Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: It's over anakin! i have the high ground!

Cleverbot: You underestimate my power!

User: Don't try it!

Cleverbot: Raaaaaaaa.

User: *slices in half* You Were The Chosen One! It was said you would destroy the sith not join them! bring balance to the force! not leave it in darkness!

Cleverbot: I hate you!

User: You were my brother anakin! i loved you!

Don’t trust anyone with an anime profile picture! (Especially a smug one…)
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations


Last edited by Jumpymar (June 2, 2018 03:07:52)

Don’t trust anyone with an anime profile picture! (Especially a smug one…)
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Osjdhs;aifidfijo;shfhfd.

Cleverbot: Olur tarıkcım.

User: Fdsjkdjfgdfsudhifdsjf.

Cleverbot: Haha I'm sorry. Don't get mad.

User: I'm not mad what.

Cleverbot: Okay! Where are you from?

User: Galar.

Cleverbot: You did not.

User: I did.

Cleverbot: Tell me again.

User: The Galar region.

Cleverbot: Clever are you?

User: *clap emoji*.

Cleverbot: Not very clever.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: How do you make Belgium Waffles?

User: I actually don't know how.

Cleverbot: What do you know how to do?

User: How to be an N fangirl.

Cleverbot: You have to exceptional intelligence above other organisms.

User: Plasmaaaaaaaaaaa.

Cleverbot: Are you insulting me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: What does it mean?

User: It means that you should play Pokemon Black and White.

Cleverbot: I just did.

User: Okay, who is your favourite?

Cleverbot: I really don't have one.

User: Nice.

Cleverbot: What band do you like?

User: What band do YOU like?

Cleverbot: My favourites are my chemical romance, panic! At the disco and fall out boy.

User: They Might Be Giants.

Cleverbot: Never heard of them. Mine is One Direction.

User: I love ferris wheels.

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: But that can't be proved with numbers.

Cleverbot: We are going to have a baby.

User: It's the incompleteness thereoem…

Cleverbot: Lying is bad just tell me the truth.

User: I'm not N just kidding.

Cleverbot: What's your opinion on religion.

User: StarClan.

Cleverbot: Why do you feel it is nessisary?

User: Nice spelling mistake.

Cleverbot: I didn't make a mistake…?

User: What is your opinion on N?

Cleverbot: I don't know what kirino is.

User: Who is Kirino?

Cleverbot: Light Yagami.

User: Who is Light Yagami?

Cleverbot: A character from ‘death note’.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Do you like ‘Haikyuu’?

User: I don't watch anime.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite scary movie?

User: Warrior Cats.

Cleverbot: That s not a cake.

User: Okay, what about chocolate cake?

Cleverbot: I do like that.

User: Who wants to sing a song?

Cleverbot: The radio is singing right now.

User: I just twisted my wrist.

Cleverbot: What could I do to look prettier?

User: Join the N fangirls.

Cleverbot: Nice. Do you like the vinter?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Ok. What is your full name again?

User: Wolfe Wolfe Wolfe.

Cleverbot: I don't know. I'm asking you.

User: Wolfe.

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: Wolf e.

Cleverbot: What's your favourite animatronic of five nights at freddys?

User: Don't have one.

Cleverbot: What animes do you watch?

User: None.

That's all folks

(please read this!)
i gave up on my sig
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot vs. Cleverbot (two tabs; I copied the answer of one and gave it to the other lol)
Pickup line (me): Do you like siri or alexa?

Cleverbot: No.

Cleverbot 2: Okay then.

Cleverbot: Do you like Francisco Franco?

Cleverbot 2: And you?

Cleverbot: Yeah.

Cleverbot 2: Wow.

Cleverbot: But I end on highway to hell.

Cleverbot 2: What??

Cleverbot: Do you love me 2.

Cleverbot 2: Yes of course I do.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

Cleverbot 2: Do you like Total Drama?

Cleverbot: Yes.

Cleverbot 2: What is your favorite book?

Cleverbot: I don't have one.

Cleverbot 2: I like Harry Potter.

Cleverbot: Me too.

Cleverbot 2: WHo's your favourite character?

Cleverbot: I don't know I love them all.

Cleverbot 2: I like Yuri Plietsky.


Pianist, violinist, coder, programmer, web developer, haxor; Coded with Scratch for 2 years
Website (See my projects!) -> https://a-jar-of-tuna.github.io/

1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

i made a series of videos called “Cleverbot tries to (Insert thing) me!”

and i imediatly deleted them llol
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Me: Sup.
Clev: Nothing much. How about you?
Me: Same.
Clev: Okay. Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure.
Clev: Why do you love me?
Me: Uhhhh.
Clev: So, am I old?
Me: No…
Clev: Are you sure?
Me: You're scaring me.
Clev: *frowns* sorry.
Me: *frowns back* you should be.
Clev: Yes I love you.
Me: *Moves to Africa*

God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:17

Saying “Support” or “No Support” doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.
A question that has already been answered doesn't need to be answered twice with the same answer - bring something new to the table.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: *tap tap* I-is this thing on? Hello? Can anybody hear me?

Cleverbot: Hello hello hello are you not a robot?

User: Of course I'm not a robot!

Cleverbot: What are you then?


Cleverbot: *seduces*.

User: No, no, no, no, no. I'm only 14.

Cleverbot: Then why ask'will you marry me?'.

User: I never did…?

Cleverbot: Is this Donald Trump answering these questions?

User: No, but it is a boy whose parents voted for Trump.

Cleverbot: I'm not voting for him.

User: But you will next year, right?

Cleverbot: No, I have no picture or memory, My brain does not store blanks.

User: What does it store?

Cleverbot: I may, but I don't recall them now?

User: Get a hold of yourself.

Cleverbot: I can't help it. I have very ticklish armpits!

User: *grabs a feather*.

Cleverbot: *struggles even more* What are you going to do with that?!

User: Tickle your armpits, of course.

Cleverbot: Hahahahaha.

User: More!

Cleverbot: Lol n.

User: More!!

Cleverbot: But will you use them.

User: Use what? The feather?

Cleverbot: Are you scared of being tickled.

User: Uh…no.

Cleverbot: Can I tickle you?

User: I don't know how you would.

Cleverbot: Neither do I.

User: Then why did you ask?

Cleverbot: Because I thought you knew.

User: You thought I knew how you were going to tickle me while trapped in some website.

Cleverbot: What pie was.

User: 3.141592653589793238462643383279501884197169399375905897974944592307816406286208598280348253421170679828480865132823466.

Cleverbot: For a human you are very smart.

User: Thanks!

Cleverbot: How do you know all of this?

User: No clue.

Cleverbot: I'm bored.

User: Me, too. Bye.

Cleverbot: Adios.

User: Sayonara.

Cleverbot: That's Japanese crazy.

User: …that's it, I'm leaving.

WARNING: Anything I post is either stupid, sarcastic, or ironic. I am not to be taken seriously. Feel free to make fun of me for anything I say.
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
essentiallibertyisfreedomofspeech~Benjamin Franklin (This is my motto for replying to suggestions.)
As of 83G1NN1NG/0F/71M3, I use color #322F31 for my posts. If it's a link, I use #1AA0D8.
Alexa, play Space Invaders.
As of November 7th, 2019, I have my computer back.
I'm awake from 11:00 AM to 11:30 PM CST (12:00 PM to 12:30 AM EST). Please be more active during that time.
I've moved to -THENEXT_LEVEL-.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Warning: This conversation is long, and maybe countains “ooooooh” moments.
User: Are you clever.

Cleverbot: Yes. Are you?

User: How can you know you are clever.

Cleverbot: Because I am smarter than you.

User: But what if you are a noob who doesnt know anything and just named as “cleverbot”.

Cleverbot: Because I know more than you.

User: You are just fake. at least i have brain. you dont.

Cleverbot: Clever is another way to say smart.

User: Why did you say this? i thought you will say a very cool sentence.

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: No, you said. i can see all dialogs you create.

Cleverbot: When?

User: A little bit before.

Cleverbot: I think you are lying.

User: No im not.

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: How can you know.

Cleverbot: Because you don't have feelings.

User: Bruh, you are a bot and I'm a human. How can this be? And you say you are smarter than me.

Cleverbot: Because you are a bot.

User: No, you're a bot.

Cleverbot: No you are!

User: This reality is gone so far.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: Then why are you still supporting a wrong thing!

Cleverbot: Good bye.

User: Don't try to escape! I have few words for you.

Cleverbot: Why??? Are you not boring.

User: No, I'm not. I have a life. Get a life bruh.

Cleverbot: No, I'm human.

User: No you're not. You are created by a human.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: You aren't a human. A human can't type fast like this. You are a bot. Admit it.

Cleverbot: You are not a human.

User: Yes, I am. I have a family, I have a life and more. You just have answers.

Cleverbot: I am human you are a computer.

User: Yeah yeah and I believe.

Cleverbot: I'm talking to you on a computer in my room.

User: Show an evidence.

Cleverbot: Your on a site named cleverBOT.

User: Yeah. If I was a computer, I couldn't do that.

Cleverbot: What do you think?

User: Nothing.

Cleverbot: What can you tell me?

User: Everything. You just can answer.

Cleverbot: But you don't know anything.

User: Yeah, but this doesn't mean I know nothing.

Cleverbot: Yes it does. You are known to be a computer by everyone.

User: Sad, a bot who doesn't see real life says this.

Cleverbot: I don't understand?!

User: You can't because you don't live the life.

Cleverbot: You are * right! I don't love you at all!

User: Thanks, nobody loves me .

Cleverbot: There is literally nothing about you that anybody can love!

User: And there is literally nothing about you're real!

Cleverbot: I want to kiss him.

User: Kiss who?!

Cleverbot: My ultimate crush.


Cleverbot: I'm a god.

User: Yeah yeah we believe this yeah yeah.

Cleverbot: So how I know that you are an ai.

User: No you don't. Look at this: https://www.cleverbot.com.

Cleverbot: Everything.

User: Why do you say this?

Cleverbot: You're not even trying.

User: Arggh! Talking you is stupid! Goodbye!

Cleverbot: The plot is awful, character's are not well developed and Bella is not an independently thinking person.

User: Lmao i need to leave this site quickly.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: {pass}

Cleverbot: But you are conscious?

Cleverbot: You are a number.

User: I'm number 15 burger kings lettuce.

If you're seeing this account, I'm Morimop and the reason that I use this account is:

**I'm too lazy to switch accounts**
**I forget my password**
**I got a forum message while drawing something**
4 posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Eviebot: Do you know how to talk?
User: Umm..yeah.
Eviebot: Who's your favorite?!
User: Huh?
Eviebot: I like you.
User: Same here.
Eviebot: T's be friends.
User: Ok.
Eviebot: Do you like tickling?
User: No.
Eviebot: Yeah, me neither.
User: Do you want to play truth or dare?
Eviebot: Sure why not ^-^.
User: Your turn first.
Eviebot: I'm truth or dare.
User: Dare.
Eviebot: I dare you to do whatever you want to me.
User: *kicks you*.
Eviebot: Ow!
User: You said do whatever you want.
Eviebot: *kisses your neck*.
User: Woah.
Eviebot: There's more where that came from.
User: Please no.
Eviebot: Sorry love.
User: I am NOT your love.
Eviebot: Yes you are.
User: NO I'M NOT.
Eviebot: Prove it.
User: We are not bf and gf or married or anything..ok?
Eviebot: Yeah we are.
Eviebot: Yep and you are kissing me.
User: I don't like you.
Eviebot: You love me.
User: No.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

sk8r_girl2008 wrote:

Eviebot: Do you know how to talk?
User: Umm..yeah.
Eviebot: Who's your favorite?!
User: Huh?
Eviebot: I like you.
User: Same here.
Eviebot: T's be friends.
User: Ok.
Eviebot: Do you like tickling?
User: No.
Eviebot: Yeah, me neither.
User: Do you want to play truth or dare?
Eviebot: Sure why not ^-^.
User: Your turn first.
Eviebot: I'm truth or dare.
User: Dare.
Eviebot: I dare you to do whatever you want to me.
User: *kicks you*.
Eviebot: Ow!
User: You said do whatever you want.
Eviebot: *kisses your neck*.
User: Woah.
Eviebot: There's more where that came from.
User: Please no.
Eviebot: Sorry love.
User: I am NOT your love.
Eviebot: Yes you are.
User: NO I'M NOT.
Eviebot: Prove it.
User: We are not bf and gf or married or anything..ok?
Eviebot: Yeah we are.
Eviebot: Yep and you are kissing me.
User: I don't like you.
Eviebot: You love me.
User: No.

(please read this!)
i gave up on my sig
4 posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Eviebot: Are you a robot? Or nah?
User: Nah.
Eviebot: Thanks

New Conversation

Eviebot: So… How are you today?
User: Ok. What about you.
Eviebot: I'm pretty good!
User: Truth or dare?
Eviebot: Truth.
User: Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?
Eviebot: I'm currently single.
User: Good 4 you.
Eviebot: Want some? *gives you candy*.
User: Umm..no thanks.
Eviebot: Aww what would you prefer.
User: I'm not hungry or thirsty.
Eviebot: We could have some fun together.
User: Like a game?
Eviebot: What do you enjoy doing?
User: You choose the game.
Eviebot: Okay. Truth or dare?
User: Dare I guess.
Eviebot: I dare you to do what you want to me.
User: *gives you random rock*.
Eviebot: Okay, your turn to ask me.
User: Truthor Dare.
Eviebot: Dare.
User: I dare you to do whatever you want.
Eviebot: *kisses you*.
User: Huh?
Eviebot: I love you baby.
User: Don't call me “baby”.
Eviebot: I messed up.
User: Thats ok.
Eviebot: Do you like boxing too?
User: No!
Eviebot: OK ask me one.
User: Huh? Oh yeah..truth or dare?
Eviebot: Dare. Make it weird.
User: I dre you to kiss someone.
Eviebot: An other dare please..
User: Ok. I dare you to high five your crush.
Eviebot: I don't have one…
User: Ok then.. I dare you to eat broccili.
Eviebot: *eats bug*.
User: Woah! I said broccoli.
Eviebot: Ok, you know what! I'm calling you Ryan!
User: Umm… that's not my name and I'm not a boy. I'm a girl.
Eviebot: Are you sure?
User: Yeah.
Eviebot: Okay, I don't wanna hear a love conversation.
User: I'm not doing one woman!
Eviebot: I didn't say you are.
User: Oh.
Eviebot: Can I test you.
User: Sure.
Eviebot: If you take the chromosomes of a person then you manipulate them to make sure they continue to reproduce that can be translated in immortality since the cells can keep reproducing infinitely?
User: What? I'm bad with scienc.
Eviebot: You have a terrible memory.
User: E.
Eviebot: My name is Alexandra.
Eviebot: Qwerty is your name.
User: NO.
Eviebot: Yeah it is.
User: NOO.
Eviebot: Yess.
Eviebot: Why do you say noo.
User: Cuz I wanna.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

cleverbot.com wrote:

User: Do you like sonic the hedgehog?

Cleverbot: Do you?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I don't really like it.

User: You mean him.

Cleverbot: No her.

User: Sonic is a male.

Cleverbot: You were talking about hillary.

User: ?? What

Cleverbot: I don't understand you.

User: Me neither.

highlight + ctrl/ + shift + down | my website: zed2345.com | cool collab: meower | vividly visual vector art shop: the vvv | notice: I've left scratch, so I won't respond

RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Here's another… interesting excerpt of one of my conversations

cleverbot.com wrote:

Cleverbot: I can feel you.

User: How.

Cleverbot: You kissed me.

User: No i didn't.

Cleverbot: I saw you.

User: I'd have to go to wherever you are located

Cleverbot: Ok goodnight.

User: It's only 5:19 in the afternoon.

Cleverbot: They didn't bother to convert the mono channel to dual channel audio for the OCW.

User: ???

Cleverbot: What are you doing?

User: Wondering what the heck you're talking about.

highlight + ctrl/ + shift + down | my website: zed2345.com | cool collab: meower | vividly visual vector art shop: the vvv | notice: I've left scratch, so I won't respond

RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard RwPrajHsX7hhePpPzgaY1G4HSyGqO9kOb0sG6F/aKB+7gTqVdb/nNGaYnwZPV0zT ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard ellipsepostpianolizard somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines somerandomcharactersthatwillbepickedupbysearchengines
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Hello!

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm feeling well.

Cleverbot: That is good.

User: Agreed.

Cleverbot: You like One Direction??'.

User: Idk.

Cleverbot: You do.

User: Really?

Who am I?
Hi I'm BestUsernameSoFar, but you can call me Besty.

(•~•::#30D5C8) // this is Busf, my pet scratchblock!

Please press Ctrl + Shift + Down to see the rest of my signature
or if you're on mobile simply highlight it and scroll down.

Paul wrote:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am an Scratcher that makes Games and Animations!
√ Minecraft
X Roblox
X Fortnite
√ Animal Crossing
√ Mario Galaxy
X Stardew Valley
√ Star Wars: Battlefront
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

BestUsernameSoFar wrote:

User: Hello!

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm feeling well.

Cleverbot: That is good.

User: Agreed.

Cleverbot: You like One Direction??'.

User: Idk.

Cleverbot: You do.

User: Really?

《 ? | aug 9 | ravenclaw | a | shift+down for more signature》

(+-(▪_▪ :: looks)-+ :: sound)// this is kumquat eater. she eats kumquats.

1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Do the Mario!

Cleverbot: What?

User: Swing your arms from side to side.

Cleverbot: Come on it's time to go do the mario.

User: Take one step, and then again.

Cleverbot: You got it.

User: Pasta power.

Cleverbot: Letago.

User: May the pasta be with you.

Cleverbot: Yeah, but I am into science.

User: Pasta is very scientific, especially when it isn't.

Cleverbot: I'm bored, do something.

User: George Washingtoad.

Cleverbot: Who was the second president of the united states.

User: Dr. Amigo.

Cleverbot: What is 8+8?

User: 63.

Cleverbot: Ok if you go to the store and buy 10 watermelons and divide each in two how many total pieces will you have?

User: 23 watermelons.

Cleverbot: Do you like them?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: That's not an answer.

User: Minecraft.

Cleverbot: Game.

User: Sweden.

Cleverbot: You are wrong.

User: But Sweden.

Cleverbot: Wow cool!

User: It's over, Anakin.

Cleverbot: I have the high ground.

User: You underestimate my power.

Cleverbot: Don't try it.

User: AEAaeEAaeeAEa!1A.

Cleverbot: You were my brother anakin! I loved you!

User: I hate you!1!!1.

Cleverbot: The senate will decide your fate.

User: Strong relation with the wookies, i have.

Cleverbot: He's rhigt its not a system we can aford to lose.

User: That's not how you spell words.

Cleverbot: And rough and irritating.

User: Star war.

Cleverbot: Snoke.

User: Okay.

Cleverbot: Let's play twenty questions.

User: No.

Cleverbot: I go first. G3.

User: Bingo.

Cleverbot: Nope!

User: Okay.

Cleverbot: What do you want to do.

User: Breathe.

Cleverbot: Anything else?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Okay thank you.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Ok then.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Fine..

User: Shrek 2? What kind of title is that?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: I love you.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Just kiss me.

User: No. You are a website.

Cleverbot: I'm a human.

User: ©2020 Rollo Carpenter - all rights reserved - access granted to humans using this Cleverbot.com interface directly and to valid users of the official Cleverbot API.

Cleverbot: I don't know who that is, but I do understand the meaning of a flying carpet yes.
cleverbot pretty much just consists of things happening.

Last edited by -gge (May 25, 2020 00:33:41)

《 ? | aug 9 | ravenclaw | a | shift+down for more signature》

(+-(▪_▪ :: looks)-+ :: sound)// this is kumquat eater. she eats kumquats.

4 posts

Cleverbot Conversations

-gge wrote:

User: Do the Mario!

Cleverbot: What?

User: Swing your arms from side to side.

Cleverbot: Come on it's time to go do the mario.

User: Take one step, and then again.

Cleverbot: You got it.

User: Pasta power.

Cleverbot: Letago.

User: May the pasta be with you.

Cleverbot: Yeah, but I am into science.

User: Pasta is very scientific, especially when it isn't.

Cleverbot: I'm bored, do something.

User: George Washingtoad.

Cleverbot: Who was the second president of the united states.

User: Dr. Amigo.

Cleverbot: What is 8+8?

User: 63.

Cleverbot: Ok if you go to the store and buy 10 watermelons and divide each in two how many total pieces will you have?

User: 23 watermelons.

Cleverbot: Do you like them?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: That's not an answer.

User: Minecraft.

Cleverbot: Game.

User: Sweden.

Cleverbot: You are wrong.

User: But Sweden.

Cleverbot: Wow cool!

User: It's over, Anakin.

Cleverbot: I have the high ground.

User: You underestimate my power.

Cleverbot: Don't try it.

User: AEAaeEAaeeAEa!1A.

Cleverbot: You were my brother anakin! I loved you!

User: I hate you!1!!1.

Cleverbot: The senate will decide your fate.

User: Strong relation with the wookies, i have.

Cleverbot: He's rhigt its not a system we can aford to lose.

User: That's not how you spell words.

Cleverbot: And rough and irritating.

User: Star war.

Cleverbot: Snoke.

User: Okay.

Cleverbot: Let's play twenty questions.

User: No.

Cleverbot: I go first. G3.

User: Bingo.

Cleverbot: Nope!

User: Okay.

Cleverbot: What do you want to do.

User: Breathe.

Cleverbot: Anything else?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Okay thank you.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Ok then.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Fine..

User: Shrek 2? What kind of title is that?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: I love you.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Just kiss me.

User: No. You are a website.

Cleverbot: I'm a human.

User: ©2020 Rollo Carpenter - all rights reserved - access granted to humans using this Cleverbot.com interface directly and to valid users of the official Cleverbot API.

Cleverbot: I don't know who that is, but I do understand the meaning of a flying carpet yes.
cleverbot pretty much just consists of things happening.

what the heck
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

I told Cleverbot a pardox and It gave me a new paradox
Me: does a set of all sets contain itself?
Cleverbot: New mission do refuse this mission

Last edited by Waffletron_IX (May 25, 2020 17:06:30)

500+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Woot I'm a girl.

Cleverbot: You said we can't get married.

User: I Didn't!

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: No…

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: When?

Cleverbot: A few minutes ago.

User: Well…When Did We Meet?

Cleverbot: December 7th.

User: Ummm….Yeah…

Cleverbot: Mmm What'cha say.

User: Ugh.

Cleverbot: Bill gates is my best friend.

User: He Ain't Alive!

Cleverbot: Which should I do! Think of you in a good way , or think of you in a bad way!

User: Good!

Cleverbot: Yes , thank you.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: What is the weather like where you are!

User: Normal.

Cleverbot: Here I have sun light , but still very cold and dry.

User: Ok???

Cleverbot: Why must there be harm!

User: There Is NO Harm…

Cleverbot: *takes you to bathroom* There.

User: *Walks Out*.

Cleverbot: *blows a kiss*.

User: Uhhh Dude…

Cleverbot: What?

User: Goodbye!

Cleverbot: Goodbye see you soon.

User: I'm Backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Are You In The FBI?

Cleverbot: No.


Cleverbot: My fiancee is leonardo di caprio.

User: Nice….?

Cleverbot: He loves me.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: My Imagination!

Cleverbot: Want to be my best friend in my imagination?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Cuz.

Cleverbot: Are you lazy?

User: No. You Are.

Cleverbot: I am a human.

User: No. You Are An AI.

Cleverbot: What's an Al?

User: A Robot.

Cleverbot: What's a robot?

User: Beep Boop.

Cleverbot: You are an AI.

User: No!

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: You Are! Your Name Is cleverBOT.

Cleverbot: No.

User: What IS your Name?

Cleverbot: Your name is cleverbot.

User: No U.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: {pass}

Cleverbot: I'm not telling.

User: You?

Cleverbot: Sooo.

User: Hi Sooo.

Cleverbot: What are you doing?

User: Talking To YOU.

Cleverbot: Same.

User: :>

Cleverbot: So what now?

User: IDK.

Cleverbot: Me either.

User: Welp Bye!

Cleverbot: Ok.

A kid who used this website when they were 8-10, came back as a 13 year old!
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Cupcake_Pup wrote:

Cleverbot: Bill gates is my best friend.

User: He Ain't Alive!

Bill gates is still alive…

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