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Maybe I spoke too soon - if I'm right, it seems that one of my hard-earned high scores on a project of my own was still lost to whatever happened (at least I have it on video). Not exactly sure what makes it possible to restore the value. But hey, the Cloud variable it was stored in still works like one, so anyone else who earns the next high score should be able to keep it!

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
- The following is my signature, which always shows up below my posts. -

New! Filter through my projects with my website.

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OS: Windows 11 / Browser: Microsoft Edge / Time zone: PST/PDT
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Yes, we already tested that renaming variables works.

The issue here is that it is NOT an effective solution, therefore all cloud data projects prior to the update have become obsolete due to projects get abandoned once they are shard and completed. They're not gonna ask a MILLION Scratch devs to come back and rename the cloud variables just so that they would work again.

The MOST effective solution would be to fix the cloud data from older projects without requiring the project maker to rename them manually.
1000+ posts

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NMario84 wrote:

Yes, we already tested that renaming variables works.

The issue here is that it is NOT an effective solution, therefore all cloud data projects prior to the update have become obsolete due to projects get abandoned once they are shard and completed. They're not gonna ask a MILLION Scratch devs to come back and rename the cloud variables just so that they would work again.

The MOST effective solution would be to fix the cloud data from older projects without requiring the project maker to rename them manually.
Also, if you have no way of contacting them (ex. they left Scratch and you have no idea where they are now), or the project creator has no access to that account anymore/they moved..

Last edited by medians (Sept. 17, 2023 00:06:20)

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
100+ posts

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Yes, I knew about the renaming fix, but deliberately didn't mention it here, or in the other approach I took on the advice of an ST member (for which I still have no feedback, yet), because I was fearful that the ST would think that there's no problem then, and they don't actually have fix anything.
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Yeah…. Pretty much 10+ years of cloud data projects… GONE……BURIED…… DATA LOGS, LEADERBOARDS WIPED FROM EXISTENCE.

At this point, the Scratch Team won't…. or can't do anything about it. At the least have a word about it anyway.
100+ posts

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NMario84 wrote:

Yeah…. Pretty much 10+ years of cloud data projects… GONE……BURIED…… DATA LOGS, LEADERBOARDS WIPED FROM EXISTENCE.

At this point, the Scratch Team won't…. or can't do anything about it. At the least have a word about it anyway.
NOOOOOOOOO!!! Cloud Variables before 2022 are probably gone and in the middle of hyperspace…

Edit: Wait, scrub that. Maybe from July of 2023, because High Voltage lost all of its cloud activity.

Edit 2: Yep. Just checked, the first cloud data set was 20 days ago, but I remember there were values set in May…

Last edited by Boss_1s (Sept. 19, 2023 21:24:38)

Do <Highlight+shift+down arrow ::sensing> to see the rest of my signature. ::hat :: events

Generation 11: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Support the suggestion HERE by adding this button to your signature

Blocks Scratch should have:
substring [letter#1] [letter#2] [string] ::operators //finds the string between a string
pause [this script v] for (1) seconds ::control
(() or ()::operators)
(() and ()::operators) //same as the boolean, but for reporting
<my boolean ::variables> //only stores true or false
show all variables::variables
hide all variable::variables
show all lists::list
hide all lists::list
…and more!

Alt accounts: @Boss_1sALT(for cloud testing and other stuff), @Boss_1sARCHIVE(Archive of older game versions)

Hi, my name is @Boss_1s!
I'm 12 years old, and I joined Scratch to relearn block coding.
Other projects:
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/869604293/ - cool MMO platformer
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/792424859/ - This is my first ORIGINAL game.
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/914686250/ - NEW! Remixed an RPG from Griffpatch, though it's pretty boring right now…
https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/895107188/ - NEW! Safe chat with anyone on Scratch, whitelist is present
Secret Special Advanced Project (SSAdP): COMPLETED!!! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/946720515/

Predominant Languages:
I speak American English and Chinese.

That's all for my signature, folks! cya!
1000+ posts

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Yes…… Sadly all cloud data logs that was made prior to the August maintenance is lost. Scratch Team won't do anything about it, including broken cloud data projects.
100+ posts

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Cloud variables wont save when the page is refreshed

Last edited by Moth-Comics (Sept. 19, 2023 23:03:14)

Slugcat_ and heybuddycanigeta’s alt for testing projects, sometimes im on the forums
1000+ posts

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Moth-Comics wrote:

Cloud variables wont save when the page is refreshed

You have not been paying attention to this ENTIRE thread, have you?
We've been discussing this issue for a LONG while now. Everyone is aware of this, but we can't do anything about it.

Only the Scratch Team can do something about it, but they won't because reasons (beyond their control).
100+ posts

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I think my project is the only one that has cloud variables working

Hi i am mas6y6 i am the maker and owner for Scratch Cloud

Its a Scratch in Scratch Project

The Cloud Web has been discontinued
100+ posts

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Whenever I go to my latest project (or a lot of other cloud projects) I set a cloud variable, it shows up in the logs, but doesn't save when I reload. I've seen a lot of other people have this issue. I made the project yesterday and am a Scratcher. Why won't it show up in the project if it shows up in the list?

⠀(⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ::operators stack hat) ::control hat// Hi i'm a guy that does stuff
⠀⠀((((((((((()))))))))) (((((((((())))))))))) ⠀⠀::control
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⠀⠀⠀⠀ ::cap
have a great day!
1000+ posts

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Do you people/kids/whoever even READ this topic before posting?

That has been “THE #1” issue ever since Scratch Team has updated/finished cloud data maintenance some time ago. If you pay attention to the above messages, you'll see they are are indeed NOT working,

….And because Scratch Team most likely laid off some employers/engineers (or just don't care enough to comply to our issues), all of our hard work in past games featuring leaderboards are gone forever.

Last edited by NMario84 (Sept. 24, 2023 23:53:42)

68 posts

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why can they not do anything about it, is it the server provider or something (i dont know how they are saved, just how to use them)

edit: this project was made before august, but the cloud variable was made i think a few weeks ago

Last edited by TestCA1EB (Sept. 26, 2023 01:35:03)

I am TestCA1EB and I have a signature.
when green flag clicked
say [Scratch Is Yes]
1000+ posts

Report cloud data glitches here

The issue is that it can be a number of reasons as to why they won't do anything about the current state of Cloud Data as it stands now.

1.) They don't care enough, and they have much more important issues to work on.

2.) They've lost their engineers/programmers that provide the scripts to get cloud data working.

3.) They “THINK” they've fixed it, but by doing “something” during that maintenance schedule, they trashed all the previous data, and broke MILLIONS of projects that used them in the past.

4.) Not enough support beyond their control.
100+ posts

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NMario84 wrote:

The issue is that it can be a number of reasons as to why they won't do anything about the current state of Cloud Data as it stands now.

1.) They don't care enough, and they have much more important issues to work on.

2.) They've lost their engineers/programmers that provide the scripts to get cloud data working.

3.) They “THINK” they've fixed it, but by doing “something” during that maintenance schedule, they trashed all the previous data, and broke MILLIONS of projects that used them in the past.

4.) Not enough support beyond their control.

Agreed these might all be valid explanations, but the main problem is that nobody in the Scratch Team, actually looks at this thread any more, despite the fact that it is a sticky thread created by a Scratch Team member. So it's really only Scratchers communicating here. This thread no longer actually serves its intended purpose. It is a complete waste of time reporting issues here. I tried a different approach recommended by a Scratch Team member several weeks ago, and that has also fallen on deaf ears, so far. I still have some hope that it will eventually be looked into (but I'm not holding my breath). If I do eventually get some feedback through that approach I will report it back here.
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NMario84 wrote:

2.) They've lost their engineers/programmers that provide the scripts to get cloud data working.
Well, there is probably less engineers.

cheddargirl wrote:

Is this for aesthetic purposes? A color-toggle-based suggestion would require heavier engineering sources, and given the recent layoffs, that might not be a good thing to suggest right now unless someone still needs the current non-link text color for a well-recognized accessibility issue.

SDS Helper reqs should be upped - Show/hide via context menu - Revise “ask the community” - Browser not supported - Empty comment contrast
a bit of trolling (i asked before putting it here) - tamaNOTchi
- I'm back to this account, I guess - notebook

stop posting about kumquats, im tired of seeing it, my friend comments saying “oh hey your post was eaten by a kumquat” STOP a kumquat is freaking fruit just eat it utp ojtishglkmkjhgaoeimrlV,5KU9MOIL3K5GP,Ő AHTAHGTARET SOTP positing ABJTOUT IT (parody & sarcasm)

bad joke:

Most of this is now going to become a meme storage.

thank you ajskateboarder

This dialouge box has more than one sentence to say!

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Oh that's not great. That probably means nothing will get fixed.

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I'm sure if they NEVER touched cloud data from before when it “WAS” actually working, everything would've been just fine.
But because Scratch Team INSISTED to get a better server for cloud data, so things just started to break since maintenance.

Kind of a shame move TBH. They really need to come up with a better solution that works for everyone.
100+ posts

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Hopefully they fix these cloud data issues sooner or later.

ask [Did you lose your music file?] and wait
if <(answer) = [yes]> then
say [Visit the link below!]
I can be found in seg-leinad's Piano Shop as well as various other shops making music and coding projects!

Music Orders
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Report cloud data glitches here

Well a project of mine that WAS working (Battle Tanks) is now no longer working, I had to disable the cloud check at the start to make it work.
So it seems things are getting worse

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