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Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

What's a curator?
500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
If I were a curator I would pick projects that don't have a lot of views so that everybody gets a chance to be on the front page. I also will put in projects that I like.


Last edited by LionScratch (June 18, 2013 15:27:57)

ghost towns
22 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear ScratchTeam,
As you probably know, i was once front paged for most remixed. This shows that i am experienced with scratch. Even though i am fairly new, i have taken multiple scratch classes to perfect my ability to scratch.
The fact that i was on the front page also enhances my skill to choose. For example, i now know what people enjoy, and that will help me in the future, to choose what goes on the front page, if i ever become an ST member.

I hope you consider this note,

When life gives you dilemmas, make dilemma-nade.

Some people need a high five. In the face. With a chair.

Scratch: Scratch_Marziale
DeviantArt: ScratchMarziale
YouTube: Scratch_Marziale
Steam: ScratchMarziale
Minecraft: Scratch_Marziale (Favorite Server: ScratchCraft)

14 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I really want to be the next curator. I'm not the best scratcher but i choose good projects that the scratch community needs to take more time looking at. If projects have lot of love-its their project still might need some help. Although most people think being great at scratch and having projects front paged is good, this truly isn't a good reason to be curator. Being a curator is about the good projects you choose.
This is what i do:
I don't just choose the project made by my friends or projects that are made by popular scratchers. I choose the projects that have the greatest effort and time taking into making them. Although a project might be from a completely new scratcher, if their projects have lots of work into them I will choose it. If a project is already curated before, that project most likely does not need to be curated. I will choose brand new projects that most likely has not been seen before. Some peoples projects rarely get looked at. people think, (hey look a new scratcher i bet they are really bad. Look, their projects are sooo dumb) they might think so but there projects might soon become part of the scratch community
I would love to deliver my love and thanks to the scratch community and all scratchers. I want more project to be seen on scratch. I hope you consider me to be a curator. Thank you for your time.


Last edited by gliu (June 19, 2013 11:23:50)

New Scratcher
2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would love to be curator. I am making a studio of projects that I would curate if I got the chance.
52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Scratchmighty wrote:

What's a curator?
They get to put projects on the front page.

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
23 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello, I'm limes336. I joined 1 year and 5 months ago and ever sense i have wanted to be a curator. I admit i havent submitted many projects, but im picky about my work. If i become a curator a will only curate projects that meet these standards
  • The project has a small amount of views.
  • The project has innovative ideas that no one has dont before.
  • The project dosent include blood or innapropriate content.
I would like new scratchers to get noticed, not just famous ones. I'd plan out all of the projects that ill curate, and not choose one simply beacuse someone may be my friend. I would curate projects like this http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10941669/ , ones who are fun, look nice and (at the time i posted this) so not have vary many views. Thank you for reading my message and i hope that maybe ill be a curator.
53 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I wish I were the curator, yes I was blocked 2 times but I will try my best to be the curator.
I have seen many projects that are awesome but when I see the views, it is 12 or 16 or anything less than 20. If I were the curator I would curate projects that anyone can see it and learn about scratch. Many people are inexperienced in Scratch. I would curate projects that are simple and easily readable and understandable. Then the inexperienced scratchers would learn something, and then there would be many new projects and the new scratchers would learn something from the projects and then it would be very, very easy.

Hope you grant my request


100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I have always wanted to be a curator! I have over 160 shared projects, and although I’m not the best scratcher, I like to think I have experience. I am on Scratch at least once every two days. I love searching for gems in the explore page, and I am an enthusiastic Scratcher. I was on the Scratch Transition Team, have contributed to the Scratch Welcoming Committee, and love to help other Scratchers.

If I were chosen, I would curate…
  • Projects that were well designed and easy to use
  • Projects that were interactive
  • Projects for all ages
  • Projects showing ideas never seen before on Scratch

I would not curate…

  • Remixes that added little
  • Projects without credit given
  • Projects that are on the front page, or whose creator has another project on the front page
  • Projects that do not show that time and effort have been used

Themes for projects I would curate:

An example of a project I would curate is The Escape (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/3169227/) by magicpotatoes2. This is a simple game, but it's pretty cool-it's one script and one sprite. All gamers can complete the first few levels, but as they grow harder only the best can survive. It also shows your accuracy level, which I thought was a neat statistic to calculate. It is an easy-to-use platform game that provides entertainment. It also only has 3 loves, and I think it deserves more.

Another example is Doodle Fight, an RPG by ROSman. (http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10580162/) It's a highly interactive, unique game, with good art and a fun, turn based “fight”. You can choose almost all your stats. I might be less-inclined to curate this project, because it has 300 views, but it's still a good example of the types of projects I would curate if I was chosen. It obviously took major effort, and time, and shows fabulous programming, and good use of variables.

If I was chosen, I would basically want to make people happy, so I wouldn’t say how many “spots” I had left. I would want to encourage others to see the projects I curate. I would be kind if I had to refuse someone, not just saying “No!” but explaining why their project didn’t fit the criteria, and giving helpful feedback. I would want to reward people with a good project to be on the front page. I would try my best to curate great projects with little views so others can see out-of-the-box ways to use Scratch. I’d also want to bring games that were really good back into the spotlight, so if a project has 100 views, but the last comment is from last year, I might consider curating it so new Scratchers could enjoy it.

Thank you for reading, and please consider my offer,


Last edited by lunaluvgood (June 22, 2013 01:13:27)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey guys,

I've noticed some people quoting other people's speeches to become curator - some from friends some from fake account. Overall, that type of action is rather unethical and it doesn't really help us in picking future curators, it just clutters up this thread. Please follow the posting guidelines posted on the front page of this thread and keep this space is for curator applications only.

Sadly, my forum signature was eaten by an evil kumquat.
33 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey, I'm Speedorz.
I have been using Scratch for 8 months now.
I would like to be a curator.

I would choose projects that are:


Here are some example projects:

This man knows that not even space jam can flimflam the zimzam.
67 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Get ready for my curator application…

Dear Scratch Team,
I would be thrilled if I were to become a curator. There are many projects out there that barely anyone has seen. Some of these projects are outstandingly brilliant. And then some just are bad. No offense!
Here are some of the types of projects I would add
  • Realy great, unknown, unseen projects
  • Projects that show diversity, not the average “Paper Minecraft remix remix remix” etc. Those projects bore me
  • Fun, creative, artistic, etc. projects
  • Really outstanding games
  • Operating Systems that are really unique and user friendly with a good UI (Like "Ono OS")
  • Projects with less than 40 love-its or 400 views
  • Other projects that strike me as amazing, awesome, brilliant, etc.
  • Not projects that have been front paged already or are really famous

I also love to help new Scratchers or Scratchers that just aren't that good at Scratch. For example, I have a studio called "Scratch Helpers“ and a series that is just beginning called ”The Scratch Cat's Tutorials"

27 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would love to be a curator because i always look around for great unknow projects i would have these rules
No more than 10 love-its (maybe not always)
no more than 60 views
no more than 10 faves(maybe not always again)

Hope i can be a curator
52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team!

Its been a long time that I wanted to be curator, but never exactly knew how to become one. Now that I know, here it goes. Scratch has a great community, with tons of users and projects. Most of these users have excellent projects with all types of projects. Games, animations, contests, ect. And a good chunk of those projects are underrated. Some of them are very good quality and barely get any views and love-its.

If I get picked as curator, then that's my goal. To curate those projects with few love-its and favorites. These are the kinds of projects I'm talking about: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10556254/ , http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10726588/ . They're very good! But nobody looks at them.

Having a project chosen by a curator can mean a lot to the person who made the project. I know it because I had a project chosen by one recently. That's the main reason I would like to be curator, to make people happy. Making people happy about their projects, motivates them to make even better ones and gets more confidence in themselves. I will favorite all kinds of projects. Along with that, I will do it very often. I hope that it will be something like a new day, a new project curated.

Thank you for spending some of your time reading this and if you choose me as curator, I will be as happy as one's project curated.


~ Krish15

Never heard of me? Click this.

Try out a unique game where you go through a Icy Adventure
Try out an epic simulation of Building Atoms
12 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team! I shall explain why I want to be curator ^.^

Funny, comedic things. Funny games, funny art, funny animation, YOU NAME IT! Some scratchers I know get sad, and even people I don't know. I just want a collection of projects that will hopefully brighten any day!

Less than 300 views
Less than 10 love-its or favorites
At least 5 days old

I want to showcase the unknown and the underrated. And creating a project just to get it curated is sad

I hope my reasons are good enough

Scratch on!


Things that break the rules, ETC.
Projects that show little effort :c
Projects that are copies (remix with little to no changes)
Projects that don't fit what I plan to curate

Last edited by Zoooe90 (June 28, 2013 02:53:11)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd like to be curator one day! I would really enjoy finding unpopular interesting projects and put the spotlight on them!

Me: I'm a French mum, I have many interest in life and in Scratch, just curious about anything. I like games, sciences projects, every well-coded or inspiring projects is good to make my day!

I'm not in a hurry to be a curator, I can wait :-P
If I were a curator, I would try to choose one projects representating each of this topics:

- A simple inspirating animation,(this one is a genuine and simple project very famous, I will try to find some of the same kind but not so famous:
Stupid Hair!!! by PonyPokiPanikku

- An interactive science project: Represent your time zone by thebriculator. Very innovative solution.

- An original version of a game inspired by a famous game: Tiny Fun Farm by Squeakwee

- A Scratch tutorial

- An original story animation only an example to give an idea

And, if I think of another categorie, I will add.

19 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I think i would an amazing curator because i like a diverse amount of projects, i'm helpful on the site and have not gotten a message about bad behavior, and I wouldn't be so strict about what to curate

Just a few rules i would have: NO gore, Not alot of fame 200 view range, 5 love-its, and must be EXTREMELY epic

Plz choose me as the next curator P.s. i'm on the forums now

Last edited by CoolLegoJack (June 28, 2013 13:13:47)

coollegojack, master of everything
(except a cool signature )
53 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

My speech.

Sorry Scratch Team I am really bad on Scratch, I am blocked 2 times. But…. I have a chance to make up my mistake. Please pick me the as a curator. I will do my best to support scratch and scratchers and new scratchers and everyone on Scratch.
I will only curate projects like this:–
When Flag clicked
switch to costume 1
repeat 10
change color effect by 10
say “welcome to Scratch!”
say “It's fun here”

And I will never ever curate this:–

When Flag Clicked
change y by cos of tan of abs of pick random between cos of 20 to tan of pick random between 10 to 40
change by cos of tan of abs of pick random between cos of 20 to tan of pick random between 10 to 40

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey Scratch team.
I would like to curate projects. For a while, I have been making a list of projects I would curate if I ever become a curator. I have some really popular projects that people like a lot so I would definitely know what Im doing. I would definitely follow any rules. If I got to decide, I would only curate projects with Under 300 views 20 Love its and 20 Favorites. I hope you consider my offer. Thanks.

~MinecraftParty77 from ©Party-Studio 77

Zombies: Remastered

A Brand New Survival game, based off the original game ZOMBIES and ZOMBIES II: TNT Apocalypse.

Play it when it's available!
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage


I would like to apply for curator. In my opinion, many of the featured projects on the mainpage are not as good as they should be. I would curate the best of the best, but not widely known, projects. It doesn't really matter if the graphics aren't exactly eyecandy, but I want to display innovational code on the mainpage.

What games would I curate/not curate? (Based on projects that have previously been curated on the front page)
I would curate games such as:
luc15: It is one of its kind, and is innovational and brings a new type of game to the land of Scratch.
3D Horse Sim V1.2: It truly can teach people how to do 3D things.

I would not curate games such as: (no offense to the creators)
Firefly Generator: Although it utilizes the recently released cloning, it isn't anything that stellar.

What KIND of games would I curate/not curate?
I would curate:
Games with less than 5 loveits and 200 views, as I want to make unpopular games popular.
Games that have minimal glitches.
Games that are innovative.
Games utilizing Cloud Variables, Custom Blocks, and cloning.
Games that aren't copies of others.

I would not curate:
Previously curated games.
Games that are curated in a studio that is not self owned.
Games from anyone who had any project curated before.
Repetitive games.

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