Man she wished she didn’t have to wear it… but she had to. Now that she was outside the small amount of safety that her kingdom provided, she couldn’t let anyone see her face. Not if she wanted to make it home alive.
And she had to. If not for her own sake, then for everyone else’s. How she came to be her lands last hole was beyond her, but she would do what she had to in order to make sure her people were safe. It was only right.
/If only I were safe right now,/ she mused. True, the river seemed calm enough, but after what happened back in the forest with the vines, she knew better then to assume any place was safe. Because it probably wasn’t. And it wouldn’t be until she completed this task.
If she completed it.
No. She couldn’t think like that. She /would/ complete it. She had to. She /had/ to.
And with that thought in mind, Annalise continued on, determined to do what she had to do.
Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light in front of her. Annalise shrieked in surprise and squeezed her eyes shut, shielding her face with her hand. Eventually, she lowered her hand, blinking rapidly to get her eyes to adjust. She could make out… a lady hovering over the water? No, that couldn’t be. The rubbed her eyes, then looked up, expecting the woman to be gone. Nope, still there.
“Who- what- how-“ Annalise stammered.
The woman laughed gently. “Ah, yes, that’s how most mortals react to seeing me for the first time.”
“Why, yes. Surely you didn’t think I was human?” The woman laughed again as if it were the most absurd thing she had ever heard. Indeed, there was something about her appearance that set her apart from any human Annalise had ever known. Something ethereal, even.
And, you know, the fact that she was literally levitating.
“So, if you’re not human, or mortal, what…?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m a goddess, of course!”
Annalise’s jaw dropped, causing the woman -no, the goddess- to shake her head. “Now, now, try not to look so dumbstruck. We don’t have time for that. We hardly have any time at all.”
“What do you mean?”
“The situation has worsened in for your people. If you don’t hurry to complete your mission, it will be the end of them.”
“Who exactly are you? How do you know this?”
“I, my dear, am the goddess Azura, and I’m here to help you on the next part of your journey.”

Hi there! I’m Ash, aka Wish. She/Her.
My door is always open, so if you ever want to chat or rp, feel free to come visit!
Some things I enjoy: Reading, writing, Kotlc, bowling, birding, and did I mention Kotlc? Okay, yeah, I’m obsessed xD
If you respond to one of my forum posts and I don't see it, feel free to let me know on my profile
☮️ Peace Out ☮️
17 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Rain's 4th weekly!!
Absurdy Birdy Word Crawl
In need of heavy editing lol
You can see how my view of the main character changed over time
Total words: 2470
I got permission from @Stariqe to use the text-based version


Intro: (152)

I can see ghosts. I always have and I always will. I love seeing ghosts, despite what others think. I am part ghost myself, actually. Everyone is. They just aren’t aware of it most of the time. Everyone has two bodies: A physical body, and a spirit. That’s the one that appears when you become a ghost. But it’s always been there. Most people can only see physical bodies. But I can see both. I am aware of both of my bodies. So, let me tell you about myself. My body, the physical one, is 16 years old. But I don’t have an age. Time is weird, did you know that?

Oh, and did I tell you that I hate my physical body? It doesn’t feel real, it doesn’t feel like me. Because I am my spirit, not my body. It’s not me. But no one will ever understand that.

Planet 1: Dystopian Realm
Option 1 (Prompt): (241)

One day when I’m sitting at my desk doing homework, a young child tumbles in through the window! (In case you don’t know, some spirits can float. Not all, though, and only so high. It depends on the spirit. I can in my spirit body but the physical one stays behind so I can’t go too far.) Something seems off about the child, aside from them being a spirit I mean. But that’s all I manage to think before I have to put up a wall to keep them from running straight into me! (A spirit wall, of course. Did I mention that I have what most people would consider magical powers? I mean, all spirits do. But since most people can’t see or feel their spirit body they can’t use them until after they die. And since most people can’t see or talk to spirits, those who do are called “mad.” Hint: No, we are not mad. Obviously)

Oh great, I must have gotten distracted again!! This happens a lot, I’m so sorry. “Woah, please be careful!” I say as the child runs into my wall, the energy knocking me backwards. That’s when a very distressed looking cat (spirit, of course) walks in from the window. I wonder what they’re doing here, as I’ve never seen either of them before. I mean, not that it’s unusual for spirits to visit me. I do keep my window open for a reason.

Planet 2: Thriller Ocean Explorer
Option 1 (Prompt): (177)

“Um, hello there,” I say as I regain my balance. The cat weaves around my lamp as they walk across the air towards me. They sit in front of me , and look at me. Their eyes are a really pretty color of light blue, spirit eyes. I feel myself falling out of my physical body.

I see my old house, the house I lived in when my parents were still together. A small child is helping their mother make dinner. Me. I remember this. I don’t want to see it again, I can’t see it again! I cover my eyes but it does no good. This is my memory. “STOP!!,” I yell, but it does no good. I can’t see this again, I can’t. But I have no choice

A spirit comes in holding a knife. I panic, and hide under the table. My mother thinks I’m just imagining things. Of course she does, she can’t see the spirit. I was so frustrated that day, when she couldn’t understand me. I didn’t know why she didn’t. Yet.

Planet 3: Sci-fi Simulation (187)
Option 2 (Word Crawl Activity): Note: I started with Option 1 (Prompt) but it wasn’t quite fitting the prompt so I changed it.

The room fades into black. Am I dead? I wonder. What is happening to me? Before I can think too much about it a new scene appears.

A slightly older me is playing with spirits in the living room when my father walks in. He laughs when he sees me, and calls it make believe. He says I’m too old for that now. I try to explain, but he just brushes it off. I call him mean, but I just get sent to my room because of it.

When my mother gets home I complain to her. Of course I did, I was a child and I thought it was unfair. That was the worst choice of my life, but I didn’t know it yet.

I see it in my mind as it happened. My mother was concerned. Concerned about me, the one thing I still fear, now. After she made sure I didn’t have a fever, she got my father and talked with him. At some point they went to their room to discuss me. To discuss what to do with me.

Planet 4: Fantasy Steampunk Sanctuary
Option 1 (Prompt): (178)

The scene fades again, and we reappear in a car.

“I don’t want to go,” the child complains.

“I know baby, but we have to make sure you’re okay.” My mother is driving the car, with my father in the passenger seat.

But why wouldn’t I be? What’s wrong with me? Am I going to die? I think, but I only ask “How long will it take?”

“It will probably take a few hours, but we might not get the results back today,” my mother says, trying too hard to be patient. I didn’t recognize that then, though. All I knew was I didn’t like her tone. But I don’t say anything, of course I don’t. I’m too terrified of her. It’s funny that my fathers the one who hits me, but in the end she’s the one I ended up most afraid of.

I don’t want to see how this ends. I don’t want to see what happened next. I can remember too much already But there’s nothing I can do. I’m completely helpless here.

Planet 5: Fan-fi Time Travel Agency
Option 3 (Word Crawl Activity): (69)
Time: 1:02 am

We arrive at the hospital. There are no spirits inside here, and I’m scared. My father talks to the front desk person, who gives him a wristband to put on me. He puts it on too tight and it’s scratchy. I hate it, but they won’t let me take it off.

We get sent to the waiting area. That’s where I spent the next several hours of my life.

Planet 6: Horror Lost and Found
Option 1 (Prompt): (153)

The scene changes again, to the hospital room.

“Do you feel safe at home?” A doctor, or maybe nurse, asks.

I stare at him confusedly. What does he mean?

“You feel safe, don’t you?” my mother prompts.

“Yeah?” I respond, pretending to be more confused than I am. What do they mean by safe? And why wouldn’t I be? It’s not like anyone’s trying to murder me, or anything.

After that they ask me, or rather my parents, questions about me. At least these make more sense. Somehow my mother thinks this is new, she just assumes it is. I pretend it is to make her happy. To keep her from being concerned about me. I hate it when she’s concerned.

Eventually, we get sent home. The doctor talks to my mother and father about what to do next. Everyone completely ignores me, as usual. And I have no clue what’s going on.

Planet 7: Naan-fi Breadhouse (74)
Option 3 (Word Crawl Activity):
Die roll: 4

In the car on the way home I ask my parents what the doctor said.

“He’s going to send us to another person to talk to,” my mother replies.

“Will we have to go to another hospital?”

“I don’t know, baby.”

“But will we?” I ask again. I was a child and incapable of knowing when to stop. I should have expected what happened next.

“STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!! My father yells, the car swerving.

Planet 8: Poetry Isle of Fame (149)
Option 3 (Word Crawl Activity):
WPM: 20-40
Average: 30
300s = 5 minutes

Someone blares their horn at us, and I cover my ears. I curl up against the side of the car with my book, as the car speeds along the highway.

Everything goes black again. My heart races. I want to know what happened next, but in my mind it’s all fog. I can’t remember anything, and I haven’t been for the past years.

The cat appears in the blackness in front of me. “It’s up to you,” they say. “I can take you home now, if you want. Or I can show you what happened next. But it needs to be your choice.”

I want to remember. But at the same time, what if there’s a reason why I can’t? What if something bad happened that I’m not aware of?

But the only other alternative is possibly never knowing. “Yes,” I say, and the blackness fades away.

Planet 9: Bi-fi Cinema (107)
Option 2 (Word Crawl Activity):
Die roll: 1
Word requirement: 100

It’s my 3rd grade classroom. I tell my friends what happened, and they laugh at me. Soon everyone is laughing at me. What did I say wrong? I wonder. But no matter what I do, nothing changes. They all call me “ghosty” now and laugh whenever I come near them. Telling them was the second worst decision of my life.

The teacher speaks to my parents at the end of the day. They explain, and say they're going to take me to a therapist. I don’t know what that is, but I don’t want to go. I’m scared. What is going to happen to me?

Planet 10: Hi-fi train Robbery (134)
Option 1 (Prompt):

At home, I lie in bed. Spirits float around me, dancing forever in the sky. That was the first time I wished I was one of them. The first time, but not the last.

I remember when I secretly took some fabric from the bin and attempted to cut it with a kitchen knife. It was light blue, and I wanted to make myself a spirit dress. Unfortunately, it turns out that kitchen knives just aren’t the best thing to use for cutting fabric, and there’s a reason why scissors are invented. I ended up cutting myself instead of the fabric, and it got all over my rug. Needless to say, I did not succeed at the secret part. My father yelled at me for ruining their rug and grounded me for a week.

Planet 11: Mystery Express (154)
Option 1 (Prompt):

It was during that time that I discovered my abilities. I remember it now. I discovered that I could be a spirit. I could fly, and float out of my bedroom. I did it so many times that week, playing in the air with the spirits.

Unfortunately, my body always stayed behind. And I stayed attached to it, trapped. Trapped by the cage that was my body. That’s when I started to hate my body. Not for how it looked, like most other people do. I hated it for existing. I didn’t want to be trapped by it anymore. I wanted to be a spirit.

As everyone knows, the only way to detach yourself from your physical body is to die. I made plans, but my mother found out what I was going to do. Ironic, since she never cared about me before. I never figured out why she suddenly cared now.

Planet 12: Adventure (73)
Option 3 (Word Crawl Activity)
Previous total: 1931
New word goal: 2000

“Enough,” the cats voice says, cutting through the memory. “You’ve seen enough.”

Slowly everything fades to black again, but I remember this time. I remember what happened. The doctors, the psychiatrists, the therapists, my parents, they all said I had schizophrenia. But I don’t. I don’t! The spirits are real, eventually they’ll see that. Eventually they’ll have to see that. I just wish it didn’t have to be after they died.

Planet 13: Real-fi Inn (196)
Option 1 (Prompt):

A new scene comes into focus, this time not of me, but of the ghost girl. She spins around the kitchen, dancing. Her mother sings a song as she stirs something on the stovetop, and delicious smells waft all around. Her brother sits at the table drawing funny pictures for her. Suddenly, the door slams open.

It’s her father, the girl's father. He’s drunk, and he’s angry. About what, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is he’s angry.

He marches over to where the brother is. Soon they start yelling at each other, and the girl hides. Her mother tries to calm them down, but it’s no use. The father pulls out a knife as the boy shakes in fear. He grabs the boy, his son, by the neck and pins him to the ground. Then he stabs him, again and again.

“Run!!” The girl's mother yells, her voice breaking with emotion as she tries to tackle her husband. Soon she is dead. The girl runs, as fast as she can. But before she can make it out of the house she trips and falls. Her father stabs her without so much as a second thought.

Planet 14: Folklore Trails (43)
Option 1 (Prompt):

She lies in a spreading pool of red blood on the kitchen floor, clutching her necklace. Her grandmother had given it to her, before she was poisoned. She said it was passed down through the family for generations, and it’s the girls now.

Planet 15: (Script Musical) (63)
Option 2 (Word Crawl Activity)

A cat walks in, and rubs against the girl’s side. The world gets dark and then light again. Sunlight streams through the windows, lighting up the scene. Outside the house, children play. Life goes on, as it always will. Everyone forgets about the child and the blood and the murder that happened in the abandoned house on the street.

The world fades again.

Conclusion: (145)

The cat is sitting in front of you in the gray nothingness.

"Will you help her?” The cat asks, looking into your eyes. “She needs a mother, will you be one for her?”

You think about this. What the cat said is true. You were once a child like her, and you already find yourself caring for her more than you want to admit. But are you the right person? Are you capable of being a mother? You’re only 22, can you handle this responsibility? Do you want to be responsible for her life? But if not you, who else? You could never guarantee that they’d treat her well. And what if, by not accepting, you are sending her yet another abusive family? You could never forgive yourself if that happened.

“Yes,” you say, filled with determination – and dare I say it, love. “I will.”

Last edited by cedar-forest (Nov. 29, 2022 10:29:33)

Rain/Dark ✡ he/xe/it/they/fae/all neos

500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly #4
Sorry for the messy content below, here is my save code:

Your Journey: adventure, option #2, horror, option #3, fanfi, option #1, thriller, option #3, bifi, option #3, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #3, poetry, option #2, scifi, option #1, realfi, option #3, script, option #2, fantasy, option #3, folklore, option #3, nonfi, option #3, dystopian, option #3

Total words: 3,191

Writing 100 Words:
The girl then rips out the ribbon in my hair with force, ouch. She then begins to brush it thoroughly. She grabs a few flowers from a vase and braids them into my hair. She then adds some makeup to my face and leaves the room with a smile. I look at myself with disbelief in the mirror. What is this? I leave the room shortly after and walk down the stairs with grace. As if. I struggle to even make it down one step, the skirt of the dress is so darn annoying. “Finally Lyra, now we must leave.”

(100 words)
Horror - 181 words
The heavy dress weighs me down, I honestly don't know how someone could even dance in this thing. It is absolutely despicable. Gosh. I follow my brother down the cobblestone stairs, I take a deep breath in as I take in the stunning landscape around me. It is vastly different from the place or modern-day world I live in.
My brother holds his arm out to me, encouraging me to accept his help to enter the carriage. I do, only because, a stern-looking man is staring deep into my soul. How fitting.
“William, what is the meaning of this.” the old man asks.
“Father, all is ok. Lyra just had some difficulties this morning.”

William, interesting. A common name for boys in this specific time era. Not unique or anything. But Lyra, what sort of name is it? What ever happened to my old self? Did I die? Oh gosh. I died. Dead. My body is just there. On my old bed. Shock rushes through my mind as I drift off into a what seems like a never-ending tunnel of shock.
Adventure - 188
“Lyra? Lyra?” William clicks his fingers in front of my face, his silken gloves stopping most of the noise.
“I'm here. Sorry brother, sorry Father.” Embarrassed I glance outside. Focusing on this different environment, this unfamiliar place.

“Anyway, Lyra. You will be attending a dance tonight. Not anything too formal, but you must represent the family. I believe the Blackwood boy is your chaperone. William, is this right?”
“Yes, Grayson will be taking Lyra. He will be meeting her at the house, an half-an-hour before the ball starts.”
I just nod to whatever is being said, although this Grayson Blackwood is sticking in my head.
“Lyra, you will stay at the library for most of the day. I expect you to learn more about the Blackwood family, just in time for tonight.”

I nod as we sit in silence for a few minutes longer. The carriage soon comes to a stop in front of a modest-looking building. The library. A magical place, I can't imagine any place that could be better than this. I take a step off of the carriage and continue to move toward the library.
Bi-Fi - 207 words
I hear the horse-drawn carriage start to move, as I lift up my skirt slightly to progress up the stairs. I enter the library and wonder floods my body. Where can I start?

A librarian welcomes me and briefly tells me that they are there if I need them. I quickly make my way to the family tree section. Brushing my fingertips along the books that sit on the ‘B’ shelf and finally find it. I pull it off the shelf and proceed to some wooden benches that are placed near a fireplace. I carefully flick through the pages before I find the most updated pages. I soon scan the family tree and make my way to the achievement section and information about Grayson Blackwood. I realise at that moment that hardly any other books have these personal information sections. I know how wealthy the Blackwoods are and why Father want me to attend this event with him. Grayson Blackwood, the header reads, was born on July 6th, 1803. I read the following information including his unfinished achievement section and other unfinished sections. Soon finished, I decide to read about myself, that is if my family tree book, or whatever it is called has those personal sections.
Thriller - 236 + 123 (rest of words can be found on Christmas cards I created)
It does indeed have those personal sections, who on earth would update these books every few years? It would be so exhausting. Geez. I open my page and read the following details:
Born on the 23rd of September, 1802.
Married to: Unavailable
Education: taught by Edward Winchester, who studied at Oxford.

Nothing else. Not a single other thing can be found. It tells more about my father than me. What the hell? Great. What year is it now? If I was born in 1802, I will not be alive for that revolution, or when I will actually been given a real education. How worse could it get?
“Admiring yourself there?” I look up to see this boy, about my age roughly. His brown hair is all over his face, but his smile is so tender and tough at the same time.
“No. Just reading what this nincompoop put down for my ‘personal achievements’”
“Jameson Campbell.”
“Lyra Winchester.” He holds out his hand for me to shake and I reluctantly accept.
"So, Lyra. I will be on my way now. Don't tell anyone you saw me. He walks over to a window and jumps down. Holding a valuable-looking vase in his arms. I rush to the window, desperate to see what just happened. But the boy is gone. Jameson Campbell his name is. I rush over to the ‘C’ section and scan the shelves for a Campbell.
Fan-Fi - 150words
I reached for my book beside me. I opened it to the place where my bookmark used to sit. Its pages rich in history. My eyes then glanced over at the name. Lyra Winchester. Then to two more words. Female Activist. I continued to read, oblivious to what was happening around me. Outside, it was raining. The rain fell and crashed down onto the steel roof, the noise calming me. I reached for the glass of water beside me and take a sip. Accidentally spilling a drop of water onto the frail pages of my book. In a panic, I jumped up and grabbed a tissue. I quickly ran downstairs, to try to find something to help. Without thinking, or my brain not working I grab rice and a sponge. I place the rice on the spill and use the sponge to mop up the water spills on my table.
Sci-Fi - 154 words
Hours pass and William finds me with my head down on the table. He touches me slightly and I wake up. Memories flash by, memories of my old life. That touch triggered it, triggered the memories of my Mum waking me up for school. Or my friends annoying me at a sleepover. As these old memories flash by, I soon realise that it is deja vu. I finally snap back to reality where my brother is staring at me shaking his head.
“You know, you could just hit me.”
“Hit you?!? I can't hit you Lyra Winchester. Anyway you must get ready for the dance now.”
“One, It is three to four hours away from the time that dude is picking me up. Two, I am hungry as heck.”
“Watch your manners young lady.”

I nod. I stand up and push in my chair, trying to ignore the memories that flooded back to me.
Mystery - 116 words
I soon realise that I am missing a necklace that the maid gave to me. Gosh. I tell William that I must put the books back, and that he can meet me at the carriage. I quickly run to the window where Jameson left. I jump and I feel a hand touching me.
“Lyra.” I turn.
“I am quite sorry you see. I only took it so I could see you again.”
“Why? Well, thanks anyway. But I have to go. You see many people want to see me. Such as this dude called Grayson whats-his-last-name. Anyway I'd best be going.”
I take the necklace out of his palm and march off into the distance.
Script - 181 words
“Sorry William.” I take his arm and look back at the building, slightly seeing Jameson watch me in the window. William then blocks my sight and enters the carriage.
“Lyra, upon arrival to the house, make sure to greet our half-brother Atlas. He has just arrived back from boarding school.”
“Half-brother?” I accidently blurt out the thought from my head.
“Yes. Father's second wife's son?”
“Oh yes, yes. It's just that he has been away for so long I have gotten used to it. It is also because I am very tired.”
We sit in silence for the rest of the trip. I exit the carriage and stop midway up the staircase to the house.
“Aren't you coming?”
“No Lyra, I have errands to make. I wish you the best for tonight's event.”
I enter the house and look around. I make my way up the stairs greeting the maids. I finally find Atlas' room. It is very obvious, as it is the room with the most dust on the handle. I open it to find Atlas unpacking his luggage.
Fantasy - 267 words
He turns in shock. His eyes full of joy. He comes running to me and hugs me.
“Lyra! You're a sight for sore eyes!”
“Atlas, I am so happy you are back!”
“You seem different Lyra. I mean different. What has changed about you?”
“Oh yes. You are at that age. And I mean that age.” He winks at me.
“…” I say nothing, so instead I smile.
“So, William has informed me you have special event tonight? He also said that you will be accompanied by Grayson Blackwood. You must be on good behaviour. I also believe your friend Everlee is coming over to help you get ready.”
“Oh she is?”
“William never told me that. Nor did father. Huh.”
“Well it seems she is!”
“Anyway, would you like tea?”
“No thank you, I wouldn't want to disturb a maid-”
“No! Not a maid making it, I was going to.”
“Lyra, if Father saw you with hot water, he would freak. Especially as it is the afternoon before an event. I would let you, but not today.”
“Fine.” I sigh.
“I must get back to packing now. You go enjoy your freetime before Everlee arrives.”

See you soon, Atlas." I leave shutting the door behind me. I make my way down the stairs, getting used to walking around everywhere with a stupid dress. I sit in the main room, with a book in my hand. A maid comes and placed a cup of tea on the table in front of me. I acknowledge her, and thank her I I reach forward to pick up the hot drink.
Folklore - 193 words
I was going to drink it, but it seem Everlee has come earlier.
“You ok?”
“Yep, let's go upstairs shall we? Also it seems like everyone ebut me knew of this visit” I laught continuing to speak. “Literally William and Atlas knew-”
“Atlas is back?!?” She stops me on the stairs, I look so confused in that moment. “You know? The thing?” I quickly catch on and sense that she likes Atlas. “Oh yeah. You know it is kind of weird and all with you having a crush on Atlas.”
“SHHH” She covers my mouth with her hand. She then takes it off and rushes off into my room.
“Anyway. The theme tonight is nature. We must head to a dress shop at this moment.”

We leave the house and arrive at a shop I have never seen before. It's antique interior gives me deja vu and I just feel so at home. Just then a lady walks into the room with a smile on her face.
“Everlee, Lyra, it is nice to see you again. What is it that we are looking for?”
I do not want to be here.
Naan-Fi - 56 words
“Well, Lyra is attending the ball tonight and the theme is nature-”
I cut in, “I was thinking of something to do with a deadly flower.”
Both women look at me for what feels like a full minute.
“Ok, I believe I have something that represents the Hemlock flower.”
I smile. Grinning from ear to ear.
Dystopian - 181 words
I head into the changing room and a worker helps me into the dress, and fixes my hair and all. I neatly stacks my other dress in a pile. She literally tighten my corset and petticoat. So now I am finding it hard to breathe. There isn't a mirror in here, so I must rely on the worker. However there is a mirror outside, placed on my of the brick walls. The worker holds the curtain open and a walk out. Both Everlee and the store owner gasp as I walk out. I see my reflection and realise how much the off-white lacing complimented me. The flowers in my hair the the worker adjusted also added to the look. Finally the shop owner I'd finally figured out the name of, Mary, gave me and necklace with a flora design, bracelets, rings and a mask was soon added to the look. As well as makeup which both Mary and Everlee did. I was astonished with the way I looked. Although I still hated dresses, everyone seemed to be so suprised by it.

Poetry - 192
Chose a five min taylor song for above and used it for this too <3

Final 100 words

Me and Everlee then department the store with hardly anytime to spare. Before departing she said.
“You look so beautiful Lyra, you could marry anyone.”
“You are too.” I responded still not being able to process it. In my past life I was unfit, overweight and well ugly. And that kind of started to appear in my new body. But this time I wasn't going to let it stop me. I just sat, waiting for this Grayson to arrive. Soon I head the doorbell ring, and a maid rushed to answer it. It was Grayson.
“Hello, Miss Winchester.” He took a step in. “Shall we head off?”

— Story Change —

Real-Fi - 432
Thanks for being an amazing co-leader. You have been such a great friend and co-leader, always there when I need you. Especially in cabin wars, when our different timezones were an advantage. You would always be active when I was asleep, and vice versa. I can't believe how fast this session has gone by. I can't even express how thankful I am. You are so amazing. Even though you were picked as co-leader due to a issue, I wouldn't regret it one bit. If you ever need anything for next session! I'm here!

You were so helpful during cabin planning, even when the issue occured. I know how tricky it was but you were there right beside me to entire time. I can't even explain how thankful I am in this not alone. I know there were some issues with accessing spreasheets and other secrets (shh) but you still managed to work around it. You are so amazing Fen. I can't believe that this session has come to an end. Just like for Bookie, I am here if you need me!

Thanks for being such an amazing camper, you were probably one of the only campers I became close with. Thanks for always completing dailies and for just being there in general!

Just like Cali you guys were amazing, probably the two most active camper in the tech department. Thanks for being so on-top of completing dailies and weeklies, still focusing on life!

All the campers in the Tech Department:
Thanks to all of you, if I could list you guys individually I would. But I can't unfortunately. I will miss you guys! I am still here, so don't be afraid to say hello! You guys have been amazing, always giving me words to add. I can't believe how far we have come

All the campers in Fan-Fi:
AAAA guys <33 We are amazing I can't express my gratitude. You guys literally are apart of one of my favourite sessions. (last session fan-fi was amazing too XD) You guys are so hard-working! I can't believe it!! You guys a literally so amazing! I wish that this session lasted longer before so I could get to know all of you! I love you guys!

Gabbie (from Dystopian):
Thanks for offering you advice and supporting Fan-Fi throughout the session, and for creating the triplet tryanny! It was amazing. You are such a good friend and you support was such a huge help. Thanks again.

You support was amazing. Always giving us motivation. I will miss this session. TRIPLET TRYANNY.
(Hidden because it is secret thank you notes, not published yet lol
Mystery - 132 words
Dystopian leaders;
Thanks again. I would repeat everything I said in Gabbie's but I want to change it up XD. You guys have been amazing, you and thriller are probably tied for the 'people who have given the most motivation sparkles' world record. The motivation was such a great help. I loved being your triplet <3.

Hopspen (from thriller):
Thanks for being there for me when that issue happened, you support was also a big help. I adored the tryanny, it is such a shame that it wasn't created earlier. Thanks for being a great friend.

Thriller (co)leaders:
You guys were such good motivaters. (Read what I said to the dystopian (co)leaders. It is basically the exact same thing, I wish to say to you guys too. You guys are truly exceptional.

hey, i'm willow (highlight + shift + arrow button to read)
she/her - aest
reader . writer . artist . musician . camp enthusiast

leader + host: ____, src ‘24| co-leader: tragedy, swc ’24 | leader: surrealism, sac ‘24 | host + leader: utopian, src ’23 | co-leader: steampunk, swc ‘23 | leader: ink, sac ’23 | co-host + leader: film, cpq ‘23 | host: snc ’23 | leader: fantasy, src ‘23 | camper: illu-fi, swc ’23 | co-leader: sci-fi, swc ‘23 | host + leader: journalist, snc ’23 | leader: fan-fi, swc ‘22 | co-leader: fanfi, swc ’22 | + more <33

“ the most interesting plants grow in the dark ”
500+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022



Write 100 words to begin your adventure:
169 words
In mounds made of sand, in plants, and in trees,
Termites nest and breed in these
Colonies run on handfuls of workers, soldiers
And the queen, of course, keeping all in perfect order.
Nevertheless, there are some lazy insects
Like ants - who work, fairly you'd expect
But some workers just lay there, take a rest in the shade
Sometimes being substituted. There's progress to be made.
Assassin bugs, bullet ants, wolf spiders, more,
Might just cause you to jump back in horror.
They're grim, deadly, dangerous devils,
But won't do you harm if you stay away - to a level.
Above the trees part of the rainforest canopy
Live insects that to believe you must see.
Praying mantis, nymphs, and striking dragonflies
Camouflaged so well you might just pass them by.
Returning to your summer with your hands held clasping your vessel,
Holding your bugs who are ever so special.
You lay under the sky, the sky full of stars
Hugging them snug, your bugs in a jar.
Horror // 3 minute sprint
80 words
Entry sixty-five of Loki's super awesome adventure log.

I'm currently in a pickle. The Chosen Ones want me to join their cult of… something. Meanwhile, I'm being chased by a space monster. Cool, right?
Get me the heck outta here, I'm telling ya! I need to call the Chosen Ones for their help but this ship isn't going to drive itself! I've got to get one of those voice-activating devices they all have nowadays. Chosen Ones, help!

Loki out.
Adventure // your character's setting and surroundings start working against them
155 words
Entry sixty-six of Loki's super awesome adventure log.

Forget what I said before. THIS is a pickle. Space monster chasing me? Check. Chosen Ones on the fence? Check. Loki panicking? Check.

And just a side note, but we're also flying towards a sun at the moment - the cause of panic, as you might be able to see. Luckily there are some planets I might be able to take cover behind if I get close enough. Fingers crossed!

Loki out.

*third person pov*
Far away on a desolate planet lived a solemn, gloomy old space critter without much caution in the universe.

*critter's pov*
A beautiful time to be in space. Sun shining, ships running, a little bit of violence, and a dash of impolite language going on.
Name's Blaster.
So sad I won't be there to see that green ship ahead there explode. It'd be behind that planet ahead. Oh, well. We'll see what happens.
Historical Fiction // your character remembers a time they had stolen something - and then given it back
101 words
Carmen Sandiego was right in front of a rare obsidian jewel suspended in a glass box. She was in an underground museum in Peru, on a mission for Countess Cleo, faculty of VILE. Of course, stealing for VILE was on her top never to do list. However, her co-workers and friends Zack and Ivy were being held captive by the villainous organization. And being employed by VILE seemed like Carmen's only hope.
“Player?” Carmen said in her earpiece.
It was connected to Player, her other co-worker. He was a white-hat hacker and worked remotely in his bedroom near Niagara Falls, Canada.
Mystery // epiphany time! your character realizes something important
262 words
“Yeah, Red?” replied Player.
Carmen took a breath. “I have my hands on the gem.”
“Grab it,” said Player. “Hopefully this will be your last errand.”
Carmen's hands wavered over the box. “You're right. I've gotten Maelstrom, Coach Brunt, and Bellum. Cleo's should be last.” She took out her lip-stick slash laser out from her trench coat. She breathed in, letting her exhale coat the top of the glass. Holding her laser shakily, she looked into the box from the top. She saw her reflection and gave a little gasp.
She was transported to her past at VILE academy. Under the notion she was stealing for good, she was trained to steal anything valuable for the supposed “Valuable Imports, Lavish Exports” company. Flashbacks rushed through her mind. Bo staffs, mind reading, the cracklerod. Not graduating. She could remember taking a risk by stealing a ride on a VILE helicopter. It was then she had her first caper. Unofficial. It was then she had tried to stop the stealing of one of the Eyes of Vishnu. Unsuccessful. They had stolen a jewel.
They had stolen a jewel.
They had stolen a jewel.
Carmen wavered in her spot. “I don't know, Player,” she hesitated. “I've been at this for a while. And we still don't know Zack and Ivy's status.” She paused.
“No. This isn't right.” She took a step away from the jewel. “I'm not going to steal for VILE.”
“What are you gonna do?” Player asked. Carmen tucked away her laser and straightened.
“I'm getting Zack and Ivy back.”
Realistic Fiction // 3 minute sprint
157 words

You control you. Your job is to keep Carmen alive and defeat VILE. She is currently on a mission with Zack, Ivy, and the remote Player in Madagascar. VILE wants to capture a lemur, a species of animal only surviving in Madagascar. The lemur might be used to be Countess Cleo's new fur coat, Doctor's Bellum's experiment, or even be a part of Maelstrom's mind trials. Remember, all your choices are going towards Carmen's crew and the lemurs' safety. Choose wisely!

Chapter 1::

Carmen is on a chartered flight to Madagascar. Player booked her and the team a flight the moment they discovered VILE's villainous plans.
“Wow,” said Ivy, looking out the plane's windows. “This place is huge!” They were flying over the ocean, the island of Madagascar just coming into view.
“I know,” said Player. He was calling in on Carmen's laptop. "Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. Lemurs only live there.
Poetry // word war another swc'er for 5 minutes
179 words
Its forests host ringtailed lemurs, mouse lemurs, and something called aye-ayes.“
”Arr!“ Zack said, giving Player his attention. ”Like pirates?“ Player laughed.
”Not exactly,“ he said. ”They have really thin fingers, though.“
”Neat!“ Ivy said. ”I could use some of those to fix things with.“
The team spent the rest of the ride learning about Madagascar. Player seemed to never let up with his interesting facts. Soon they arrived, the plane landing down in a spot in the trees. Carmen told the pilot he didn't need to stay and wait. She had a different form of transportation she could use. The team walked into the forest, coming up to little hut. A door pushing ivy to the side said ”Ranger In!“.
”This is our stop,“ said Carmen.
”Whoa,“ said Zack. ”This looks like one of those deserted ruins kind of place.“
”Not that much, though,“ said Ivy. ”More like a secret garden hideout!“ She poked her head through some vines.
”Are we in the right spot, Player?“ Carmen asked. Player's voice came through her phone in her hand.
Script // 4 minute sprint (I actually set a timer for 5 ‘cos that’s how messed up by brain is these days.)
106 words
said Player. “I've got your coordinates. Right spot all right.”
“Let's knock,” said Carmen. She knocked. A few footsteps followed and came to a stop near the door. Zack and Ivy lined up behind Carmen. The door opened. Out came you, reader. You are the ranger in this story.
“Hi!” You said. “How can I help you?”
“Hi. I'm Carmen.” Carmen took your hand. You shook it and told her your name. “Nice to meet you,” said Carmen, smiling back. “Did you receive our call?”
You looked a little confused. “Call?” You asked. “I'm sorry, I'm unaware of any calls that came in. When was it?”
Science Fiction // deja vu or premonition
157 words
“Oh,” said Carmen. A dozen bad scenarios played out in her head. Of course her phone was extra secure being wired by Player. But then again, VILE could have easily intercepted it. Which means . . . VILE knows her exact location. “Um,” she faltered. “Could we come in?”
You took a moment to respond. You usually did let visitors in, when there were visitors to take. And generally they'd call. But this red-dressed woman and red-haired siblings (twins, maybe?) seemed a little odd.

Here is your first fork in the road. Do you let them in, or leave them out there by themselves in the forest?

Leaving them could be dangerous, since they're most likely tourists (of some strange sort). And you'd be making them go out into a forest unknown to them.

Letting them in would be a little out of your comfort zone, but they seemed to have something important. Something other than looking at your displays.
Thriller // five random numbers
334 words
generated numbers: 90 76 98 53 15
order of paragraph counts: 15, 53, 98, 90, 76

Choice: Leave

You decide to leave the suspicious tourists. Who knows what they may be up to?
“I'm sorry,” you say. “But visitors aren't allowed in without an appointment.” You feel a little guilty since that isn't true, but convince yourself it's for your own safety. The red-headed girl started backward, looking at her brother with confusion. They started to talk, but the woman in red held out her hand.
“Sorry,” you say again, backing into the hut a little bit. “No exceptions.” You take a brochure from the table in the hut. “Here, use this so you don't get lost. It's a big forest, after all.” You give a small chuckle.“ Carmen takes the pamphlet you held out for her. She unfolded it and took a look. You decided to explain the contents of it. ”There's a map in there, along with paths to take, markers to spot, and any landmarks to look at. You'll come across many forks in the trails, so that'll help a lot.“
”It's all right,“ said Carmen, ”we understand.“ Se starts walking away. And, after hesitating, Zack and Ivy follow.
”Thank you,“ Carmen said. She had a look of pure genuineness. You looked back with a wordless apology. ”It's all right,“ said Carmen, ”we understand.“ She starts walking away. ”Zack? Ivy? You coming?" After hesitating, Zack and Ivy wave to you and follow Carmen. You close the door, waving back. Nice tourists, you think. Just for some reason you felt they had something to do with various strange calls coming in. Walking into the hut, you pour a cup of coffee for yourself and go back to your normal life.

You've reached the end of this story. If you'd like to explore other endings, go back to some choices you made and try some other options. Look for the longest ending, an ending with you, Carmen, and her team, maybe you end up with VILE, or another ending with leading you to a ranger lifestyle, anything that may satisfy you. There are many variations of this story, and you can alter them! Until then, el fin.
Fantasy // boat
241 words
Choice: Let Them In

Though the tourists seem a bit odd, you decide to let them in. Maybe they have information regarding the irregular amount of calls that came in from untraceable numbers this past week. Maybe they are the callers. They sent a chill up your spine. Perhaps you should've refused them.
“Come in,” you say, opening the door and giving them a welcoming hand.
“Thank you,” said Carmen.
“All right!” Zack and Ivy said. The three filed in and you start closing the door, but decide to leave it open in case anything happens.
“Take a look around,” you say, inviting them to view the small exhibit. Photographs, artwork, newspaper clippings, and sculptures lined the walls.
“Wow!” Zack exclaimed, peering at a sculpture of a lemur. “Its tail fell off!”
You laugh. “Yes,” you say. “That is a sculpture I made when I was seven or so. I thoroughly loved lemurs from the start. That there is a ring-tailed lemur. You see the stripes? There are always thirteen black and white alternating stripes on a tail.”
“Neat!” said Zack. Carmen sat down at the table.
“We're actually here wondering about the lemurs,” said Carmen calmly. You sat down too. The siblings came over and leaned in around Carmen. You felt a little bit claustrophobic, a little uncomfortable with their stance. You glanced at the door. It's open. You breathed in.
“Sure,” you said. “What would you like to know?”
Folklore // taylor swift song
132 words
Listening to Lavender Haze, official lyric video
“Well,” said Carmen, “we're curious about the population of lemurs.”
“Of course,” you said. “We estimate that there's about three thousand plus lemurs left in the wild. They are critically endangered, so we're doing all we can to keep the numbers up.” You don't want to divulge too much information to this group. Only what's necessary and what you usually tell visitors.
“Anything strange going on? Like, evil strange?” Ivy asked. Carmen glanced up at her, then looked at you, eyebrows raised.
“Er,” you hesitate. This was a coincidence, right? All these unknown callers and strangely acting tourists. “I'm afraid I can't say,” you say.
Carmen breathed in. “It's really important that we know this. Trust us. Please.” You hesitated, but her genuine expression seemed to convince you to give in.
Bizarro Fiction
242 words
I did Black Widow

For the next several minutes, you answer all the group's questions. Somehow your view changed on them while talking. The voices from the calls were male-sounding, although you also think they could've changed their voices easily. And the male here certainly didn't have the same deep talking voice from the calls. So you explain and explain until they're satisfied. Finally, you look at your watch. It's time for your lunch break. Hopefully the tourists would leave soon. You have a scheduled hour with a so-called important person who wanted to meet with you. Unfortunately it disrupted your animal counting duties, but this person you'll be with was very persuasive and you decided to leave your ranger duties for later. A few minutes passed into your lunch hour. You started getting fidgety.
“Um,” you said, interrupting Carmen's flow of speech. “So sorry, but I have an appointment to get to soon. Very important person!'” Carmen smiled at you.
“Well you make sure to be on time, then,” she said, getting up.
“Yep,” you said, also standing. “I want to make a good first impression, you know?” Carmen stopped, her smile fading. “What?” you asked, concerned. You've learned to read Carmen's facial expressions pretty well during your time in conversation.
“You've never met her before?” Carmen asked.
“Yeah, why? None of your business,” you said, suddenly getting defensive. Carmen looked at her accomplices, looking preoccupied.
“This can't be a coincidence,” Carmen said to them.
Non Fiction // roll a die
109 words
You looked confused. “What do you mean?” Might they know about your own suspicions? For the first time, you decide to ask them what they're doing. You try to make it casual and curious. “What /are/ you doing here in Madagascar?”
Carmen turned towards you, a look of all seriousness across her face. She sighed. “I'm sorry, I can't tell you right this moment.” She smiled. “Just-” she looked at the door. “I promise I'll explain what all this is. In the meantime, stay safe.”
“What do you mean, stay safe? Is there something dangerous going on?” You come to a new suspicion. “You aren't tourists. Who /are/ you?”
Fan Fiction // flashback
470 words
It had been over a year since Carmen Sandiego had quote on quote ‘quit’ her thieving for good job. However, she missed the always on-the-go travel job she had. So she decided to take her mother and herself on a tour of the world.

Carmen was back on the train in France. She walked in and went to take a seat.
A click sounded behind her. She turned around slowly, dreading what would happen. Gray looked at her and smiled a non genuine smile.
“Blast from the past, eh?” Gray said. The phrase echoed in her swirling brain, her heart hammering.
“Blast from the past, eh?”
“Blast from the-”
She woke up, head in the pillows. “NO-” she exclaimed, grasping at the pillowcase so hard it came off. She turned over on her back and remembered she was in a hotel room she shared with her mother. Surprisingly, her mother hadn't woken up. A phone call rang in from the bedside table. Carmen quickly picked the phone up, getting up and putting it to her ear. “Player.”
“Hey, Red!”
“Hi,” she said unemotionally, still out of breath.
“I got your voicemail yesterday. Even though it was blank.”
“You doing all right, Carmen?”
“Yeah, um . . . just a bad dream.” She kicked on some sneakers. “I'm going down for an early breakfast and tea. My mother will most likely sleep in and I want to bring her something.” She smiled at her mother's sleeping form in the bed over.
“All right,” said Player. “Well you know I'll be here through your eating process.” He laughed over the phone. “I'll just go get my own breakfast.”
“Ooh, what?” asked Carmen, feigning interest.
“The usual. Cereal,” Player clarified.
Carmen walked out into the hallway and down the stairway. She gained a habit of not entering elevators. They were an easy way to target someone. She strolled over to the breakfast area, hot food reaching her nose. “Mmm,” she said. She went in line and took a plate. Sausage, eggs, bacon, waffles, all the things to treat herself and her mother. Orange juice too, for hydration. Her hands were full when she realized she needed utensils, so she went to a table to lay her select food out.
“I'm back,” said Player. She could hear his spoon and bowl clinking together, his mouth munching many miles per minute like a regular teenage boy eats.
“If only you could be here to help me,” joked Carmen. She sat her plates down, fumbling with the plates.
“Blast from the past, eh?” A voice sounded a table next. Carmen froze. She looked up. “Carmen?” said the familiar Australian voice.
“Gray?” Carmen's mouth dropped.
“Red?” Player asked. Carmen ignored him, and a wet tear rolled down her cheek. Gray smiled and shrugged.
Dystopian AKA the *best* cabin /lh // celestial being
165 words
The Milano was traveling near light's speed through galaxy clusters with the Blood Brothers on its tail.
“Can this ship go any faster?” complained Quill at the steering wheel. He slammed on the buttons.
“Give me a moment, you spoiled brats!” screeched Rocket, undoing a vent. “I'm doing the best I can!”
“If this gets any further,” said Gamora glancing back, “I'm ready to give them a lift with my sword.” She smirked.
“I too,” joined in Drax. “Although I do not intend to lift them.” Gamora rolled her eyes.
“Let's get a move on it, Rocket,” she said.
“All these krutackin' wires!” Rocket exclaimed. “Groot, give me some duct tape.” The walking tree extended one of his long arms and grabbed a roll of tape from a drawer.
“I am Groot.”
“Oh, sure you do,” Rocket replied. "But I believe-“ A great force slowed down the Milano. ”What the-?“
”Guys?“ Quill said, pushing the buttons even more aggressively than before. ”What- what's happening?"
188 words
He looked back expecting to see the enemy ship to crash into them. Instead, it seems to have slowed down too. Was time playing tricks?
“Um, guys?” Quill said. “What is that?” Some sort of being glowed like the sun in front of the Milano. It looked almost human, but couldn't be, hence the non-human glow and power. Quill shielded his eyes and the glow dimmed. “Someone get me some sunglasses.” He hailed the being with his arms. “Hey! Over here, celestial being! Little help here?” Gamora shoved Quill to the side.
“I don't think she can hear you,” said Gamora. Sure enough, the celestial being seemed unresponsive, in a zone.
“We must tear her to pieces for stopping our ship!” Drax shouted. “I will have my revenge!”
“Stop,” said Gamora. “I think this is a time for talking, not doing.” Drax lowered his weapons.
“Ah,” he said, "but talking is doing.“ Gamora rolled her eyes again.
”Come on,“ she said. ”I'm heading out. She doesn't seem dangerous.“ Rocket scoffed loudly.
”Sure,“ said Rocket. ”'Cause slowing down the Blood Brothers and us ain't dangerous.“
”Be quiet."
Final Code:
Your Journey: horror, option #3, adventure, option #1, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #1, poetry, option #2, realfi, option #2, scifi, option #1, script, option #2, bifi, option #3, thriller, option #2, folklore, option #3, fantasy, option #1, fanfi, option #1, nonfi, option #3, dystopian, option #1

+3000 points to Dystopian!!!

Last edited by lokiously (Nov. 29, 2022 13:38:20)

i love pillows!
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

NickName - Ava
Content- November 28+29th Daily
Word Count - 345/300
Topic - Write thank you letters!
Cabin - Thriller


Dear reader,
If you are reading this, I am greatly surprised. Someone reading my writing is quite a pleasure. Thank you for being part of SWC if you are, or just being here if you are not. Let's get started!

Dear Aspen,
Thank you Thank you Thank you so much for leading Thriller! You were a great leader, even though I didn't see you around a lot, and I am honored to be in your cabin!

Dear Fi,
If it hadn't been for your reminders, I never would have added my feet XD You were a hearty word count manager, and I enjoyed your jokes and giving you tips about songs!

Dear Luna,
THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS SESSION! Without you, this session would have probably not existed. What else is there to say? You're funny, a good host, and you like Hary Potter!
Now all you need is to like BTS and Percy Jackson and I can add you to my bestie studio ^^'

Dear Moonlit,
I know we haven't seen each other much this session, but I would still like to thank you for all the kindness you spread in the Fantasy cabin! No, *cough* I wasn't stalking *cough* but I'm not kidding! You have been very positive this session!

Dear Birdi,
Do you remember me? I was in your cabin last time! You've been really busy this session, and I was a bit worried about you I hope everything in real life clears up, and thank you for spreading happiness and motivation even though your cabin was last! Talk about positivity!!

Dear co's, leaders, daily and weekly teams, and every other person who helped create SWC,
you are the reason we are here. So many scratchers every year are united by one reason- books. Books, writing, reading, ars0n, mangoes, all these similarities are the reason for such happy three months every year. I hope SWC goes on for a long time, and that the happy memories will still be remembered after it is long gone.

Thank you all for a wonderful session!!

Last edited by icebunny11 (Nov. 29, 2022 14:58:20)

I told you,
I don't want to
be part of another

Oh by the way,
what's the name
of the book?
*furious typing*

5 posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Weekly 4

Start With A 100 Words
It's a lovely, warm morning and I, Kae was at Fishy's house enjoying a small snack. That was delightful, but after that, I wasn't feeling the best. I honestly didn't want to get anybody sick so I said a quick goodbye. Then, I quickly rushed out the door. We are very close friends. Fishy also goes to the same camp as me, SWC. I wish I could just stay longer, anyways I got home and laid on the couch for a small bit. I took some medicine and felt better in minutes. My temperature was back to normal and Fishy asked if I want to come back.
107 words

Type as much as you can at your own pace for 5 minutes. ( Horror )
I feel extremely tired, I don't want to stand up anymore. I wish I were just at home. So suddenly, I heard a scream behind me. I ran as fast as I could trying not to make a sound. Well, I was scared they would find me. I tripped on a rock and let out a scream and fell into a puddle of a slimy liquid. That was not fun at all, but honestly, that woke me up. Then, I heard some footsteps in the back me and dared to look behind me. Anyways, it was a little girl that was looking at me directly into my eyes. Suddenly, I saw a bunch of thoughts going across my head.
119 words

Type as much as you can at your own pace for 5 minutes. ( Adventure )
A sparkle came from the dark sky. The next second I knew that I was in Adventure. It was way nicer than horror, to be honest. There was a bright sun and there were so many people to hang out with. No screaming. All I really knew about Adventure was always about castles and dragons. There is almost always one mystery you need to solve. Well, I walked around a bit and got used to some parts of the area suprinsngly. In my very own opinion it wasn't exactly the best but I enjoyed it. I'd love to see magic.
100 words

Shrinking in liquid ( whatever you call it ) Thriller
I fell into another planet, nice. So, I got some food then I tripped on a rock. Wow, I was really hungry and out of all the things that can happen. Why this!?! Anyways, I fell into quicksand and that did not feel good. I began sinking. To be honest, I was panicking and moving a lot. A long time ago I watched a video and it said not to do that. By 5 minutes my hips were all covered in quick sand, I couldn't move at all. Basically, I stayed calm and started thinking about life hack videos I watched. I remembered that I had to wiggle my legs around. First of all, I did it as fast as I could because I didn't want to know about how far I would go. Good thing I survived because if I didn't watch those life hack videos then you would know what happened by now.
155 words

200 words if you don't finish in 10 minutes then 100 more words. Fan-Fiction

Earlier I caused a big mess. So, I have to write a sorry letter to Fan-Fiction. Here it is.

Hello, Fan-Fiction Time Traveling people,
I didn't mean to cause such a big mess. Please forgive me, I had no idea about time traveling. Well, because I didn't read the instructions. So, this was the big story. First I was walking around enjoying my day until out of nowhere I heard a big boom. A time-traveling machine came out of the sky. Everybody would be willing to walk in, well that was what I did. Then, I pressed 2006 and I didn't know what happened and then I finally noticed that I was actually not in 2022. You can expect that because I was absolutely clueless. What did I do wrong? First, of all, I took some money from the bank because I didn't have any money. Hey, all I wanted was some good food and then this car with blue and red lights kept on following me. After that, I went back into the time-traveling machine and pressed 2022, and then boom I came back to the regular world. I went back home and then on the television I saw this “ Bank Robber from 2006 may be alive.” Please forgive me.

Thank you if you understand,
217 words

Multiply 100 with a dice and blah blah blah Bi-Fiction
I'm in the cinema trying to enjoy a movie about a zombie attack that got out of control. All I got was a small box of popcorn and I finished it before the movie started. They even made us put our phones in a lunch bag. Then, they put it in a black box. They had a feeling that we would tape the movie and post it online. Who would do that? Well, that actually sounds nice. You don't need to pay to watch it on television. Well, I got bored for the rest of the movie. Nice, when the movie was done I was happy.
106 words

Hi-Fi write about when your person stole something on a train
Once I remember I stole something on a train ride and I of course felt guilty but didn't want to give it back. I know that it's the wrong thing to do. You might be thinking, “ What did she steal?”. Well, I might've stolen a tray that has steak and salad on it. You can at least expect that from a strange person like me. I started thinking about regretting my life choices for an hour and a half. So, I noticed that I was overthinking so before I took a single bite I put it back in the kitchen.
100 words

Mystery something to do with pictures evidence and 5 minutes
So, I heard about this robbery mystery and I had to figure out who stole the money. How else could I earn money? At least I get a cash reward. I went into this ally and then saw a many wearing a black suit. Just in case, I investigated. Hey, it can be possible that the robber is him! Then, I asked if I could see his house. He told me he enjoyed having visitors. After that I remembered that somebody who stole the money also took a blue hat in the safe with them. I went to his house and to my surprise I saw a blue hat. He didn't notice me taking pictures. Right the second I got the pictures I rushed out the door got on my computer and sent the pictures to the police. That's the story of how I got rich.
146 words

Poetry Multiply your WPM by 10
Crash! A spear fell from a tall building and nearly hit me. Thank god I wasn't dead. After that, I got worried and I rushed home. On the way, more spears were falling. I looked up at the sky and guess what I saw? Then, I saw a helicopter with a knight throwing spears at me. What did I even do wrong? I was 2 minutes away from home. There was a %50 chance I could actually survive. Well, I had bad thoughts crossing my head. I got into my apartment and hid in my shower with the curtain closed so nobody found me. Good thing, I survived.
108 words

Real-Fi leaders smiling at you and your begging to escape

I'm locked in a inn with three leaders of the place smiling at me intensely. How nice? Sarcasim. “LET ME OUT! NOW!”, I screamed almost making me lose my voice. I knew this was leading to a bad path. What did I even do wrong? I begged them to get out, but guess who was throwing a tantrum on the floor now? Why did I even have to come to Real-Fi? I was creeped out. Then, I realised there was an open window waiting for me. How could I possibly not notice that the whole time. So, now it seems like I could of got out ages ago.

Sci-Fi Write about if you touch something you turn into it or whatever it is.
I was randomly touching everything I saw until one of my dreams came true. If I touched something I became it. What if I touched a billionaire? Well I actually had an idea and touched something way more different than you would think. Totally not thinking of a blanket. If I were a blanket then I would be soft and fluffy and furry. You might think, “ Out of all of the things why a blanket?”. This girl doesn't care about what people think. I never would. You can say hateful things and I won't care.
95 words

Script think of a story then type it
“ Darling.”, Nina said. “ Please buy me this dress.” “We can't buy so many things!, Scott said. ” I know we have money but it's not good to waste. You have so many dresses in your big closet right now.“ ” I know-“, Nina said back to him. ” Think about all of the other people who don't have clothes. Rememeber, we're only here to go to the optical for Randy's eye check.“, Scott told her. ”Randy was there child.", the narrator said. So, now take time to think about what you would do.
90 words
Fantasy sprint for 7 minutes ( I sort of went slow)
I run through the odd and unique building taking quick stops to look at painting that I adore. What else should I do? I was just taking an afternoon walk like any regular person would do.I really had to go inside. Then, a hand starts chasing me in and I run for my life screaming in the halls. I kept on yelling for help because you would probably be scared if a living hand was going to kill you for real. I'd never think I'd even see one before. It was a nightmare, that's all.
95 words

Folklore listen to a taylor swift song and do as much as you can
I hear a twig snap behind me. That wasn't good because that means somebody might be following me. Then, I didn't want to look back because I was absolutely scared. You would be too, right? So, all over again I felt sick. Just like at Fishy's house. I was still listening to music and then ran away as fast as I could. Good thing that I survived because when I looked back I saw nothing. Now I have to continue my adventure.
82 words

Thank god I got 1 dollar to spend on my food. Good. Better than nothing. I tried a perfect French bread that has been very popular everywhere in the world. I should stock these up in my bag for later. A MONSTER came into the bakery. I try my best to run away. Nope that didn't work at all. So, I forgot to explain to you that I took one of the spears that crashed from the sky. I stabbed the monster with the spear. Hurray! It was dead.
89 words

Dystopian new character
A flash of light came to me. I saw a person, looking at me. Was somebody stalking me, or am I just thinking? I said hello to them, of course I would. They seemed pretty helpful. I told them I was trying to get back down to Earth. They suprisingly knew what Earth was. The person's name was Emerald. She got stuck here when she didn't complete her journey in one week. Afterwards, she told me she would help me. I wasn't sure if this Emerald girl was helpful or not. I didn't want to be rude and make her leave me. When I was working on an idea for how I was going to finish my journey I wasn't able to finish. Emerald wouldn't stop looking at me and I got really distracted. So, all I did was say hi and now she's trying to help me go back to Earth, nice.
153 words
100+ posts

SWC Megathread || Nov. 2022

Bi-daily 28-29: 644 words

Okay, who here read the acknowledgments at the end of a book? *raises hand* Look, don't judge, I read everything in the book.
So the acknowledgments are the thank-you buts in the book, where the writer thanks the publishers, the friends and family, and everyone who helped the writer when they were writing their book!
But really, I know all of the authors say this, but I really wouldn't be here, being the best writer I could ever be, without all of these scratchers who helped me out this session of SWC,
Take a bow!

Ok, this first one goes to Iris, and look, I know you always go on about being the awful Horror co-leader and FT leader, but we all know that these are all lies!!! > /lh But seriously, all of your brilliant hard work and hard work is mind-blowing; the amount of dedication you put in is totally… wow!!
I'm chuffed, Iris, Like, how? Every day, the tireless effort and one-hundred percent in everything, from adding words to writing towards cabin wars to being the one to marry Achyld- thank you for being just amazing!! (Honestly, I couldn't pull it off myself!!)
(And nooo you were the bertter FT leaderr >=00 /lh)

Now, cheers to Wave: by far the amazing artist, co-leader, wife of Achyld, and potato queen. From the stunning pfps you drew for all of our campers, to your amazing energy, and fun that kept us going, it is all just amazing. (how many times have I said amazing? Too little to describe your mazing-ness, that's how much.)
and Ethel, truly an epic leader! From just when the cabin was even first created, I was astonished by your amazing leadership (and grass-muncher) skills! The whole storyline, themes, and ideas were epic, and I truly had one of the BEST. SESSIONS. EVER!! cheers to that!! *holds up a fistful of grass*

Thank you to Twi, Ayid, Cloudy, Sandy, Fishy, and every other camper, for being non-stop, chaotic campers! I am so thankful to spend the session with you guys and have fun! It was so great to see everyone work together as a team, having fun and being chaotic like there was no tomorrow xD (Yeah I am so looking forward to cabin destruction xDD)

Now, that's enough of Horrorible, time for some disco-pain!!
Ahh, our bitter rivals. /lh /nsrs You fought valiantly and warred like there was no tomorrow, and all of your hard work and dedication were amazing to see!! I loved every minute and I do say, your cabin is just absolutely epic!! I mean Dawn, Gabbie, and Lisa, I love what you did to the place, with all of your aesthetics, pfps, and storyline, I like it- so much that your cabin copied your thumbnail xDD
But still, though, Horrorible is keeping the tyranny > /lh

Andddd… here's to everyone's favourite teamm… the Daily Teamm!! xDD
Oh, come on… you utter stars!!! First of all, I loved all of your amazing work in our dailies, weeklies, activitieees (oh gosh these all rhyme xP), and moree! (there we go) Honestly, who else would've thought them up? A weekly about self-care? Bi-dailies? The absurdy birdi wordy crawl?? You guys are like no one else; it's brilliant.
(And if you guys are reading this now, give yourself a big, back-breaking pat on the back! BD) (not actually back-breaking by the way mind you-)

An extra mago cheers to Birdi, Sun, and Starr for (co)hosting a wondrous session for all of us! Really, without all the hard work you put into this, this would've never happened, and so many of us wouldn't have had such great memories!! You went above (ba-dum-dum skshhh) with all the effort, hard work, dedication, fun, mango chaos, and-oh-my-gosh so many things it is just… off the charts and up into the sky (ba-dum-dum-skshhh xP)!!

And last but not least, you, for being a total legend B>

Last edited by coolgirl100- (Nov. 29, 2022 18:06:25)

Lolll what a scrumdiddlyumptious signature

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