Discuss Scratch

500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.

Last edited by Crazibot (Dec. 24, 2022 00:42:12)

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
100+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)

The post that this signature is attached to is almost entirely composed of my disjointed ramblings at a time when I really should be asleep.

SilKea // She/her // Sleep Deprived
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
(Lolll it took me months!)
Agreed, the only thing I'd change would be the sprites and the fan art scene with her falling on him. But that's also where I found out her hair color, so…

I ended up making a couple sprites of Nina. Hopefully I can finish the rest at some point.

I also came up with a name for her brother (brainstorm here): Jack Lawson. I also decided he was at some point Gregory Edgeworth's assistant, just for the sake of- I don't know why. XD
He's a nerd, loves TV shows from the 70's-80's. He wears glasses that slip down, really cool and geeky character in my eyes.

But, the way his character died really sucked, one of those times the game would sort of… Let you down with something, like a crazy man murdered him because his pet turtle choked on a cookie lil' Nina made? I couldn't help but laugh! But I think it sort of conveys just how deranged the character was supposed to be. I just hate that they reused Matt Engarde though, couldn't they have used any sprites from Court-Records? I would have liked that better.

Last edited by CaptainVictoria (Dec. 24, 2022 01:43:10)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)
Oblivious Edgeworth is- literally canon. Especially when it comes to feelings (of all types).
(Marking spoilers for all the instances I can think of as of now)
Ace Attorney: Justice For All, Farewell, My Turnabout
Miles literally “died” for the first 3 cases of the game. When he shows up again, Phoenix is all mad (probably crying too) on why he made him/them think that he was dead. Edgeworth remains oblivious to Phoenix's feelings (to my memory) and gets straight to his point. Why he came back and making Phoenix think a bit more on why he became a defense attorney. Totally not for him.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Turnabout Airlines
I'm just going to take this from the AA wiki's transcript (since I can't find my own screenshot… :()
Meele: I don't get it. Why are you covering for Ms. Rhoda all of a sudden? Oh! Now I get it! Maybe you've “got your eye” on Ms. Rhoda…
Edgeworth: Of course I'm keeping an eye on her! I can't very well let her escape, can I?
It legit just flies over his head (no pun intended).

Ace Attorney Investigations, The Kidnapped Turnabout
Once again, I'm just gonna quote the game (thank you to the Ace Attorney Wiki transcripter)
Paups: ……………… Ah! No, Lauren! Stop! I mean, this man's so much older than you!
Kay: Hee hee, looks like you've completely stolen her away, Mr. Edgeworth!
Gumshoe: Way to go, sir!
Kay: Your technique is way beyong the level of a Great Thief!
Edgeworth: ? What are you going on about now?
Kay: Wow… Your deducing skills may be sound, but you have no street-smarts.
Lauren literally says, out loud, basically, don't fall in love (with an older man)… flew right over Edgeworth's head. Again. What's even funnier is that Kay and Gumshoe point it out and he's oblivious. OBLIVIOUS

I rest my case.

Last edited by Crazibot (Dec. 24, 2022 02:37:22)

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
(Lolll it took me months!)
Agreed, the only thing I'd change would be the sprites and the fan art scene with her falling on him. But that's also where I found out her hair color, so…

I ended up making a couple sprites of Nina. Hopefully I can finish the rest at some point.

I also came up with a name for her brother (brainstorm here): Jack Lawson. I also decided he was at some point Gregory Edgeworth's assistant, just for the sake of- I don't know why. XD
He's a nerd, loves TV shows from the 70's-80's. He wears glasses that slip down, really cool and geeky character in my eyes.

But, the way his character died really sucked, one of those times the game would sort of… Let you down with something, like a crazy man murdered him because his pet turtle choked on a cookie lil' Nina made? I couldn't help but laugh! But I think it sort of conveys just how deranged the character was supposed to be. I just hate that they reused Matt Engarde though, couldn't they have used any sprites from Court-Records? I would have liked that better.
Yeah I didn't really like how Jack- I'm stealing that name for sake of consistency- died. It's super, super, super petty. And as soon as I saw the reused Matt Engarde, I knew somethin' was gonna go down. And I was Wright too. Poor Nina. Having someone kidnap her, lure her crush mentor to her spot to basically have him killed for her suffering. Thank goodness Gumshoe was in character… unlike a lot of Investigations. In my opinion. Gumshoe was… dumber than usual… but at least he had his loving heart.
Jack sounds like an interesting character! I like the personality you've given him.
(It probably only took a few hours to finish the fangame for me because I had the instant text option-)

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)
Oblivious Edgeworth is- literally canon. Especially when it comes to feelings (of all types).
(Marking spoilers for all the instances I can think of as of now)
Ace Attorney: Justice For All, Farewell, My Turnabout
Miles literally “died” for the first 3 cases of the game. When he shows up again, Phoenix is all mad (probably crying too) on why he made him/them think that he was dead. Edgeworth remains oblivious to Phoenix's feelings (to my memory) and gets straight to his point. Why he came back and making Phoenix think a bit more on why he became a defense attorney. Totally not for him.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Turnabout Airlines
I'm just going to take this from the AA wiki's transcript (since I can't find my own screenshot… :()
Meele: I don't get it. Why are you covering for Ms. Rhoda all of a sudden? Oh! Now I get it! Maybe you've “got your eye” on Ms. Rhoda…
Edgeworth: Of course I'm keeping an eye on her! I can't very well let her escape, can I?
It legit just flies over his head (no pun intended).

Ace Attorney Investigations, The Kidnapped Turnabout
Once again, I'm just gonna quote the game (thank you to the Ace Attorney Wiki transcripter)
Paups: ……………… Ah! No, Lauren! Stop! I mean, this man's so much older than you!
Kay: Hee hee, looks like you've completely stolen her away, Mr. Edgeworth!
Gumshoe: Way to go, sir!
Kay: Your technique is way beyong the level of a Great Thief!
Edgeworth: ? What are you going on about now?
Kay: Wow… Your deducing skills may be sound, but you have no street-smarts.
Lauren literally says, out loud, basically, don't fall in love (with an older man)… flew right over Edgeworth's head. Again. What's even funnier is that Kay and Gumshoe point it out and he's oblivious. OBLIVIOUS

I rest my case.
Ugh, this is gonna sound mean, but he's such a man sometimes. You know how its been a stereotype that men can't see any kinds of feelings unless they're right there in your face, whether or not its concern, pain, anger or love etc.?
Well, he's so dense that he's gotten himself into that stereotype. XD Poor guy. I think he's got some sort of disconnect from his own emotions (so they won't hurt him), but it only resulted in losing his ability to sense other's emotions, therefore making him… Like that.

Or maybe he did realize what was going on in a few of those situations, and he just didn't want to confront it, by playing dumb.

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
(Lolll it took me months!)
Agreed, the only thing I'd change would be the sprites and the fan art scene with her falling on him. But that's also where I found out her hair color, so…

I ended up making a couple sprites of Nina. Hopefully I can finish the rest at some point.

I also came up with a name for her brother (brainstorm here): Jack Lawson. I also decided he was at some point Gregory Edgeworth's assistant, just for the sake of- I don't know why. XD
He's a nerd, loves TV shows from the 70's-80's. He wears glasses that slip down, really cool and geeky character in my eyes.

But, the way his character died really sucked, one of those times the game would sort of… Let you down with something, like a crazy man murdered him because his pet turtle choked on a cookie lil' Nina made? I couldn't help but laugh! But I think it sort of conveys just how deranged the character was supposed to be. I just hate that they reused Matt Engarde though, couldn't they have used any sprites from Court-Records? I would have liked that better.
Yeah I didn't really like how Jack- I'm stealing that name for sake of consistency- died. It's super, super, super petty. And as soon as I saw the reused Matt Engarde, I knew somethin' was gonna go down. And I was Wright too. Poor Nina. Having someone kidnap her, lure her crush mentor to her spot to basically have him killed for her suffering. Thank goodness Gumshoe was in character… unlike a lot of Investigations. In my opinion. Gumshoe was… dumber than usual… but at least he had his loving heart.
Jack sounds like an interesting character! I like the personality you've given him.
(It probably only took a few hours to finish the fangame for me because I had the instant text option-)
(Hehehe, Wright) Yeah, the man was deranged, that's all I can say. And I feel like Jack's (thanks for using it!) life was literally wasted over nothing, because of that man's insanity. He was studying to become a defense attorney, with Diego Armando no less! And was really good friends with him. I really found that connection with him very interesting, and not at all “Mary-sueish” like it could have been. So it was a very interesting story, that's for sure, not to mention how it fits with the story. I feel like it took place right after T&T at the beginning, and the end took place after AAI, like in between the one week time frame of AAI and AAI2.

(And then my fangame will take place after all of that, the following year.)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
100+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic


My entire siggy has some cool stuff, make sure to scroll down…!

Pssst- they all work…!
There is a second page to Google.
How many times have you quit before clicking that second page? On that page could have been just the thing you were looking for, don't give up before looking.


If you ever see Gregory Edgeworth as one of the trending searches on the aceattorney.fandom wiki, chances are it was me-

500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

That's so adorable! (Yes sofas)
*Pulls out notebook and pen*
So in the fan game, was he
- sleeping with his head resting on the top of the chair (head back)
- sleeping with his chin resting on his chest (head forwards)
- Sleeping curled up with his head on the armrest (head sideways)

"Detective Gumshoe, that is my sofa."
- Probably Edgeworth
Well, they didn't really show him. Since his chair was facing the window. I think Nina mentioned that he was resting his head on his arm, or possibly with his head back on the head rest. My memory's so fuzzy!
I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)
Oblivious Edgeworth is- literally canon. Especially when it comes to feelings (of all types).
(Marking spoilers for all the instances I can think of as of now)
Ace Attorney: Justice For All, Farewell, My Turnabout
Miles literally “died” for the first 3 cases of the game. When he shows up again, Phoenix is all mad (probably crying too) on why he made him/them think that he was dead. Edgeworth remains oblivious to Phoenix's feelings (to my memory) and gets straight to his point. Why he came back and making Phoenix think a bit more on why he became a defense attorney. Totally not for him.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Turnabout Airlines
I'm just going to take this from the AA wiki's transcript (since I can't find my own screenshot… :()
Meele: I don't get it. Why are you covering for Ms. Rhoda all of a sudden? Oh! Now I get it! Maybe you've “got your eye” on Ms. Rhoda…
Edgeworth: Of course I'm keeping an eye on her! I can't very well let her escape, can I?
It legit just flies over his head (no pun intended).

Ace Attorney Investigations, The Kidnapped Turnabout
Once again, I'm just gonna quote the game (thank you to the Ace Attorney Wiki transcripter)
Paups: ……………… Ah! No, Lauren! Stop! I mean, this man's so much older than you!
Kay: Hee hee, looks like you've completely stolen her away, Mr. Edgeworth!
Gumshoe: Way to go, sir!
Kay: Your technique is way beyong the level of a Great Thief!
Edgeworth: ? What are you going on about now?
Kay: Wow… Your deducing skills may be sound, but you have no street-smarts.
Lauren literally says, out loud, basically, don't fall in love (with an older man)… flew right over Edgeworth's head. Again. What's even funnier is that Kay and Gumshoe point it out and he's oblivious. OBLIVIOUS

I rest my case.
Ugh, this is gonna sound mean, but he's such a man sometimes. You know how its been a stereotype that men can't see any kinds of feelings unless they're right there in your face, whether or not its concern, pain, anger or love etc.?
Well, he's so dense that he's gotten himself into that stereotype. XD Poor guy. I think he's got some sort of disconnect from his own emotions (so they won't hurt him), but it only resulted in losing his ability to sense other's emotions, therefore making him… Like that.

Or maybe he did realize what was going on in a few of those situations, and he just didn't want to confront it, by playing dumb.
I think it (him being oblivious to feelings) balances his character out. We have to remember- this guy is freaking intelligent and emotionally strong on so many levels. He's (AAI)able to not flinch at gunpoint, hold himself together for (AA1)the part of Turnabout Goodbyes where DL-6 is talked about, and (Investigations again but not really a spoiler) basically solve cases with just simple logic and deductions cuz everyone else is apparently super dumb? Sure, doesn't have many “street-smarts”, but for his job, he does it well for not having a “magical lawyer power”. (*coughing* Wright Anything Agency)
…At this point I'm just writing an essay on why Edgeworth is a really well-written character.

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Merry Almost Christmas everyone!

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)
Oblivious Edgeworth is- literally canon. Especially when it comes to feelings (of all types).
(Marking spoilers for all the instances I can think of as of now)
Ace Attorney: Justice For All, Farewell, My Turnabout
Miles literally “died” for the first 3 cases of the game. When he shows up again, Phoenix is all mad (probably crying too) on why he made him/them think that he was dead. Edgeworth remains oblivious to Phoenix's feelings (to my memory) and gets straight to his point. Why he came back and making Phoenix think a bit more on why he became a defense attorney. Totally not for him.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Turnabout Airlines
I'm just going to take this from the AA wiki's transcript (since I can't find my own screenshot… :()
Meele: I don't get it. Why are you covering for Ms. Rhoda all of a sudden? Oh! Now I get it! Maybe you've “got your eye” on Ms. Rhoda…
Edgeworth: Of course I'm keeping an eye on her! I can't very well let her escape, can I?
It legit just flies over his head (no pun intended).

Ace Attorney Investigations, The Kidnapped Turnabout
Once again, I'm just gonna quote the game (thank you to the Ace Attorney Wiki transcripter)
Paups: ……………… Ah! No, Lauren! Stop! I mean, this man's so much older than you!
Kay: Hee hee, looks like you've completely stolen her away, Mr. Edgeworth!
Gumshoe: Way to go, sir!
Kay: Your technique is way beyong the level of a Great Thief!
Edgeworth: ? What are you going on about now?
Kay: Wow… Your deducing skills may be sound, but you have no street-smarts.
Lauren literally says, out loud, basically, don't fall in love (with an older man)… flew right over Edgeworth's head. Again. What's even funnier is that Kay and Gumshoe point it out and he's oblivious. OBLIVIOUS

I rest my case.
Ugh, this is gonna sound mean, but he's such a man sometimes. You know how its been a stereotype that men can't see any kinds of feelings unless they're right there in your face, whether or not its concern, pain, anger or love etc.?
Well, he's so dense that he's gotten himself into that stereotype. XD Poor guy. I think he's got some sort of disconnect from his own emotions (so they won't hurt him), but it only resulted in losing his ability to sense other's emotions, therefore making him… Like that.

Or maybe he did realize what was going on in a few of those situations, and he just didn't want to confront it, by playing dumb.
I think it (him being oblivious to feelings) balances his character out. We have to remember- this guy is freaking intelligent and emotionally strong on so many levels. He's (AAI)able to not flinch at gunpoint, hold himself together for (AA1)the part of Turnabout Goodbyes where DL-6 is talked about, and (Investigations again but not really a spoiler) basically solve cases with just simple logic and deductions cuz everyone else is apparently super dumb? Sure, doesn't have many “street-smarts”, but for his job, he does it well for not having a “magical lawyer power”. (*coughing* Wright Anything Agency)
…At this point I'm just writing an essay on why Edgeworth is a really well-written character.
Yup, I agree. Although, he did faint at gunpoint in Turnabout Reminiscence. Oh, and the fear of earthquakes was still there in Airlines, but that's normal. Now, the reason he was willingly able to think about DL-6 was indeed thanks to Turnabout Goodbyes, but he wasn't actually thinking about it in the mindset of who the victim was. Notice he thought: “ I was trapped inside and elevator for hours and a man was murdered” or something to that effect. Unfortunately, he still hasn't fully gotten over it. The death of your own father is something you can never get over of course, its something that you have to learn to live with, and he's been too busy trying to block it all away.
I think him saying he won't have nightmares any longer was more optimistic than anything, sadly. But it was no longer every night.
He was still able to open up to Kay about it but that was because he felt the need to comfort and relate to her on some level, so she wouldn't suffer the way he did.

(Dang… I thought I was noveled out by the Nintendo Topic. XD)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

Merry Almost Christmas everyone!
“Hey, its almost Christmas!”

~The words used to ruin prosecutors and boat shop owners.

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

Not_Captain wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

I'll just quote it here (since I'm currently playing through it). Marked as spoilers incase anyone wants to play the fangame themselves:
(His chair's turned towards the window…)
(I can just see the top of his head…)
Dialogue skip
(Could he be…?)
(I'd better go over there and see…)
(He is!)
(He's asleep in his chair!)

That's it.
Then it goes straight back to their planned meeting.
Oh! That's what I remember, guess my mind was filling in the blanks with the way he was sleeping. I wish it had more spriting and better imagery, but I take what I can get. I suppose I forgot to mention that about it before.
I just played through the whole thing (not the first time I burn through a fangame/fan case within' an hour or three).
Yeah, it only had a few custom-made characters (OCs that had unique sprites), 1 edited art piece (from AAI2?), and an actual fan-made art piece. You take what you can get though.
It was entertaining though. The constant references and humor and general obliviousness of the characters. Amazing.
7 out of 10 updated autopsy reports.
Hm, I might try playing that, it sounds pretty good!
(Pfft oblivious Edgeworth is so canon tho)
Oblivious Edgeworth is- literally canon. Especially when it comes to feelings (of all types).
(Marking spoilers for all the instances I can think of as of now)
Ace Attorney: Justice For All, Farewell, My Turnabout
Miles literally “died” for the first 3 cases of the game. When he shows up again, Phoenix is all mad (probably crying too) on why he made him/them think that he was dead. Edgeworth remains oblivious to Phoenix's feelings (to my memory) and gets straight to his point. Why he came back and making Phoenix think a bit more on why he became a defense attorney. Totally not for him.
Ace Attorney Investigations, Turnabout Airlines
I'm just going to take this from the AA wiki's transcript (since I can't find my own screenshot… :()
Meele: I don't get it. Why are you covering for Ms. Rhoda all of a sudden? Oh! Now I get it! Maybe you've “got your eye” on Ms. Rhoda…
Edgeworth: Of course I'm keeping an eye on her! I can't very well let her escape, can I?
It legit just flies over his head (no pun intended).

Ace Attorney Investigations, The Kidnapped Turnabout
Once again, I'm just gonna quote the game (thank you to the Ace Attorney Wiki transcripter)
Paups: ……………… Ah! No, Lauren! Stop! I mean, this man's so much older than you!
Kay: Hee hee, looks like you've completely stolen her away, Mr. Edgeworth!
Gumshoe: Way to go, sir!
Kay: Your technique is way beyong the level of a Great Thief!
Edgeworth: ? What are you going on about now?
Kay: Wow… Your deducing skills may be sound, but you have no street-smarts.
Lauren literally says, out loud, basically, don't fall in love (with an older man)… flew right over Edgeworth's head. Again. What's even funnier is that Kay and Gumshoe point it out and he's oblivious. OBLIVIOUS

I rest my case.
Ugh, this is gonna sound mean, but he's such a man sometimes. You know how its been a stereotype that men can't see any kinds of feelings unless they're right there in your face, whether or not its concern, pain, anger or love etc.?
Well, he's so dense that he's gotten himself into that stereotype. XD Poor guy. I think he's got some sort of disconnect from his own emotions (so they won't hurt him), but it only resulted in losing his ability to sense other's emotions, therefore making him… Like that.

Or maybe he did realize what was going on in a few of those situations, and he just didn't want to confront it, by playing dumb.
I think it (him being oblivious to feelings) balances his character out. We have to remember- this guy is freaking intelligent and emotionally strong on so many levels. He's (AAI)able to not flinch at gunpoint, hold himself together for (AA1)the part of Turnabout Goodbyes where DL-6 is talked about, and (Investigations again but not really a spoiler) basically solve cases with just simple logic and deductions cuz everyone else is apparently super dumb? Sure, doesn't have many “street-smarts”, but for his job, he does it well for not having a “magical lawyer power”. (*coughing* Wright Anything Agency)
…At this point I'm just writing an essay on why Edgeworth is a really well-written character.
Yup, I agree. Although, he did faint at gunpoint in Turnabout Reminiscence. Oh, and the fear of earthquakes was still there in Airlines, but that's normal. Now, the reason he was willingly able to think about DL-6 was indeed thanks to Turnabout Goodbyes, but he wasn't actually thinking about it in the mindset of who the victim was. Notice he thought: “ I was trapped inside an elevator for hours and a man was murdered” or something to that effect. Unfortunately, he still hasn't fully gotten over it. The death of your own father is something you can never get over of course, its something that you have to learn to live with, and he's been too busy trying to block it all away.
I think him saying he won't have nightmares any longer was more optimistic than anything, sadly. But it was no longer every night.
He was still able to open up to Kay about it but that was because he felt the need to comfort and relate to her on some level, so she wouldn't suffer the way he did.

(Dang… I thought I was noveled out by the Nintendo Topic. XD)
Wait, he did? I must of skimmed over that bit… He was also what, 20, 22 at the time?
Yeah, him saying he won't have nightmares anymore was pretty bold.

I'm not exactly sure what to say here because you have amazing points… which support why Edgeworth is a well-written/well-balanced character.

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
1000+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

Wait, he did? I must of skimmed over that bit… He was also what, 20, 22 at the time?
Yeah, him saying he won't have nightmares anymore was pretty bold.

I'm not exactly sure what to say here because you have amazing points… which support why Edgeworth is a well-written/well-balanced character.
Yeah, it was when Kay found out Byrne was murdered, she was trying so hard to stay strong but the little sweetheart ended up crying anyway. Such an emotional scene for me. And yes, he was 20 (I kind of suspect he was nearing the age of 20 by a few months though).

And how did he know he wasn't going to anymore? I'd love it if he didn't, but its a bit much to assume he would, not to mention it was too little time, like: when did he have enough time to sleep and find out? I feel bad for him,
but he's such a well written character, I only wish to write a character as real and relatable as him. I just- WITHOUT him, I wouldn't have found this franchise and actually wanted to play the games.
(Oohhh I sound so obsessed because I almost am!)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
100+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Okay, how come you guys wrote a whole essay on Edgeworth and his mental health issues and I didn't get a new posts message?!

Also, Merry Christmas everyone

The post that this signature is attached to is almost entirely composed of my disjointed ramblings at a time when I really should be asleep.

SilKea // She/her // Sleep Deprived
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Okay, how come you guys wrote a whole essay on Edgeworth and his mental health issues and I didn't get a new posts message?!

Also, Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas to you!
For me it's Almost Christmas. (“Which means it was still Christmas Eve!”)

I guess the forums didn't like us talking about how well-written and traumatized Edgeworth is…

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
100+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Okay, how come you guys wrote a whole essay on Edgeworth and his mental health issues and I didn't get a new posts message?!

Also, Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas to you!
For me it's Almost Christmas. (“Which means it was still Christmas Eve!”)

I guess the forums didn't like us talking about how well-written and traumatized Edgeworth is…
Hmm, I guess so.
It was a very entertaining essay though, I enjoyed reading it

The post that this signature is attached to is almost entirely composed of my disjointed ramblings at a time when I really should be asleep.

SilKea // She/her // Sleep Deprived
500+ posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Okay, how come you guys wrote a whole essay on Edgeworth and his mental health issues and I didn't get a new posts message?!

Also, Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas to you!
For me it's Almost Christmas. (“Which means it was still Christmas Eve!”)

I guess the forums didn't like us talking about how well-written and traumatized Edgeworth is…
Hmm, I guess so.
It was a very entertaining essay though, I enjoyed reading it
The Ace Attorney Forum: Talking about Edgeworth On Christmas (Eve).

Last edited by Crazibot (Dec. 24, 2022 15:23:13)

Hi! I'm Onyx. You can also call me Crazi if you'd like.
I've had my account for about 4 years now, and, yeah, I've used the forums (and still do). This is actually where I met my online best friend of about 4 years, @CattyCodes!
I suggest you hang out on the forums if you aren't already. You might make a friend here! Or- You'll at least get to nerd out or help someone!
You're most likely to find me in the Ace Attorney forum, writing an informal essay about why a character needs some therapy. Or perhaps giving my support for an idea in the Suggestions forum. Or if you're lucky outside of the forums, I've animated something or maybe did a cover of a song with a friend. All in all, I'm here to help and have a bit of fun (and perhaps debate something while at it).

My current “essays”:
Ace Attorney Forum:
Why Klavier Gavin Should Get Some Dang Therapy
Why Phoenix Wright Should Get Some Dang Therapy
78 posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Merry Christmas indeed.

It's me, Gregory Edgeworth, the… Renowned veteran defense attorney and proud father of two.
Many have called me legendary, but, I'm unsure if I'm qualified for such a title.

{Signature helped by CaptainVictoria since my Cubeupload account failed to work.}

What else should I put here…?
78 posts

Official Ace Attorney Topic

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Crazibot wrote:

SilKeaSilver wrote:

Okay, how come you guys wrote a whole essay on Edgeworth and his mental health issues and I didn't get a new posts message?!

Also, Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas to you!
For me it's Almost Christmas. (“Which means it was still Christmas Eve!”)

I guess the forums didn't like us talking about how well-written and traumatized Edgeworth is…
Hmm, I guess so.
It was a very entertaining essay though, I enjoyed reading it
The Ace Attorney Forum: Talking about Edgeworth On Christmas (Eve).
…I understand that he's traumatized.
But does he still have nightmares?

It's me, Gregory Edgeworth, the… Renowned veteran defense attorney and proud father of two.
Many have called me legendary, but, I'm unsure if I'm qualified for such a title.

{Signature helped by CaptainVictoria since my Cubeupload account failed to work.}

What else should I put here…?

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