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1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Advanced Management - Lesson Four - Voting

In collaborations, you may need to use voting. This could be to make decisions (polls) or to elect managers or executives. Before deciding on this, you should weight the pros and cons of using democracy in collaborations.

1. Everyone is involved in the decision making process. It allows everyone to have their say in decision making.
2. It gives a sense of involvement to all the members as they are the ones making the decisions.
3. Decisions by the members collect lots of opinions which may be very interesting and have a different take on things.

1. If the information given isn’t made exact, members could vote uninformed.
2. A decision by the leader may take into account everyone, whereas a decision by the members may leave out the minority.

Below are examples of three different voting systems.

First Past the Post
This is voting at its most simple. Essentially, the voters choose one candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins. It is quick, simple, and easy to organise. However, it allows a minority rule and causes a spoiler effect.

Alternative Voting
Abbreviated to AV and also known as instant-runoff voting, this voting method is used to elect one candidate from many.

1. Instead of voting in First Past The Post, voters do not just chose one candidate, but rather order them in preference.
2. If one candidate has over 50% of votes cast, they win.
3. If not, eliminate the candidate with the lowest number of votes.
4. Take the votes from this candidate and redistribute them based on the order of preference on each individual vote cast. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until one candidate reaches 50%.

Alternative voting removes the spoiler effect and allows the candidate that the majority agree on to win. However, it is a more complicated process than FPTP.

Single Transferable Vote
STV tries to achieve proportional voting and is used to elect multiple officials. Before the voting process, the number of elected officials must be decided to calculate the threshold. To work out the threshold, you can use different formulas:

Droop Quota: votes needed to win = (votes cast / (seats to fill + 1)) + 1
Simple: votes needed to win = (votes cast / seats to fill)

1. Voters order candidates in preference.
2. If candidates have exceeded the threshold, the surplus votes are redistributed.
3. If candidates have reached the threshold, they win.
4. Eliminate the candidate with the lowest number of votes and redistribute them.
5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until the correct number of seats have been filled.

When to use voting systems and why
If you are trying to elect one member, use Alternative Voting rather than First Past the Post. You should only use FPTP when there are only two options / two candidates. STV is a variant of AV, which should be used when more than one official is being elected.

Common Problems in Scratch Elections
One problem with scratch elections is the lack of knowledge sometimes used to base votes on. Members may resort to voting for a more popular candidate or someone who they are friendlier with, voting for someone who they think will be good at that job rather than voting for someone that they know will be good at that job. The best cure for this is to have a small campaign before the voting begins. This can be anything from the candidates writing a sentence of two why they are suited to the job to writing paragraphs. Strongly discourage negative campaign and downright boasting.

Another problem with elections in scratch is the lack of anonymity. This may lead members to feel pressurized into voting for their friends. To avoid this, you could create a cloud based voting project.

The Role of the Leader
The leader of the collaboration should ensure that there is no negative campaigning, lying during campaigning and that the tallying of the votes is correct. In many collaborations, the leader does not vote in elections to remain unbiased.

Negative Campaigning wrote:

Don’t vote for X because Y

Positive Campaigning wrote:

Vote for X because Y

Supermajority and Polls
Some collaborations use polls and surveys to aid when making decisions. This may be to make an actual decision or just so that the leader knows what the members think, and can take that into consideration. You may set up a poll that requires a majority (more than half), or a supermajority. Below are examples of supermajorities:

Two-thirds vote: Merely a higher threshold for a decision to come into effect.

Majority of entire membership: The majority of all the members agree with the action or decision, rather than just those who turn up to vote.

Unanimous: All the members are in agreement.

Double Majority: this means that for an action, the majority of votes according to two separate criteria must be fulfilled. For example, on a national scale, an action may only happen if the majority of voters agree and the majority of districts agree too. In terms of scratch, this could mean actions require a majority of voters and a majority of departments or ranks. Example: a collaboration of 20 take a vote on an action to expand. The leader votes yes, all 4 executives vote yes, only two of the four managers vote yes, three of the eight members vote yes and one of the three trainees vote yes. While a simple majority was achieved, (11 of the twenty voted yes), the majority of the ranks voted no (only the leader and executives ranks achieved a yes majority) so a double majority was not achieved and the expansion was turned down.

Weight of a Vote
In business, you usually get one vote per share (or multiple with a special type of share). This is generally not a good idea to implement in scratch. If you want your more experienced members to have more of a say, then just ask them and don’t send it to the vote.

Any questions? Just ask!

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermajority

Last edited by Co49 (April 7, 2016 09:15:50)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

@Crimson Senpai
(assignament for Standard Writing - Lesson 2)
Your Task

1. Find a basic, a complex and a compound sentence from any piece of text you want to use.
2. Explain why each one is basic, complex or compound by highlighted its clauses, identifying its subject and object etc.
3. Change each one to be in a different sentence type e.g a basic could be changed to a compound.


1. Make three completely unrelated sentences using each sentence type. etc “the dog went to the park”, “the alien dropped his burger” and “the cake turned into a rock”. Clearly state them before stage 2.
2. Connect them in a compelling, creative text. It doesn't have to be a story, it can be anything with the exception of a poem (as its sentence structure is extremely different).

(simple sentence, as it use a meaningful clause)
I like a beer
(complex sentence as it use a meaningful clause + a reliant clause)
I like a beer and eat some cheese
(coumpound sentence as it use two meaningful clause)
I like a beer and I have to eat cheese

Question: does the following sentece match one above? (I can use “when”?)

I like a beer when I eat cheese

1.1 The car goes fast / The man came in / The bubble exploded
1.2 The car goes fast and turn toward left // The man came in and got a beer // The bubble expoded and disappered
1.3 The car goes fast and the driver was sick /// The man came in and the floor was slippery /// The bubble expoded when it touched the roof

2. (do you mean like this?)
The car goes fast and the driver was sick
The car goes fast and turn toward left.
The bubble exploded.
The man came in and the floor was slippery.

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 7, 2016 19:07:08)

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Advanced Management - SDLC Assignment Part One
Gap Fill
Alpha testing is a form of _internal_ testing carried out by the _developer himself_ while beta testing is a form of _official_ testing carried out by _testers_.

Users independent of the developing team, internal, developers, external

Specification Requirements >> _desing_ >> _develop_ >> Testing >> Evolution (maintenance)

Selecting the right SDLC
Below are some examples of collaborations and the project that they have chosen with a little information about them. You must choose a SDLC from the list below and give a justification of why it suits their project and collaboration.

Example: “I would select a Waterfall Model because their project is very short term and the requirements are known and unlikely to change a great deal.”

Options (Each SDLC matches to a scenario)
-Waterfall Model
-Cyclical Model
-Spiral Model
-Big Bang Model
-Incremental Model

1. Two friends working on a very small project, a simple jumping platform game.
>> I did not get the difference between Waterfall and cyclical (overlap can be achieved anyway)
waterfall or cyclical model for two people

2. A medium sized collaboration working on a platform fighter game. It is short term and a sequel to another game so the collaboration knows exactly what they are doing.
>> incremantal model as they have more workers and a clear design of what to do

3. A medium sized collaboration working on a fairly large OS system but the requirements are a bit vague as they want to add content as they come up with it. It is a short term project.
>> incremantal model as they have more workers (focus on design)

4. A large sized collaboration working on a large OS system but the requirements may change and are vague. It is a long term project.
>> cyclical model as requirement may change (focus on design and flexibility)

5. A collaboration is working on a project that requires flexibility. The manager wants to produce code quickly which must be easily tested. It must be easy to manage and it is very short term, it must be developed very quickly.
>> incremantal model as they have more workers (focus on design)

Please place these actions in to the following categories:
1. Requirement Specification
i. Deciding briefly, what the project should do
j. Planning a high concept

2. Design
e. Creating an overview flowchart of the project
b. Drafting the control setup
a. Creating concept art for a game
m. Planning a low concept

3. Implementation
f. Writing a unit of the code
d. Integrating all the separate pieces of code together
l. Fixing bugs that beta testers’ found

4. Testing
g. Making a test sheet
c. Releasing the game to a beta group

5. Evolution
h. Adding to the code based on feedback
k. Adding in extra features after release
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Advanced Management - Lesson Four - Voting

In collaborations, you may need to use voting. This could be to make decisions (polls) or to elect managers or executives. Before deciding on this, you should weight the pros and cons of using democracy in collaborations.

Any questions? Just ask!

Sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermajority

I would consider the delegation (if it is right) for members who do not care to vote BUT trust in someone (for one poll or more). The trusted member votes more than once (representing x,y). Sometime is hard to get all votes and this can make it faster.(?). Would be nice to have voting project, that permits to set delegation (for 1 poll or more) at any time .

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 7, 2016 19:11:51)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

f_deruvo wrote:

@Crimson Senpai
(assignament for Standard Writing - Lesson 2)
Your Task

1. Find a basic, a complex and a compound sentence from any piece of text you want to use.
2. Explain why each one is basic, complex or compound by highlighted its clauses, identifying its subject and object etc.
3. Change each one to be in a different sentence type e.g a basic could be changed to a compound.


1. Make three completely unrelated sentences using each sentence type. etc “the dog went to the park”, “the alien dropped his burger” and “the cake turned into a rock”. Clearly state them before stage 2.
2. Connect them in a compelling, creative text. It doesn't have to be a story, it can be anything with the exception of a poem (as its sentence structure is extremely different).

(simple sentence, as it use a meaningful clause)
I like a beer
(complex sentence as it use a meaningful clause + a reliant clause)
I like a beer and eat some cheese
(coumpound sentence as it use two meaningful clause)
I like a beer and I have to eat cheese

Question: does the following sentece match one above? (I can use “when”?)

I like a beer when I eat cheese

1.1 The car go fast / The man came in / The bubble exploded
1.2 The car go fast and turn toward left // The man came in and got a beer // The bubble expoded and disappered
1.3 The car go fast and the driver was sick /// The man came in and the floor was slippery /// The bubble expoded when it touched the roof

2. (do you mean like this?)
The car go fast and the driver was sick
The car go fast and turn toward left.
The bubble exploded.
The man came in and the floor was slippery.

There's a minor grammatical error in sentence 1. The car goes fast. I have a minor suggestion for you as English is not your first language, download a chrome extension called “grammar.ly”, it essentially not only corrects your mistakes but, vitally, shows you what's wrong with them. It is an efficient way to learn correct grammar.
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Should I bump up my assignment?
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Crimson19 wrote:


There's a minor grammatical error in sentence 1. The car goes fast. I have a minor suggestion for you as English is not your first language, download a chrome extension called “grammar.ly”, it essentially not only corrects your mistakes but, vitally, shows you what's wrong with them. It is an efficient way to learn correct grammar.

Thanks very much , sure I will try

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 8, 2016 06:30:17)

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

hi all
I would like to know if some of you use Scratch in classroom… The teachers of my son (14 y old) are interested in BUT do not have experience. So may be I will teach them some way to use it in a classroom… I will enjoy to receive tips or some experience about Scratch at school.
I did this list of pro of using Scratch in language classroom and I believe are valid for other subject - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97659653/
Thanks very much

..or I could contact some Scratcher that teach in a classroom (12-16 years old student classes)
(please, do not write personal informations other than scratch username or what is in profiles)

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 14, 2016 14:15:41)

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Hi there! I think this is a really good idea, so I think I want to take all the courses, in the order of the list. So sign me up for the first one please!
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

f_deruvo wrote:

hi all
I would like to know if some of you use Scratch in classroom… The teachers of my son (14 y old) are interested in BUT do not have experience. So may be I will teach them some way to use it in a classroom… I will enjoy to receive tips or some experience about Scratch at school.
I did this list of pro of using Scratch in language classroom and I believe are valid for other subject - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97659653/
Thanks very much

..or I could contact some Scratcher that teach in a classroom (12-16 years old student classes)
(please, do not write personal informations other than scratch username or what is in profiles)

I remember when I introduced Scratch Voting xD. It's become a real big thing now.

I'm not sure , I would suggest that you contact the ST about it. I'm not sure if they are offering the program yet, but I know that they have been testing it !
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

makethebrainhappy wrote:

f_deruvo wrote:

hi all
I would like to know if some of you use Scratch in classroom… The teachers of my son (14 y old) are interested in BUT do not have experience. So may be I will teach them some way to use it in a classroom… I will enjoy to receive tips or some experience about Scratch at school.
I did this list of pro of using Scratch in language classroom and I believe are valid for other subject - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/97659653/
Thanks very much

..or I could contact some Scratcher that teach in a classroom (12-16 years old student classes)
(please, do not write personal informations other than scratch username or what is in profiles)

I remember when I introduced Scratch Voting xD. It's become a real big thing now.

I'm not sure , I would suggest that you contact the ST about it. I'm not sure if they are offering the program yet, but I know that they have been testing it !

..sorry I did not understand … who is ST? AAAH ScratchTeam!!

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 22, 2016 09:18:41)

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Hey, I have a YouTube channel that is all about Scratch. Was wondering if you'd like me to endorse your course on my channel
Find me here:
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

professornutmeg wrote:

Hey, I have a YouTube channel that is all about Scratch. Was wondering if you'd like me to endorse your course on my channel
Find me here:

Thank you very much.. I will show it

The presentation was good, just 2 teachers and a “digital animator” for the school
The “digital animator” is a new role some italian schools have since 4 month to promote use of e-learning stuff inside the school … but few money for him.

I will try to contact Scratch Team. thaks

Last edited by f_deruvo (April 22, 2016 09:30:13)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Um… bump?
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Hi all, you have my respect for the useful work

I wish to use a custom block library .. any tips

Last edited by f_deruvo (May 3, 2016 08:52:46)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Sorry for the delay in Advanced Management but it may be some time before the next lesson. In the meantime, you could draft your own fictional collaboration and starting looking around for collabs to do your research project on. Please do not do anything too detailed as I haven't decided on everything yet.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Sorry for the delay in Advanced Management but it may be some time before the next lesson. In the meantime, you could draft your own fictional collaboration and starting looking around for collabs to do your research project on. Please do not do anything too detailed as I haven't decided on everything yet.

May I use an actual collaboration that I just started this morning, or must I create a working collaboration that has fictional users completing assignments?
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Sorry for the delay in Advanced Management but it may be some time before the next lesson. In the meantime, you could draft your own fictional collaboration and starting looking around for collabs to do your research project on. Please do not do anything too detailed as I haven't decided on everything yet.

The same goes for writing. But as a filler task, you may create a piece of writing in one of the styles we've gone over. Be sure to incorporate all that we've learnt so far, the next assignment will be the penultimate one (after that we'll briefly touch upon common mistakes) before the test and graduation and it'll be on vocabulary! I hope some of you will partake in the advanced writing course.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Sorry for the delay in Advanced Management but it may be some time before the next lesson. In the meantime, you could draft your own fictional collaboration and starting looking around for collabs to do your research project on. Please do not do anything too detailed as I haven't decided on everything yet.

May I use an actual collaboration that I just started this morning, or must I create a working collaboration that has fictional users completing assignments?

The ‘coursework’ piece just requires what you would make to start up the collaboration (e.g. first post) and a few justifications. You could use your existing collaboration as a framework but you may need to adjust it a little.

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