Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts


venyanwarrior wrote:


If you're seeing this signature, that means I've come out of my social anxiety hole.

Also, I edit the Scratch Wiki. Check it out sometime it's cool I guess.
29 posts


Starblade2014 wrote:

I would like to point out something about the rule against requesting achievements or game badges.

If you're worried about Scratchers estimating their worth based on achievements, shouldn't you be worried about Scratchers estimating their worth based on followers? Some Scratchers who have more followers already act like they're better than others with fewer followers. I think achievements should be allowed simply for a fall-back point for Scratchers who are more adept at getting things done from a list than getting followers.
good point, because aparrently you can only get featured if you have like 5000 followers. Other websites and games have suffered losses in popularity because they award more popular players and dont think about the smaller people.
1000+ posts


SPEEDISKey139 wrote:

Starblade2014 wrote:

I would like to point out something about the rule against requesting achievements or game badges.

If you're worried about Scratchers estimating their worth based on achievements, shouldn't you be worried about Scratchers estimating their worth based on followers? Some Scratchers who have more followers already act like they're better than others with fewer followers. I think achievements should be allowed simply for a fall-back point for Scratchers who are more adept at getting things done from a list than getting followers.
good point, because aparrently you can only get featured if you have like 5000 followers. Other websites and games have suffered losses in popularity because they award more popular players and dont think about the smaller people.
That's not true, I got featured when I had 14 followers. In fact, if you have 5000 followers it would be harder to get featured, because projects can only be featured if they have less than 100 loves and if the creator hasn't had other frontpaged projects recently.

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

or you just used Inspect Element, you hacker

2 posts


I can agree that not allowing users to “see inside” your projects would ruin the aspect of sharing, but I think it's wrong when I look at projects on the front page that got curated but are remixes with little to no change at all from the original and by chance their project got curated for no good reason at all.

when green flag clicked
point towards [table v]
repeat until <touching [chair v] ?>
move (10) steps
set [posture v] to [sitting]
32 posts


This project is so great, and follows all the guidelines. It would be a shame if this weren't featured [https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/120635776/#player
500+ posts


thelostart wrote:

I can agree that not allowing users to “see inside” your projects would ruin the aspect of sharing, but I think it's wrong when I look at projects on the front page that got curated but are remixes with little to no change at all from the original and by chance their project got curated for no good reason at all.
Yes. And there are some projects involving a secret code or something of that sort. But that gets thrown out the window when you just click see inside and type the code.
100+ posts


If Scratch is available on Mobile devices, could you make the mobile version of Scratch have horizontal blocks and the desktop version have vertical blocks?

        Creator of Pangea OS | Creator of The Slide Engine Series

74 posts


another name for this, “All of nomnoms54321's ideas”
1000+ posts


nomnoms54321 wrote:

another name for this, “All of nomnoms54321's ideas”
Well alot of these are rejected due to moderation difficulties/lack of resources, so these may become available ideas in the future.

The rest of them have large problems that the ST doesn't think should exist. However, if you feel the need to explain why some of these shouldn't be rejected, feel free to talk about it on my profile.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

58 posts


jvvg wrote:

Before making a suggestion, be sure to check this topic for stuff that's already been suggested. The reasons listed here are all by the Scratch Team. If any responses are at all inconsistent with what they have said, please tell me and I will correct it.

This is just a list of the most common suggestions. For a more comprehensive list, see the complete list of rejected suggestions.

Suggestions that have been rejected
1. Allowing free chats with cloud variables
Allowing “free” chatrooms (i.e. where users can type in whatever they want) - for now, they are not allowed because of the potential for bullying, and there is no good way to moderate them. If you want to make a chat program, you may make a “safe” chat, where users can only select from a few messages.

2. Private messaging
When communication is public, people are more likely to be respectful because they know that everyone can see it. However, when posting PMs, people know that only the intended recipient can see it, so don't think as much before posting. Even if a “Flag PM” function is implemented, the Scratch Team currently does not have the resources to moderate it, because of the reason I said before there would be a lot of inappropriate/disrespectful messages.

3. Disabling “See inside”, restricting sharing, etc.
Several people want to be able to lock their projects so that they are read-only, and other people can't see the code to copy their scripts, sounds, or artwork. However, the motto of Scratch is "Imagine - Program - Share". By putting a project on the site, you give anyone who sees it the right to see your code, all data in it, and potentially copy it. Part of the whole goal of Scratch is remixing. If you do not wish to allow this, then you are welcome to publish the project on your own site (once the downloadable Scratch 2.0 comes out).

Restricting sharing (i.e. sharing a project so only some people can see it) is also not going to be implemented.

Paddle2See wrote:

We depend very heavily on our community to help us keep an eye on things and make sure that the Community Guidelines are being followed. Reducing the number of people that can see a project increases the likelihood that inappropriate content could be shared without being reported. That's a risk that we are not willing to take. Keeping everything out in the open is the best way we have found to help keep Scratch friendly and safe.

4. Rating projects
While this would be a nice idea to see how good your project is, it has a major drawback. Often, when a user posts their first project, it is something fairly simple (for example, mine was a modified pong game). If a user posts a simple project to start, and then gets a lot of low ratings because it isn't a very advanced project, then they will want to quit because they will think their code is bad.

5. Removing 60/120 second rule, New Scratcher status, etc.
While all of these things may seem annoying, they are extremely effective shields against spam.

6. Delete your comments on other peoples' projects
This is so that people can't post troll comments and then delete them, while you aren't likely to troll people on your own projects, studios, or profile. On the forums the solution to this is that you can only delete posts 24 hours after they have been posted, and deletes are not permanent (although I don't think they're permanent for comments either).

7. 3D Scratch
Scratch is a language that is designed to be as easy as possible for beginners to pick up. Adding 3D would make the language extremely complicated, and much more difficult for beginners to understand. There is a sister program to Scratch that contains 3D features, called Starlogo TNG. However, a different group has started developing a 3D version of Scratch that you can see at www.scratch3d.org. You can also try Alice, which is different from Scratch but has a bunch of stuff in common.

8. <broadcast [ ] received> boolean
There is way too much ambiguity to how this would work. Would it return true of the broadcast was fired at any point since the project was created, since the green flag was clicked, since something else was broadcasted, etc.? If you really want to do something like this, instead just make a variable and set it to 1 and use the equals block.

9. Game badges/achievements
(Thanks Faillord!)
This would harm Scratch's purpose, and people would determine their social worth on the site based on achievements in games, and some users would act as if they are more important than others merely because they have more game badges.

10. Changing your username
It would be very difficult to keep track of people if the could change usernames, and users would likely be confused when someone they follow changes their username. Additionally, that would add another layer of difficulty to the moderation of the website, making it harder for the Scratch Team to follow what a user is doing.

11. Off-topic/misc. section on forums
One used to exist (available here), but it was shut down due to a large amount of “flame wars” and difficulty moderating.

12. A 13+ version of the website
Scratch is designed for all ages, and dividing the community would not really help anybody.

13. Digital currency
Digital currency might be cool for some Scratchers but can cause problems such as competition and not focusing on Scratch's purpose. Scratch itself is not a game.

14. Banning minor remixes
Remixes are allowed as long as at least something is changed, even if it's minor.

15. Adding a Rank Above Scratcher

DaSpudLord wrote:

Scratch is not a place for people to worry about ranks. The New Scratcher rank only exists to filter spam, and since it only takes 2 weeks to get a promotion, bullying and separation is minimal. Additionally, this would divide the community between those who have a high rank and those who have a low rank, and there would be lots of bragging and bullying coming from users of higher ranks.

16. Live editing

Paddle2See wrote:

I agree that it isn't something we can support right now, because of the moderation and technical issues, however I don't agree with the statement that it teaches bad collaboration techniques. Just because it isn't the way something is done now, or by most people, isn't always a good reason to reject it.

I do think it should be added to the rejection list because the moderation and technical issues are quite substantial and I don't think we should spend time discussing it until we have more resources available to address those.

Stuff that is still in progress but will be here later
Let me know when they are implemented!
1. Cloud lists and strings
I'm not quite sure what's going on with these. They were disabled originally due to a combination of server issues and questions over moderation (specifically chatrooms and similar communication tools that would be hard to moderate). I guess they're still working out those issues, but unfortunately there's no ETA on when (if ever) they will be back.

2. Scratch on mobile devices

Paddle2See wrote:

As for whether it is rejected or not - it may have been at one time. But times change and I know that our developers are currently working on tablet versions of Scratch. So I'll close this as an accepted suggestion.

3. Custom reporters
It looks like these are coming in Scratch 3.0.

Please tell me if there is incorrect/outdated information, or if there is something that should be added here!
Edit post
About the 9th point you made, I think that already happens because of follower count.

No form of coding is right or wrong, they are all simply ways of developing your brain to reach new levels.

Find me here: HERE!
1000+ posts



1. These are things that the ST has said that they won't add until further notice, or at all.

2. Followers are slightly different since you gain them when people like you, and they are usually just for convenience reasons. Of course though, they have somewhat become this, and there are some suggestions to remove the ability to see other's follower count.

3. Please don't quote large things. Either just reply in a post, or “snip” unrelated parts out.

Last edited by duckboycool (June 16, 2017 12:46:47)

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

7 posts


Make a PROJECT and share using When Flag Clicked say “I would go to the park” Child one says Mom falls flat then it ends 39,000,000 watched but still no Loves, Likes, Plus COMMENTS it would drive me crazy just trying to see what was wrong its not like a fairy tale Then that one easy thing hops in your head and says “longer LONGER!” and runs out you don't remember at all then they start all playing in your head saying “longer longer LONGER!” Then you do it.
1000+ posts


PaultheCat wrote:

Make a PROJECT and share using When Flag Clicked say “I would go to the park” Child one says Mom falls flat then it ends 39,000,000 watched but still no Loves, Likes, Plus COMMENTS it would drive me crazy just trying to see what was wrong its not like a fairy tale Then that one easy thing hops in your head and says “longer LONGER!” and runs out you don't remember at all then they start all playing in your head saying “longer longer LONGER!” Then you do it.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

500+ posts


100+ posts


jvvg wrote:

Before making a suggestion, be sure to check this topic for stuff that's already been suggested. The reasons listed here are all by the Scratch Team. If any responses are at all inconsistent with what they have said, please tell me and I will correct it.

This is just a list of the most common suggestions. For a more comprehensive list, see the complete list of rejected suggestions.

Suggestions that have been rejected
1. Allowing free chats with cloud variables
Allowing “free” chatrooms (i.e. where users can type in whatever they want) - for now, they are not allowed because of the potential for bullying, and there is no good way to moderate them. If you want to make a chat program, you may make a “safe” chat, where users can only select from a few messages.

2. Private messaging
When communication is public, people are more likely to be respectful because they know that everyone can see it. However, when posting PMs, people know that only the intended recipient can see it, so don't think as much before posting. Even if a “Flag PM” function is implemented, the Scratch Team currently does not have the resources to moderate it, because of the reason I said before there would be a lot of inappropriate/disrespectful messages.

3. Disabling “See inside”, restricting sharing, etc.
Several people want to be able to lock their projects so that they are read-only, and other people can't see the code to copy their scripts, sounds, or artwork. However, the motto of Scratch is "Imagine - Program - Share". By putting a project on the site, you give anyone who sees it the right to see your code, all data in it, and potentially copy it. Part of the whole goal of Scratch is remixing. If you do not wish to allow this, then you are welcome to publish the project on your own site (once the downloadable Scratch 2.0 comes out).

Restricting sharing (i.e. sharing a project so only some people can see it) is also not going to be implemented.

Paddle2See wrote:

We depend very heavily on our community to help us keep an eye on things and make sure that the Community Guidelines are being followed. Reducing the number of people that can see a project increases the likelihood that inappropriate content could be shared without being reported. That's a risk that we are not willing to take. Keeping everything out in the open is the best way we have found to help keep Scratch friendly and safe.

4. Rating projects
While this would be a nice idea to see how good your project is, it has a major drawback. Often, when a user posts their first project, it is something fairly simple (for example, mine was a modified pong game). If a user posts a simple project to start, and then gets a lot of low ratings because it isn't a very advanced project, then they will want to quit because they will think their code is bad.

5. Removing 60/120 second rule, New Scratcher status, etc.
While all of these things may seem annoying, they are extremely effective shields against spam.

6. Delete your comments on other peoples' projects
This is so that people can't post troll comments and then delete them, while you aren't likely to troll people on your own projects, studios, or profile. On the forums the solution to this is that you can only delete posts 24 hours after they have been posted, and deletes are not permanent (although I don't think they're permanent for comments either).

7. 3D Scratch
Scratch is a language that is designed to be as easy as possible for beginners to pick up. Adding 3D would make the language extremely complicated, and much more difficult for beginners to understand. There is a sister program to Scratch that contains 3D features, called Starlogo TNG. However, a different group has started developing a 3D version of Scratch that you can see at www.scratch3d.org. You can also try Alice, which is different from Scratch but has a bunch of stuff in common.

8. <broadcast [ ] received> boolean
There is way too much ambiguity to how this would work. Would it return true of the broadcast was fired at any point since the project was created, since the green flag was clicked, since something else was broadcasted, etc.? If you really want to do something like this, instead just make a variable and set it to 1 and use the equals block.

9. Game badges/achievements
(Thanks Faillord!)
This would harm Scratch's purpose, and people would determine their social worth on the site based on achievements in games, and some users would act as if they are more important than others merely because they have more game badges.

10. Changing your username
It would be very difficult to keep track of people if the could change usernames, and users would likely be confused when someone they follow changes their username. Additionally, that would add another layer of difficulty to the moderation of the website, making it harder for the Scratch Team to follow what a user is doing.

11. Off-topic/misc. section on forums
One used to exist (available here), but it was shut down due to a large amount of “flame wars” and difficulty moderating.

12. A 13+ version of the website
Scratch is designed for all ages, and dividing the community would not really help anybody.

13. Digital currency
Digital currency might be cool for some Scratchers but can cause problems such as competition and not focusing on Scratch's purpose. Scratch itself is not a game.

14. Banning minor remixes
Remixes are allowed as long as at least something is changed, even if it's minor.

15. Adding a Rank Above Scratcher

DaSpudLord wrote:

Scratch is not a place for people to worry about ranks. The New Scratcher rank only exists to filter spam, and since it only takes 2 weeks to get a promotion, bullying and separation is minimal. Additionally, this would divide the community between those who have a high rank and those who have a low rank, and there would be lots of bragging and bullying coming from users of higher ranks.

16. Live editing

Paddle2See wrote:

I agree that it isn't something we can support right now, because of the moderation and technical issues, however I don't agree with the statement that it teaches bad collaboration techniques. Just because it isn't the way something is done now, or by most people, isn't always a good reason to reject it.

I do think it should be added to the rejection list because the moderation and technical issues are quite substantial and I don't think we should spend time discussing it until we have more resources available to address those.

Stuff that is still in progress but will be here later
Let me know when they are implemented!
1. Cloud lists and strings
I'm not quite sure what's going on with these. They were disabled originally due to a combination of server issues and questions over moderation (specifically chatrooms and similar communication tools that would be hard to moderate). I guess they're still working out those issues, but unfortunately there's no ETA on when (if ever) they will be back.

2. Scratch on mobile devices

Paddle2See wrote:

As for whether it is rejected or not - it may have been at one time. But times change and I know that our developers are currently working on tablet versions of Scratch. So I'll close this as an accepted suggestion.

3. Custom reporters
It looks like these are coming in Scratch 3.0.

Please tell me if there is incorrect/outdated information, or if there is something that should be added here!
Edit post
Maybe you should put changing usernames getting rejected?

Well hey there!
1000+ posts


preslyna wrote:

Maybe you should put changing usernames getting rejected?


I'm running a small experiment, mind taking this?
(╭☞¬ω¬)╭☞ Hello, I'm mostly dead
Oop, and apparently so is that link-
42 posts


Scratch Team Can u make multiplayer blocks?

when green flag clicked
say [MULTIPLAYER BLOCKS:D] for (2) secs


Hi! Don't follow me unless you want to. XD
I also make music and art hehehehehe pfft

when this sprite clicked
500+ posts


Before I suggest something, I read this entire thing. And when nothing is wrong, people come up to me and say it was rejected even though its not on here.
500+ posts


neeb132 wrote:

maybe this?

if <hidden> then
say [I'm hidden!]
That wouldn't be very fair to remixers.
1000+ posts


paws48 wrote:

Before I suggest something, I read this entire thing. And when nothing is wrong, people come up to me and say it was rejected even though its not on here.
Can you give an example of this? People will often leave in the number so you know where to find it if you look.

There's also the complete list, which is linked to in the OP.

I used to be active on the forums, but I have mostly moved past Scratch. I still do check my Scratch messages, so if you'd like to talk to me, just leave a comment on my profile. My main project on Scratch was Cookie Clicker, but my newest project is Snake Snake, a game based off of Snake, but with two snakes, and you can play either singleplayer or multiplayer.

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