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  • » Requests
  • » ▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Official Studio

We are currently in need of staff, particularly artists! Please consider joining, and if you can't, promote us where you can and help us gain more staff. Ordering has been suspended due to lack of staff, apply now for a free follow!

Why choose us?
We're undeniably the oldest active shop on Scratch, run by one of the Request forum's only still-active veterans. Our staff will strive to complete your order to your liking, and if it isn't quite right, we can happily redo it. Fortnightly activity checks ensure we always have a team ready to get the job done, no matter if it's a banner, script or sprite. And the best part? Everything is absolutely

Be sure to read the rules before ordering, or your order will not be accepted.

Interested in applying for staff? Click here!

Due to the low numbers of voice actors, we are not taking Voice Acting orders. Consider applying for staff if you're a talented voice actor.
Order form:
-What you want done:
-Describe in detail:
-Preferred Deadline (min 4 days):
-Preferred Worker:
-Where should we contact you?
-Are you following the shop topic?
-Have you read our rules and read the front page?
-Other info:
After your order is complete, we ask that you leave a respectful review for the shop.
Review form:
-Who did your order:
-Rate the timeliness: x/10
-Rate the quality: x/10
-Were you happy with the work given to you? (remember, if you weren't we can always re-do it!):
-Would you order here again?:
-Would you recommend this shop to others?:
-Other info/comments
For the review, replace x with the appropriate number

Looking to show off your skills? Apply for a staff position and help fellow Scratchers with projects, websites and more! You'll also be able to receive optional benefits on joining, such as a follow, banner or thumbnail.

You must have Scratcher status.
You must have 50 forum posts minimum, 100 posts recommended.
You must have made at least 4 projects, and 2 of those need to be work examples.
You must have been on Scratch for at least 3 months minimum, 6 months recommended.
Must be reasonably active and a respectful member of the community
Must have read the Very Important Rules ™ and included the codeword.
You can only be accepted if you work at 4 shops or less, preferably just a couple.
Cannot have been banned or have more than 3 mutes, none preferably.
Cannot have negative history with this shop (spamming, harassment, badmouthing, etc).

Preferred job:
Active days per week:
Why should we hire you?:
Work examples(provide links):
Alt accounts (if applicable):
Following shop?:
Following studio?:
How many shops do you work at?:
Have you been banned or muted? If so, how many times?:
Have you fully read all the rules?:

Note: you can apply for multiple jobs, but only 1 BOD position.

We are always looking for partners to take orders and receive orders from, in order to keep shops in business.

2 orders at minimum.
Must be 1 month old
Must add us to your partnership list in blue.
You cannot have shown disrespect to us in any way.
We cannot partner with studio shops or shops outside of scratch/shops based on external sites, unless there is a forum topic here.

Partnership form:
-Name of Shop:
-Banner (link only):
-Link to shop:
-Work examples:
-Will you accept orders?:
-If so, which orders can you complete?

Partners (dates are as shown as dd/mm/yy):

Knightbot63's Product Shop

Since 8/11/22

Coding Hut

Since 20/01/23

Scratch Shop


Rosie's Wonderland


Federation partners:
The United Shops of Scratch
placeholder (banner broken)

Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation


Thanks for visiting us, and please leave a review!

Sciencekid90 for our old banner for the Sprite and Code ordering Shop.
Rainpelt28 for our old banner for 78ch3's Everything Shop.
Current banner by 78ch3.

Title: ⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff!✅ Order or Join Now! ▶️Free Follows for New Staff!◀️

*Orders can be too big, sorry, it's just marketing. We will not allow extremely complex orders and will not make entire games, websites etc. for a customer under any circumstance.

Boring disclaimers
78ch3's Everything Shop and it's affiliated managers reserve the right to reject any user and any possible orders for any reason, or for no reason at all. We also reserve the right to suspend or terminate any user's ability to use our services.
Staff may be fired, promoted or demoted at any time with or without warning and for any reason.
We will never use any real world, virtual or Scratch-hosted currencies and will never require payment in any form, ever. Do not ask us to join your made-up currency.
Do not always expect us to do complex work and do not expect it within an unreasonable time frame. A scrolling platformer engine with advanced physics and lots of animations within 4 days is not reasonable.
Banned users cannot order. There is no longer a public list, but we know who regardless.
.. There is no need to double post.
This topic is protected by Spy Ps, so do not attempt do attack them or you will be permabanned.
Batteries not included. Products may contain small parts unsuitable for children under 3 years of age.

You have no right to close this topic. Even if the topic is abandoned, I request that it be left open, and any necroposts should be ignored.
We do not sell beans, cringe nae nae memes, expensive prototype weaponry from secure government facilities or memorabilia from obscure and forgotten IPs from over 5 years ago.
Please do not attempt to use evil kumquats to attack this shop. You will fail.
Readers of this notice will be subject to a one way trip to space.
Thank you for reading this notice.

Last edited by 78ch3 (March 31, 2024 00:45:38)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

List Of Staff

The staff are people who help around in the shop and take orders. If you are a staff member, you must take orders, respond to activity checks and bump the topic.


: Very active
: active
: fairly active
: reduced activity
: very inactive
at risk of being fired
= on break (doesn't have to do orders or respond to activity checks.)
# indicates a BoD member
* indicates 1 strike
^ indicates 1 activity warning

Board of Directors (BoD)
Owner: 78ch3# -
Co-owner: Luigis_Mansioner#
Secretary: Dream-123-123# ^
Assistant Secretary: vacant
Shop Watcher: vacant

Department heads:
Head Coder: MistaLOD
Head Artist: depresso-boiyo
Head Musician:
Head Voice actor: vacant

Coders: NeonG4 , BluHorizon
Artists: hydrofungus , Enigma_Ezra
Musicians: Luigis_Mansioner# , MistaLOD , BluHorizon , moneeman , asdfperson135
Voice actors: none

- empty

Recently Fired (can reclaim their job within 7 days)

This list was cleared as staff did not re-apply within the time frame

To be part of staff, view these requirements, read the rules and use the form below.

You must have Scratcher status.
You must have 50 forum posts minimum, 100 posts recommended.
You must have made at least 3 projects, and 2 of those need to be work examples.
You must have been on Scratch for at least 3 months minimum, 6 months recommended.
Must be reasonably active and a respectful member of the community
Cannot have been banned or have more than 3 mutes.
Cannot have negative history with this shop (spamming, harassment, badmouthing, etc).

Alt accounts (if applicable):
Preferred job:
Active days per week:
Why should we hire you?:
Work examples(provide links):
Following shop?
How many shops do you work at?
Have you been banned or muted? If so, how many times?
Have you read all the rules?

Note: you can apply for multiple jobs, but only 1 BOD position.

Owner: absolute total control over shop. Can call meetings, take any order, make announcements about the shop, can hire and fire, request and accept partners and change main posts.
Co-owner: some level of control, but cannot change original posts or make large shop announcements. Can call meetings, take any order, hire and fire (with reason), request and accept partners and maintain the shop during the owner's inactivity periods.
Secretary: can take any order and can call meetings. Does things for owner when needed, and manages untaken orders. Can hire and fire people.
Assistant secretary: steps in for Secretary and has Secretary privileges should they go inactive. Can take any order and can call meetings. Can also hire staff. Helps manage untaken orders.

Note that both secretary and assistant secretary both need the meetings approved by owner before carrying on.

Shop watcher: can take any order. Primarily watches for shops to partner with and suggests them. Manages and accepts partnerships.
Head coder: head of coding. Takes coding orders, can hire and fire coders and has a large amount of control over current coders. Can also take BBCode orders.
Head artist: head of art. Takes art (banners, thumbnails, logos, images and drawings) orders, can hire and fire artists and has a large amount of control over other artists. Can also take animation orders.
Head Musician: head of music. Takes music orders, can hire and fire musicians and has a large amount of control over other musicians.
Head voice actor: head of voice acting. Takes voice acting orders, can hire and fire voice actors and has a large amount of control over other voice acting staff.

Coders: takes coding orders.
Artists: takes art orders.
Musicians: takes music orders
Voice actors: takes voice acting orders.

Pending: staff that were in a deleted job but is still a shop member. Cannot take orders until they reapply.
Trainee Staff: staff in training. Takes orders in the department they requested to be in. Does not have full staff power and must take and complete 3 orders.

See your name in red? Be more active!
See your name in green? You were fired. You can claim your job again, but others can take it too!
Meeting Hub

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 26, 2024 03:33:50)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Stoof page
We are members of the SSRF, owned by 78ch3 in an attempt to bring shops together and assist them, improve them and keep them working.


We won Fastest Delivery in Giga Shop Awards.
(Banner deleted - host no longer exists)
We were a member of SSRP. We are ranked #9
(Banners deleted - host no longer exists)


3/6/17: shop opened
3/6/17: first members and first order
4/6/17-17/8/17: more orders and members. Partner count increased.
18/8/17: over 3.8k topic views! Wow!
19/8/17: about 15 orders completed and pending.
21/8/17: 4.3k topic views and 16 orders completed and pending.
17/9/17 4.7k-4.8k topic views. Updated. Moved news page.
13/10/17: 5.3k-views, 31st page and more orders
25/12/17 Merry Christmas!
1/1/18 Happy new year!
5/1/18 6.5k+ Views!
5/1/18: restructured.
10/3/18: reopened! 2 new members!
27/3/18: 50 pages and 10 members! 20 orders completed!
28/3/18-16/7/18: 60 pages, 30 orders and some members coming and going.
12/9/20: 78ch3 reopens 78ch3's Everything Shop with a new banner and new staff after
returning from 1.5 year hiatus.

Last edited by 78ch3 (Aug. 22, 2022 01:34:16)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅


Last edited by 78ch3 (April 30, 2024 04:38:31)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Staff stuff

Unclaimed orders:


Red: Overdue
Blue: Not Overdue
Yellow: Unknown

To do list:
This to do list is for staff. You shouldn’t be here unless you are staff.

- Hire staff:
We need staff to advertise our shop and bring in more staff, talented members of the scratch community who are active and respectful. Most importantly, art staff.

- Renovations
I need to work on a directory for our shop, and improve the layout. Maybe some banners later on?

- Partnerships
No longer improtant.

Red: high importance, this is needed as soon as possible.
Yellow: medium importance, this is needed, but is not as urgent.
Green: low importance, not necessary but I would like it to be done.

Bump banner


Review template. Anything in triangle brackets (<>) is to be replaced with the respective words.
Review of <Project name> by <Creator of project>:

Idea: xx/25 <comments about the idea of the project>

Art: xx/25 <comments about the art of the project>

Programming: xx/25 <comments about the code of a project>

Other: xx/25 <comments about the general other of a project>

Overall quality: xx/100

Overall comment:
Review provided by <reviewer username> from 78ch3’s Everything Shop.

Shop holidays
These are the days we will not take orders. Staff applications will still be accepted.

January 1st (New years day)
January 15th (78ch3's Birthday)
Easter holidays (Whenever they occur)
November 11th (Remembrance day)
December 25th (Christmas day)
December 31st (New years eve)

Last edited by 78ch3 (May 19, 2023 01:47:13)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

We have expectations that all customers and staff follow these rules. Please read them carefully, they are there for a reason.

All of the rules need to be read, not just the sections relevant to one type of person. There are important bits of info to be found in all 3 of them.

For Shoppers

-Show some respect. We are human, and deserve to be treated fairly. We are not robots, wizards or the absolute best of the best. Orders must be reasonable and the deadline must not be unnecessarily short. We have a minimum 4 day deadline, however it should scale depending on how difficult the order is.

-No spam/advertising is permitted. We do not care about your random projects. Users who are not staff will not be allowed to chat here.

-Be descriptive in your order and provide as much detail as you can, vague bits of info will not help us. You may only have one consecutive order at a time.

-Users must have been on Scratch for 2 weeks and must have at least 10 forum posts to order. This is a measure to prevent fake orders, ban evasion and potential troublemakers.

-Please do not bump unless you are staff, and do not try to act like staff, or tell others their order is wrong.

-We don't accept orders done on another person's behalf. Additionally, no fake orders are allowed.

-You should leave a review after your order is done.

-This isn't all the rules, scroll down for the rest.

For staff

-Please don't rush orders. We want the highest quality possible.

-No getting off-topic, spam isn't a good look. If you wish to have extended chats, use the Studio. Short chats are allowed.

-Only complete orders from your department, and if you want to complete more than 1 type of order, apply for a second position.

-Poor behaviour is punished by strikes. 3 strikes results in a job suspension, 4 strikes will have you fired. Warnings will be issues for less major instances such as low activity.

-Strikes cannot be removed under any circumstances.

-Staff members might be fired if they are shopping here and are not following rules.

-You will be fired if you are:
Not being active enough
Disrespectful to others
Not responding to orders
Are spamming or advertising excessively


-If you wish to order, include codeword Chicken inside the Other Info field (must be in a sentence and not obvious, don't highlight it)

-If you wish to apply for staff, codeword Metal Gear must be included in your application. Please hide it as best you can in a sentence, and don't
highlight it.

-Users who do not follow the rules or have blatantly refused to follow them will be subject to service suspensions. These users may not order, apply for staff or request anything at all. These punishments will increase with each repeat offense.
-Service terminations occur if a user has had their services suspended multiple times (usually 3) and are effectively permanent suspensions.

-No closing the topic plz.

-No excessive chats, plz.


Thank you for following all rules.

Last edited by 78ch3 (July 21, 2024 02:15:47)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Username: wisestminer888
Sprite name: imperial japanball
Bitmap or vector: vector
Shadow(yes/no): yes
Colours: red, white (black for outline)
Description: the imperial japanese flag as a countryball

“Nothing is too good to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.”
-Michael Faraday, pioneer of electricity in the 19th century
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

I will be active when I receive a message from The Sprite Ordering Shop, because we need requests.

((づ。◕‿‿◕。::sensing)づ::sensing) // This is "Mini-Bloky". He protects my signature from the kumquats!
How many Block Requests we can get? Please request! Check @78ch3's Everything Shop, too!
when gf clicked :: #B46200
vector :: #C56B00
scratch :: #DA8B00
blocks! :: control
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

By the way:
Username: Penguin5664
Artist Type: Vector
Experience: 8/10
Activity: 10/10

((づ。◕‿‿◕。::sensing)づ::sensing) // This is "Mini-Bloky". He protects my signature from the kumquats!
How many Block Requests we can get? Please request! Check @78ch3's Everything Shop, too!
when gf clicked :: #B46200
vector :: #C56B00
scratch :: #DA8B00
blocks! :: control
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Shopper Statuses

Shoppers recieve these statuses when they order.
Shoppers must show that they have a status by saying it somewhere in their post.

Statuses wrote:

Normal shopper:
No bonuses

Bronze shopper:
Orders are prioritised over orderers with normal shopper rank.
2 orders.
- Mic_Hal16

Silver shopper:
Orders are completed faster.
Orders are prioritised over orderers with lower ranks.

4 orders.
No scratchers have this status.

Gold shopper:
Orders are completed faster.
Orders are prioritised over orderers with lower ranks.
Free follow from any staff member.

6 orders.
No scratchers have this status.

Platinum shopper:
Orders are completed much faster.
Orders are prioritised over orderers with lower ranks.
Free follow from any staff member.

8 orders.
No scratchers have this status.
Note: The above ranks can only be obtained by scratchers.

Last edited by 78ch3 (March 20, 2024 09:57:35)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

78ch3 wrote:

Penguin, can you make the Sprite? I need to work on the shop.
Nevermind, found the sprite

((づ。◕‿‿◕。::sensing)づ::sensing) // This is "Mini-Bloky". He protects my signature from the kumquats!
How many Block Requests we can get? Please request! Check @78ch3's Everything Shop, too!
when gf clicked :: #B46200
vector :: #C56B00
scratch :: #DA8B00
blocks! :: control
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

This post is reserved for future use

Last edited by 78ch3 (Nov. 12, 2022 21:43:06)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

when green flag clicked

“Nothing is too good to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.”
-Michael Faraday, pioneer of electricity in the 19th century
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

78ch3 wrote:

You need to post the link to the project with the Sprite. Then, turn the project into an animation(a basic one, not like a movie).
By the way, what Shadow means?

((づ。◕‿‿◕。::sensing)づ::sensing) // This is "Mini-Bloky". He protects my signature from the kumquats!
How many Block Requests we can get? Please request! Check @78ch3's Everything Shop, too!
when gf clicked :: #B46200
vector :: #C56B00
scratch :: #DA8B00
blocks! :: control
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

WisestMiner888 wrote:

Username: wisestminer888
Sprite name: imperial japanball
Bitmap or vector: vector
Shadow(yes/no): yes
Colours: red, white (black for outline)
Description: the imperial japanese flag as a countryball
Awesome! First order! Tips for next time:
Use capitals.
A bit more description.
Be awesome!

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Penguin5664 wrote:

78ch3 wrote:

You need to post the link to the project with the Sprite. Then, turn the project into an animation(a basic one, not like a movie).
By the way, what Shadow means?
Like, create a shadow-like effect, like a very dark grey. Note that we can't add a shadow if there is an outline.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

ok remove the outline

“Nothing is too good to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.”
-Michael Faraday, pioneer of electricity in the 19th century
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Everyone, please use your signature to advertise this shop in the forums to get more orders. Copy what I did for my signature, excluding my siggy protector and my advertising of my animation. Provide a link too, using the link tool found in the toolbar at the top of the new post area.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
100+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

I have

78ch3 wrote:

Everyone, please use your signature to advertise this shop in the forums to get more orders. Copy what I did for my signature, excluding my siggy protector and my advertising of my animation. Provide a link too, using the link tool found in the toolbar at the top of the new post area.
Done, check my siggy.

((づ。◕‿‿◕。::sensing)づ::sensing) // This is "Mini-Bloky". He protects my signature from the kumquats!
How many Block Requests we can get? Please request! Check @78ch3's Everything Shop, too!
when gf clicked :: #B46200
vector :: #C56B00
scratch :: #DA8B00
blocks! :: control
1000+ posts

▶️☄️HIRING NOW!☄️◀️⚡️78ch3's Everything Shop⚡️Your Orders, Our Service!™ ✅Quality Products, Friendly Staff! Free offers for new staff!✅

Awesome! Wisestminer888, you are now a chief officer. You are the main officer. The job of an officer is to try and see who is being nice, if someone is being inappropriate, you report them and cancel the order (if they made one). You can also fire anyone who is not responding to orders. You cannot fire the owner, the helper or other officers. Of V.I.Ps

Last edited by 78ch3 (June 3, 2017 22:17:31)

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
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