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29 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

anomaly_161 wrote:

xShadowCatx wrote:

bxtta- wrote:

ultimagacha wrote:

Random question can't we rp on our profile's?
Wouldn't be easier ?
But ig it wouldn't work
It would work, I tested it myself. The 25-thread rule doesn't apply for profiles /yet/. Unfortunately, the ST may change that, too. For now, yes, it's possible to rp on people's pfs.

I’m pretty sure role playing on profiles is a good idea, people have been doing things like making alts and such. But since the update came out of nowhere, (thanks ST! /sarc) nobody is really prepared, and spreading the word about rping on a Profile/project might be difficult.
RPs on profiles would be hard if it were to replace studios, because you can’t invite your followers to your profile-

That too, along with the fact that you need somewhere to keep track of everyone, and whose active and whose not in rps. (Projects could work for that, but that also could be hard to manage)
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

I've been gone for…17 hours, so are we still getting a comment per second xD

I moved to @aniii-
29 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.
I eleventh this.
23 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

The studio has a new update. How did they upgrade to a new one? Tell me!
1000+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

35 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

BurritoDesigns wrote:

TheMemelord5 wrote:

BurritoDesigns wrote:

Hey guys, who's ready to watch this entire thread dissolve into complete and utter chaos as the so-called “rebels” attempt to start a war against the ST because they aren't willing to undo months of hard work? I know I am! Let's get the popcorn!

In all seriousness, the idea of a “war” or “rebellion” on a children's coding website is ridiculous to me. Sure, I understand that the idea of being part of a group fighting for change is appealing to you, but this isn't the way to do it. Diplomacy is much more effective.

You're right, honestly. While many people getting together is more likely to inspire change than just one, it's kind of childish (*says childish on a children's programming site*) to call it a full-on war. Plus, you raise a valid point in that the ST, though we didn't ask for it and it generally created more harm than good, really did work hard on all the new updates. For that, I applaud them. While I don't exactly like many of the new functions and some of the new aesthetics, I can tell that a huge amount of effort was put into them, mainly in the cool new backgrounds and vector sprites.
I think people shouldn't gun for a complete reset of the studios, but instead ask the ST to fix some flaws.


eyyy first post on page 224 B)

Last edited by TheMemelord5 (July 7, 2021 17:05:39)

Yo, wuddup bois,
I'm am supreme.
My skills ain't toys,
I'm a meme machine.

- A really cheap rap by me, @TheMemelord5! Why don't you check out my projects? :D
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

Hoodiestrings wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

TheMemelord5 wrote:

Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.
I can’t contact them though-

I agree that we should be peaceful and respectful but we are simply trying to get our old scratch back and are not acting like stuck-up rich kids. we are sharing our thoughts the best that we can since we have no way to contact ST.
There's literally a contact us button!!!!!!!

wait there is- where tho-?
At the bottom of the page under resources

It's time I get a real signature. Oh, by the way, click here my new account. @-gr!
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

wxterfaII wrote:

what if instead of only the community coming together the st and the community comes together?
Great idea

I moved to @aniii-
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

tek_ilovemarvel wrote:

I've been gone for…17 hours, so are we still getting a comment per second xD

“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put to order.” - John Burroughs
“Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Dr. Seuss
“Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.” - Shannon L. Alder
Book Club sort of thing hosted by Yours Truly
AIO Fan Page
Click here to see what I have to say about the studio updates in the forum for it

Catty out!
73 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

9gr wrote:


~ Burrito
1000+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

Here's my feedback on the new update:
New studio UI:
Looks okay on PC, but looks really squished on mobile.

Manager Limit:
Good one, there were too many ‘Can we get xxxx managers before 2XXX??’

Only the creator of the studio can edit the studio
Manager and the limit thing is completely useless now.
What about active studios that have an inactive/banned creator?

25 comment chain limit
I'm in a bunch of RPS, comment chains can exceed 25 comments easily.
But I guess, this was added due to performance issues.
The limit is kinda unrealistic anyway.

This is my thoughts on the new update, tried to be as nice as possible.

bumped up a old post

I'm Callisto(please don't call me Twilight), but you can call me Cal/Cass. I go by she/he/they pronouns.
3 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25862773/comments aka the goose empire is basically dead now, too. apparently the original owner either got banned or deleted their account, so its impossible to fix the description. so slight flaw in trying to stop raids.
35 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

BurritoDesigns wrote:

TheMemelord5 wrote:

Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.
Well said


Yo, wuddup bois,
I'm am supreme.
My skills ain't toys,
I'm a meme machine.

- A really cheap rap by me, @TheMemelord5! Why don't you check out my projects? :D
78 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

ScratchCat wrote:

Hi folks,

We wanted to include a space to address some frequently asked questions for the new studio updates. You can learn more about the studio update here.

I am a “New Scratcher” - how do I create a studio?
To create a studio you will need to have “Scratcher” status. See here to learn more about what this means.

I am a manager - why can’t I edit studio descriptions?
Only studio owners have the ability to edit studio descriptions. Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. This change is intended to give studio owners more creative control over their spaces.

What happens if an owner is no longer active in a studio?
If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!

I want other managers to edit the description, what do I do?
Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.

Why is there a limit on the number of managers to a studio?
This change is intended to address a few issues: it will reduce the number of spammy studios, encourage studio owners and managers to be more intentional when promoting curators, and further limit the amount of people who can make major changes to studios.

My studio already has more than 40 managers - what will happen to my studio? Will some managers be automatically removed?
Don’t worry, your studio is still there and so are all the managers! Studios that already have more than 40 managers will continue to have those managers. If you want to add new managers to that studio in the future, though, you will need to remove some of your existing managers until you are below the limit of 40. Once you are below that limit, you can promote a new curator to manager.

Why is there a limit on the number of replies in a comment thread?
Limiting comment threads helps enhance site performance, and prevents long but still active threads from being buried where few people will see new activity. As Scratch continues to grow, it is important to us to continue exploring ways in which we can help keep Scratch running smoothly, safely, and quickly for everyone who uses it. It is our hope that these changes will help do just that! Once a comment thread has reached its limit, you are welcome to start a new thread to continue the conversation.

Where can I provide suggestions or report bugs for studios?
If you would like to provide constructive ideas for the future of studios on Scratch, you are welcome to share them in the Suggestions forum section. If you found a bug or glitch with the new studio update, please share that with us in the Bugs and Glitches forum section.

Scratch On!

Let's hear that again.

If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!

One more time?

If you are a curator or manager, you can still add projects to a studio, and everyone can continue conversations in the comments. If you would like to make changes to a studio description, title, or thumbnail, only the studio owner can do this. But, you are always welcome to create a new studio!

Scratch, the entire point of studios is to have everything contained in one place. Creating a new studio every time the owner becomes inactive is annoying and defeating the entire point of creating a studio in the first place! This is my biggest complaint. Do better. Do a beta testing mode, ask for ACTUAL feedback from the community instead of just assuming we wanted new changes, and if there is feedback, looks at the 223 pages of forums, actually do something different for once and change it. This has happened with the discuss bar, and the Scratch 3.0 update. Listen to us, please.

and actually answer the question instead of dodging it

Last edited by gboo25 (July 7, 2021 17:08:12)

i love you. you matter <3
23 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

9gr wrote:

10 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

TheMemelord5 wrote:

Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.
I can’t contact them though-

I agree that we should be peaceful and respectful but we are simply trying to get our old scratch back and are not acting like stuck-up rich kids. we are sharing our thoughts the best that we can since we have no way to contact ST.
There's literally a contact us button!!!!!!!

wait there is- where tho-?
At the bottom of every page in the resources section.

i checked that just now, and i sent a message to the scratch team about this, i'll tell you guys the results when i get a response
35 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.

i already tenthed it but its ok ill also 11 tth it
29 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

PumpkinpieNV6C wrote:

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.

i already tenthed it but its ok ill also 11 tth it

I already eleventhed
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

I'm going to start a stream about this on YouTube soon, I'll post the link once I've started

It's time I get a real signature. Oh, by the way, click here my new account. @-gr!

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