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Weekly One • JWC 2023

Weekly One – Characters
January Writing Camp 2023


You pull open the large glass doors and look around you. There are people everywhere, some look very… interesting.
You spot a group of women who look like the evil stepmother and her daughters from Cinderella.
“Hi!” You look to your right and spot a fairly-normal looking girl sitting at a desk. “Are you here for the character convention?”


While this may not be a character convention, we are going to focus on characters this week.

Without further ado, let's begin!

Part One – Character Roles

What are character roles? In a story, there's usually a protagonist, an antagonist, deuteragonists, and tertiary characters.

The protagonist is the main character of the story.

The antagonist is the “bad guy”. They're the one who opposes the protagonist.

Deuteragonists are the supporting characters. They're secondary characters who help the story flow. They're second in importance to the protagonist.

Tertiary Characters
Tertiary characters are pretty much only there to fill the world of the story. They don't contribute to the storyline.

Now that you know about character roles, you'll be writing a story blurb that includes each of the character roles. Your writing should be a minimum of 600 words. Here is an excellent example of what you'll be doing. (Made by Sarah)
Protagonist: Terra - Antagonist: King Lerrind - Deuteragonist: Kirra and Terra's family - Tertiary characters: Maids, servants, servers, cook, knights

The kings castle, the dream of many others. Who would think this would be the place I dreaded? Each and every day, I wake up in a large bedroom, golden and cream drapes over my windows and a large elegant canopy above my bed, my bathroom the size of a modern sized bedroom. It was like a dream. But the only thing that filled the space other than these things was a picture and a bookcase. The large picture frame above my bed, it showed the King and his family, all smiling triumphantly. Even in my room, it could not be my family. I did not feel at home, I felt trapped and hidden away. What am I doing here? I am here as a weapon, Terra the great, the king would say each morning as I go down for breakfast. “Terra the great, our kingdoms greatest brain.” Then he would laugh. Not a welcoming laugh or a cheerful laugh. It was a cold, bone freezing cackle. In front of his subjects he would smile and throw out money. He would treat me like his daughter in front of them. But hidden away, in the middle of the castle where we all live, I am his servant. Sometimes I would think of turning against him. Leaving this place and running away. It wouldn't be hard if I'm “the kingdoms greatest brain”. But without me working in the palace, my family would die. They would not survive and be sent away. I would no longer have anyone to call my family. I sighed and looked down. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Splashing the cold water on my face was a good way to wake up. I looked at the mirror and at my face. Shiny golden locks and ice blue eyes. A beauty. But locked away here. I pulled a mini gown over my head and walked out of my bedroom. I ran a hand through my perfect hair, it was smooth and warm. Never messy. I walked down the hall, my small legs getting incredibly tired. It took me exactly 13 minutes to walk down to the dining room. It's a large palace. I greeted the maids as I walked past them, smiling as if I had been given everything I needed. Everyone of these maids were sent home after their days of working. They were not kept at the palace and called “a weapon”. I made my way down the large spiral staircase that was empty and almost forgotten. I dragged my finger along the large marble rail. Walking down felt like a million years. At the bottom, there was a large wooden door, two knights in shining armour stood in front of it and greeted me with bland faces. “Thank you.” I said quietly as they opened the door for me. Behind it, there was a large rectangular table with many meals and loads of place settings in front of each chair. I looked up and smiled at the king. No frowns were accepted in this room. “Good morning Terra!” He boomed across the room. He sat in a large throne like chair with three maids around him incase he needed something. “Good morning King Lerrind.” I said. I sat down at a chair near the middle and picked up my fork. “After you.” He said. I plastered on a larger, even faker smile and reached for some beans and mashed potatoes. The steak looked delicious but I ignored it, knowing the king would immediately gobble up the whole thing. The sight of him eating that steak each day really made my lose my appetite for it. I swallowed my beans quickly and reached for more. Suddenly, the large wooden doors swung open and Kirra, the king's daughter walked in. “Terra! I've got something for you!” She yelped happily and ran towards me. Kirra was my only friend here, she always tried to make me feel better. Although sometimes she could be a pain. She skidded to a stop when she realized the king, her father was still there. “Oh, sorry! Good morning father.” She said with a smile. “I'll show you later.” She whispered with a grin. She sat down next to me and placed some chicken pot pie on her plate. “This looks great, thanks Emelda!” She chirped, smiling at the cook who seemed to be beaming with happiness. I quickly ate my mashed potatoes and beans and stood up. “Thank you for the meal Emelda.” I said. “I will be heading off to the library now for my first chore.” I reported to the king. I had to put books up into the bookshelves. Kirra looked up from her plate and smiled at me. “I'll meet you there later!” I waved at her and made my way out of the dining room, bowing at the king, who was smirking as I left. The walk to the library was close, it was right near the dining room and is my favourite room in the palace. Not many people are allowed in it and apparently “working in the royal library is an honour”, words from the king. The smell from the halls was almost.. royal. There were servers and maids rushing around, finishing their work. Now, I stood in front of a large marble door with two gargoyle statues standing guard. It takes a lot of strength to open this door. I pushed it open and smiled at the gargoyles as I stepped inside. Ah.. peace and quiet. I walked up the the large counter at the front and picked up the two piles of books that were already set out. “Heavy..” I muttered. I was just about to place them on a cart when the doors banged open and someone came running in. I yelped and dropped the piles, making a POOMPH sound. Relief filled my body when I looked up and realized it was Kirra. “You scared me!” I said, slightly annoyed. “Sorry!” She called back, walking towards me with a small parcel. “Open it.” She said, shoving it into my hands. I backed into a chair and sat down, my hands were shaking. “What is it?” I asked. She rolled her eyes and smacked her forehead. “Open it.” She said again. I looked down at the slightly wet, crumpled parcel in my hands and ripped it open. Inside, there was a small picture frame, a letter and a map. “Kirra..” I began. She smiled and picked up the picture frame and showed it to me. There was a family in it. Not just any family. Mine. I rubbed my eyes and slightly sniffed. Tears were rolling down my face. I hadn't seen them in so long. My mother, father and three brothers. I quickly grabbed the letter and un folded it. It read; “My dear Terra, you've been working so hard to support us. And now we have finally found a way to get you back. We figured with all the years you've been working is enough to support us now. We want to bring you home. Open the map.” I couldn't believe what I'd just read. I opened the map at the bottom of the parcel and squinted at it. There was a bright red line leading from the palace, all the way back to their cottage. You might think, oh how easy, just take a walk and get home. No, the kingdom is surrounded with knights and a strong security system, and once you leave, it gets even more dangerous. But I was willing to take the risk now. Was I? Just a small picture, a map and a letter. But it gave me hope. Hope that I'll be able to make it home. I jumped up and hugged Kirra tightly. “Thank you.” I whispered. “I'll miss you, but I know how much you need this.” She replied, slightly shaking. I let go and smiled at her. She really was an amazing person. I walked over to the large window that looked over the kingdom and presses my hand against it. “I'm coming home.” I whispered.

Part Two – Character Types

We're going to be focusing on six main character types in this part of the weekly.

Flat characters are characters who are fairly simple and don’t change at all throughout the story. They are usually minor characters and help move the plot forward.
Example: An example of a flat character would be Crush, the sea turtle from Finding Nemo. He’s a simple, stereotypical “surfer dude” who doesn’t appear a lot in the movie.

Static characters are characters who stay mostly the same throughout the story. Their environment might change but their outlook and personality remain the same. These characters are often times secondary characters.
Example: Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Her personality remains the same but her environment changes.

Round characters are characters who are complex and have many layers. They’re usually extremely well-developed and feel like real people with strengths and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, successes and failures. They usually change as the story progresses.
Example: An example of a round character would be Belle, from Beauty and the Beast. She has many layers and we get to see multiple sides of her personality. We can see that she’s gentle with her father, while she’s stubborn with Gaston.

Dynamic characters are characters who change inwardly somehow throughout the course of the story. Many main characters are dynamic characters. Dynamic characters are the opposite of static characters as they usually go through a major inward change.
Example: Ebenezer Scrooge is a prime example of a dynamic character. At the beginning of A Christmas Carol, he’s a grumpy old man who cares only about his money. But by the end of the story, he’s had a change of heart and helps the poor, giving money freely.

A plausible character is a character that who’s personality matches their backstory. They should resemble a real person, readers should feel like they can relate to them. Many main characters are plausible characters as it makes the story more believable and draws the reader/viewer(s) in.
Example: Maribel from Encanto is a good example. She has fears and weaknesses, she feels like she doesn’t fit in with her family and that she’s looked down on, a feeling many people can relate to. With all her insecurities and flaws she seems like a real person.

A stock character is someone who plays a recognizable role in the story. They’re usually a well-known stereotype.
Examples: The evil stepmother, the ditzy blonde, the dumb muscleman.

For this part, you'll be coming up with character bios for three of these character types. There's no word minimum for this part as flat characters aren't usually well-developed. Here's an example made by Sarah.
FLAT character: Name: Cole Wast // Gender: Male // Age: 14 // Personality: Impatient, rude, boring, bossy // Hobbies: Skateboarding, spray painting, reading and sleeping // Family: mother: Jenna Platon - father: Phillip Wast - brother: Bill Wast // Friends: Christopher gelphy // Likes: Food, skateboards, record shops // Dislikes: “Mushy” movies, Spinach, slugs // Backstory: just your average skater boy in 8th grade trying not to be thrown in jail/juvenile prison // favourite place: record shop

STATIC character: Mia Sap // Gender: Female // Age: 8 // Personality: funny, gullible, caring, nit picky // Hobbies: playing candy land, swimming, drawing, baking // family: Mother: Cleo akar (d3@d), father: Jonah Sap // friends: stuffy named Rapunzel // Likes: sweet stuff, stuffed animals, playgrounds // dislikes: bugs, darkness, bells // Backstory: Mia's mother died when she was 3 and was raised by her father in a little house in the middle of the city. Things are constantly changing around her, her friends are moving away or their parents are becoming “superior” citizens and becoming rich people while her father is struggling to support both of them. She hates how everything is leaving her out so she creates her own world in her head and almost never changes much.

STOCK character: Name: Wendy jr Thress // Gender: Female // Age: 17 // personality: gullible, clueless, funny, overly cheerful // Hobbies: sleeping, counting sheep, bird watching // family: Mother: Wendy Hopps - Father: Peet Thress - Sister: Jenny Thress // Likes: birds, stars, bright colours and night time // dislikes: sand, pools, frogs // backstory: Being a clueless blonde, people usually yell, “Dumb blonde!” She devotes the tiniest bit of smartness she has to prove they're wrong. But so far, at 17 years old, she can't.

Part Three – Putting it together

For the final part of the first weekly, you'll be writing a 1,000 word story that focuses and feature the character roles and types above.

Wrap Up

To earn full points for your cabin you need to provide proof of:

- A 600 word story blurb including a protagonist, antagonist, deuteragonist, and a tertiary character
- Three character bios of different character types
- And a 1k word story featuring and focusing on the characters.


For completing part one: 700 points
For completing parts one and two: 1,000 points
For completing parts one, two, and three: 2,000 points

The weekly is due 12 am UTC, January 9th. Happy Writing!

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Jan. 1, 2023 00:41:13)

85 posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

eeee I’m working on it! So fun! Thankyou!
500+ posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

My Weekly #1:

Part 1:

Protagonist: Flare Tinsel {} Antagonist: Joseph Tinsel {} Deuteragonist: Stephanie Claudie and Andy Sherlock {} Tertiary characters: Charlie, Miley, Randall, and Carmen Sherlock. Haul, Belle, Simon, and Sarah Tinsel. Haley Davidson. Matt and Allison Claudie. Barista.

Blurb: The flames were too overwhelming to look at. It brought back memories. Memories of her childhood. A burning building. Her sister forever gone. Brother at work, father trying to save anyone and everyone. She couldn't do anything about what happened. It was all her mother's fault. Flare Tinsel watched her mother light a match and stared ay her as the bedsheets caught aflame. There was nothing she could do. She was helpless. Her mother was out of control and immediately went hysterical even though she knew that would only make things worse. The screams of her sister terrified her and the pleads of her father haunted her . . . still to this day. Now it was only her, her brother, her father, and a sel- absorbed stepmother. Her father married another woman around two months after his wife (Sarah McAnderson) went to jail and lived life like that night was a distant past. But Flare was still reminded again and again about that night. It was on instant reply that kept on echoing through her head. Even after a decade, those memories still flash through her mind like a movie set to cycle through after the credits. Flare couldn't stop thrse memories from happening, so she did all that she could to get them to disappear, even for the slimmest second. She planned out her days thoroughly without any time to spare. Sure there was time to read, time to write, time to hang out with her best friend Stephanie Claudie who would occasionally invite their neighbor (Andy Sherlock), but there was never any free time for her to just think. Her life would be ruined if the memories came back all at once. It would be too much for her to handle. As more memories begin to build up,

Flare's runaway uncle, Joseph Tinsel shows up at the worst time possible and brings back a horrific memory she had locked away with a diamond key. An invisible key so thick only her mind knew a lock that could reveal the secret. Still to this day, Flare keeps her secrets extremely hidden, as well as her emotions. She puts on a brave face to trick people into thinking her life is perfect. A face brave enough to scare away her uncle . . . or so she thought. During a moment with her friend, Flare realizes that not everything can be locked away in her mind. Sure, no one else knows about the tragic disaster, but her actions when sudden memories flood through her mind show the people around her that she is extremely fragile. Being fragile isn't necessarily a bad thing, but Flare hides her emotions, and when someone tries to see through them, she completely shatters and runs away thinking that's the best way to keep anyone from guessing. She sometimes left her friends guessing and wondering if she was hiding something, but the truth is that she's scared. She's scared that everyone will find out about her secrets and would chastise her so hard it would make her cry. Flare hasn't cried since the day she was born. She did start to tear up when her mother lit her own house on fire, but that's worth tearing up for. That was a scary moment. Sure, Flare was kind, calm, brave, and collective, but on the inside, she hides one thing that will remain a secret for the rest of her life. That secret that has been locked within her mind by a key so strong no one could find a lock skilled enough to unlock it except for her. Is Flare brave enough to face her past, or will the past come too fast for her to figure out a plan to escape the chains pinning her down? But Flare knows one thing that will surely surpass her uncle in a circumstance like this, and that's intelligence. (645 Words)

Part 2:

Flat: Andy Sherlock - Age 18 - Male - Personality: Smart, nerdy, troublesome. He doesn't care too much about what people think about him and is the one on the outer end of the crowd. He usually stays away from people, but can't help but ‘randomly’ bumping into Flare Tinsel. Backstory: The side character usually seen on the streets casually gazing out into the crowd wondering what life has in store. {} Family: Twin sister - Miley Sherlock - Age 18 - Female {} Older brother - Charlie Sherlock - Age 19 - Male {} Father - Randall Sherlock - Age 49 - Male {} Mother: Carmen Rosa - Age 47 - Female.

Plausible: Flare Tinsel - Age 17 - Female - Personality: Tough, brave, & sensitive. She is very rough on the outside with baggy clothes and messy blonde hair, but she is tough and brave because she lost everything she knew when she was only 6 years old. Backstory: Around a decade ago, Belle lost her mother, her sister, and nearly lost her brother who barely made it alive. Somehow, a fire struck in their house and everyone found out that it was their mother who had started it because of a bad day at work. However, it turned out that Sarah McAnderson didn't necessarily ‘have a bad day at work’. She skipped work earlier that morning to hang out with a bunch of her friends and they decided to pull some /harmful/ pranks. During the fire, Belle passed away because she had gotten herself stuck and Simon (their father) tried to save her but was too late. {} Family: Older brother - Haul Tinsel - Age 19 - Male {} Younger sister - Belle Tinsel - Age 12; *D37d!* - Female {} Father: Simon Tinsel - Age 48 - Male {} Mother: Sarah McAnderson - Age 44; *Jail * - Female {} Stepmother: Haley Davidson - Age 35 - Female. {} Uncle: Joseph Tinsel - Age 48 - Male.

Stock: Stephanie Claudie - Age 16 - Female - Personality: Caring, honest, & independent. She is very well taken care of. Kind of acts like the ‘ good girl princess’ most of the time. However, she is Flare's best friend and has been since they were both around 8 years old. She tends to wear dresses even if she doesn't need to and is always prepared for anything and everything. Backstory: Rarely does anything herself. Always has a bodyguard at her side and she is usually the one everyone stares at due to her massive fur coat she normally wears. {} Family: Father - Matt Claudie - Age 46 - Male {} Mother: Allison Truthdale - Age 45 - Female.

Part 3:

Flare Tinsel closed the door to her appartement and made her way through the street. It was very strange, this time of day because everyone was either in a rush, or was taking their sweet time. Flare was neither of those things. She wasn't in a rush, or wasn't at all lazy. She was just a bit . . . occupied. Reserved, perhaps, if you want to call it that. She had her whole day planned. First, she would stop by the cafe to meet Stephanie. While at the cafe, she would have no doubt that Andy would bump into her and would want to talk. After the talk, she would help her stepmother bake mini cheesecakes for her stepmother's work party. After baking, she planned on writing around a thousand words for her novel, then read a chapter of her book before going to bed. Everyday was like this. All planned, no patches. No holes. No paths to wander. She never questioned her days because she planned them all out a week beforehand. Flare opened the door to a cafe.

Stephanie Clauide had a rose gold phone rested on her shoulder as she painted her nails almost the same color. Her strawberry blonde hair was tied in a high ponytail with absolutely no tangles whatsoever.

Flare walked over to the table Stephanie sat at. “Hey, Steph. How was your day?” She asked.

Stephanie held up a finger as if to say ‘hold on’. “Hey, sorry to cut you short, but my friend has something really important she has to discuss with me. Please call me back. Bye.” She hung up the call and sat her phone on the table in front of her. “Flare! I'm so glad you could make it on time. My grandmother is just the most annoying person ever. I wish you would have gotten here earlier so that I wouldn't have to listen to her.”

Flare smiled patiently. Knowing Stephanie, she wasn't done talking yet, so Flare let her finish her sentence before giving a reasonable explanation.

“Oh, I almost forgot to say that Andy talked to me yesterday. He said that he was planning on coming to this exact cafe today. He'll literally be here in a few minutes.”

Flare sighed. As expected. She hardly knew the kid, but Andy was just trying to be nice and she needed someone nice to be around. Stephanie was an excellent friend, her brother was decent enough to hang out with, but she was just missing something, which is why she wasn't exactly upset when she had planned out her day.

Stephanie smiled. “Don't look so sad all the time. Cheer up.” She gasped. “I know what will cheer you up!” She glanced at the door when a young man with curly caramel hair walked in the cafe. She elbowed Flare who quickly avoided eye contact.

“What do you expect me to do?” Flare whispered.

Stephanie shrugged. “You could do nothing, but you should make more friends other than me.”

Flare sighed again and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, then immediately pulled it back out.

“Hey, Andy! Come sit with us!” Stephanie exclaimed.

Andy grinned and took a seat across from Flare. His shirt was entirely black except for an enormous flame as the center of attention. There was a white silhouette of a person on the ground reaching out for help. It was too much for Flare to handle.

Flare remembered the fire. Her mom had just come home from work and was in he bedroom, crying. Laying next to her feet was a lit up match with a freshly lit orange flame on the tip. Before she knew it, the whole house was afire and Flare had seen it come alive. It was devastating hearing the last tears of her sister and the cries of her father shouting for help. Her brother was still working his shift, so he had no idea what he would come home to.

“Flare? Are you okay?” Andy asked.

Flare slowly shook her head as the memories flashed through her translucent mind. “No. I'm sorry.” She stood up and ran out of the cafe without thinking of her schedule. That dumb schedule is useless. It couldn't predict what I had just experienced. I am done with schedules. They're pointless. There's always going to be something that ruins everything, even if it is just a silly t-shirt. As Flare ran along the sidewalk, an arm grabbed her and pulled her aside.

“Hey. Look what we've got here. A runaway blonde.” Some raspy old voice spoke.

“I bet she's running away from home. Shall we return her?”

Please. Please return me home. Flare pleaded.

“Hush, you imbeciles.” A man in a black cloak slowly hovered his way toward Flare. “You're unmistakably Simon Tinsels daughter. Hmm?”

Of course Flare couldn't say anything because her mouth was tied with a bandana, so she forced a nod.

“Oh, don't worry. I'll let him know you're safe with me, besides, you should already know who I am.”

Flare couldn't guess. Not right now. Maybe if she wasn't tied up, or maybe if she didn't have the sudden memory of the fire, then she would have remembered, but her mind went completely blank.

“Since you're speaking is limited, I'll just cut to the chase.” His grin spread across his extremely pale face. That grin was unforgettable.

During the fire, Flare had approached her crying mother and had just spotted the freshly burning match on the floor in front of her. Behind her mother through the glass window, a man in a black cloak watched their house burn. He had this wide grin that wouldn't wipe away and she knew who was watching her. She couldn't do anything about it, though because she was in shock. The name, though was unforgettably Joseph Tinsel. Her runaway uncle who had left them all in a dangerous time in their lives. He didn't help at all. Just stood in silence with a horrific grin as if he had planned the fire all along. (1,014 Words)

Total words: 2,110

Last edited by Iris_Galaxy (Jan. 7, 2023 20:31:06)

33 posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

Question - can the blurb be part of the 1000 word story? You know, as it's starting?
And another question - should the characters in part 2 be from our story or random?

Last edited by 81AstroBear (Jan. 4, 2023 14:06:57)

✿☆ - astro - girl - sweet - nerd - better than you - ✿☆ /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
33 posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

Part 1

Collie was a unique kid. Since the age of 6, she had an unnatural fascination with the world of insects. Wherever she went, she would find an insect, catch it, observe it, and then either release it or keep it as a pet. Her Insect Book, as she called it, was full of neat drawings and observations of different insects. And though this was interesting with Collie, her parents thought otherwise. Collie’s parents, Mariah and Jeff, were almost the opposite of Collie. Mariah had an unnatural fear of insects. A mere ant or fly would send her into screaming fits. And now, everyday she would see her daughter bringing bugs to their house, each one bigger and scarier than the other. Mariah had a habit of locking herself into a room whenever Collie came, so she would be spared of seeing the ‘monsters’ in Collie’s hand. Jeff wasn’t very scared of insects, though. He had also been an insect lover as a kid. But what troubled him was that his daughter was bringing bugs that ate their wooden house, put holes in the carpet, infested the food, and he released all of Collie’s insects after their cat ate a poisonous bug and got sick. Of course, that didn’t stop Collie from bringing more.
And, of course, she became the weirdo at school. All the kids were scared of her, and even some teachers. Not because of her, but because of her insects. Once, when she was 8, a boy named Brandon had bullied her for liking insects and she set a tarantula on him. She was scolded by both the principal and her parents, but she already had kept her mark. Mess with her, get the bugs.
But her confidence made her popular too. Everyone, though they feared her, looked up to her too. And to battle school, she had her best friend Kira with her.
Kira and Collie were almost like twins. With blue eyes, black hair, and dimples, they looked quite alike. But they thought alike too. Kira had also loved all creepy crawlies and they both had ‘Insect Books’. Sometimes they would read each other's books to see who found the most insects.
And now Collie was a teenager, top of her class, and the most beautiful girl of the school. But her love of insects never went away.
But, as she grew up, she had found most of the insects of her state. Her Insect Book had developed from one book to three. But she still wanted to find more. Explore more. See more.
And how she found time with school, I’m not sure. But she sure did. And a lot.
But now, finding insects wasn’t a hobby for her. It was a job, a passion, a talent.
She had found an insect that had never been found. She named it ‘Collie Cockroach’ as its common name, because it looked quite like a cockroach, even though it was a different variation.
And the thing about her is that the only thing, other than studies, that she was actually interested in was insects. She didn’t care a penny about her looks at all. This made her different from the other girls in her school, who worked so hard for their appearance, while Collie just had it naturally.
And Kira was as beautiful as her. But the only thing different about them was that Kira cared about her looks, and had given up insect finding years ago. But that didn’t affect their friendship. It just affected the subject of their conversations, and the things that they did before.

Here's part one! I'm in the Knight cabin by the way.

Astoria - Noun, meaning a Astronomer, a writer, a dancer, and a sister who loves who and where she is, and is quirky

Last edited by 81AstroBear (Jan. 6, 2023 12:14:34)

✿☆ - astro - girl - sweet - nerd - better than you - ✿☆ /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
500+ posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

81AstroBear wrote:

Question - can the blurb be part of the 1000 word story? You know, as it's starting?
And another question - should the characters in part 2 be from our story or random?

Yes, I would assume so. I'm going to do that so that it builds up my story.

33 posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

Iris_Galaxy wrote:

81AstroBear wrote:

Question - can the blurb be part of the 1000 word story? You know, as it's starting?
And another question - should the characters in part 2 be from our story or random?

Yes, I would assume so. I'm going to do that so that it builds up my story.
Oh, thank you!

✿☆ - astro - girl - sweet - nerd - better than you - ✿☆ /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
100+ posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

part one:

Radka tied her hair furiously, a determined expresison on her face. She could not, /would not/, let Pritha Suze Vida win. Or get away with her devious, artfully sly cheating. It was un/fair/.

And no one knew it.

/If you give the slip,/ Pritha had warned her gloatingly, /you know what's going to happen. So you /better/ not./ With that, she'd slunked away, leaving Radka standing horrified in the dust.

The memory still came back to her, echoing in her mind, setting her heatbeat to /ultra/ fast. It came to her again, now, as she glared at Pritha sweet-talking a judge, her shoulders shaking in anger.

“Hey, hey,” said a voice, zoning her back to reality. “What's up?”

Two faces stared at her in concern. Lian Mantoyani, the one who spoke, and another, Danaë Mäkinen, her other best friend.

Radka cleared her head, shaking it rapidly.

“I'm fine,” she mumbled. “Just - just-” she stopped to think of a lie - “nervous, that's all.”

She, out of fear, hadn't told them about Pritha yet. Yet. Just in case.

“Don't worry,” Danaë said soothingly. “It'll be all right. Pritha won't win.”

“Yeah,” said Lian. “The little-” and insulted Pritha with a word his mother would have scrubbed his mouth out for saying. “Usual Chineese treatment”, he called it casually. Lian probably said something else /encouraging/, but Radka didn't hear them. He was wrong, dutifully wrong. Because Pritha would be sure to win.

No matter what.

As she watched the other competitors warm up, her mind wandered, once more. But this time, she was imagining the possibilities, widening a crack of an idea she'd thought of.

Radka was hatching a plan.

“On your marks. Get set…go!”

Radka sprinted forward, adrenaline rushing through her. Hatred for Pritha danced in front of her eyes like a routine. She had to do her best, as usual. She would have won if not for Pritha - always in second after her, in the previous rounds. But last week she had found her secret out, and she was ready to use it.

/That's all I have to do,/ Radka reminded herself as she ducked behind a prop to avoid an arrow going her way. /Don't focus on the plan or on Pritha. Keep on going. It'll work out./

She grabbed her own bow and carefully crouched. For a split second, she pushed her head out from behind the prop. As soon as she saw her target, she went down in a blur. Radka readied the bow, and she shot up again - just in time to shoot and eliminate the contestant from the game.

/One down,/ Radka thought. /Eighteen to go./

The contestant sighed, and with slump shoulders, he dropped his feather and picked up his bow, mouthing /good luck/ reluctantly to Radka with a teeny bit of jealousy.

Quickly, Radka snatched the feather from the floor and pinned it to her own. Two colorful feathers were now displayed in her hair.

The game was a bit like capture the flag, but each player had their own feather, and they had to either bring them down by shooting them to retrieve it, or try to pluck it from their hair without being caught or shot, which was very rare - nearly impossible. The player who had the most feathers in their hair at the end of the game won.

Radka ran down the arena and spotted Danaë, who had first joined the Feather Arrow games to support her but actually turned out to be a pretty good player, rushing forward with her bow ready and aiming at a competiter, who was trying to prepare his bow while running backwards. He tripped and fell, in the end, and Danaë shot him with ease.

Radka did an unseen double take as she realized Danaë already had four feathers, not including her own. /Well, time to bring her down./

She shot.

Danaë, picking up the feather with glee, didn't see or hear the arrow rushing to her. Her head spun just as the arrow hit her. She groaned.

Radka grinned at her and pinned her five new feathers in her head. She was a big target now, with seven feathers, but players were done. Seven, at least. She gave Danaë a quick nod before sprinting forward.

The game continued, and it was her hardest so far, though it started off easy.

And then she saw Pritha.

She clenched her fists. She couldn't let Pritha distract her. Pritha /some/how had /thireen/ feathers in her hair. She hadn't spotted Radka yet, but she strutted forward casually, her bow ready.

Only them left.

“Come out, Radka,” she sang, her eyes glinting madly. Her voice echoed across the arena. The crowd's cheers died down. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Radka breathed harder.

“Radka!” she yelled.

And she shot.

part two:

stock character - name: ashley whitlock // gender: female // age: 16 // personality: selfish, snobby, demanding // hobbies: flirting, makeup, dance // father: mark whitlock, mother: claire whitlock // friends: mackenzie hollister (B // likes: shopping, being rich // dislikes: dirty things, reading // backstory: she’s the dumb blond/mean + popular girl stereotype that is totally not cliche // favorite place: her family mansion

flat character - name: peter // gender: male // age: 5 // personality: curious, nosy, creative, chatty // hobbies: fiddling/playing with things, adventuring // father: “dad” mother: “mommy” // friends: frank, sophie // likes: talking, sleeping, playing // backstory: just a regular curious 5yo born to loving parents // park

dynamic character - name: amelia brown // gender: female // age: 21 // personality: kind, caring, clumsy // hobbies: animals, especially dogs, socialising // father: john brown mother: bianca brown // friends: layla john, percy jackson (B // an animal-loving clear-sighted mortal who takes used to be a silent kid before she discovered :sparkles: demigods :sparkles: were real. takes care of mrs o’leary if percy’s away // favorite place: animal shelter

Last edited by -springskies (Jan. 7, 2023 09:55:20)

hope, hershey pronouns (B
100+ posts

Weekly One • JWC 2023

Weekly #1 Part 2 1/7/23
word count: 509
points: 300

Name: Clarice Harper | Age: 14 | Gender: Female | Personality: Kind, generous, encouraging, patient | Appearance: Wavy auburn hair cut into midi-bob, honey glow skin, eyes are grey-green with gold flecks | Likes: Reading, practicing telekinesis, listening to classical music, running, nature | Dislikes: Unkindness, Aunt Larisa, spiders, rodents, being bossed around | Family: Erix Harper - father (deceased), Asha Aberra Harper - mother (deceased), Larisa Harper Ellis - aunt, Aimi Grace Ellis - cousin | Backstory: Parents passed away in a car crash, Clarice was the only survivor, that was the day her telekinesis powers were unlocked. She goes and lives with her aunt and cousin, only her cousin has found out she has powers. She practices her powers daily, hidden, afraid to show anyone other than her cousin.

Name: Bender (villain name, real name unknown) | Age: Unknown | Gender: Female (classified info, most assume she is a male) | Personality: Confident, stubborn, rude, fierce | Appearance: No one has ever seen her real face. She wears all black clothes, and black cargo pants, she also has a mirror cloak, the equivalent of an invisibility cloak except it is less expensive and does malfunction often. | Likes: Showing off her powers, disrupting the magical department, running away from the magic authorities | Dislikes: hiding her powers, being told what to do, being underestimated, being assumed as being a man | Family: unknown (classified info) | Backstory: Bender is a recent villain in the supernatural world, she’s very keen on letting everyone know about her telekinesis powers, yet in a matter of a few days everyone already knows who she is, they know to fear her. She loves causing chaos in the magical community along with her mates/group. She believes that magic folk shouldn’t cower in the shadows because they are afraid of humans harming them, instead they should use their powers to overwhelm the humans, take control of non-magical folk, fighting back against the non-magical folks who oppressed them for centuries then sent them into hiding.

Name: Aimi | Age: 8 | Gender: Female | Personality: bubbly, talkative, kind, attentive, confident | Appearance: Rosy cheeks with dimples, brown hair in bob with bangs, amber eyes, thin eyebrows | Likes: Music, unicorns, magic, her cousin’s (Clarice) telekinesis practices | Dislikes: Arguments, her mom yelling, mean people, rain | Family: Larisa Harper Ellis - mother, Hunter Ellis - father, Erix Harper - uncle, Asha Aberra Harper - aunt, Clarice Harper - cousin | Backstory: Aimi was born to Larisa Harper Ellis and Erix Harper when the both of them were 25. Her father left shortly after the birth not able to commit to taking care of a child leaving only Larisa and Aimi. Larisa tried to be the best mother she could but she was bitter that her husband abandoned them. Aimi likes to try cheering up her mother but it never really works. When Clarice came to live with them Aimi was thrilled, her mother not so much. Aimi hated when her mother yelled at Clarice, she would always cry. Aimi was saddened that her mother had forced Clarice to leave, but she knew Clarice, Clarice would always find a way to get back to her.

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