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100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Ich bin cool. Kann ich curator werden?
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello, Scratch Team. I would like to become a curator.

I have had two of my own projects curated, so I know what it's like to see your project on the front page. It is really fun to get tons of comments and views. I want to help others get the same experience I did. After being on scratch for more than two years, I have found that I really enjoy projects that involve a deep level of math (or high-level thinking, which I consider to be in close relation to math). Some of my favorite projects are physics based or are demonstrations of using math to solve problems. I am also very fond of games which are very polished and pay attention to small details. My very favorite type of project, though, are those that do what was once considered impossible.

Of course, all my examples above are fairly famous (or at least as famous as projects can get on scratch). I would not curate well-known projects like those.

Thanks, scratch team, for providing such an amazing platform for creating games, animations, and more. It has changed my life. I hope to give at least a little back and help others to enjoy scratch (and a few days of fame) as much as I have.
9 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I have been on scratch for month now, and understanding it! If I was a curator, I would curate projects involving the following:
-under 25 views
-not many love-its or favorites
-projects that are original (not remixes, made-up games videos)
-projects by newer scratchers (to give them a chance and to let them know their doing good)
Although I have more reasons, I hope I gave enough. I will not be selfish and add only my followers and my projects. I might add 1 or 2 of my own projects. I hope I made a good application and that you would let me be a curator!
when I receive [ curator<not be selfish<>>v]
47 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

LionScratch wrote:

Um, what does this have to do anything with becoming a curator?
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello ScratchTeam,I would like to apply to become a curator. If you accept me into this postion,I will curate projects that are insperational,fun,and creative.If someone makes a plattformer and asks for it to be curated,I will look for fun,creative elements of the game.For example, I would curate something like http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/17717406/ . (if it had under 125 views and 8 loves) In this project,you have to find your way along the platform by slattering paint all over the screen. This project show creativeness,and a level of fun.It also inspired me to make a new project related to it. I will also curate inspirational animations,that make scratcher laugh,and relax.For example,“boom de yada”(featured) is sort of like what i would curate. I hope you consider making me a curater,

PS I take great pride in my desitions
2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

say [Can i PLEASE become a curator, i would love the position and i would curate games like dis] 
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/18117335 cool project
18 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

when green flag clicked
switch costume to [happy v]
say [i really want to be a curator on the scratch homepage. ;)] for (2) secs 

IM TYGREENIE!!! play my warioware scratch project:
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

hii i am diamondtari
3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch team.

I would like to apply for being a curator. I have been on scratch not very long… No longer than 2 months, but i have got to know it well, and I am a Scratcher who loves using scratch. It's almost like i'm addicted! . I like games and i make some too. I have seen a few good projects that are not all that popular but i think deserve to be front paged. I am 12 years old, and though maybe that seems young, I think i would make a good curator. By all means, I am not saying you must choose me. Choose whoever you want, but i think it would be nice if i was a curator, it will be another new thing for me to try on scratch. I'm not sure if this was a good speech or not… oh well, keep up the good work on scratch and thanks for reading!

1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Scratch Team, i would like to become a curator.

•I Will not post Friends/family/my projects
•I understand scratch a lot and will understand if i wont become curator
•I have been on for almost a year
•I will do projects with under 20 likes/love its

I will, if i become curator, literally Scream for 1 minute strait.


P.S. my computer teacher told me about scratch and i LOVE IT!!!
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I will curate:
1. Projects under 100 views
2. Simple but awesome projects
3. Games, because they are fun
4. Interesting projects
5. Complicated projects
6. I will look in the newest projects every once in a while, because you never know what cool projects people have just made!
7. I will not curate projects over 100 views.
8. I will not curate projects that have already been curated or projects by people that have had curated projects before.

Last edited by bigpuppy (March 4, 2014 00:05:34)

“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
27 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi, Scratch team!
I'm interested in becoming a curator. Projects I look for are Plus A Plus, and, I like them to be straight to the point. I would only curate projects that are insanely great (Steve Jobs quote), and I'd be looking for some of this stuff:

  • A good game with good graphics
    Good, original game
    Maybe a game remake
    Games that effort has been put into
    Fun little mini games
    A puzzle
    Addicting (original) games
    Helpful (such as a tutorial that many are looking for but can't seem to find)
    A simple expansion game where you have to collect money to expand a village and such.

Some examples I found are right below, mostly including hard work put into, and addicting and original games. One of them is a simple expansion game:

Simple expansion game
Game that effort has clearly been put into
Original addicting game
Another game that hard work has been put into
And, finally, a great game all in itself (or a puzzle)

Thanks for reading my application!

90 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello scratch team. I am interested in being a Curator. I have been on scratch for quite a while now and I would LOVE to be a front page curator. I get on scratch almost everyday now. The types projects I would like to curate would be: Platformers, 3d games, Educational games/projects, games that include physics, art games, terrain generators, racing games, and Just completely amazing games! I will mostly curate projects with under 400 views under 30 loves/favorites. It would be the biggest honor to be a curator.
These are the types of projects I would curate:
Town builder
Terrain generater
Just a great project
A platformer
Thank you!


Last edited by Caeden02 (Feb. 25, 2014 02:27:29)

1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a curator. I would curate:
Educational projects that result astonishingly
Creative, logical projects
Functional projects, of course
Helpful projects explained with comments and custom blocks
Mindblowing OSes that have particularly amazing features such as use of Cloud Data
Projects with types of all kinds; from simple to complex

Above all these examples all projects must have:
Less than 50 views
Less than 25 love-its
Less than 20 favorites
and be:
Not on the remix chain at all

I found Scratch more than a year ago
I made my account 9 months ago



Last edited by goldfish678 (Feb. 24, 2014 02:42:12)

2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Paddle2See wrote:

Interested in applying to be a Scratch curator?
May I be a curator?
3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch team,
I really would like to be a project curator for some short and simple reasons.

reason #1: I'd like to curate because I want to bring unknown scratchers out of the dark and into the front page. I, personally, have never been featured, but I'd like to see others featured and become “Popular”, if you will.
Reason #2:I would like to be a curator because I think It would be a nice opportunity for other people's projects to be appreciated. Some scratchers long for that 1 good and friendly comment on one project. It gives them happiness and joy. (believe me, I know)

thank you,

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a curator because I would like to be able to help others shine that feel unappreciated or unpopular on Scratch.
I think I am good for this position because I will be unbiased (so I won't just pick my friend's stuff) and I am working to help people realize that they and their talents are worth something, not worthless.
I would probably mostly curate “art dumps” because I think a lot of people do them thinking that their art is junk, hence the name “dump”, and I would like to show them otherwise.
ex. http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14104500/ http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/13403561/ http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/16906019/ by some of my buds here on scratch.
I like this type of project because it gives people a chance to show off their talents, even if they don't think that they are talented.

Hi listen to The Adventure Zone it's so good thanks

when green flag clicked
go to [http://maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone v]
play sound [The Adventure Zone v] until done
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

rainbowsprinklez wrote:

Dear scratch team,
I really would like to be a project curator for some short and simple reasons.

reason #1: I'd like to curate because I want to bring unknown scratchers out of the dark and into the front page. I, personally, have never been featured, but I'd like to see others featured and become “Popular”, if you will.
Reason #2:I would like to be a curator because I think It would be a nice opportunity for other people's projects to be appreciated. Some scratchers long for that 1 good and friendly comment on one project. It gives them happiness and joy. (believe me, I know)

thank you,


Hi listen to The Adventure Zone it's so good thanks

when green flag clicked
go to [http://maximumfun.org/shows/adventure-zone v]
play sound [The Adventure Zone v] until done
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'm interested in being a curator. Every week, I like seeing what other people make and I like to give my opinion on other people's projects. I typically like platformer's and those 3D projects. I find a ton of projects that are cool and interesting and complex, some with good art, some that are just fun to play or interact. I've been a scratcher for roughly 2 month's and I'm already popular( ish ) and I don't annoy or say mean things about other scratcher's. I also have a habit of finding projects that people spend a lot of there time on and just don't get noticed. I would love to be a curator. If not, I wouldn't mind but I would love to be one!


my image was pretty lit but scratch hasn't the foggiest idea on how to accept pictures from its “approved” hosting sites
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team,
I am very interested in being a curator on the scratch homepage. It is something that I have been interested to do since I started scratch.
About Me

When I had a quick one-off lesson on scratch at school I was immediately amazed by the possibilities! I have gradually found out that while it is possible to make very complex projects you can still learn about every feature very quickly and easily! This is not the first time I have applied for being a curator.
What Would I curate

Projects with less than 350 views at the time. (can have an exception made) this is high as views does not generally determine whether a project should be front paged.
Projects with less than 35 love-it’s at the time. (can have an exception made) I have generally found 40 to be the minimum to be front-paged
The scratcher must have fewer than 150 followers, if a scratcher has enough followers they would still get a reasonable amount of feedback.
I would not curate projects by scratchers I’m following just because of that reason, however as they will appear on my feed there would be more chance of me seeing the project and it is possible that it could be curated if it is suitable
Not my own projects
What am I looking for?

Projects with a wide target audience
Projects that deserve more attention
Projects that stand out
Projects that could hopefully help everyone learn something new (even if that is not its main purpose)

My target would be to give more attention and hopefully followers to unpopular scratchers that deserve it so they can ultimately get more feedback allowing them to advance in their programming skills quicker and easily with more constructive comments.

Here are some examples

Last edited by BSH1 (Feb. 26, 2014 20:24:54)

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