Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Maybe now something better is coming.
Maybe I’ll float forever in the paralyzing abyss of perpetuality.
For the first time in my memory, I don’t feel anything.
A light comes into view above me. I’m being pulled closer, slowly, slowly.
And what of the others? Are they still somewhere? Have they ever been?
In this moment I’m sure that at one point they existed. Those who have held my hands, comforted me, and gave me realizations.
They may have been part of my psyche, bits of me deep inside struggling to get out and manifesting themselves to try and reach me. But that doesn’t mean I’ll never see them again. Or maybe it does.
Abby, Sol, Daniel, Null. Maybe if I can keep up the thought… maybe they’ll find some way to exist again. Maybe if they remain in consciousness they can make themselves known. Even if it isn’t in the same way as before.
I have total faith in them. They have to be out there somewhere. I’ll see them again, even if it’s at night. I recall my memories of them. They’re as much parts of me as they are real people. They exist. They exist.
And soon I’ll know the answer to my question. It’s a question I’m sure we’ve all asked at some point.
Who were we?
I don’t know when it started. All I know is that, when I came to the realization that I was currently existing somewhere, I was looking out the window of Town’s Radio and Television Broadcasting Station into the pink clouds in the sky above. The entire world seemed to have a pinkish tint to it, and everything emitted a sense of happiness, of calmness. Slowly, all of it came back to me. I am working with Abby, my fellow broadcast partner. She has bright pink hair and can turn any situation into a good one. She has unending optimism. She makes me happier than anything else. Outside in the street, there are other things, things that don’t matter as much as this.
Abby walks into the room and the tint fades, though I can still feels its presence. “Here!” She hands me a sandwich, fresh from the supermarket down the road, where Daniel works as a cashier. He also seems happy. He likes his job, I can tell. Who wouldn’t? And the market always has reliable sandwiches. I bite into it. It’s as good as it’s always been. I like the way it tastes.
“We’re going on in 9 minutes, so get ready.” Abby shakes my hand. It’s nice to know I can make contact. I don’t know why. And I get up and walk through my room and into the main work area. It’s all how I want it to be. And now we’ll get to announce today’s news. I think of the others- Sol, a woman who doesn’t work and lives at the end of the main road. Null, who lives adjacent to Sol and near Daniel.
They’ll see me and they’ll recognize me. I like all of them in their own ways.
So, in full consciousness, I walk into the film room, where Abby waits, smiling.
We begin the broadcast in unison. ‘Welcome to town broadcasting Inc.- Your #1 for news!”
Abby takes over with the date. January something, she says. The last part seems blocked out. I forget about it quickly.
We read the news. It’s a lot of stuff about the stocking of new foods in the grocery store, about the roads and how they’re clean as ever. About how foggy it’s expected to be. I like when it’s foggy. Everything’s more serene and pink. We finish up at the same time as we do every day, and I leave the building, Abby following close behind. She hops up to me and pulls me down the road. I’m sure I know we’re going to Sol’s- she likes visiting her around these times. Before I can think about the idea of doing anything other than complying, I’m pulled in through the door and am sitting down in the living room of the coziest house in town. It has a wonderful view of the pink sky outside, a book shelf, a convenient layout… everything I like about a house. I see Sol and Abby chatting. Everyone in this town is content, and I am content too. Maybe I’m not as content as them, though. What’s their secret? Everything about them radiates something positive. Am I that way too? Maybe I am, but I can never measure up to their levels of optimism. Something is holding me back. There’s nothing to feel sad about, I’m aware, but it doesn’t stop something deep inside from staying.
“Hey! Want some water? Or some berry juice? Why is juice called juice? It just sounds right. Juice. Juice.” Abby says, focusing on her pronunciation. She’s not as serious as I feel people should be, but I don’t mind. She always comes up with the best ideas.
It doesn’t seem like much time has passed before I’m walking home, but the skies are darker now. As I take the elevator up to the top floor, I think about the feeling I noticed while having juice with Sol. Everyone here seems to be walking on sunshine, but they’re still real people. If they can get to that point, what’s holding me back? What’s the anchor at the bottom of my heart doing? I should be like them. I want to be like them.
But even with the pink sky and my bright roommate and my fine living conditions, I find it impossible. I wonder sometimes if my facade is working. They would love me anyways, even if I let it down, I’m sure. But it’s just better to contribute to the mood than to ruin it for everyone. Maybe someday that weight will be lifted and I’ll join them in happiness, but for now I drift to sleep.
My dream is, like every night, blackness. And, as always, it seems to last a few seconds before I feel everything push into full gear and I see the sky change rapidly outside and I’m up to do a morning run at the news station. I’ve hardly even thought about it and it’s happened already, so I get up, ignoring what’s oulling me down, and Abby is already waiting in the hallway with a warm smile on her face. That smile is her defining trait. I don’t know if there’s a situation in which it wouldn’t make me feel something inside. I don’t know what it is that I feel when I look at it. I usually don’t feel much at all, which I assume is contentness. But I suppose maybe her smile makes me feel something. Or maybe that’s just what I tell myself to convince myself that I can still have a reaction, somehow.
I correct my tiredness and she holds out her hand. “Want to go on a run before the morning broadcast?”
Something about the way she says it makes it sound like a good idea. It’s not an anything idea, really. I don’t have an opinion on it. But she’s there, so I go with her anyways to run. It’s common for her to ask things like this, and I go with her every time.
We step out and she jogs ahead of me. I speed up. I remember that at one point running used to feel different, like it meant something, but now it’s just movement without purpose. There’s no payoff. I don’t know why I’m doing it, except for that Abby suggested I do. I’m not tired, even if maybe I should be. And I don’t know if I should be. Is this level of running enough to constitute being tired? I don’t know. Additionally, I remember when running was like a race, when each step carried you farther, but now I’m not sure if my steps make a difference. Eventually we’re in a place I think is out of town, and we keep running.
From there, I zone out. I don’t know how far away we are. I feel myself moving forward. Without purpose. Without payoff, negative or positive. It’s movement, that’s all it is. Like riding an escalator. And it seems to go on for a while. I don’t know how long. I feel like I’m not even moving, just lifting my legs, but the road ahead of me says otherwise. I feel like it’s time for it to be enough. And then it is.
We aren’t very far away from town, closer than I thought, but I'm glad. This will make it easier to get back to the studio. I feel that same wave of almost-content pass over me. Why can’t I be totally content?
Why can’t I be totally content… like Abby and Daniel and Sol and Null?
I don’t deserve them, but here I am anyways.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Maybe now something better is coming.
Maybe I’ll float forever in the paralyzing abyss of perpetuality.
For the first time in my memory, I don’t feel anything.
A light comes into view above me. I’m being pulled closer, slowly, slowly.
And what of the others? Are they still somewhere? Have they ever been?
In this moment I’m sure that at one point they existed. Those who have held my hands, comforted me, and gave me realizations.
They may have been part of my psyche, bits of me deep inside struggling to get out and manifesting themselves to try and reach me. But that doesn’t mean I’ll never see them again. Or maybe it does.
Abby, Sol, Daniel, Null. Maybe if I can keep up the thought… maybe they’ll find some way to exist again. Maybe if they remain in consciousness they can make themselves known. Even if it isn’t in the same way as before.
I have total faith in them. They have to be out there somewhere. I’ll see them again, even if it’s at night. I recall my memories of them. They’re as much parts of me as they are real people. They exist. They exist.
And soon I’ll know the answer to my question. It’s a question I’m sure we’ve all asked at some point.
Who were we?
I don’t know when it started. All I know is that, when I came to the realization that I was currently existing somewhere, I was looking out the window of Town’s Radio and Television Broadcasting Station into the pink clouds in the sky above. The entire world seemed to have a pinkish tint to it, and everything emitted a sense of happiness, of calmness. Slowly, all of it came back to me. I am working with Abby, my fellow broadcast partner. She has bright pink hair and can turn any situation into a good one. She has unending optimism. She makes me happier than anything else. Outside in the street, there are other things, things that don’t matter as much as this.
Abby walks into the room and the tint fades, though I can still feels its presence. “Here!” She hands me a sandwich, fresh from the supermarket down the road, where Daniel works as a cashier. He also seems happy. He likes his job, I can tell. Who wouldn’t? And the market always has reliable sandwiches. I bite into it. It’s as good as it’s always been. I like the way it tastes.
“We’re going on in 9 minutes, so get ready.” Abby shakes my hand. It’s nice to know I can make contact. I don’t know why. And I get up and walk through my room and into the main work area. It’s all how I want it to be. And now we’ll get to announce today’s news. I think of the others- Sol, a woman who doesn’t work and lives at the end of the main road. Null, who lives adjacent to Sol and near Daniel.
They’ll see me and they’ll recognize me. I like all of them in their own ways.
So, in full consciousness, I walk into the film room, where Abby waits, smiling.
We begin the broadcast in unison. ‘Welcome to town broadcasting Inc.- Your #1 for news!”
Abby takes over with the date. January something, she says. The last part seems blocked out. I forget about it quickly.
We read the news. It’s a lot of stuff about the stocking of new foods in the grocery store, about the roads and how they’re clean as ever. About how foggy it’s expected to be. I like when it’s foggy. Everything’s more serene and pink. We finish up at the same time as we do every day, and I leave the building, Abby following close behind. She hops up to me and pulls me down the road. I’m sure I know we’re going to Sol’s- she likes visiting her around these times. Before I can think about the idea of doing anything other than complying, I’m pulled in through the door and am sitting down in the living room of the coziest house in town. It has a wonderful view of the pink sky outside, a book shelf, a convenient layout… everything I like about a house. I see Sol and Abby chatting. Everyone in this town is content, and I am content too. Maybe I’m not as content as them, though. What’s their secret? Everything about them radiates something positive. Am I that way too? Maybe I am, but I can never measure up to their levels of optimism. Something is holding me back. There’s nothing to feel sad about, I’m aware, but it doesn’t stop something deep inside from staying.
“Hey! Want some water? Or some berry juice? Why is juice called juice? It just sounds right. Juice. Juice.” Abby says, focusing on her pronunciation. She’s not as serious as I feel people should be, but I don’t mind. She always comes up with the best ideas.
It doesn’t seem like much time has passed before I’m walking home, but the skies are darker now. As I take the elevator up to the top floor, I think about the feeling I noticed while having juice with Sol. Everyone here seems to be walking on sunshine, but they’re still real people. If they can get to that point, what’s holding me back? What’s the anchor at the bottom of my heart doing? I should be like them. I want to be like them.
But even with the pink sky and my bright roommate and my fine living conditions, I find it impossible. I wonder sometimes if my facade is working. They would love me anyways, even if I let it down, I’m sure. But it’s just better to contribute to the mood than to ruin it for everyone. Maybe someday that weight will be lifted and I’ll join them in happiness, but for now I drift to sleep.
My dream is, like every night, blackness. And, as always, it seems to last a few seconds before I feel everything push into full gear and I see the sky change rapidly outside and I’m up to do a morning run at the news station. I’ve hardly even thought about it and it’s happened already, so I get up, ignoring what’s oulling me down, and Abby is already waiting in the hallway with a warm smile on her face. That smile is her defining trait. I don’t know if there’s a situation in which it wouldn’t make me feel something inside. I don’t know what it is that I feel when I look at it. I usually don’t feel much at all, which I assume is contentness. But I suppose maybe her smile makes me feel something. Or maybe that’s just what I tell myself to convince myself that I can still have a reaction, somehow.
I correct my tiredness and she holds out her hand. “Want to go on a run before the morning broadcast?”
Something about the way she says it makes it sound like a good idea. It’s not an anything idea, really. I don’t have an opinion on it. But she’s there, so I go with her anyways to run. It’s common for her to ask things like this, and I go with her every time.
We step out and she jogs ahead of me. I speed up. I remember that at one point running used to feel different, like it meant something, but now it’s just movement without purpose. There’s no payoff. I don’t know why I’m doing it, except for that Abby suggested I do. I’m not tired, even if maybe I should be. And I don’t know if I should be. Is this level of running enough to constitute being tired? I don’t know. Additionally, I remember when running was like a race, when each step carried you farther, but now I’m not sure if my steps make a difference. Eventually we’re in a place I think is out of town, and we keep running.
From there, I zone out. I don’t know how far away we are. I feel myself moving forward. Without purpose. Without payoff, negative or positive. It’s movement, that’s all it is. Like riding an escalator. And it seems to go on for a while. I don’t know how long. I feel like I’m not even moving, just lifting my legs, but the road ahead of me says otherwise. I feel like it’s time for it to be enough. And then it is.
We aren’t very far away from town, closer than I thought, but I'm glad. This will make it easier to get back to the studio. I feel that same wave of almost-content pass over me. Why can’t I be totally content?
Why can’t I be totally content… like Abby and Daniel and Sol and Null?
I don’t deserve them, but here I am anyways.
Deep and relatable

Smug scottish ego
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Maybe now something better is coming.
Maybe I’ll float forever in the paralyzing abyss of perpetuality.
For the first time in my memory, I don’t feel anything.
A light comes into view above me. I’m being pulled closer, slowly, slowly.
And what of the others? Are they still somewhere? Have they ever been?
In this moment I’m sure that at one point they existed. Those who have held my hands, comforted me, and gave me realizations.
They may have been part of my psyche, bits of me deep inside struggling to get out and manifesting themselves to try and reach me. But that doesn’t mean I’ll never see them again. Or maybe it does.
Abby, Sol, Daniel, Null. Maybe if I can keep up the thought… maybe they’ll find some way to exist again. Maybe if they remain in consciousness they can make themselves known. Even if it isn’t in the same way as before.
I have total faith in them. They have to be out there somewhere. I’ll see them again, even if it’s at night. I recall my memories of them. They’re as much parts of me as they are real people. They exist. They exist.
And soon I’ll know the answer to my question. It’s a question I’m sure we’ve all asked at some point.
Who were we?
I don’t know when it started. All I know is that, when I came to the realization that I was currently existing somewhere, I was looking out the window of Town’s Radio and Television Broadcasting Station into the pink clouds in the sky above. The entire world seemed to have a pinkish tint to it, and everything emitted a sense of happiness, of calmness. Slowly, all of it came back to me. I am working with Abby, my fellow broadcast partner. She has bright pink hair and can turn any situation into a good one. She has unending optimism. She makes me happier than anything else. Outside in the street, there are other things, things that don’t matter as much as this.
Abby walks into the room and the tint fades, though I can still feels its presence. “Here!” She hands me a sandwich, fresh from the supermarket down the road, where Daniel works as a cashier. He also seems happy. He likes his job, I can tell. Who wouldn’t? And the market always has reliable sandwiches. I bite into it. It’s as good as it’s always been. I like the way it tastes.
“We’re going on in 9 minutes, so get ready.” Abby shakes my hand. It’s nice to know I can make contact. I don’t know why. And I get up and walk through my room and into the main work area. It’s all how I want it to be. And now we’ll get to announce today’s news. I think of the others- Sol, a woman who doesn’t work and lives at the end of the main road. Null, who lives adjacent to Sol and near Daniel.
They’ll see me and they’ll recognize me. I like all of them in their own ways.
So, in full consciousness, I walk into the film room, where Abby waits, smiling.
We begin the broadcast in unison. ‘Welcome to town broadcasting Inc.- Your #1 for news!”
Abby takes over with the date. January something, she says. The last part seems blocked out. I forget about it quickly.
We read the news. It’s a lot of stuff about the stocking of new foods in the grocery store, about the roads and how they’re clean as ever. About how foggy it’s expected to be. I like when it’s foggy. Everything’s more serene and pink. We finish up at the same time as we do every day, and I leave the building, Abby following close behind. She hops up to me and pulls me down the road. I’m sure I know we’re going to Sol’s- she likes visiting her around these times. Before I can think about the idea of doing anything other than complying, I’m pulled in through the door and am sitting down in the living room of the coziest house in town. It has a wonderful view of the pink sky outside, a book shelf, a convenient layout… everything I like about a house. I see Sol and Abby chatting. Everyone in this town is content, and I am content too. Maybe I’m not as content as them, though. What’s their secret? Everything about them radiates something positive. Am I that way too? Maybe I am, but I can never measure up to their levels of optimism. Something is holding me back. There’s nothing to feel sad about, I’m aware, but it doesn’t stop something deep inside from staying.
“Hey! Want some water? Or some berry juice? Why is juice called juice? It just sounds right. Juice. Juice.” Abby says, focusing on her pronunciation. She’s not as serious as I feel people should be, but I don’t mind. She always comes up with the best ideas.
It doesn’t seem like much time has passed before I’m walking home, but the skies are darker now. As I take the elevator up to the top floor, I think about the feeling I noticed while having juice with Sol. Everyone here seems to be walking on sunshine, but they’re still real people. If they can get to that point, what’s holding me back? What’s the anchor at the bottom of my heart doing? I should be like them. I want to be like them.
But even with the pink sky and my bright roommate and my fine living conditions, I find it impossible. I wonder sometimes if my facade is working. They would love me anyways, even if I let it down, I’m sure. But it’s just better to contribute to the mood than to ruin it for everyone. Maybe someday that weight will be lifted and I’ll join them in happiness, but for now I drift to sleep.
My dream is, like every night, blackness. And, as always, it seems to last a few seconds before I feel everything push into full gear and I see the sky change rapidly outside and I’m up to do a morning run at the news station. I’ve hardly even thought about it and it’s happened already, so I get up, ignoring what’s oulling me down, and Abby is already waiting in the hallway with a warm smile on her face. That smile is her defining trait. I don’t know if there’s a situation in which it wouldn’t make me feel something inside. I don’t know what it is that I feel when I look at it. I usually don’t feel much at all, which I assume is contentness. But I suppose maybe her smile makes me feel something. Or maybe that’s just what I tell myself to convince myself that I can still have a reaction, somehow.
I correct my tiredness and she holds out her hand. “Want to go on a run before the morning broadcast?”
Something about the way she says it makes it sound like a good idea. It’s not an anything idea, really. I don’t have an opinion on it. But she’s there, so I go with her anyways to run. It’s common for her to ask things like this, and I go with her every time.
We step out and she jogs ahead of me. I speed up. I remember that at one point running used to feel different, like it meant something, but now it’s just movement without purpose. There’s no payoff. I don’t know why I’m doing it, except for that Abby suggested I do. I’m not tired, even if maybe I should be. And I don’t know if I should be. Is this level of running enough to constitute being tired? I don’t know. Additionally, I remember when running was like a race, when each step carried you farther, but now I’m not sure if my steps make a difference. Eventually we’re in a place I think is out of town, and we keep running.
From there, I zone out. I don’t know how far away we are. I feel myself moving forward. Without purpose. Without payoff, negative or positive. It’s movement, that’s all it is. Like riding an escalator. And it seems to go on for a while. I don’t know how long. I feel like I’m not even moving, just lifting my legs, but the road ahead of me says otherwise. I feel like it’s time for it to be enough. And then it is.
We aren’t very far away from town, closer than I thought, but I'm glad. This will make it easier to get back to the studio. I feel that same wave of almost-content pass over me. Why can’t I be totally content?
Why can’t I be totally content… like Abby and Daniel and Sol and Null?
I don’t deserve them, but here I am anyways.
I step into town and immediately Null steps out of his house and into the road, holding an arm up to wave to me. “Welcome back!” He says. He’s energetic, to say the least, like Abby but with less of a connection to me. “Null has some food inside, if you would like to have some”, He says, opening the door and clearly expecting me to go inside. My will is broken and so I do. What would be the point of not doing it? Null enters the house before I get there and when I reach the door he’s already put some plates on the table. “Null knows you’re down,” He says, pushing one towards me as I approach. “Null would like to tell you it will be fine.” And I nod. Maybe it will be. What can I do? Whatever’s holding me back isn’t just going to go away, right? How can I feel enough to break out of it if I no longer feel anything at all?
I haven’t been eating, but Null has been waiting for me. I pick some up and put it into my mouth. For the first time in a while I try to focus on the taste. And for the first time I notice that it’s just out of my reach.
I try to taste it, but the only taste I get is that of air with a slight tint of unnaturalness, something that I know I’ve tasted before but not where. It’s not important. It wasn’t before. Maybe it should be important. I feel like it should feel important, but it doesn’t. That would make me mad. It should. But it doesn’t. This should feel unusual. But it doesn’t.
And when I look down at my plate all of the food is gone.
I’m outside of Null’s house. He stands in the doorway. “You can tell Null, you know.” He says, smiling genuinely. But I don’t need to tell him, do I?
I take a breath and for a second I recognize something. Is it that same taste? Have I ever tasted the air here before?
But just like that, the taste fades, like everything else did at some point.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

a poem i'm writing on the spot that's more like a rant

We've all woken up with a fractured fragment of a thought
Of the day that lies before us, and what it may bring.
No. Will bring.
A fragment with sharp edges that prod your mind till it feels like it's bleeding.
We've tried to push it away, maybe out of instinct, with a wish–
A fantasy that will never leave the pages of your mind.

You can spin that fantasy into a mile-long thread
And weave it around your consciousness so that all you see
Is what you want to see.
But the thread is not transparent, and once it has fallen over your eyes
You fall blind to the truth, and what is beyond your fantasy cocoon
Fades from your vision.

No. It doesn't fade.
It vanishes. It doesn't leave a trace.

But when you ignore the fantasy
And endure the wounds left by the truth,
Is it worth knowing of the world around you?
Is it worth seeing the colors of pain when rather,
You could hide in your fantasy cocoon
And taint the world with a rosy hue?


The fantasy will never leave the pages of your mind.
Your mind.

The pain around you won't subside.
You'll be forgotten and vanish from the truth
Just like the truth did from you.
I'm sorry. We can't hide. We have to push forward.
The truth is cruel, but it's also beautiful.
The only thing keeping it from seeming beautiful is a comparison to your fantasy.

There's more to life than plain beauty.
The beauty of truth is the one that lies in triumph over pain.
The exhilaration of climbing life's mountains.
The trickle of happiness from those around you.
Reading the story that the world tells all–
And writing the next part of it.

Well, that turned out really different from what I expected it to be. I thought it would be screaming and complaining about teenager drama. It took a… really philosophical turn. Guess I poured all my moral values into it. Fun. The whole truth-y thing and the “If life gives you lemons, eat them” and the “You gotta do interesting stuff to be happy” (or to not be depressed coughcoughv–) and… um… “Do stuff or else you'll be forgotten forever.” Y'know, happy thoughts.
What inspired this isn't quite as deep. Basically I got caught up in some wishful thinking last night. Not the kind that you can obscure the truth with, just “What if?? No? Please make this true” and no it had nothing to do with Sinnoh remakes. It had everything to do with realizing that you've finally made friends (surprise surprise) and you'll never see them again and I'm about to put away a book when one of these said friends offers to hold it. If you know where I'm going. Which I hope you don't.
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

Location 1: Dark Small Room
When you awake, it’s cold and damp. Your head is foggy for a few seconds.
Slowly, you feel the fog clear and each of your senses enters your awareness. You can see the dark grey floor in front of you. You can hear the quiet dripping of water from somewhere in the hallway. You can smell dirty water running through the crack in the walls around you. You can taste the damp air and the condensation forming. And you’re touching the cold stone floor underneath your body. How long has it been?
You climb to your feet.
Around you is a dark grey room, lit only by the barred window on the left long wall. The walls are plastered stone and the floor beneath you is an almost flat slab of a mineral you don’t recognize. Strangely, there isn’t a door by which you could have gotten in- instead, the one exit is barred off by rusty poles. Water still drips down the poles and forms pools on the ground. A steady stream flows down one corner and enters a slow flow around the perimeter. There’s nothing in here but some dirt, the water, the walls, and you.
You are wearing a soaked shirt and pants. Your body has been siting in the water for quite some time. There are no other signs of life- silence and far away dripping water are the only things you hear from outside.
Upon looking through the bars, you can see a white hallway which appears to be made of polished marble. You can almost imagine it in its heyday- without the cracks in the walls and the murky water patches that spread across the floor, it would be a spectacle to behold. But that doesn’t matter. You don’t know where you are. Maybe you should reach the outside of the building, if there is one.
You may choose to examine at any time, which will give you more options. Danger will wait for you in almost all rooms, so don’t do anything that could get you injured.
You can examine something specifically or the entire place.
You can pick up things that are easy for you to carry.
You can do other things, just try entering them as a command.
You can walk in any direction.
You can break things.
You can read things.
You can sit or sleep at any time, but if you do this too much with no food you won’t be healthy.
Try out commands to see what happens, I guess.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

You can examine something specifically or the entire place.
You can pick up things that are easy for you to carry.
You can do other things, just try entering them as a command.
You can walk in any direction.
You can break things.
You can read things.
You can sit or sleep at any time, but if you do this too much with no food you won’t be healthy.
Try out commands to see what happens, I guess.
Drink the water
(can we remember to snip these this time?)

*Drinks ketchup*
there is no ethical consumption under capitalism my dudes
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G'thorpax the Unspoken
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

TheRealNetherBefore wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

You can examine something specifically or the entire place.
You can pick up things that are easy for you to carry.
You can do other things, just try entering them as a command.
You can walk in any direction.
You can break things.
You can read things.
You can sit or sleep at any time, but if you do this too much with no food you won’t be healthy.
Try out commands to see what happens, I guess.
Drink the water
(can we remember to snip these this time?)
The water seems to have gathered a lot of dirt in its journey around the walls. Are you sure you want to drink it? You cup your hands and gather some from the corner, tipping it into your mouth. It tastes of metal and earth. Even after it’s gone down your throat, that taste still remains. Your stomach begins to hurt. Thankfully, you didn’t drink too much, so you can stand up.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

TheRealNetherBefore wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

You can examine something specifically or the entire place.
You can pick up things that are easy for you to carry.
You can do other things, just try entering them as a command.
You can walk in any direction.
You can break things.
You can read things.
You can sit or sleep at any time, but if you do this too much with no food you won’t be healthy.
Try out commands to see what happens, I guess.
Drink the water
(can we remember to snip these this time?)
The water seems to have gathered a lot of dirt in its journey around the walls. Are you sure you want to drink it? You cup your hands and gather some from the corner, tipping it into your mouth. It tastes of metal and earth. Even after it’s gone down your throat, that taste still remains. Your stomach begins to hurt. Thankfully, you didn’t drink too much, so you can stand up.
Try to exit…
if i don't seem active it's not because i don't care about this. i'll be at a camp for 3 weeks. been saying that like everywhere here lol. but yeah bye
100+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

“What could possibly go wrong?” - Bubsy, apparently everything went wrong in 1996

woody woodpecker is the greatest movie ever
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

stories31 wrote:

“What could possibly go wrong?” - Bubsy, apparently everything went wrong in 1996
Who's Bubsy?
Bugsy? :>>>

Edit: wait no, everything didn't go wrong in 1996… Pokemon happened… ok I'll leave now

Last edited by cheese-duck (July 17, 2018 13:09:55)

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cheese-duck wrote:

stories31 wrote:

“What could possibly go wrong?” - Bubsy, apparently everything went wrong in 1996
Who's Bubsy?
Bugsy? :>>>

Edit: wait no, everything didn't go wrong in 1996… Pokemon happened… ok I'll leave now

Bubsy is a character from a platform game who shares his voice actress with Lucas from Mother 3

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
100+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cheese-duck wrote:

stories31 wrote:

“What could possibly go wrong?” - Bubsy, apparently everything went wrong in 1996
Who's Bubsy?
Bugsy? :>>>

Edit: wait no, everything didn't go wrong in 1996… Pokemon happened… ok I'll leave now
bubsy 3D happened

woody woodpecker is the greatest movie ever
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

stories31 wrote:

cheese-duck wrote:

stories31 wrote:

“What could possibly go wrong?” - Bubsy, apparently everything went wrong in 1996
Who's Bubsy?
Bugsy? :>>>

Edit: wait no, everything didn't go wrong in 1996… Pokemon happened… ok I'll leave now
bubsy 3D happened
Oh goodness I just searched it up

100+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

//brings life back here

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

o-Berryfrost-o wrote:

//brings life back here
//does that thing in the cartoons with the grayscale landscape getting painted into color

this is our home it will never die
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

Oh man. You guys know that trope where a character is knocked out and they wake up in an unfamiliar room and are told they were in a coma by people who look sorta like the ones from their life? Okay.

So there’s a guy in some kind of fantasy world. I don’t know what kind but let’s say it’s a space travel universe. He gets knocked out and wakes up as a human (assuming he wasn’t before) or without any prosthetic body parts. He’s told he was in a coma and he goes around doing stuff. He finds out that his name is different than it is back home. Soon enough he gets knocked out accidentally again, and wakes up back at home, having been out for a day or two. One more time he gets knocked out and goes back to the human world. So he realizes that he has the power to switch between worlds when he’s knocked out. He realizes that every action has its counterpart (like, if a girl on one side gets a job as a spaceship mechanic, the girl on the other will have gotten a job as a regular mechanic) and uses that as proof. Someone gets curious enough to try to switch over as well and it works when he switches sides and knocks both of them out with a delay. Things go on like this and the news takes notice. Things get hectic on both sides. Then, one day, the guy finds out it doesn’t work anymore. When he passes out in one, he doesn’t wake up in the other anymore. He asks someone else to go through and eventually they line it up right. He wakes up in the other world, but still can’t go through again. The people there tell him that ‘he’ woke up and didn’t know what everything involving the other world was about. He realizes that his counterpart, who he’s been using the body of, woke up from his coma. Cut to the other world, where the human guy has woken up in his body. Hijinks ensue. At some point they finally switch back and the original switcher starts wearing a helmet all the time. The end.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

Oh man. You guys know that trope where a character is knocked out and they wake up in an unfamiliar room and are told they were in a coma by people who look sorta like the ones from their life? Okay.

So there’s a guy in some kind of fantasy world. I don’t know what kind but let’s say it’s a space travel universe. He gets knocked out and wakes up as a human (assuming he wasn’t before) or without any prosthetic body parts. He’s told he was in a coma and he goes around doing stuff. He finds out that his name is different than it is back home. Soon enough he gets knocked out accidentally again, and wakes up back at home, having been out for a day or two. One more time he gets knocked out and goes back to the human world. So he realizes that he has the power to switch between worlds when he’s knocked out. He realizes that every action has its counterpart (like, if a girl on one side gets a job as a spaceship mechanic, the girl on the other will have gotten a job as a regular mechanic) and uses that as proof. Someone gets curious enough to try to switch over as well and it works when he switches sides and knocks both of them out with a delay. Things go on like this and the news takes notice. Things get hectic on both sides. Then, one day, the guy finds out it doesn’t work anymore. When he passes out in one, he doesn’t wake up in the other anymore. He asks someone else to go through and eventually they line it up right. He wakes up in the other world, but still can’t go through again. The people there tell him that ‘he’ woke up and didn’t know what everything involving the other world was about. He realizes that his counterpart, who he’s been using the body of, woke up from his coma. Cut to the other world, where the human guy has woken up in his body. Hijinks ensue. At some point they finally switch back and the original switcher starts wearing a helmet all the time. The end.
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cheese-duck wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Oh man. You guys know that trope where a character is knocked out and they wake up in an unfamiliar room and are told they were in a coma by people who look sorta like the ones from their life? Okay.

So there’s a guy in some kind of fantasy world. I don’t know what kind but let’s say it’s a space travel universe. He gets knocked out and wakes up as a human (assuming he wasn’t before) or without any prosthetic body parts. He’s told he was in a coma and he goes around doing stuff. He finds out that his name is different than it is back home. Soon enough he gets knocked out accidentally again, and wakes up back at home, having been out for a day or two. One more time he gets knocked out and goes back to the human world. So he realizes that he has the power to switch between worlds when he’s knocked out. He realizes that every action has its counterpart (like, if a girl on one side gets a job as a spaceship mechanic, the girl on the other will have gotten a job as a regular mechanic) and uses that as proof. Someone gets curious enough to try to switch over as well and it works when he switches sides and knocks both of them out with a delay. Things go on like this and the news takes notice. Things get hectic on both sides. Then, one day, the guy finds out it doesn’t work anymore. When he passes out in one, he doesn’t wake up in the other anymore. He asks someone else to go through and eventually they line it up right. He wakes up in the other world, but still can’t go through again. The people there tell him that ‘he’ woke up and didn’t know what everything involving the other world was about. He realizes that his counterpart, who he’s been using the body of, woke up from his coma. Cut to the other world, where the human guy has woken up in his body. Hijinks ensue. At some point they finally switch back and the original switcher starts wearing a helmet all the time. The end.
Let me try to make it simpler. The standard ‘guy wakes up from a coma in another world that’s implied to be the real one after getting knocked out’ plot, but he goes back to the original world after getting knocked out again. Eventually it turns out that he can switch between his original body and his counterpart’s body as long as both of them are passed out. Because his counterpart is in a coma (remember the plot this is a parody of) he can switch at any time, and he finds out that anyone else can as well, but there’s never been an appropriate situation.
Because all of the people from one world resemble the people from the other (think wizard of oz), he realizes that all of his scenarios correspond to scenarios in the other world, so he can go into one, see what’s happened, and then predict what’s happened in the other world when he wakes up there.
He tells the others about this and the worlds start to correspond. Then his counterpart wakes up, so he can’t switch over anymore. So he sends someone else over and manages to get back into his counterpart’s body to tell them what’s going on. Only now he can’t switch back because they’ve swapped places and his counterpart is living out the plot.
The rest of the story is them trying to switch back. When they eventually do, the guy who switched originally begins wearing a helmet so he never passes out again and never goes back, because he doesn’t want to get stuck again.

1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cs156175 wrote:

cheese-duck wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Oh man. You guys know that trope where a character is knocked out and they wake up in an unfamiliar room and are told they were in a coma by people who look sorta like the ones from their life? Okay.

So there’s a guy in some kind of fantasy world. I don’t know what kind but let’s say it’s a space travel universe. He gets knocked out and wakes up as a human (assuming he wasn’t before) or without any prosthetic body parts. He’s told he was in a coma and he goes around doing stuff. He finds out that his name is different than it is back home. Soon enough he gets knocked out accidentally again, and wakes up back at home, having been out for a day or two. One more time he gets knocked out and goes back to the human world. So he realizes that he has the power to switch between worlds when he’s knocked out. He realizes that every action has its counterpart (like, if a girl on one side gets a job as a spaceship mechanic, the girl on the other will have gotten a job as a regular mechanic) and uses that as proof. Someone gets curious enough to try to switch over as well and it works when he switches sides and knocks both of them out with a delay. Things go on like this and the news takes notice. Things get hectic on both sides. Then, one day, the guy finds out it doesn’t work anymore. When he passes out in one, he doesn’t wake up in the other anymore. He asks someone else to go through and eventually they line it up right. He wakes up in the other world, but still can’t go through again. The people there tell him that ‘he’ woke up and didn’t know what everything involving the other world was about. He realizes that his counterpart, who he’s been using the body of, woke up from his coma. Cut to the other world, where the human guy has woken up in his body. Hijinks ensue. At some point they finally switch back and the original switcher starts wearing a helmet all the time. The end.
Let me try to make it simpler. The standard ‘guy wakes up from a coma in another world that’s implied to be the real one after getting knocked out’ plot, but he goes back to the original world after getting knocked out again. Eventually it turns out that he can switch between his original body and his counterpart’s body as long as both of them are passed out. Because his counterpart is in a coma (remember the plot this is a parody of) he can switch at any time, and he finds out that anyone else can as well, but there’s never been an appropriate situation.
Because all of the people from one world resemble the people from the other (think wizard of oz), he realizes that all of his scenarios correspond to scenarios in the other world, so he can go into one, see what’s happened, and then predict what’s happened in the other world when he wakes up there.
He tells the others about this and the worlds start to correspond. Then his counterpart wakes up, so he can’t switch over anymore. So he sends someone else over and manages to get back into his counterpart’s body to tell them what’s going on. Only now he can’t switch back because they’ve swapped places and his counterpart is living out the plot.
The rest of the story is them trying to switch back. When they eventually do, the guy who switched originally begins wearing a helmet so he never passes out again and never goes back, because he doesn’t want to get stuck again.
Ah ok. That would make for a pretty cool sci-fi-comedy kinda thing
Also hmm… what happens when they die?
1000+ posts

Writings and Ravings of a Lunatic (me!) ^m^

cheese-duck wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

cheese-duck wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

Oh man. You guys know that trope where a character is knocked out and they wake up in an unfamiliar room and are told they were in a coma by people who look sorta like the ones from their life? Okay.

So there’s a guy in some kind of fantasy world. I don’t know what kind but let’s say it’s a space travel universe. He gets knocked out and wakes up as a human (assuming he wasn’t before) or without any prosthetic body parts. He’s told he was in a coma and he goes around doing stuff. He finds out that his name is different than it is back home. Soon enough he gets knocked out accidentally again, and wakes up back at home, having been out for a day or two. One more time he gets knocked out and goes back to the human world. So he realizes that he has the power to switch between worlds when he’s knocked out. He realizes that every action has its counterpart (like, if a girl on one side gets a job as a spaceship mechanic, the girl on the other will have gotten a job as a regular mechanic) and uses that as proof. Someone gets curious enough to try to switch over as well and it works when he switches sides and knocks both of them out with a delay. Things go on like this and the news takes notice. Things get hectic on both sides. Then, one day, the guy finds out it doesn’t work anymore. When he passes out in one, he doesn’t wake up in the other anymore. He asks someone else to go through and eventually they line it up right. He wakes up in the other world, but still can’t go through again. The people there tell him that ‘he’ woke up and didn’t know what everything involving the other world was about. He realizes that his counterpart, who he’s been using the body of, woke up from his coma. Cut to the other world, where the human guy has woken up in his body. Hijinks ensue. At some point they finally switch back and the original switcher starts wearing a helmet all the time. The end.
Let me try to make it simpler. The standard ‘guy wakes up from a coma in another world that’s implied to be the real one after getting knocked out’ plot, but he goes back to the original world after getting knocked out again. Eventually it turns out that he can switch between his original body and his counterpart’s body as long as both of them are passed out. Because his counterpart is in a coma (remember the plot this is a parody of) he can switch at any time, and he finds out that anyone else can as well, but there’s never been an appropriate situation.
Because all of the people from one world resemble the people from the other (think wizard of oz), he realizes that all of his scenarios correspond to scenarios in the other world, so he can go into one, see what’s happened, and then predict what’s happened in the other world when he wakes up there.
He tells the others about this and the worlds start to correspond. Then his counterpart wakes up, so he can’t switch over anymore. So he sends someone else over and manages to get back into his counterpart’s body to tell them what’s going on. Only now he can’t switch back because they’ve swapped places and his counterpart is living out the plot.
The rest of the story is them trying to switch back. When they eventually do, the guy who switched originally begins wearing a helmet so he never passes out again and never goes back, because he doesn’t want to get stuck again.
Ah ok. That would make for a pretty cool sci-fi-comedy kinda thing
Also hmm… what happens when they die?
I don’t know. Either it makes it impossible to switch or whoever lives longer can come back as an undead person until they die in their own world.

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