Discuss Scratch

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Studio Updates FAQ

catlover530 wrote:

lemonbuny wrote:

omg this is still going
ive been watching this go on for so long it feels like were all friends now
Ikr? Lol I've been in this forum since before we hit the 200 page mark
I was here at 79 pages yesterday and watched it hit 120 something before I had to leave. I'm glad this is still going!

I moved to @aniii-
500+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

BurritoDesigns wrote:

TheMemelord5 wrote:

BurritoDesigns wrote:

Hey guys, who's ready to watch this entire thread dissolve into complete and utter chaos as the so-called “rebels” attempt to start a war against the ST because they aren't willing to undo months of hard work? I know I am! Let's get the popcorn!

In all seriousness, the idea of a “war” or “rebellion” on a children's coding website is ridiculous to me. Sure, I understand that the idea of being part of a group fighting for change is appealing to you, but this isn't the way to do it. Diplomacy is much more effective.

You're right, honestly. While many people getting together is more likely to inspire change than just one, it's kind of childish (*says childish on a children's programming site*) to call it a full-on war. Plus, you raise a valid point in that the ST, though we didn't ask for it and it generally created more harm than good, really did work hard on all the new updates. For that, I applaud them. While I don't exactly like many of the new functions and some of the new aesthetics, I can tell that a huge amount of effort was put into them, mainly in the cool new backgrounds and vector sprites.
I think people shouldn't gun for a complete reset of the studios, but instead ask the ST to fix some flaws.
That's what I was thinking too;
It's why I'm not saying #Bringbacktheoldstudios (that would be an option to recreate peace though-)
It's why I'm saying #ChangetheNewStudios

Hi! I'm Onyx. Or Crazi, either name works.
Before I left Scratch, I used the forums a lot. This is actually where I met my online best friend, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
I mainly was in the Ace Attorney forum, writing informal essays about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. And outside of the forums, I animated stuff or did a cover of a song with a friend. I'm not active here anymore, but do feel free to say hi if I do decide to show my cute avatar again.

My “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
33 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

PumpkinpieNV6C wrote:

PotatoTheMoose wrote:

PumpkinpieNV6C wrote:

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.

i already tenthed it but its ok ill also 11 tth it

I already eleventhed

lol you eleventhed first and i had already 10thned before them you know what im 100thing it for ltr
I twelfth this

This studio update is t r a s h .
when I receive [st made this horrible updatev]
play sound [WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS v] until done
31 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

I'm back and there is 51 new pages

What we wanted: Moderation Update

What we get: awful studio update
16 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

lol im in the stream

i hate ramblin evil mushrooms
if you know what my pfp is please talk to me
18 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

i just heard that the new layout is causing sensory overload in some special needs scratchers, thats a HUGE problem. this new layout is literally harming ppl
33 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

I'm about ready to just leave scratch.

This studio update is t r a s h .
when I receive [st made this horrible updatev]
play sound [WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS v] until done
500+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

anomaly_161 wrote:

i wonder what everyone would be doing rn if ST didn’t make this update lmao-
I'd be playing tetris or making an actually good project.

Hi! I'm Onyx. Or Crazi, either name works.
Before I left Scratch, I used the forums a lot. This is actually where I met my online best friend, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
I mainly was in the Ace Attorney forum, writing informal essays about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. And outside of the forums, I animated stuff or did a cover of a song with a friend. I'm not active here anymore, but do feel free to say hi if I do decide to show my cute avatar again.

My “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
27 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

“And maybe the update comes and maybe its to much for us, but its all on you, because if we can't save scratch you can be down right sure we'll avenge it.” - Tony Stark, altered by me
500+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

B-17E wrote:

Burgnew_On_A_Laptop wrote:

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.
I eleventh this! Managers have been majorly devolved to the level of curators just to stop a select few “bad managers”, but why not have a switch for how much managers can do? Also, the HORRENDOUS 25-REPLY LIMIT is the single worst, rudest, crudest, meanest, evil, stewpeed thing Scratch has ever done in their entire 20 years of existing, and it made me so freaking mad I broke the school sink and now have to clean it every day for 2 weeks!! Not to mention, it kills off the entire existence of RP studios, makes important manners much harder to discuss for the time that may be needed, and is basically an update that did the opposite of it's intention: By trying to encourage including more people in your conversation, you basically discouraged conversing in studios AT ALL. My workaround for it is to close studio comments and add a link to a project where people discuss studio manners instead to completely dodge the reply limit. In fact, should we actually boycott usage of studios until they fix these issues? I've noticed ScratchTeen9300 isn't a big fan of this update, so maybe he can join me on this?
I twelfth this

new animation out rn
(about dreams)

miss me?
31 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

What did i miss since i left at like page 174

What we wanted: Moderation Update

What we get: awful studio update
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

ElenaKaren wrote:

fluffydogs12345 wrote:

BurritoDesigns wrote:

ZacharraX wrote:

BurritoDesigns wrote:

Guys, keep in mind that we should remain calm and civilized when making suggestions and voicing our opinions here. The ST isn't likely to listen to us if we're yelling and rioting and stuff.
ea hell know its like if a president bombed his own country how are we not supposed to protest!!!

Protests can still be peaceful and calm, and are often more effective in demonstrating that a group of people wants a change than violent riots.

Yes, and it was calm earlier in the day, but ST is starting to suppress it, by getting rid of the community love tab. They also have not said a word. People are getting antsy. irl protests may start too, maybe
Yeah, and theres already a change.org petition
There is???? What's the link! I'll sign it!

It's time I get a real signature. Oh, by the way, click here my new account. @-gr!
35 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

Metagamer0 wrote:

i just heard that the new layout is causing sensory overload in some special needs scratchers, thats a HUGE problem. this new layout is literally harming ppl

its true one of my friends is quite sensitive to light and sound but looves the scratch program and just want people to quote this now and the scratch team to read and understand our anger #UNDOTHEUPDATE
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

_Avenger wrote:

“And maybe the update comes and maybe its to much for us, but its all on you, because if we can't save scratch you can be down right sure we'll avenge it.” - Tony Stark, altered by me

helo yes am j

when i feel like making stuff :: events hat
make {
brands :: motion
mods :: looks
} :: control loop cap
71 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

TheMystery24 wrote:

What did i miss since i left at like page 174
People started protesting and people said that they are going to rebel (wrong word)

34 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

meowzebra wrote:

Just stop people ST is obviously not listening

32 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

There is a bug when I am making vector creations, every time i move or tilt a box or circle or whatever it always places an invisible block which makes it harder to do art. there is also a bitmap and vector bug where a blue dot will appear on the top left of the screen which make it hard to do art to… sometimes you can remove it sometimes you have to wait it out… and my scratch game crashes about every 5 to 3 actions i do… and the loading process takes so long. and you can just not reload your screen and have it reload extremely fast by moving to a new section like the sound or code and going back to the section that had to reload to skip the whole process and have it reload right away… you can also skip the loading by going to front page and back and it will save for you… can you fix these bugs and make reloading faster?
100+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

Crazibot wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

i wonder what everyone would be doing rn if ST didn’t make this update lmao-
I'd be playing tetris or making an actually good project.

_Avenger wrote:

“And maybe the update comes and maybe its to much for us, but its all on you, because if we can't save scratch you can be down right sure we'll avenge it.” - Tony Stark, altered by me

I moved to @aniii-
3 posts

Studio Updates FAQ

PotatoTheMoose wrote:

PumpkinpieNV6C wrote:

randomguyboi wrote:

oawfan2018 wrote:

ElenaKaren wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

PokemonDude21 wrote:

Haluria_games wrote:

WindowsWhiz1234 wrote:

1920bw27 wrote:

Hoodiestrings wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SuperGachaStudio wrote:

ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
And we're going to do so until
  1. They apologize to us, at least
  • They take back the update
  • They change the update so it's more suitable to us

…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…

I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
I third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!
I fourth this
i fifth this
I sixth this.
I seventh this-
I eight this.
I ninth this.
I tenth this.

i already tenthed it but its ok ill also 11 tth it

I already eleventhed
I'm gonna play it safe and 928th this.
500+ posts

Studio Updates FAQ

Crazibot wrote:

anomaly_161 wrote:

i wonder what everyone would be doing rn if ST didn’t make this update lmao-
I'd be playing tetris or making an actually good project.
I'd be animating lmbo

new animation out rn
(about dreams)

miss me?

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