Scratcher Joined 10 years ago Australia
About me
Hello! I'm a nerd, conlanger, and composer. I started the Mobile-Friendly movement on Scratch at the start of the Scratch 3.0 era, and have made 1 studio and 3 projects that have been front-paged.
What I'm working on
I have several large projects in progress, but they've been in progress for a long time, and not much progress has been made. At the moment I'm not doing much at all, though I plan to eventually.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (42)
View all- 3D Slideshow by happybird123
- The Scratch Guide to Conlanging [in progress] by happybird123
- Musical Platformer Test by happybird123
- Rainbow Spiral Vortex by happybird123
- [CLOSED] Scratch Conlanging Contest 2020 by happybird123
- Pen Snake Simple Demo by happybird123
- The Journey Home (Scratch Camp 2019 Stage 3) by happybird123
- Lost in the City (Scratch Camp 2019 Stage 2) by happybird123
- Mr Cube (Scratch Camp 2019 Stage 1) by happybird123
- Mobile Engine Pack by happybird123
- BlockScript (Conlang) by happybird123
- Beetle Run! by happybird123
- Generative Tile Maze by happybird123
- Mobility - A Platformer by happybird123
- Swipe Control Test by happybird123
- Mobile-Friendliness by happybird123
- Music Dump by happybird123
- Binary Letter System by happybird123
- Biriha - A Quick Conlang by happybird123
- Mid-Air PMV - Part 13 by happybird123
Favorite Projects
View all- Auto Background by PixerPinecone
- Drawing Morpher by Dinosu
- 3-Way Ecology - Collective Rock-Paper-Scissors by crkcity
- Non-Euclidean Lemon Grab Raycaster by -Rex-
- Snail Platformer v1.4 by griffpatch
- advanced platformer engine by dn_scrtch
- Tile Engine by iaobardar
- Bézier Curve Visualizer Bezier by FieryChicken
- Parkour Pete by Msal123
- Simple Map Editor (connecting neighboring grid cells) by kriblo_test
- ドップラー効果 by Kuppi-scratch
- 宇宙感のある動く背景 pen by Kuppi-scratch
- Weeble Golf - 9 holes! by PutneyCat
- Minecraft: Raytraced Version 9 by MyRaycasterArchives
- Scratch blocks images HD! Help#1 by UniqueHelp007
- Crystal Seeker 3D platformer v1.8.3 by ggenije
- 3D Letters by RobFarley74
- Quantum Forest by willywu
- Triangle Voxelz by uiopscratch327
- Pitch Test by Nishpish
Studios I'm Following
View all- Sothopery's Prototypes
- Mobile-Friendly Projects
- Conlanging | The Art of Language Creation
- Scratch Across the Curriculum
- Logic Games Archive
- O R I G I N A L I T Y
- Excellent Educational Projects
- ೭ Quality Tutorial / Guide ೨
- Projects to Help you get Started with Scratch!
- Tutorials
- All Kinds of Generators!
- 100% Pen
- World Generators
- [OLD] Propose Projects to be Featured
- At First Glance...
- Curiosity Cabinet: Generators
- The Maths Studio
- NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- Mazes, Dungeons, and tiled maps
Studios I Curate
View all- NCR — Nerdy Chat Room
- Scratch Camp 2019 HQ
- Mobile Platformers
- Remix to Fix
- — Multiplayer Games —
- Mobile-Friendly Resources
- Mobile-Friendly Projects
- Linguistics!
- Dynamic Soundtracks
- Hardcore Conlangers
- "Feedback for Feedback" - The New Type of F4F
- Conlanging | The Art of Language Creation
- Professional Games
View allFollowers
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