Scratcher Joined 5 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
"trigophers" on many coding sites
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (47)
View all- scratch-NICCC 2000 demo (Oxygene) by trigophers
- Pen Fixedsys Bitmap Font + Matrix Rain Demo by trigophers
- Branflakes Interpreter by trigophers
- Flippy Switch by trigophers
- Verlet Integration (physics) by trigophers
- Naive Buddhabrot by trigophers
- Inq's Cypher Wheel (vsauce) by trigophers
- Improved Monte-Carlo Path Tracing by trigophers
- PokeRAP First 16 Pokemon (remix of geotale's project) by trigophers
- Oscilloscope for Unrolled 2AO3 Famitracker by trigophers
- Circle Detection - Hough Transform by trigophers
- Floyd-Steinberg Dithering by trigophers
- faster langton's ant remix by trigophers
- Mandelbrot Set + Orbit Traps 2 (with mouse) by trigophers
- Mandelbrot Set + Orbit Traps by trigophers
- Frustratingly Hard to Control Space Ship by trigophers
- Finally Trigophers Makes a Platformer by trigophers
- Taco pixel art showcase by trigophers
- Solar System Shader by trigophers
- Fern with code "yoinked" off of Wikipedia by trigophers
Favorite Projects
View all- SlideSwitch component by geek62
- VCS-NICCC Mockup by MentalBox
- Minecraft Note Blocks by GarboMuffin
- Stamped Textured Tri Fill v2.2 by Chrome_Cat
- bye by LeeJH10
- Nonograms (Enhanced) by RokCoder
- Triangle video displayer v1.0 || by GonSanVi by GonSanVi
- Mountains by jfs22
- Chess AI by ArnoHu
- Graphing Calculator by 52525rr
- A Goat Is Tied To A Rope by littlebunny06
- Canny Edge Detector by sureornot
- Quadtris V1.712 by Spentine
- Gamma Engine BETA 1.2 by littlebunny06
- to 3D ActionGame step1 by wawopp
- Advanced Verlet Integration by DemonixGames
- cloud 2048 by 52525rr
- Fake Aladdin! by mininggamer9_YT
- Ear Training: Relative Chord Relationships by NickyNouse
- scratch PFA v1.5 [MIDI support] by 52525rr
Studios I'm Following
View all- Technical Scratchers
- Scratch Shader Studio
- SD - musica - music
- Only quality games
- All About Cheese!
- squig3's music projects
- Dads & Mums on Scratch
- The Mathematics Community
- Blender
- Pen Projects
- Username With Space Hack
- #novemberprofiIes
- NPR: Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- RLC Camp 3(am)
- TurboWarp featured projects
- My 3D projects! (@howtomakeausername)
- Ray Madness
Studios I Curate
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