Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Za-Chary wrote:

What do you mean? I am not a new forum user but I still do not understand it.

Last edited by R4356th (May 20, 2020 17:56:37)

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

R4356th wrote:

What do you mean? I am not a new forum user but I still do not understand it.

It's an acronym:

T he
O fficial
L ist
O f
R ejected
S uggestions

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

R4356th wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

What do you mean? I am not a new forum user but I still do not understand it.
TOLORS is the abbreviation of The Official List Of Rejected Suggestions.
Edit: Ninja’d

Last edited by jaguar1501 (May 20, 2020 17:58:58)

I moved!
Check out my new account!
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

R4356th wrote:

What do you mean? I am not a new forum user but I still do not understand it.

It's an acronym:

T he
O fficial
L ist
O f
R ejected
S uggestions
It sounds like it could be the name of a band.

Also, colors but with a t instead of a c.

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

M1mikyi wrote:

It sounds like it could be the name of a band.

Also, colors but with a t instead of a c.
It could be called COLORS if Za-Chary renames it to Complete Official List or Rejected Suggestions.

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

M1mikyi wrote:

It sounds like it could be the name of a band.

Also, colors but with a t instead of a c.
It could be called COLORS if Za-Chary renames it to Complete Official List or Rejected Suggestions.

Official list of rejected suggestions.

But the “the” sounds good.

And it is never complete, so adding complete into it doesn't make sense

Last edited by PizzaAddict4Life (May 20, 2020 22:14:22)

#SaveCubeupload | Kumquat Attack | Game in which you can submit your avatar

Be Moist | Forum Helpers


Press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN after highlighting a bit of my signature to see the rest of my signature (and keep doing it)

Whats a stick?

If you suggest that the days since 2000 block is removed, you are going to feel the wrath of my TNT recklessness

My kumquat protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Total Power: 35

Ok this is the end of my signature, but scroll down some more if you want some nice color hex codes.

Turquoise ish green: #17e67b
Epic nice blue: #0090c0
Cool light blue: #c4ffec, #a3ffe1, #85ffd7

Bippity Boppity Boo wow you found me congrats
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

PizzaAddict4Life wrote:

“COLORS,” was just a funny thought. Why are you bringing up grattamatical errors and bringing up points as to why it would never work?

100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

what does “-snip-” and “bump” mean in forums?

Signature protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Highlight part of this, then press: CTRL+ SHIFT+DOWN. And you will see the rest of this
when green flag clicked
if <following CZ2746> then
play sound [you are cool! v]
say [you are cool!]
say [Pls follow!]
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

CZ2746 wrote:

what does “-snip-” and “bump” mean in forums?
When you snip something, it means you cut out some text because it can make the post longer.

“Bump,” stands for Bring Up My Post. You “bump” a topic in order to bring it up to the latest page of the forums, allowing for more people to see it.

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

PizzaAddict4Life wrote:

“COLORS,” was just a funny thought. Why are you bringing up grattamatical errors and bringing up points as to why it would never work?

My human nature I guess. I did think it was funny but I did want to say something else then just “lol”

#SaveCubeupload | Kumquat Attack | Game in which you can submit your avatar

Be Moist | Forum Helpers


Press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN after highlighting a bit of my signature to see the rest of my signature (and keep doing it)

Whats a stick?

If you suggest that the days since 2000 block is removed, you are going to feel the wrath of my TNT recklessness

My kumquat protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Total Power: 35

Ok this is the end of my signature, but scroll down some more if you want some nice color hex codes.

Turquoise ish green: #17e67b
Epic nice blue: #0090c0
Cool light blue: #c4ffec, #a3ffe1, #85ffd7

Bippity Boppity Boo wow you found me congrats
100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

This belongs in the announcements section please movie it there here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/5/

I wish my games got as many views as my posts
play my game 1d chess or lukes nextbots .
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

MagicMaster14 wrote:

This belongs in the announcements section please movie it there here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/5/
No, it doesn't.
500+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

MagicMaster14 wrote:

This belongs in the announcements section please movie it there here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/5/

Check out my new Game
Flood Escape v1.0
I worked quite a bit of time on it. Use the arrow keys to progress upwards to escape the rising flood and try to escape the cave. Please consider playing it! Ctrl+shift+down to see the rest of my signature


 wam_clap :: #57BCFF
 mimicyu455:: #FF925B 
Lord_of_Fish :: #1F87FF
MoosyNinja :: #280B78
 Pawored0o :: sensing 
This is my signature… Luckily, an evil kumquat has not eaten it. Thanks to some of the guards
<<Bob the evil kumquat guard :: #787374 ?>  <Roger the other guard :: #0A0A0A>> :: #631700
I am Gipthepig424.
This is my signature.
So…. what are you doing here?
I will just say some things…
I guess…
My favourite color is Lime green
My favourite animal is a Pig
My posts:
(Posts:0 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] [ v] 1000)
( each [] means 50 posts, the first one being 0 < each [ v] means not completed yet
I will add more soon…
I guess…
See you…
Have a great day…

Why did you waste your time doing that?
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

MagicMaster14 wrote:

This belongs in the announcements section please movie it there here is the link https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/5/
No it doesn't. It belongs at the top of the Suggestions forum, so people can see if their suggestion is rejected before suggesting it.
EDIT: Triple Ninja'd XD

Last edited by jaguar1501 (May 21, 2020 16:13:48)

I moved!
Check out my new account!
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

I have an question regarding the forever if block, because it seems relevant here due to it recently being discussed.

With projects that included the block before it was removed, were they changed to the workaround?

Behold, Luna's Mimikyu army!! It got killed for a moment by an evil Lord Dome, but Lord Helix brought them back!!

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

M1mikyu wrote:

I have an question regarding the forever if block, because it seems relevant here due to it recently being discussed.

With projects that included the block before it was removed, were they changed to the workaround?

34 posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

What??? Cash block??? You people are sick.

Oh see, is a test account, the BEST test account! If you follow my main account KevinCreator you can be now the most happy person in the world!
100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

xXRedTheCoderXx wrote:

CZ2746 wrote:

what does “-snip-” and “bump” mean in forums?
When you snip something, it means you cut out some text because it can make the post longer.

“Bump,” stands for Bring Up My Post. You “bump” a topic in order to bring it up to the latest page of the forums, allowing for more people to see it.

Ok got it TY

Signature protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Highlight part of this, then press: CTRL+ SHIFT+DOWN. And you will see the rest of this
when green flag clicked
if <following CZ2746> then
play sound [you are cool! v]
say [you are cool!]
say [Pls follow!]
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Would scratch 4.0 be rejected?

Not permanently, just temporarily.


#SaveCubeupload | Kumquat Attack | Game in which you can submit your avatar

Be Moist | Forum Helpers


Press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN after highlighting a bit of my signature to see the rest of my signature (and keep doing it)

Whats a stick?

If you suggest that the days since 2000 block is removed, you are going to feel the wrath of my TNT recklessness

My kumquat protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Total Power: 35

Ok this is the end of my signature, but scroll down some more if you want some nice color hex codes.

Turquoise ish green: #17e67b
Epic nice blue: #0090c0
Cool light blue: #c4ffec, #a3ffe1, #85ffd7

Bippity Boppity Boo wow you found me congrats
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

PizzaAddict4Life wrote:

Would scratch 4.0 be rejected?

Not permanently, just temporarily.


If it is, let me just inform you that I've seen a lot of these types of suggestions around lately.

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/378000/ (Closed, but still popping up frequently.)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/377226/ (In Show and Tell, but seems more like a suggestion.)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/401059 (I believe the first of these suggestions. Got closed.)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/368595/ (In Project Ideas, but in the wrong place.)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/370783/ (Belongs in Suggestions but isn't.)

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/406596/ (Most recent one.)

I've seen more, but I can't find any more right now.

Last edited by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (May 22, 2020 15:23:15)

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