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- » ✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Banner by @wafflelot-
We have moved to The Emerald Shop 4.0. Please place all orders and applications in that thread.
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center* | Temporary Orders Center
*The orders center is where our Secretary keeps a list of our unclaimed orders, along with claimed but unfinished orders.
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center* | Temporary Orders Center
*The orders center is where our Secretary keeps a list of our unclaimed orders, along with claimed but unfinished orders.
The Emerald Shop is a multi-purpose shop that provides 11 services. We can do anything from art to scripting to voice acting. We have had three presidents and are therefore on our third forum thread. We have 182 pages total on our two previous threads and over 200 on this one. We are always receiving and completing quality orders of many kinds. We have many members and have been awarded the Scratch Shop World Records award for Most Employees in a Shop. As of now, according to @congyingzhou (owner of T.I.P.S. and The Shop Directory 12.0), we are the fourth biggest shop on Scratch.
- The Emerald Shop Official Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25051625/
- Board of Directors Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5272046/
- Trainee Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/25776284/
- The Emerald Shop 1.0: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/200055/
- The Emerald Shop 2.0: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/324409/
Our guards: <[Amelia v] the Emerald Shop [Kumquat v] Guard::#66008F> and <[Greg v] the Emerald Shop [Spam v] Guard::#0091DA>::#099800
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (May 9, 2020 18:40:14)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
Our Current Services (11):
Art, scripting, music/sound, writing, ideas, reviews, advertising, voice acting, BBCode, signatures, and memes
Order form:Note: We have an unclaimed orders center, maintained by the secretaries, which collects all unclaimed orders for staff members so customers do not need to bump their own requests.
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them)
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music)
Description of work:
Colors (if art):
Are you following this discussion (optional):
Any more information:
Staff Applications
Requirements for joining the shop:Note: Everyone on staff joins as a trainee, and is promoted to a full member after responding to three activity checks
- You must be following this thread
- You must agree to the terms
Application form:
Preferred pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them)
How active are you: (1-10)
Which of our services can you do?: (Ex. Art, scripting, reviews)
Any experience in other shops?:
Are you following this thread?:
Why should we pick you?:
Examples of work:
Did you read the terms?: (found in extra info)
Board of Directors application form:
What position you're applying for:
How active are you: (1-10)
Experience in other shops:
What contributions have you made to the shop?:
What would some of your first actions be?:
Why should we pick you?:
Customer Service Survey
Preferred pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them)
Who did the work for you:
How would you rate the work out of ten:
Was the work what you expected:
Was the work on time:
Overall Score out of ten:
Would you come to this shop again:
Any more info?:
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (May 5, 2020 18:46:45)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
Members (18): pinkiepie710, -DancerRJV-, cubbywindowsdpc, FloatingMuffins, b1048546, -ShadowsHiding-*, mango38, Big_Brick_Studios**, congyingzhou, whiteandblackcat, TaterTime, Kevery1*, icArslanKa, PrincessFlowerTV, popsyrabbit, crossme72, MathSnail, RedGuy7
Trainees (12): KittenDude172", no_nickname_for_me*, delorian1*, supaweDAD*, CoderGirly^, Kenguin26^, starpro89*, Orchestreet, Mdawg4884, tasmaniantasmin^, NLC_BC1_08, cs3508696
Excused (2): KittenDude172 (infinitely, he's in the Caribbeans), no_nickname_for_me* (till the end of April)
* = One strike
^ = One response to an activity check (only applies to trainees)
" = This guy's a full member (and he doesn't even use that account anymore) but he's still in here because it's a meme
Board of Directors
President @pinkiepie710 (Total control, can hire and fire people, chooses members on the Board of Directors, can call activity checks, has tiebreaking vote, etc.)
First Vice President: @FloatingMuffins (Can hire and fire people, fills in for president when absent, etc.)
Second Vice President: @TaterTime (Can hire and fire people, fills in for president when absent, etc.)
Chairman: @-DancerRJV- (Can hire people, can call activity checks, organizes discussions and votes, chairs monthly meetings with the Board of Directors)
Vice Chairman: @cubbywindowsdpc (Helps the Chairman and fills in for them when absent, can hire members.)
Public Relations Officer: VACANT (We are not accepting applications yet) (Negotiates and reviews partnerships with other shops, oversees our federations, advertises shop, generally helps out with anything involving other shops and/or people or groups outside of this shop)
Secretary: @mango38 (Gathers unclaimed orders, bumps the topic, makes sure orders are done on time.)
Assistant secretary: @congyingzhou (Helps Secretary and fills in for them when they are absent, checks in with customers every few weeks to see if they still need their orders)
Note: Each user can only have one position on the BoD
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (May 7, 2020 18:54:39)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
The Terms
RequirementsStaff notes
- As a member or trainee, you must follow the group studio (Found here)
- If you are on the Board, you must follow the Board studio (Found here)
- You must be active. Activity checks are held periodically, and you must reply to them (see below for details)
- The codeword is ecksdee (or XD). You must include this word or a variation of it in your staff application or else you will be rejected.
- You must be respectful to anyone who comes through the shop unless they are spamming, not obeying the rules of the shop or Scratch, or not being respectful towards you or the shop.
- Failure to comply with any of these terms may result in a strike against you or being fired from the shop.
- Anyone who joins the shop will join as a trainee.
- Trainees must be active for three activity checks in a row in order to be promoted to a full member.
- Trainees may join the BoD in any position besides President or VP as long as they have responded to two activity checks.
- In the event of a vote, trainees will get no votes, members will get one vote, and members of the BoD will get two votes.
- If a trainee is on the BoD, they will get two votes.
- If you are fired from the shop, you will be notified on your profile and you may reapply.
- Activity strikes will be removed if you respond to three checks in a row.
- Spamming strikes can be removed based on a BoD vote.
- KittenDude172 will always remain in the trainee position, no matter what happens to him.
Proposing a new rule/suggestion to the shop
1. The proposal must have the support of two members on the Board of Directors
2. It is debated by the shop. A discussion will take place in the shop studio.
3. If it gets enough support, the suggestion will be implemented. If the shop reaches an agreement during the discussion, the suggestion will not be voted on. If not, the suggestion will be voted on and will be implemented if a majority of the voters agree upon it.
Activity Checks
Activity checks will be held at random, usually every three to six weeks. The Chairman will call the check and keep track of who has responded, but the President or Vice-Chairman will do it if the Chairman can't or doesn't. You will have one week to respond to these activity checks. You will not be notified in the event of an activity check, as the purpose of activity checks is to find out who checks the shop regularly on their own. If you do not respond, you get one strike. It takes two strikes for a trainee to be fired and three strikes for a full member to be fired. If you are on the Board of Directors, you need two strikes to get removed from the BoD.
Customer Notifications
Customers must be notified:Note: If a customer says that they aren't following the thread, they must be notified on their profile. If their profile comments are turned off, comment on one of their projects. If they don't have any projects, that's on them.
- When their order has been taken
- If the staff member doing their order has any questions/problems
- If their order may be late
- When their order is done
To be excused from The Emerald Shop temporarily, leave a post asking to be excused. You must include a timeframe for when you'll need to be excused, including a starting and ending date. The maximum amount of time you can be excused for is one month. While excused, you cannot receive activity strikes or be fired from the shop. Once your time being excused is over, you will not be notified, and you will now be able to receive strikes or get fired from the shop.
Note: You don’t need to be excused unless it’s 3-4 days or more.
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (April 4, 2020 19:38:01)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
guess how old the news was before pie updated it challenge
- Trainee Suggestion Discussion
We're currently having a discussion about Pie's trainee suggestion. Head to the shop studio and discuss on this comment thread.- Activity Check/Services Check-up
We're currently having an activity check-ish thing! Go comment on the shop studio which of our services you can do orders for, and see Dancer's post for more info.- The Emerald Shop 4.0
We're moving forums! See Pie's post for more info, and check out our new Collaborations forum topic to help out!
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (May 5, 2020 17:50:29)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
We are currently not a part of any federations, but any request to join one is appreciated!
We do not use any currencies and will decline any offers to join/use a currency.
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (April 20, 2020 22:57:42)
- pinkiepie710
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
About | Forms | Staff | Extra Info | News | Partners | History | The Orders Center
This shop was founded on the 20th of May 2016 by @-raspberry_.
This shop was founded on the 20th of May 2016 by @-raspberry_.
We joined the shop federation, which later closed. We soon grew to 19 members and remained active until April 2017, when we became very inactive. However, in February 2018 we became active again before 13 of our members became inactive and we dwindled to 6 members. We joined the USS and started getting a good few orders, most of which we completed. Within a few months, we grew to 12 members, and @-raspberry_'s new account @FloatingMuffins took over the shop.
In June 2018, we introduced elections for our USS reps and simplified our shop structure. We soon joined the SPA and entered a partnership with Toadcode’s Music Shop and T.I.P.S. In October of 2018, we were awarded a certificate for “Most Employees in a Shop”.
Due to FloatingMuffins' inactivity starting in late October, the Vice Presidents (@npjensen and @pinkiepie710) moved the shop to a new thread created by @npjensen on December 12th of 2018. In January of 2019, @npjensen grew inactive, and @pinkiepie710 was given the presidency of the shop. She then moved it to yet another thread on February 13th of 2019 with 29 members.
The shop remained mostly the same until around May 2019, when much of our staff became inactive and unclaimed orders began piling up. Some members came and went, but the shop usually had around 30 members, though many were inactive. However, many long-time, dedicated members of the shop, including those on the Board of Directors, remained. Soon, a new batch of members did begin working at the shop. This rocky period lasted until around October, but we always had a good few active members and were able to keep our position as one of the largest shops on Scratch.
After dwindling to less than 20 members in September 2019, we rose back up to 25 in October. The creator of the shop, @FloatingMuffins, even rejoined the shop. At the beginning of December 2019, the shop became very active. We gained many new members, and some old members rejoined the shop. We began getting more orders and completed most of these.
Starting at the end of December 2019 and going until the end of January 2020, the shop went through some big changes. In December, we abolished departments completely, letting all members and trainees take orders from all departments. We also changed and added some terms, requirements for joining, and BoD positions.
Around February 2020, we began to have a problem with spamming and off-topic posts, so Pie and Muffins began giving out strikes for spamming to deal with the problem. We also had our first real BoD meeting and shuffled around positions on the BoD a lot due to workers leaving and becoming inactive.
February also marked multiple milestones for the shop. We finally reached 0 orders on the UOC after months (years, even) of always having orders piled up. Not all orders were finished, but they were at least being worked on. February 13th was the official 1-year anniversary of The Emerald Shop 3.0.
Last edited by pinkiepie710 (April 4, 2020 19:39:44)
- WarriorCatLover1212
- Scratcher
500+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Hi! This looks amazing!
Edit: people are reserving their post so this post is reserved
Edit: people are reserving their post so this post is reserved
Last edited by WarriorCatLover1212 (Feb. 14, 2019 22:36:53)
- CaptainRatlex
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Reserved by CaptainRatlex
Edit: Oh wow what did I start…
Edit: Oh wow what did I start…
Last edited by CaptainRatlex (Feb. 14, 2019 23:07:15)
- BlackWolfee
- Scratcher
500+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
G'day I'm here
- wafflelot-
- Scratcher
500+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
By Waffle
: This post is forever mine bwaahaahhahahahahhah
By Waffle
: This post is forever mine bwaahaahhahahahahhah
Last edited by wafflelot- (April 8, 2019 23:22:29)
- NilsTheBest
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Much more organized! Much better! I love the new thread! So many improvements! Beautiful! *insert another compliment here!*
- NilsTheBest
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Holy mother of guacamole, thanks for offering me the role of first vice president
- NilsTheBest
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Why do I see others reserve post though? Should I reserve this post?
*reserves post*
Alright then
And sorry for posting 3 times, this is just a beautiful, new, clean thread
*reserves post*
Alright then
And sorry for posting 3 times, this is just a beautiful, new, clean thread
- Riddle_Man
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
lol you're funny Why do I see others reserve post though? Should I reserve this post?
*reserves post*
Alright then
And sorry for posting 3 times, this is just a beautiful, new, clean thread
oh my I just went off-topic oh dear
Last edited by Riddle_Man (Feb. 14, 2019 11:14:20)
- Riddle_Man
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
oh I forgot to say. I'm going on 2 mo hiatus so bye for 2 months
- MystreyTurtle96
- Scratcher
100+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
This was the last post on the old thread, so I'm taking it here. I'll be done real soon. Username:Liamdadude
Work you want done: (e.g. logos, scripting, music): logo
Description of work: Logo design for software company
Colors if art: anything that looks good
Deadline: Feb 16
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes
Do you want to subscribe (see below): yes
Any more information: please make it high tech and modern looking, company name is RadioActive SoftWare
Last edited by MystreyTurtle96 (Feb. 14, 2019 12:45:27)
- PrincessFlowerTV
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Reserved by the assistant secretary.
- congyingzhou
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
wow, really? You guys move fast
why is everybody reserving stuff
reserved (hehe)
why is everybody reserving stuff
reserved (hehe)
- MystreyTurtle96
- Scratcher
100+ posts
✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅
Done!This was the last post on the old thread, so I'm taking it here. I'll be done real soon. Username:Liamdadude
Work you want done: (e.g. logos, scripting, music): logo
Description of work: Logo design for software company
Colors if art: anything that looks good
Deadline: Feb 16
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes
Do you want to subscribe (see below): yes
Any more information: please make it high tech and modern looking, company name is RadioActive SoftWare