Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

sonicfan12p wrote:

No one said you had to write it in chapter book form. There are what, 5 or 6 other options?
I know there are different options, but if I want to write a story, the only proper form (apparently) is in the chapter book form. So (apparently) all of the short not-chapter-book stories aren't stories.

And apparently we have to write a book, because all of the stories that aren't books aren't stories.

Last edited by -Writer- (Feb. 16, 2016 19:47:58)

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Is this ok for lesson 1?
I wrote a set of instructions first in poem form, and then in it's correct form.

Poem Form:
Place the tank,
In a safe place,
Then fill the tank with gravel,

Place the plants
Arrange the driftwood,
And fill the tank with water,

Buy fish food,
There are deals online,
Now select some fish,
To be your pets

Have fun,
Good luck
With your fish

Instruction Form:
1. First, find a good place to put your fish tank. On a sturdy shelf or on top of a low cabinet are some excellent options.
2. Lay down a layer of gravel on the floor of the fish tank.
3. Place either fake or real plants throughout the fish tank. *Optional* The plants help make hiding areas for the fish
4. Place pieces of driftwood in your fish tank. *Optional* The driftwood helps create areas for the fish to hide in.
5. Fill the tank with the correct type of water.
6. Buy a container of fish food. You can find some good deals/coupons online.
7. Select some fish. If you want to have an arrangement of fish, then choose fish that are not aggressive. However, if you want fewer fish all of one species, aggressive fish might be the fish for you.
Now you have a tank full of fish! I hope you enjoy your new pets.

It was much easier for me to write the instructions in their correct form - as a bulleted/numbered list. Writing it in a poem form was hard for me because I didn't know how much information to include/exclude from the poem. I also had trouble trying to find a rhythm for my poem. It was easier for me to write them as instructions because I could add more information, and optional details.

Bumping this up.

Last edited by Quirky_Coders (Feb. 18, 2016 12:58:14)

By Rainbow_Waves
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

sonicfan12p wrote:

No one said you had to write it in chapter book form. There are what, 5 or 6 other options?
I know there are different options, but if I want to write a story, the only proper form (apparently) is in the chapter book form. So (apparently) all of the short not-chapter-book stories aren't stories.

Crimson19 wrote:

Structure isn't as fixed as other topics and therefore I am much more loose with the structure of the story.
I think a short story would be fine.

Comeback time? Maybe?
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

sonicfan12p wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

sonicfan12p wrote:

No one said you had to write it in chapter book form. There are what, 5 or 6 other options?
I know there are different options, but if I want to write a story, the only proper form (apparently) is in the chapter book form. So (apparently) all of the short not-chapter-book stories aren't stories.

Crimson19 wrote:

Structure isn't as fixed as other topics and therefore I am much more loose with the structure of the story.
I think a short story would be fine.
Okay, that's what I was uncertain about.I'll write it right now.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

sonicfan12p wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

sonicfan12p wrote:

No one said you had to write it in chapter book form. There are what, 5 or 6 other options?
I know there are different options, but if I want to write a story, the only proper form (apparently) is in the chapter book form. So (apparently) all of the short not-chapter-book stories aren't stories.

Crimson19 wrote:

Structure isn't as fixed as other topics and therefore I am much more loose with the structure of the story.
I think a short story would be fine.
Okay, that's what I was uncertain about.I'll write it right now.

Next time try asking when the lesson is released as not only will you be able to begin your assignment much quicker but you'd also be able to get a response while it's fresh in my mind .

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Quirky_Coders wrote:

I didn't full read the lesson, I just skimmed over it. But if I'm correct, you have to write a summary sort of thing about what you learned.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

ZLGames wrote:

Quirky_Coders wrote:

I didn't full read the lesson, I just skimmed over it. But if I'm correct, you have to write a summary sort of thing about what you learned.
Oh, whoops! Sorry!

By Rainbow_Waves
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management - Hiring Scenario #2

You have been left as Chief of Hiring while your Chief Executive is away. Here is what your chief said before they went away.

Chief Executive wrote:

Our recent programming manager left so we are looking for a new one. Make sure that anyone that you hire for this role has experience. Also, we are looking for two programmers and one artist. You do not have to fill all this vacancies but don't unnecessarily turn applicants away. Good Luck

Soon after your Chief Executive left, you are faced with many applicants. You must decide if they are accepted, what job they are accepted as (you may want to change this from what they first wanted, hint) and justification in some detail.

Username: Joe123
Time Using Scratch: 1 month
Position: Programming Manager
Best Project(s): (link goes to a fairly good project with around 15 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: This will be my first collaboration but I am willing to learn.

Username: just look left lol
Time Using Scratch:
Position: Coder
Best Project(s): see profile (profile leads to many projects will varying views)
Previous Experience: what

Username: FrostyNight6
Time Using Scratch: 9 months
Position: Programmer
Best Project(s): (link goes to a good project with around 23 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: I have been in lots of collaborations before but never as leader or anything.

Username: PaintyHappy
Time Using Scratch: 12 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to a great project)
Previous Experience: Yes, I have worked in lots of collabs in the past.

Username: VectorTractor
Time Using Scratch: 17 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to an excellent project)
Previous Experience: None, I am afraid

The deadline is the 12th of February, ask if you need an extension.

Any questions? Just ask!

Okay. I will break this down a bit… and color-code it.

I believe Joe123 should be a programmer. While he wishes to be a manager, he lacks the skills needed to effectively be a manager. However, I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Your application has been considered and handled. However, due to your inexperience in collaboration, we have decided, for the time being, that you will be a programmer and not a manager. You may, however, get this rank in the future, if you prove to be good at it!

He should be rejected. I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

I am sorry, but you seemed unable to fill out half the application, and thus, I find it hard to believe that you will work effectively on the collab. You have been rejected for these reasons.

I believe FrostyNight6 should be programming manager. I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Thank you for the application. We have considered your requests, and due to your higher skills in programming, we have decided to make you a programming manager.

I believe PaintyHappy should be artist. There is no more I can say.

VectorTractor should be an Artist-In-Training or something of the like. While he has good skills, PaintyHappy is more experienced in collaboration.
Bumping this…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Standard Management - Inactivity Scenario - Class C
A very nice inactivity system but please include explanations for your decisions. They do not have to be long.

Standard Management - Hiring Scenario - Class D
Great response, you passed the hiring scenario.

Another great response, you passed that section too.

Guess what, another great response, you passed that section too.

Could I have your response please?
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management - Inactivity Scenario - Class C
A very nice inactivity system but please include explanations for your decisions. They do not have to be long.

Standard Management - Hiring Scenario - Class D
Great response, you passed the hiring scenario.

Another great response, you passed that section too.

Guess what, another great response, you passed that section too.

Could I have your response please?

I take IGCSE Business Studies

Credits to @aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Could I have your response please?

I'll bump it.

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management Course - Delegation Scenario #1
You are the manager of a small mixed roles team in a large game collaboration. You have been asked by the Leader of the collaboration to complete a task. You must break the task up and delegate it to your team. You cannot complete any work yourself as you are already involved with a part of the project. The task
"Please create the draft of a new mini project we are making; it is a simple platform game. It needs a menu and scrolling sensor/engine. Just build the base of it and other teams can build on it. Also, we need some background music and please program the AI of a few different enemies. Graphics should be vector and look professional. Thanks."
Here are the members of your team:

Shadow Sword
A very skilled programmer with lots of experience but cannot do too much as Shadow Sword is already working on another project. Shadow mentioned that they could spare some time but not that much.

Hey Shadow Sword, I know you have an immense amount of skill, and if you have a scrolling engine handy, could you supply that? Thanks, CrazyGoldfish3. (I picked him for this since he can do hard assignments with much experience, cutting down the time it will take.)

A composer who is able to write many different types of music. Has enough time to compose two songs before the deadline as Musico as lots of time available.

Hey Musico, could you create one composition for the Menu and another for Game-Play? Just use what (Leader) told us. Thanks, CrazyGoldfish3. (He can skillfully craft 2 songs in the time, so I decided to spread them out in the project, giving more appeal.)

A general programmer with little experience however has made any simple games. Paul23 has lots of spare time on his hands.

Hey Paul, do you think you can learn how to make a Platforming Engine? It would really be appreciated, and after that, just a simple menu will help. And if you get lucky, Shadow might be able to help you out. Thanks, CrazyGoldfish3. (Paul has A LOT of time, so why can't he learn a few things? :P)

A graphic artist who is great with pixel art. For your last project (a classic RPG), Byte made excellent pixel characters. Byte said he could try with vector but he has had very little experience with it.

To Leader: Could we actually have pixel art? I have a guy, Byte, who can, and has, made some Art for us that looks equally, if not better, as good as Vector. Thanks, CrazyGoldfish3. (If yes, I'd proceed to give Byte the pixel art assignment. After all, he's so good at Pixel Art it should work.)

You must write down what tasks you would give to who, why (in detail) and anything you might say to your Chief. Don not worry about the deadline. This will count towards your course criteria if you respond successfully. Please post by the 8th Feb and ask for an extension if you need it. Good luck!


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co, when will the next class I lesson be released?

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

If all goes well, later today.

You have already passed the delegation scenario, I mean't the hiring scenario which can be found here and the corresponding lesson can be found here.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Standard Management - Class A/B
Students who have gone inactive must finish their assignments by the 31st of March. The following students have either quit or have been inactive. Please ask if you do not know which one you have missed. Some of you also need to revisit lessons that you have missed.
1. Cypher56
2. enblazingfire
3. JACsterandOlibob
4. lc01607

Standard Management - Class C
The following students can graduate after completing outstanding tasks. Please ask if you do not know which one you have missed.
1. Sigton
2. Ritz1125
3. Coder11000

Standard Management - Class D
The next lesson shall be published today. Then there will be two outstanding lessons to look at and two outstanding tasks to do before you can graduate.

Advanced Management - Class I
The next lesson shall be published today and an assignment based on that will come over the weekend.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

I'll finish the last task tomorrow


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

You have already passed the delegation scenario, I mean't the hiring scenario which can be found here and the corresponding lesson can be found here.

Woah, I don't know where I was when those came out. XD
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management - Hiring Scenario #2

You have been left as Chief of Hiring while your Chief Executive is away. Here is what your chief said before they went away.

Chief Executive wrote:

Our recent programming manager left so we are looking for a new one. Make sure that anyone that you hire for this role has experience. Also, we are looking for two programmers and one artist. You do not have to fill all this vacancies but don't unnecessarily turn applicants away. Good Luck

Soon after your Chief Executive left, you are faced with many applicants. You must decide if they are accepted, what job they are accepted as (you may want to change this from what they first wanted, hint) and justification in some detail.

Username: Joe123
Time Using Scratch: 1 month
Position: Programming Manager
Best Project(s): (link goes to a fairly good project with around 15 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: This will be my first collaboration but I am willing to learn.

Hey, Joe, this is CrazyGoldfish3, and I like your project, but I feel that you might not be fit for Programming Manager, so I'm going to accept you as a Programmer. Welcome to the team! CrazyGoldfish3 (He can learn leadership along the way, and maybe get a Promotion in the future, but he isn't experienced enough right now.)

Username: just look left lol
Time Using Scratch:
Position: Coder
Best Project(s): see profile (profile leads to many projects will varying views)
Previous Experience: what

Hey, I'm sorry, but due to the fact that you failed to properly fill out the Application, I'm going to have to decline. Feel free to reapply correctly! CrazyGoldfish3 (I'd need a better attitude in the Collaboration, and until he proves to me he has it, I have to decline.)

Username: FrostyNight6
Time Using Scratch: 9 months
Position: Programmer
Best Project(s): (link goes to a good project with around 23 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: I have been in lots of collaborations before but never as leader or anything.

Hey Frosty, you look like you have some real ability, and I'm going to accept you as a Programmer. My Manager will be back soon, and I'm going to discuss with him whether or not you should be a Programming Manager, which is a real possibility. For now, just know you're in! CrazyGoldfish3 (Experienced, but not as Leader, I'll have Chief Executive clear this pending up quickly.)

Username: PaintyHappy
Time Using Scratch: 12 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to a great project)
Previous Experience: Yes, I have worked in lots of collabs in the past.

Hey PaintyHappy, you have some really good credentials, a great project, and I'd love to accept you, but someone else who has applied caught my eye a bit more. I might even be able to negotiate with my Chief to get you in, but for now, I'm going to have to, very respectfully, decline your application. CrazyGoldfish3 (VectorTractor has more Scratch time, and a better art piece, so I'll just have to wait on this.)

Username: VectorTractor
Time Using Scratch: 17 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to an excellent project)
Previous Experience: None, I am afraid

Hey Vector, great art piece! Though you aren't experienced in Collabs, you seem to be very in tune with Scratch, so you are accepted! Welcome to the team! CrazyGoldfish3 (Reasoning given in message)

The deadline is the 12th of February, ask if you need an extension.

Any questions? Just ask!


Hopefully Chief Executive has no issues with 2 minor pending applicants!
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

One amusing thing is that I am flying at this without reading the lessons. And I am giving awesome responses xD Just goes to show what leading a collaboration can teach you…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Advanced Management - Lesson Three - Planning and Life Cycle
The software development lifecycle is a plan of the stages when creating software but it is also applicable to other project making. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” - Probably true for larger scale projects.

Specification Requirements >> Design >> Implementation >> Testing >> Evolution (maintenance)

Feasibility - Minor
This is more of a minor stage because it is unlikely you would do this in collaboration. But if you did, it would only take a few minutes. It is more focused on businesses and where they would decide if they have enough time, resources and money to construct such a project. But scratchers can do it too though. They may need to think if they have the right skills and time to get a project done.

Specification Requirements
This is where the specifications for the project are written.

Design Stage
This is where the details of the project and how it will work is created. This often includes making prototypes and concepts.

Implementation Stage
This is where the main project is actually made from the design work. This is usually the longest stage. This stage may overlap with design and testing.

Testing Stage
This is where implementation is tested against the design specifications and requirements. Unit tests focus on specific components of the project while project (software) tests act on the program as a whole. Alpha testing is testing done internally within the collaboration. Beta testing is done after alpha testing usually by users independent of the development team.

Deployment (Release) - Minor
This is more of a minor stage because it is more of an action than a process and when it happens can vary (probably somewhere in the testing stage).

Evolution (Maintenance) Stage
This is where updates and changes are made to the project, based on the results from testing. Perfect: generally making the system better. Adaptive: making changes as needed/fixing the problems when they arise. Corrective: fixing what should have been done in development.

Now let’s go on to the different types of models that a project can follow.

Waterfall Model
Each process (stage) takes place one after another. It is a very simple model. It is very easy to manage, easily understood and used. However, it is unsuitable for larger projects or projects with changing requirements. Also, not all projects can be broken down into these stages; some processes may overlap. Best for small scale, short term projects with fixed requirements.

Cyclical Model (or Iterative Model)
This model is pretty similar to waterfall model except it repeats in a cycle. Similarly, it is easy to arrange subtasks and set milestones. Management is very straightforward. It gives you actual progress early and it is fairly easy to implement change. However, a testable program is not available till late in the cycle. It can also take a long time because you are continually going over the same processes. Best for projects when you don’t have a full set of requirements.

Spiral Model

This model is very similar to the cyclical model but each stage is visited multiple times in a sequence and each time a stage is visited, it occurs in a more developed way than the last time - hence it spirals. Changes can be implemented throughout the project and a working prototype is made fairly early. However, it can take a while to plan such a model and is an unsuitable for smaller projects where multiple passes are unnecessary. Best for larger projects that require flexibility and the requirements are unknown or vague.

I would say that those are the main models but below are a few more.

Incremental Model

This model is similar to the waterfall model except multiple development cycles occur at the same time. It produces software quickly, is more flexible, makes it easier to test and is quite easily managed. However, problems may arise when these separate units are put together and each phases of iteration is rigid and they do not overlap. Best when the requirements are clear and you want to get the project done quickly.

V-Shape Model
This model is similar to the waterfall and in fact, is more of an extension of it. It is simple and easy to use. It is best where the project requirements are clear. Bugs and problems can be detected and solved early on. However, it is inflexible and changes in the requirements are difficult to accommodate for. Best for small to medium sized projects where the requirements are clearly defined.

Big Bang Model
Unlike the other models, this one has no specific process and little time in spent on planning the project. Most of the time is spent on development. It is not recommended for larger or more complex projects. Best for a very small team (about two people) on a simple task.

There are lots of other software development lifecycle models but here are just two more:
-Rapid Application Development
-Agile Model

I made the images myself but I used information from the following sources.
AQA GCSE Computer Science Fundamentals my revision notes - Steve Cushing
AQA GCSE Computer Science Revision Guide - Zig Zag Education

Last edited by Co49 (Feb. 20, 2016 19:03:36)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Well done, you passed that assignment!

That is good but please do still read the lessons as they are part of the course.

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