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  • » ✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Reviewing shops since 9/3/2020



Looking to improve your shop and get quality, honest feedback? Sign your shop up and we will provide the assistance you need to get better, with reviews, advice and more from our trusted team of scratchers like you.

Need a new look? Just ask! We offer templates for member shops to give you a refresh. We can swap your old layout, banner and BBCode for clean, great-looking designs.

Struggling with orders? Our Inter-Shop Order Completion program lets other shops take any orders you can't do, so that you can focus on keeping your work high quality, while we focus on reducing the strain on your shop and keeping others in business.

Feeling competitive? You may allow your shop to appear on the leaderboards, allowing you to rank yourself against other shops and see how you perform.

Don’t feel like being on the leaderboards? That’s fine, you can opt out of appearing and you will not be ranked against other shops. You will still receive monthly reviews so that your shop can get better in key areas.

Why join us?
We offer quality feedback to improve your shop where you need it. Additionally, we can distribute orders to other shops, reducing the workload, making sure that you don't suffer from an overload of tasks set for staff. For newer shops, we offer banners, BBCode and advertising so that you can look just as good as the big dogs. As a forum veteran since 2017, I have plenty of experience and will provide honest impressions and feedback, letting you know what needs improving as well as things I like about your shop.


We accept almost all forum shops. Studio and project shops are not accepted.

Note: all shops will have descriptions in italics by default.

Join form:
Shop name:
Shop owner:
Shop banner (link only):
Link to shop:
Description of shop (styling optional):
Members (no.#):
Date created:
Orders completed:
Have you read the T&Cs? Be honest:
Are you following the federation topic?:
Other info:

Template form (members only):
Shop name:
Banner style:
Banner colours:
Banner elements:
Banner slogan/s:
Template style:
Template colours:
How many total reserved posts do you have?
Anything else?

See below for our members, staff and more!

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 8, 2024 23:08:41)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Member shops:

This is a list of shops, our first shop was 78ch3's Parking Meter Shop (now closed) on 8/9/2020.

78ch3's Everything Shop owned by @78ch3

"Come to 78ch3's Everything Shop for quality products from our friendly staff! We have all products from coding, sprites, BBCode and art to ideas, reviews, advertising and music! Your Orders, Our Service!™ Order or join our crew today! We are always hiring!"
Created 3rd of June 2017
Joined 15th of November, 2020

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ owned by @seg_leinad

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. We provide original music, musical programming, musical reviews and music tutorials/explanations.

Created 25th of May 2022
Joined 3rd of September 2022

The Glow Shop owned by @depresso-boiyo

Welcome to the Glow Shop!
here, we will get your personalized orders out to you faster than you can say Glow stick!

Created 17th of May, 2022
Joined 8th of November, 2022

Coding Hut owned by @MyScratchedAccount
Full scale banner pending
premium code and art
Created 28th of December, 2022
Joined 17th of January, 2023

The EVERYTHING Shop! owned by @kinosaurs515

At The EVERYTHING Shop, we take orders for ANYTHING within Scratch!
Created 3rd of December, 2022
Joined 26th of January, 2023

The Potato Shop owned by @-TeoPotato-

No description provided
Created 6th of March, 2023
Joined 29th of April, 2023

Hoots Shop owned by @about_nature

Need something that’s treetop good? Hoots Shop provide products that will give you a grateful hoot! We give out free and special products that best fit your requirements from the treetop!
Created 16th of March, 2023
Joined 16th of August, 2023

Eason's Pixel Art Shop owned by @Eason_9

Welcome to Eason's Pixel Art Shop, a place to order free pixel art for your games!
Created 14th of September, 2023
Joined 15th of October, 2023

The Everything Emporium owned by @pompom454

The Everything Emporium has everything (and everything) you need! Like SRB2 colors or PFPs!
Created 5th of December, 2023
Joined 17th of December, 2023

THE MOCKUP MARKET owned by @ilovestories

The Mockup Market
“How would it look in Scratch?”

Created 11th of December, 2023
Joined 8th of January, 2024

Rosie's Wonderland owned bt @hxney-blxssxm

Welcome to rosie's wonderland! Here we sell banners, thumbnails, bios and more!

A list for all shops waiting to join the main list of shops:


View former members here
(This is incomplete since I forgot about it)

Last edited by 78ch3 (April 22, 2024 04:15:55)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Staff members:

Board of Directors:
Owner (total control over federation. Can hire and fire anyone, update the FP, invite shops, call activity checks and add/remove shops): 78ch3 /|\ Resident Arsonist and local transbian

Co-owner (some control over federation. Can hire and fire non-BoD members with reason, call activity checks, accept and invite shops. Can request for shops to be removed): VACANT

Secretary (invites shops, calls activity checks, can accept new staff and can fire anyone not on the BoD with reason): VACANT

Chairman (provides reports on shop activity and issues, can hire staff): Luigis_Mansioner

Head of Reviewing (can hire and fire review team staff, reviews shops monthly): misaPuding

Staff members:
Review team (reviews shops monthly): 2 members:
- seg-leinad
- cs4233117
- depresso-boiyo /|\ Ash
ISOC team (manages the ISOC) 0 members:
- None

This list is for staff who have retired, been removed from the federation or sadly departed Scratch and have notified us.
- MyScratchedAccount (removed for inactivity)
- TeslaDummy (removed for inactivity)
- captain_technology (removed for inactivity)
- purple_car (removed for inactivity)
- Builder_53_Studios (left for whatever reason)
- snapdrag0ns (account deleted or banned)
- saitama-GPOTM (removed for inactivity)

Activity key:
High activity. Responded to latest activity check.
Moderate activity. Missed an activity check.
Low activity. Missed 2 activity checks.
Inactive. Missed 3 activity checks.
On break.

# denotes a strike
^ denotes a warning (removed after 1 month)

If a user missed an activity check, they will be notified. If a user is on the inactive status they will be fired if they do not post in 1 week. If a staff member posts and they are on , or They will be bumped up to and will reach if they respond to the next activity check.
If a staff member has a ban, they will be fired, no exceptions.

RESERVED means you need a special invitation to get that position. VACANT means you can join with the standard form.

Apply for staff

Join Requirements:
50+ forum posts. 100+ recommended.
3 months account age minimum, 6 months recommended. This cannot be split across multiple accounts, as we often cannot correctly confirm the age of past accounts and proof of ownership.
3 projects minimum.
Active at least 2 days per week.
No bans and a maximum of 3 mutes.
Respectful and reliable.

Staff may also add a small piece of text next to their username on the staff page. This is optional, and cam be added, removed or changed at any time.

Join form:
Active days per week:
How experienced are you with the forums?:
Forum posts:
Account age:
Work examples (projects, art etc.):
Shops worked/working at:
Following this topic?:
Did you read the T&C?:
Custom name tag+BBCode (optional):

Invite form:
[big][b]Hello there! This is the Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, or SSRF! [/big]
We are inviting you to join our federation to receive benefits such as
[i]monthly reviews, inter-shop order completion,
assistance[/i] and [i]tips[/i] to [u]improve your shop! [/u]
This is all [u]completely free[/u] and all you need to do is
have your owner fill in the form and post it at [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/436711/?page=1#post-4388903][u]this forum topic[/u][/url].
Please consider joining, we are always looking for new members![/center]

Sincerely, (your username here) of the SSRF.[/b]

AC form:
[b]This is the Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, calling all shop owners/high ranking staff
to respond to the activity check at [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/436711/?page=1#post-4388903]this forum topic[/url]!
Additionally, you must respond with any updates such as review orders, significant changes
and any orders to be submitted to the ISOC program.

You have [u]until <date>[/u] to respond, otherwise your shop is subject to removal.[/center][/b]

Review form:
Hello! (Your username here) of the SSRF with your monthly review!
Quality: x/20
Speed: x/20
Kindness: x/20
Activity: x/20
Style: x/20

Rating: (insert rating here)


Guide to reviewing:
Reviewers must look at recent orders completed and not just any review orders.

Quality: how well the shop staff do orders.
> 1-5: Finished products are of very poor quality. Elements may be completely wrong, objects could be incorrectly coloured and sloppily made, or just completely missing entirely. The order may look mostly incomplete.
> 10: Finished products are okay, but are still below standards and did not meet expectations. The product may appear incomplete.
> 11-17: Finished products are decent or well done and met the reviewer's expectations. If the orders met expectations, it should be rated a 13-15.
> 18-20: Finished products are very well done, and exceeded expectations.
Speed: how fast the staff complete orders.
> 1: Orders took on average over 1 month to be completed.
> 5: Orders took on average 3 weeks to be completed
> 10: Orders took on average 2 weeks to be completed
> 11-15: Orders are completed after the deadline, but only by a few days.
> 16: The order was completed by the deadline or within 1 week, whichever is shorter.
> 17-20: The order was completed extremely quickly, within 3 days. If orders average <48 hour completion and delivery, rate a 20.
Kindness: How nice staff are to customers.
> 1-5: Staff are extremely disrespectful, and actively insult or guilt trip the reviewer and/or customers.
> 6-10: Staff appear somewhat rude in their posts.
> 11-14: Staff respect is okay, but there are some off comments here and there.
> 15: Staff are quite nice. This should be your default rating.
> 16-20: Staff go out of their way to be nice to you and customers.
Activity: how active staff are, on average.
> 1: Basically no activity from staff. Nobody responds to orders, and their profile activity is also non-existent.
> 5: There may be 1 or 2 people doing something, but they aren't very active either.
> 10: Some staff are somewhat active, others, however, not so much.
> 15: Staff are reasonably active and respond to orders within a day or two.
> 20: All staff are active and bump the topic daily. Orders receive responses very quickly, sometimes within a couple hours.
Style: how good-looking and organised the shop is.
> 1-5: Poorly made banner, messy front page and no navigation.
> 6-10: Some attempts at styling, somewhat decent banner, still no navigation and some clutter.
> 11-15: Some decoration, obvious attempts at cleaning up the homepage, good banner.
> 16-20: Beautiful styling, very good banner that isn't cluttered or jarring to look at, a navigation tab, very little or no clutter.

Rating guide:

Perfect: 100
A: 86 and above
B: between 71 and 85
C: between 56 and 70
D: between 41 and 55
E: between 26 and 40
F: 25 and below

Be honest with your ratings. Do not lie.

Tips: provide tips based on the ratings.

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 8, 2024 23:05:42)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Terms and Conditions:

Notice: the T&C may be updated without warning. Please check the T&C frequently if you are a member or staff.

Section 1: Shops
1.0: This section applies to the shop and all of its staff members. If any shop owner or staff disagree with these rules, they must state why with valid arguments.
1.1: All shop owners must fill out the form to join whether it was an invite or not.
- 1.1.1: If this is not done, then the shop will not be accepted.
- 1.1.2: Your form must be filled in completely and correctly. No corner cutting.
1.2: Shop staff must remain active or they will be removed from the federation.
1.3: Shop staff cannot show disrespect towards our federation or they will be removed instantly.
- 1.3.1: This includes hate, bullying, trash talk, etc.
- 1.3.2: Reporting will often be necessary.
1.4: If a shop staff member disrespects any individual via profile or project comments, that shop will be notified so that appropriate action can be taken.
- 1.4.1: If necessary, the user will be reported in addition to the shop owner being notified.
1.5: If necessary, we will conduct a shop activity check. Any shops that do not respond will be removed from the federation.
1.6: The Community Guidelines apply everywhere on the Scratch Website and must be followed. Any shops caught violating these rules will immediately be removed.
1.7: Shops must be 7 days old or more and have completed 2 or more orders. However, we accept shops of all populations and professions, from solo shops and single-service shops to giant mall-like establishments and everything shops.
1.8: No currency organisations accepted. Additionally, shops that use currencies or have joined currency organisations will be asked to discontinue or leave the currency or they will not be accepted.
1.9: Only the president/owner of the shop has the final say in joining, invite or not. Other BoD members can not dictate the decisions of the owner applying or apply without permission from the owner. If the shop has a Co-owner/VP or a partnership department or equivalent then they can also apply or deny invites without owner's permission, however must consult the owner about their decision.
- 1.9.1: This does not apply if the owner has no other way of being contacted or making their own decision.
1.10: When applying, codeword Pizza is required in your application to show you read this. Please place it into a sentence or hide it well rather than leaving it on it's own, or you will not be accepted. If it is blatantly obvious you have not read these rules but included the codeword, a 2 week suspension from reapplication will occur.
- 1.10.1: The codeword can change with or without warning for any reason.
- 1.10.2: no mentioning of the codeword is allowed except in applications showing the codeword in a sentence.
1.11: If a shop decides to leave the federation, they must state why.

Section 2: staff
2.0: This section applies to all staff, with some exceptions to the Owner and Co-owner.
2.1: Any disrespect towards other staff results in a warning. Further disrespect and you will be fired.
2.2: Any disrespect towards member shops will result in instant firing with no warning.
2.3: You must do your job. Reviewers must review shops, information staff must gather info, BoD members have their roles next to their name.
2.4: Responding to activity checks is vital. If not, you receive a drop in activity. Too many drops and you will be removed.
2.5: Spamming, advertising etc. results in a warning.
2.6: Warnings are given out when a staff member shows disrespect to others, spams, advertises or performs any sort of behaviour that goes against the Community Guidelines. These cannot be removed under any circumstances.
- 2.6.1: These can be both a punishment and a lesson: if they accumulate 3 of these warnings, they will receive a red warning. If they get another warning after this, they will be fired. However, if a staff member gets one, this could be a signal to improve and avoid getting more.
- 2.6.2: being banned results in instant firing, no exceptions.
2.7: The Community Guidelines apply here like they do anywhere on the Scratch Website. As such, appropriate action will be taken against breaches of these Guidelines.
2.8: You will not be notified in the event of an activity check.
- 2.8.1: In the event of a vote, however, you will be notified via your profile comments or other means.

Section 3: non-staff
3.0: This section applies to scratchers who are not staff members or shop members.
3.1: Spamming, advertising, any unnecessary posts will get you reported.
3.2: Disrespect to staff is not allowed, we will report anything that could be considered hurtful mentally or psychologically.
3.3: Disrespect to the federation is not tolerable and will be reported when seen.
3.4: Those wishing to become staff members need codeword Based in their application, however, it must be in a sentence. It will not be accepted on it's own. If it is blatantly obvious you have not read these rules but included the codeword, a 3 week suspension from reapplication will occur.
- 3.4.1: The codeword can change at any time, with or without reason, for any reason.
3.5: The Community Guidelines apply like always. No breaches will be tolerated.
- 3.5.1 The Scratch Team WILL be notified of any breaches of the Community Guidelines.

More sections coming soon.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Dec. 10, 2023 07:01:28)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅


The leaderboard system ranks shops based on their overall performance. Shops should aim to improve their scores and reach number 1. Every 2 months, the highest ranked shop will receive a Platinum award, which they can display on their home page.

First Place Shop = The Glow Shop

Quality: 12/20
Speed: 20/20
Kindness: 18/20
Activity: 17/20
Style: 17/20

Rating: B+ (84/100)

While the quality could be better, the shop is both good looking and organized, and staff are friendly. Orders are completed fast, although some time can be spared for better orders. However, their orders have improved since the review so they do have my recommendation for fast and easy art.
Second Place Shop: The Coding Hut

Quality: 12/20
Speed: 19/20
Kindness: 13/20
Activity: 14/20
Style: 10/20

Rating: C+ (68/100)

The shop, overall, gave me mixed opinions. The front page is messy, with redundant, unnecessary or poorly worded info clogging up some of the page, and chats between staff taking up entire pages. On the other hand, delivered orders were as expected, although it's left room for improvement. Coding? Works great, but I definitely wouldn't call the art “Premium”.

Third Place Shop = The EVERYTHING Shop

Quality: 8/20
Speed: 20/20
Kindness: 14/20
Activity: 18/20
Style: 14/20

Rating: B (74/100)
While I thought the shop was very nice looking with very active staff, I was disappointed with the delivered orders, not just mine, but a couple others for other users. The banner was decent, it looked alright and came the same day I ordered, but not all the things asked for were included. The real killer was the platformer, which was not only had kinda janky physics but lacked some features I asked for. The owner intentionally ignored the request for another staff member to complete it (the owner had previously done the order for another shop). I even decided to place their shop in 3rd despite having a higher score than 2nd. If the orders improve, I will rank them higher.
Fourth Place Shop: The Piano Shop

Quality: 18/20
Speed: 1/20
Kindness: 13/20
Activity: 10/20
Style: 16/20

Overall: C- (58/100)

This is the top shop for music on Scratch, with some impressive beats considering these are unpaid people probably under the age of 15, but you'll have to wait. Orders can take quite a substantial amount of time to be completed, and the review orders were no exception. In fact, it took almost 4 months to be completed, and following the review, some workers were arguing with the scores and complained about the fact I rated the speed so low. Not a great look for your shop. If they improve their behaviour and speed, they'd likely be higher up.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Dec. 20, 2023 14:19:22)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

April fools variant:

Shuttin down shops since a while ago lol



Bruh moment | No directory 4 u | Corn | lel green | cyan is sus | evil kumquat headquarters

Looking to lose all your energy units get quality failure? Shut down ur shop and we will provide the memes you need to get sad, with cheese, bloatware and more from our low effort team of scratchers like us. Feeling sus? You may rickroll your shop to get taco bell'd, allowing you to yeet yourself and brag to other shops so that you get free cash! We're dedicated to making sure your shop don't succeed. With millions of options to choose from, including Cringe, Plane Crash, Arson, Cake, Amogus, Revengeance Status Memes, Touhou Hijack and more, you're guaranteed to have your shop sent to the Infinite Abyss of Failure.
Don’t feel like cake? That’s fine, you can have pie and you will not be banned. You will still receive daily oofs so that you can laugh until the site shuts down because fail. Also, we ate all of the pie lol.

Why tho?
Because we shut down shops. It's how we make our m o n e y

But why?
That’s our business, we are open 1 week only but who cares when m o n e y

But I don’t want to shut down my shop!
Too bad, shut it down or we take ur energy cells.

Aww dang

Shut down form:
Name thingy:
Banner thingy (link only):
Where ur shop (linky plz):
Who owns it:
Did u ask ur manager? (if not owner):
What ur shop do:
How many peeps u got:
When u make shop?:
Fails completed:
Other stuff:

Get some
Name thingy:
How u like:
How u colour:
What u want
Texty pls:
Thingy style:
Thingy colours:
U got posts?
U want more?

See below for our gaming wins, fail videos and more!

(This is our April fools page. See here for the real thing)

Reviewing shops since 9/3/2020



Looking to improve your shop and get quality, honest feedback? Sign your shop up and we will provide the assistance you need to get better, with reviews, advice and more from our trusted team of scratchers like you.

Need a new look? Just ask! We offer templates for member shops to give you a refresh. We can swap your old layout, banner and BBCode for clean, great-looking designs.

Struggling with orders? Our Inter-Shop Order Completion program lets other shops take any orders you can't do, so that you can focus on keeping your work high quality, while we focus on reducing the strain on your shop and keeping others in business.

Feeling competitive? You may allow your shop to appear on the leaderboards, allowing you to rank yourself against other shops and see how you perform.

Don’t feel like being on the leaderboards? That’s fine, you can opt out of appearing and you will not be ranked against other shops. You will still receive monthly reviews so that your shop can get better in key areas.

Why join us?
We offer quality feedback to improve your shop where you need it. Additionally, we can distribute orders to other shops, reducing the workload, making sure that you don't suffer from an overload of tasks set for staff. For newer shops, we offer banners, BBCode and advertising so that you can look just as good as the big dogs. As a forum veteran since 2017, I have plenty of experience and will provide honest impressions and feedback, letting you know what needs improving as well as things I like about your shop.


We accept almost all forum shops. Studio and project shops are not accepted.

Note: all shops will have descriptions in italics by default.

Join form:
Shop name:
Shop owner:
Shop banner (link only):
Link to shop:
Description of shop (styling optional):
Members (no.#):
Date created:
Orders completed:
Have you read the T&Cs? Be honest:
Are you following the federation topic?:
Other info:

Template form (members only):
Shop name:
Banner style:
Banner colours:
Banner elements:
Banner slogan/s:
Template style:
Template colours:
How many total reserved posts do you have?
Anything else?

See below for our members, staff and more!

Last edited by 78ch3 (March 31, 2024 13:45:58)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Inter-Shop order completion

Are you struggling with orders? Simply ask us to add orders here and we'll notify subscribed shops every week!

All orders:
- None right now

Subscribed shops
- 78ch3's Everything Shop
- The PFP House (PFPs, banners)
- Coding Hut (programming, art)

Last edited by 78ch3 (Jan. 26, 2023 07:34:10)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

when should i apply?

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary

Last edited by Luigis_Mansioner (Sept. 4, 2020 00:29:26)

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power
will there be training?

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power
will there be training?
No. Training I’ll probs have to remove. It’s pointless.

This is the end of the quote chain

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power
will there be training?
No. Training I’ll probs have to remove. It’s pointless.

This is the end of the quote chain
so what is my job what do i do?

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power
will there be training?
No. Training I’ll probs have to remove. It’s pointless.

This is the end of the quote chain
so what is my job what do i do?
Nothing yet. Just lax

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Luigis_Mansioner wrote:

Join form:
Activity: 9/10
Forum posts:30
Account age:1 year and 3 months
Work examples (projects): sims 5, animations and am working on a platformer.
Shops worked at: Parking meter shop, dj kit shop, bacon shop.
Other: i am applying for co-owner or seccretary
also if i get the job is there employee training so i know what to do?
RESERVED is special invite only. However, you may join as an assistant chairman.
can i be head of information i like the idea of hire and fire
Well, you only hire and fire information staff, but ok. Also, I must approve the firing.
yes i will only fire with permission i just like how it feels like i have power
will there be training?
No. Training I’ll probs have to remove. It’s pointless.

This is the end of the quote chain
so what is my job what do i do?
Nothing yet. Just lax

I've been inactive on scratch for so long that I'm just gonna start fresh.
The Store
Project Reviewers
Adverstisement Store
Join the TBG Forums, if you don't, then watch out! (just kidding, still join tho)
1000+ posts

✅Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation: ▶️⚡️Register now for monthly reviews, assistance and more!⚡️◀️ We need staff! Apply Now!✅

Luigis_mansioner wrote:

Let’s just chat elsewhere,

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
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