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500+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

IndianRuby718 wrote:

So, about suggestion 9.2, notifications when you get quoted. at the end it says “If you want to stay updated on a certain topic, you can always follow the topic and get notified on new posts that are made.” But this isn't the main reason this suggestion should be implemented.

IndianRuby718 wrote:

If for example someone posts “support” on a topic and leaves, then someone else quotes them and says “please say why you support”, the first person is never going to see that, because they aren't following the discussion.
The person being quoted probably has no reason to follow the topic if they came over for a simple “support” and leaves.

IndianRuby718 wrote:

[M]y example above [snip] is a very good reason for adding it that hasn't been mentioned. Also, [if it only counts direct quoting, and] if you only get one message no matter how many times someone quotes you up until you view the message, like for normal forum posts, then it can't be abused any more than the regular forums can, right? All the extra quoting would take up that whitespace, but there's no use from it, so the spammers would just stop…
But you could still be spammed if someone has quoted you each time you look at your messages. So I'm not asking to remove this from the rejected list, because I see the problems. I just want to see the above addressed in the reasons why it was rejected. [I also have two ideas to replace this suggestion, and I will make two topics about them, but I want to see what happens with this post first.]
If you want to know where I posted this, it's on here… but my post there was very long XD
Post 102…

Wow! That's a great explanation!

if you read this, thanks!
-spocite / posty / alien / the one who is going to take over the world someday (:<

why are all my posts in the suggestions forum

spocite wrote:

the real bruh moment was the friends we made along the way

a normal user can’t read this far, but you can! here's a free cake! tell me you got it on my profile!
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?

Last edited by p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- (Nov. 11, 2020 01:29:08)

23 posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is the most awesome game you should have played. (Even with an emulator!)
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?
I think that already is rejected.

i do stuff

image updates whenever i check
500+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?

I think but i have no thread to prove it

if you read this, thanks!
-spocite / posty / alien / the one who is going to take over the world someday (:<

why are all my posts in the suggestions forum

spocite wrote:

the real bruh moment was the friends we made along the way

a normal user can’t read this far, but you can! here's a free cake! tell me you got it on my profile!
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Za-Chary wrote:

RobotChickens wrote:

Are these blocks rejected?

<@greenFlag clicked?::sensing>
When @greenFlag clicked? = [false v]::events hat

When @greenFlag clicked? = [true v]::events hat
I'm just going to stop the discussion here and confirm that yes, although the definitions are somewhat ambiguous, they are not explicitly rejected. Feel free to make your own topic suggesting them.

Hold on there. The OP asked if the suggestion was rejected. You said “yes”, then turned around and said that it's not rejected.

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?
I'm not sure if it was explicitly “rejected” in the classical sense, but I do know that it was considered and then not implemented due to the potential of spam.

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

Hold on there. The OP asked if the suggestion was rejected. You said “yes”, then turned around and said that it's not rejected.
bruh chill i was building off of what others said

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Would being able to enable being notified from your username with an @ be rejected?
That would be cool, and i dont think so, yet
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Za-Chary wrote:

bruh chill i was building off of what others said

So, is it rejected, or not? Basically, you answered the “Is this rejected” question with “yes”, and then said it's not rejected? What?

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

bruh chill i was building off of what others said

So, is it rejected, or not? Basically, you answered the “Is this rejected” question with “yes”, and then said it's not rejected? What?
I think the answer “Yes, it's not rejected” while slightly confusing is perfectly clear.

Last edited by fdreerf (Nov. 11, 2020 03:58:15)

Hyped for MS-DOS 11.0
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

bruh chill i was building off of what others said

So, is it rejected, or not? Basically, you answered the “Is this rejected” question with “yes”, and then said it's not rejected? What?
He's saying it's not rejected.

God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:17

Saying “Support” or “No Support” doesn't contribute anything to the conversation.
A question that has already been answered doesn't need to be answered twice with the same answer - bring something new to the table.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

EZ-Games wrote:

He's saying it's not rejected.

Thanks for the clarification.

5 posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

I wish there was a website for scratch. But for like 13+ so we could have some features we can't on here.
100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

BlahBlahBoy22 wrote:

I wish there was a website for scratch. But for like 13+ so we could have some features we can't on here.
That has already been rejected

Reached 150+ Posts

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Za-Chary wrote:

4.1 Disable “See Inside” or restrict sharing
Some users want an option to prevent Scratchers from looking inside their project and using their artwork, scripts, or sounds. However, the core ideas of Scratch are "Imagine, Program, Share.“ By sharing a project on the Scratch website, you are allowing others to see the code and potentially remix or reuse the data inside, as long as they give credit. That being said, please use the Report any project that uses content from another Scratcher without giving credit to them. If you do not want other users to see inside your project, then do not share your project on the Scratch website.

Restricting sharing so that only certain users can view the project is also not going to be implemented. It is important for projects to be publicly shared for everyone to see so people can report them if they are inappropriate. Only allowing certain users to view projects could increase the chances of inappropriate projects being shared on the website. ”Unlisted projects," similar to a YouTube feature, will also not be implemented for the same reason. It could also be used for private messaging; for more information, see #7.1 on this list.
I have something that falls in this category, but doesn't align with the reasoning, so here:
Would restricting sharing for a class count? For example, if I create a school project, but I'm on my school account, and I want to send it to my teacher, but I don't want anybody else to see (It might be something personal, like an apology letter for talking out in class) then I could privately share with my teacher AND ONLY MY TEACHER so that they can see it?

1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

4.1 Disable “See Inside” or restrict sharing
Some users want an option to prevent Scratchers from looking inside their project and using their artwork, scripts, or sounds. However, the core ideas of Scratch are "Imagine, Program, Share.“ By sharing a project on the Scratch website, you are allowing others to see the code and potentially remix or reuse the data inside, as long as they give credit. That being said, please use the Report any project that uses content from another Scratcher without giving credit to them. If you do not want other users to see inside your project, then do not share your project on the Scratch website.

Restricting sharing so that only certain users can view the project is also not going to be implemented. It is important for projects to be publicly shared for everyone to see so people can report them if they are inappropriate. Only allowing certain users to view projects could increase the chances of inappropriate projects being shared on the website. ”Unlisted projects," similar to a YouTube feature, will also not be implemented for the same reason. It could also be used for private messaging; for more information, see #7.1 on this list.
I have something that falls in this category, but doesn't align with the reasoning, so here:
Would restricting sharing for a class count? For example, if I create a school project, but I'm on my school account, and I want to send it to my teacher, but I don't want anybody else to see (It might be something personal, like an apology letter for talking out in class) then I could privately share with my teacher AND ONLY MY TEACHER so that they can see it?
I think that probably falls under the rejected line, but I may be wrong.

However, you could also simply download the .sb3 file, and email that to your teacher. Then, your teacher can import it to see what you have created.

this is a link
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

Ihatr wrote:

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

Za-Chary wrote:

4.1 Disable “See Inside” or restrict sharing
Some users want an option to prevent Scratchers from looking inside their project and using their artwork, scripts, or sounds. However, the core ideas of Scratch are "Imagine, Program, Share.“ By sharing a project on the Scratch website, you are allowing others to see the code and potentially remix or reuse the data inside, as long as they give credit. That being said, please use the Report any project that uses content from another Scratcher without giving credit to them. If you do not want other users to see inside your project, then do not share your project on the Scratch website.

Restricting sharing so that only certain users can view the project is also not going to be implemented. It is important for projects to be publicly shared for everyone to see so people can report them if they are inappropriate. Only allowing certain users to view projects could increase the chances of inappropriate projects being shared on the website. ”Unlisted projects," similar to a YouTube feature, will also not be implemented for the same reason. It could also be used for private messaging; for more information, see #7.1 on this list.
I have something that falls in this category, but doesn't align with the reasoning, so here:
Would restricting sharing for a class count? For example, if I create a school project, but I'm on my school account, and I want to send it to my teacher, but I don't want anybody else to see (It might be something personal, like an apology letter for talking out in class) then I could privately share with my teacher AND ONLY MY TEACHER so that they can see it?
I think that probably falls under the rejected line, but I may be wrong.

However, you could also simply download the .sb3 file, and email that to your teacher. Then, your teacher can import it to see what you have created.
I don't actually have a school account, so this doesn't pose an issue, but I know it does for others.

100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

when green flag clicked
say [i still didnt understand what this forum is for...] for (until they make me understand) secs

This is Bing. Bing is a cute pet that protects me from hackers and viruses on the internet. Also He protects me from online bullying. He is cool and answers my questions. For example:
“How to calm down?”
Google: *doesn't really have its own result*
Bing: Breathe slowly. When you’re stressed, you tend to breathe in short, shallow breaths and it creates even more anxiety.
Try a guided meditation or visualization. I swear, meditation changed my life. Guided meditations are very easy to follow even if you’re a beginner.
Do mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness is a scientifically proven way to calm down and become more resilient day by day.
Yahoo: I don't even have text boxes like google idiot —-┐< He takes his gun and smashes Yahoo because he said idiot to me.
1000+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

iltersinav2b wrote:

when green flag clicked
say [i still didnt understand what this forum is for...] for (until they make me understand) secs
It's so that users don't suggest things that won't be implemented, along with detailed explanations why.

100+ posts

The Official List of Rejected Suggestions

p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- wrote:

iltersinav2b wrote:

when green flag clicked
say [i still didnt understand what this forum is for...] for (until they make me understand) secs
It's so that users don't suggest things that won't be implemented, along with detailed explanations why.

This is Bing. Bing is a cute pet that protects me from hackers and viruses on the internet. Also He protects me from online bullying. He is cool and answers my questions. For example:
“How to calm down?”
Google: *doesn't really have its own result*
Bing: Breathe slowly. When you’re stressed, you tend to breathe in short, shallow breaths and it creates even more anxiety.
Try a guided meditation or visualization. I swear, meditation changed my life. Guided meditations are very easy to follow even if you’re a beginner.
Do mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness is a scientifically proven way to calm down and become more resilient day by day.
Yahoo: I don't even have text boxes like google idiot —-┐< He takes his gun and smashes Yahoo because he said idiot to me.

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