Scratcher Joined 3 years, 11 months ago Antarctica
About me
What I'm working on
moving soon
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- My Minecraft avatar by ScratchcatandGobo
- Stormtrooper helmet | Vector | #all #art #starwars by ScratchcatandGobo
- Tron OS | Aurora 0.3 by ScratchcatandGobo
- Tron OS 0.3 [earlypreview-7] by ScratchcatandGobo
- Tron OS 0.3 [earlypreview-6] by ScratchcatandGobo
- Tron OS chime by ScratchcatandGobo
- The current state of the Nintendo Topic by ScratchcatandGobo
- Guys, just don't rant about modding. by ScratchcatandGobo
- Platformer demo by ScratchcatandGobo
- Gravity switch | #all #games #trending #mobile | by ScratchcatandGobo
- Bossfight test by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's Adventure - Hilly Heights Zone V2 by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's Adventure - Hilly Heights Zone (No boss) by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's adventure backgrounds by ScratchcatandGobo
- Ghost game by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's adventure (level 1 with new characters) v0.11 by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's adventure logo by ScratchcatandGobo
- Two new characters join the game... by ScratchcatandGobo
- MULTI808X (8080 test) by ScratchcatandGobo
- Leo's adventure (level 1) v0.15 by ScratchcatandGobo
Favorite Projects
View all- HIPPO (DOOM) V1.2.2 by CarbonicChloride
- Bitmap STTF by ChromeCat_test
- The End Of The ATs by jellyfishfisher560
- Thick Of It - KSI by ThickOfItXKsi
- Animated PFP Renderer! v1.1 by uukelele
- Scratch 4.0 is happening. Seriously. by guifernandes
- Mountain Castle by Nacro_software
- Finding A Friend: Teaser by WazzoTV
- I am steve! by stormandlogan
- Streaks (local storage) by Voyager_III
- some art by GodFollower
- DJ_Reed by CitizenMS
- Physics Tutorial ( Verlet Integration ) by Ricky-Jan
- How to report correctly! #animations by IncognitoOrange
- Labirintus-3 (3D) by nembence
- This is Jeff (PGMA Round 1) by -Mr-Mustachio-
- Max 2 : The Golden Eye | #game #computer #mobile by EMMANUEL470
- Welcome to Dorktown Ep4 by WhiteMiner1
- 1.6 movie by AwesomeishCat
- Checkers by WhiteMiner1
Studios I'm Following
View all- Scratchers against AI “art”
- BlockBit Shops
- Team Tron | Tron OS
- Retrocomputing Studio
- blank
- Leo's adventure
- The Official Scratchcraft Studio!
- The Scratch-Minecraft Community
- The 2023 Scratch Awards Ceremony
- team rocket to blast away at the speed of light
- Don’t
- mess
- with
- The Coalition to Restore Scratch (SHS-II)
- Multi-Touch Joystick Tutorial
- German Quality Scratchers - Das renomierteste Studio
- Never
Studios I Curate
View all- Emulators
- Emulator stuff
- Sonic Universe Fans Studio reached 10000 followers
- Teracraft
- Multi808X
- The Scratch-Minecraft Community
- MK1 | The Global Art Exchange Main HQ
- Scratch Archive (Old projects)
- The Official Scratchcraft Studio!
- Scratch computing community
- Leo's adventure
- Thanksgriffing 2023
- Unshared project archive
- OS Jam Teams
- Nacro Core - OS Maker!
- Untitled Studio
- Republic of Scratch
- OS Base | Largest OS Studio
- Leo's Adventure (old)
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