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New Scratcher
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I would really like to become a curator on the front page of the Scratch website. I promise that I will be a good curator and be very kind and respectful to everyone. I have done Scratch for two years now, but on a different account. This is my new account where I will be doing Scratch on. I promise that I will also only curate projects that are the following:
  • Appropriate (No violent projects or stuff not for children)
    Dont have a lot of loves or favorites
I will also try to curate different kinds of projects, for example:
  • Animations
If I'm curator I will always curate projects on a daily bases. I will always be very attend. I will take my job of being curator seriously and make sure the games I curate are good.


Thanks Scratch Team!
33 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch team,
I really want to become a curator on the Scratch home-page. I promise to be a good curator and respect all the rules of Scratch. I will take my job as curator very serious and make sure I will be on Scratch on a daily basis to curate a project. I have had a lot of experience on Scratch so far and I am really enjoying it. I will promise that I will also be fair curator and never disrespect anyone. I will also be a fair curator by not curating any of my projects not curating projects by someone I know just because he is my friend. I will look at the projects first and see if it has no too big glitches or are inapproprite for children. If I become a curator I will try to curate different kinds of games, like animations, platforming games, educative, etc. Some examples are:


I will try to curate projects that dont have a lot of love and favorites or projects by people that havn't had a lot of experience on Scratch yet.


Last edited by ricardo45 (March 16, 2014 13:26:10)

35 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

My Application:

I think I would be good for the curator position because I am very polite, I have a good eye for grossing projects and I can tell if the project has a future of becoming great or not. I would curate:
Good Games
Platform games
Projects I think will have a future
Projects that thought and hard work went into
Educational projects

These projects would be curated if they meet these standards. If I curate a project I will post a “CONGRATULATIONS” message on their profile and project.

I am bainer101 and that's why I should have the position.

p.s I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Last edited by bainer101 (March 16, 2014 13:34:42)

21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
May I curate? You don't have to accept this invitation, but I'll show you what I can curate:

-Projects with less than 5 or 10 loves/favorites
-Unpopular but good projects
-Unique projects (Like collect games and stop motion and stuff like that)
-Educational projects
-Awesome simulations

Here's what I promise I won't curate:

-My projects or my follower's projects
-Requests to curate a project
-Bad projects
-Popular projects

Hope you accept this!

Just call me Skitty. Or Skits, whatever you want to call me.
when green flag clicked
wait (1) secs
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

9 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I have been a scratcher for about 1 and a half years (), and I think I could do as a curator. Here are the things I will do/ have:
I have a good eye for projects
I will choose a variaty of projects
I will not feature my own projects
I will take suggestions
I have constructive criticism
43 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

if i need to be honest, i am pretty a horrible scratcher . But im really interested about being a curator. If you choose me as a curator, i will just curate projects like:

art:this is for art

games:this is kinda good puzzle game

animations:i found this so funny

and stuff like this
i really know that i am horrible at introducing myself but i tried my best.Thanks.
i actually dont wanna say“i am good at commenting on projects” or something like that.But please think on this

Last edited by alierenozturk (March 16, 2014 17:07:17)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

SunDragon27 wrote:

Hi there! I would like to be a curator for the following reasons
1: There are WAY too many scratchers that put everything they have into their projects. I would like to help them get some acknowledgement for their hard work.
2: I have seen projects that have been curated that are really good, but are by popular scratchers, and that is not fair to the lesser known scratchers.
3: I would like to curate many genres of projects, the projects I have seen are mostly games and animations

Thanks for reading this, and please consider me for a curator!
I would!

Last edited by Fireheart04 (March 16, 2014 18:48:50)

I know the sky is not the limit, because there are footprints on the moon – and I made some of them!
-Buzz Aldrin
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Bluestar18 wrote:

I'm leaving scratch until I get a featured project.

Don't leave just because you haven't gotten a featured project yet. I haven't gotten one yet either. You just have to try, try again.
New Scratcher
12 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

yeah please don't leave because of that and hi
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

hi everyone
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

how is everyone
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

cupkacee wrote:

how is everyone
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear SCRATCH People,
Please let me be a curator. I will choose projects that:
  • are good quality
  • are colorful
  • have less than 50 love/favorites
  • have no remixes
  • have less than 100 views
  • have over 5 comments stating how good that project is
  • are not my own
Please consider,

Last edited by montana10702 (March 18, 2014 13:08:17)

21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Fireheart04 wrote:

SunDragon27 wrote:

Hi there! I would like to be a curator for the following reasons
1: There are WAY too many scratchers that put everything they have into their projects. I would like to help them get some acknowledgement for their hard work.
2: I have seen projects that have been curated that are really good, but are by popular scratchers, and that is not fair to the lesser known scratchers.
3: I would like to curate many genres of projects, the projects I have seen are mostly games and animations

Thanks for reading this, and please consider me for a curator!
I would!
I would too!
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

cupkacee wrote:

hi everyone
Hi! How are you. I am GREAT! Do you do follow 4 follow because I just followed you?

Last edited by montana10702 (March 17, 2014 11:27:26)

20 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

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its soposed to be a panda!!!!!!!
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

minecrafterTV wrote:

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its soposed to be a panda!!!!!!!

– Not quite pixel pretzle
imagine, program, share.
Check out my mom: @mompretzel
Unfortunately the rest of my signature was eaten by an evil kumquat
77 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team!
I'm a fairly new scratcher (with a “scratcher” status), I've set many goals ever since I started programming.
At first: I wanted to become a scratcher.
I've achieved that when I participated and gave constructive feedback, and .
I learned how it feels to be unnoticed and not seen, so I would like to help by curating some unpopular projects to let those scratchers know they're appreciated and known to the rest of the community.
I would like to curate projects like:
-Fun, interesting platform games
-Cool and scratch friendly OSes
-Amazing games that are well programmed and addicting
-Simulations and animations that resemble the diversity of the scratch community

Thanks for your time! I hope you consider the request.

Hello there!~Need a new icon, logo, or signature? Go here for my little shop!~
17 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello! Sorry to bother you again, but I would like to reapply for this “curating” thing. I have seen many amazing projects, and I want them to be discovered. And don't worry, I won't do requests or favorite my own. I promise to only favorite projects that deserve it! The types I would curate are:
-OS projects (because they are hard to make and really fun to play around with)
-Funny animations (because the people have to draw all that, and barely get any attention)
-Action games (because, even if they are hard, they are always fun! And they are probably hard to make, too!)
-Makeover games (I'm a girl, so I really can't help it!

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