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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Welcome to Liquid Metal. We are the World's greatest, the only force to stop humanity's enemies. Our survival depends on us.

The turn of the century was a dark time for Planet Earth. Corruption, Greed and Devastation forced us towards a dystopian future. Corporations and governments controlled our lives, while their military forces decimated the cities of peaceful countries. A living hell populated by vast industrial complexes, cheap high-rises and barren, wasted lands, where freedom was long forgotten and the streets were left empty. On the brink of nuclear war, growing tension between opposing nations, the collapse of society nearing, it was time to end this, no matter the cost. So we fought, and never stopped fighting. We rose above those who oppressed us, and destroyed their regimes, restored the balance, brought humanity back to what it should be.

Liquid Metal was founded after the fall of the Shadow Regime; the unofficial but rather common name for the oppressive and greedy government operations that controlled many countries for nearly 40 years. Working as an undercover intelligence and secret service organization, they operated in conjunction with the new governments formed to provide valuable information in exchange for funding and resources. However, the rise of hostile groups that threaten the safety of billions and are far more dangerous than any terrorist group has prompted Liquid Metal to react, and they'll stop at nothing to take them down.

Current Year: 2127

Last edited by 78ch3 (Jan. 31, 2024 01:30:24)

1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

List of Factions

The “Good Guys”

Liquid Metal LLC.
Founded shortly after the fall of Shadow Regime in 2118, Liquid Metal is lead by Mercury; a mysterious but intelligent individual who also partook in The Uprising, and these revolutionists make up a majority of the organisation. Liquid Metal operates with 3 major branches: Information, Investigation and Infiltration, each with their own protocols, techniques, skillsets and overall structure. However, they are all equally necessary. While the original purpose was to counter terrorist groups and provide intel on major criminal activities, the rising of genuine threats to our peaceful society through extremist factions has pushed Liquid Metal to begin operations that investigate and hopefully tear down these extremists, by any means necessary.

Nexus Tactical (NPC Only)
Liquid Metal’s primary arms dealer, once just another government supplier, now one of the largest firearms manufacturers in the world. Famous for their series of weapons that all use advanced recoil reduction systems consisting of many parts and mechanisms, they’ve become the choice of Liquid Metal agents, mercenaries and infiltrators alike for their reliability, effectiveness and shooter comfort. While they’re not the only supplier, they do provide some of the most reliable and high-quality arms available on the market.

Blackout Research Inc. (NPC Only)
While it was thought that this company had fallen due to bankruptcy or government failure, they still operate in secret, working with Liquid Metal’s R&D lab to produce new and improved gadgets and systems like EMP devices, signal jammers, grapple guns, traps and recon devices. Several connected manufacturing companies are then able to mass produce these things for Liquid Metal in secret and ship them using specialised transport methods to prevent the goods from being intercepted. Their headquarters are unknown to anyone but a select few high-ranking Liquid Metal officials.

Doom Foundation
Founded by Aegis Doom, the foundation is dedicated to keeping hostile factions under control. Following their time enslaved by Red Sun Rising, Doom hired soldiers, agents and scientists to form their new organisation. They maintain ties with Liquid Metal and have done joint operations, but otherwise operate autonomously. Not much is known about how they operate, but they have similar tech, strategies and structures to LM.

The “Bad Guys”

Red Sun Rising
Not everyone was happy about the fall of the Shadow Regime, and this group shows it, taking their views and forcing the world to suffer. Through city raids, arson attacks, underground schemes and the like, the Red Sun Rising cult is lead by a true deranged madman with the goal of turning the planet into a communist hellscape, devoid of free will or enjoyment. Their extreme methods have affected communities in many Slavic countries as well as several Middle Eastern establishments. They have no morals, no mercy, no ideals and no real reason to fight, but the many brainwashed individuals will blindly follow their leader’s commands.

Dawn of Calamity
In a similar vein as Red Sun Rising, Dawn of Calamity is bent on tearing down our new world and flooding Earth with anarchy. Our planet will be a burning wasteland of bandits, cultists and survivors, an ongoing war over resources and power, a drive to survive, dominated by the strong, the fearless, before ultimately, everything would collapse and humanity would likely perish. Though less prevalent than Red Sun Rising, they have still done some horrific things in public. Their network of criminals is vast and a majority of their efforts are organised and coordinated, making them a difficult force to counter. Their leader, Vulcan, is the embodiment of an evil mastermind from hero vs villain movies. A former military commander, they operate on violence and timing, carefully planning their moves before the final execution.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Aug. 4, 2023 01:46:03)

1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Rules of play

0. There is only 1 requirement to play, and that is a Scratcher rank. This shouldn’t take too long, just be active within the community and you’ll reach it in no time.

1. All users are expected to be respectful and inclusive of others. There is to be no discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.

2. This extends somewhat to the character/s you are roleplaying. While your character can be disrespectful, sassy, arrogant, etc. it must be within acceptable boundaries. Please ensure you are still following community guidelines and avoid going overboard.

3. Romance and violence are acceptable, but keep it mild. Gory depictions, kissing excessively, suggestive actions/speech and detailed descriptions of violent actions are forbidden.

4. Please ensure your character's actions are depicted in a clear, understandable and realistic manner. Don't be vague, and try to be interesting! (e.g instead of saying “they outplay the enemy”, say “they deftly maneuver themself around the first hostiles to evade their punches, then hide behind a truck and draw their pistol.”) This extends to speech as well. Talk like a human would, don't mix in abbreviations or omit punctuation.

5. You are not allowed to kill or severely/permanently injure a person’s character without their explicit permission. NPCs can be killed freely, but keep it limited if possible. Likewise, please do not resurrect dead characters.

6. Your character must be reasonably flawed and cannot perform superhuman acts or anything generally overpowered. A good recommendation is 1 flaw per strength, to balance power with weakness. Additionally, don’t perform too many actions at once, give others no opportunity to react and don’t control other people’s characters or force them into unfair situations with no way of getting out of them. Please coordinate everything with the people you are RPing with.

7. Please do not cause excessive drama without permission from the owner (78ch3) or admins. Keep events small and try not to take things out of hand. Everything has repercussions, and we want to make sure this is relatively controlled. Of course, you can always ask for permission to start something like on a minor scale.

8. Information acquired in RPs your character was NOT apart of CANNOT be used with that character. This is known as metagaming, and is strongly frowned upon. It is crucial that you follow this rule, as someone can plan an infiltration with other characters, just for the enemy to know that exact plan immediately. Only RP with information you know of. There is no mind-reading or telepathy, so don't use that as an excuse.

9. The codeword is Gallium. Please hide this within a sentence in the Other section of the form, otherwise you will be denied even if you have the codeword in your application. Do not go telling everyone the codeword, if their application is denied, they must read the rules and find the codeword themselves.

10. This is not required, but recommended. Please advertise this RP and spread the word. I have an ad in my signature, which is a good place to advertise across the forums as you make posts. You can also recommend us to users looking to roleplay, make fan projects and advertise in studios that allow it. Also, please consider the TBGForums as well, we are looking for active members as we're in a bit of a dry period right now. Not many active members anymore.

This list can and will expand with or without notice.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Jan. 19, 2025 07:32:16)

1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Le Forms

Character Application Form

You can have a maximum of 3 playable characters at one time. Admins can have up to 5, and the owner (78ch3) can have unlimited characters (mwahaha!)

Please put time and effort into your application. Want a cool weapon or gadget? Describe it in detail. Make your character useful to your chosen organisation. Your gadget and weapons need some description too.

Character Name:
Faction (optional rank):
Gender and (optional) orientation:
Core Strengths:
Core Weaknesses:
Primary Weapon:
Primary Gadget:
Other equipment:
Have you read the rules page? Be honest:
Anything Else?
A guide to the character form (please don’t fill this one in)

Username: So I can copypaste your form, hehehe.
Character name: full name or first name only, either works, a nickname is optional but not required. Only the real name is mandatory.
Faction: self explanatory
Age: self explanatory. Your character shouldn't be a child/teen or
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male, Female, Non-binary, others, none, keep it real please. Same thing with orientation/attraction.
Appearance: another self explanatory one. When describing clothing, just use 1 or 2 outfits they wear most often.
Personality: how your character acts, thinks and expresses themself. This is what you stick to, and this is WHAT YOU STICK TO! If your character is an introverted and quiet full-time programmer, they shouldn’t be roleplayed as a talkative, popular and socially active college student. Be creative, be unique, and - yeah I know you can have multiple personalities, you can point that out in the form.
Backstory: let your brain fry itself as you write a whole dang novel for your backstory. A recommendation is at least 4 sentences minimum and to summarise the important parts. How do they benefit their chosen faction? How did they become a part of them? At the very least, be realistic and be original.
Core Strengths: your character's primary strong points. Is your character great with big, heavy, high-calibre guns? Maybe you can pick locks, crack codes and breach security? Are they adept at hardcore parkour? Do they excel with a knife or their bare fists? Be creative, and try not to have too many. Make sure to stick to them. Strengths should be relevant to this setting.
Core Weaknesses: your character’s primary weak points. This doesn’t have to be a direct opposite to your character’s strengths, for example, if they’re good at resisting heat, they don’t have to be weak to the cold. Does your character struggle using handguns? Perhaps they are bad at negotiating deals or talking themselves out of bad spots. Do they have a hard time under pressure, and fail to keep their cool? Do they have a physical disadvantage? A mental issue? A good rule is 1 weakness per strength, too little and your character is OP, too many and your character will suffer in most situations. Stick to these, and make sure they’re valid. Weaknesses should be relevant to this setting.
Primary Weapon: This is what your character will be taking into combat, and you’ll likely need to carry it as well as ammunition. Think about what your character is good at, what their job is and how much weapons experience they have. Consider the weapon’s weight, the strengths and weaknesses, what ammo it uses, etc. Also, make sure not to bring a knife to a gunfight. A list of Liquid Metal endorsed Nexus Tactical weapons is below, but you can make up your own. We are in the future, a whole century ahead of now. You don't have to use exisiting real world weapons. We aren't quite in the age of practical, man-portable laser, energy or sound-based weapons, but you can still get creative.
Primary Gadget: What does your character use when they need to gain an edge or complete a certain task? Examples of equipment include EMP devices and signal jammers, destructive devices, ballistic shields, holograms and more. Be creative, make it practical, give it strengths and weaknesses. Describe it’s functions too. Keep it reasonably grounded, realistic and actually useful.
Other equipment: This is what your character carries besides their primary weapon and gadget. These can be stun grenades, a flash drive to breach security and steal, a concealed carry handgun, anything that isn’t worthy of being a primary tool but is still useful. Please don't just have random items and junk that aren't helpful to your character. It’s recommended to have at most 3 gadgets because too many can make a character OP.
Have you read the rules page? We have a codeword that must be hidden inside a sentence in the below field, otherwise you won’t be accepted.
Anything Else?: If you have any questions, suggestions, fun facts, or anything else you want to talk about, feel free to tell us!

Faction Suggestion Form
Suggest a faction idea and maybe it'll happen.
Faction name:
Good or bad?:
Faction goal:
Faction leader:
Faction ideals:
Anything else?

Administrator Application Form

Administrators, or Admins, have the power to accept and deny characters, cause major events (within reason and with my (78ch3’s) permission), ensure that RPs are controlled and that everyone is staying in-line with expectations. We want a fun, fair and enjoyable experience for everybody. Admins are expected to follow rules and be reasonable.

We have 2 requirements for admins: you must have been RPing here for at least 2 months, and you must be an active member of the community.

List your characters:
Why should you be an admin?:
Notable actions (RP threads you’re active in):
How long have you been RPing here for?:
How many other RPs are you active in?:
Anything else?:

Last edited by 78ch3 (Jan. 19, 2025 10:26:29)

1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

List of Characters

The “Good Guys”

Liquid Metal LLC.

Faction leader -

Character Name: Mercury (real name Vlasta Kalchik)
Age: unknown, but somewhere in the 30s
Gender and (optional) orientation: non-binary, unknown
Personality: mysterious and silent most of the time, but is a strong and intelligent leader with a friendly personality.
Appearance: Their face is always covered by a balaclava, plus a silver and gold face mask. They prefer concealing, dark clothing and a hooded cloak while out on missions. When their gloves are off, several scars as well as their mother’s bracelet can be seen on their right hand. Their hair, when visible, is a snow white colour.
Backstory: This was too long and will be found in the RP project.
Core Strengths: Is very intelligent and a jack of all trades when it comes to wilderness survival. Their shooting skill is remarkable, especially in CQB. They can hack digital security systems and harvest data easily.
Core Weaknesses: Their emotions sometimes get in the way, making long conversations, negotiating deals and certain select moments tough. They struggle with using throwable devices, belt-fed machine guns, tube-magazine shotguns, grappling hooks/ropes and carrying heavy objects.
Primary Weapon: The R7-SFC, an integrally suppressed combat rifle designed for long-range stealth combat with a variety of ammo types and customisation options.
Primary Gadget: Hercules R64 GLS, a portable 4-cylinder grenade launcher with a rather small frame for what it is. Mercury has it configured with 2 concussive grenades and 2 EMP bombs, as well as a 45-degree grip and rangefinder sight. While larger rotary drums are available, it would be too bulky for their purposes.
Other equipment: N200 sidearm, Viper Drive, rugged smart tablet.

Other positions are up for grabs if you’d like.

Spies - Low-profile operators who gather intel, equipped for recon missions. They are mobile, stealthy and avoid direct combat as much as possible. They’re not focused on dirty work.

Character Name: Blaze (real name is Amber Levine though most people don't know that)
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC
Age: 20
Gender and (optional) orientation: female
Appearance: pale skin, long dark red hair, green eyes, lean and average height. usually wears black pants and tank top with a dark green coat, black combat boots and black fingerless gloves. She always wears a sheath for her knives on her back and a holster for a handgun around her waist. Also has special contact lenses.
Personality: She is kind although she can be rather sarcastic. She can seem rather rude at first but once you get to know her she's a great friend. She is smart and uses that to her advantage in battle.
Backstory: Grew up in America with her parents. She soon became an orphan after her parents were killed for trying to leave and was captured by the Dawn of Calamity. Once she escaped enslavement at age thirteen she traveled the world helping people like her escape. She joined Liquid Metal when she was twenty to help make a bigger difference.
Core Strengths: Knives and hand to hand combat. Also can use a gun.
Core Weaknesses: Will sometimes collapse under extreme stress. Is claustrophobic and cant be in tight spaces easily.
Primary Weapon: Double blades
Primary Gadget: Special contact lenses that allow her to scan people and locations and view videos and photos.
Other equipment: Basic handgun and communicators disguised as gold earrings.

Character Name: Bill E. Stereo, nicknamed Stereo because is stereotypical (and also because it's their last name)
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC
Age: 27
Gender and (optional) orientation: non-binary.
Appearance: Well, they always have a blue cloak & hood on, NO MATTER WHAT. Extreme heat doesn't urge this guy to take it off. They even sleeps with it- wait, is that too much information? it is? okay, I'll move on. umm, beige pants and stereotypical brown leather boots, and their face is obstructed by a gray mask and glasses. wears brown gloves matching their boots. eye color is black.
Personality: introvert, requires recharging social battery. is also very paranoid and has anxiety, because of their gadget on their wrist. UNCOOPORATIVE. If you want to bond with them…. you're insane.
Backstory: Okay, I'll keep it short. they were born in a labor camp, and they were deemed “imperfect”, so was dropped in the sea in a metal box… with even more metal in it (to ensure that the box sunk all the way to the bottom. The box was recovered by a search submarine who thought that a metal box in the middle of nowhere was pretty odd, and, having no money, Stereo was forced to live in the shady backstreets.
Core Strengths: Likes computer science because that requires little to no cooperation with anybody. So, they're basically good at stuff that you don't have to work with other people with. Also likes explosive stuff (EXCEPT THAT LITTLE WRIST GADGET THING)
Core Weaknesses: Well, cooperation. Is very skittish and does not mix well with anyone, making team plans a no-go. Also has that little wrist gadget thing…
Primary Weapon: a modified Barrett MRAD, which is a stereotypical sniper rifle, but it was modified to fit almost any type of ammo on it. They like it because (again) you don't have to go out onto the battlefield with other people with this.
Primary Gadget: A wristband tied to their wrist (impossible to take off without heavy machinery). When the wrist band detects no pulse on Bill's wrist, it explodes. It also blows up if it is destroyed, therefore making it impossible to break. However, the wristband can also send out radar and, just like the Army, can detect if there are other things nearby.
Other equipment: they also have a stock of a wide variety of explosives. they would've been the “demo-man” if not for their primary weapon.

Character Name: Ruthenium (real name Ruth (last name unknown), but unknown to most)
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC
Age: 25
Gender and (optional) orientation: Girl, orientation unknown to even their closest friends
Appearance: (Disguise clothes) Blue and grey jacket concealing a black shirt with pocket (where the gun is held), and purple hair that covers most of the face. Wears small glasses, but these are fake. They turn her lime and black eyes to brown eyes. Normal jeans. (Actual covert clothes) No jumper, black shirt (aforementioned) with the pockets, and not dyed hair, that shows the face. Jeans as well.
Personality: Threatening, angered, and calm when they are spying on someone. They can build a friendship in a matter of minutes, making them one prone to betrayal (from both people involved). They are amazing at lying.
Backstory: When they were young, Red Sun Rising attacked them, but were narrowly saved by an unknown Liquid Metal agent. The agent sacrificed themselves, Ruth rebranded themselves and joined Liquid Metal, in solidarity to the agent.
Core Strengths: Very good at disguise and interrogation. They are enemies with Red Sun Rising, deeply, after what happened (in the above backstory). They will often go for spy missions, normally in disguise, and as mentioned above, are good at building friendships. This is useful during these missions, because it could lead to things like fake joining Red Sun Rising and being able to secretly find out their plans..
Core Weaknesses: When reminded of their past, they become immobilized. Red Sun Rising do not know this yet, but Ruthenium is worried that they will find out. The charismatic side of them, mentioned above, can often lead to their friends betraying them. This may lead to them thinking of their past, and, well, I already told you what happens next. This is a very big weakness.
Primary Weapon: N200 compact sidearm. Inside the shirt pocket, concealed by the jumper. They often take it out after revealing themselves, and… I don't know how to expand this any longer!
Primary Gadget: Brief stun gas device. Ruth, isn't too good with it though and regularly knocks herself out. Oops! It's found on the wrist, and fires straight forward. It's powered by blowing into the device, of course the stun gas may set itself off.
Other equipment: Occasionally, a N250 sidearm at the persuasion of their fellow members of Liquid Metal LLC.

Username: Larcury
Character Name: Selenium (Calista Tedd is her real name)
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC (agent)
Age: 23
Gender and (optional) orientation: female
Appearance: Straight black hair, fair skin, black jeans, dark grey hoodie, and red sneakers.
Personality: Quiet, not a very talkative person. She doesn’t like being exposed to the open/a lot of enemies. She usually sounds uncertain.
Backstory: She once had a small but lovely family. When she was 12, the Shadow Regime attacked her village. She and her sister escaped, but the rest of her family was killed. She and her sister went into hiding, and later her sister died of a gunshot. After the fall of the Shadow Regime, she joined Liquid Metal because she didn't want other normal people to die like her family because of the bad guys.
Core Strengths: can run very fast
Core Weaknesses: can’t drive a car(she has the fear that she might crash into something, can ride one though), not very intelligent
Primary Weapon: a gun that works like a normal gun, but there is a button near the side that shoots a shield like an umbrella, which defects most weapons/projectiles (that doesn’t have a very strong force)
Primary Gadget: a strong taser
Other equipment: a grapple hook, and a small x-ray screen
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: Yes
Anything Else? I found out that Gallium is a little bit like Mercury when searching for Selenium.

Infiltrators - Highly trained tactical operators who go in quiet and secretly gather intel or disable key systems in the hot zone, usually an enemy base or off-limits site. They’re equipped with hacking tech, suppressed weapons and stealth gadgets.

Character Name: Xander Agent
Age: 21
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male, Pansexual.
Appearance: a tall male, who usually wears a hooded sweatshirt with a shirt underneath with long jet black pants, any other time of day he'll be seen with a bandanna on his mouth, a cap backwards on his head with a short sleeved baby blue shirt along with dark brown kaki shorts. he has light brown hair with darker brown highlights all over his hair, his hair is styled in a spiked Mowhawk like style, some of his back hair is shaved off.
Personality: a secretive male, who usually won't talk to people he doesn't know well, he keeps to himself most of the time, only responding when needed to, most people think he's mute (he's Partically mute, more on that later) when he does know someone quite well, he opens up, and is quite loud and will speak his mind, other then that, he's just your average mute kid.
Backstory: (No backstory? just kidding ) Xander grew up just before the war happened, when it did, most of his family did not survive. When Xander saw his family dead, he never forgot it. After that he was never the same, he was non-verbal, and got into fights too often, and almost got expelled from his school. Xander thankfully grew out of this phase, but he was still non-verbal most of the time, and the doctors described him as mute.
Core Strengths: Since he's an Infiltrator, he's quite good at snipers, semi-automatic pistols and rifles, he's good at jamming up the Security, such as the cameras. He's also good at upgrading guns and his gadgets.
Core Weaknesses: He'll need a bit of time to break the cameras, over 15 minutes, and as well as the snipers, since he needs the target desired for it. With the Barrett he'll need a bit of time setting it up, since it's a heavy weapon along with his sniper he needs a simple but effective spot on one of the buildings close to the one their targeting. The drone breaks every so often and he'll need a person to scout the inside of the building. He has his own lab for upgrading his guns and gadgets, and he gets locked out most of the time, he literally had to make an override key because of this. with the grapple gun, he needs a flat surface, he also uses it for his sniper, and if the surface that the grapple was on were to break, he would probably fall, thankfully he has spares.
Primary Weapon: Barrett M95, as well as a Dessert Eagle pistol (mmm tasty).
Primary Gadget: a scrambled tech pad, with multiple keypads on it, for maximum Efficiency. along with a remote control drone that he uses the tech pad for.
Other equipment: other then the things that come along with the Barrett M95, he has heat sensers as well as a audio scrambler. He also has a grapple along with black rope. If he forgets his Barrett, he has a Scar-H with a high power scope attached onto it.

Character Name: Lorelei Nightingale
Age: 29
Gender and (optional) orientation: female, bi (leaning more towards females)
Appearance: long, dark red hair mixed with black, fair skin, often wears sunglasses (that don't really hide her eyes). Her outfit usually consists of a dark-coloured hoodie and deep purple leggings. Sometimes, she'll wear a black carbon fibre face mask during combat missions.
Personality: quiet and self-centred, she'll often ignore others around her unless they really need something from her. She is trying to become more social, but it's tough. When you get to know her, she'll be a bit more talkative and open. She isn't rude or anything, but may come across as such. She's quite fierce in battle, and her somewhat slim figure shouldn't be underestimated if found unarmed. Her voice is noticeably Austrian and of course she speaks German as her first language (albeit being very fluent in English as well).
Backstory: born into a hardworking Austrian family hoping to make something of their situation, she had a lot of issues growing up. Couldn't speak properly until she was 6, learning problems, excessive pressure from her parents, things were not in her favour at all. She was constantly reminded of her shortcomings and the government was quite aware of their relative success compared to everyone else. She knew it was too much pressure, the work and struggle drove her to leave and eventually she escaped to her grandparents' residence, a small village, deep within the Austrian Central Alps. It was one of the few regions rarely regulated by authorities. From there, she was trained to use firearms, and quickly excelled in long-range shooting, being able to calculate wind and bullet drop on the fly. Her reflexes and agility also helped with navigating complex terrain. During the Uprising, there was no fighting near them, but the establishment served as a safe base to house and heal soldiers. Lorelei was credited with destroying 6 low-flying recon drones, as well as 2 hostile vehicles, protecting the safety of the location until the Shadow Regime finally collapsed.
Core Strengths: Lightning fast reflexes, agility and proficiency in sniper combat. She's also surprisingly good at stealth.
Core Weaknesses: She isn't that good at teamwork, and isn't very fond of handguns, she's not too great with those either. She sometimes has issues communicating with others properly, but that's only really when she's out of combat.
Primary Weapon: The Z90 Punisher, a double barrel bolt action marksman rifle currently chambered in .338 Norma Mag, outfitted with a high zoom scope with integrated rangefinder and weather sensor for convenience. It also has an angled foregrip, bipod and aftermarket stock.
Primary Gadget: A high power energy bolt rifle dubbed the “Thunder Striker”. It's capable of firing a high-energy beam of electricity to disable or destroy devices like a focused EMP, or to shock enemies. It's weighty power cell can only handle so many shots before it's dry, and carrying spares is often impractical.
Other equipment: an RX Spectre C-Type, the compact variant of the popular integrally suppressed SMG, as well as a smoke device and a few survival items.


Character Name: Radeozen but little know him by Akihiko Kaneko (金子明彦) .

Faction: Liquid Metal LLC

Age: 23

Gender and (optional) orientation: Male

Appearance: Has medium length hair, wears a metal mask and a bandanna and is heavily armored. Orange clothing with black accents are the type of his thing. He usually also wears stripped gloves with Japanese engravings. When his body is visible, you can see the scars and shreds of past experiences.

Personality: He thinks fast, before anything even happens. Secretive at peak, never tells anyone anything. Executive and always respects his fellow spies and agents. High knowledge as he's a graduate from IIT. He's also a pro gamer and executes a pro gamer move every time.

Backstory: After graduating from IIT, he returned back to Shizuoka finding out that his parents had died due to a fire accident that had happened apparently in a RSR warehouse. Determined, he made it his life's mission to get back on RSR. To get some experience on his resume, he went to first CIA, then MI5, then CBI and finally Liquid Metal LLC. Of course, he had past knowledge of hacking. Before joining LM LLC, he was diagnosed with malabsorption, meaning his body had problems absorbing nutrients from food which meant he had to double his diet/calories.

Core Strengths: He's a fast thinker, always at stealth. Never ever leaks anything and doesn't even tell his age to anyone. He is good at operating any weapon, mostly at assault rifles and pistols. Can infiltrate anything within minutes.

Core Weaknesses: He doesn't know how to recognize a lie or a traitor. He can't track anyone down. He isn't fast at reloading too.

Primary Weapon: He is very picky about weapons considering he turned down a 20,000$ weapon because the grip wasn't nice. So, he has a CDX-TAC in 6.5 Creedmoor with a 24" barrel

Primary Gadget: He likes his tactical zapper, a prototype from Blackout Research given to only him.

Other equipment: For infiltration, he uses a MAC-11

Character Name: Noah Rosengaard, but changed name to Gene Alfords (explanation below)
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC
Age: 38
Gender and (optional) orientation: Non-binary, accepts they/them
(Covert wear) Gene has huge black flowing hair, which they tuck into their pitch-black shirt, concealing their identity. Their sleeves are very tight and bear the words “Liquid Forever” on the left sleeve. Black gloves, black trousers, et cetera.
(Casual wear) Gene wears sunglasses, and a short sleeve shirt bearing a white background and three blue stripes in three shades going diagonal. They always wear shorts, even in winter, which are white at the top and fade down into a black colour. They never wear shoes in casual wear.
Personality: Warm and welcoming to anyone in casual wear, but when things get serious in covert missions, goes serious, and has a tendency to erupt into rage. When in covert missions, they can come off as threatening, but are not at all rough, and leaves the big stuff to others. However, when enraged, they will do anything to end their rage, including revenge.
Backstory: Noah lived in Northern England until they were 15, when Red Sun Rising began to approach their hometown to attack and capture Noah. Noah changed name and identity to Gene and moved to France to avoid the threat. When they turned 16, they nearly revealed their identity during a Eurovision trophy acceptance speech, and is forced to call the host Noah to cover the evidence. gallium Two years later, Gene discovered that the reason they were being hunted by Red Sun Rising - they were in a family of Red Sun and Shadow Regime members, and wished to capture Gene due to heritage. Gene soon sieged a Red Sun Rising base while there were only a few guards on their own. A Liquid Metal LLC agent saw them and offered them to join Liquid Metal. Although sceptic of the group, they joined up.
Core Strengths: A master with an N300, they are able to fight anyone to some extent. They're also a master of stealth.
Core Weaknesses: They never want to hurt anyone too severely, so leaves the finish to others. Despite this, they're a lone wolf sometimes, and struggles on solo missions. They're also super sceptic, and never trusts too many people.
Primary Weapon: A slightly modified N300 (which Gene calls the N301 sometimes), with more recoil and a slightly slower fire rate. This is caused by the implementation of an extra power module which fires the bullets faster than a normal N300. It also comes with a toggleable scope, which increases the weight of the gun.
Primary Gadget: A watch with a blinding light on its front, so that they may briefly blind opponents (only really works for five seconds, then they have full vision back again).
Other equipment: A slight hearing aid, but also allows the user to listen in on things that they couldn't normally hear - but prolonged usage of this will deafen the user, so used with lots of caution. Turns into an earpiece for voice chats if needed.
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: Absoluteyl.
Anything Else? I think this update is better anwyay, so maybe it's a good thing you asked for some changes. And I also cna't spell. Hlep em.

Character Name: Brian Weaver, Aliases: The Cranesville Snatcher, Agent Whack-A-Mole
Faction (optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC (Hired)
Age: 37
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male (He/Him)
Appearance: A generally well kempt man in his mid-thirties. He wears a standard 3-Peice suit and tie, and has a demeanor of formality (If you only focus on is appearance)
Personality: Laid back, childlike, sly, chaotic, very serious when he needs to be, brutally honest at times
Backstory: Brian Weaver grew up soon after the Shadow Regime fell, and in his early years, he grew comfortable with chaos. As the chaos and political fallout began, Brian began to dream of running away from home (If you could call the dingy excuse for a house his family had a home) and joining a counter-terrorist squad. He had begun to look up to such organizations, and their figureheads, like idols. Eventually, Brian was able to go to school, and receive a proper education, however, while most of the students got to learn about the wonders of history and the world, Brian was ostracized from the group, and felt as if the world was against him. Eventually, at the age of 14, he ran away. Wanting to become an agent, just like the ones he looked up to. This did not work out. he was left on the streets, having to beg, rob, and eventually kill to survive. But from this, he became stronger. Eventually, he joined a band of freelance mercenaries. He became desensitized to killing from this, and became a great assassin and even better cover-up agent. Eventually, after building a name for himself, he was hired by a terrorist group. Their directive was simple, in the city of Cranesville, he was to kill people, make them go missing, cause as much chaos as possible to distract from illegal drug and weapon trades happening. Through blood, he managed to make a name for himself as one of the the nation's best hired guns, one of the the nation's most infamous serial killers, or just a really chill dude, depending on who you talk to. At the moment, Brian works for Liquid Metal LLC, With the promise of a pardon for all of the assassinations he's carried out previously, and a dream of starting his own PMC in the future.
Core Strengths: Doesn't really care about the feelings of his targets
Core Weaknesses: Sometimes (almost always) insensitive
Primary Weapon: A custom made silenced auto-fire handgun firing 9mm rounds in easily concealable magazines
Primary Gadget: An implant in his brain that allows him to see his vitals, send radio messages, translate speech from any language, and determine and scan the identity of targets and weapons.
Other equipment: Forensic tools

Mercenaries - The heavily armoured, well-equipped operators who go into active combat zones or provide backup when something goes wrong. It takes a lot to bring down one of these guys; things like reactive armour, high-capacity machine guns, explosives and everything else needed to cripple their enemies are at their disposal. Not equipped for stealth, as expected.

Character Name: Caesium (AKA Cae), real name is Aaron Hemlock.
Faction(optional rank): Liquid Metal LLC, Infiltrator
Age: 21
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male
Appearance: Black braids hanging down his back; wears a black face mask and gloves, and wears a light-armor vest on top of a green T-shirt along with navy sweatpants with MANY pockets. Occasionally wears a trench coat to conceal the large scar running up his arm.
Backstory: Five years ago, he was attacked by few criminals, thinking he would make a good part of their gang. He took them out with nothing but fists and feet, but at the price of the scar on his arm, and the disappearance of his cat. He hates every bad guy you can think of, and wants nothing more to take thugs down… All because of his cat. Yeah, this backstory sucks. Sorry.
Core Strengths: Excels at close combat and blade fighting, good with computers and hacking.
Core Weaknesses: Headstrong and is a bad shot. Usually misses most ranged attacks.
Primary Weapon: Cae wields the Gunblade, a mechanical blade with three modes: Cleaver, Katana, and Blaster. Cleaver mode is a short and wide blade, excellent at brute force. Katana mode turns the blade thin and long, good for slicing and jabbing. Blaster mode splits the blade in half, shooting superheated custom bullets.
Primary Gadget: Cae wears a large mecha-glove on his left arm, which he uses to wield the Gunblade efficiently. It can be used as a hand, claw, or shot out on a cable as a grapple gun.
Other equipment: Wears a communicator on his right ear, and carries around a multitool, which contains a knife, lockpick, screwdriver, small wrench, and recorder… stick… thingy.

Doom Foundation

Faction leader -

Character Name: Aegis Doom
Faction (optional rank): Doom Foundation
Age: 25
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male
Appearance: He has a cool black and white tuxedo, with a tie on. He wears glasses as well. His hair is, however, chaotic.
Personality: He is chill, and keeps his cool even in the tensest of situations. He acts like he's one step up from his opponent; even if he is not. He is a gifted scientist himself; and with that, he also has a strategic mindset. He never appears scared; even when he is.
Backstory: After growing up in a harsh dictatorship, he was happy when the Shadow Regime fell. He began learning about science, and other subjects that would be useful in the future. However, others came up in his place, and although other good factions were fighting back, Aegis felt that there needed to be someone to oversee them. If the good fell to the thought of power, then there wouldn't be anybody to protect the people. He thought about a foundation that would monitor other organizations in secret, and stop them from having too much power. But, before he could put that plan into motion, he and his family were taken by Red Sun Rising. He was enslaved by them, forced to do their bidding. He spent 8 years there. In 2126, he escaped, but his entire family was gone. This further fueled his mission, and he dedicated his life to founding and leading the Doom foundation. Inventing a lot of technological advances, he hired soldiers and scientists to honor his family.
Core Strengths: Smart and strategic. He has experience with shooting weapons, as well.
Core Weaknesses: He remains emotional about his family, and has PTSD about their deaths. He is allergic to peaches.
Primary Weapon: An invention of his own, made solely for him, named simply the Doom.
Primary Gadget: A battle suit, rarely used, but useful.
Other equipment: A shield and a sword are embedded into his suit. He also has communication devices, that he can use while in battle. An AI is embedded into those communication devices.

Other members -


Character Name: Ash
Faction (optional rank): Doom Foundation
Age: 32
Gender and (optional) orientation: questioning, questioning
Appearance: blue eyes with red braided hair (is this enough). They also wear a green dress. That is it i don’t really know how to do appearance.
Personality: this person is very clumsy, but they are always incredibly precise with the way they interact with the world being very skilled at being perceptive. Albeit they are also very quiet and often don’t tell people about their findings.
Backstory: So the mean people decided to start a nuclear waste chemical spill directed at the village this character was in.They had to flee to avoid radiation poisoning unfortunately. They decided to start a new life away from the rest of the world to join the Doom Foundation so radiation wouldn’t exist anymore.
Core Strengths: They are very good at remembering long strings of information and detecting patterns in information.
Core Weaknesses: They are often times are not willing to compromise.
Primary Weapon: a HK 416 Assault Rifle.
Primary Gadget: a tracking device that marks targets and scans for enemies.
Other equipment: a small ballistic shield

Factionless individuals:


Character Name: Ludos (Preferred name) / Subject-R12
Faction (optional rank): no faction
Age: Technically 36
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male
Appearance: Pale skin tone, wears a brown vest and black shoes.
Personality: Except for those whom he sees “his level”, he looks down on everyone else as if they are inferior
Backstory: When an unknown organization was experimenting with genetic manipulation, they wanted to create a series of perfect clones. He was the first to be produced, but they cut too many corners, and he was defective (as in, he has opinions and views). They produced 3 more clones before an accident occurred with the 4th new clone. The system was overloaded due to Ludos rewiring the containment to free the clones. Following the accident, the company went under, and outside forces started rioting. Ludos managed to save one other clone, a female, whom he named Zalenna. Unfortunately, she later died from an explosion outside their home. Now, he goes around trying to recreate the genetic experiments to bring her back.
Core Strengths: Enhanced strength, sight, and knowledge
Core Weaknesses: Very susceptible to sonic-based weapons, the weapon is heavy while using
Primary Weapon: A custom-built flamethrower powered by gasoline. It has a tendency to overheat from excessive usage, and is very heavy while in use. The flames appear to be bending towards magnets
Primary Gadget: A powerful strobe light that flashes 20 times a second, disorienting targets.
Other equipment: A face mesh that copies the appearance of the person you look at.

The “Bad Guys”

Red Sun Rising

No members

Dawn of Calamity

Faction leader -

Character Name: Vulcan (no records of real name exist)
Age: unknown, possibly late 30s
Gender and (optional) orientation: unknown
Appearance: Black hooded cloak with red insignia. Red full face mask with voice modifier. Thick black pants. Tactical rig with plate carrier. Most of their body is covered in low-profile bullet resistant armour.
Personality: complete introvert. Rarely goes outside or interacts. Is very aggressive with a short temper. Shows very little respect except for devoted followers and close friends.
Backstory: as they grew up, Vulcan realised how horrible humanity was. Corporations controlled the world while the people around them felt that gave them the right to berate others. Following almost two decades of abuse, they decided to leave home and live in solitary until the Uprising. After which, they felt that nobody deserved happiness. Everybody had wronged them in some way, and they failed to see past that or realise the improvements of humanity. Vulcan founded Dawn of Calamity with a small group of criminals, slowly growing into one of the biggest underground crime gangs. Robbing banks, stores and warehouses, they were notorious for their chaotic and trigger-happy nature. When police began to investigate, they disappeared into hiding and Vulcan started new operations, launching terrorist attacks in both the United States and Mexico before branching out to other countries. Vulcan has formed an enormous empire, and Liquid Metal considers them the most dangerous to society.
Core Strengths: a born leader. Excellent at tactics and planning. Agile and very good at wielding blades or small weapons.
Core Weaknesses: Disrespectful, hard to talk to, awful at stealth. Easily agitated, which hurts their thinking. Despite how much they love them, heavy weapons are not their strong point.
Primary Weapon: Two cutting-edge superheated plasma blades (pun not intended), Brimstone Wrath and Crystal Torch. Brimstone Wrath is straight and relatively heavy, it can also act as a flamethrower when needed. Crystal Torch is curved, long and can launch a shotgun-like blast.
Primary Gadget: unknown name, but assumed to be a highly advanced scanning and tracking unit to relay information about the general area.
Other equipment: A modern recreation of the FMG-9, chambered in 10x23mm Hammer. Concealed taser. Gas grenades.

Other characters -
Character Name: Kaarina
Faction (optional rank): Dawn of Calamity
Age: ???
Gender and (optional) orientation: Female
Appearance: blue side-swept hair. Pale skin, green eyes. Normally wears a black t-shirt and blue camo yoga pants. Both arms and legs are robotic prosthetics.
Personality: Once a friendly, outgoing and bubbly girl, the incident and years of being a part of DoC have left her broken, empty and introverted.
Backstory: Joining DoC wasn't their preferred option, but it was their only one. Kaarina was a robotics expert born in Finland working for various companies to develop automated industrial equipment. The fall of the Shadow Regime meant a need for more machines, and less people being put into hard labour. Her career was going well, until DoC attacked their facility believing they were developing weapons. Kaarina was caught in the blast wave and severely wounded, but DoC kept her alive and replaced damaged limbs with prosthetics. However, this meant she was now under the control of DoC and was forced to work for them to develop weapons.
Core Strengths: Machines and robotics, heavy weapons, destruction.
Core Weaknesses: EMPs, water (is waterproof, but can't swim), her emotions.
Primary Weapon: Vanguard Unit VX-734, literally a mech with onboard AI. Highly armoured and mobile, it comes equipped with a 20mm chain gun, 2 swarm rocket salvo blocks, a plasma cannon and a devastating punch. The actual handheld weapon she wields is an N300.
Primary Gadget: VX-734 has a number of utilities onboard, including general area scanning, thermal and night vision, active energy shielding and thruster units.
Other equipment: N250 and a survival kit.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Dec. 30, 2024 05:55:35)

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All Nexus Tactical weapons (or at least the most notable, currently produced ones)

N200 compact sidearm: A small yet reliable and stable handgun designed for easy concealment and self defence. One of the smallest semi-auto pistols available, it's proven to be quite capable and accurate up to 25 metres. While the calibres it's available in are limited and rather outdated, such as 9x19mm and 10mm Auto, it can still pack a punch when needed with its 12 round standard magazine* and 4.2 inch barrel.
At least for the 9mm variant

N250 sidearm: The big brother of the N200, this is one of the most popular handguns, especially among Liquid Metal. The solid construction and design makes it suitable for many environments and situations, being able to tolerate water, mud and dirt to an extent. Unlike other handguns, with full length slides and direct blowback systems, the N250 uses a delayed blowback gas system and shorter slide. The sights are integrated into the top rail. Some other cool features include cooling slots for the barrel, dual springs, an adjustable trigger guard and swappable ejection. A variety of customisation options are available, including colours and finishes, grip materials, barrels and calibres. Common rounds include 8.5x25mm, 10x23mm Hammer and .45 ACP.

N270 suppressed sidearm: An alternate variant of the N250 with an integral suppressor designed for use with subsonic rounds. This version is more expensive, harder to find and only comes in a few calibres, so agents must acquire them manually. The sound report is quite muted, however, and would work well for silent infiltration.

N300 submachine gun: One of the first products released onto the market by Nexus Tactical, the N300 is reliable, modular and relatively flat shooting with very manageable recoil. It comes with a 38 round magazine by default and has a cyclic rate of 780-800 rounds per minute. It's available primarily in 8.5x25mm and .45 ACP, but aftermarket barrels are available. It’s become less popular in recent times with more cool designs hitting the market, and Nexus Tactical is working on the N350, which will be significantly different from the N300, but it still serves its users well for CQB.

N350 prototype SMG: Not much is known about this as any blueprints or leaks are several years old and likely outdated. It's predicted that it will feature a new recoil mitigation system, an integrated Masterkey shotgun and a bullpup design, however Nexus Tactical refuses to reveal anything until the weapon is ready.

N450 automatic rifle: The first weapon released by Nexus Tactical and one of the most iconic rifles of its time, the N450 is an automatic military rifle with several recoil reduction systems, an 18-inch chrome-lined barrel, exceptional ergonomics, low weight and a few other cool features. Primarily chambered in the popular 5.7x48mm cartridge, it features a two-part telescoping bolt, extended recoil spring with constant recoil to stop the bolt from hitting the rear, a reciprocating barrel and a lower centre of gravity. While it only has a 28 round default mag and a rate of fire of 700-750 RPM, that's not holding it back at all.
N420 burst fire rifle: A variant of the N450 with a shorter barrel, larger 39 round magazine and burst fire optimisation. It's not as accurate in full auto, and rarely sees field time due to it's niche use cases. It may make for a decent training rifle, but the cost difference compared to the N450 isn't that big.
N470 suppressed auto rifle: An integrally suppressed version of the N450. Ballistic tests show that velocity, range and penetration are only slightly lower and therefore it is a very capable rifle for stealth missions. It is commonly used with 8x40mm rounds as they are easily suppressed and available in subsonic variants, sacrificing velocity for energy.

N512 semi-automatic shotgun: a recent development by Nexus Tactical, the N512 quickly became one of the most popular shotguns among both civilians and police. It's received overwhelmingly positive feedback for being modular, reliable and soft-shooting. Available in 12 gauge, 20 gauge and .410 bore calibres, and can be equipped with either a tube magazine or detachable box magazine.

N550 battle rifle: Mistakenly called an upsized N450, this rifle is available in both 6.8x51mm and 7.62x51mm rounds. It uses dual extended recoil springs, reciprocating barrel and telescoping bolt, in addition to a gas redirection system that cuts down on recoil significantly. Ranged performance out of the 20.5 inch barrel is impressive, and with full auto capability it can wreck havoc if you can handle it.

N600 and N620 prototype DMRs: Nexus Tactical is currently working on 2 semi-automatic designated marksman rifles for long-range combat with a new recoil reduction system. Some images and blueprints have surfaced but like with the N350 they are likely outdated.

N770 belt-fed machine gun: rarely seen in the hands of non-military, this MG spits out one of several calibres at 850 rounds per minute with low recoil and better accuracy than the competition. There's not much to talk about, it's essentially a heavy barrel belt-fed N450.

NT Weapons no longer in production:
N700 SAW: A Squad Automatic Weapon based off the N450. Features a heavier barrel, adjustable fire rate and beefier construction for sustained fire. Comes stock with 60rnd quad-stack magazines or 80 round drums. No longer produced due to low interest, but is still used by some military groups.
N320 SMG: Limited quantities of this experimental SMG were made, and is not in the hands of any armed forces or police unit. It is said to use a “liquid piston recoil dampening system” and has a fire rate over 1000RPM, with a high capacity magazine. Nexus Tactical says they never intended to sell it, and no advertising or public listings were ever made.
N280 Automatic Pistol: A full-auto machine pistol based off the N250 and designed for special agents with niche uses. Comes with a foldout stock, front vertical grip and ported barrel as standard. Hard to control, but highly effective at dumping bullets in the general direction of whatever you're aiming at. Discontinued, but available on request as an N250 configuration.
N1000 military prototype: a self-loading ordnance delivery system using jet-propelled rounds. Designed to fire a variety of payloads, it featured a high-capacity drum magazine and was chambered for 20mm or 30mm shells. While it had exceptional range and accuracy, achieving velocities of 1500m/s, it was very expensive and later got discontinued. All systems are in the hands of Nexus Tactical.

This list is in progress and will be completed at a later date.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Nov. 7, 2024 11:35:00)

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Current events:

Liquid Metal agents and infiltrators are investigating a potential hideout for Dawn of Calamity. After a short battle with an enemy Mech, the team has breached the building and are now scouting the area.

Past events:
Nothing notable at the moment

Last edited by 78ch3 (Aug. 3, 2023 00:08:48)

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Its been a while since ive filled up a form

Username: Sil3nci0
Character Name: name is unknown. All we know is that his nickname is “Silencio”.
Age: 34
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male
Appearance: blue eyes, has a mask, and is wearing an armoured suit with weapons.
Personality: focused,
Backstory: Silencio just came to this… world.
Core Strengths:
Core Weaknesses:
Primary Weapon:
Primary Gadget:
Other equipment:
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: yes.
Anything Else? Uhh, what the heck is a Gallium?

Im still editing this

Last edited by Sil3nci0 (Jan. 19, 2023 01:44:30)

1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Sil3nci0 wrote:

Its been a while since ive filled up a form

Username: Sil3nci0
Character Name: name is unknown. All we know is that his nickname is “Silencio”.
Age: 34
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male
Appearance: blue eyes, has a mask, and is wearing an armoured suit with weapons.
Personality: focused,
Backstory: Silencio just came to this… world.
Core Strengths:
Core Weaknesses:
Primary Weapon:
Primary Gadget:
Other equipment:
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: yes.
Anything Else? Uhh, what the heck is a Gallium?

Im still editing this
Please deliver a completed form and provide a real name, even if nobody knows it.
1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Ok done

Username: Sil3nci0
Character Name: name is unknown. All we know is that his nickname is “Silencio”. But some people know that his real name is “Jake S. Adams”.
Age: 34
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male.
Appearance: blue eyes, has a mask, and is wearing an armoured suit with weapons. Also wearing black pants.
Personality: focused, but clumsy at times.
Backstory: Silencio was originally a worker of (insert any company name here) when IT happened. He became jobless, but he found something. He found the opportunity to join The Dawn Of Calamity. He of course, joined without hesitation, and did what he was supposed to do. Surprisingly, he rose through the ranks, and become the 3rd highest person in the rankings. Now, he is just a person walking around making sure that chaos is in every corner. Well, only for the men. He still cares about the women.
Core Strengths: Guns, knives, anything offensive and shields.
Core Weaknesses: literally any woman since he still cares about them, and throwing stuff.
Primary Weapon: a HK 416 Assault Rifle.
Primary Gadget: a shield.
Other equipment: a pistol and a knife.
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: yes.
Anything Else? whats is a Gallium? Also, im experienced with roleplaying, so ill be “using these.” *and these.* (and these.)
1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Sil3nci0 wrote:

Ok done

Username: Sil3nci0
Character Name: name is unknown. All we know is that his nickname is “Silencio”. But some people know that his real name is “Jake S. Adams”.
Age: 34
Gender and (optional) orientation: Male.
Appearance: blue eyes, has a mask, and is wearing an armoured suit with weapons. Also wearing black pants.
Personality: focused, but clumsy at times.
Backstory: Silencio was originally a worker of (insert any company name here) when IT happened. He became jobless, but he found something. He found the opportunity to join The Dawn Of Calamity. He of course, joined without hesitation, and did what he was supposed to do. Surprisingly, he rose through the ranks, and become the 3rd highest person in the rankings. Now, he is just a person walking around making sure that chaos is in every corner. Well, only for the men. He still cares about the women.
Core Strengths: Guns, knives, anything offensive and shields.
Core Weaknesses: literally any woman since he still cares about them, and throwing stuff.
Primary Weapon: a HK 416 Assault Rifle.
Primary Gadget: a shield.
Other equipment: a pistol and a knife.
Have you read the rules page? Be honest: yes.
Anything Else? whats is a Gallium? Also, im experienced with roleplaying, so ill be “using these.” *and these.* (and these.)
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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Might wanna put this in the collaboration directory 11.0
1000+ posts

Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Sil3nci0 wrote:

Might wanna put this in the collaboration directory 11.0
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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

Dang, RPs aren't as popular as they used to be. Rip.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Jan. 23, 2023 05:11:07)

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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

78ch3 wrote:

*, RPs aren't as popular as they used to be. Rip.

*SCP RP flashbacks*
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Looking for roleplayers! Playing now! /|\ Liquid Metal - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ The RP of spies, action and tech /|\ Join Now! /|\

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