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1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

_-CoolTanokifan173-_ wrote:


There was a club penguin song with DJ Candence and it appeared in my mix like a few years ago. I only remember a few seconds of this song which I believe went like “C'mon c'mon do (this) do (that) everybody” and then that's it. At that time I think it had like a few hundred thousand views and was by an artist that wasn't THAT popular but yeah.

2. This one I think I can use a big lead to find it but I remember the album cover (possibly) had a record label logo that looked like this.

and had emeralds and green stuff all over it. I barely remember what it sounds like so I only know the album cover by memory. I think this song came out during 2021-23.

I heard this in someones car and didn't get to use the google's shazam kinda thing. One thing I know is that it uses the robotic “MACHINE” sample. I don't know where that sample came from but what I do know is that there is another song that I know that uses the same sample from the song in the car.

1. could it be this

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

1. could it be this
YES that's it! The view count is correct! (And the channel is small too). I was expecting this to be a lot harder to find (since I forgot what it was). Though one thing I have in question is why is the channel turkish even though the song is in english?

Up to doctors early my leg gave me on the way there, smashed my knee.
Bloody nightmare have so much to do.

100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

_-CoolTanokifan173-_ wrote:

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

1. could it be this
YES that's it! The view count is correct! (And the channel is small too). I was expecting this to be a lot harder to find (since I forgot what it was). Though one thing I have in question is why is the channel turkish even though the song is in english?
idk my favorite yt channel (atlas fallout foundation) says it's turkish
edited to put in a link to the channel

Last edited by Libbyty2 (April 5, 2024 18:44:36)

when green flag clicked
say [Scratch on!] for (2) secs
Be moist
be awesome
Above is Kobolandirosalikoraminamiorigamipaperpaperpizzaguy. He protects my signature from evil kumquats.He's also a friendly demon.
Ever wanted to meet an anti-furry? | here let me take your sad and throw it down the garbage disposal | YOU HAVE TO HEAR THIS
98 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

I remember watching this channel on TV that was for babies and preschoolers. Its logo was a flower with rainbow petals.

One of the shows was about a group of people living in a house, and they would get mail from different musical instruments.
Then they would all travel and visit the musical instrument and that's all I really remember.

Another one was called “zucchini”, It was some kind of workout for kids and had moms dancing with their babies.

The last show I remember was this educational show about the elements of art.
I did have a book about the show that was about colors and textures of art, but sadly I think we threw it out.

Thanks if someone actually was able to find it

1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

_-CoolTanokifan173-_ wrote:

ScratchcatandGobo wrote:

1. could it be this
YES that's it! The view count is correct! (And the channel is small too). I was expecting this to be a lot harder to find (since I forgot what it was). Though one thing I have in question is why is the channel turkish even though the song is in english?
For some reason the songs were not translated but the description and stuff were, I remember this.
Also, I feel old because it says 11 years ago, and I remember seeing that video and it was released less than 1 month ago, it was new.
I thought it might have been:
Because you said a few years ago, so I was thinking 2015 was a few years ago.. until I realized.

Medians bamboozled by 3.0 (version 3.0): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/979822351/
hi875230163394: You're similar to valve in that you both hate a certain number…
Scratch 0.x, 1.x, 2.x, 3.x and LogoBlocks Archives
Bamboozlement: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33739789
Years on internet: 15 (soon 16)
medians: Oh god not this utc - 12 thing again..
Fun_Cupcake_i81: What, were you expecting not to see the utc - 12 thing again? THE UTC - 12 THIGN ALWAYS RETURNS. ALWAYS.
medians: I knew it would happen. I was the one who started it last year.
Fun_Cupcake_i81: Well then if you didn't want it back maybe you need to time travel to last year and fix that

Oh wait if you could time travel I think we all know exactly when you would go-
user1: That picture is from 2.0. Now he’s at my house and is my pet.
user2: But this is medians we're talking about, so “from 2.0” can mean the same thing as “from five seconds ago”.

Detect Scratch version here
My other accounts: @selfexplanatory @modesties @chaircard @fireflyhero @dividendyield @colloids @radians @skeuamorphism @dihectogon @anglebisector @aau- @EditBlockColors @AdamantOrb @MoongeistBeam @festively @Ampharos_ @straightforwardness
i trolled redcat LOL

if you see this
{what method did you use::control hat
answer on profile ::motion
} ::operators
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

kylenh wrote:

I remember watching this channel on TV that was for babies and preschoolers. Its logo was a flower with rainbow petals.
It's BabyFirst TV.
Too easy, give us a harder one next time.

Help me look for a cartoon I watched when I was younger!
Help me work on an upcoming iceberg!
She/they, autistic, cis female, I am bi, CD-R and DVD-R enthusiast.
< i have chronic llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch // Check out my drone project! // I am coleslawphobic.
Threads I created: Experimental Music, Obscure Cartoons, Puns and Jokes, Software Gore/Tech Fails, Unicode, Synthesizers, Obsolete and Peculiar Media Formats
Don't eat glue, kids. <- this part of my sig appeared in a dream so I wanted to put it here

FYI: “alot” and “aswell” aren't real words. Every spellchecker I've used puts a red squiggle under those “words”.
98 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

-Telekore- wrote:

kylenh wrote:

I remember watching this channel on TV that was for babies and preschoolers. Its logo was a flower with rainbow petals.
It's BabyFirst TV.
Too easy, give us a harder one next time.


Last edited by kylenh (April 7, 2024 00:41:03)

1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

hey guys, i found this weird boombox in my basement and it's got this weird song on it, anyone know what that's about?

i'm kidding, if i was able to actually locate everyone knows that i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be announcing my discovery on scratch of all places :P

Reducing activity on Scratch during the month of June, and only popping in if I need to say something important. Contact me on external sites for a faster response.
(source for leftmost gif: thebrawlgirl)

100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

There's a project that I favorited, containing the song Sea Ballad “The Wellerman”.

I'm searching for a kid-friendly name for the genre of ‘bear mascot spooky’ games.
Please give feedback of my signature/an answer to the question above on my profile whenever; it helps a lot
This is my signature. You may already know that when you click on this and press shift+down (that's the selecting downward keyboard shortcut), you can see more of it. (mobile users I'm trying to make sure that the most important stuff goes on top of this sig) Did you know this also happens with profile activity? XD

Lynx: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wow a blue link
I JUST FOUND OUT THAT [Removed by evil kumquat]!

This is Carl Blah. Mr. Blah is glad to help in the field of kumquats or even the occasional calamondin.
((0) - (0))

when I receive [SpongeBob Musical]
say [THIS IS AWESOME] for (2) secs

SCRATCH HAS A HEIGHT CHART? (It's not a statement, it's a question.)

What a wonderful year (2024)! First Mojang listens, now the ST is listening: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/746187/

Updated 5/3/2024 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Updated (many times) 3/25/2024 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Updated 3/07/2024 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Updated 3/07/2024 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Updated 3/5/2024 (MM/DD/YYYY)
Updated 11/14/2023 (MM/DD/YYYY)

1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

abubriski wrote:

There's a project that I favorited, containing the song Sea Ballad “The Wellerman”.
Well if you favorited it find it through your “favorite projects” bar, the second one on your page


if you could give me an internet, that'd be great, but it's up to you.

i make music on the beepbox forum

At The Piano Shop, we provide you with quality musical services done by music-lover Scratchers!
The Piano Shop is a shop owned by @seg-leinad which focuses on music. Nowadays, we need staff, so please apply if you're willing to share your music skills with others!

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

I hang around the forums a lot.

Musician - panromantic - 13 - 8th grade - Gifted - bored - The Beatles - other 60's bands - Manager of the Official Beatles Fan Club!! - idk what else to say. if you have something else for me to put in here lemme know on my profile comments.


1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

What's your favorite piece of media with unknown origins?

For mine, it's the countless slew of lostwaves that people discuss on the internet on a daily basis. I'm a music addict, so yeah.

Help me look for a cartoon I watched when I was younger!
Help me work on an upcoming iceberg!
She/they, autistic, cis female, I am bi, CD-R and DVD-R enthusiast.
< i have chronic llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch // Check out my drone project! // I am coleslawphobic.
Threads I created: Experimental Music, Obscure Cartoons, Puns and Jokes, Software Gore/Tech Fails, Unicode, Synthesizers, Obsolete and Peculiar Media Formats
Don't eat glue, kids. <- this part of my sig appeared in a dream so I wanted to put it here

FYI: “alot” and “aswell” aren't real words. Every spellchecker I've used puts a red squiggle under those “words”.
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

-Telekore- wrote:

What's your favorite piece of media with unknown origins?

For mine, it's the countless slew of lostwaves that people discuss on the internet on a daily basis. I'm a music addict, so yeah.
There's this one song I found in my Scratch backpack (The file was called “Balloon Parade.mp3”) that's genuinely pretty awesome but I cannot for the life of me remember where I got it from and I can't find any songs that match it online so yeah xD
(I would link to it for reference, but I don't wanna break the music sharing projects rule and as I mentioned I don't know where I got it from so yeah… I could have sworn it was from this but it clearly wasn't.)

Also whatever song is in this project, probably isn't too hard to identify but so far I haven't had any luck (and the project creator also said that they don't know what it is either lol). It's really quite a shame though because the sound file there has been badly compressed by Scratch, but until I find the original song, it's the only form I can listen to it in

Other than that, it's got to be that extended version of Cave. Technically the origins are partly known since we know who wrote it, but since it was never AFAIK included in any release of Scratch, we still don't really know where it actually came from

In summary my taste in music is so obscure even I don't know what I'm listening to lol.

Last edited by Fun_Cupcake_i81 (April 7, 2024 21:29:57)

NullPointerException: myLife does not exist.
Hi! I'm Fun Cupcake and I pop onto the forums every now and then to ask questions or try and help out.
My goal is to help people out and brighten their days!
Also, I do in fact have a voice-acted series. It's a fantasy story and I'd love it if you'd check it out!
You could also check out Sprinkle Town, a town game I created inspired by Stardew Valley! (It's still in very early development stages.)
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

I remember seeing a strange video with short 10 second clips of songs, some of them a being a bit obscure, and some of them so obscure that they are lost. I just found the songs interesting and I always wanted to hear more of the songs.

Generation 382: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

82hw72vsb wrote:

I remember seeing a strange video with short 10 second clips of songs, some of them a being a bit obscure, and some of them so obscure that they are lost. I just found the songs interesting and I always wanted to hear more of the songs.
Do you still have access to the video?

Help me look for a cartoon I watched when I was younger!
Help me work on an upcoming iceberg!
She/they, autistic, cis female, I am bi, CD-R and DVD-R enthusiast.
< i have chronic llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch // Check out my drone project! // I am coleslawphobic.
Threads I created: Experimental Music, Obscure Cartoons, Puns and Jokes, Software Gore/Tech Fails, Unicode, Synthesizers, Obsolete and Peculiar Media Formats
Don't eat glue, kids. <- this part of my sig appeared in a dream so I wanted to put it here

FYI: “alot” and “aswell” aren't real words. Every spellchecker I've used puts a red squiggle under those “words”.
100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

-Telekore- wrote:

82hw72vsb wrote:

I remember seeing a strange video with short 10 second clips of songs, some of them a being a bit obscure, and some of them so obscure that they are lost. I just found the songs interesting and I always wanted to hear more of the songs.
Do you still have access to the video?
Yes. Actually I discovered the video recently.

Generation 382: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
72 posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

cs156175 wrote:

I don’t know if this should go here or in ‘Things I’m making or doing’- move it if it’s not appropriate for this.
Okay! So, almost everyone has an odd childhood memory of some movie, book, game, tv show, animation, website, or song- and a lot of these don’t have names attached to them. Do you have one of these things? If you do, tell us about it!

There are a lot of people here with their own experiences, so they might be able to find yours for you.

If you don’t have one, try describing something you do remember and see if anyone here knows what you’re talking about.
You might be able to help someone find theirs: if you think you recognize any of the recent posts, please reply to them! Remember: it could be the right answer!

On a larger scale, many pieces of media are lost or almost lost- one example of lost media that was then found is the Clockman, an animated short that remained almost a legend until it surfaced again, which is a good example of the kind of stuff we discuss. If you want to get into lost media, try visiting a lost media community online and reading up on some famous cases.
so when I was 4 in 2020 I watched a YouTube video of Peppa pig that cut to a picture of the moms pig head on the table in a pool of red umm uhh body water and it then jumpscared me and ever since then I've been wondering if it still exists and who posted it I don't remember the title or poster but I do know it was ether posted in 2020 or before as I watched it in 2020 I dont remember the screamer but I think it was something like ether the grunge or momo if anyone remembers this please help me find this weird screamer video I do remember it was a loud scream not the usual momo thing if it was momo u could say this is like the scratch version of r/tipofmytongue but since I'm a child i do not have reddit please help

when I receive [ gasoline] 
change [ arson count] by (1)
doth thou thinketh beforeth thou speaketh?
<() > ()>
this is my kumquat his name is Henry give him worms please
hehe broken Shakespearean Mr snoodle Mr snoodle **sounds** Mr snoodle Mr snoodle shift+down to see the rest if you cant
do not be confused if your at the same party I'm in and I'm just staring into the abyss I'm making a music video in my head for the song
fun fact babies need bright colors to simulate their brains so sure paint ur house grey but leave the toys and clothing alone Margret
©professional nerd since 2016 cause ive only been alive for that long I regret my past on scratch if you really want to see those old projects so bad then what's wrong with you CHEESE I used to not know how to spell girl so if you were my friend on scratch back then then I'm sorry you had to see the word ‘'grill’' used as the word ‘'girl’'
FNAF is cool security breach sucked though I am the man that pacs misery business by Paramore is amazing
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

SAUnicornLover wrote:

cs156175 wrote:

I don’t know if this should go here or in ‘Things I’m making or doing’- move it if it’s not appropriate for this.
Okay! So, almost everyone has an odd childhood memory of some movie, book, game, tv show, animation, website, or song- and a lot of these don’t have names attached to them. Do you have one of these things? If you do, tell us about it!

There are a lot of people here with their own experiences, so they might be able to find yours for you.

If you don’t have one, try describing something you do remember and see if anyone here knows what you’re talking about.
You might be able to help someone find theirs: if you think you recognize any of the recent posts, please reply to them! Remember: it could be the right answer!

On a larger scale, many pieces of media are lost or almost lost- one example of lost media that was then found is the Clockman, an animated short that remained almost a legend until it surfaced again, which is a good example of the kind of stuff we discuss. If you want to get into lost media, try visiting a lost media community online and reading up on some famous cases.
so when I was 4 in 2020 I watched a YouTube video of Peppa pig that cut to a picture of the moms pig head on the table in a pool of red umm uhh body water and it then jumpscared me and ever since then I've been wondering if it still exists and who posted it I don't remember the title or poster but I do know it was ether posted in 2020 or before as I watched it in 2020 I dont remember the screamer but I think it was something like ether the grunge or momo if anyone remembers this please help me find this weird screamer video I do remember it was a loud scream not the usual momo thing if it was momo u could say this is like the scratch version of r/tipofmytongue but since I'm a child i do not have reddit please help
Just type in “Peppa screamer” lol

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

100+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

My reply to the post above is this quote:

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Yeahhhh I think we should only discuss lost media here that would be safe for kids so that this topic doesn't get locked…

Generation 382: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

82hw72vsb wrote:

-Telekore- wrote:

82hw72vsb wrote:

I remember seeing a strange video with short 10 second clips of songs, some of them a being a bit obscure, and some of them so obscure that they are lost. I just found the songs interesting and I always wanted to hear more of the songs.
Do you still have access to the video?
Yes. Actually I discovered the video recently.
Can you give us the link?

Help me look for a cartoon I watched when I was younger!
Help me work on an upcoming iceberg!
She/they, autistic, cis female, I am bi, CD-R and DVD-R enthusiast.
< i have chronic llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllantysiliogogogoch // Check out my drone project! // I am coleslawphobic.
Threads I created: Experimental Music, Obscure Cartoons, Puns and Jokes, Software Gore/Tech Fails, Unicode, Synthesizers, Obsolete and Peculiar Media Formats
Don't eat glue, kids. <- this part of my sig appeared in a dream so I wanted to put it here

FYI: “alot” and “aswell” aren't real words. Every spellchecker I've used puts a red squiggle under those “words”.
1000+ posts

[SEARCHING THREAD] Is there any piece of media that you’re looking for? + Lost Media Discussion Thread

82hw72vsb wrote:

My reply to the post above is this quote:

Fun_Cupcake_i81 wrote:

Yeahhhh I think we should only discuss lost media here that would be safe for kids so that this topic doesn't get locked…

Yeah, but at least we've learned something today… that every moment of our life should be lived to the fullest because it can be very long or very short, my friend. - Gumball
I felt like I wanted to develop games on here, so I won't leave! (for now)
(last edited 2/8/24)

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