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500+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hello there!

If you aren't participating in the upcoming JWC session as a host or co-host, I ask that you leave this forum There's not much to gain from stalking it, so make the responsible choice and don't continue to do so!

Now then - welcome to the JWC 2023 (Co)Host Forum, and many, many congratulations! We're so happy to have you on the hosting team this session. Speaking of, here's our list of (G)hosts, Hosts and (co)hosts!

Hosting Team:

@school4girlhd || Jean || She/Her || EST
@Dawn_Camps || Dawn || She/Her || Timezone

@Piper_Camps || Piper || She/Her || PST

@Eeveedonut || Iris/Ris || She/Her || Timezone
@iinspirqtion || Em || She/Her || Timezone

Please let me know your timezone if I didn't include it and let me know if I messed anything up that was on there! <3

Basic To-Do List:
  • Choose Cabin Names/# of Cabins - Feb. 28th, 2023
    6 Cabins, possible genres: Adventure, Mythology, Poetry, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Non-Fi, Steampunk, Paranormal, Legend, Drama

  • Choose theme for next session - Feb 28th, 2023
    Possible Themes: Bioluminescent/glowing things, desserts, food, space, nature, birds

  • Divide team between MB and Writing Comp committee

  • Choose who will be posting Leader apps and Camper signups

  • Decide if we will be (co)leading a cabin or acting as campers - Sometime before leader apps come out, closer to Jan.

  • Make Main Cabin

  • Post Leader apps

  • Choose Leaders

  • Make Leader Forum

  • Help Leaders Set Up

  • Post Camper apps - Dec. 1st, 2023

  • Start Camp - Jan. 1st, 2024

That's obviously not everything we have to do but it is a basic overview of some of the main things! Let me know if you can think of anything else that we'll need to do!

Feel free to also start chatting and things as well as planning; I know we know each other but it would also be nice to know some more things about each other! <3

Last edited by Piper_Camps (April 26, 2024 15:43:18)

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hey, Guys! You all already know me xD I know I'm leaving but I'll probably pop in occasionally to see how things are going. :)

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hey everyone! I'm Em, and my timezone is EST ^^ Excited to be on the team! Totally off topic- Piper, since I know you love Broadway musicals, have you ever watched the Phantom of the Opera? Since it's ending in like May- I think, I might watch it, but I'm not totally sure.

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

For the number of cabins, I think that 6 is already pretty good ^^ Some genre ideas: Mythology, Adventure, Steampunk, Paranormal, Poetry, Legend, Drama, and Humor just to name a few! I was thinking about having some rarer genres this session than the regular ones to spice it up a bit! Here are some themes I stole from the SWC MBC voting: Space, Bioluminescence/Glow-in-the-dark, nature, and birds.
I'd like to help with the MB committee!

Last edited by iinspirqtion (Feb. 19, 2023 23:13:01)

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hi peoples! I'm Iris or Ris or Rissy (for friends, which are all of you) or Siri (if you're Dan or Me) or many many many other names I currently have not too much motivation right now so hello hello hello and just stalk some of my projects to learn about me VIOLAS ARE THE BEST <333 and my timezone is CST

Choose Cabin Names/# of Cabins
Agreeing with Em, I like 6 cabins ^^
I suggest Adventure, Mythology, Poetry, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Non-Fi

Choose theme for next session
Might I suggest… desserts or food :0

Divide team between MB and Writing Comp committee
I'm good with either! Put me wherever

Choose who will be posting Leader apps and Camper signups
Once again, good with either/everything/anything! Put me wherever <3

Decide if we will be (co)leading a cabin or acting as campers
I don't know enough about what I'll be doing next January to know for sure if I'll be able to (co)lead, so if I could decide closer to when leader apps are released that'd be great ^^ we have many many months

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hey, all! Good to see you again <3

I think 6 cabins is great to have again, and the ideas for genres so far are good too! And cabins in JWC all have names based on the genre, like Pirate and Knight from last session, so it'll be cool to see what you decide for those :D

500+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

eeveedonut wrote:

Decide if we will be (co)leading a cabin or acting as campers
I don't know enough about what I'll be doing next January to know for sure if I'll be able to (co)lead, so if I could decide closer to when leader apps are released that'd be great ^^ we have many many months

Yes, I'm sorry about that; I'll be putting in dates to that list as we come up with them. No worries that is pretty much at the bottom of our priorities <33

eeveedonut wrote:

Might I suggest… desserts or food :0
ooh! Desserts would be a really fun one! I'll make a list of suggested ones, and maybe we can decide by end of february (so about a week)?

iinspirqtion wrote:

Mythology, Adventure, Steampunk, Paranormal, Poetry, Legend, Drama, and Humor

eeveedonut wrote:

Adventure, Mythology, Poetry, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Non-Fi
Yes! I love those! And there were some overlap which is nice! Again I'll make a list and these we can decide end of feb, early march? what do you guys think?

Last edited by Piper_Camps (Feb. 21, 2023 01:09:26)

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Piper_Camps wrote:

eeveedonut wrote:

Yes, I'm sorry about that; I'll be putting in dates to that list as we come up with them. No worries that is pretty much at the bottom of our priorities <33
No worries!

Piper_Camps wrote:

Piper_Camps wrote:

eeveedonut wrote:

ooh! Desserts would be a really fun one! I'll make a list of suggested ones, and maybe we can decide by end of february (so about a week)?

iinspirqtion wrote:

Mythology, Adventure, Steampunk, Paranormal, Poetry, Legend, Drama, and Humor

eeveedonut wrote:

Adventure, Mythology, Poetry, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Non-Fi
Yes! I love those! And there were some overlap which is nice! Again I'll make a list and these we can decide end of feb, early march? what do you guys think?
Sounds good and sounds good!

Last edited by Eeveedonut (Feb. 21, 2023 01:25:20)

. ݁ ˖๋࣭ ⭑ ☕️✨✨✨
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Oop just realized that this should be the 2024 planning forum ^^ /lh

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
500+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Haha yes! Thanks for catching that! <3 ^^

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

For steampunk, aviator might be a cool name for the cabin! Just an idea :)

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hey, guys! @Yellow_Owlet asked to be pinged for JWC camper signups. :)

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

school4girlhd wrote:

Hey, guys! @Yellow_Owlet asked to be pinged for JWC camper signups. :)
I'll make a compiling of all the notifications on the next post TYSM Jean!

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum


JWC 2024 Leader Apps

JWC 2024 Camper Signups

“Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love.”
1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

iinspirqtion wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

I'll make a compiling of all the notifications on the next post TYSM Jean!

Good idea! Thanks, Em :)

500+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hi guys! Great idea, thanks so much Em! <33

school4girlhd wrote:

For steampunk, aviator might be a cool name for the cabin! Just an idea
Ooh! yes, Jean, that sounds really cool!

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Piper_Camps wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

For steampunk, aviator might be a cool name for the cabin! Just an idea :)
Ooh! yes, Jean, that sounds really cool!

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

I already sent these to Piper, but thought it'd be good to put these here:

Links! In case you want them for this session. :)

First session's dailies: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/5906991/

First session's weeklies: (I couldn't find 1 and 3 sorry) 2. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/564070/ 4. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/567786/?page=1#post-5892461

Last session's dailies: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6784330/

Last session's weeklies: 1. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/652570/?page=1#post-6859554 2. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6786142/ 3. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/656279/?page=1#post-6902885 4. https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/646071/

Last session's schedule: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6653851/

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Hey, guys! How's it going?

1000+ posts

JWC 2024 (Co)Host Forum

Heyy :D I just looked back through some old forums like the MB committee and it was so fun, ahh memories <3

Also, just wanted to remind you all that last session we posted the leader apps in October to give plenty of time for them to apply. I can't believe we're already halfway through August :0


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