Scratcher Joined 17 years, 2 months ago Italy
About me
A huge Scratch fan
No F4F
62626th user to join Scratch (love palindromes :)
My current interests: https://scratch.mit.edu/messages/ajax/user-activity/?user=s_federici&max=1000000
PFP by @ProbabIy_Not
What I'm working on
I'm mostly interested in ways Scratch can help to learn in a fun, entertaining and -always- very smart way
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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How I See Me (remix) by s_federici
Kalamkari block printing remix by s_federici
Sun Earth Moon (No TRIG, no VARS) (no trails) by s_federici
Optical illusion: Movement by s_federici
Happy π Day | Art Render [remix] by s_federici
TAB key bug by s_federici
Scratch QUIZ 3: wrong score by s_federici
Scratch QUIZ 2: NO bounce by s_federici
Scratch QUIZ 1: wrong bounce by s_federici
still bluish: mezmorising effect [remix] by s_federici
Bluish: Spiral Tensor [remix] by s_federici
[To add it to studio] Ellipse Physics (Collab and I will unshare) remix by s_federici
order of execution by s_federici
ordine di esecuzione by s_federici
click the dog by s_federici
breakout Scratch by s_federici
[DO NOT LIKE OR FAV] Worst Day Ever (NULL REMIX) by s_federici
Real Four-stroke Engine with cylinder (NO TRIG, NO VAR) FIXED by s_federici
Real Four-stroke Engine with cylinder (NO TRIG, NO VAR) by s_federici
Testing Forkphorus on a cellphone by s_federici
Favorite Projects
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Nitendo switch2 model & intro by 12zend
Demo: Fisheye effect by kriblo_test
Unsolicited new intro for RokCoder by kriblo_test
Splitscreen 3d - Archived by Boxset
ScratchMidi (A MIDI Player in Scratch!) by JBlueBird
Mr. Memory by MrFluffyPenguins
Ooze by MrFluffyPenguins
Mesh Engine Beta by Arcade_Creator0123
Scratch 3d hack (No really, I cheated the system) by squidchip
dynamic binary space partitioning 3d new system by 2okrisvadh
STRINGS by jonutlatderzweite
forgetful by 2okrisvadh
Flyer Extinguisher by Castle_Hippopotamus
Full Sphere Path Tracer by piano_miles
Textured Raycaster mark.03 by daikonnbatake
Uno City by kingjaw2
a sea creature by hirota1ro
Slime Platformer v2.0 by AeroKoder
Some Car Game Preview by b9e
Cars by SpeedSpot
Studios I'm Following
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EmberLight - Biggest Game Series
chatIFT team [chatift.com]
Θmega AI: MAIN
Θmega AI: User interface
Θmega AI: AI/Nlp building
Θmega AI: early release
Generative Pre-trained transformer
Machine Learning on Scratch
Fun Algorithms
Best of Gray-Source Engine
All my recreated games
Chaotic Utilities
Scratch Tools
Chess Engines
Tutorial of Artificial Neural Networks
3D Raycasting Tutorial
Beautifully Designed Games
TurboWarp featured projects
Car Anatomy
Remake Studio
Studios I Curate
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Untitled Studio
Relevant examples of optimization
Animated Intros
tBoS - Engines
tBoS 14
tBoS - Games - Engines
tBoS - Games - Retro
tBoS - Music
tBoS - Music - Songs
tBoS - Music - Instruments
tBoS - Animation - Tutorial
tBoS - Animation- Programmatic
tBoS - Animation
tBoS - 3D - Rendering
tBoS - 3D - engines
tBoS - Arts - 2D-3D Graphics Tutorials
tBoS - Arts - Tutorials
tBoS - Arts - Avatar
tBoS - Arts - Generation and Effects
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