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8 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I can't find the cloud variable button.I really want to use it! please fix ASAP!
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Nocurls5 wrote:

minecraftmaster1222 wrote:

Hey, Scratch won't show projects (It's just a white screen) and when I go into the editor, the editor is fine. Also, there's no “See Project Page” Button!!! HELP!!!

The same thing is happening to me!!!
delete ( bug v) of [Scratch.mit.edu v]

Well it's working fine for me now

Hi, I'm moberryz, but I'd prefer to be called Lunar please ^^

Other accounts:
-PasteLuigi64- (alt. used for remixes)
-LunarLuigi- (future account)
36 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

archerdan wrote:

I can't find the cloud variable button.I really want to use it! please fix ASAP!
You need to be a Scratcher to use cloud variables, even when programming and when using it. To be a Scratcher, you need to be active, and make some projects.

when signature seen :: events :: hat
broadcast (hooray :: #FFFFFF) :: motion
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Big Boi :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF) :: #00FFFF)
7 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Posting an issue again. The first time this happened i thought my internet is just messing with me, but now that it happened again, i'll need to report it:
So, i was making a nice simple game, and i decided to add a saving / loading system that would use a bunch of lists (2). Then, when i tried to rename one
it didn't. I refreshed the page, saved my project to my computer and then loaded it back, and tried reconnecting to WiFi. Didn't work.

wait until (it's working again)

My browser / operating system: Linux (Mint), Chrome 73.0.3683.86, No Flash version detected

Last edited by Werty100000 (April 13, 2019 13:13:16)

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

ZooWeeMinecraft wrote:

--Briznar-- wrote:

I have a really old windows computer from back in the ‘90s, and I was getting a blank blue screen whenever I loaded a project. I just checked now, and it finally actually loads. Thank you. There are two main problems now. One, I can only play games that just use the mouse. Any key sensing within the game does not work. The other problem is that when the navigation bar for all the blocks loads, all the blocks stick to the top edge. I can’t scroll to view any of them, they are all just stuck on top of each other.

I have tried scratch on the newer computers we have at school though, and they work perfectly fine for me. I think it just might be my computer at home. If you can fix any of these, then thank you, but if not, I can just wait a year or two and ask my parents for a laptop.
Ahh, old Windows. When the Windows Logo actually looked nice. (and wasn't just four squares placed on top of each other) Anyways, you're not the only one having Scratch problems. I sometimes get the blue screen too, and the text boxes aren't even working properly. The game senses it to only be the Serif font, even if the font I used is a different one.
I Never tried Windows 10 during it's launch. If i would do that, i would maybe wait for November to get the 2019 Version. Is it Great to be there?
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Try reloading it so the See Project Page Button will appear again, OK?

Last edited by Kayleymakesmemes (April 13, 2019 13:14:57)

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

gregatku wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

It is now almost 3 months since I first installed the Scratch 3.0 Offline Editor “Scratch Desktop” on the 13th January. I pointed out a month ago in this Forum that the install file is still version 1.2.1 and is still exactly the same size (103,722 Kb) as it was on January 13. Today I decided download it again and re-install it just in case it has been changed since then to keep it in synch with Online Scratch 3.0, BUT NO IT HAS NOT?

WHY NOT? It can't that difficult! I know for fact that Online Scratch 3.0 has changed in at least 2 significant aspects, where it is now finally possible to specify a Min and Max value for a variable displayed on the stage as a Slider, and it is also possible to Right-Click on the Stage and save the image as a picture file that can then be uploaded as a backdrop.

I retested both these features straight after completing the re-install, and they are still not available in “Scratch Desktop”

So why are users of the Offline “Scratch Desktop” Editor being denied the benefits of these improvements?

Regards Greg
Try Installing the 2.0. Version.
22 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I've spent a while working on this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/298504147/ and i can view and edit it on my pc, but whenever i try and view or edit it on any other device, the page crashes! It lets me view and edit all of my other projects, except for the one that I've actually been working on! It could be something to do with the sound files in the project, but idk. Someone plz help.

when I receive [DoubleVulcanOsprey tries to open project]
if <(bug) = [alive]> then
Feel Sad
wait (forever) secs

My browser / operating system: Android Linux 6.0.1, Chrome 73.0.3683.90, No Flash version detected

Last edited by DoubleVulcanOsprey (April 13, 2019 13:48:44)

Life. Afterlife. Real. Virtual. Dream. Nightmare. It's a thin line.

. . .

What is the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?
3 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Hi, I'm using Windows Explorer on a Windows computer. For some reason, the text in comments in my code often doesn't save even if I've clicked the save button, and the comments soon reset to the default text “say something…”. This happens with all my projects. It's not a serious problem, but it's one I would like to see fixed nonetheless.
55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

DoubleVulcanOsprey wrote:

I've spent a while working on this project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/298504147/ and i can view and edit it on my pc, but whenever i try and view or edit it on any other device, the page crashes! It lets me view and edit all of my other projects, except for the one that I've actually been working on! It could be something to do with the sound files in the project, but idk. Someone plz help.

when I receive [DoubleVulcanOsprey tries to open project]
if <(bug) = [alive]> then
Feel Sad
wait (forever) secs

My browser / operating system: Android Linux 6.0.1, Chrome 73.0.3683.90, No Flash version detected

Well, some projects can crash when you are on the project page or on the editor. a newer version of chrome will likely put all the bugs hidden in them!
1 post

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

My chrome says it's on the latest version, 73, but I don't know if it's because I'm on windows 7. I'm just really confused
1000+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

One of my projects just turned Laggy i mean like
set [lag%] to [10000]

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Kayleymakesmemes wrote:

gregatku wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Why are users of the Offline “Scratch Desktop” Editor being denied the benefits of these improvements?

Regards Greg
You can Try Downloading the 2.0. Offline Editor if you Can. Here's the Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/download/scratch2
Thanks for trying to be helpful, but that's not the point. I have offline Scratch 2 and so do my students. But I want them to be able to use Scratch 3.0 and in some of the classes I teach we don't have access to the Internet, so we use “Scratch Desktop”, but I can't teach them the lessons that use these features. It makes no sense to me whatsoever that the Scratch Team have made some improvements to Scratch 3.0 since January 13, but they have not yet migrated any of these changes to “Scratch Desktop”. It should be a trivial exercise for them, as they have already done the work. It makes me think they have either completely downed tools on improving Scratch, or none of them is reading this thread any more.

Regards Greg
100+ posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

gregatku wrote:

This issue makes no sense at all. If you had a 2.0 Project that used:

set pen shade to (start shade)


change pen shade by (shade change)

… they will be converted to 3.0 equivalents and do pretty much what they did in 2.0. Great!

In your 3.0 Project you can then Duplicate those Blocks and use them elsewhere in your code.

BUT if you look at the list of Pen Commands listed with all the Green Pen Blocks, neither of them is shown, so you can't drag them in, and of course if you start a new 3.0 project you cannot use them at all because they aren't there to drag and drop in??? It's the same both in the Online and Offline (Scratch Desktop) versions.

Dear Scratch Team, Can you please add them back in to the list of Blocks in the Pen Extension. They are clearly still supported by it, so it shouldn't be difficult at all. Whatever you do, please don't take them away. Probably the most liked project by my advanced students (and we are talking any 7-12 year old kid who has been taught Scratch by me for close to one academic year) which they can build in 1-2 one hour lessons, is my Easy Pen Art 5 (Kaleidoscopic) project, which depends very heavily on the availability of these 2 blocks. However I won't be able to teach that class ever again if you don't put those 2 blocks back into the Pen Blocks in 3.0.

OOPS! SORRY My apologies! Please ignore this stupid Post … of course they are still there … just not as separate Blocks … instead there is a dropdown on the "set pen (color v) to …“ and ”change pen (color v) by …“ blocks to enable you to choose, either color, saturation, brightness or transparency. Neither ”saturation“ nor ”brightness“ are quite the as the old 2.0 ”shade" but that was a bit of a hotch-potch anyway, so it's all a non-issue really.

Regards Greg
Actually this suggestion isn't as silly as I first thought. I have finally got around to upgrading my Easy Pen Art 5 project to use exclusively Scratch 3.0 Pen commands so that it still works pretty much as it did in 2.0. But it was a non trivial exercise, as the one line of code that changes the Shade in 2.0 had to be replaced by a sequence of 4 Repeat Until … loops: 1) to gradually bring Saturation down to a chosen minimum, 2) to bring it back up to the maximum, 3) to take Brightness down to the same minimum and finally 4) to bring it back up to the maximum.

The end product Easy Pen Art 5 for 3.0 (Kaleidoscopic) works fine, but will be significantly harder to teach kids to produce it. And of course because the “Scratch Team” have not yet made it possible for “Load from your computer” to replace the current project (when you want to), I had to create a new project, which of course has no Loves and is in nobody's Favorites or Studios, which is really annoying because my 2.0 version of it is my most popular project.

Regards Greg

Last edited by gregatku (April 14, 2019 07:18:30)

28 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

My browser / operating system: IPad iOS 12.2, Safari 12.1, No Flash version detected
Text didn’T show
A sprite with lines show no lines when stamped

I never post
when green flag clicked
don’t post
32 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

A few bugs to say.

1. When I try and add a comment, as soon as I do something else it goes back to the ‘say something’ message.
2. Sometimes in the drawing mode my mouse is off centre with the thing I am drawing/selecting. This is only in the drawing part as the rest of the editor works.
3. Also, when drawing vector lines, they do not show on the screen. I have tried showing, centering, making lines bigger, checking graphic effects (ghost effect) and getting it to go to front, but it still won't work.

Also, please can you add the ‘show senders’ and ‘show recievers’ option on the broadcast as it came in handy for bug fixing in scratch 2
Lastly, can you please add a <receive broadcast> boolean block to put in if statements so I can stop a script when it is running with broadcasts without adding a stop other scripts in sprite block.

Thank You
Happy Scratching!
8 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

Bug-report Import txt-file into LIST (with swedish characters)

Import txt-file (swedish characters äåö) into a List not (yet?) compatible with unicode/ISO-8859-1/UTF-8. But if you input manually (type into a list) it´s ok and even export that list is ok, only import a txt-file with åäö.

55 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

gregatku wrote:

Kayleymakesmemes wrote:

gregatku wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Why are users of the Offline “Scratch Desktop” Editor being denied the benefits of these improvements?

Regards Greg
You can Try Downloading the 2.0. Offline Editor if you Can. Here's the Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/download/scratch2
Thanks for trying to be helpful, but that's not the point. I have offline Scratch 2 and so do my students. But I want them to be able to use Scratch 3.0 and in some of the classes I teach we don't have access to the Internet, so we use “Scratch Desktop”, but I can't teach them the lessons that use these features. It makes no sense to me whatsoever that the Scratch Team have made some improvements to Scratch 3.0 since January 13, but they have not yet migrated any of these changes to “Scratch Desktop”. It should be a trivial exercise for them, as they have already done the work. It makes me think they have either completely downed tools on improving Scratch, or none of them is reading this thread any more.

Regards Greg
Thanks for your Help! You can Learn about Bug Workarounds in https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/List_of_Bug_Workarounds
96 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

I seem to have problems where the paint editor's undo button. The stage doesn't immediately refresh after undoing an action in the paint editor. I needed to exit the paint editor and then re-enter for it to refresh.
I hope that one day Scratch 3.0 will no longer be plagued with bugs.(It's still in development, right?)
96 posts

[thread closed] ★ Known Bugs & Glitches on 3.0 ★

archerdan wrote:

I can't find the cloud variable button.I really want to use it! please fix ASAP!
This isn't a bug. You need to become a ‘Scratcher’ to use Cloud data.

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