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  • » ☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Seam49 wrote:

dude341 wrote:

Remember, my art order

dude341 wrote:

Username: dude341
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Art
Description of work: I want these 6 48x48 and 256x256 icons in the style of Windows 95 icons (adding up to 12 icons in total): A grey check mark, a yellow exclamation mark, a grey X mark, a green check mark, a yellow = symbol, and a red X mark.
Colours: (if art) See above
When you want it done: Tuesday-Wednesday (10/23-24)
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
is due in 1-2 days!
Kay, I'll take it!
Music Form:
Username: dude341
What kind of music do you want: See “anything else”
Who do you want doing it: Anyone
When do you want it done: See “anything else”
Are you going to leave a review: Maybe
Anything else: OK, so this is an order a bit different from a standard music order. If you make music, you should know what a MIDI is, right? Even if you don't, you should have an option to export as a MIDI in your music making program. If you don't, then “Anvil Studio” is a great free music making program that can export as a MIDI. A MIDI is a special type of music file, that instead of just containing audio, instead it contains where the notes are and what instruments (from a selection of 128 instruments which will be familiar if you've ever used the note blocks in Scratch 1.4.) to use. It's how apps like Synthesia work and stuff. Anyway, what I would like is a recreation of the Wii Sports track “Tennis (Training)” (here) in the MIDI format. Basically just listen to that song and try to recreate the song yourself. Try and get the instruments as close as possible and use multiple instruments, not just one. I understand that recreating a song by just listening is very hard so you can get it done by December (NOTE: In the original order I meant December 1st. Due to the delay I will raise this to December 25th) to give you enough time. Please do not simply run the original song through a “MP3 to MIDI” converter, they are not meant for this type of thing and will just create a jumbled mess of piano notes! Thank you!
This order was put on the unclaimed orders but because there were a lot of orders, it might be missed, so I'll repost it again.

Last edited by dude341 (Oct. 22, 2018 20:40:19)

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳


Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Music
Description of work: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur without his voice singing so I can add myself.
Colours: (if art) None
When you want it done: ASAP please!
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Please make sure he's not in it so I can voice over myself.
Taken! (By the way, that would be called an instrumental. The music without the singing is just the instruments, therefore, it's an instrumental. Unless you want the background singers, if there are any.)
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

when I receive [no activity for 2+ hours v]
broadcast [bump v] and wait

when I receive [bump v]
say [Hey people! Do things! Take some unclaimed orders or something!]
practice (scratchblocks)::motion
say [I'm sorry if this counts as blockspam, but at least it's a bump!]
7 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Okay, this is weird. I'm on here on my side account. Weird. Anyways, I have an order!
Username: @kinkajou710 (@pinkiepie710 is my main)
Work you want done: Advertising
Description of work: I'd like someone to advertise my roleplay (https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5527933/). Don't advertise directly onto profiles (OR PROJECTS), and please don't make a studio for the studio and invite people. I already invited my followers and the people that I'm following (on this account) to the actual studio. Try the “Show and Tell” forums, possibly?
Colours: It's not art, but I like the color purple and green.
When you want it done: It's not urgent. The RP is going fairly well, I'd just like more members.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): I am, on my main.
Any more info: If any of you wanna join, that'd be nice… *hint hint* (yay advertising)

Main account- @pinkiepie710

((kinkajou710's official kumquat gu-::#cb00ff)CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP::#ff9900)

The rest of this signature has been eaten by an evil kumquat!
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳


sti_scratch wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

tarekzaki wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

To tarekzaki

tarekzaki wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

For FloatingMuffins
I am contacting you on behalf of The Scratch Shop World Records, and I am delighted to announce that you have broken the world record for “Most Employees in a Shop” with 147 total employees. I am asking you if you agree for your shop to be issued a certificate and to be featured in our official thread. By agreeing, you agree to our Terms of Service and Terms of Use, both listed here. After you are issued your certificate, you may use it by any means on any site in a manner not prohibited by law.

OMG!!!! That is amazing! Thank you so much!
Alright, I can confirm from your post in our official topic that you agree to our Terms of Service and Terms of Use.. As the Marketing Officer for The Emerald Shop, I think you are the entity fully responsible for this matter, so I will issue you a certificate congratulating The Emerald Shop for breaking the record of “Most Employees in a Shop,” which should be sent to you within 36 hours.

Thank you for responding quickly. I am certain that you have seen my post on your thread.
No problem. The certificate should be issued within 12 hours.

I am sorry for being late, but your certificate has been issued. You can see it here.


Last edited by sti_scratch (Oct. 23, 2018 05:14:45)

500+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

This shop is dying… We need to stop it

Tea. Chocolate.
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Seam49 wrote:

This shop is dying… We need to stop it

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Music Form:
Username: dude341
What kind of music do you want: See “anything else”
Who do you want doing it: Anyone
When do you want it done: See “anything else”
Are you going to leave a review: Maybe
Anything else: OK, so this is an order a bit different from a standard music order. If you make music, you should know what a MIDI is, right? Even if you don't, you should have an option to export as a MIDI in your music making program. If you don't, then “Anvil Studio” is a great free music making program that can export as a MIDI. A MIDI is a special type of music file, that instead of just containing audio, instead it contains where the notes are and what instruments (from a selection of 128 instruments which will be familiar if you've ever used the note blocks in Scratch 1.4.) to use. It's how apps like Synthesia work and stuff. Anyway, what I would like is a recreation of the Wii Sports track “Tennis (Training)” (here) in the MIDI format. Basically just listen to that song and try to recreate the song yourself. Try and get the instruments as close as possible and use multiple instruments, not just one. I understand that recreating a song by just listening is very hard so you can get it done by December (NOTE: In the original order I meant December 1st. Due to the delay I will raise this to December 25th) to give you enough time. Please do not simply run the original song through a “MP3 to MIDI” converter, they are not meant for this type of thing and will just create a jumbled mess of piano notes! Thank you!
I think I'll take this.

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

meowmeow824 wrote:

Music Form:
Username: dude341
What kind of music do you want: See “anything else”
Who do you want doing it: Anyone
When do you want it done: See “anything else”
Are you going to leave a review: Maybe
Anything else: OK, so this is an order a bit different from a standard music order. If you make music, you should know what a MIDI is, right? Even if you don't, you should have an option to export as a MIDI in your music making program. If you don't, then “Anvil Studio” is a great free music making program that can export as a MIDI. A MIDI is a special type of music file, that instead of just containing audio, instead it contains where the notes are and what instruments (from a selection of 128 instruments which will be familiar if you've ever used the note blocks in Scratch 1.4.) to use. It's how apps like Synthesia work and stuff. Anyway, what I would like is a recreation of the Wii Sports track “Tennis (Training)” (here) in the MIDI format. Basically just listen to that song and try to recreate the song yourself. Try and get the instruments as close as possible and use multiple instruments, not just one. I understand that recreating a song by just listening is very hard so you can get it done by December (NOTE: In the original order I meant December 1st. Due to the delay I will raise this to December 25th) to give you enough time. Please do not simply run the original song through a “MP3 to MIDI” converter, they are not meant for this type of thing and will just create a jumbled mess of piano notes! Thank you!
I think I'll take this.

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

dude341 wrote:

meowmeow824 wrote:

Music Form:
Username: dude341
What kind of music do you want: See “anything else”
Who do you want doing it: Anyone
When do you want it done: See “anything else”
Are you going to leave a review: Maybe
Anything else: OK, so this is an order a bit different from a standard music order. If you make music, you should know what a MIDI is, right? Even if you don't, you should have an option to export as a MIDI in your music making program. If you don't, then “Anvil Studio” is a great free music making program that can export as a MIDI. A MIDI is a special type of music file, that instead of just containing audio, instead it contains where the notes are and what instruments (from a selection of 128 instruments which will be familiar if you've ever used the note blocks in Scratch 1.4.) to use. It's how apps like Synthesia work and stuff. Anyway, what I would like is a recreation of the Wii Sports track “Tennis (Training)” (here) in the MIDI format. Basically just listen to that song and try to recreate the song yourself. Try and get the instruments as close as possible and use multiple instruments, not just one. I understand that recreating a song by just listening is very hard so you can get it done by December (NOTE: In the original order I meant December 1st. Due to the delay I will raise this to December 25th) to give you enough time. Please do not simply run the original song through a “MP3 to MIDI” converter, they are not meant for this type of thing and will just create a jumbled mess of piano notes! Thank you!
I think I'll take this.
No problem!

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Where is the gameplay/mini game order I need it.

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

congyingzhou wrote:

Where is the gameplay/mini game order I need it.
That one hasn't been taken yet, sorry. I'd take it myself but I'm working on three other orders at the moment…
In case anyone wants to take it, here's the order:

cs1248707 wrote:

Username: cs1248707
Work you want done: gameplay
Description of work: make short, fun, but tough mini-games
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: anytime
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yes
Any more info: no
6 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

pinkiepie710 wrote:

congyingzhou wrote:

Where is the gameplay/mini game order I need it.
That one hasn't been taken yet, sorry. I'd take it myself but I'm working on three other orders at the moment…
In case anyone wants to take it, here's the order:

cs1248707 wrote:

Username: cs1248707
Work you want done: gameplay
Description of work: make short, fun, but tough mini-games
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: anytime
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yes
Any more info: no
That is me pinkiepie710 i literally commented on your game 30 seconds ago
6 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

cs1248707 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

congyingzhou wrote:

Where is the gameplay/mini game order I need it.
That one hasn't been taken yet, sorry. I'd take it myself but I'm working on three other orders at the moment…
In case anyone wants to take it, here's the order:

cs1248707 wrote:

Username: cs1248707
Work you want done: gameplay
Description of work: make short, fun, but tough mini-games
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: anytime
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yes
Any more info: no
That is me pinkiepie710 i literally commented on your game 30 seconds ago

oh you ment the form, sorry
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

it's Tuesday my dudes

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

sti_scratch wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

tarekzaki wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

To tarekzaki

tarekzaki wrote:

sti_scratch wrote:

For FloatingMuffins
I am contacting you on behalf of The Scratch Shop World Records, and I am delighted to announce that you have broken the world record for “Most Employees in a Shop” with 147 total employees. I am asking you if you agree for your shop to be issued a certificate and to be featured in our official thread. By agreeing, you agree to our Terms of Service and Terms of Use, both listed here. After you are issued your certificate, you may use it by any means on any site in a manner not prohibited by law.

OMG!!!! That is amazing! Thank you so much!
Alright, I can confirm from your post in our official topic that you agree to our Terms of Service and Terms of Use.. As the Marketing Officer for The Emerald Shop, I think you are the entity fully responsible for this matter, so I will issue you a certificate congratulating The Emerald Shop for breaking the record of “Most Employees in a Shop,” which should be sent to you within 36 hours.

Thank you for responding quickly. I am certain that you have seen my post on your thread.
No problem. The certificate should be issued within 12 hours.

I am sorry for being late, but your certificate has been issued. You can see it here.

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

meowmeow824 wrote:

Seam49 wrote:

This shop is dying… We need to stop it
This shop is now one step closer to death. And how is my order doing?

Last edited by dual_creator43 (Oct. 23, 2018 19:30:34)

I'm dual_creator43, and I hope I've done well with anything. (Projects, forum replies, etc.) My Scratch habits include:
  • checking my inbox
  • being active in the forums
  • working on my projects (sometimes)
Check out more about me by clicking here or here. Happy Scratching!

My most famous quote: “Nothing good ever comes from posting near the end of a page.”
This is probably the best post anyone has ever made for me.
Don't you hate it when your signature isn't big enough to show everything you put in it?

But I guess it doesn't matter since you're (probably) using Shift+↓.
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

1 more day to go for my art order!

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Vote for MasterOfTheTiger to be the new USS Leader!

I am running to become the new leader for the United Shops of Scratch. The representatives here may vote here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/223577/?page=141

Why vote for me? I have my campaign speech and a post of future plans at that link.

Please vote for MasterOfTheTiger to become the new USS Leader.

Do you need a good banner, or coding, or something else? Check out MasterOfTheTiger and Coder_Annika's Shop
sig by @myed - get yours here.

MasterOfTheTiger: Owner of MasterOfTheTiger's Shop Triple S, Shop Helpers, and SH Orders.
MasterOfTheTiger: Worker at GlitterStores, Request Shop, +
MasterOfTheTiger: Devoted to the success of Scratch Shops.

Do you need a good banner, or coding, or something else? Check out MasterOfTheTiger's shop - I do banners, logos, thumbnails, coding, intros and more here!

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Sweetlyshy wrote:

I'm pretty sure @Volix- is leaving. In another shop, they say that they are leaving. I think.

Froggo | She/Her

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