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1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Welcome to the Shopping Emporium, also known as the 20th Shopping Directory on modern Scratch forums. If you're looking for the right shop to get your work done, are interested in offering your services to others, or want to grow your brand, this is the place to do it. The Shopping Emporium also offers Inter-Shop Ordering Completion, allowing you to put orders you can't get done up for grabs to give other shops a chance at finishing themselves.
The Shopping Emporium is a directory, not a shop. We cannot handle orders or requests, and we are not taking staff applications. Advertising will not be tolerated, do not promote your content here. Only I am allowed to accept or reject shops. This directory is dedicated to forum shops, and studio or project-based shops will not be accepted. If you ask for Obama's last name, you will be ignored.
Shop Of The Month
The Piano Shop owned by @seg-leinad

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with high-quality music in any musical genre, done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Directory Directory
Multi-Purpose | Coding | Art | Audio | Other | ISOC Directory

Before you apply, please note:
Shops newer than 7 days and/or shops that have not completed any orders will not be accepted.
Federations newer than 7 days and/or have no member shops will not be accepted.
This is to reduce the number of unsuccessful shops and federations that eventually close and clutter the directory.
This directory is regularly cleaned to ensure closed/inactive shops are removed.

Shop Application Form
Shop Name:
Shop Owner:
Banner Link:
Shop Link:
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other)
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed):
Date created:
Will you subscribe to ISOC?:
Other info:
Federation Application Form
Federation Name:
Federation Owner:
Banner Link:
Topic Link:
Describe your federation (make it short)
Date created:
Other info:

List of Federations
Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation owned by @78ch3

Looking to improve your shop and get quality, honest feedback? Sign your shop up and we will provide the assistance you need to get better, with reviews, advice and more from our trusted team of scratchers like you. The SSRF is the only federation you'll ever need.
September 17, 2023

The Gemstone Federation owned by @ilovestories

Need to know how your shop's doing? The Gemstone federation is your place - reviews, real help, and big sparkly thingamajigs.
September 28, 2023
Firewall Technologies owned by @asdfperson135 (me)

The federation for true trailblazers.
April 6, 2024

The First Shop Directory
After being inspired by Scratch user “shiguy101”, Scratcher “ErnieParke” created the first ever shop directory on the Scratch 1.4 forums. The topic was active from 2012 to 2013, and by the time it ended, the directory had 12 shops listed.
The Shop Directory (Recreation)
After receiving ErnieParke's consent, another Scratcher by the name of “chocolatepenguin” reopened the original shop directory on the Scratch 2.0 forums. This new shop directory ran from 2013 to 2014, although interestingly, shop owners continued to apply until the thread was un-stickied in 2015.
The Shop Directory 2.0
After the official un-sticky-ing (for lack of a better term), of the recreated shop directory thread, Scratchers “purplebook163”, and “makethebrainhappy” saw the need for a new shop directory. Running from 2015 to 2016, this thread had about 40-50 shops registered, although the names of the shops were often duplicated, and so for that reason it is difficult to get an exact count.
The Shop Directory 3.0
When purplebook163 went inactive, makethebrainhappy began The Shop Directory 3.0 exactly one day afterwards. With about 50 shops listed, this thread ran from 2016 to 2017, until makethebrainhappy gave up ownership to users “Sigton” and “Monkey_Legend”.
The Shop Directory 4.0
The first attempt to create the Shop Directory 4.0 was made by the Scratcher “banana439monkey”. However, when the attempt was made, the Shop Directory 3.0 was still fairly active, as forums moderator Paddle2See pointed out. Finally, this attempt was closed. The first real Shop Directory 4.0 was started up by Sigton and Monkey_Legend. That specific thread ran from January 2017, to September 2017, and had an estimated shop amount that was well above 50 shops.
The Shopping Plaza (The Shop Directory 5.0)
After Sigton announced that the Shop Directory 4.0 was officially closed, Scratchers “_Lillion_”, and “Whitetiger456” began a new shop directory. Sporting a different title style than the rest, this directory ran from September 2017, to December 2017 with an estimated shop count higher than any of the past directories.
The Shopping Plaza 2.0 (The Shop Directory 6.0)
This short-lived shop directory was started by “rainpelt28”, and lasted from December 2017 to February 2018. When the directory was complete, it had an estimated shop count of around 20.
The Shopping Plaza 3.0 (The Shop Directory 7.0)
This shop directory was run by the users “CStafford-14”, “CCPlymJoe”, and “poppybunny”. Instead of the traditional shop directory approach, they attempted an unconventional PHP and external site approach to their services. This, however, failed quickly. Lasting about a month, this directory was closed with only 4 shopsThe link provided is only the forum topic, and the external site has been taken down.
The NEW Shopping Directory (Shopping Directory 8.0)
Seeing a need for a new shop directory, Scratch user “sonicfan12p” began this directory, and on the whole it lasted for a couple of months, with an outstandingly quick shop count of 33.
The Shopping Directory 9.0
After the inactivity of the previous shop directory, Scratcher “hellounicorns2” began this new directory. Lasting from May 2018 to July 2018, it was closed with a full 16 shops in its directory. hellounicorns2 had announced they were leaving Scratch and closed the directory shortly afterwards.
The Shop Directory 10.0
The Shopping Directory 10.0 was run by superben100 shortly after hellounicorns2 had closed the previous directory. Lasting not even a full month from the 29th of July to the 19th of August, it had a total of 13 shops at the time of its closure.
The Shop Directory 11.0
After @superben100 gave permission, @adsuri made the shop directory 11.0. The directory ran from August 2018 to May 2019, and had a grand total of 62 shops. Adsuri had also been unable to update the directory and decided to hand operations over to congyingzhou.
The Shop Directory 12.0
After 11.0 was closed, congyingzhou began the Shopping Directory 12.0 in May of 2019. Over its lifespan, the directory acquired over 150 shops and 15 federations, while the owner kept it alive for over 2 years, making it one of the longest lasting and biggest in history, although shop numbers are inaccurate or outdated. congyingzhou stopped responding to shops around March of 2021 and officially closed the topic in June of that same year.
The Shopping Mall 13.0
The Shopping Mall 13.0 was opened in June 2021 and closed in November 2021 due to the owner being inactive. DamianW987 promised JackBorderCollie to make 15.0 but the person who wanted to make 14.0 was inactive. He decided to make it.
The Shopping Mall 14.0
The Shopping Mall 14.0 was created by DamianW987 in November 2021. It was being updated until December, when the owner became inactive. Many people asked on DamianW987's profile to take over the directory but they were not replied to. Ham19-01-2011 decided to take over.
The Shopping Mall 15.0
The Shopping Mall 15.0 was created by Ham19-01-2011 on February 2022 and lasted until August 2022. It had 38 shops listed in it by the time it was closed. Aadish_1759 was supposed to make it yet went inactive before it closed. Rubixcube908 decided to take over
The Shopping Mall 16.0
The Shopping Mall 16.0 was run by Rubixcube908. It was running from August 2022 through November 2022. By the time it was closed, it had 14 shops listed. Rubixcube908 had found it hard to run, and accepted debanane's offer to run the next directory. I don't blame him
The Shopping Mall 17.0
The Shopping Mall 17.0 was run by debanane, and lasted from November 2022 until February 2023. This directory was unique in that the owner would review shops and give them ratings, although they seemed to be mostly arbitrary and some shops did not receive reviews. By the time it was closed, it had 24 shops listed.
The Shopping Mall 18.0
The Shopping Mall 18.0 was run by MyScratchedAccount, who had a unique approach to the directory by running it similar to a federation, with reviews every now and then on the shops. It lasted from February 2023 until April 2023, when the owner went inactive. It had 27 shops listed but interestingly, people would keep trying to add their shop until may, when Rubixcube908 tried again at running a directory and started 19.0. Gosh quoting everything was painful. This was the first directory to have removed the quote boxes for the history section.
The Shopping Mall 19.0
The Shopping Mall 19.0 was run by Rubixcube908, marking the second time a user had returned to run the Shopping Directory. The directory ran from March to September 2023 and did not reintroduce reviews, although shops were not being accepted past August. The directory closed with a total of 24 shops and 1 federation, with Rubixcube908 deciding to resign from running it. Holy smokes, this list is getting long.
To be completed:
The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20)
The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) was run by 78ch3, following Rubixcube908's resignation from running the previous Shopping Directory. 78ch3 had given it a new name, inter-shop order completion and a Shop of The Month system, although it did not have its own reviews.

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 11, 2024 23:10:40)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Inter-Shop Order Completion

Shop managers can submit orders that their staff cannot finish. They can also claim orders that end up here.
Shops that subscribe to ISOC can get notified of new orders that they may be interested in.
To subscribe, you must join The Shopping Emporium. For shops that are already members, just let us know you want to be added.

To deposit an order, simply let us know and post the order inside a quote box (alternatively, link the order). I'll add it to the list, and relevant shops will be pinged so that they can complete the order.
To claim an order:
- Let me know which one you want to take, and which shop you're from.
- Notify both the original user who made the order and the shop you're taking it from.
- Once done, let me know again so I can remove it.
You don't even have to be apart of a shop, any user can take and complete if they want. Just make sure it's decent.

Orders that have not been taken in over 20 days will be dustbinned, and the original user who posted the order will be notified. Try not to let that happen.

Unclaimed ISOC Orders
Claimed orders in progress
Fresh Orders (Not overdue)
Orders overdue by < 7 days
Orders overdue by > 7 days

Shops subscribed to ISOC
- 78ch3's Everything Shop: All Orders except voice acting
- The Bug Squishers: Coding
- Knightbot's Product Shop 2.0: Everything
- The Piano Shop: Music
- The City Shop: Everything
- Cloud Inc.: Everything

ISOC order history

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 25, 2024 13:59:13)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Multi-Purpose Shops
For shops that offer two or more products/services. All shops with multiple professions are added here.
78ch3's Everything Shop owned by @78ch3

Looking for some code? Want to look cool on Internet forums? Maybe you're in need of some art? Visit 78ch3's Everything Shop today for quality products, friendly staff and definitely no secret ghosts waiting to consume your fridge or bank account. Yep. Order or join our staff team today!
Bug Squishers owned by @just_a_hriday

No need to scour the internet for solutions to your bug. At the Bug Squishers we solve your bugs for you. We hire the best most logical coders to our squad. We also have art and music.
Created 17th of June, 2023
Knightbot63's Product Shop 2.0 owned by @depresso-boiyo

Created after @knightbot63 left scratch, the shop was lef to depresso-boiyo. Knightbot was a respected individual who was well known in the forums, and depresso-boiyo wishes to carry on his legacy.
Created 23rd of August, 2023
Code and Banner Shop owned by @D123van

The Code and Banner Shop is a shop where you can request a sign/banner for your project, shop, or collaboration! You can also request BBCodes for forums.
Created 9th of April, 2023
City Shop owned by Fluffygamer_

Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/700795/
Everything a city could offer you, from a skyscraper to a banner ! :D
Created 28th of July, 2023
Cloud Inc, owned by @Just-Ideas

At Cloud Inc, we do everything and anything. With a stunning 98% approval rate in our reviews we try to do our best, because the sky's the limit!

Last edited by 78ch3 (Today 11:52:43)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Coding Shops
For shops that specialize in scripts and programming.

The ScratchAttach Shop owned by @cybersteve547

It may be a small shop, but the code is big!
Created 21st of October, 2023
The Clean Shop owned by @CleanCodeDev

We like making our Requests Clean and Neat.
Created 4th of January, 2024

Last edited by 78ch3 (June 2, 2024 13:22:22)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Art Shops
For shops that provide banners, profile pics, sprites, backdrops and more.
Rosie's Wonderland owned by @hxney-blxssxm

Welcome to Rosie's Wonderland! Here i sell banners, thumbnails, bios, slide layouts, and more!
Created 12th of June, 2022
⋆.˚.⭒˚The Aurora Shop™⋆.˚.⭒˚ owned by @Aaliyah_Newlands

We are an Art shop at the moment but we are looking forward to branching out to audio and coding soon. Staff are active 90% of the time.
Created 25th of April, 2024

Last edited by 78ch3 (Today 11:51:59)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Audio Shops
For shops that create music, sound effects and voice lines.
The Piano Shop owned by @seg-leinad

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with high-quality music in any musical genre, done by music-lover Scratchers!
Created 25th of May, 2022
Cool Music Records Co. owned by @co0lcr34t10ns

We make music based on various genres and our expertise. We also offer a selection of song free to use with credit to the original artist.
Created 26th of December, 2023
The Music Finders owned by @jmdzti_0-0

We get music for you if you don't have access to downloader websites, or you just don't want to enter to pesky websites.
Created 6th of May, 2024

Last edited by 78ch3 (Today 11:52:13)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Other Shops
For shops that offer products not listed above.

Imagif Hosters owned by @Eason_9

Welcome to Imagif Hosters! We aim to become a request shop to help people host images easily.
Created: 28th of February, 2024
♡ miss dove's café ♡ owned by @StarryDove

We offer transparent reviews!
Created 14th of February, 2024
Joined 30th of March, 2024

Last edited by 78ch3 (Today 11:47:13)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Removed Shops

All shops that have been removed will be stored here for future reference. They are technically as member shops, and will be counted towards statistics.

Multi-Purpose Shops
The 3D and Vocal Shop
The Cyber Shop
Hoot's Shop
Scratch Shop
Zelnady's Amazing Shop
The Atlantic Shop
The Sugar Shop
Uncertainty Ridge

Code Shops

Art Shops
Eason's Pixel Art Shop

Audio Shops
Byte-Sized Blues

Other Shops
Imagination Short Stories!

Last edited by 78ch3 (Today 11:45:16)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN


Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN


Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN


Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN


Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

I'll need to wait for the Scratch Team to officially sticky the Shopping Emporium. Until then, shop owners may apply if they wish to.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Shop Name: The 3D & Vocal Shop
Shop Owner: ilovestories
Banner Link: https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/35f1451cb2715b7ceb232624349998fe.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/698306/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): Multi-Purpose
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed): We make 3D stuff and do voice acting. If you need either of those, or can make them, please fill out a form and join our staff of place an order! Afterwards, you will get a [color=blue]free follow[/color].
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: yes
Other info:

Last edited by ilovestories (Sept. 19, 2023 15:49:17)

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Shop Name: Imagination Short Stories!
Shop Owner: Mogus_man
Banner Link: https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/887999062_282x210.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/708024/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): other
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed): With this shop, you can order a short story and shortly after, it will be delivered!
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: yes
Other info:

Last edited by Mogus_man (Sept. 19, 2023 18:40:41)

noo zydrolic
scroll down

Hi! I’m Mogus_man, professional amateur at everything! If you want to talk leisurely, come on down to the Kame House!
click my Pokémon
I would give you more info but uh…

69th post
100th post
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

20 entire directories?!?!

Forumer Post Count Bar Graph! (inspired by AIGamesDeveloper)
Project: Forummon by randomguy3513
hi, contrast

dont call me 7salad
dont call me 7salsa lol
just simply “Salad” will do.

:]::#00289A// This is my pet Noobles! He protects my signature from [i]unwanted guests[/i]


}::#800080//This is Noobles' big brother, Probles. He has returned and Noobles is happy to see him!
//oh, yeah, he is also cool so he wears sunglasses.

:P::cap sensing//This is their little brother, Doobles

old banner thnng
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

ilovestories wrote:

Shop Name: The 3D & Vocal Shop
Shop Owner: ilovestories
Banner Link: https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/35f1451cb2715b7ceb232624349998fe.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/698306/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): Multi-Purpose
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed): We make 3D stuff and do voice acting. If you need either of those, or can make them, please fill out a form and join our staff of place an order! Afterwards, you will get a [color=blue]free follow[/color].
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: yes
Other info:

Mogus_man wrote:

Shop Name: Imagination Short Stories!
Shop Owner: Mogus_man
Banner Link: https://uploads.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/project/887999062_282x210.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/708024/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): other
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed): With this shop, you can order a short story and shortly after, it will be delivered!
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: yes
Other info:
Both added.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Shop Name: The Cyber Shop
Shop Owner: @glitcX
Banner Link: https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/a7a5ea58809b633238f6d6d581089b8d.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/699514/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): (Multipurpose - Mainly BBCode and Art) BBCode, Outros, PFP's Siggies, banners.
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed): Fast service! Friendly workers! Skilled BBCode! We make Outros, PFP's, Siggy's, Banners + More! Go to The Cyber Shop today!
[b]Fast service! Friendly workers! Skilled BBCode! We make Outros, PFP's, Siggy's, Banners + More! Go to [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/699514/][color=deepskyblue][b][i]The[/color] [color=navy]Cyber[/color][color=deepskyblue] Shop[/b][/i][/color][/url][/i][/url] today!
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: Yes
Other info: Nope

Last edited by Kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

PS4 User/FALL GUYS/YouTuber/Pokémon TCG/♬ Clarinet ♬/Terraria
To order dial the number on your screen. Each sold separately.
Terms apply.


1000+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

glitcX wrote:

Shop Name: The Cyber Shop
Shop Owner: @glitcX
Banner Link: https://assets.scratch.mit.edu/get_image/.%2E/a7a5ea58809b633238f6d6d581089b8d.png
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/699514/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other): Multipurpose
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed):
[b]Fast service! Friendly workers! Skilled BBCode! We make Outros, PFP's, Siggy's, Banners + More! Go to [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/699514/][color=deepskyblue][b][i]The[/color] [color=navy]Cyber[/color][color=deepskyblue] Shop[/b][/i][/color][/url][/i][/url] today!
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: Yes
Other info: Nope
You can just say the shop's multi-purpose, the rest doesn't matter.


Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

The Shopping Emporium (Shopping Directory 20) <|> Find the right shop or build your brand! <|> Inter-Shop Order Completion and Shop Of The Month! NOW OPEN

Shop Name: Hoots Shop
Shop Owner: about_nature
Banner Link: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img923/6559/Gs415n.jpg
Shop Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/700805/
Shop Profession(s) (Multi-Purpose, Coding, Art, Audio, Other) multi-purpose (mainly art)
Describe your shop (make it short but detailed):
[color=c27629]Need something that’s treetop good? Hoots Shop provide products that will give you a grateful hoot! We give out [u]free and special[/u] products that best fit your requirements from the treetop![/color]
Will you subscribe to ISOC?: sure
Other info: no more info but a question: what’s the ISOC? I can’t find any description about it

❝ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴠᴇs ᴏɴ ᴇᴀʀᴛʜ ʜᴀs ɪᴛs ᴏᴡɴ ᴜɴɪǫᴜᴇ sᴋɪʟʟs.❞
|Haze|♀|owner of Hoots Shop|✞
( ) : : : ( )
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