Discuss Scratch

84 posts


Queer_Royalty wrote:

Chapter 1, Timmy

All it takes to fill a blank page is one word. One word, and then another, and then some more words. Naturally of course, these words usually start to develop into a story. The story may make the reader and the writer feel sad, angry, resentful, or jubilant. One word is all it takes to change the story dramatically, and along with it the rest of the world.

It was library…excuse me, lunch…time. I yanked my granola bar from my pocket mercilessly. Without hesitating, I sprinted down the hall, to the left, and through the magic portal that were the library doors. As usual, the librarian ignored me. As usual, I got a book about pi off of the shelf near the back. As usual, I promptly sat down in a beanbag chair. But, quite unusually, there was a strange white object with a big red button sitting right in my spot.

(Really cringeworthy first draft of first couple paragraphs)
It's awesome! This could be a war thriller, a comedy or a science fiction story!

I'm kind of between projects right now. I got Windows 11 sim done (for now), I've taken a break from DiskMod, and I'm just kind of chillin. Of course, I am starting to join Lavascript, and am working on my mysterious Adacraft projects, Snap! creations, and awesome book.
56 posts


I love to write as well! I'm currently working on a novel that doesn't have a title, but it's going to have a really sad ending. I also post a lot of short stories on scratch!

Hi, I'm Scarlet!
she/her || Artist || Writer || Bookworm || Weeb || Pisces
1000+ posts


Future_JK_Rowling wrote:

I love to write as well! I'm currently working on a novel that doesn't have a title, but it's going to have a really sad ending. I also post a lot of short stories on scratch!

Sounds good. I'll have to read some of your short stories!

I’m like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Grange Hill, BBC Ghosts, Murder Most Unladylike and some other stuff. I also like reading, writing and listening to music.

Generation 5: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

***Are you dreaming?***
84 posts


SashaGeorge wrote:

Detriment2 wrote:

I meant to write “tired” not tried

Frankly there are too many people pretending to be autistic because it's cool
Hey! You can't help being Autistic! Please! Respect Autistic people! Don't just think they are pretending, to be cool! Autism is a real life thing that some people have! They aren't pretending!
I know this is off-topic, but here it is:

I respect autistic people*, but people who pretend to be autistic are the worst kind of liars imaginable. They cheapen the disorder of autism with their cynical manipulation of our good instincts.

*I respect them as much as I respect most people. So maybe I don't respect them all that much.

Last edited by MonkeyBop (Oct. 10, 2021 22:32:01)

I'm kind of between projects right now. I got Windows 11 sim done (for now), I've taken a break from DiskMod, and I'm just kind of chillin. Of course, I am starting to join Lavascript, and am working on my mysterious Adacraft projects, Snap! creations, and awesome book.
84 posts


Future_JK_Rowling wrote:

I love to write as well! I'm currently working on a novel that doesn't have a title, but it's going to have a really sad ending. I also post a lot of short stories on scratch!
What kind of novel is it? Depending on the genre, I could have some mighty good suggestions on its ending.

I'm kind of between projects right now. I got Windows 11 sim done (for now), I've taken a break from DiskMod, and I'm just kind of chillin. Of course, I am starting to join Lavascript, and am working on my mysterious Adacraft projects, Snap! creations, and awesome book.
84 posts


theonewholived90 wrote:

AHH!! I have writer's block! i need ideas for my novel im doing at school!!
Here is a hint:
There is only two stories: A stranger comes to town, and someone goes on a journey. Build from that.
Bonus challenge: find another story. I dare you. Prove that there is three stories. You can do it! Maybe

I'm kind of between projects right now. I got Windows 11 sim done (for now), I've taken a break from DiskMod, and I'm just kind of chillin. Of course, I am starting to join Lavascript, and am working on my mysterious Adacraft projects, Snap! creations, and awesome book.
98 posts


I'm actually writing 3 books, one about a group of people who get wishes from doing a quest, only to find out the provider scams people and 3 of them die. Another is about two sisters journeying home (two doors I have some here pls check it out) and the last one is difficult to explain, but it's a horror-fantasy type.

Hi! You can call me Ada. I love reading and writing. I've been playing piano for 8 years (but I'm not very good at it). My best subjects are Maths, Drama, Art and English.

Book(s) I'm currently reading:
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Everblaze - Shannon Messenger

Songs that I currently love:
Guns and Ships - Leslie Odom Jr., Daveed Diggs, Christopher Jackson, Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton

“Don't cry when the sun is gone, because your tears won't let you see the stars,” - Violeta Parra, Musician, 1917-1967
1000+ posts


I like to write but I just can't seem to find the ideas..

FemaleRavenclawAvid reader and writerMaths enthusiastForumer
SuggestionerQaS-erHarry Potter fanMonopoly fan

❝ I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious
- Michael Scott
10 posts


uuh ignore this. this is cringe and i can't delete posts so pretend this isn't here.

Last edited by DontHateFurries (Oct. 18, 2023 01:16:31)

your local braindead waste of oxygen speaking! :3
1 post


I absolutely LOVE writing…maybe too much because I have two different stories that I just kept writing. They’re both at like 20 or so pages and I’ve reached a point in them where I don’t know what should happen next.
They’re both Minecraft themed. One is about two Minecraft players (Steve and Alex) and their adventures. Another is about a family of a girl named Emma and her parents, Nora and Jeff. The family finds a Nether portal in their house and goes through it-only to find that they are now stuck in Minecraft. Could anyone help me decide what should happen next in the stories?

1. In the first story, called “Secret of the Diamond Sword”, the characters have just figured out why Steve is turning into Herobrine and removed it.
2. In the second story, called “Stuck in Minecraft”, the characters have just been teleported outside of a Minecraft Angel’s castle after talking to her.

Could someone help me figure out what to do, please?
100+ posts


I have recently started writing for fun, which has been really great. This is my first fictional story that I've shared on scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/677218070/

any constructive criticism/tips/writing errors/anything else?

this image was hosted and idk what to do with it
thanks @GrilledCheeseBurrito
100+ posts


Ham19-01-2011 wrote:

I like to write but I just can't seem to find the ideas..

I was thinking about this for a bit, my advice is to find a style and genre you like to read and make your own stuff in using that

this image was hosted and idk what to do with it
thanks @GrilledCheeseBurrito
100+ posts


I'm actually writing a book series (a book and its sequel) and I have plans to also make a trilogy (three books) Hopefully I can self-publish it as an e-book <3

Hi there! <3 I hope my post was helpful. I'm Berri, I'd love if you could check out my profile. >> Click here! <<
100+ posts


ScratchPony792 wrote:

Ham19-01-2011 wrote:

I like to write but I just can't seem to find the ideas..

I was thinking about this for a bit, my advice is to find a style and genre you like to read and make your own stuff in using that
Yeah. <3 Once you have the tiniest spark, go with it! As you plan out the book, ideas will adapt into more thorough concepts and characters start to develop. <3

Hi there! <3 I hope my post was helpful. I'm Berri, I'd love if you could check out my profile. >> Click here! <<
30 posts


I'm currently writing a book about Leopards I might publish it instead of just printing it out!

"It doesn't have to be good it just has to be good enough." Northoftheborder
on Youtube


100+ posts


SteveAndAlex4Ever's Unofficial Guide to Writing Stories with Magic

-Describe your magic vividly. When I read a story that has energy blasts, shields, ANY type of glowing magic, I want to be able to see the magic in my mind, want to wish I could do that. If you read your magic description and you can't see it in your mind, redo it.

-Plot, plot, plot. I've written so many magical stories, and I've done this way too many times. Even if you have LOTS of flashy magical bursts in your story, don't forget about the plot. A story with battle after battle after flashy, glowing battle, and no plot or motivation, will not be an interesting book.

-Let it happen. Oops! You've been writing your fantasy story for an hour, and it's going awesome. You stop to look over your work, and there it is: An event in your story that you didn't mean to include. What to do?? The answer is: Nothing. Keep your story going and work the new event into the plot. Crazy new events may appear, and your story could change entirely! My advice to you is: Don't be afraid to change midway through. A story that twists plot halfway through will be better than a story that turns back on half of its events to keep the original plot.

Please keep in mind, none of this is a fact. I am absolutely sure that you could create a best-seller and not follow a single one of these tips. These are from my personal experience and I hope this helps you.


MOVED TO @-leeseo-lovedive- NOT ACTIVE HERE
46 posts


I'm making a children's book that focuses on 2 gay people falling in love in high school.
i got the characters names from a random boy name generator and it picked the names Howard and Brody. I used both of these names because Howard ashman was a gay man who composed the music for the little mermaid alongside Alan Menken. I Chose the name Brody because it fits his personality.
Howard's personality is somewhat shy, awkward and nervous. he enjoys reading, video games and many genres of music. Brody's personality is more jock and masculine than Howard. he enjoys sports (obviously), building stuff and helping local businesses with problems they have. the books' purpose is to help kids understand the concept of the lgbt+ community, and to also attempt to assist with stopping recent homophobia in America. the book is called “ For the Love of Snails and Penguins”. it is titled this because it is a reference to a favorite ship of mine from the Kirby anime.

Last edited by cattgotlost (Dec. 6, 2022 21:41:32)

About catt!
Interests: DHMIS, Kirby, Nintendo, Sonic, drawing and any art form.
Fav characters: DHMIS trio, Colin the computer, sketchbook, any Kirby character, movie team sonic, any sonic character.
Pic of the month!
39 posts


I love writing

Jae-they/them-figure skater
Have an amazing day!
2 posts


eat-sleep-softball wrote:

I LOVE writing. I am currently working on a book called Shell and it is about a girl with anxiety. I am kinda basing the girl off me, because I have anxiety. So, any other writing fans out there? Are you working on anything? Poems? Short stories? Novels? Got writer's block?
I love writing too! I've been doing it for so long and have started several books, lol. My favorite that I'm writing right now is probably one I'm writing with my friend that's basically in this universe where you can go to several different Time-Realms, etc, it's super complicated xD
1000+ posts


A soft stuttered voice, I heard. “Ja-ake, thi-is all your fault,” “Shut up, Scot. If you weren’t such a cry baby, you would’ve gotten the key,” I replied. “Bu-ut the key had a ghost!” “Ghosts can’t kill you,” I told him “but they can lock you in a haunted house, and leave you stuck- forever!” “I’m sorry!” He told me. He and I turned and saw the ghost that we encountered earlier. A pretty skinny, though scary looking man. The ghost seemed to have been in his 30’s when he passed. “Leave this house now!” We ran but my crutches made me as slow as a tortoise. the ghost catched up. It all went blank.

We were at Riverside Middle School, a school in Southern California, which I recently moved to. I used to have the life in 7th grade as I was the captain of the football team with; a cute girlfriend, a really big house, the role as “Most Popular.” This summer, I went from hero to zero. My dad lost most of his money by making poor investments and, I had an accident running from the stairs that left me in crutches. My parents needed to sell our house and buy a cheaper one to pay for hospital bills. Since I can’t play football in crutches, I have no friends since I made all of them in sports. My only friend was umm… Scot.

After school me and Scot, ran into the forest. We found a strange house. I went in, but the door seemed to be locked. I tripped. “Stupid crutches!” I cursed. “Scot, get that key and open the door. “The-eres a g-g-ghost-” I had no idea what he was talking about. “on the k-key!” I replied “Stop being such a sissy!” I looked and there was a ghost. The candle in the house turned off.

I woke up, a ghost showed up. “Jake Creamer, you have been such an ignorant brat all your life. You have never cared one emotion, for others around you.” I yelled “What!” I’ll let your little friend go, but you will face my wrath!” I didn’t see or think anything after. I guess that was my life's end.

I made this for school.

Last edited by glitcX (Oct. 28, 2023 15:29:11)

Last edited by Kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)

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