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- ScratchCat
66 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Hi folks,
We wanted to include a space to address some frequently asked questions for the new studio updates. You can learn more about the studio update here.
I am a “New Scratcher” - how do I create a studio?
To create a studio you will need to have “Scratcher” status. See here to learn more about what this means.
I am a manager - why can’t I edit studio descriptions?
Only studio owners have the ability to edit studio descriptions. Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. This change is intended to give studio owners more creative control over their spaces.
What happens if an owner is no longer active in a studio?
If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!
I want other managers to edit the description, what do I do?
Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.
Why is there a limit on the number of managers to a studio?
This change is intended to address a few issues: it will reduce the number of spammy studios, encourage studio owners and managers to be more intentional when promoting curators, and further limit the amount of people who can make major changes to studios.
My studio already has more than 40 managers - what will happen to my studio? Will some managers be automatically removed?
Don’t worry, your studio is still there and so are all the managers! Studios that already have more than 40 managers will continue to have those managers. If you want to add new managers to that studio in the future, though, you will need to remove some of your existing managers until you are below the limit of 40. Once you are below that limit, you can promote a new curator to manager.
Why is there a limit on the number of replies in a comment thread?
Limiting comment threads helps enhance site performance, and prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity. As Scratch continues to grow, it is important to us to continue exploring ways in which we can help keep Scratch running smoothly, safely, and quickly for everyone who uses it. It is our hope that these changes will help do just that! Once a comment thread has reached its limit, you are welcome to start a new thread to continue the conversation.
Where can I provide suggestions or report bugs for studios?
If you would like to provide constructive ideas for the future of studios on Scratch, you are welcome to share them in the Suggestions forum section. If you found a bug or glitch with the new studio update, please share that with us in the Bugs and Glitches forum section.
Scratch On!
We wanted to include a space to address some frequently asked questions for the new studio updates. You can learn more about the studio update here.
I am a “New Scratcher” - how do I create a studio?
To create a studio you will need to have “Scratcher” status. See here to learn more about what this means.
I am a manager - why can’t I edit studio descriptions?
Only studio owners have the ability to edit studio descriptions. Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. This change is intended to give studio owners more creative control over their spaces.
What happens if an owner is no longer active in a studio?
If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!
I want other managers to edit the description, what do I do?
Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.
Why is there a limit on the number of managers to a studio?
This change is intended to address a few issues: it will reduce the number of spammy studios, encourage studio owners and managers to be more intentional when promoting curators, and further limit the amount of people who can make major changes to studios.
My studio already has more than 40 managers - what will happen to my studio? Will some managers be automatically removed?
Don’t worry, your studio is still there and so are all the managers! Studios that already have more than 40 managers will continue to have those managers. If you want to add new managers to that studio in the future, though, you will need to remove some of your existing managers until you are below the limit of 40. Once you are below that limit, you can promote a new curator to manager.
Why is there a limit on the number of replies in a comment thread?
Limiting comment threads helps enhance site performance, and prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity. As Scratch continues to grow, it is important to us to continue exploring ways in which we can help keep Scratch running smoothly, safely, and quickly for everyone who uses it. It is our hope that these changes will help do just that! Once a comment thread has reached its limit, you are welcome to start a new thread to continue the conversation.
Where can I provide suggestions or report bugs for studios?
If you would like to provide constructive ideas for the future of studios on Scratch, you are welcome to share them in the Suggestions forum section. If you found a bug or glitch with the new studio update, please share that with us in the Bugs and Glitches forum section.
Scratch On!
- -InsanityGames-
500+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
edit: this is the new youtube rewind 2018
I love this update! But it looks big on my Chromebook.
Also I found a way to bring back the old studios, but please don't patch it.
First post?
What did I do to get this privilege?
Studio transfership?
Go here.
And by the way, I recommend putting the questions in [big] tags rather than [b] tags.
Like this:
I love this update! But it looks big on my Chromebook.
Also I found a way to bring back the old studios, but please don't patch it.
First post?
What did I do to get this privilege?
Studio transfership?
Go here.
And by the way, I recommend putting the questions in [big] tags rather than [b] tags.
Like this:
Why?But you can do either.
Last edited by -InsanityGames- (Sept. 24, 2021 15:22:37)
- awesome-llama
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
This is going to take a little time to get used to. The layout is such a big change from before!
In my opinion, the new layout is fine but some things need to be fixed, namely how it is displayed. On mobile, nothing is aligned right. On desktop, everything is scaled too large. I have put my browser to 90% to compensate.
The biggest problem I have with the update is that the manager role has now become almost useless. What can they do now? Manage curators?
I can see why there was the change to limit managers but this is a step too far as it really restricts functionality of studios. It should be one or the other, either have a few trusted managers with more power, or have no manager limit but restrict what they all can do. However, I am strongly for the former: have a limited amount of managers who are trusted enough to edit the studio's description, thumbnail, and title.
In my opinion, the new layout is fine but some things need to be fixed, namely how it is displayed. On mobile, nothing is aligned right. On desktop, everything is scaled too large. I have put my browser to 90% to compensate.
The biggest problem I have with the update is that the manager role has now become almost useless. What can they do now? Manage curators?
I can see why there was the change to limit managers but this is a step too far as it really restricts functionality of studios. It should be one or the other, either have a few trusted managers with more power, or have no manager limit but restrict what they all can do. However, I am strongly for the former: have a limited amount of managers who are trusted enough to edit the studio's description, thumbnail, and title.
Last edited by awesome-llama (July 6, 2021 16:34:29)
- mybearworld
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I'm gonna edit this to some more feedback
Edit: As it turns out, I didn't edit this to some more feedback. Oh well.
Edit: As it turns out, I didn't edit this to some more feedback. Oh well.
Last edited by mybearworld (June 11, 2023 16:08:52)
- -sugardrizzle-
9 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Hmm, I think maybe it would be wise to allow certain managers to edit studios. I'm a part of a studio in which the owner has left. Also, how are roleplays going to be handled with this?
This is going to be an issue honestly. The 25 limit is much too low, it clips meaningful conversations.
This is going to be an issue honestly. The 25 limit is much too low, it clips meaningful conversations.
Last edited by -sugardrizzle- (July 6, 2021 15:42:51)
- ScratchCatHELLO
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
first page
1 - okay, but why?
2 - editing descriptions isn't the problem, it's that you can spam remove everyone from a studio really easily
3 - this is going to lead to studio spam, which is something I never thought I'd say. this doesn't prevent raids, it just kills off studios with inactive owners. one of the major points of promoting someone is to co-own with them, and so that the studio can live on without you. this should at least be toggleable by the studio owner.
4 - that's not reasoning
5 - that reasoning is okay, but it still doesn't stop raids.
6 - ok
7 - this is just going to lead to more spam and make moderation harder.
8 - since when has a suggestion lead to anything this big?
other thoughts - why is it so big??
1 - okay, but why?
2 - editing descriptions isn't the problem, it's that you can spam remove everyone from a studio really easily
3 - this is going to lead to studio spam, which is something I never thought I'd say. this doesn't prevent raids, it just kills off studios with inactive owners. one of the major points of promoting someone is to co-own with them, and so that the studio can live on without you. this should at least be toggleable by the studio owner.
4 - that's not reasoning
5 - that reasoning is okay, but it still doesn't stop raids.
6 - ok
7 - this is just going to lead to more spam and make moderation harder.
8 - since when has a suggestion lead to anything this big?
other thoughts - why is it so big??
Last edited by ScratchCatHELLO (July 6, 2021 15:38:20)
- Flowermanvista
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
That was so smooth that I didn't even realized they pushed the new update until after it was already finished.
- -Accio-
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
+1, the scale seems very large for me, but I'm sure that I will get used to it over time. I love this update! But it looks big on my Chromebook.
I also share the concerns of others about the lack of communication surrounding these changes. It seems like these changes were released abruptly without much community feedback. While I understand the reasoning listed above for the changes made, it would have been nice for there to be an announcement beforehand so that studios impacted by these restrictions could prepare. (ie. the Pull Request making it so that managers couldn't update studio descriptions was created just two hours before studios went live, meaning that studios had no time to prepare for this change).
Last edited by -Accio- (July 6, 2021 16:41:54)
- Chiroyce
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I'm early!
Also why is it so huge?
Also why is it so huge?
Last edited by Chiroyce (July 6, 2021 15:25:24)
- BarelySmooth
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I do not support this change. There should have been an announcement beforehand. Everything was done too fast with no time to prepare. I highly suggest the Scratch Team reconsider this decision.
I understand the reason for manager limits but I think I know a really good solution here (suggestion by @Galaxia_TheWolf684).
I understand the reason for manager limits but I think I know a really good solution here (suggestion by @Galaxia_TheWolf684).
Last edited by BarelySmooth (July 7, 2021 08:57:52)
- wvj
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
From here:
So you are saying that “Browse Projects” is a new feature? It existed since 2.0 studios were released!
One new feature we are particularly excited about is the “Browse projects” option for when you add projects to your studio.
So you are saying that “Browse Projects” is a new feature? It existed since 2.0 studios were released!
Last edited by wvj (July 13, 2021 20:09:12)
- Jeffalo
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ

thanks scratch team i am really loving this update it has no flaws whatsoever thanks
Last edited by Jeffalo (July 6, 2021 16:15:31)
- Arqwa
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
French version :
D'accord, nous sommes vraiment contents de l'apparition des nouveaux studios, c'est bien plus moderne et agréable à utiliser (je suis heureux de n'avoir plus beaucoup de problèmes de mise en page en utilisant un appareil mobile)… Il y a beaucoup de points positifs dans cette mise à jour, c'est super que Scratch 3.0 arrive encore plus sur le site…
Par contre, je vais me plaindre pour quelque chose, c'est sur les autorisations des managers, le nombre limité n'est pas une mauvaise idée à mon avis, car un studi ayant beaucoup de managers, va pouvoir être facilement “saccagé” et cela épargne je pense du travail pour les modérateurs et permet ainsi aux scratcheurs de penser à des choses plus intéressantes.
Je vais cepandant revenir sur mon mécontentement, je voudrais accentuer le fait que le créateur du studio va l'organiser, faire souvent la description au départ, bien sûr mettre un titre et sûrement une image… mais après, le relai va être pris par les autres managers qui sont peut-être aussi motivés et aimeraient s'investir. Je pense que c'est aussi intéressant de collaborer pour créer un espace au mieux avec les idées de chacun, le créateur du studio n'est pas toujours présent pour tout gérer…
Je souhaite aussi accentuer sur le fait que les studios peuvent être avant la création, pensés par plusieurs personnes qui se mettent d'accord pour en créer un ensemble. Celui-ci, pour l'instant, nous nous fichons de savoir qui sera le créateur mais après, nous voudrons l'être pour pouvoir gérer notre création et ne pas subir une sorte d'injustice.
English version :
Agreed, we're really pleased with the new studios, it's much more modern and pleasant to use (I'm glad I don't have many layout problems using a mobile device anymore)… There are a lot of good points in this update, it's great that Scratch 3.0 is coming to the site even more…
However, I will complain about something, it's about the manager permissions, the limited number is not a bad idea in my opinion, because a studio with a lot of managers, will be easily “trashed” and it saves some work for the moderators and allows scratcher to think about more interesting things.
I will however come back to my dissatisfaction, I would like to emphasize the fact that the creator of the studio will organize it, often make the description at the beginning, of course put a title and surely a picture… but afterwards, the relay will be taken by the other managers who are perhaps also motivated and would like to invest themselves. I think it's also interesting to collaborate to create a space with everyone's ideas, the creator of the studio is not always present to manage everything…
I would also like to emphasise that studios can be designed by several people before they are created, who agree to create one together. This one, for the moment, we don't care who the creator is, but afterwards, we will want to be the creator so that we can manage our creation and not suffer a kind of injustice.
Translated with Deepl - I can speak english but as you can see, I'm tired
D'accord, nous sommes vraiment contents de l'apparition des nouveaux studios, c'est bien plus moderne et agréable à utiliser (je suis heureux de n'avoir plus beaucoup de problèmes de mise en page en utilisant un appareil mobile)… Il y a beaucoup de points positifs dans cette mise à jour, c'est super que Scratch 3.0 arrive encore plus sur le site…
Par contre, je vais me plaindre pour quelque chose, c'est sur les autorisations des managers, le nombre limité n'est pas une mauvaise idée à mon avis, car un studi ayant beaucoup de managers, va pouvoir être facilement “saccagé” et cela épargne je pense du travail pour les modérateurs et permet ainsi aux scratcheurs de penser à des choses plus intéressantes.
Je vais cepandant revenir sur mon mécontentement, je voudrais accentuer le fait que le créateur du studio va l'organiser, faire souvent la description au départ, bien sûr mettre un titre et sûrement une image… mais après, le relai va être pris par les autres managers qui sont peut-être aussi motivés et aimeraient s'investir. Je pense que c'est aussi intéressant de collaborer pour créer un espace au mieux avec les idées de chacun, le créateur du studio n'est pas toujours présent pour tout gérer…
Je souhaite aussi accentuer sur le fait que les studios peuvent être avant la création, pensés par plusieurs personnes qui se mettent d'accord pour en créer un ensemble. Celui-ci, pour l'instant, nous nous fichons de savoir qui sera le créateur mais après, nous voudrons l'être pour pouvoir gérer notre création et ne pas subir une sorte d'injustice.
English version :
Agreed, we're really pleased with the new studios, it's much more modern and pleasant to use (I'm glad I don't have many layout problems using a mobile device anymore)… There are a lot of good points in this update, it's great that Scratch 3.0 is coming to the site even more…
However, I will complain about something, it's about the manager permissions, the limited number is not a bad idea in my opinion, because a studio with a lot of managers, will be easily “trashed” and it saves some work for the moderators and allows scratcher to think about more interesting things.
I will however come back to my dissatisfaction, I would like to emphasize the fact that the creator of the studio will organize it, often make the description at the beginning, of course put a title and surely a picture… but afterwards, the relay will be taken by the other managers who are perhaps also motivated and would like to invest themselves. I think it's also interesting to collaborate to create a space with everyone's ideas, the creator of the studio is not always present to manage everything…
I would also like to emphasise that studios can be designed by several people before they are created, who agree to create one together. This one, for the moment, we don't care who the creator is, but afterwards, we will want to be the creator so that we can manage our creation and not suffer a kind of injustice.
Translated with Deepl - I can speak english but as you can see, I'm tired
- katykat26099
99 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
First page so I guess I'm legally required to write out a long response.
Second, as someone who is a manager in a studio that was raided, it's a mistake you only make once. The studio has grown a lot from that mistake and it's a great learning experience for kids to realize you can't trust everyone. The manager limit was fine for preventing raids, you didn't need to add this too. Yeah, now people can't raid studios. But now people can't work together and spread out the work that they have to do in a studio either.
The limit is fine. It prevents raids and is at a high enough number where most studios wouldn't have their number of active managers higher than that anyways.
“prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity” So instead of having a few, old threads, you want a ton of new threads at the top where people who don't know what's going on to be confused? If you want to know if people are commenting on an old thread, just look at the studio activity- oh wait, you removed that too.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on this. Thanks for reading all of this I guess.
I am a “New Scratcher” - how do I create a studio?Why? If it's because you think they'll break the rules in studios, they'll just break the rules in other places, such as profiles or projects. This doesn't really help anything and will just frustrate people (especially people who moved accounts and their new account is still a new scratcher).
To create a studio you will need to have “Scratcher” status. See here to learn more about what this means.
I am a manager - why can’t I edit studio descriptions?I can understand why some people might want this. It can prevent raids, and if you don't trust a person 100% now you don't have to worry about that. But so many studios rely on needing managers to edit studio descriptions. If you want to give studio owners “more creative control” then let them decide who can edit the description or let them choose if only they can edit or not.
Only studio owners have the ability to edit studio descriptions. Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. This change is intended to give studio owners more creative control over their spaces.
What happens if an owner is no longer active in a studio?As someone who has had to move a big studio because it was raided, moving is not easy! You have to explain to everyone that you're moving and get them to stop talking in the old studio (since you can't turn off comments), and you have to reinvite all the previous curators and promote all the managers again. So what you want us to do is change owners every time a studio's owner is inactive? You're just causing more work and stress by putting all the work on the studio owner and making the managers move studios every time they want to edit the description, thumbnail or title.
If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!
I want other managers to edit the description, what do I do?First of all, no one wanted only the owner to be able to edit. Maybe we wanted to be able to give others “owner” status, or maybe we wanted a better permission control, but we didn't want only one person to be able to edit.
Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.
Second, as someone who is a manager in a studio that was raided, it's a mistake you only make once. The studio has grown a lot from that mistake and it's a great learning experience for kids to realize you can't trust everyone. The manager limit was fine for preventing raids, you didn't need to add this too. Yeah, now people can't raid studios. But now people can't work together and spread out the work that they have to do in a studio either.
Why is there a limit on the number of managers to a studio?“major changes” What major changes? You just took away all the “major changes” that managers could make.
This change is intended to address a few issues: it will reduce the number of spammy studios, encourage studio owners and managers to be more intentional when promoting curators, and further limit the amount of people who can make major changes to studios.
The limit is fine. It prevents raids and is at a high enough number where most studios wouldn't have their number of active managers higher than that anyways.
Why is there a limit on the number of replies in a comment thread?“helps enhance site performance” But then why is it only being added to studios? Why not projects and profiles too? And if your site can't handle a ton of replies, fix the site so it can handle that many. Don't impose dumb limits no one wants.
Limiting comment threads helps enhance site performance, and prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity. As Scratch continues to grow, it is important to us to continue exploring ways in which we can help keep Scratch running smoothly, safely, and quickly for everyone who uses it. It is our hope that these changes will help do just that! Once a comment thread has reached its limit, you are welcome to start a new thread to continue the conversation.
“prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity” So instead of having a few, old threads, you want a ton of new threads at the top where people who don't know what's going on to be confused? If you want to know if people are commenting on an old thread, just look at the studio activity- oh wait, you removed that too.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on this. Thanks for reading all of this I guess.
Last edited by katykat26099 (July 7, 2021 13:32:41)
- pavcato
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
It doesn't really work too good on phones.first page
It seems instead of letting us have more freedom in what we can do on the website, the ST is now just focusing on limiting us, and I really think they should change the way they think about the website. Managers don't have any more purpose anymore other than inviting people, and we are capped at 25 replys. Studios are forced to move due to inactive owners.
Users complained when 3.0 was released but now they have an actual reason. The update is broken, confining, and is ruining tons of studios.
Just listen to your users for once, no one likes this update.
This website is going in the wrong direction.
I'm going to post this post here from someone else as it deserves to be seen:
It seems instead of letting us have more freedom in what we can do on the website, the ST is now just focusing on limiting us, and I really think they should change the way they think about the website. Managers don't have any more purpose anymore other than inviting people, and we are capped at 25 replys. Studios are forced to move due to inactive owners.
Users complained when 3.0 was released but now they have an actual reason. The update is broken, confining, and is ruining tons of studios.
Just listen to your users for once, no one likes this update.
This website is going in the wrong direction.

I'm going to post this post here from someone else as it deserves to be seen:
Hello there scratch team or whoever is reading this! I’m MintChipOreos, also known as Quinn or Olive. I have a lot of opinions on this. First off, you have decided to make a huge decision without letting the people who it will affect have any say. Second, this update has left communities reliant on studios in shambles. Ex. TFCRP, SWC, Various art groups, etc. I understand that this might help make moderation and management easier for some people, but not everyone. Heck, you might as well remove comments now. I remember when I first joined scratch a few years ago, the studios I created as a new scratcher made me feel less alone on the huge website I was new to. I understand that this update took a long time to make, a long time to prepare, but you should have asked the community what they thought about it before making the decision to go through with this. It’s not okay. About the new scratchers not being able to create studios, I don’t want people to lose the opportunity that I had due to the studios I created when I first joined. Please take the time to understand what you did to the community, you left us in shambles. I don’t know what will happen next. /srs
This brings me to my next point against this update, you might of just destroyed scratch roleplays as we know them. 25 comments per chain? Really? I hope you understand what you did to a huge community of scratchers. You are going to get a lot of backlash on this point. Please, just find a way to fix this. It’s not okay to make such huge decisions without the opinion of the community who will be affected by this. /srs
Last edited by pavcato (July 6, 2021 17:13:12)
- -max_ride-
9 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I don't like it. what about roleplays? and you cant see how many followers a studio has either. please change it back!!!
- Octo_Terra
56 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Ok, this came out of nowhere. I really don't like this update, and I'm sure tons of people agree. The 25 message limit is really stupid. I also cannot figure out how to add curators from my follower list, like it was before. The worst part about this was the lack of heads up and communication with the community about this update.
- ScratchCatHELLO
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I don't like it. what about roleplays? and you cant see how many followers a studio has either. please change it back!!!
you can, you just have to scroll down
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