Discuss Scratch

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New ways to get started with Scratch!

Scratcher1002 wrote:

I'm confused though, in the editor there's a link to the tips page, but on the side there's a tips window with basically everything on the tips page…?

Why is there a window, and a link to a page when both basically serve the same purpose, except one takes you out of the editor?

I do not know.
40 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Hey. Don't worry! We can still go to the scratch wiki- we can access it on the header from there!
Honestly, I knew these forums existed, but I never really used them. I agree with how new scratchers wouldn't be able to find it, but sometimes the forums could be filled- and I mean filled, with spam. I really like the new tips space, and I think that may be enough help.

Now the question- Why, did they remove it.
There's a simple answer- It's that, in other languages, the header bar is FILLED with the options, and now that was probably one of the only ways to fix it.
Also, imagine if you got a message EVERY SINGLE TIME Discuss was clicked. The point is, the forums are overused. They wanted more people to be innovative.
say [It's not a big deal. It was good while it lasted. RIP discussion header, you will be missed.] for (2) secs

This is Yello. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.

if <[Greenshi] = [Online]> then 
go to [ his profile ]
say [Hi, my friend!]

set [Greenshi] to [Online]
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

WolfCat67 wrote:

I like the inclusion of a tips bar, but I'm not too stoked about the “Discuss” option being removed…
Oh, I guess I was first or something.


I'm a basically a potato or cat or something with a very dark sense of humor who likes steampunk, traditional art, Skyrim, etc.

Anyone wanna RP with me?

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New ways to get started with Scratch!

100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

I kind of have mixed feelings about the discuss tab. I did go on it from time to time, but usually to request for something or get coding help. I'm sure this is the same situation with others, especially people getting to know the program and that need extra help. This brings up the tips tab, the replacement of the discuss tab. While it does help new scratchers in navigating basic coding, that can also be accessed in the editor, which can be entered from the Create tab. The Create tab defines itself, so new scratchers would likely go there when they first start. Now, I wouldn't mind having to scroll down to click a link, heck, I could just bookmark the forums. But apparently, some people find this unneeded extra clicks. But I am going to have to agree with the majority here and say that I want it back. I hope some people agree, and the scratch team isn't suffering too much from the backlash.
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!


Bring it back please! Now I have to do the obscure way.
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

If you want to see https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/158109540/ (Really popular. Don't. mean to brag), tell me if you like it or not.

100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

smartyshrihan wrote:

If you want to see https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/158109540/ (Really popular. Don't. mean to brag), tell me if you like it or not.

please don't advertise in an unrelated forum post

From: SuperRedCoder, a fellow scratcher. Have a nice day!

Love food? Really?

—– https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/160612248/ —–

It awaits your click.

100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

SuperRedCoder wrote:

smartyshrihan wrote:

If you want to see https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/158109540/ (Really popular. Don't. mean to brag), tell me if you like it or not.

please don't advertise in an unrelated forum post

But look at https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/146521/comments/#comments-31906149

1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

So I recently noticed that there was an addition of a “tips” bar, but that the discuss link and the help link were removed. I believe that most new scratchers (myself included) would go straight to the “create” bar, become confused, and look at the tips bar inside the project creation screen. However, the addition of the new “tips” bar has the same information as the “tips” section in the “create” screen.

This is the old heading. The “help” section, being the same amount of letters as “tips”, could have been replaced with “tips”. “Create, Explore, Discuss, and Tips” would be what I would imagine the heading to be, with “about” in the footer (or having a link someplace else). So “discuss” probably wasn't removed because of lack of space, unless there was a problem with space beforehand.

Even though I usually located “discuss” from my messages (new forum post), having the discuss button in the footer-which is rarely looked at- would lessen the amount of new people arriving to the forums.

So if there's a new upgrade coming to the forums, that would be fine. I just wanted to put my opinion out here that I don't feel that its “we'll get used to it eventually”, its that we could get used to it, but nobody new would arrive. So…yeah.

I think the wolves took my signature. maybe take a look jasper (SU) memorial
Undertale fan, Pokemon fan, and wolf artist! Team Mystic (Team Rocket, Galactic and Plasma = my teams)

1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

PrincessPandaLover wrote:


Bring it back please! Now I have to do the obscure way.
I know.. (Sigh)

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“I'm still figuring out who I am, but I know I'm not who I was.” -Brendon Urie
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

st19_galla wrote:

Hey guys,

I know that some of us are very disappointed that the “Discuss” tab has been removed. I know we are all so used to it being there and how it was a really nice way to get to the forums fast. However, I encourage you to look at it from a New Scratcher's point of view. Scratch's main concepts are to “Imagine, Program, and Share”. The Create tab obviously gives the ‘program’ aspect, Explore the ‘share’, and now with the new Tips tab, there are lot's of resources to help get New Scratcher's accustomed to ‘Imagining’ all that they can do with Scratch. The Discuss tab never really fit into those three central components (except for the Show and Tell forum). No one can argue that the forums aren't a huge part of Scratch and a great resource, but they simply do not fall under the 3 things that the Scratch Team is targeting for New Scratchers to be exposed to. I know it's not ideal, but for the good of hundreds of thousands of children across the world being given the wonderful opportunity to Imagine, Program, and Share, can't we deal with having to scroll to the bottom of the page or clicking the link on the actual Tips page? I promise it won't take long to get used to haha.


I don't see how the discuss tab being removed will help new users. You don't need to put a cap on having each tab directly related to “Imagine, Program, Share”. Anyway, it fits in pretty well under “share”, because people can share their knowledge, or advertise without being considered disrespectful. Will a simple button appear daunting to new Scratchers? Of course not, it will do the opposite! A few months ago I started working on a project that used scrolling, but I was having problems with the collision. I decided to ask for help there, and someone helped me fix it! Because I was having trouble, I naturally went to where others with more experience could help me. Is what you explain really a new Scratcher's point of view?

Last edited by EpicCoder2002 (July 6, 2017 03:00:55)

500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Personally, I think tips was an amazing thing to add. Easier for new scratchers, and as someone said, 'the first step to mobile Scratch. But there are a lot of us that are mad about the Discuss button, we have used it a lot, and this is very inconvenient, please bring it back!
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Also, I never would have gotten introduced to forums if it wasn't a big button at the top of the screen. It will be harder to finda and less people will use it!
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Nice update, but removing the discuss tab was unnecessary imo.

say [What is life]
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Why did ST delete “Discuss” on Navigation Bar?
Why didn't ST put “Tips” and “Discuss”?
Almost everyone uses the Discuss,but the Tips is for New Scratcher.
I don't need to change it.
If you agree it,please quote it.

署名は、ディスカッションフォーラムの機能である。署名は、その人のすべての投稿の下部に追加される。署名は、BBCodeで記述できる。 署名を追加/変更/削除したい場合は、ディスカッションフォーラムのホームの一番下に行き、「Change your signature」を押す。署名の大きさは150pxまでである。これには、改行、画像を含む。- Japanese Scratch-Wiki 「署名
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

apple502j wrote:

Why did ST delete “Discuss” on Navigation Bar?
Why didn't ST put “Tips” and “Discuss”?
Almost everyone uses the Discuss,but the Tips is for New Scratcher.
I don't need to change it.
If you agree it,please quote it.
I agree.

hi! I'm yzyzyz, the owner of the #bring_it_back studio, a sticky, 400+ projects and 500+ posts.
I am an active scratcher.
advertise in my signature!
ad:Urgently need a popular animation? If you do, check out Every Time I Share A Project, by Randomness-TV!
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

When I was new on WildlifeWavesgames I didn’t even know tips was there in the corner. I made my own games rather than learning how to make a game already made on Scratch. What about the “imagine” part in the motto?

Please refer to me as Carry
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❝Life is like a tower. Remove one block and the whole thing comes tumbling down. — Carriage
Hey! Carry here. I’m 11, a girl, and I love making animations. Don’t forget to visit my profile! See you soon!
Scratch! :: #00EDFF
Imagine, :: #FF0000
Program, :: #FFFF00
Share :: #00E300
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

If ST provide another safety discussion tool,they can delete its link.Otherwise,they mustn't delete it!
Scratch is Community.It's not only an IDE.Maybe another visual programming languages don't have community.What can we do?
I'm sorry.I can't write English well.

署名は、ディスカッションフォーラムの機能である。署名は、その人のすべての投稿の下部に追加される。署名は、BBCodeで記述できる。 署名を追加/変更/削除したい場合は、ディスカッションフォーラムのホームの一番下に行き、「Change your signature」を押す。署名の大きさは150pxまでである。これには、改行、画像を含む。- Japanese Scratch-Wiki 「署名
6 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

goldencomet3_test wrote:

when green flag clicked
play sound [New Scratch Updates v] until done
say [Noooooo!]

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