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2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear, Scratchteam I would like to be a curator.

- I would help scratchers with problems and answers, be respectful to the scratch rules.
- I would make scratch.mit.edu safe, also help to choose safe projects for the front page.
- I would be friendly to the scratch community and help make improvements to Scratch.mit.edu.

If you feel I am not ready to be a curator, please let me know what I need to do.


Last edited by anole555 (Aug. 8, 2013 00:53:04)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team:
I would like to see if I could curate. I will make sure the projects are good enough to be curated. I would be responsible to be a curator. I know I'm only 12, but I am mature. and I would curate projects that deserve to be curated. thanks.
Sincerely, Ean173

Last edited by Ean173 (Aug. 8, 2013 11:58:25)

Roses are red.
Violets are red.
Bushes are red.
Trees are red.

If you cringe at what you've done years ago, that means you've grown as a person.
8 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I like to be a curate. I am 12 years old.
45 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear ST,

I was wondering if I could be curator? I mean, there are so many bajillions of great projects that don't even have a view!

These are the kind of projects I will select:

* The project must have under 25 love-its.
* I will select projects that are creative, and have something to them that makes it enjoyable.
* The projects I select will differ from how long the scratcher was on the website (eg. good starter projects)
* I will hopefully choose new projects every three days, if I'm available. If I'm not, I'll let Paddle2See substitute hopefully.
* I will be focusing on graphics, gameplay, and the amount of lag.
* MUST work well online.

Thank you and that's all I have to say.

Last edited by Electro912 (Aug. 9, 2013 07:23:18)

Watt are you doing?
That's quite shocking.
I wouldn't want to be in your current situation.
I bet you can't wait to go ohm.

My 3DS Friend Code is: 1736-1622-2185
I have a Normal-type FS with Smeargle, and… uhh… I can't remember. It definitely doesn't have Ditto, though (obnoxiously…)
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Paddle won't be able to substitute for you.
  • He chooses featured projects.
  • He'd choose stuff that you wouldn't.
  • Curating runs off YOUR favourites
  • If you can't curate then no-one will step in. That's how it's always worked.

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Please May I become a curator I will help me becoming more popular and new users I will curate
  • Projects with lots of work put into them
    Newbie projects
    Educational Projects
    Projects with a lot of ideas
    projects with 30 likes
    Just good projects
    Creative and unique projects
    People's projects that have swered before

I will not curate
  • Projects with swearing in or things little kids should not hear or see and report them
    Religious Projects
    Rubbish projects with 30 likes
    Projects with guns
    Remixed projects (Unless their really good)
    My projects
    Test Projects that happened to me once and it was inbarancing
    Buggy ones (unless its a newbie

I have had lots of good projects before I my account got phished by a fake scratch website that has been taken down

Last edited by lallaway12 (Aug. 10, 2013 11:45:45)

See my blog ITS MAD so subscribe comment and enjoy http://lallawayrandom.blogspot.co.uk/ ask me what to put up there
Feed my dragons
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

tickl3r wrote:

I like to be a curate. I am 12 years old.

Welcome to scratch tickl3r
you won't be able to be curate because these reasons
  • This account is too young
  • You need to make a good reason why you want to be curator

Best wishes in your scratch life

See my blog ITS MAD so subscribe comment and enjoy http://lallawayrandom.blogspot.co.uk/ ask me what to put up there
Feed my dragons
7 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch-

I always liked scratch!. I have been on scratch for 1 year and 4 months, I would love to be a curator and curate projects that are not the most popular and not the most unpopular,I havn't been featured that is ok, I would prefer , being curated, I have been waiting.I Would love to curate some projects but I Don't know if it will happen?, If it does then I will be really really happy, because I have been waiting for a while , because right now I would be doing just some little things, instead of being little things… then I would Just curate other peoples then they will be happy and so will I! so I would love to be curator.


Last edited by tucker787 (Oct. 10, 2013 18:14:23)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

My Final Version of My Speech

To my fellow Scratchers, and to the Scratch team, a good day.
I would like to be a curator for the next 3 weeks. First, I am adventurous to look for other projects away from the front paged ones. Second, I can see all the sides of a project, though I may not say what I think about something. I would curate projects between simple and understandable programming (at my point of view). One good example is this project, which uses 4 arrows to make art. I would rate a project according to its originality, creativity, and neatness, and unpopularity.

Now, this is the expanded version of how I rate a project:
  • Originality(25%): How a project is new. If a project is renewed, it would then be judged according to what was changed from its original version.
  • Creativity(25%): How a project uses sprites and programming.
    In sprites, I would look for artistic creativity.
    In programming, I would find out if the project uses some uncommon blocks like , and .
  • Neatness(25%): How a project uses sprites neatly (without any other extra sprites which won't be needed) and how the program was done (I won't allow a project with a lot of scripts which was cut piece by piece).
  • Unpopularity(25%): How a project repels other people from seeing it. (This is about its views, favorites, and loves.)

If a project reaches the score of 75% or above, I would curate it.

Last edited by Math_Addict (Aug. 11, 2013 08:37:36)

Wanting to close this account, but then I'm still having a couple more things to do before I leave this account.
2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch team,
I would like to curate. I understand that I am only 11, but I was in the school computer club in Primary 4 and they taught us how to use Scratch, and in Primary five they also taught us scratch in ICT lessons.
If I were a curator, I would
1) pick those who have under 20 views
2) encourage those younger than me to Scratch
3) Try to answer younger Scratcher's questions patiently and with the most I know
Best regards,

Last edited by upsilon (Aug. 12, 2013 04:50:14)

1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to apply to be a curator. Why should I be curator? I've been on Scratch for 1 year 8 months, and am a very active user and know a lot about Scratch. I always try to be helpful to everyone, and I enjoy creating tutorial projects that help people out. I am also a wiki editor. I've never thought about applying, but I think it'd be a great opportunity to show some Scratch projects I see that deserve more views. If you want to see one of my projects, Artist 3.0 is my best. You probably know I'm active here on the forums. Thanks! And I respect your decision if you do or don't accept me.

And I really don't have a specific theme of projects. I like a huge diversity. here is a unique one that I found. Actually, uniqueness is my theme.

Last edited by turkey3 (Aug. 12, 2013 03:53:00)

3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I think I would be a good curator because:

-I See what a project could be, I see the potential and help the creator as much as I can to make it better
-I have a good amount of scratch that I know and a lot more to learn
-I am following a wide variety of scratchers and I am not biased
-I like to look in the recently shared projects and see what a wonderful job of programming those people are doing

I have always wanted to be curator ever since I joined scratch and i hope you take me into consideration.

yours truly,
56 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I want to be the front-page curator. I would curate these projects:

  • Projects unheard of
  • Projects by scratchers unheard of
  • Good Games
  • Good Animations
  • Funny Projects
  • Helpful Projects
  • Projects That Welcome New Scratchers

I would also check with the scratch team if any of my projects were okay to curate, if not, I won't curate them.
It would mean a lot to me if I was selected. Thanks Scratch Team!
40 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Never curate studios,if you curate you can hack the studio by renaming it and more.
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

WIlliam7777 wrote:

Never curate studios,if you curate you can hack the studio by renaming it and more.
This is the FRONT PAGE, not studios.

52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello! My name is D-Man9293! I would like to be curator, because there are so many projects on Scratch that are really good! I might check it out in a week or two and find a horror: 13 views! Every project should have its fair share in popularity! I know that there's about two million projects on Scratch with less than 20 views! I think that all projects should have over 5 hundred views and 50 loves!

There's a few projects I would not curate, however. If there's a project with these classifications, I would not curate it.
Blood and Gore
Cussing and other language
Stuff you would find in a Video Game rated “M”
Projects shorter than 5 seconds (unless it's really great art)
Horror/Frightening projects
Anything with more than 200 views and 25 love-its
Projects by me
Projects longer than 10 minutes

I have lots of limits, but here's a few thing I will curate
  • Platformers with great art, scripting, or both
    Comedy Animations without the aforementioned things I won't curate
    An artistic project with great imagination
    Projects that just seem cute to me that I think others would enjoy
    And much more!

Here's a few projects I would want to curate:

There you have it! Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

D-Man9293 wrote:

Hello! My name is D-Man9293! I would like to be curator, because there are so many projects on Scratch that are really good! I might check it out in a week or two and find a horror: 13 views! Every project should have its fair share in popularity! I know that there's about two million projects on Scratch with less than 20 views! I think that all projects should have over 5 hundred views and 50 loves!

There's a few projects I would not curate, however. If there's a project with these classifications, I would not curate it.
Blood and Gore
Cussing and other language
Stuff you would find in a Video Game rated “M”
Projects shorter than 5 seconds (unless it's really great art)
Horror/Frightening projects
Anything with more than 200 views and 25 love-its
Projects by me
Projects longer than 10 minutes

I have lots of limits, but here's a few thing I will curate
  • Platformers with great art, scripting, or both
    Comedy Animations without the aforementioned things I won't curate
    An artistic project with great imagination
    Projects that just seem cute to me that I think others would enjoy
    And much more!

Here's a few projects I would want to curate:

There you have it! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Sorry, it glitched and erased the projects. Here they are again:

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello! My name is D-Man9293! I would like to be curator, because there are so many projects on Scratch that are really good! I might check it out in a week or two and find a terrible thing: 13 views! Every project should have its fair share in popularity! I know that there's about two million projects on Scratch with less than 20 views! I think that all projects should have over 5 hundred views and 50 loves!

There's a few projects I would not curate, however. If there's a project with these classifications, I would not curate it.
Blood and Gore
Cussing and other language
Stuff you would find in a Video Game rated “M”
Projects shorter than 5 seconds (unless it's really great art)
Horror/Frightening projects
Anything with more than 200 views and 25 love-its
Projects by me
Projects longer than 10 minutes

I have lots of limits, but here's a few thing I will curate
  • Platformers with great art, scripting, or both
    Comedy Animations without the aforementioned things I won't curate
    An artistic project with great imagination
    Projects that just seem cute to me that I think others would enjoy
    And much more!

Here's a few projects I would want to curate:
There you have it! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this! One more thing: I don't want to curate for my own pleasure. I want to curate for every one else's pleasure! Everyone should have their fare share of happiness!

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

You need to put something for the links.

500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

chocolatepenguin wrote:

You need to put something for the links.
That is awkward, but I've seen you posting here even though it's not your curator application. Please don't do that, as @Paddle2See wrote. You can comment on the profile, though. That's what I do.

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