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100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
It has come to my attention that you are looking for someone who represents the diversity of Scratch. Even though I have been on Scratch for only a couple of months, I have been extremely active and have gotten to know what Scratch is all about.

Why I want to curate
I remember that I once did a Scratch project for school, not even expecting anybody except my friends to look at. A couple of days after I shared the project, it got curated by Blackswift. I remember how happy I was. I would like to be a curator because I want to spread that joy. When I first joined Scratch, I thought that the chance to search for unknown, well-done projects deep inside cyberspace was extraordinary. I hope that you grant my wish for me to temporarily be the curator of the Scratch homepage in order for me to do so.

Why I think I would be a good curator
I believe that I will be a good curator because I show proper netiquette in the
Scratch Community-posting good, constructive comments on projects. I also give suggestions about projects and studios on many users profile. I also report inappropriate/disrespectful users and comments.
Scratch Forums-I often visit the forums and go to the Help with Scripts section and Project Ideas sections to help out other scratcher/new scratcher. I also report inappropriate/disrespectful posts along with posts that are considered spamming(except on the spamming topic),or posting irrelevant posts in a discussion place.
Scratch Wiki-Yes, along with the few Scratchers, I am a wiki contributor. I like to show proper netiquette and only make changes to post when they are needed, such as for spell check and to elaborate.
My Limits and Examples
I would only curate projects with under 37 loves, 30 favorites, and 500 views. I know that that seems a little bit higher than other Scratch curators choose because if a project is extremely good than it will surely have a good amount of loves. I will curate 5 new projects every 2 days so that every project gets and equal amount of time on the front page, I will be able to curate 35 projects. Here are the types of projects that I would like to curate:
Fun Multiplayer Games: Sports Head Soccer-A fun game that you can get lost in for hours. I love to play it with my brother and sister.
Projects with Physics and Cloning: Floating Block 3D-A very cool simulation that I believe takes advantage of the cloning technique.
Great Stop-Motions and animations: Another Stop-Motion-A funny stop motion that is very smooth.
Others Include:
Educational projects
Detailed Stories
Geometric Engines
And Much,Much More!!!!
You can also check out my studio for more example of projects I will curate.
Note:I will not curate my own projects!

I understand how important the role of curator is and I am ready to take it on. I believe that you will not be let down if you choose me. I wil accept ay decision of who takes on the role of curator.

Scratch on,
fmtfmtfmt2 (a friendly scratcher)

Last edited by fmtfmtfmt2 (Feb. 27, 2014 03:08:21)

25 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I am interested in being the curator. I would not choose any of my own projects, because that would be unfair. Also, I would include a nice variety of:
-educational projects
-action projects
-and others!
I hope I am considered. I may not be very popular, but I want to become more of that, so I saw this as an opportunity.

Last edited by isaiahellis (Feb. 26, 2014 01:40:42)

If any of you need any help with life, go here or talk with me. ♥
Have fun scratching!

<(who I am) = [A riddle wrapped in a mystery]>
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Can I be a curator?

This is my first post so I hope I am doing this right,
I will only curate projects that are under 20 love's and 15 favorite's and I will only curate projects that aren't remixed
I will curate projects that aren't popular and that look like they took a long time to make

Last edited by team_vega (Feb. 26, 2014 04:12:22)

when green flag clicked

say [Hi I am team vega!] for (2) secs
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team and anyone else.
I am interested in being a Curator. I have seen heaps and heaps of projects that are really good, which deserve too be featured/curated. If I too be a curator, then I would curate 2 or 3 projects every day, and only projects that have less than 110 views, 8 favorites, and 10 loves. I will also make sure that no one is posting any mean, inappropriate or offensive comments.
when green flag clicked

Thanks!!!!! :)
3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
Hello, this is @Short_Circuit and I would like to apply for the much-known spot of Scratch curator. I know that many other people and much better Scratchers than I have applied. I must show you why I am different from other people and what sort of projects I will choose for the invaluable experience of being front-paged.

About Me
First of all, I am allstarr27's new account. I have nearly a half-year of experience, being first introduced to Scratch by my parents, who were MIT graduates in their youth. I have tried out JavaScript, and found it very complicated. I was very excited about the prospect of a simpler, easier way to be introduced to the programming language.I made a couple of projects, and I found that I liked it.

My Requirements
While other Scratchers set very harsh or strict limits, I have decided that I will make my requirements very ample and forgiving.My requirements are:
  • Has less than 150 love-its
    Has less than 100 favorites
    No views requirements

I can only conclude that I think I would be very good for the position. I hope you will choose me and that I could continue to get un-famous Scratchers known.

This is Short_Circuit, reporting in.
The Edge of Infinity is a cool game. Check it out, and FOLLOW ME!!!
7 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello, although I have not been on Scratch very long, I go on it 2, maybe three times a day! I would really like to be a curator because if I was chosen, I would choose projects that deserve to be shown. Not being very popular on Scratch, I have seen many of my other fellow Scratcher's pieces of work and thought to myself:

'Why has this project have a really low amount of loves/favourites?'

I would choose all sorts of projects. Animations, games, stories, and so much more! I believe that being a curator doesn't mean showing the best, but showing the projects that deserve to be the best.

Thank you.
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi guys
67 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to apply to be a curator for the homepage
I have noticed that the things i tend to like the most are:
  • games that are smooth and have a fairly high FPS rate
  • games that have a neat and unique idea
  • i have no problem trying a game that might not have the best gameplay if i think that it seems to have taken a lot of work or effort, and if it is creative
  • I especially enjoy cloud games, because they have the most challenge and creativity
  • I enjoy single player games that have a creative and well thought out approach to AI programming, preferably actively changing, not a loop of movements
  • i seem to enjoy games that involve space or physics especially
  • oh yeah, speaking of physics, i enjoy games that have well though out, accurate physics
  • i find good OSes interesting, although they are not my favorite…
  • i tend to enjoy games that involve flying or technology the most…
  • and, yeah, all the really good things that i randomly find that i don't have a category for (like a really funny text-based game i saw the other day- i suggested that he make a game based only on comedy, it was that good.)
I am usually good a being positive about anything i find, and i have absolutely no problem helping people or giving them suggestions (i am working with someone now with their multiplayer game, testing and giving ideas).

In my opinion, even if something is not the “best thing ever,” if i think that that person worked hard on a project and tried their best, i think that they should be honored anyway (although i don't believe in that “everybody gets a medal” mentality, only those who actually try and put effort into something), because too many people these days don't. My goal would be to find the people who do put in effort and give them credit, and it doesn't necessarily matter to me whether they are noticed much already or not, so much as whether or not they've tried. Award comes in proportion to effort.
Thanks for your time!

Last edited by kmissioneer (Feb. 27, 2014 13:49:19)

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (The Message)
1 If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. 2 If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. 3 If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Sorry, I accidentally made another post down below. Please read below Scratch Team!

Last edited by FatMickey (Feb. 28, 2014 18:07:10)

FatMickey Was Here…
when this sprite clicked
set [FatMickey v] to [here]
5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
It would really be an honor to be a curator! I wanted to be a curator ever since I joined Scratch!
I really wanted to contribute to Scratch and make it a safe environment for programmers, like me!
I am good for the position because I am very polite, nice, and encouraging!
These are the types of projects I might curate:
  • Simple Projects
    Complex Projects
    Projects that show a lot of time and effort in them
    Original Projects
    Unique projects
Here are some projects I made to show you example of projects I probably will curate.
I would curate these projects(if they weren't mine) because they show time and effort, and originalness.
Thanks, hammersnake1016
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team!
I've been a scratcher for a long time, and I have been using the offline editor for 3 years, and I started using the online one 6 months ago. I have decided that it would be a great honor if I could become curator and I would love to be curator. I've just started my first real project, after learning by myself all I could about the online editor. Here's what I would curate:\

  • Educational projects
  • Interesting projects
  • Fun games
  • Projects that show creative and/or innovative use of scratch

Of these types of projects, I will only curate projects with under 25 loves and favorites AND projects under 250 views. I will check to make sure that the project I may choose has not been featured recently.


FatMickey Was Here…
when this sprite clicked
set [FatMickey v] to [here]
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello my name is Pitusky12 I have been in Scratch for 2.5 years and I have always wanted to be a Scratch Curator,I like programming and learning new programming languages just like when I started programming in Scratch.I might just be a normal Scratcher but im dedicated,hardworking,and decent.I am also one of the founders of Go Everywhere,I don't just sit around and favorite any project I follow these rules before I love a project:
I hold a Complete 10 in Computer,Math,and every other subject at school.
I even got to a National Contest!
What do I take in consideration when giving a love it to a project?
  • Did I like it?
    Do I think other people will like the project If I favorite the project?
    Does it have a lot of programming bugs and scripting problems?
    Is it unique?

Those are the rules I follow before I favorite a project and the rules I would also follow to curate a project.
Some type of projects I would curate are:
Type of projects I would curate
  • Operating Systems
    Fun and Addicting gameplay games
    Paint Projects
    Welcome Scratcher Projects
    Stories and Animations
    Geometric Engines
    3D Projects
    Rendering Projects
    RPG Projects

Ending and examples of projects I would curate
I literally would treat my friends and me (I would not curate my own projects) the same way I would if it were another user,everyone deserves distinction and well-earned respect and that is why I don't make a distinction between friends and other users.
The projects I would curate would have to have less than 25-30 favorites and less than 300-350 views because people with more favorites have more chances of appearing on the Scratch Website homepage.
Many projects out there deserve the respect and attention of other Scratchers to learn,be entertained,and have fun while learning a programming language “Scratch” and that is what I would and will bring to the Scratch Community.
I have been #6 Best scratcher in the old scratch rank.tk website.
Here are some examples of projects I would curate:

Thanks ,

Last edited by Pitusky12 (March 6, 2014 23:18:15)

Future owner of a 2014 Macbook Air 13' i7 1.7GHz 8gb RAM 256gb SSD

21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would choose projects that are:
-well coded
-not just a friend's
-remixed a lot
-has a lot of people who leave positive comments about how great it is
-not mine
Please let me be a SCRATCH curater.

Last edited by montana10702 (March 21, 2014 23:51:37)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I like all types of projects. I feel that I should give all types of projects a chance. So, instead of looking at only some Scratchers projects I would go here. I would then look at the recently shared project projects slider on the Scratch Homepage. I believe this would give a fair chance to all projects. Especially, the unknown Scratchers.

I am now on @-PRO-
13 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I'd love to be curator. I'm friendly, and will always help a fellow scratcher in need. I was promoted from a New Scratcher to a Scratcher January 2014. Even though it seems kinda new, I happen to be all over the place. I visit Scratch often, except for some personal reasons. I look to see complicated scripts with featured games, but do love to see new scratchers try their best. I like animations, and am about to start. Never mean comments.

500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch,
If I were a scratch home page curator I would curate things that use the capabilities of scratch and the computer in new and imaginative ways. I would also curate projects that involve the information processing capabilities of the computer.
I would have curated the piano sensor that was once featured.

I would curate:
Piano with Sensor
Random Art generator (This Project is allready curated but if i had seen it before i would have)
Sound Art
Animation Cycle
Nightmare AMV
Random Kitty Run Cycle
TG Sings Never Gonna Give you up

This are just some projects I would have featured when I saw them

I would curate projects with less tan 800 views and and less tan 20 love- its

Thank you!

26 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team. I would like to create sometime. There are many cool projects my friends and followers make. I think it would be great for people to see how to make things or just to have fun some times. Thats just a really short reason I should create. Thanks for listening.

minecraft and minions yay
when green flag clicked

say [im awesome and to cool for school]
play sound [ im awesomev]
5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'm leaving scratch until I get a featured project.
New Scratcher
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Whoo! Check out MagicMan350
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

how long does it take for a reply?

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