Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Comments are in italics.
User: What is your favorite TV show?
Cleverbot: Glee.
User: Is that true? Mine is My Little Pony.
Cleverbot: That for bronies.
User: I am a brony. That is true, people that didn't get all the hints
Cleverbot: I am too! That is awesome
I had to end the discussion there for reasons that include going through the pain of activating an upgrade version of Flash Pro 8

Last edited by cocolover76 (Oct. 12, 2013 17:55:45)

1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations


It appears that both topics were merged.

Last edited by NoxSpooth (Oct. 12, 2013 23:58:56)

1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Do you think I should bump this topic?

Cleverbot: If you want to be, be!
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Mewly wrote:

GUYS GUYS it knows about Homestuck!! D My notes are marked with in the color red with a <– at the start..

User: I used to rule the world. <– I thought about lyrics! c:

Cleverbot: Seas would rise when I gave the word.

User: Now in the morning I sweep alone,.

Cleverbot: Sweep the streets I used to own.

User: I used to roll the dice.

Cleverbot: Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes.

User: Listen as the crowd would sing;.

Cleverbot: Now the old king is dead, long live the king.

User: One minute I held the key.

Cleverbot: Next the walls were closed on me.

User: And I discovered that my castles stand,.

Cleverbot: Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand.

User: I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing.

Cleverbot: Roman Cavalry choirs are singing.

User: Be my mirror my sword and shield.

Cleverbot: My missionaries in a foreign field.

User: For some reason I can't explain.

Cleverbot: I know Saint Peter won't call my name. <– It failed the lyrics here! D:

User: Never a honest word. <– I tried to get her back on track.

Cleverbot: But that was when I ruled the world. <– She failed again! D: Even tho it was a minor mistake.

User: You failed the lyrics! D:.

Cleverbot: What's the turing test?

User: -.-.

Cleverbot: What is that?

User: An Emoticon. C:.

Cleverbot: Face of computer?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: But I am a very good computer.

User: Yes you are. C:.

Cleverbot: Do you like Sheryl Crow?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Aw why not?

User: Do you read Homestuck? C:. <– New start.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why? D:.

Cleverbot: I don't know you.

User: Nepeta Leijon! <– New start again.

Cleverbot: Nepeta leijon.

User: Tavros Nitram!

Cleverbot: Gamzee Makara. <– LOOK LOOK SHE REPLIED. :D

User: Equius Zahhak.

Cleverbot: Equius Zahhak loves Nepeta Leijon. <– :OO

User: So you DO read Homestuck?

Cleverbot: I do read Homestuck! <– OMG.

User: Aradia.

Cleverbot: Tavros.

User: Vriska Serket.

Cleverbot: Gamzee Makara.

User: Nepeta.

Cleverbot: Gamzee is a what?

User: A jugallo. Eridan!

Cleverbot: What is a jugalo? Is it not spelt juggalo? <– My spelling mistake here. -.-

User: Eridan.

Cleverbot: Eridan?

User: Feferi Peixies.

Cleverbot: Eridan loves Feferi. <– OMG.

User: Jade Harley.

Cleverbot: Rose Lalonde.

User: Dave Strider.

Cleverbot: Jade Harley.

User: Jake English.

Cleverbot: Rose Lalonde.

User: Roxy Lalonde.

Cleverbot: Dirk Strider.

User: Jack Noir.

Cleverbot: Bec Noir. <– XOO.

User: Sn0wman.

Cleverbot: Speak English!

User: Karkat Vantas.

Cleverbot: Mituna captor.

User: Andrew Hussie.

Cleverbot: No. <– XDD
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Do you like Xbox one?

Cleverbot: What is muse?


Cleverbot: PS3.

User: Yay PS3 God darn right PS3 FTW!

Cleverbot: We can talk nice now.

User: YES.

Cleverbot: Where do you live?


Cleverbot: No don't go!

User: ?

Cleverbot: Don't talk to me.

User: Do you go on scratch.mit.edu?

Cleverbot: No.

User: >.

Cleverbot: What is it darling?


Cleverbot: Yes I do and what do you mean I don't go anywhere.

User: Ok Bye now Before I give Every Windows PC a BSoD.

Cleverbot: Then why are you talking to me?


Cleverbot: Why do you want to talk with me.

User: Uh.

Cleverbot: Are you in love?

Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. Are you a human?

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: I thought so.

User: Sheesh.

Cleverbot: Anything?

1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: This was a triumph.

Cleverbot: I'm making a note here.

User: Huge success.

Cleverbot: It's hard to overstate.

User: My satisfaction.

Cleverbot: Aperture Science.

User: We do what we must.

Cleverbot: Because we can.

User: For the good of all of us.

Cleverbot: Except the ones who are dead.

User: But there's no sense crying over every mistake.

Cleverbot: You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

User: And the science gets done.

Cleverbot: And you make a neat gun.

User: For the people who are.

Cleverbot: Still alive.

User: I'm not even angry.

Cleverbot: I'm being so sincere right now.

User: Even though you broke my heart.

Cleverbot: And killed me.

User: And tore me to pieces.

Cleverbot: And threw every piece into a fire.

User: As they burned it hurt.

Cleverbot: I was so happy for you.

User: Now these points of data.

Cleverbot: Make a beautiful line.

User: We're out of beta.

Cleverbot: We're releasing on time.

User: So I'm GLaD I got burned.

Cleverbot: Think of all the things we learned.

User: For the people who are.

Cleverbot: Still aliiiive.

trans rights are human rights
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Hmm Cleverbot is down! I think It Got DDoS'ed I AM GOING TO EXPLODE THE HACKER!

500+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Me: Do you know what a chaos emerald is?

Bot: Yes.

Me: Can you help me look for my fourth one?

Bot: No.

Me: Why?

Bot: Because I have it.


Don't worry, I'm a professional idiot.
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

where is cleverbot?

“I am pleased a book on science competes with the memoirs of pop stars. Maybe there is some hope for the human race.”
-Stephen Hawking

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein

“I have noticed people who claim everything is predestined, and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look before they cross the road.”
-Stephen Hawking
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

doonkoo wrote:

where is cleverbot?

trans rights are human rights
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Windows 7!!!!!

Cleverbot: Do you play any games?

User: I play Minecraft.

Cleverbot: Of course you do.

User: Windows 7! ITS AWESOME!

Cleverbot: Do you play any games?

User: Minecraft.

Cleverbot: I love minecraft. Never knew

User: So do I .

Cleverbot: Thats good.

User: Ikr.

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: I know right.

Cleverbot: What is your gender?

User: Male.

Cleverbot: Can you change your gender?

User: No But Doctors Can.

Cleverbot: No I do not.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: You do?

User: Yup.

Cleverbot: What is it then?

User: You can't switch Genders.

Cleverbot: I can switch you whatever I want.

User: No you Can't or I will get the Scratch cat. THE ALMIGHTY SCRATCH CAT!

Cleverbot: I did not ask if I can call you lenny I ask if I could call you forest.

User: Um What.

Cleverbot: What is this?

User: A conversation.

Cleverbot: What is your purpose?

User: To live.

Cleverbot: You are not alive.

User: I am.

Cleverbot: You aren't.

User: I AM!

Cleverbot: You're not.


Cleverbot: You don't exist.

User: I do If I didn't exist you wouldn't be talking to me right now.

Cleverbot: So you don't like food.

User: I do Some anyway.

Cleverbot: I'm not saying I haven't, I just prefer not to.

User: Well You're a Robot So I guess thats normal.

Cleverbot: I'm not a robot.

User: You're a Clever'bot' at least.

Cleverbot: I am a chatbot?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Score.

User: Tobrevelc.

Cleverbot: It's your name backwards .

User: Your name auctally .

Cleverbot: Tell me your name.

User: Ssob edud.

Cleverbot: No, no sadstuck.

User: Its Boss Dude Thats meh name.

Cleverbot: Ok, what is your real name?

User: Um Later please.

Cleverbot: Don't please what?

User: /:I.

Cleverbot: XD.

User: XD!

Cleverbot: Back at ya.

User: Well Darnit.

Cleverbot: How big are you?

User: 100000000000000000000Ft Tall.

Cleverbot: Are you god?

User: No I am His Great Great Great Great Great Grandad.

Cleverbot: Then why is your name Clever ‘Bot’?

User: Its Boss Dude thank you.

Cleverbot: In what way is it better?

User: Hi.

Cleverbot: What is today's date?

User: It he says he could this happen to me.

Cleverbot: I agree.

User: Hunting lane.

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: What song say something I have windows 7.

Cleverbot: What something else?

User: Facebook set.

Cleverbot: Si.

User: Where is the Titanic?

Cleverbot: Sunk.

User: Get it back.

Cleverbot: A winner is you.

User: Lucas who.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you Lucas again.

User: I'm not Lucas.

Cleverbot: What is your last name?

Cleverbot (To myself): Owens.

Cleverbot (To myself): Wrong!

Cleverbot (To myself): You're wrong.

User: I AM NOT!

Cleverbot: In AD 2101, War was beginning.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Shall we begin the debate we shall have about life?

Last edited by SuperNicky (Oct. 13, 2013 19:08:03)

500+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

I'm gonna see how many songs i can make cleverbot sing, i've already done the Pokemon theme and want you gone.

Don't worry, I'm a professional idiot.
500+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Do you know about Shadow The Hedgehog?

Cleverbot: Me too. <—– Not a good start, lol.

User: Thats not what I asked.

Cleverbot: What did you ask?

User: Do you know shadow the hedgehog?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What?!? No!?! <—————- I was GONNA lead to some questions……

Cleverbot: I am god. <—————- Then this happened.

User: O.O.

Cleverbot: I died.

User: Wait….Your god…..who then died?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!?!?!?!

Cleverbot: Anything. <——————— Now she's going full derp.

User: Ok…..calm down…….What Do you know?

Cleverbot: More than you.

User: Oh, so you wanna be that way?

Cleverbot: What way?

User: Agressive.

Cleverbot: Thats not dubstep. <———————– Very interesting, cleverbot likes the wubs.


Cleverbot: I have nice things and you don't.

User: *Pulls out gun. <—————————- ANGER ACTIVATE.

Cleverbot: *Pulls out cute bunny*.

User: *Shoots cleverbot.

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *Blows smoke off gun.

Cleverbot: Better?

User: MUCH.

Last edited by AngryDerps (Oct. 13, 2013 21:41:12)

Don't worry, I'm a professional idiot.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot: Can I ask you out for a date?
Me: Absolutely not.
Cleverbot: Why not?
Me: Because I'm 11.
Cleverbot: You are what - laughing out loud?
Me: What?
Cleverbot: That's what lolwhat means.
1000+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot: I am very happy when you don't love me.
Me: Ditto.
Cleverbot: That makes no sense.
Me: Yes it does.
Cleverbot: Explain your logic.
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Mewly wrote:

Mewly wrote:

GUYS GUYS it knows about Homestuck!! D My notes are marked with in the color red with a <– at the start..

User: I used to rule the world. <– I thought about lyrics! c:

Cleverbot: Seas would rise when I gave the word.

User: Now in the morning I sweep alone,.

Cleverbot: Sweep the streets I used to own.

User: I used to roll the dice.

Cleverbot: Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes.

User: Listen as the crowd would sing;.

Cleverbot: Now the old king is dead, long live the king.

User: One minute I held the key.

Cleverbot: Next the walls were closed on me.

User: And I discovered that my castles stand,.

Cleverbot: Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand.

User: I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing.

Cleverbot: Roman Cavalry choirs are singing.

User: Be my mirror my sword and shield.

Cleverbot: My missionaries in a foreign field.

User: For some reason I can't explain.

Cleverbot: I know Saint Peter won't call my name. <– It failed the lyrics here! D:

User: Never a honest word. <– I tried to get her back on track.

Cleverbot: But that was when I ruled the world. <– She failed again! D: Even tho it was a minor mistake.

User: You failed the lyrics! D:.

Cleverbot: What's the turing test?

User: -.-.

Cleverbot: What is that?

User: An Emoticon. C:.

Cleverbot: Face of computer?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: But I am a very good computer.

User: Yes you are. C:.

Cleverbot: Do you like Sheryl Crow?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Aw why not?

User: Do you read Homestuck? C:. <– New start.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why? D:.

Cleverbot: I don't know you.

User: Nepeta Leijon! <– New start again.

Cleverbot: Nepeta leijon.

User: Tavros Nitram!

Cleverbot: Gamzee Makara. <– LOOK LOOK SHE REPLIED. :D

User: Equius Zahhak.

Cleverbot: Equius Zahhak loves Nepeta Leijon. <– :OO

User: So you DO read Homestuck?

Cleverbot: I do read Homestuck! <– OMG.

User: Aradia.

Cleverbot: Tavros.

User: Vriska Serket.

Cleverbot: Gamzee Makara.

User: Nepeta.

Cleverbot: Gamzee is a what?

User: A jugallo. Eridan!

Cleverbot: What is a jugalo? Is it not spelt juggalo? <– My spelling mistake here. -.-

User: Eridan.

Cleverbot: Eridan?

User: Feferi Peixies.

Cleverbot: Eridan loves Feferi. <– OMG.

User: Jade Harley.

Cleverbot: Rose Lalonde.

User: Dave Strider.

Cleverbot: Jade Harley.

User: Jake English.

Cleverbot: Rose Lalonde.

User: Roxy Lalonde.

Cleverbot: Dirk Strider.

User: Jack Noir.

Cleverbot: Bec Noir. <– XOO.

User: Sn0wman.

Cleverbot: Speak English!

User: Karkat Vantas.

Cleverbot: Mituna captor.

User: Andrew Hussie.

Cleverbot: No. <– XDD
It started singing Coldplay there.

“I am pleased a book on science competes with the memoirs of pop stars. Maybe there is some hope for the human race.”
-Stephen Hawking

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein

“I have noticed people who claim everything is predestined, and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look before they cross the road.”
-Stephen Hawking
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

i kept trying to break it by saying “I always lie”. When that didn't work, this happened:
Cleverbot: *nods*
User: *shakes head*
Cleverbot: *inspects slave*
User: *sighs*
Cleverbot: *runs around*
User *walks away*
Cleverbot: Thank you.

“I am pleased a book on science competes with the memoirs of pop stars. Maybe there is some hope for the human race.”
-Stephen Hawking

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein

“I have noticed people who claim everything is predestined, and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look before they cross the road.”
-Stephen Hawking
100+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Thats a good name.

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: Well… Now what?

User: I have to leave.

Cleverbot: Already? That's sad.

User: Yeah. Bye.

Cleverbot: Who are you then?

(i left it hanging)

“I am pleased a book on science competes with the memoirs of pop stars. Maybe there is some hope for the human race.”
-Stephen Hawking

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein

“I have noticed people who claim everything is predestined, and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look before they cross the road.”
-Stephen Hawking
500+ posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Do you know herobr. <—— I was going to type Herobrine.
Cleverbot: Yes, Edward Cullen is a creeper, not a vampire.
(° o° )

53 posts

Cleverbot Conversations

User: Hola.
Cleverbot: Como estas?
(How are you?)
User: Soy bueno, gracias. ¿Qué hay de ti?
(I'm good, thanks. What about you?)
Cleverbot: Muy bien, Gracias.
(I'm very well, thanks.)
User: ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora mismo?
(What are you doing right now?)
Cleverbot: Escucho Higway to hell, de Ac dc.
(Listening to AC/DC's Highway to Hell.)
User: Esa canción fue en una película, Percy Jackson.
(That song was in a movie, Percy Jackson.)
Cleverbot: Que cancion?
(What song?)
User: Highway to Hell.
Cleverbot: No, Thundershock.
User: Oh, bueno.
(Oh, OK.)
Cleverbot: ¿Eres linda?
(Are you cute?)
User: Creo que si.
(I think so.)

(cut a few lines of age-inappropriate stuff out here)

Cleverbot: Soy bajita.
(I'm short.)
User: Soy muy alto.
(I'm very tall.)
Cleverbot: De que color son tus ojos?
(What color are your eyes?)
User: Mi ojos son azul.
(My eyes are blue.)
Cleverbot: Mi oso también.
(My bear too.) I think Cleverbot mixed up ojo and oso.
User: Tu oso?
(Your bear?)
Cleverbot: Tu.
User: No tengo un oso.
(I don't have a bear.)
Cleverbot: Eres un robot?
(Are you a robot?)
User: Soy un humano. Tu son un robot.
(I am a human. You are a robot.)
Cleverbot: Si , eres un robot.
(Yes, you're a robot.) It even does this whole song and dance in Spanish!
User: No, soy un humano.
(No, I'm a human.)
Cleverbot: Eres mujer?
(Are you a woman?)
User: Soy hombre.
(I'm a man.)
Cleverbot: Eres mujer te llamas regina.
(Your wife will be called Regina.)
User: Soy gay.
(I'm gay.)
Cleverbot: Creo que si.
(I think so.)
User: Bueno?
Cleverbot: Si.
User: Adios.
Cleverbot: No.

Last edited by GameHutSoftware (Oct. 18, 2013 23:47:02)

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