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83 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

There is an annoying glitch where if you use the text box, it will always appear as the Serif font on the stage even IF it is a different font.

Hello! ZooWeeMinecraft here! I sometimes like to help on the forums with problems people are having!
go to (Z::#D00000)(O::#F00000)(O)(W::#FF9000)(E::#FFD000)(E::#FFF000)(M::#00FA00)(I::#00F000)(N::#00F990)(E::#00FFF0)(C::#009FF0)(R::#000FF0)(A::#9000FD)(F::#A000AA)(T::#F000AA)('S::#F000FF) profile today!::#999999
1 post

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

My projects are upside down. Is this a glitch or an April fools prank?

16 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I've got a pretty major bug on Chrome OS where the screen randomly freezes for about two seconds, and this happens over, and over.

500+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

My projects form sc2.0 are look smooky

I am a scratcher IVED, wish you have a nice time in scratch.
19 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Dear Scratch team,
i have been experimenting with en/decoding data from alphabet to numbers (ABC -> 123…).
With this technique i managed to create a program like Whatsapp. It was super fast and worked extremely good until one day the cloud variables went super buggy and reseted theirself all the time. I took my laptop and when I was changing the variable on my pc it wasnt changing on the laptop…instead when I reloaded the page the variable was reseted to the value before i changed the variable. Im am really angry because it took me more than 8 months to get this program run so smoothly and work as good as it was a few days ago.
I hope this helps and I hope that i can be using my program in the near future again.
Yours sincerely

Project ID: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/290372205/
When did this first happen: Few months ago….since then it happened more often
How often/how quickly did this happen: instantaneously (When i reload the page its reseted)
1000+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Trend_Chekerz wrote:

Dear Scratch team,
i have been experimenting with en/decoding data from alphabet to numbers (ABC -> 123…).
With this technique i managed to create a program like Whatsapp. It was super fast and worked extremely good until one day the cloud variables went super buggy and reseted theirself all the time. I took my laptop and when I was changing the variable on my pc it wasnt changing on the laptop…instead when I reloaded the page the variable was reseted to the value before i changed the variable. Im am really angry because it took me more than 8 months to get this program run so smoothly and work as good as it was a few days ago.
I hope this helps and I hope that i can be using my program in the near future again.
Yours sincerely

Project ID: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/290372205/
When did this first happen: Few months ago….since then it happened more often
How often/how quickly did this happen: instantaneously (When i reload the page its reseted)
Try to:
1) Recreate all non-working cloud variables in the project.
2) And then reassign them to the scripts.
3) Finally, delete all unused cloud variables.

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

LiamSapp123 wrote:

I can't see anything on the project page. All I can see is the bar with the scratch logo and the footer at the bottom. This is happening to my friend too.
We are using Chrome on Chrome OS.
I have a Windows 8.1. and my Browser is Up-to-Date.
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Nootwalker wrote:

I spent a long time drawing a costume for one of my sprites and just because I clicked “flip horizontal” without selecting the costume with the select tool, the whole thing was just gone. I tried to save the project to my computer as soon as I finished drawing the costume but because I recently uploaded and edited audio files, it wouldn't let me.

Did you try Ctrl+Z? (On windows) or Command+Z? (Mac)

When life gives you lemons. Don't make lemonade! GET MAD! Make life take the lemons back! -Cave Johnson
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

MrSquirrelDeDuck wrote:

Nootwalker wrote:

I spent a long time drawing a costume for one of my sprites and just because I clicked “flip horizontal” without selecting the costume with the select tool, the whole thing was just gone. I tried to save the project to my computer as soon as I finished drawing the costume but because I recently uploaded and edited audio files, it wouldn't let me.

Did you try Ctrl+Z? (On windows) or Command+Z? (Mac)
I would try.
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Nootwalker wrote:

I spent a long time drawing a costume for one of my sprites and just because I clicked “flip horizontal” without selecting the costume with the select tool, the whole thing was just gone. I tried to save the project to my computer as soon as I finished drawing the costume but because I recently uploaded and edited audio files, it wouldn't let me.
I have a Better version of Spyro Edited from 2.0, if you like.
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

pondermake wrote:

ShinyGermanParachute wrote:

One of the missing features that has affected a lot, especially me, is that all remix trees have been erased since the launch of Scratch 3.0! Will you try adding them back soon? I don't want to back and forth all the way just trying to see how many remixes a project has, a project remixed from that has, and so on. The one thing I will understand is if this feature was removed due to it starting to overload the filesize cap.
when I receive [ Scratch 3.0]
delete ( all) of [remix trees]

broadcast [Most users upset]

Also, it's rather upsetting that we can no longer save sounds to a local file.

when green flag clicked

insert [saving sounds to a local file] at (1 v) of [Scratch features v]
when I receive [ Scratch 3.0]

delete (1 v) of [Scratch features v]


The remix tree is a much loved feature and we've gotten requests to add it back! I'm not sure what the plan is - we would like to improve the remix-viewing experience but this probably will not happen for some while. Thanks for your 2 cents, I will take it back to the team when we revisit this

Also - do you mean exporting a sound to your computer? I believe we recently added a way to do that, by rightclicking on the sound and clicking “Export.” Let me know if you meant something different!
I Know this bug got reported too many times but i'll fix them in no time. here's an example:

when green flag clicked
wait (2) secs
show list [bugs v]
add [Project ID] to [bugs v]
set [Bug counter v] to [1]

Last edited by Kayleymakesmemes (April 8, 2019 00:42:32)

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I got to the editor and added the blocks performing different, such as this over here:

when green flag clicked
say [My project ID is suggested to perform better!] for (3) secs

if you know who fixed it, i will try by using the following steps:

1. go to the editor.
2. draw a sprite.
3. see the error message.

So If this is your first time seeing this error, click the Contact Us page to let the scratch team what's going on.

You will see a Full-page blue error screen if you add a glitchy script over the editor, as soon as possible.

when green flag clicked
say [Buy some awesome clothes!] for (2) secs
move (10) steps
say [If you love Fashion, then try my new Videogame!] for (2) secs

And for the Script which was featured:

when this sprite clicked
say [Thanks for Playing!] for (2) secs

Hope you Fix these errors!
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

It has been almost two months since your last edit, and we would like an update on how bug-fixing is going.
Thank you!

94 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Dear scratch team
so i deleted a project that was shared but apparently someone was on it and now whenever they visit my profile they still see it.
it was my sister @supermilkshake367 this glitch happened with also it was a ugandan knuckles cloud online multiplayer game that wasn't working
that's why i deleted it so hopefully you fix the glitch.

alert your computer now has a virus beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

this is my amogus, he protects my posts from Kumquats,

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

lisa_wolfgang wrote:

It has been almost two months since your last edit, and we would like an update on how bug-fixing is going.
Thank you!
I Fixed these Bugs because i actually know them.

If you're not interested, i'll show you the script of this one:

when green flag clicked
say [Beyond Evolution! Mega Evolve!] for (3) secs

This was from my Project that i'm working on.
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Dear Scratch Team,

It is now almost 3 months since I first installed the Scratch 3.0 Offline Editor “Scratch Desktop” on the 13th January. I pointed out a month ago in this Forum that the install file is still version 1.2.1 and is still exactly the same size (103,722 Kb) as it was on January 13. Today I decided download it again and re-install it just in case it has been changed since then to keep it in synch with Online Scratch 3.0, BUT NO IT HAS NOT?

WHY NOT? It can't that difficult! I know for fact that Online Scratch 3.0 has changed in at least 2 significant aspects, where it is now finally possible to specify a Min and Max value for a variable displayed on the stage as a Slider, and it is also possible to Right-Click on the Stage and save the image as a picture file that can then be uploaded as a backdrop.

I retested both these features straight after completing the re-install, and they are still not available in “Scratch Desktop”

So why are users of the Offline “Scratch Desktop” Editor being denied the benefits of these improvements?

Regards Greg
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

gregatku wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

It is now almost 3 months since I first installed the Scratch 3.0 Offline Editor “Scratch Desktop” on the 13th January. I pointed out a month ago in this Forum that the install file is still version 1.2.1 and is still exactly the same size (103,722 Kb) as it was on January 13. Today I decided download it again and re-install it just in case it has been changed since then to keep it in synch with Online Scratch 3.0, BUT NO IT HAS NOT?

WHY NOT? It can't that difficult! I know for fact that Online Scratch 3.0 has changed in at least 2 significant aspects, where it is now finally possible to specify a Min and Max value for a variable displayed on the stage as a Slider, and it is also possible to Right-Click on the Stage and save the image as a picture file that can then be uploaded as a backdrop.

I retested both these features straight after completing the re-install, and they are still not available in “Scratch Desktop”

So why are users of the Offline “Scratch Desktop” Editor being denied the benefits of these improvements?

Regards Greg
You can Try Downloading the 2.0. Offline Editor if you Can. Here's the Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/download/scratch2
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

ZooWeeMinecraft wrote:

There is an annoying glitch where if you use the text box, it will always appear as the Serif font on the stage even IF it is a different font.

Kayleymakesmemes wrote:

pondermake wrote:

ShinyGermanParachute wrote:

One of the missing features that has affected a lot, especially me, is that all remix trees have been erased since the launch of Scratch 3.0! Will you try adding them back soon? I don't want to back and forth all the way just trying to see how many remixes a project has, a project remixed from that has, and so on. The one thing I will understand is if this feature was removed due to it starting to overload the filesize cap.
when I receive [ Scratch 3.0]
delete ( all) of [remix trees]

broadcast [Most users upset]

Also, it's rather upsetting that we can no longer save sounds to a local file.

when green flag clicked

insert [saving sounds to a local file] at (1 v) of [Scratch features v]
when I receive [ Scratch 3.0]

delete (1 v) of [Scratch features v]


The remix tree is a much loved feature and we've gotten requests to add it back! I'm not sure what the plan is - we would like to improve the remix-viewing experience but this probably will not happen for some while. Thanks for your 2 cents, I will take it back to the team when we revisit this

Also - do you mean exporting a sound to your computer? I believe we recently added a way to do that, by rightclicking on the sound and clicking “Export.” Let me know if you meant something different!
I Know this bug got reported too many times but i'll fix them in no time. here's an example:

when green flag clicked
wait (2) secs
show list [bugs v]
add [Project ID] to [bugs v]
set [Bug counter v] to [1]

ZooWeeMinecraft wrote:

There is an annoying glitch where if you use the text box, it will always appear as the Serif font on the stage even IF it is a different font.

Hi! This Is my signature!
4 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I have a really old windows computer from back in the ‘90s, and I was getting a blank blue screen whenever I loaded a project. I just checked now, and it finally actually loads. Thank you. There are two main problems now. One, I can only play games that just use the mouse. Any key sensing within the game does not work. The other problem is that when the navigation bar for all the blocks loads, all the blocks stick to the top edge. I can’t scroll to view any of them, they are all just stuck on top of each other.

I have tried scratch on the newer computers we have at school though, and they work perfectly fine for me. I think it just might be my computer at home. If you can fix any of these, then thank you, but if not, I can just wait a year or two and ask my parents for a laptop.
1 post

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Hello. Today, I was using Scratch, but suddenly I can't see project comments! I can still see my profile's comments, but I can't
see comments for any project, even mine!! Is this a bug or is something wrong with my PC/browser?

when green flag clicked
add [a_serious_bug] to [this_list v]

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