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  • » C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day! [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

kooqle wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/758029/ for advertising?
what ?

The evil kumquats have rebelled and now they don't just eat signatures.

Credit to @jmdzti_0-0

((0) - (0)) //  This is Zero. He protects my signature from evil kumquats

------(:-:)------ :: pen //  This is Bumpa. She bumps my topics when necessary. She also have a few skills at fighting since Zero taught her.

(O(w :: variables)O :: sensing) // This is Dogee. He helps me doing projects

('-' :: list) // This is Little. She verify that evil kumquats aren't coming.

° ° :: #0055ff //  This is 2S. He is the best animator I never seen on scratch. His account is Scratcheurscratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Scratcheurscratch)

when green flag clicked :: cap //  This is Soja. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl but who cares ? Soja often draw thumbnails for my projects.
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

I think it is good and we should use it for shop promotion.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

kooqle wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/758029/ for advertising?
what ?
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

kooqle wrote:

I think it is good and we should use it for shop promotion.

Fluffygamer_ wrote:

kooqle wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/758029/ for advertising?
what ?

we partner with them?

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

iiucandyfloss wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:

After Thursday, (insert cheer sound). When we did our first test and the teacher left the room for something, people were shouting and cheering. It was so funny ngl . And then the second the door opened *silence*.

Someone really pressed the mute button (but the button didn't work properly)

i remember last year in my human biology class, our teacher left the room for 5 minutes and everyone instantly started swapping answers and whispering (this is a really hard class and this teacher isn't exactly the best at catching us sneak around.) and by the time he came back everyone was nearly done testing. That test everyone made 80 or higher. we purposely missed some questions so it wasn't suspicious lol.

Ngl, I find it super annoying when we're doing work with multiple steps and you have to really think about it,
Its not that the questions had multiple tests, the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

TGS banner made by co0lcr34t10ns
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

depresso-boiyo wrote:


iiucandyfloss wrote:

depresso-boiyo wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:

After Thursday, (insert cheer sound). When we did our first test and the teacher left the room for something, people were shouting and cheering. It was so funny ngl . And then the second the door opened *silence*.

Someone really pressed the mute button (but the button didn't work properly)

i remember last year in my human biology class, our teacher left the room for 5 minutes and everyone instantly started swapping answers and whispering (this is a really hard class and this teacher isn't exactly the best at catching us sneak around.) and by the time he came back everyone was nearly done testing. That test everyone made 80 or higher. we purposely missed some questions so it wasn't suspicious lol.

Ngl, I find it super annoying when we're doing work with multiple steps and you have to really think about it,
Its not that the questions had multiple tests, the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Username: @Aaliyah_Newlands
Link to shop: This
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/Aaliyah_Newlands/IMG4761.png
Why should we partner: We should partner because I think our shop needs a little support to help it's growth, like a partner!*
Other: In the future maybe we could make a collaborated shop, but i'm not trying to keep my hopes up. I'm not sure if there's a code word.

*P.S Our shop has just started, that's why we need some support to grow our shop.

Last edited by Aaliyah_Newlands (May 15, 2024 15:33:49)

Last edited by Kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Aaliyah_Newlands wrote:

Username: @Aaliyah_Newlands
Link to shop: This
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/Aaliyah_Newlands/IMG4761.png
Why should we partner: We should partner because I think our shop needs a little support to help it's growth, like a partner!*
Other: In the future maybe we could make a collaborated shop, but i'm not trying to keep my hopes up. I'm not sure if there's a code word.

*P.S Our shop has just started, that's why we need some support to grow our shop.

Alright. Added.
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Aaliyah_Newlands wrote:

Username: @Aaliyah_Newlands
Link to shop: This
Shop banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/Aaliyah_Newlands/IMG4761.png
Why should we partner: We should partner because I think our shop needs a little support to help it's growth, like a partner!*
Other: In the future maybe we could make a collaborated shop, but i'm not trying to keep my hopes up. I'm not sure if there's a code word.

*P.S Our shop has just started, that's why we need some support to grow our shop.
*insert approved stamp*

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

hey @Just-Ideas can you add the Infinite Federation to the list?

here is the image link

aII toasters toast toast, but what happens when there are no longer toasters being produced? will their technology simply become obsolete, with humans moving onto bigger, better things? will toast become a distant memory, written in textbooks of the future as foods us simpler generations ate? who's to say! society is constantly moving, changing, evolving, ideas being built upon, improved upon, theories being proven or disproven. are we but a blip on the timeline? sure, our names may not be remembered, but that's not the point. you can make a change. you can make a difference. you can make the world better, even if you don't know yet. and the first step is to go for it. even if you are afraid of failure. going back to the example of toasters, do you know off the top of your head who invented them? no? have you used one? probably. so, even if you don't remember my name, if I was able to help awnser your question, that is enough. if I was able to help you, even in the slightest way, this could push you to continue with scratch and not give up after the program crashes, and maybe one day learn other programming languages and change the world. everything is a cause and effect reaction, new inventions lead to the technology of the future, and even as the generations of the past are slowly forgotten, their influence lives on to this day, affecting how the world eventually turned out and how it will be for generations to come.

and, without toasters, we wouldn't have toast.


Anything above that grey line is a signature!
Also, anything can be put in your signature, (also referred as a siggy) including ads but! You cannot do anything else that violates the community guidelines as, you will be reported and you could be banned/muted.
Computer enthusiast, coder, designer and a offline veteran.
700th post
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

dynamicsofscratch wrote:

hey @Just-Ideas can you add the Infinite Federation to the list?

here is the image link

100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Fluffygamer_ wrote:


kooqle wrote:

https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/758029/ for advertising?
what ?
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

depresso-boiyo wrote:

the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

Wait so then how could you copy from people who didn't know it?

And why didn't everyone know it? Wasn't it learned in class or smth?

credits to @happyha8 for image hosting my forum banner -

100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

iiucandyfloss wrote:


depresso-boiyo wrote:

the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

Wait so then how could you copy from people who didn't know it?

And why didn't everyone know it? Wasn't it learned in class or smth?

They prob used phones.
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Just-Ideas wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:


depresso-boiyo wrote:

the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

Wait so then how could you copy from people who didn't know it?

And why didn't everyone know it? Wasn't it learned in class or smth?

They prob used phones.
most people googled the answers and told other kids. this teacher copy/pastes things plus it was on apclassroom so the answers are pretty easy to find. Heck this guy doesn't even use goguardian, half the kids just googled answers on the chromebooks. The others (me) who didn't want that on the search history just asked around.

Some of the smarter science buff kids already knew the answers bc they read biology books for fun *shrug*

TGS banner made by co0lcr34t10ns
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

depresso-boiyo wrote:


Just-Ideas wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:


depresso-boiyo wrote:

the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

Wait so then how could you copy from people who didn't know it?

And why didn't everyone know it? Wasn't it learned in class or smth?

They prob used phones.
most people googled the answers and told other kids. this teacher copy/pastes things plus it was on apclassroom so the answers are pretty easy to find. Heck this guy doesn't even use goguardian, half the kids just googled answers on the chromebooks. The others (me) who didn't want that on the search history just asked around.

Some of the smarter science buff kids already knew the answers bc they read biology books for fun *shrug*

Eh. I figured out how to download anything on my school computer with .bat files and the command prompt. No admin password needed.
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

Hi there! Can I please see a few more examples of your art?

I’m a really underrated coder/artist! I fix up people’s old games and would LOVE to hear about any underrated games.


100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

prishaJuni wrote:

Hi there! Can I please see a few more examples of your art?

Sure. Do you want drawings or designs?
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

depresso-boiyo wrote:

Just-Ideas wrote:

iiucandyfloss wrote:


depresso-boiyo wrote:

the teacher just tested us on stuff we never learned because “You should have learned it last year.”

Wait so then how could you copy from people who didn't know it?

And why didn't everyone know it? Wasn't it learned in class or smth?

They prob used phones.
most people googled the answers and told other kids. this teacher copy/pastes things plus it was on apclassroom so the answers are pretty easy to find. Heck this guy doesn't even use goguardian, half the kids just googled answers on the chromebooks. The others (me) who didn't want that on the search history just asked around.

Some of the smarter science buff kids already knew the answers bc they read biology books for fun *shrug*
I didn't take offense, but I am a science buff kid.
1000+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

kooqle wrote:

I didn't take offense, but I am a science buff kid.
Didnt mean to seem rude, i apologize for that. Im not as good with the english language as a poet or politian, so i do say sorry in advance for any offensive or confusing comments i say.

TGS banner made by co0lcr34t10ns
100+ posts

C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day!

You're great. I don't mind.
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  • » C L O U D⠀I N C. << ☁ >> "The Sky's The Limit!!" << ☁ >> Good Reviews All Around! << ☁ >> Orders Without Borders! << ☁ >> Have A Heavenly Day! [RSS Feed]

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