Discuss Scratch

49 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

WolfCat67 wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Please, just consider bringing “Discuss” back. I used Inspect Element, fixed it in three seconds (with the link and everything), and took the screenshot. It shouldn't be difficult at all to just add the link inside of the page. Especially considering the fact that it would take up the same amount of space as it used to in the old header, as “Tips” has the same amount of characters as “Help”. Even in other languages, I highly doubt it would be that big of an issue.

Now, about the argument that the Discuss link being removed encourages Create and Explore, as well as becoming a better Scratcher, that's strictly not true. After all, the place was already pretty obscure (now becoming even more obscure), so of course it did not deter a lot of people from creating projects or checking out others. However, even if they did go to the forums, it'd be extremely helpful to anyone needing help. What's better: A page full of tips for Scratchers, or asking for help and getting exact specific answers to help them out from experienced Scratchers? That second place is what the forums can be for almost anyone. You can also advertise, making your projects more popular, ask basic questions, and get ideas for projects.

And no, don't just think “well they can check out the footer”, because that's just not something people do. Trust me, the forums were quite obscure before due to the “Discuss” name not being specific (if it were to come back, just name it “forums”), but now that they're in the footer, nobody will view it except the people who were already here. Nobody new will be trying to join. Believe me, NOBODY checks the footer except for people looking for the wiki, wiki editors checking for references, or people just linking to the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, which is a small amount of people relative to the vast amount of people on the Scratch website.

And about the reasoning that “It doesn't get enough clicks”, removing it doesn't seem to solve any problems here. You're just taking something that was obscure… And making it more obscure? Why would that be a good idea?

Please consider this entire thing. Thanks.

Yes, I agree. The tips button is nice, but I really like the forums and I just told my friend about it (He's now really excited about it…) and now he can't play with it (At least it'll be harder) But I really liked the Discuss button. Pleease bring it back! (Wow, this like my longest forum post ever)

Hi! I'm Everest-Pets. I make games and art.

3 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

everest-pets wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Please, just consider bringing “Discuss” back. I used Inspect Element, fixed it in three seconds (with the link and everything), and took the screenshot. It shouldn't be difficult at all to just add the link inside of the page. Especially considering the fact that it would take up the same amount of space as it used to in the old header, as “Tips” has the same amount of characters as “Help”. Even in other languages, I highly doubt it would be that big of an issue.

Now, about the argument that the Discuss link being removed encourages Create and Explore, as well as becoming a better Scratcher, that's strictly not true. After all, the place was already pretty obscure (now becoming even more obscure), so of course it did not deter a lot of people from creating projects or checking out others. However, even if they did go to the forums, it'd be extremely helpful to anyone needing help. What's better: A page full of tips for Scratchers, or asking for help and getting exact specific answers to help them out from experienced Scratchers? That second place is what the forums can be for almost anyone. You can also advertise, making your projects more popular, ask basic questions, and get ideas for projects.

And no, don't just think “well they can check out the footer”, because that's just not something people do. Trust me, the forums were quite obscure before due to the “Discuss” name not being specific (if it were to come back, just name it “forums”), but now that they're in the footer, nobody will view it except the people who were already here. Nobody new will be trying to join. Believe me, NOBODY checks the footer except for people looking for the wiki, wiki editors checking for references, or people just linking to the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, which is a small amount of people relative to the vast amount of people on the Scratch website.

And about the reasoning that “It doesn't get enough clicks”, removing it doesn't seem to solve any problems here. You're just taking something that was obscure… And making it more obscure? Why would that be a good idea?

Please consider this entire thing. Thanks.

Yes, I agree. The tips button is nice, but I really like the forums and I just told my friend about it (He's now really excited about it…) and now he can't play with it (At least it'll be harder) But I really liked the Discuss button. Pleease bring it back! (Wow, this like my longest forum post ever)

I agree with this statement.
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

448stargirl wrote:

everest-pets wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Please, just consider bringing “Discuss” back. I used Inspect Element, fixed it in three seconds (with the link and everything), and took the screenshot. It shouldn't be difficult at all to just add the link inside of the page. Especially considering the fact that it would take up the same amount of space as it used to in the old header, as “Tips” has the same amount of characters as “Help”. Even in other languages, I highly doubt it would be that big of an issue.

Now, about the argument that the Discuss link being removed encourages Create and Explore, as well as becoming a better Scratcher, that's strictly not true. After all, the place was already pretty obscure (now becoming even more obscure), so of course it did not deter a lot of people from creating projects or checking out others. However, even if they did go to the forums, it'd be extremely helpful to anyone needing help. What's better: A page full of tips for Scratchers, or asking for help and getting exact specific answers to help them out from experienced Scratchers? That second place is what the forums can be for almost anyone. You can also advertise, making your projects more popular, ask basic questions, and get ideas for projects.

And no, don't just think “well they can check out the footer”, because that's just not something people do. Trust me, the forums were quite obscure before due to the “Discuss” name not being specific (if it were to come back, just name it “forums”), but now that they're in the footer, nobody will view it except the people who were already here. Nobody new will be trying to join. Believe me, NOBODY checks the footer except for people looking for the wiki, wiki editors checking for references, or people just linking to the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, which is a small amount of people relative to the vast amount of people on the Scratch website.

And about the reasoning that “It doesn't get enough clicks”, removing it doesn't seem to solve any problems here. You're just taking something that was obscure… And making it more obscure? Why would that be a good idea?

Please consider this entire thing. Thanks.

Yes, I agree. The tips button is nice, but I really like the forums and I just told my friend about it (He's now really excited about it…) and now he can't play with it (At least it'll be harder) But I really liked the Discuss button. Pleease bring it back! (Wow, this like my longest forum post ever)

I agree with this statement.

Me too. Discuss is a place for kids to get together and talk about anything they want, but the average Scratch user is probably in their teens and won't be occupied by a pong game or something similar for more than five or ten minutes. Today's humans have an instinct to get together and talk about cool stuff, even on the Internet with people they hardly know. If you put the link to the forums somewhere that it is unlikely to be found, you would only ruin the instinct. Even worse is distracting people from their natural thirst by using bland animations and games.

Also, I have a way to get more people to support us. I am a (wo)man with a plan.

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

448stargirl wrote:

everest-pets wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

Dear Scratch Team,

Please, just consider bringing “Discuss” back. I used Inspect Element, fixed it in three seconds (with the link and everything), and took the screenshot. It shouldn't be difficult at all to just add the link inside of the page. Especially considering the fact that it would take up the same amount of space as it used to in the old header, as “Tips” has the same amount of characters as “Help”. Even in other languages, I highly doubt it would be that big of an issue.

Now, about the argument that the Discuss link being removed encourages Create and Explore, as well as becoming a better Scratcher, that's strictly not true. After all, the place was already pretty obscure (now becoming even more obscure), so of course it did not deter a lot of people from creating projects or checking out others. However, even if they did go to the forums, it'd be extremely helpful to anyone needing help. What's better: A page full of tips for Scratchers, or asking for help and getting exact specific answers to help them out from experienced Scratchers? That second place is what the forums can be for almost anyone. You can also advertise, making your projects more popular, ask basic questions, and get ideas for projects.

And no, don't just think “well they can check out the footer”, because that's just not something people do. Trust me, the forums were quite obscure before due to the “Discuss” name not being specific (if it were to come back, just name it “forums”), but now that they're in the footer, nobody will view it except the people who were already here. Nobody new will be trying to join. Believe me, NOBODY checks the footer except for people looking for the wiki, wiki editors checking for references, or people just linking to the Terms of Use or Community Guidelines, which is a small amount of people relative to the vast amount of people on the Scratch website.

And about the reasoning that “It doesn't get enough clicks”, removing it doesn't seem to solve any problems here. You're just taking something that was obscure… And making it more obscure? Why would that be a good idea?

Please consider this entire thing. Thanks.

Yes, I agree. The tips button is nice, but I really like the forums and I just told my friend about it (He's now really excited about it…) and now he can't play with it (At least it'll be harder) But I really liked the Discuss button. Pleease bring it back! (Wow, this like my longest forum post ever)

I agree with this statement.
Me too. I mean, the forums are a really, REALLY special part of Scratch! I mean, I know this just started out as a place where anyone can easily learn how to program, but the forums make it something more!!! They help you to get help, learn about the latest Scratch news and announcements (Such as this terrible (I don't want to be TOO negative here, just enough to get my point across.) change to the website.), advertise your amazing projects, get other people's projects featured, and meet other people with your same interests (AND making Scratch a lot less lonely…).

Why, Scratch Team, WHY?!?!?!?! WHY did you make it harder for new people to find one of the best things (In my opinion.) that Scratch has to offer?! A safe (At least, "safe" compared to other places on the Internet) environment for people of all ages, ANYONE, REALLY, to discuss AMAZING THINGS?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, and, one question, does “Help” even still EXIST?!?!?! I sure hope it does. That was how I would easily get to the Wiki to look up answers to some of my questions and stuff, and I'm sure a LOT of people got to it that way as well….!!!!

Edit: Oh, wait at LEAST the Wiki still exists…! (Although, it's not as easy to get to now. Thanks so much, Scratch Team…! Ugh….!) But they got RID of the “Help” page entirely! When I try to go to help, by typing "https://scratch.mit.edu/help“ into the URL at the top of the screen, it just redirects me to ”Tips"! UGH!!! (And, for some, weird reason, I think I feel insulted now by this change, even though I SHOULDN'T be!!! Ugh…!

Last edited by SonicFan91 (July 6, 2017 14:49:00)

“I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.” - a website called “Funny Puns”
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?

Does n!+1=m^2 have interger solutions apart from n=4,5,7?
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Why did you move it in the first place? The “Tips” option is helpful, sure, but still! New Scratchers can't get to the discussion tab at all! They can't access this forum, because, guess what? It's in the discussion forum! Which is where? Not were they'd think to find it!

1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

PintOfMilk wrote:

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?
Nice. Although some people at the #bring_it_back studio were thinking about an option to replace “About” with “Discuss” after you've joined the website, because it's pretty much only useful for people that haven't already joined.

1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

bunnyboots wrote:

Hey Scratch Team! I just started to use this and now its bit harder it get to. Please put it back on the Scratch page.

Sorry to bother you.
The forums? You could bookmark this direct link

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

WolfCat67 wrote:

PintOfMilk wrote:

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?
Nice. Although some people at the #bring_it_back studio were thinking about an option to replace “About” with “Discuss” after you've joined the website, because it's pretty much only useful for people that haven't already joined.

Yeah. I suggested something similar-Signed out users and New Scratchers have Tips, but Scratchers and ST have Discuss and Help. Good compromise?

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf
1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

nickeljorn wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

PintOfMilk wrote:

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?
Nice. Although some people at the #bring_it_back studio were thinking about an option to replace “About” with “Discuss” after you've joined the website, because it's pretty much only useful for people that haven't already joined.

Yeah. I suggested something similar-Signed out users and New Scratchers have Tips, but Scratchers and ST have Discuss and Help. Good compromise?
However, you would be able to change it in Settings. Right?

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Lots of scratchers have been sharing their opinions about this, so I guess I'll share mine. Since the only way to access the Discussion forums now is to go to the bottom under community and click ‘Discussion Forums’, will new scratchers who don't know about them yet be able to discover them? I certainly know that I never scrolled to the bottom of the page when I was new or even after that. What about scratchers who already know about the Discussion forums? Unless they can get to this post, will some of them even know how to get to the Discussion forums? After there have been new posts and this one is no longer on the "Updates' bar, will some scratchers who go away from scratch for summer or even just a few weeks will have no idea what happened or how to access the Discussion Forums when they come back. I hope that you and the other Scratch team members will revisit this decision. Thank you for your time.

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100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

yzyzyz wrote:

FancyFoxy wrote:

yzyzyz wrote:

FancyFoxy wrote:

yzyzyz wrote:

dietbacon wrote:


nooooooooooooooo! I want the discuss button in the normal place. no one new will go to the discussions page! try to place it in the profile drop down menu.
Why would it be in the profile dropdown menu? It doesn't have much to do with your profile.
I was just suggesting something. you need to have it somewhere visible.
It is visible at the bottom of all Scratch pages.
but it's not that visible. at all.
Yah, not many people look at the bottom of a page that often. If you don't put it somehwere noticeable, no one will know about it and use it. A lot of the categories of forums/discussions are already dead enough on Scratch compared to the number of registered users, so doing this would only make these categories, and some that aren't very dead, even more dead or start to die.

I use Scratch on a 2022 M2 Macbook Air that is running the last version of macOS Ventura, and the Google Chrome web broswer. I also occasionally use the Scratch offline editor.
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

bigpuppy wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

PintOfMilk wrote:

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?
Nice. Although some people at the #bring_it_back studio were thinking about an option to replace “About” with “Discuss” after you've joined the website, because it's pretty much only useful for people that haven't already joined.

Yeah. I suggested something similar-Signed out users and New Scratchers have Tips, but Scratchers and ST have Discuss and Help. Good compromise?
However, you would be able to change it in Settings. Right?
If you did that, new Scratchers couldn't ask for help in the discussions. A good amount of the discussions in the forums were from new Scratchers asking for help. Couldn't the Scratch Team leave the tips button and the discussion button in? Because the search bar is fairly long and takes up a good amount of space that could easily go to both tabs, and not make searching long terms that much worse.

I use Scratch on a 2022 M2 Macbook Air that is running the last version of macOS Ventura, and the Google Chrome web broswer. I also occasionally use the Scratch offline editor.
100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

I like the tips bar, it gives people an idea about how to get started on scratch.

100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

I like the tips bar.

500+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

miles854 wrote:

bigpuppy wrote:

nickeljorn wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

PintOfMilk wrote:

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks. Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I can see there are a lot of passionate forum users here! I understand that change is difficult, especially when it is a change you disagree with. However, it should be noted that this is not something we've decided to do on a whim. We've thought about this a lot and the decision was made after a lot of discussion and examination of the numbers. We want to make sure that Scratch is easily accessible and welcoming to new users - this helps them become acquainted with Scratch so that they can learn all about the awesome things that you all already know. Placing more emphasis on things like Create, Explore, and Tips help with this. The discussion forums, while absolutely a great resource in the long term, can be a confusing and overwhelming introduction to Scratch when users first arrive. And as many people have already pointed out, the discussion forums are not used by many Scratchers. In fact, only 0.8% of active Scratchers have even looked at the forums in the past month.

The discussion forums aren't disappearing, they are still there, and you can always find them by going to the footer or using the direct link. We plan to examine ways we might better point to the forums in the future - ways that will make more sense so that new users do not feel overwhelmed or lost. Thanks again for all the thoughtful feedback and Scratch On!
Here's an idea - for me tips is useless - can you give me the option to replace it with discuss?
Nice. Although some people at the #bring_it_back studio were thinking about an option to replace “About” with “Discuss” after you've joined the website, because it's pretty much only useful for people that haven't already joined.

Yeah. I suggested something similar-Signed out users and New Scratchers have Tips, but Scratchers and ST have Discuss and Help. Good compromise?
However, you would be able to change it in Settings. Right?
If you did that, new Scratchers couldn't ask for help in the discussions. A good amount of the discussions in the forums were from new Scratchers asking for help. Couldn't the Scratch Team leave the tips button and the discussion button in? Because the search bar is fairly long and takes up a good amount of space that could easily go to both tabs, and not make searching long terms that much worse.
Yes, we REALLY need the “Discussion” button. Then, New Scratchers (Or anyone, really, but ESPECIALLY the New Scratchers) can ask for help, and they could ALSO use the “Tips” Button. I ALSO think they need to bring the “help” button back, because that was a easy and good way to access the Wiki, which is ALSO really helpful, ESPECIALLY if you're new. I can tell you and everyone that it was a BIG help back when I was new here, and it STILL IS today…! But NOW, there's really not as easy or as obvious a way to get there.

“I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.” - a website called “Funny Puns”
12 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

Wait! The Tips bar was not ALWAYS THERE!?

when green flag clicked
broadcast [MANDELA EFFECT???? v]

or I can see the future

Last edited by gilmy (July 6, 2017 16:04:20)

1000+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

sorry………… gonna drop in my Two Cents here dont mind me >:0

first and foremost, the ST should be able to modify the site to their tastes, so before making any outright complaints and demands, please do keep that in mind. :" )
that being said, and moving on to the new display, only the users with long-term activity post in the forums on a relatively regular basis, and while I agree that the change may be an inconvenience to those who do make use of said forums regularly, the modification to the site layout likely will not significantly hinder posting activity to active users - and, as planned, will still be accessible to newcomers.
even so, forum accessibility is now mildly aggravating, not to mention that to the vast majority of slightly more experienced users the new tips bar offers little in the way of help, so as others have suggested, perhaps a change could be implemented there. regardless, the ST is expending time and effort to improve the site, and that is something we should appreciate - discuss tab or no discuss tab. : )

100+ posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

May someone please explain what this is—?

ceebee wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

I can't find the “Discuss” option inside of the footer. Is that meant to happen?

In the footer, under “Community”, you will see a link to “Discussion Forums”. You can also always access the forums with this url: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/

May someone please explain what this is—?
2 posts

New ways to get started with Scratch!

I love the fact that new scratchers are able to access tips on making projects, but the discussion button disappeared

This is my favorite emoji (zoom in)

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