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500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Is it weird that I can't wait for tomorrow because of the standard writing class starting tomorrow? xD

-*CocoaLove's Land of Stories*- “The world is a weird place”-Sigton

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

From the looks of the lesson above, this course looks pret-ty awesome, I think I might sneak in…..

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

From the looks of the lesson above, this course looks pret-ty awesome, I think I might sneak in…..

Programming? If you enroll now, I'll accept you, but no later than tomorrow.

CocoaLove wrote:

Is it weird that I can't wait for tomorrow because of the standard writing class starting tomorrow? xD

XD A bit. XD
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

I'm going to do programming. I'm working on the lesson now, but having trouble with the assignment. I'm a bit confused as to how that

We need a Audio playing machine that loops, and plays different sounds for usernames starting with a letter, number, or text mark. Have it a Custom Block, and use variables for keeping track of everything. Thanks, TheOrderer.

should be done. Could you give me a hint that doesn't give it away? Thanks!
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management Course - Delegation Scenario #1
You are the manager of a small mixed roles team in a large game collaboration. You have been asked by the Leader of the collaboration to complete a task. You must break the task up and delegate it to your team. You cannot complete any work yourself as you are already involved with a different part of the project. The task:

"Hi. For our new game (the platformer one), we need a backdrop done in vector of the landscape to go along with our other art. This needs to be really well done. But then we also need lots of the simpler graphics for the enemies, items and characters which should also be in vector too. We also need some music too, well composed. Oh and we also need the cloud high score sorted out too so it displays the names too. Cheers!"

Here are the members of your team:

Aquanaut = blue
Since it has to be really well done, he/she would take the task to make the backdrop, because he/she is a really experienced artist. Since he/she has little time, the task to make the backdrop would be short and his/her skill level.

Painter84 = purple
Since he/she's good at simple vector art, this task will be perfect for him (which requires simple). Also, he/she has lots of spare time, therefore time wouldn't be a problem.

Musico = green
Being the only musician, Musico would be making the music for the game. Since it's a platformer, I think two or three songs would be good enough for it.

Jacob83 = red
He/she is the only programmer, being a new one, he can make the simpler graphics for the enemies. But since he has very little knowledge, and because he's the only programmer, I think he can try to sort out the cloud high score sorted out, and try to fix it.

Chief: The only programmer here is Jacob83, and he might need some help with sorting out the cloud high score, because he isn't very experienced with cloud data.

Was that okay?

Last edited by Firewhale (Jan. 5, 2016 01:10:36)

Offtropical Island. Check it out. \/

Banner by aleynesansonnet
500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

CocoaLove wrote:

Is it weird that I can't wait for tomorrow because of the standard writing class starting tomorrow? xD

XD A bit. XD
Good Weird is the way I like it

-*CocoaLove's Land of Stories*- “The world is a weird place”-Sigton

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

From the looks of the lesson above, this course looks pret-ty awesome, I think I might sneak in…..

Programming? If you enroll now, I'll accept you, but no later than tomorrow.
Does this count?

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

I will release the first lessons for both Customer Service and Standard Writing at around 6:00 British time. Could all the members of those courses please report in. (Although I know a lot of people would have left the former due to its pause.)

500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

I will release the first lessons for both Customer Service and Standard Writing at around 6:00 British time. Could all the members of
those courses please report in. (Although I know a lot of people would have left the former due to its pause.)
Reporting In

-*CocoaLove's Land of Stories*- “The world is a weird place”-Sigton

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

May I please take Standard Writing?

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

-Writer- wrote:

May I please take Standard Writing?

Of course. The first lesson will be out today.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

May I please take Standard Writing?

Of course. The first lesson will be out today.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

I already did that lesson…

Comeback time? Maybe?
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Standard Writing - Lesson 1: Structure

Structure - The arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex.

Structure plays an integral part in writing. As such, this will be the focus of our first lesson. There are many ways to change structure to suit and enhance our writing. The first is, of course, changing our structure to fit various scenarios such as the following.



Jefferson Cawley
12th October 2862
45 Mortred Road,
Jander Lane
N3 42O

To whom it may concern,

The machine has been transported through the River Thames and will be delivered to the drop of point in approximately 4 days. Please ensure that our associates are aware of this information and are able to act accordingly. Your well-deserved paycheck relies on this. After the machine is delivered, it should be activated and once its 3 processes are complete, you must dispose of it discreetly and securely to ensure our pursuers do not get any indication of our acts. This organisation completely relies on your skill at your job and if you fail, you may not be very happy with your “dismissal”. I do not wish to threaten you, per se, but if that incentivises you then I will do what it takes to ensure the future of our corporation.

Yours faithfully,
Jefferson Cawley, PhD


Writers block, oh writers block!
How agonizing! Like a broken clock!
So much things I could design
Pure beauty displayed from line to line
But with a pencil in front, my memory dies
My genius lost before my eyes
I must find a story to fill you with delight
If only I could write

Ideas fly, a dragon's den
A concept used again and again
A wormhole leading to a world unseen
Before continuity errors, intervene
A sword crafted by the gods
Copyrighted, by all odds
A lost truth, shockingly revealed
Oh when will my writer's block yield
My mind goes numb, I'm on my brink
If only I could think

Finally an idea dawns
My creativity re-spawns
The perfect concept, I shan't lie
Oh never will I let it die
A thousand lines all beautifully crafted
And as this poem begins to be drafted
Upon my face, appears a frown
How on Earth do I write this down?

By Crimson19

Notice the difference between the two texts? The former is much more formal and organised to help a reader gather as much information as quickly as possible while the latter is focused on helping the reader express this poem vocally. Structure is extremely important to portray your message. This is what your assignment is based on. Firstly, however, we must got through the structure of various pieces of writing.

Poetry - As seen above. Each line is shorter to help keep a steady rhythm. Commas are widely used to ensure the reader knows when to apply emphasis and emotion.

Letter - As seen above. At the top, usually to the left or right, is vital information needed by the reader to draft a reply such as names, contact information and addresses. At the bottom, there should be the name of the sender and a small message that correlates to the letter such as “Yours truly”.

Essay - An essay is shaped in a night symmetrical format. A title at the top followed by an introduction in which you explain the goal of the essay, a longer “main body” for the points of the essay and a conclusion to summarise. You may also need a sources line at the bottom.

Story - A story is separated into chapters under which you use to divulge into your plot. Structure isn't as fixed as other topics and therefore I am much more loose with the structure of the story.

Instructions - Marked by bullet or numbered points, instructions usually list chronologically-ordered demands (therefore involving imperative verbs).

Notes - Probably the least formal and readable out of them all, notes are usually bullet-points of rough points. Those points may or may not be entirely grammatically correct but their raw concept must be understandable to the reader. Should not be used frequently.


Your task is as follows:

  1. Create your own piece of writing in any of the aforementioned styles but do it in a different format. For example, make a story with the structure of a letter.

    Repeat this step but this time put it in the correct structure.

    Evaluate the difference between the two styles and how they suited your writing.

To succeed, use this bronze to gold formula.

I can create my own piece of writing in the appropriate style or inappropriate style.
I can create my own piece of writing in both the appropriate and inappropriate style.
I can create my own piece of writing in both the appropriate and inappropriate style and evaluate the difference with confidence.

As a small message, to graduate you need to achieve at least 5 golds. Good luck and remember to speak to me about any questions.

Last edited by Crimson19 (Jan. 5, 2016 18:57:22)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

The lesson?

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

The lesson has been released.

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:

Standard Writing - Lesson 1
Excellent! I'll get to it.

As soon as I finish part 2 of Winter, share another poem and talk with some friends.

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]


Very simple, just tell me yes or no, are you going to be in Standard Programming? XD


You know, I thought that somebody had. XD Just wait until the next lesson.


Please elaborate so I can help!
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:


Very simple, just tell me yes or no, are you going to be in Standard Programming? XD


You know, I thought that somebody had. XD Just wait until the next lesson.


Please elaborate so I can help!
/how many times shall I say it? Yes!

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you

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