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1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management - Hiring Scenario #2

You have been left as Chief of Hiring while your Chief Executive is away. Here is what your chief said before they went away.

Chief Executive wrote:

Our recent programming manager left so we are looking for a new one. Make sure that anyone that you hire for this role has experience. Also, we are looking for two programmers and one artist. You do not have to fill all this vacancies but don't unnecessarily turn applicants away. Good Luck

Soon after your Chief Executive left, you are faced with many applicants. You must decide if they are accepted, what job they are accepted as (you may want to change this from what they first wanted, hint) and justification in some detail.

Username: Joe123
Time Using Scratch: 1 month
Position: Programming Manager
Best Project(s): (link goes to a fairly good project with around 15 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: This will be my first collaboration but I am willing to learn.

Username: just look left lol
Time Using Scratch:
Position: Coder
Best Project(s): see profile (profile leads to many projects will varying views)
Previous Experience: what

Username: FrostyNight6
Time Using Scratch: 9 months
Position: Programmer
Best Project(s): (link goes to a good project with around 23 loves and a few comments)
Previous Experience: I have been in lots of collaborations before but never as leader or anything.

Username: PaintyHappy
Time Using Scratch: 12 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to a great project)
Previous Experience: Yes, I have worked in lots of collabs in the past.

Username: VectorTractor
Time Using Scratch: 17 months
Position: Artist
Best Project(s): (leads to an excellent project)
Previous Experience: None, I am afraid

The deadline is the 12th of February, ask if you need an extension.

Any questions? Just ask!

Okay. I will break this down a bit… and color-code it.

I believe Joe123 should be a programmer. While he wishes to be a manager, he lacks the skills needed to effectively be a manager. However, I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Your application has been considered and handled. However, due to your inexperience in collaboration, we have decided, for the time being, that you will be a programmer and not a manager. You may, however, get this rank in the future, if you prove to be good at it!

He should be rejected. I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

I am sorry, but you seemed unable to fill out half the application, and thus, I find it hard to believe that you will work effectively on the collab. You have been rejected for these reasons.

I believe FrostyNight6 should be programming manager. I would say:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Thank you for the application. We have considered your requests, and due to your higher skills in programming, we have decided to make you a programming manager.

I believe PaintyHappy should be artist. There is no more I can say.

VectorTractor should be an Artist-In-Training or something of the like. While he has good skills, PaintyHappy is more experienced in collaboration.

Last edited by braxbroscratcher (Feb. 18, 2016 00:09:43)

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

baxbroscratcher wrote:

I am sorry, but you seemed too lazy to fill out half the application, and thus, I find it hard to believe that you will work effectively on the collab. You have been rejected for these reasons.

That seems like quite a blunt explanation. Maybe you should revise this before Co marks it?

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

baxbroscratcher wrote:

I am sorry, but you seemed too lazy to fill out half the application, and thus, I find it hard to believe that you will work effectively on the collab. You have been rejected for these reasons.

That seems like quite a blunt explanation. Maybe you should revise this before Co marks it?
Take advantage of Co not being here yet! Revise!

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

baxbroscratcher wrote:

I am sorry, but you seemed too lazy to fill out half the application, and thus, I find it hard to believe that you will work effectively on the collab. You have been rejected for these reasons.

That seems like quite a blunt explanation. Maybe you should revise this before Co marks it?
Take advantage of Co not being here yet! Revise!
I never specialized in being subtle… I just hoped I could beat enough of their messed up brains out of their head to make them leave me alone…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Sorry for my inactivity, I'll catch up with everything soon.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Sorry for my inactivity, I'll catch up with everything soon.
Welcome back!


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

It's literally been months 0_0.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

It's literally been months 0_0.
Yes, and our lives aren't over in five seconds.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Could I please take the writing course? I love to write, and I hope that this will help me improve my writing.

By Rainbow_Waves
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Quirky_Coders wrote:

Could I please take the writing course? I love to write, and I hope that this will help me improve my writing.

Why of course!

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

It's literally been months 0_0.
Yes, and our lives aren't over in five seconds.

You're over-exaggerating, it takes about 10 minutes to finish that task and its been months. There's no point of signing up to a course you can't be involved in.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

Quirky_Coders wrote:

Could I please take the writing course? I love to write, and I hope that this will help me improve my writing.

Why of course!

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

It's literally been months 0_0.
Yes, and our lives aren't over in five seconds.
You're over-exaggerating, it takes about 10 minutes to finish that task and its been months. There's no point of signing up to a course you can't be involved in.
It doesn't take ten minutes to write a chapter book, and apparently that's the only form that a story can be told in.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Quirky_Coders wrote:

Could I please take the writing course? I love to write, and I hope that this will help me improve my writing.

Why of course!

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

Writing students, this is ridiculous! I need your papers in by Friday.
Sorry, but we have lives! And other writing papers they have to complete!

It's literally been months 0_0.
Yes, and our lives aren't over in five seconds.
You're over-exaggerating, it takes about 10 minutes to finish that task and its been months. There's no point of signing up to a course you can't be involved in.
It doesn't take ten minutes to write a chapter book, and apparently that's the only form that a story can be told in.

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.
I understood it. So if I decide to write a story with the structure of a poem, I will then have to write it in the structure of a story, and you said that “A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot,” which means that then I'd have to write a chapter book, and that could take months.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.
I understood it. So if I decide to write a story with the structure of a poem, I will then have to write it in the structure of a story, and you said that “A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot,” which means that then I'd have to write a chapter book, and that could take months.
I'm still on chapter 1 of my novel, and it's been 3 months.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

dolphin_24 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.
I understood it. So if I decide to write a story with the structure of a poem, I will then have to write it in the structure of a story, and you said that “A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot,” which means that then I'd have to write a chapter book, and that could take months.
I'm still on chapter 1 of my novel, and it's been 3 months.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.
I understood it. So if I decide to write a story with the structure of a poem, I will then have to write it in the structure of a story, and you said that “A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot,” which means that then I'd have to write a chapter book, and that could take months.

I didn't say it had to be in chapter book format. I apologise for the misunderstanding but, from my perspective, I implied that - usually - books are written in chapter format but they are sometimes written in paragraphs.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Crimson19 wrote:

I don't think you understood the assignment. Re-read it here.
I understood it. So if I decide to write a story with the structure of a poem, I will then have to write it in the structure of a story, and you said that “A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot,” which means that then I'd have to write a chapter book, and that could take months.

I didn't say it had to be in chapter book format. I apologise for the misunderstanding but, from my perspective, I implied that - usually - books are written in chapter format but they are sometimes written in paragraphs.
…chapters are made up with paragraphs…

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

No one said you had to write it in chapter book form. There are what, 5 or 6 other options?

Comeback time? Maybe?

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