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Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

Yay! Looks amazing! <3 Here's the link to Knight cabin if you can include it : https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32450720/
Thanks, Jean! I looked for it but couldn't find it. xD

school4girlhd wrote:

*salutes* I am now the official dates-reminder-spammer at your service, ma'am xD
Thank you *bows* xD

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 30, 2022 03:40:43)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Do you think we should have a writing fight project? One where it explains the rules and stuff?

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

Do you think we should have a writing fight project? One where it explains the rules and stuff?

That's a good idea! :D

Also, the weeklies are supposed to change on Sundays, I think, if you wouldn't mind changing that in the desc :)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

Also, the weeklies are supposed to change on Sundays, I think, if you wouldn't mind changing that in the desc :)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

Also, the weeklies are supposed to change on Sundays, I think, if you wouldn't mind changing that in the desc :)

Np! It's easy to get things mixed up :D

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

Dawn_Camps wrote:

Do you think we should have a writing fight project? One where it explains the rules and stuff?

That's a good idea! :D
Oops, I missed this-

Sounds good, do you want to make it or should I? Since I'm making the rules, I could but if you want to I can just post the rules here. :)

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 30, 2022 04:25:26)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Btw, here's the list of dailies:

January 1 - Happy New Year! And welcome to the first day of camp. Usually, the first day of camp is an introductory day and this is no different. Or is it? For your first day, you’ll be introducing yourself but a bit differently. Write a short scene in the third person pov where you’re introducing yourself to someone. Try to include things about yourself not only in the dialogue but in the actions as well. This scene should be a minimum of 300 words. You’ll earn 400 points for this daily!

January 2 - Look up the definition of the pantster writer and the plotter writer. Which one would you say you are? Write 200 words of a story you've been working on using the opposite approach than what you normally do. Either jump in without planning this part you're going to write or strategically plan it out before you start. This daily earns 400 points. An extra 100 points if you share your work! Have fun trying a new approach!

January 3 - Have you ever wished you were different? Today, write 300 words about where humans have (a) unique body part(s). What about eagle wings? Or vines instead of hair? Or even a monkey tail? The possibilities are endless! You earn 400 points for this daily. An extra 100 points if you share proof!

January 4 - What is a cliche you love? Write 250 words about why you love that cliche and how you could use it in one of your stories. This daily earns 300 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 5 - Write a full (first and last) name in the comments. Any random name, or one you like! Someone else will take that name and make a character solely based on the name! Now, you will pick a name from someone else and write an outline of your character. 400 words for 500 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 6 - It's time to pair up! Post a comment asking for a partner, and once you have one, take turns telling each other the plot of a story you're working on. Then give your partner some feedback on their story idea, asking questions and letting them know if you have any suggestions for it! This daily is worth 200 points! Post a link to your comment strand for proof.

January 7 - Have you ever wondered what life on other planets is like? Today choose a planet and write about life there in 300 words for 350 points!

January 8 - Everyone needs writing prompts, sometimes, right? Well, today it's time to share some! Make up a prompt for someone to use, and post a comment with it. Take someone else's prompt and write a scene using it! 400 words for 500 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 9 - Fairy tales such as Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella are considered classics in the book world. Today look up a famous fairy tale and rewrite it in a different genre! You don’t have to make the story as long as the original fairy tale and you’re free to change aspects of the original story. 400 words for 550 points! An extra 100 points for sharing your work.

January 10 - It's time to Roleplay! Find someone to pair up with, and RP as yourself in a land filled with knights, droids, sleuths, and all of the other cabins! At least go back and forth 4 times each, and post your comment strand for proof. If you don't know what roleplay is, you can read more here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/544424616
This daily is worth 200 points!
January 11 - Cabin wars! It’s best to consult with your (co)leader(s) before attacking another cabin as your (co)leader(s) may have a strategy/tactic. After a cabin is warred, there is a 4-hour shield where they cannot be warred again. This shield starts after a war comment is posted. Here are the wars:
Cabin wars! Write 2,000 words as a cabin in the next 4 hours or else lose 600 points. Extra challenge: write only in the third person omniscient as a group for 100 points!
Cabin wars! Three people have to write 850 words each in 4 hours or else lose 900 points. Extra challenge: Write using at least 10 metaphors. For each person who does so, you earn 100 points!
Cabin wars! Write 4,000 words as a cabin in 6 hours or else lose 500 points. Extra challenge: write only non-fiction as a group for 200 points!
Cabin wars! Four people have to write 600 words each in 4 hours or else lose 700 points. Extra challenge: Write using only two characters (animals count as characters). For each person who does so, you earn 100 points!

January 12 - Look back and at least read three of your old stories. If you don’t have three just go with as many as you do have. How much have you improved? What do you still have to work on? Journal about your writing journey and how you've progressed. 200 words for 300 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 13 - Make a timeline of one of your story's plot. You have to at least make the opening, climax, and closing info, and the more words you write, the more points you get! Proof is required for this daily!
Less than 100 words - 100 points!
100-199 words - 200 points!
200-299 words - 300 points!
300-399 words - 400 points!
400+ words - 500 points!

January 14 - Take these personality quizzes, BUT as if you were your character. Journal about the results you got, and if you think they were accurate. Write at least 100 words for 200 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!
Elements: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/24222661/
MBTI type: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/686789338/
Emoji: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/338957151

January 15 - We all have interests outside of Scratch Camps and writing. For today’s daily, do one of your other interests for at least 15 minutes. Then journal about it with a minimum of least 100 words for 200 points! No proof is required.

January 16 - Today is going to be fairly simple. Write 400 words in your cabin’s genre for 600 points! 5 extra points if you share your writing.

January 17 - What are your writing habits? Do you always write in the mornings? Or do you stay up late, listening to music as your write? Write about yourself as a writer, but do so from the third person omniscient. For example, “Anne stared at her computer screen, after finally sitting down to write.” You can use your Scratch nickname or make up one for yourself. 200 words for 300 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 18 - Fanfic time! Choose a fandom (you CAN choose JWC but if you do this daily can only count for the fanfic or one of the 15 dailies in the monthly challenge, it can’t count for both, sorry. </3) and write a 400-word fanfic about it for 500 points. You can earn an extra 100 points for sharing it!

January 19 - What is one of your character's fears? Journal about how this fear impacts your character and maybe the story too. 200 words for 300 points!

January 20 - This session, we’re introducing something new! It’s called Writing Fight! You can learn more about it here:
Writing fight will be the daily for the next three days, so you don’t have to worry about rushing back for a new daily.

January 21 - This session, we’re introducing something new! It’s called Writing Fight! You can learn more about it here:
Writing fight will be the daily for tomorrow as well, so you don’t have to worry about rushing back for a new daily.

January 22 - This session, we’re introducing something new! It’s called Writing Fight! You can learn more about it here:
Today is the last day for Writing Fight!

January 23 - Music is a big factor in most of our lives. Today, choose your favourite song and write a 300 word story based on it! You’ll earn 400 points for this daily.

January 24 - Today we won’t be writing. *cue the gasp* Instead we’ll be drawing/designing! Don’t worry if that’s not your thing, your design doesn’t have to be amazing, but you should put effort into it. For 100 points, design a cover for one of your stories. This cover can be drawn digitally or traditionally, it can be a collage, or you can use a design program. An extra 50 points if you share it!

January 25 - Cabin wars! It’s best to consult with your (co)leader(s) before attacking another cabin as your (co)leader(s) may have a strategy/tactic. After a cabin is warred, there is a 4-hour shield where they cannot be warred again. This shield starts after a war comment is posted. Here are the wars:
Cabin wars! Write 2,000 words as a cabin in the next 4 hours or else lose 600 points. Extra challenge: write only in the third person omniscient as a group for 100 points!
Cabin wars! Three people have to write 850 words each in 4 hours or else lose 900 points. Extra challenge: Write using at least 10 metaphors. For each person who does so, you earn 100 points!
Cabin wars! Write 4,000 words as a cabin in 6 hours or else lose 500 points. Extra challenge: write only non-fiction as a group for 200 points!
Cabin wars! Four people have to write 500 words each in 4 hours or else lose 700 points. Extra challenge: Write using only two characters (animals count as characters). For each person who does so, you earn 100 points!

January 26 - You’ve been working hard, take a rest today.

January 27 - Today you’ll be rewriting your oldest piece of writing. If it’s too long, then feel free to only rewrite a portion. If it’s too short, then expand on it. The minimum word requirement for this daily is 300 words. Completing it will earn your cabin 450 points!

January 28 - Today is Dawn’s birthday! Write her a birthday note! /j Today’s a free write but with a twist!
What’s the weather like today? Use this chart to determine how much you have to write:

If it’s above 20℃ (68℉) write 500 words
If it’s between 10℃ and 19℃ (50℉ and 66.2℉) write 300 words
If it’s between 1℃ and 9℃ (33.8℉ and 48.2℉) write 200 words
If it’s 0℃ on the dot (32℉) write 100 words
If it’s between -1℃ and -9℃ (30.2℉ and 15.8℉) write 200 words
If it’s between -10℃ and -19℃ (14℉ and -2.2℉) write 300 words
If it’s below -20℃ (4℉) write 500 words

Completing this daily will earn your cabin 500 points!

January 29 - Take a story you've already written and write some of it from the point of view of a different character. 300 words for 400 points! An extra 100 points if you share your work!

January 30 - We’re nearing the end of camp and we’d like to know your honest thoughts and opinions. What did you like about camp? What could be improved? Feel free to be honest. There’s no word minimum but giving your feedback will earn your cabin a final 100 points. <3

January 31 - Ahh, the last day of camp. </3 There’s no daily today but I’m sure your co/leaders would appreciate it if you wrote them thank you notes (and they count for words, which count for points )! You can add words until February 1st in YOUR TIMEZONE. Thank you all for a great session! I hope to see some of you again next year. <3

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

Dawn_Camps wrote:

Do you think we should have a writing fight project? One where it explains the rules and stuff?

That's a good idea! :D
Oops, I missed this-

Sounds good, do you want to make it or should I? Since I'm making the rules, I could but if you want to I can just post the rules here. :)

Np! Honestly, I would prefer if you made it, if that's ok? I'm very busy lately, and you'll know better how to explain it.


Last edited by school4girlhd (Nov. 30, 2022 22:15:13)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Here are my weeklies:



I hope it's ok that I thought mine would work best as the 1st and 4th ones. ^^

I plan on asking the leaders for examples in a few days. :)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

I also saw that you said that there won't be a daily on the 31st, but I think we did talk about doing an activity where cabins try to write a certain amount of words that day to gain the most points. :D It's explained more here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6712642/

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

Np! Honestly, I would prefer if you made it, if that's ok? I'm very busy lately, and you'll know better how to explain it.
Of course! <3 I'll try and have it done by December 15th at the latest?

school4girlhd wrote:

Here are my weeklies:



I hope it's ok that I thought mine would work best as the 1st and 4th ones. ^^

I plan on asking the leaders for examples in a few days. :)
Thanks, Jean! They look amazing!!! <3 I'll mark it down!

school4girlhd wrote:

I also saw that you said that there won't be a daily on the 31st, but I think we did talk about doing an activity where cabins try to write a certain amount of words that day to gain the most points. :D It's explained more here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/6712642/
:0 I forgot about that. Do you think that maybe we should make it so you can start writing at 12 am UTC and end at 12 am UTC instead of starting in your timezone? Because people in earlier timezones won't have as much time to write for the last daily.

Last edited by Dawn_Camps (Nov. 30, 2022 23:57:43)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

Of course! <3 I'll try and have it done by December 15th at the latest?

Ok! You probably don't have to post it that soon, though. :)

Thanks, Jean! They look amazing!!! <3 I'll mark it down!

Thanks! Sorry they took so long ;)

:0 I forgot about that. Do you think that maybe we should make it so you can start writing at 12 am UTC and end at 12 am UTC instead of starting in your timezone? Because people in earlier timezones won't have as much time to write for the last daily.

Yeah, I think that that activity is basically like the last daily, so it should run in UTC time. :)

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

I sent the camper signups notifications! <3

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:


school4girlhd wrote:

I sent the camper signups notifications! <3
Thanks so much, Jean! <3

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

I sent the camper signups notifications! <3
Thanks so much, Jean! <3

Np! :D

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Here's a reminder about your writing comp committee forum :D You probably want enough time to start figuring out who is doing what job on your committee and deciding the places and points for the competition. ^^

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

Here's a reminder about your writing comp committee forum :D You probably want enough time to start figuring out who is doing what job on your committee and deciding the places and points for the competition. ^^
Ahh, yep! I should get that done within a week! <3

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

Dawn_Camps wrote:

school4girlhd wrote:

Here's a reminder about your writing comp committee forum :D You probably want enough time to start figuring out who is doing what job on your committee and deciding the places and points for the competition. ^^
Ahh, yep! I should get that done within a week! <3

Ok, great! <3

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

So I was wondering if you've finished your weeklies? :) If you have, then we can start deciding who is doing what examples. The 4 leaders were Kat, Sarah, Pineapple, and Iris. I know it doesn't matter much who does which examples, but we do have to decide so we can send them the weeklies they're working on.

1000+ posts

Educational Project About Turtles

school4girlhd wrote:

So I was wondering if you've finished your weeklies? :) If you have, then we can start deciding who is doing what examples. The 4 leaders were Kat, Sarah, Pineapple, and Iris. I know it doesn't matter much who does which examples, but we do have to decide so we can send them the weeklies they're working on.
I haven't finished them yet, I'll and get them done soon! <3

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