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Weekly 2 • JWC 2023

Weekly 2: Character Arcs

JWC 2023


Imagine you can predict the future. You were born with this skill, and over the years, you've gotten better at glimpsing the scenes of the future.

You know that magic is forbidden, but as you get older, people in your village start to take notice of your power.

One day, you are taken to the King, and you expect him to lock you up. But the king sees that your power is great. So instead, he offers your freedom if, in return, you will predict what happens to his child.

Just like this character, you have the power to predict the future. How? With character arcs!


Welcome to the 2nd weekly, JWCers!

Just like people, characters change through time. That's why it is important to plan (or predict xD) how your characters will develop during your story.

A character arc is the progression of a character - it is an outline of how characters change for the better, or for worse. Character arcs help writers plan their stories, and get a clear view of the direction their characters are taking.

Now that you know what a character arc is, it's time to give it a try!

NOTE: Please do no post in this forum, thank you! <3

➳ Part 1. Gathering Ideas

For this part, use one of your characters or create a new one! Write at least 300 words explaining some basics of your character, including characteristics, backstory, flaws, strengths, and anything else you want to include! This will be in a journal-type style, with your thoughts flowing freely. :)

Here's an example:

Name: Cora Finley

Age: 14

Characteristics: She finds it easier to tell others little about herself, partly to do with her past. A sly character, who tries to fade into the background. Cora’s personality is feisty and daring, and she’ll do anything to help a friend, even if it means risking her own safety. She tends to observe the world when she doesn’t have anything better to do, which is most of the time.

Flaws: She often doesn’t think twice about her decisions, and her reckless ways have gotten her and her friends in danger. There’s also the fact that she worries about others when really they’re completely fine.

Strengths: Cora has an amazing amount of trust and loyalty, she’s a good friend to her peers, and she can also disappear into the shadows and change her identity like a chameleon.

Looks: Cora has dark skin, cobalt blue eyes, and short dark hair that she either keeps out or under an elaborate wig. She usually wears clothes that don’t attract attention, and blend into the crowd

Backstory: Cora was born into a loving, middle-class family. They lived a comfortable life, and were grateful for what they’d got. That all changed for when Cora’s sister was thrown in Jail for a crime she didn’t commit. Cora got herself thrown in the same prison, but within a few hours after her trial, she blew up the building and escaped within the chaos. Now wanted by several different governments, Cora became a master of disguise, juggling several different identities at once. But there were several people who always saw through her aliases.

Extras: She likes to compare life to her favourite books, and people to her favourite characters, and tends to overreact about minor situations. She also spends way too much time writing songs that relate to the crazy life she’s living.

Credit: Made by @Kat_Camps

➳ Part 2. Visualizing the Arc

So now that you've gotten some ideas down about your character, you can create an arc! To get started, ask yourself these questions: How do you want your character to change? What do you want your character to learn?

Then, once you have the answers, you can start creating your arc image! Make sure to at least have three points on your arc: a beginning, a change, and a conclusion with how your character ends up. :)

Here's an example:

Credit: Made by @Kat_Camps

➳ Part 3. Planning the Message

What do you think this arc means for your story? Does it give a moral to the story, or teach something to the audience?

Write why you think the changes you chose for your character are important. :) 400 words minimum.

Here's an example:

The importance of an arc to me is how it helps my writing process go a bit smoother. It’s like I have this clear idea in my head about what I want to happen. I usually tend to picture it out as if it was a film inside my head. Then I grab my laptop, sketchbook, notebook, or whatever is nearest to me for visualising my idea’s. While I find it hard to stitch a moral into my story, honestly it’s near impossible to hide a subtle message for my readers to overlook, yet take in at the same time, I admire anyone who can do that perfectly. Probably my moral would be ‘don’t overlook what seems unimportant.’ I can see how it’s hard to see that in my ark, due to the fact that it’s rather simple. I guess what this ark means to my story is that change comes fast, and sometimes there’s not much you can do about it. Like how one second it’s your birthday, and the next you’re busting out of jail. Honestly, defining your character changes are one of the hardest steps of planning. Every little change your character develops is easier if you place it in your ark. Let’s face it, things are awkward when you try to write something that wasn’t in your planning. My character Cora is used to things happening in her own life, but she still finds it hard to seperate reality from the fictional worlds she often escapes to. This changes when she realises that her real world is seriously messed up and nobody seems to notice except her and a select group of friends. Her character changes from an innocent and oblivious girl, to a fearless leader who has to make the deciding decisions that could save an entire population. Talk about pressure. Not to mention the fact that Cora’s doing all of this while switching identities. Characters are my favourite part of planning my story. Like you're completely in control of their lives. It’s kinda satisfying when something amazing happens to them, and if you’ve planned your characters perfectly, you’ll feel incredibly concerned when your characters are in grave danger. Character changes help your readers understand and perhaps relate to your characters. It’s basically a long road trip where you go over a few bumps, find yourself at a couple of crossroads, and make some changes to your journey. And if you find yourself making changes midway through your story, that’s okay too! With characters, and planning, and arcs, they can take a while to map out

Credit: Made by @Kat_Camps

Optional - Part 4. Bonus Section

If you're feeling inspired and/or you have a very competitive side and want the extra points, welcome to this bonus section!

Write a 600-word minimum short story or part of a story, with your character as the protagonist! Let them come to life and live out the changes you predicted. ;) Have fun!


To finish the weekly you must,

Complete Part 1 with a 300-word free-write about your character.

Complete Part 2 with a character arc image.


Complete Part 3 with a 400-word explanation about why you chose the changes for your character and what it means for your story.

You must work through it in order (part 1, then part 2, etc.) and meet the requirements of the sections.

But don't worry! - If you're unable to complete all three parts, you can still earn some points by working through a few of the sections. :D


~ Partial Weekly: Only Part 1 = 400 points

~ Partial Weekly: Part 1 and Part 2 = 900 points

~ Completed Weekly: Part 1, 2, & 3 = 1,500 points

~ Completed Weekly and Bonus: Part 1, 2, 3, & 4 = 2,200 points

Post your work by 11:59 p.m. on the 15th UTC time to earn points. Remember to show proof and happy writing! <3


Weekly created and written by @school4girlhd.Special thanks to @Kat_Camps for the examples!

Last edited by school4girlhd (Jan. 1, 2023 00:47:56)


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