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  • » ♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫ [RSS Feed]
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


The shop turned 2 years old recently, and we're hosting a contest to celebrate! You can find it in the link below.


The contest deadline already passed, and several entries were posted. Votations between shop members to decide the winner (who might get offered a place to work at the shop) will start soon. More information can be found in



At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!

The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Currently, we offer classical, melodic, soothing, videogame, TV, pop-esque (more or less pop) and electronic music, without lyrics, original songs and sfx but this depends on the staff.

Our official studio is https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31712065/


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC


HEX #565656 - RGB 86, 86, 86
HEX #C06937 - RGB 192, 105, 55


❝The order had been completed within a few hours, and the music is exactly what I was looking for. I will definitely come back.❞

❝Great service! They did it fast, and in a timely manner. The music sounds great, and if you need music, just ask them!❞

❝Amazing free music provided by great artists❞

❝It was exactly what I was hoping for, and was overall awesome, on top of being don far quicker than I asked for.❞

❝You won't go wrong with The Piano Shop!❞

❝It was the best piece of custom music I have ever heard on Scratch.❞

❝The Piano Shop is a shop filled with some of the most talented music-makers on Scratch, I will definitely come back for more!❞

❝Great music, great people, great experience. Totally coming back again.❞

❝Really good, creative, and high quality music.❞

❝The Piano Shop is all you'll ever want for your music needs!❞

❝The music is really high quality and is completely what I want, and the staff is really nice. This is really the best place for quality music!❞

❝Don't go anywhere else for custom music on Scratch; this place has it all! I'll definitely come back once I start my next big project.❞

❝The music I ordered fit my game and requests very well. Definitely coming back.❞

We would appreciate if you wrote a review when an order is completed for you.


The Piano Shop was founded on May 25, 2022 by @dgarcias_2010 as an independent shop in the Scratch Forums dedicated to music of all types. Its first forum topic was https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/607671/ From the start, it offered not only music creation, but musical tutorials and music reviews as well. Only a week after that, our first staff member, @Dragon_TheAssasin applied, and that summer, the owner offered him a post of Temporary Owner for the holidays. As he didn't do anything for the next 2 weeks, the owner awarded him a strike and another employee, @Builder_53_Studios, entered the shop, becoming the new Temporary Owner. During this period, he managed the shop, which suddenly increased pages and employees, having at the end of the summer more than 20 pages and 10 employees. The shop also became a member of the USS, even though it shortly after that became inactive.

After that period, having @dgarcias_2010 returned to the ownership, a lot of orders started entering, but some time after that, the staff started becoming inactive while orders were still coming. This meant a period of having a lot of orders overdue, until the owner decided to close the shop to orders until they were mostly all finished. Before this, the shop had also joined the SSRF, which posted 2 review orders, which were completed late, this confirming the inactivity of our staff.

More or less at the same time, @dgarcias_2010 decided to change accounts to @seg-leinad, so as to devinculate his current Scratch identity with the school-related one he had created the account for. In order to make this new account the owner of the shop, this forum topic was created on December 8, 2022, owned by @seg-leinad. It took some time to make it, but finally, on February 6, 2023, the topic was finished, and after an activity check, during which two employees left the shop, by the way, this topic was opened on February 12, 2023, becoming @seg-leinad fully the owner.


25 May 2025
- 3 years anniversary!


Banner by @seg-leinad designed with Photopea (photopea.org). Font is Bodrum by Onur Güvener downloaded from 1001freefonts.com. Image hosting done by @The_Game_ from 78ch3's Everything Shop using cubeupload.com

All music credits to the staff.

(Some inspiration was taken in order to create this shop from Bee's Boutique, owned by @faeriie–)

The Piano Shop, as an independent shop found in Scratch's Requests forums, reserves the right to accepting partners and taking orders. Its owner reserves the right to hire, fire and promote employees as he wishes, as well as to close the shop or move it to another thread.

Any question on the shop's work can be asked at our official studio (link found above), as well as in this thread, or contacting the owner. If any person thinks The Piano Shop or any of its employees is not following Scratch's Community Guidelines, please inform the Scratch Team at once reporting this thread or using the Contact Us page.

Last edited by seg-leinad (July 17, 2024 22:37:53)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC


Classical music | Soothing music | Melodic music | Electronic music | Videogame music | TV music

Pop-esque music | Cinematic music | Original songs | Piano music made with Scratch Music blocks

Musical explanations/tutorials (made in projects) | Music reviews (any genre)

Please notify the music styles you can create when you become an employee, so they can be added to this page



Musical genre:
Instruments to be included (optional):
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional):
Specifications (describe your order):
Preferred employee:
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected):
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)?
Where should we contact you:
Have you read the Terms of Service :


Product ordered:
Employee that completed your order:
Rating (0-5):
Was it done on time:
Positive points:
Negative points:
Quote for the homepage (optional, but reccommended):


Alt accounts you are going to use (optional):
Activity level (1-10):
What products can you make (please notify your music genres):
Work examples:
Are you following this thread:
Why should we pick you:
Have you read the Terms of Service:


Shop name:
Shop link:
Shop banner link:
Partnership reasons:
Are you the owner:
Does the owner allow this partnership (if you're not the owner):


Are you leaving permanently:
Why are you leaving (if not personal):
When are you leaving:
When are you returning (if you're returning):

Last edited by seg-leinad (April 15, 2024 17:38:03)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC


Owner: @seg-leinad
Has complete control over the shop, Can hire and fire employees, and is in charge of partnerships (and bumping, together with the managers). Can also call activity checks.

Managers: @DewMcStew - @kkidslogin
Take over the shop when the owner is away. Can hire employees, as well as call activity checks. Control the orders that are currently posted.

Head of Classical Music: @seg-leinad
Leads all the classical musicians and takes the most difficult orders related to classical music.

Head of Modern Musical Styles: @DewMcStew
Leads all the modern musicians and takes the most difficult orders related to modern musical styles.

Head of Musical Theory: @seg-leinad
Must have great comprehension of music (and its theory) to make tutorials and explanations.

Head of Musical Reviews: VACANT
Must be impartial upon music to review correctly and evaluate music of all styles.
Currently vacant, please contact @seg-leinad if you're interested in the post.


@seg-leinad Classical music, musical reviews and programming

@Builder_53_Studios^ Electronic music, cinematic music, 8-bit music, glitch-hop, etc
returning on August 20th

@DewMcStew / @StewMcDew All kinds of music

@kkidslogin EDM music

@jboys846 / @kidtabby^ Electronic, TV and videogame music, sfx
leaving on July 26th, returning on July 30th

@rishaandas Lo-fi, EDM, classical-ish music and phonk-ish music

@asdfperson135 / @asdfperson135_music Electronic and videogame music

@684pika 8-bit music, other musical styles

@megarurp Loops, all styles

@MistaLOD Piano, Cinematic, Minecraft-y

@sonicexe_maker* Synth music, rock & roll, 8-bit and sad core music

@friskisveryfresh All sorts of music

@Ex1led High-energy songs, without lyrics

@C0000lguy / @musicXchillguy Any kind of music

@moneeman 16-bit, rhythm and blues, trap, pop

@enochx Classical baroque romantic music (19-20th century, not love)

@abubriski' Videogame music

@Manolinian^ Marketing advisor
On leave for personal issues - no specified return date

* = Strike
^ = On leave / Announced vacation (dates below)
' = Trainee

Please apply to work in this shop if you want to offer your musical skills. We're looking for staff!

Last edited by seg-leinad (Yesterday 22:02:41)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC


The Bug Squishers 2.0 · Owned by @just-a-hriday

The Glow Shop 3.0 · Owned by @depresso-boiyo

Cool Music Records co. · Owned by @co0lcr34t10ns

still no banner

THE BUBBLY SHOP! · Owned by @enochx

Please apply to partner if you want your shop added here. Partnerships can benefit shops in many ways.

Last edited by seg-leinad (June 6, 2024 16:25:53)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC



  • Please be respectful and kind to anybody you find in this thread (other customers, employees…). Particullarly, employees, who are using some of their time to complete your orders.

  • Follow at all times Scratch's Community Guidelines

  • Music takes time to be done. Please give at least 10 days to employees when ordering a general product, and 2 weeks when ordering original music. Also, please state clearly your order, so as to not confuse the employees.

  • Please do not spam the thread of this shop. if you do, you will be reported to the Scratch Team.

  • When using a product ordered here, credit the user who made it and this shop, please.

  • If you see someone not following this Terms of Service, please inform @seg-leinad


  • Please stay respectful and polite with everyone at all times. If you don't, you'll receive 1 strike.

  • NEVER disrespect or underdetermine anyone because of personal features (looks, pfp, gender, race, age, sexuality, looks…) If you do so, you will receive three strikes, be fired from the shop, and not be welcomed again.

  • Please fill a leave form when leaving temporarily, unless it's something abrupt (injury, accident…) and you can't know before. Try to be exact when specifying the return date. If you do not, you will receive 1 strike, unless it's been something abrupt or it's lasting less than 3 days.

  • Do not bump the thread unless you're the owner or a manager. Spamming is not permitted. Blockspam isn't, as well. If you do not comply with this, you'll receive 1 strike.

  • Try to respond to activity checks in the time specified. If you don't, you will receive 1 strike.

  • Please accept the curator invitation to the official studio when you become an employee. If you don't, you will receive 1 strike. If you don't accept the invitation in the following week, you may be fired from the shop.


  • If you receive 1 strike, it will be marked with an asterisk (*) on the staff page, so as to be aware, and you will be removed from the manager post in the official studio, if you are one.

  • If you receive 2 strikes, you will be removed from any Board of Directors position you have.

  • If you receive 3 strikes, you will be fired from the shop and be asked to leave for 3 weeks. After that, you can reapply (but you have less posibilities of being readmitted).

Last edited by seg-leinad (Dec. 12, 2023 20:33:02)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Homepage · Products & Forms · Staff · Partners & Federations · Terms of Service · Resources · UOC


Official studio link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/31712065/

Our banner BBCode:

Our banner BBCode (small, horizontal version):

BUMP banner BBCode:

Employee notice banner BBCode:

Our shop description (with BBCode):
[color=#565656][b]At [color=c06937]♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫[/color], we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
[color=c06937]♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫[/color] is a shop owned by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/seg-leinad/]@seg-leinad[/url] which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others![/b][/color]


Our banner BBCode:

Our shop description (with BBCode):
[color=#565656][b]At [color=c06937]♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫[/color], we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
[color=c06937]♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫[/color] is a shop owned by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/seg-leinad/][color=#565656]@seg-leinad[/url] which focuses on music. We provide original music, musical programming, musical reviews and music tutorials/explanations.[/b][/color]

Last edited by seg-leinad (Dec. 12, 2023 20:32:38)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


Any uncompleted orders will be posted in here, both untaken and taken orders.
Please always post in the thread when an order is taken or completed by them, in order to update this.


We currently have too many untaken orders, several of which are overdue. All staff are encouraged to take orders they are able to complete. Requesting several versions of the same order by different employees has been temporarily disabled, and the shop might have to close to orders if we are not able to complete the ones we have in a reasonable amount of time.



Username: @mabrenton12 (Alt: @SusPup )
Musical genre: Videogame Music
Instruments to be included (optional): Any sort of retro sounding instruments
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional):
Specifications (describe your order): I would like a Plants vs Zombies inspired theme for world 5 (Put variable to be 5) of this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/856527150/
Preferred employee: Any
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): 2 weeks, idc if it takes longer though.
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured): No
Where should we contact you: In the comments of my profile
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes, I went over it twice to make sure that I understood it.
Other: I've heard great things about this shop, especially since you're the shop of the week at the shopping emporium, so I thought that I'd give it a try, since I've tried making music for my game and it always sounds bad. Thanks again!

● Untaken

Username: CodeKing_11
Musical genre: 8-bit/electronic
Instruments to be included (optional): chiptune, synth, and any other 8 bit instruments
Rhythm/time signature (optional): 4/4, although will allow 3/4 when necessary
Speed/tempo (optional):
Specifications (describe your order): fast-paced 8-bit battle music with some electronic in it, should sound similar to “At The Speed Of Light” (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkp7breersc
Preferred employee: any that can do what I suggested.
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): ASAP
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)? sure if you can.
Where should we contact you: My profile
Have you read the Terms of Service: Yes.

● Taken by @C0000lguy, can be taken by another employee - deadline passed

Username: minikiwigeek2
Product you would like to order: a nes-style chiptune version of these jingles from the warioware gold game: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/CGD-07VQivE
Product specifications (describe your order): please include every jingle in the order it's provided in the video. please keep your finished product at the same tempo and speed as the original product.
Preferred employee: n/a
Due date: originally 10 days - extended
Where should we contact you: my user profile
Have you read the Terms of Service: yep
Other: thanks in advance! i'd like to put the finished product in a game i'm making. if the person who makes the finished product wants to be credited for their work, i'll happily do so.

● Taken by @moneeman
Username: chickennuggetcon
Musical genre: horror/suspense
Instruments to be included (optional): synthesizer, strings and piano
Rhythm/time signature none
Speed/tempo building up
Specifications none
Preferred employee: riiviir or builder_53_studios or friskisveryfresh
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected):
Where should we contact you: profile page
Have you read the Terms of Service : yes
Other: lets see if the reviews are true

● Taken by @sonicexe_maker

Username: BIGGERSHOT127
Musical genre: 16-bit
Instruments to be included (optional): Maybe like mega drive instruments
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional): no
Specifications (describe your order): Well im making a game called “sonic timelines” and id like kind of a green hill styled beat
Preferred employee: any
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): take ur time (:
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)?: nah
Where should we contact you: here, i guess
Have you read the Terms of Service : yes
Other: no

● Taken by @moneeman

Username: MarsChompsVenus
Musical genre: Uhhh . . . Maybe Relaxing or um . . . Stranded? (If those are genres)
Instruments to be included (optional): I don't know. Piano maybe? (But not just piano)
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional): I don't know. Slow maybe.
Specifications (describe your order): I'd like a nice relaxing Tropical Island style loop.
Preferred employee: Any employee is fine.
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): As soon as possible, if that's two weeks, that's fine.
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)?: I don't really care.
Where should we contact you: Here, or on at MarsChompsVenus
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes.
Other: Hurry! Take as much time as you need.

● Taken by @asdfperson135

Username: @C_h_a_r_l_o_tt_e
Musical genre: a calming music but super fun to listen to
Instruments to be included (optional): guitar, violin or something like that
Rhythm/time signature (optional):
Speed/tempo (optional): I want it fast but not super fast
Specifications (describe your order): it’s calm and it’s fun to listen to
Preferred employee: I don’t care
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): August 10th
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured)? No thanks
Where should we contact you: my profile
Have you read the Terms of Service : yes
Other: nothing else

● Taken by @seg-leinad
Username: asdfperson135
Musical genre: as chaotic as possible
Instruments to be included (optional): make it chaotic
Rhythm/time signature (optional):8/4 time signature
Speed/tempo (optional): 240 BPM
Specifications (describe your order): Make it an absolute clash of instruments but somehow make it sound ok?
Preferred employee:
Due date (minimum 2 weeks, but we do not ensure this will be respected): Within the year
Do you want more than one version (by different employees, not ensured): Sure
Where should we contact you: On my profile or just on this topic. I work here
Have you read the Terms of Service : Yes
Other: If no one can handle just ignore. Ik its a bit wild

● Completed by @Ex1led, taken by @kkidslogin


● Blue: Untaken

● Violet: Untaken - deadline near

● Maroon: Untaken - deadline already passed - please take this order urgently

● Green: Taken

● Turquoise: Taken, but can be taken by another employee

● Yellow: Taken - deadline near

● Red: Taken - deadline already passed

Last edited by seg-leinad (Yesterday 22:01:49)

100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫


The shop turned 2 years old recently, and we're hosting a contest to celebrate! You can find it in the link below.


The contest already ended, and the winners will be voted soon between the shop staff. They will be advertised in here and might get offered a place to work in the shop. More information can be found below in the rest of this post.



  • To participate, remix the following project with your entry: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1017044056/

  • Only one entry per Scratcher will be accepted

  • If a Scratcher remixes the project more than one time, the first remix will be reviewed.


  • An audio of the music created directly uploaded to the Sounds tab (you can include a link too, but it must also be uploaded)

  • An original title for your music

  • Any other thing you consider interesting (such as a music sheet, for example)


  • We're open to all kinds, genres and thematics for the music. Just be original!

  • It can have as many instruments as you want, and the tempo and time signature you prefer. Basically, you can choose everything.

  • It should be creative and not be copied from anywhere else. If you have already posted the music before (either on Scratch or on other platforms), you must prove it was created by you (with a screenshot or a notice on the original posting place, for example).


  • The contest will start as soon as the project is published and end on May 25, 2024, at 24:00 GMT (our anniversary!)

  • The winners will be decided by votation between the shop employees. The owner will decide if there's a tie.

  • Prizes will be awarded to at least three of the entries, which will be advertised at our shop's homepage for two weeks (this means they might get more than 1,000 views, which is what our topic receives in 2 weeks…)

  • If the shop managers decide so, the best entry/entries' creators might be offered a place to work at our shop.

  • Any project that does not follow these guidelines will not be taken into account.


Crystal Lights

Conscious Cows
by @kooqle

by @Potato1111111111111

Option-Mrmusicnub (FT.DuhltzLiv)
by @moneeman



Voter's username:
Entry voting for:
Sound quality (instruments, beats…) (0-10):
Technical quality (tempo, time signature…) (0-10):
Melodic quality (and lyrics, if applicable) (0-10):
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion (0-10):
General impression (0-10):


Voter's username: Enter your username here. Please note that this form is only to be used by shop staff.
Entry voting for: Specify the entry you're reviewing. You should review all entries, not just one.
Sound quality (instruments, beats…) (0-10): Give a score from 0 to 10 based on your impression of the entry's instruments and other sound elements (such as voice). Please do not award a lower score if the song is fully instrumental, lyrics are optional and should not be a reason for a higher score in this category.
Technical quality (tempo, time signature…) (0-10): Give a score from 0 to 10 based on your impression of the entry's tempo (speed), time signature, rhythm…
Melodic quality (and lyrics, if applicable) (0-10): Give a score from 0 to 10 based on your impression of the entry's melody and lyrics, if it has them. Please do not award a lower score if the song is fully instrumental, lyrics are optional and should not be a reason for a higher score in this category.
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion (0-10): Give a score from 0 to 10 based on your impression of the entry's harmony, coherence and cohesion (how well the different parts in the music sound together, the chord progressions in it, how well the different sections combine…)
General impression (0-10): Give a score from 0 to 10 based on your general impression of the entry. You may include anything you consider relevant in the song so as to score this category.
Quote: Write a short quote resuming your opinion on the entry. These will be displayed next to the entries' scores.


Crystal Lights by @JACOB_PONCE-

Sound quality: 8/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 10/10, 8/10
Technical quality: 9/10, 9/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 9/10
Melodic quality: 8/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8/10, 5/10, 7/10
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion: 8/10, 9/10, 7/10, 7/10, 9/10, 7/10
General impression: 6/10, 8/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10, 8/10
Quotes: ❝The second and third chord after the drop really stood out to me, and the nice piano break was a nice way to transition❞ ❝Not much of a prominent melody, but a very good, simple song. Nothing wrong with simple; those are often amazing. There was one instrument in the third part that sounded out of place, but other than that, very good.❞ ❝It was a good song. Intro was repetitive but the middle of the song is straight fire❞ ❝I really liked the instruments used in this, the melody was pretty good. the only bad thing (and this might just be me) is that the transitions between the parts feel a bit sudden.❞ ❝You did a good job on the beats and the relevant song title, and the beats sounded FIRE❞ ❝This song had a good instrument choice and combination, but the melody seemed somehow repetitive and the cohesion between the parts could have been better. Overall it was a good song, though.❞
Notes: ❝Only thing that holds this back from a higher score to me is the lack of a full melody. Melodies are one of the best ways to hook a listener in and stay catchy. This would make for an amazing instrumental though! Suggestion, maybe add some risers and falls. They're a good way to increase tension before the drop.❞

Voted: @Builder_53_Studios, @684pika, @asdfperson135, @Ex1led, @enochx, @seg-leinad

Conscious Cows by @kooqle

Sound quality: 7/10, 5/10, 8/10, 7/10
Technical quality: 9/10, 8/10, 7/10, 9/10
Melodic quality: 7/10, 8/10, 6/10, 7/10
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion: 7/10, 8/10, 7/10, 7/10
General impression: 7/10, 6/10, 7/10, 7/10
Quotes: ❝Perfectly executes the eerie vibe that the title describes!❞ ❝There is nothing wrong with this song, other than the instruments (especially the percussion). I hate to give a bad rating, but songs made on Beepbox just usually don't sound that great. Transition to a better DAW (even if it's just one of the Beepbox mods), and you will make amazing music, I'm sure!❞ ❝The song is pretty good but feels a bit empty and repetitive. If you added a few more sections/instruments I'm sure this could've be one of my favorites. Overall though, its pretty good. I also like the instrument choice, this definitely raised the score up a bit for me.❞ ❝I liked how the initial melody was progressively made more complex, but the melody was quite simple and overall, the song sounded quite repetitive.❞
Notes: ❝Sound selection is done well, good job striking a motif. Only suggestions would be to fill out the background so it doesn't sound empty, and change the motif as it goes, so that the song doesn't get boring.❞

Voted: @Builder_53_Studios, @684pika, @Ex1led, @seg-leinad

MegaloPAINia by @Potato1111111111111

Sound quality: 7/10, 7/10, 7/10, 8/10
Technical quality: 9/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10
Melodic quality: 7/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8/10
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion: 8/10, 6/10, 8/10, 9/10
General impression: 7/10, 7/10, 8/10, 8.5/10
Quotes: ❝Great spin off of the original MEGALOVANIA, does a great job establishing its own!❞ ❝You have done the impossible. You have made Beepbox default drums sound (somewhat) good. However, the chords and the melody don't exactly work quite right. Other than that, not bad.❞ ❝The beginning was nice but the middle of the song was REALLY good. Most of the instruments here seem close to the default in beepbox and its mods, maybe a little bit of altering them would make this better. Overall it's a good song.❞ ❝Even though the initial melody was somewhat simple and maybe repeated too much, the harmonical complexity of this song's middle section sounded perfect to me and combined quite well with the other parts of the song.❞
Notes: ❝One of the riffs stood out to me really well! I would suggest filling out the background with more instruments, to make the song sound more intense, as well as filling it out so it doesn't sound empty.❞

Voted: @Builder_53_Studios, @684pika, @Ex1led, @seg-leinad

Option-Mrmusicnub (FT.DuhltzLiv) by @moneeman

Sound quality: 9/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10
Technical quality: 9/10, 8/10, 9/10, 9/10
Melodic quality: 9/10, 8/10, 9/10, 9/10
Harmonic quality, coherence and cohesion: 9/10, 8/10, 8/10, 9/10
General impression: 8/10, 8/10, 9/10, 9/10
Quotes: ❝Immediately stood out from the rest! Catchy lyrics (with an AMAZING singer), leaves a lasting impression!❞ ❝Not much to say about this song. It's good. Some chords don't quite fit, but it may just be the compression used.❞ ❝This one is definitely my favorite, overall its really good, the melody was really nice and I liked the instrument choice. The pad or whatever it is is a bit loud though. The lyrics were pretty nice too though I can't say too much since I don't listen to lyrical music much. (Also, was that side chaining or am I insane since I love side chaining.)❞ ❝Can't say anything bad about this song. The incredible harmony and instrument combination, together with the lyrics, help create wonderful music. Definitely the best for me!❞
Notes: ❝Hey, I know Kokoro Beats! I'm the music manager of that game, haha! I promise I'm not being biased against anyone, giving everyone the same judgement. Suggestions would be increasing the singer's vocal volume, as well as taking away and simplifying the instrumental. Mixing could be the next step to making this masterpiece professional! Take out/or lower the volume of some of the chiptune leads behind the vocals. They're amazing, but it clashes too much with the frequencies of the singing. Lower some of the heavy pad chord's volume down too, it's a little too heavy. For this style, also increase the drum's volume. Main things are just to focus the singing and drums in this song. That's all it needs to hit perfection!❞

Voted: @Builder_53_Studios, @684pika, @Ex1led, @seg-leinad

Last edited by seg-leinad (June 6, 2024 17:13:49)

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

First one on the new shop, thread looks great :thumbsup:

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◉ Programmer // Game Developer // Musician ◉
◉ Scratch Elder // 9 years of Scratch experience ◉
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

DewMcStew wrote:

First one on the new shop, thread looks great :thumbsup:
I checked first just I'm technically not part of the shop anymore.

Forum Clout: 232,655. Alright, who ate my Kumquats?

Enjoy my music.

[small]non-member post, take whatever I say with a hint of salt and remember there's no authority behind it[/small]
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

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♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Hey seg-leinad, can you put on my staff section that special thingy that i agreed to? The one where i can come help out when I have free time?

Hey, I'm Builder_53_Studios, aspiring composer! I'm an (ex) manager for The Piano Shop, which you should totally check out if you need music, and a composer for Kokoro Beats, an upcoming rhythm game inspired by Project Sekai!

I compose various styles, including:

- Video Game music
- Cinematic/Epic Orchestral Music
- Electronic Music
- Unique rock style that is a mix of J-rock and regular rock and synths and cool stuff
- Glitch-hop

Used to do FNF songs lol

Need music? Hit me up!
I think part of the reason I still compose is because I really enjoy it. Music composition has instilled a passion inside of me, which so far hasn't died yet. I've wanted to compose for an actual game (that doesn't get discontinued) for a while, so if you are creating a game that you'll dedicate and not scrap it, I'd love to help out!

I suggest you listen to some of my music before asking me to compose for you. Check out my Music Portfolio for all of my orders/requests/whatever I feel like I have a specific style that I don't know if everyone likes. Listen and see if I would fit for your game!
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Product you would like to order:
a sound file of the original Super Mario Bros 1 ground/overworld theme.
Product specifications:
make sure that it is not the Super Mario All Stars version of the music, just to avoid confusion
Preferred employee:
Due date (minimum 10 days):
February 25th, 2023
Where should we contact you:
On my profile page
Have you read the Terms of Service :
I have nothing else to say.

Byte-Sized Blues
you reliable go-to for music of all sorts
500+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

and hello new shop!

Sorry, can't think of anything.
100+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

Steve_Knight wrote:

Product you would like to order:
a sound file of the original Super Mario Bros 1 ground/overworld theme.
Product specifications:
make sure that it is not the Super Mario All Stars version of the music, just to avoid confusion
Preferred employee:
Due date (minimum 10 days):
February 25th, 2023
Where should we contact you:
On my profile page
Have you read the Terms of Service :
I have nothing else to say.
We're not going to commit plagiarism for you. But at any rate it's not hard to find youtube mp3 downloaders by googling. Try one of those

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◉ Programmer // Game Developer // Musician ◉
◉ Scratch Elder // 9 years of Scratch experience ◉
1000+ posts

♫♫ The Piano Shop ♫♫ Temporarily closed to orders ♫♫ Quality music services since 25 May 2022 ♫♫

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