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100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello! I would like to be curator. I will curate projects that are so good they make me follow the person who created them. I will curate many fun, kind, projects that haven't gotten a bit of hope. And I love messages!!(which is probably top priority for curators and and the people they curate alike.) I will also show three of my own projects for everyone to see. In short, I think I would make a good curator!!

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi! This Is Pokepen

I Would Like To Be The Curator, Because I've Seen Some Pretty Nifty Projects, But I want others To See Them. For Example, bobthejoe68 Made A HUGE RPG, And I'd Like If others saw It. And Sometimes, Someone Makes A Classic. Can't Beat the Classics! XD

Back to normal.
4 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I have been on scratch for about 8 months now. I have seen tons of projects that have lots of potential that have no popularity at all! I think it's time that they be recognized as awesome projects! That is my goal. If were curator, I would curate these kinds of projects:

- Math Projects (Ideas such as a golden rectangle or projects that shows these unique shapes in mathematics or tutorials that are very clean and help people understande topics.)

- Games with New Ideas (Such as Inverted or black and white. They have ideas that have not been implemented in games.)

What would I not take:
- Remix Chains
- Projects with above 30 love-it's OR 15 favorites.
- CCs

And that's about all! I hope you choose me as curator.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I would like to be curator, to show the Scratch community what a wonderful animation program it is. It seems like most people only use it for games, but I personally think it's a great way to make cartoons! I've seen a lot of cartoons on Scratch, and I have some that I think deserve some more attention. I curate quite a few studios (25 to be exact) and over half of them have been invitations from friends I've made on Scratch. I am beginning to become sort of popular, and if I become curator, it will make many animators on Scratch more popular, and shed some light on a few others as well. Below are a few links to some outstanding animations I've found:


Even though I may not be very experienced, I've learned very much about programming in just a few months. And I would like to use what I've learned, the fact that Scratch is not just for games, and Oss, but it's for animations too. I don't consider it fair for all the front page curator attention to go to games and apps. I believe that the animators should get their time on the Scratch front page, and I will give it to them.
Thank you for considering me as curator. ~ LW10

Last edited by LegoWarrior10 (Aug. 9, 2013 15:14:05)

500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

If I were a curator, i would mainly suggest projects that are more sophisticated, because looking at the Featured section, we need more complex projects. I would probably choose more games, because there's not enough on the Featured, either.
For examples,
Example 1 (my own)
Example 2
Example 3
Thanks for reading this!

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

IF I WERE TO BE SELECTED CURATOR, then I would spend time scouring Scratch for aspiring programmers to curate. Then I would comment on their project/profile and let them know. I feel that awesome games, educational projects, math projects, animations, or funny music videos should go on the curated by whoever is curator tab.

“I am pleased a book on science competes with the memoirs of pop stars. Maybe there is some hope for the human race.”
-Stephen Hawking

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
-Albert Einstein

“I have noticed people who claim everything is predestined, and that there is nothing we can do to change it, look before they cross the road.”
-Stephen Hawking
1 post

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I have been doing Scratch for about 2 years now. I first started Scratch in 1.4 before I had an account on the Scratch website. I would really like to become curator because I am on Scratch almost every day and I see projects that are AMAZING, but don't have that many views. And I think to myself “Wow this project deserves to be on the front page.” I was looking through my favorite projects and I have found that most of the projects I have favorited are games and animations that clearly have had a lot of time and effort put into them. If I were curator I would also curate projects that display new 2.0 features in a creative way. Here is a good example of project I would curate: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11512255/. Or a project like this that is creative and uses features in Scratch 2.0 (Cloud Variables): http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10300079/. Since I am usually on Scratch every day I would probably be able to curate AT LEAST once a day.

I thank you for your time for reading this!

Thanks So Much!


Last edited by Scratcher357 (July 28, 2013 22:29:38)

5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratchteam, I would really love to help curate projects, I always know a good project when I see it!

If I were chosen to be a curator, I would help teach other Scratchers as much as I know about Scratch, I would especially help the new ones and teach them useful things, like how useful Variables and Lists can be.

If you checked my profile, you'll see that I have only been on this site for like a month but before I found out about the Scratch website, I was already doing stuff on
Scratch 1.4 at my school.


100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I would enjoy being a front-page curator. I've seen projects that should get more than they get, but all I can do is love it favorite it, and comment.
This would give me a huge chance to help those that need more views and love-its.
I would curate a project about every 1/2 to 2 days, so people don't just wait a HUGE time, or get their project curated, then it just gets to the next bar in hours. I want users to get the most out of their curation!

Projects I would curate:

  • 3D Simulations and Games
  • Amazing Animations
  • Complex Operators and Scripts
  • Helpful, Needed, or Useful Projects
Here is some Scratch blocks to make some more sense:
when flag clicked
if <(items above) = [project]
probably curate project.
if <(project) = [awesome, or cool, and unpopular]
probably curate project
don't curate project

Last edited by fyromaniac1 (Dec. 1, 2013 23:54:28)

Check out some of the best games made by me!
7 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team, I'm SuperSalsa, and I have some things to say:
First, I know a lot of really good projects that have probably less than 20 views. These projects are just lying there in cyberspace, no one looking, no one caring. Well, except for curators!
Second, this talent so many people have isn't getting much attention, so, why not give it to them! If a project is great, curate it! No more floating in cyberspace for you, my friends!
Third, who will curate these projects, to eliminate flotation? The curators! Projects with great scripts, or great graphics, or even both, or just great projects that may have small scripts, minor graphics, these deserve curation! After all, who wants to float in cyberspace?
Finally, the projects I was referring to:
It's not much, but it screams, Great Art!
Awesomeness with everyone's favorite 8Bit graphics!
Great scripting, and legos! I've said enough!

Thanks for reading!
500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey Scratch Team!!!
if I Was a home page curator I would choose projects that are creative imaginative and not very common.
I believe that a lot of projects don't have many views or love its (and it is true) it would help them if people knew there cool projects and Made their own projects out of his/her main project.
I would enjoy to be home page curator because I have seen lots of AMAZING projects, that are made by new people! it would be very interesting to see new people make AWESOME games that could be front paged!!!!!!!!
So, Thanks Scratch team, For making scratch, For giving scratcher the opportunity to be home page curators, and many more.
- ZaharaMar

40 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hey, I am firewolves360, and I would love to be a curator. I love Scratch and I am pretty active. I like games that are challenging, long, and fun. I like animations that are interesting, funny, and look like effort was put in. An example of a game I would put in is this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11650770/

An animation I would put in is this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11679694/

I would put in projects with not many views and favorites, as well as some popular projects or CCs. I would not put in anything with rude words, rude jokes, or a high violence level. (So basically, PG and below.)

Thanks, and please consider me.

This is Blackjack, Mad Pink and Moonfire on scratch! Come check out our projects!
If you have time, please enter this!
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

hello! i would like to curate because P110 inspired me. i would curate projects that i like.if they have been curated before i cannot curate them.
i might curate a few of my own! but i will mainly focus on new scratchers. they probably haven't felt the joy of being front paged. so that way, we get benefited with the fact that scratchers that feel bad about not getting front paged can stop feeling bad. i will curate Scratchers too. some people only look at front paged projects, so they might be like “WHAT!!! a new scratcher made this awesome game!?!”

Last edited by GreenDog3 (Aug. 2, 2013 13:58:57)

when green flag clicked
if <[Scratch Team] = [Reading this]> then
say [Why are the scratchblocks still in the style of 2.0?]
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

To my fellow Scratchers, and to the Scratch team, a good day.
I would like to be a curator for the next month. First, I am adventurous to look for other projects away from the front paged ones. Second, I can see all the sides of a project, though I may not say what I think about something (by the way I'm half introvert, half-extrovert). I would curate projects between simple and understandable programming (at my point of view). I may not have any examples but I would put a follow up post quoting this one giving some of the examples. I would rate a project according to its originality, creativity, and neatness.

Wanting to close this account, but then I'm still having a couple more things to do before I leave this account.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

To my fellow Scratchers, and to the Scratch team, a good day.
I would like to be a curator for the next month. First, I am adventurous to look for other projects away from the front paged ones. Second, I can see all the sides of a project, though I may not say what I think about something (by the way I'm half introvert, half extrovert). I would curate projects between simple and understandable programming (at my point of view). I may not have any examples but I would put a follow up post quoting this one giving some of the examples. I would rate a project according to its originality, creativity, and neatness.

Now, this is the expanded version of how I rate a project:
  • Originality(25%): How a project is new. If a project is renewed, it would then be judged according to what was changed from its original version.
  • Creativity(25%): How a project uses sprites and programming.
    In sprites, I would look for artistic creativity.
    In programming, I would find out if the project uses some uncommon blocks like .
  • Neatness(25%): How a project uses sprites neatly (without any other extra sprites which won't be needed) and how the program was done (I won't allow a project with a lot of scripts which was cut piece by piece).
  • Repulsion from the masses(Just added now)(25%): How a project repels other people from seeing it. (This is about its views, favorites, and loves.)

If a project reaches the score of 75% or above, I would curate it.

Last edited by Math_Addict (Aug. 5, 2013 16:54:53)

Wanting to close this account, but then I'm still having a couple more things to do before I leave this account.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Math_Addict wrote:

To my fellow Scratchers, and to the Scratch team, a good day.
I would like to be a curator for the next month. First, I am adventurous to look for other projects away from the front paged ones. Second, I can see all the sides of a project, though I may not say what I think about something (by the way I'm half introvert, half extrovert). I would curate projects between simple and understandable programming (at my point of view). I may not have any examples but I would put a follow up post quoting this one giving some of the examples. I would rate a project according to its originality, creativity, and neatness.

Now, this is the expanded version of how I rate a project:
  • Originality(25%): How a project is new. If a project is renewed, it would then be judged according to what was changed from its original version.
  • Creativity(25%): How a project uses sprites and programming.
    In sprites, I would look for artistic creativity.
    In programming, I would find out if the project uses some uncommon blocks like .
  • Neatness(25%): How a project uses sprites neatly (without any other extra sprites which won't be needed) and how the program was done (I won't allow a project with a lot of scripts which was cut piece by piece).
  • Repulsion from the masses(Just added now)(25%): How a project repels other people from seeing it. (This is about its views, favorites, and loves.)

If a project reaches the score of 75% or above, I would curate it.

One good example is this project.

Wanting to close this account, but then I'm still having a couple more things to do before I leave this account.
52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Math_Addict wrote:

Math_Addict wrote:

To my fellow Scratchers, and to the Scratch team, a good day.
I would like to be a curator for the next month. First, I am adventurous to look for other projects away from the front paged ones. Second, I can see all the sides of a project, though I may not say what I think about something (by the way I'm half introvert, half extrovert). I would curate projects between simple and understandable programming (at my point of view). I may not have any examples but I would put a follow up post quoting this one giving some of the examples. I would rate a project according to its originality, creativity, and neatness.

Now, this is the expanded version of how I rate a project:
  • Originality(25%): How a project is new. If a project is renewed, it would then be judged according to what was changed from its original version.
  • Creativity(25%): How a project uses sprites and programming.
    In sprites, I would look for artistic creativity.
    In programming, I would find out if the project uses some uncommon blocks like .
  • Neatness(25%): How a project uses sprites neatly (without any other extra sprites which won't be needed) and how the program was done (I won't allow a project with a lot of scripts which was cut piece by piece).
  • Repulsion from the masses(Just added now)(25%): How a project repels other people from seeing it. (This is about its views, favorites, and loves.)

If a project reaches the score of 75% or above, I would curate it.

One good example is this project.

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello scratch team! I would like to be a curator because I have some good projects to curate! I have been on scratch for around 3 years I guess. I really enjoy scratch also! I spend a lot of time on scratch. Maybe 4 hours a day on weekends/summer. I am very picky so I would choose games mostly. I would try under 200 views and under 100 loves. I really like scratch so I really want to contribute on helping out!
500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

If I were a curator, I would pick:
1: Platformers. I like those as long as it's not so hard I have to frantically tap my keyboard.
2: Puzzles. I rarely see those, but I'm the kind who prefers sitting down and thinking, not frantically tapping on my keyboard like mad, as mentioned above.
3: Only remixes that have a lot changed, because sometimes I see a project where all that's changes is the color of the main sprite.
4: Projects that have 13 or less love-its <3, and 25 or less comments <( ). (Unless it's a big discussion though, that wouldn't count.)
5: Some of the projects in this studio. I'll add more as I find them.

Please consider me!

Last edited by Scratch12300 (Aug. 7, 2013 19:11:47)

75 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team! NOTE: Even though it may seem I've been on Scratch for only 1 month, it is not so. I forgot my username (it was something like scratchmaster1101101 and I couldn't remember it. Thanks!)

I was looking on the homepage and I saw someone's name there. I didn't know what it was and then I found out they were a curator. I posted a question asking what they are and I found out. It seemed like fun because I always like to get involved. Anyway, I would like to become a curator for the following reasons:
1: I would like to encourage New Scratchers by posting projects on the homepage that are nice and don't have enough views (underrated projects, you might say) so they can learn to program.
2: I hate seeing people quitting Scratch just because they think it is for younger kids. I would post projects that are for all ages.
3: I like seeing good projects on the front page and I would like to contribute to that.
I know most people would like post projects that are platformers and addicting games. I would post that too, but I would also post games and puzzles for kids of all ages, not just of my interests!
I would curate:
1: Projects that are appropriate only. By “appropriate” I mean something that 5-year-olds could look at.
2: Projects that I think have good potential and have a low number of views. For example, if I saw a well-made platformer game that was unique and I thought Scratchers would like it, I would add it. If it had 1000+ views, I would not add it because I would figure people know about it anyway!
3: Projects that also encourage New Scratchers (welcome projects, tutorial for Scratch projects, etc.) I would add something like someone introducing Scratch to new people, or maybe someone who wants to offer tutorials to New Scratchers.
4: Projects that are puzzles (I like puzzles and thinking!) Not like Tetris, more like Sudoku or other math games that Scratchers would like.
5: Some Projects on this list: http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/238535/
I would not curate:
1: Remixes that are copies of the original project. Like for example, if someone makes a game where you have to dodge blue dots falling from the top of the screen, and someone remixes it so it's red dots falling from the sky, I would only curate the original.
2: Projects like this: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11679694/. Not because of the animation (which is really good), but because of the ending. I might be sounding really corny here, but I think that's a bad influence.
3: Projects with bad language or cyber-bullying. There's no explanation needed for this one.
4:: Projects that encourage or feature shooting people or animals, violence, etc. When there's a game where there's people shooting cannons at a brick wall, not at people, I would MAYBE curate it because it doesn't encourage killing or shooting people or animals. I am mature (you can probably tell because of the low number of emoticons and caps) and if you don't believe me you can ask my parents(not really). I believe that if someone says “No offense” on a comment then it just shouldn't be said. If I have ever been disrespectful on any comment or review in or outside of Scratch I have always apologized. I am in the fifth grade right now and my computer teacher recommended Scratch to me.

All in all, I like being part of a community and I quite enjoy Scratch. I love making people's day, and I would enjoy being a curator because it means making a difference in the Scratch community!


Last edited by Tardis27 (Aug. 8, 2013 17:41:51)

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